DAR File No. 32807
This filing was published in the 08/01/2009, issue, Vol. 2009, No. 15, of the Utah State Bulletin.
Environmental Quality, Drinking Water
Administration: General Responsibilities of Public Water Systems
DAR File No.: 32807
Filed: 07/09/2009, 04:31
Received by: NL
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This rule change is to address the changes required by the Groundwater Requirements (Section R309-215-16). There are a total of seven amendments that address these changes (Rules R309-100, R309-105, R309-110, R309-205, R309-215, R309-220, and R309-225). This rule adoption is necessary to maintain primacy. (DAR NOTE: The proposed amendment to Rule R309-100 is under DAR No. 32806, to Rule R309-105 is under DAR No. 32807, to Rule R309-110 is under DAR No. 32808, to Rule R309-205 is under DAR No. 32810, to Rule R309-215 is under DAR No. 32812, to Rule R309-220 is under DAR No. 32813, and to Rule R309-225 is under DAR No. 32814 all in this issue, August 1, 2009, of the Bulletin.)
Summary of the rule or change:
This change incorporates the requirements of the Groundwater Requirements (Section R309-215-16) that address reporting requirement for public water systems that take analysis as part of the Groundwater requirements.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Section 19-4-104, and 40 CFR 141 subpart S
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
Costs for the state budget, local governments, and other persons will be based on an aggregate for the changes in Rules R309-100, R309-105, R309-110, R309-205, R309-215, R309-220, and R309-225. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates state costs to be $11,700,000 annually. Using the percentage of Utah systems versus the national total (approximately 1%), Utah's annual impact is approximately $117,000.
local governments:
For this rule change, aggregate costs will vary by type of water source, type of treatment, and physical facility deficiencies. EPA estimates the total national annual cost at $50,600,000. Using the percentage of Utah systems versus the national total, Utah's systems' impact is estimated to be $506,000 annually.
small businesses and persons other than businesses:
Other persons that own and operate a public water system may have the same cost impact as listed in "local government" above. Costs to consumers will vary depending upon the water system size. EPA estimates the costs to vary from $0.21 to $82.21 per household per year. The highest costs are associated with the small water systems that have to complete corrective actions. Persons that own and operate a public water system may have the same costs impact as listed under "local government" above.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Aggregate compliance costs for the rule change will vary depending upon the water system size, type of source, type of treatment, and physical facility deficiencies. EPA estimates the costs to vary from $0.21 to $82.21 per household per year. The highest costs are associated with the small water systems that have to complete corrective actions. Persons that own and operate a public water system may have the same costs impact as listed under "local government" above.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The Department of Environmental Quality agrees with the comments in the cost and compliance summaries above. Amanda Smith, Acting Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental QualityDrinking Water
150 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116-3085
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Rachael Cassady at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4467, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Ken Bousfield, Director
R309. Environmental Quality, Drinking Water.
R309-105. Administration: General Responsibilities of Public Water Systems.
R309-105-2. Authority.
This rule is
promulgated by the Drinking Water Board as authorized by Title 19,
Environmental Quality Code, Chapter 4, Safe Drinking Water Act, Subsection 104
of the Utah Code and in accordance with [63-46a]63G-3 of the
same, known as the Administrative Rulemaking Act.
R309-105-10. Operation and Maintenance Procedures.
All routine operation and maintenance of public water supplies shall be carried out with due regard for public health and safety. The following sections describe procedures which shall be used in carrying out some common operation and maintenance procedures.
(1) Chemical Addition
(a) Water system operators shall determine that all chemicals added to water intended for human consumption are suitable for potable water use and comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60.
(b) No chemicals or other substances shall be added to public water supplies unless the chemical addition facilities and chemical type have been reviewed and approved by the Division of Drinking Water.
(c) Chlorine, when used in the distribution
system, shall be added in sufficient quantity to achieve either
"breakpoint" and yield a detectable free chlorine residual or a
detectable combined chlorine residual in the distribution system at points to
be determined by the Executive Secretary.
Residual checks shall [be taken daily]be taken a minimum of
three times each week by the operator of any system using
disinfectants. The Executive Secretary
may, however, reduce the frequency of residual checks if he determines that
this would be an unwarranted hardship on the water system operator and,
furthermore, the disinfection equipment has a verified record of reliable
operation. Suppliers, when checking for
residuals, shall use test kits and methods which meet the requirements of the
U.S. EPA. The "DPD" test
method is recommended for free chlorine residuals. Information on the suppliers of this equipment is available from
the Division of Drinking Water.
(2) New and Repaired Mains
(a) All new water mains shall meet the requirements of R309-550-6 with regard to materials of construction. All products in contact with culinary water shall comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 61.
(b) All new and repaired water mains or appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651-92. The chlorine solution shall be flushed from the water main with potable water prior to the main being placed in use.
(c) All products used to recoat the interiors of storage structures and which may come in contact with culinary water shall comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 61.
(3) Reservoir Maintenance and Disinfection
After a reservoir has been entered for maintenance or re-coating, it shall be disinfected prior to being placed into service. Procedures given in AWWA Standard C651-92 shall be followed in this regard.
(4) Spring Collection Area Maintenance
(a) Spring collection areas shall be periodically cleared of deep rooted vegetation to prevent root growth from clogging collection lines. Frequent hand or mechanical clearing of spring collection areas is strongly recommended. It is advantageous to encourage the growth of grasses and other shallow rooted vegetation for erosion control and to inhibit the growth of more detrimental flora.
(b) No pesticide (e.g., herbicide) may be applied on a spring collection area without the prior written approval of the Executive Secretary. Such approval shall be given 1) only when acceptable pesticides are proposed; 2) when the pesticide product manufacturer certifies that no harmful substance will be imparted to the water; and 3) only when spring development meets the requirements of these rules (see R309-515-7).
(5) Security
All water system facilities such as spring junction boxes, well houses, reservoirs, and treatment facilities shall be secure.
(6) Seasonal Operation
Water systems operated seasonally shall be disinfected and flushed according to the techniques given in AWWA Standard C651-92 and C652-92 prior to each season's use. A satisfactory bacteriologic sample shall be achieved prior to use. During the non-use period, care shall be taken to close all openings into the system.
(7) Pump Lubricants
All oil lubricated pumps for culinary wells shall utilize mineral oils suitable for human consumption as determined by the Executive Secretary. To assure proper performance, and to prevent the voiding of any warranties which may be in force, the water supplier should confirm with individual pump manufacturers that the oil which is selected will have the necessary properties to perform satisfactorily.
R309-105-16. Reporting Test Results.
(1) If analyses are made by certified laboratories other than the state laboratory, these results shall be forwarded to the Division as follows:
(a) The supplier shall report to the Division the analysis of water samples which fail to comply with the Primary Drinking Water Standards of R309-200. Except where a different reporting period is specified in R309-205, R309-210 or R309-215, this report shall be submitted within 48 hours after the supplier receives the report from his lab. The Division may be reached at (801)536-4200.
(b) Monthly summaries of bacteriologic results shall be submitted within ten days following the end of each month.
(c) All results of TTHM samples shall be reported to the Division within 10 days of receipt of analysis for systems monitoring pursuant to R309-210-9.
(d) For all samples other than samples showing unacceptable results, bacteriologic samples or TTHM samples, the time between the receipt of the analysis and the reporting of the results to the Division shall not exceed 40 days.
(e) Arsenic sampling results shall be reported to the nearest 0.001 mg/L.
(f) There are additional reporting requirements in other sections of the rules, see R309-215-16(5).
(2) Disinfection byproducts, maximum residual disinfectant levels and disinfection byproduct precursors and enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening. This section applies to the reporting requirements of R309-210-8, R309-215-12 and R309-215-13. For the reporting requirements of R309-210-9, R309-210-10 and R309-215-15 are contained within R309-210-9, R309-210-10 and R309-215-15, respectively.
(a) Systems required to sample quarterly or more frequently shall report to the State within 10 days after the end of each quarter in which samples were collected. Systems required to sample less frequently than quarterly shall report to the State within 10 days after the end of each monitoring period in which samples were collected. The Executive Secretary may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the MCL was exceeded, in lieu of having the system report that information.
(b) Disinfection byproducts. Systems shall report the information specified.
(i) Systems monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) on a quarterly or more frequent basis shall report:
(A) The number of samples taken during the last quarter.
(B) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last quarter.
(C) The arithmetic average of all samples taken in the last quarter.
(D) The annual arithmetic average of the quarterly arithmetic averages of this section for the last four quarters.
(E) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(i), the MCL was violated.
(ii) Systems monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) less frequently than quarterly (but at least annually) shall report:
(A) The number of samples taken during the last year.
(B) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last monitoring period.
(C) The arithmetic average of all samples taken over the last year.
(D) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(i), the MCL was violated.
(iii) Systems monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) less frequently than annually shall report:
(A) The location, date, and result of the last sample taken.
(B) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(i), the MCL was violated.
(iv) Systems monitoring for chlorite under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) shall report:
(A) The number of entry point samples taken each month for the last 3 months.
(B) The location, date, and result of each sample (both entry point and distribution system) taken during the last quarter.
(C) For each month in the reporting period, the arithmetic average of all samples taken in each three sample set taken in the distribution system.
(D) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(ii), the MCL was violated.
(v) System monitoring for bromate under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) shall report:
(A) The number of samples taken during the last quarter.
(B) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last quarter.
(C) The arithmetic average of the monthly arithmetic averages of all samples taken in the last year.
(D) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(iii), the MCL was violated.
(c) Disinfectants. Systems shall report the information specified to the Executive Secretary within ten days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public, except as otherwise noted:
(i) Systems monitoring for chlorine or chloramines under the requirements of R309-210-8(3)(a) shall report and certify, by signing the report form provided by the Executive Secretary, that all the information provided is accurate and correct and that any chemical introduced into the drinking water complies with ANSI/NSF Standard 60:
(A) The number of samples taken during each month of the last quarter.
(B) The monthly arithmetic average of all samples taken in each month for the last 12 months.
(C) The arithmetic average of all monthly averages for the last 12 months.
(D) The additional data required in R309-210-8(3)(a)(ii).
(E) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(c)(i), the MRDL was violated.
(ii) Systems monitoring for chlorine dioxide under the requirements of R309-210-8(3) shall report:
(A) The dates, results, and locations of samples taken during the last quarter.
(B) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(c)(ii), the MRDL was violated.
(C) Whether the MRDL was exceeded in any two consecutive daily samples and whether the resulting violation was acute or nonacute.
(d) Disinfection byproduct precursors and enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening. Systems shall report the information specified.
(i) Systems monitoring monthly or quarterly for TOC under the requirements of R309-215-12 and required to meet the enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening requirements in R309-215-13(2)(b) or (c) shall report:
(A) The number of paired (source water and treated water) samples taken during the last quarter.
(B) The location, date, and results of each paired sample and associated alkalinity taken during the last quarter.
(C) For each month in the reporting period that paired samples were taken, the arithmetic average of the percent reduction of TOC for each paired sample and the required TOC percent removal.
(D) Calculations for determining compliance with the TOC percent removal requirements, as provided in R309-215-13(3)(a).
(E) Whether the system is in compliance with the enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening percent removal requirements in R309-215-13(2) for the last four quarters.
(ii) Systems monitoring monthly or quarterly for TOC under the requirements of R309-215-12 and meeting one or more of the alternative compliance criteria in R309-215-13(1)(b) or (c) shall report:
(A) The alternative compliance criterion that the system is using.
(B) The number of paired samples taken during the last quarter.
(C) The location, date, and result of each paired sample and associated alkalinity taken during the last quarter.
(D) The running annual arithmetic average based on monthly averages (or quarterly samples) of source water TOC for systems meeting a criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(i) or (iii) or of treated water TOC for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(ii).
(E) The running annual arithmetic average based on monthly averages (or quarterly samples) of source water SUVA for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(v) or of treated water SUVA for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(vi).
(F) The running annual average of source water alkalinity for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(iii) and of treated water alkalinity for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(c)(i).
(G) The running annual average for both TTHM and HAA5 for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(iii) or (iv).
(H) The running annual average of the amount of magnesium hardness removal (as CaCO3, in mg/L) for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(c)(ii).
(I) Whether the system is in compliance with the particular alternative compliance criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b) or (c).
(3) The public water system, within 10 days of completing the public notification requirements under R309-220 for the initial public notice and any repeat notices, shall submit to the Division a certification that it has fully complied with the public notification regulations. The public water system shall include with this certification a representative copy of each type of notice distributed, published, posted, and made available to the persons served by the system and to the media.
(4) All samples taken in accordance with R309-215-6 shall be submitted within 10 days following the end of the operational period specified for that particular treatment. Finished water samples results for the contaminant of concern that exceed the Primary Drinking Water Standards of R309-200, shall be reported to the Division within 48 hours after the supplier receives the report. The Division may be reached at (801) 536-4000.
(5) Documentation of operation and maintenance for point-of-use or point-of[]-entry treatment units shall be provided to the Division annually. The Division shall receive the documentation by January 31 annually.
KEY: drinking water, watershed management
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive
Amendment: [May 12, ]2009
Notice of Continuation: May 16, 2005
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted
Law: 19-4-104; [63-46b-4]63G-4-202
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Rachael Cassady at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4467, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules (801-538-3764). Please Note: The Division of Administrative Rules is NOT able to answer questions about the content or application of these administrative rules.
Last modified: 07/30/2009 6:29 PM