File No. 32856

This filing was published in the 08/15/2009 issue (Vol. 2009, No. 16), of the Utah State Bulletin.

Workforce Services, Employment Development

Rule R986-400

General Assistance

Notice of 120-Day (Emergency) Rule

DAR File No.: 32856
Filed: 07/29/2009


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The purpose of this changes is to reflect reduction in benefits due to budgetary cuts in the 2009 General Session under S.B. 2. (DAR NOTE: S.B. 2 (2009) is found at Chapter 396, Laws of Utah 2009, and was effective 07/01/2009.)

Summary of the rule or change:

The Utah Legislature cut funding for the General Assistance program in the 2009 General Session. To meet the loss of funding, the Department has changed the time limit for General Assistance to 6 or 12 months instead of 24 months. These changes also require that the customer's impairment prevents any type of work and is expected to last 60 days or longer. These changes also eliminate the Working Toward Employment program entirely. (DAR NOTE: A corresponding proposed amendment is under DAR No. 32857 in this issue, August 15, 2009, of the Bulletin.)

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Subsection 35A-1-104(4)
  • Section 35A-1-104

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

It is expected that these changes will save the $3,000,000 necessary to meet the lower budget as approved by the legislature.

local governments:

There will be no costs or savings to local governments as this is a state-funded program.

small businesses:

There will be no affect to small businesses as this is a state-funded program.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

A portion of the population currently eligible for General Assistance will lose their benefits as the time limit is being shortened. Some individuals who were previously ineligible may be eligible under these changed as the requirements have changed for obtaining PCN and participation. All customers previously eligible for Working Toward Employment will no longer be eligible as the program is being eliminated.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

There are no compliance costs associated with this program for any affected persons.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

There are no compliance costs associated with this change. There are no fees associated with this change. There will be no cost to anyone to comply with these changes. There will be no fiscal impact on any business.

Kristen Cox, Executive Director

Emergency rule reason and justification:

Regular rulemaking procedures would cause an imminent budget reduction because of budget restraints or federal requirements.

The Utah Legislature cut just over $3,000,000 in funding from the General Assistance 2010 fiscal budget. To meet those cuts, the Department has been forced to cut benefits..

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Workforce Services
Employment Development
140 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2333

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Suzan Pixton at the above address, by phone at 801-526-9645, by FAX at 801-526-9211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

This rule is effective on:


Authorized by:

Kristen Cox, Executive Director


R986. Workforce Services, Employment Development.

R986-400. General Assistance[and Working Toward Employment].

R986-400-402. General Provisions.

(1) GA provides temporary financial assistance to single persons and married couples who have no dependent children residing with them 50% or more of the time and who have[are unemployable due to] a physical or mental health [condition] impairment that prevents basic work activities in any occupation. This means that the applicant or client is unable to work any number of hours at all in any occupation.

(2) [Unemployable is defined to mean the individual is not capable of earning $500 per month in the Utah labor market. The incapacity] The impairment must be expected to last at least 6[3]0 days after the date of application[ or more].

(3) Drug addiction and/or alcoholism alone is insufficient to [prove the unemployable] meet the impairment requirement for GA as defined in Public Law 104-121.

(4) [For a married couple living together only one must meet the unemployable criteria. The spouse who is employable will be required to meet the work requirements of WTE unless the spouse can provide medical proof that he or she is needed at home to care for the unemployable spouse. Medical proof, consisting of a medical statement from a medical doctor, a doctor of osteopathy, a licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, a licensed Physician's Assistant, a licensed Mental Health Therapist as defined in UCA 58-60-102, or a licensed psychologist, is required. The medical statement must include all of the following:

(a) the diagnosis of the spouse's condition;

(b) the recommended treatment needed or being received for the condition;

(c) the length of time the client will be required in the home to care for the spouse; and

(d) whether the client is required to be in the home full time or part time.] Married couples meet the impairment criteria and time limits on an individual basis. If the household includes an ineligible spouse, the income and assets of the ineligible spouse must be counted when determining the eligibility of the household and the ineligible spouse will not be included in the financial payment. The household can consist of any combination of impaired, non-impaired, short term disabled, or long term disabled as long as at least one spouse meets the eligibility requirements.

(5) GA is only available to a client who is at least 18 years old or legally or factually emancipated. Factual emancipation means the client has lived independently from his or her parents or guardians and has been economically self-supporting for a period of at least twelve consecutive months, and the client's parents have refused financial support.

(6) A client claiming factual emancipation must cooperate with the Department in locating his or her parents. The parents, once located, will be contacted by the Department. If the parents continue to refuse to support the client, a referral will be made to ORS to enforce the parents' child support obligations.

(7) A person eligible for Bureau of Indian Affairs assistance is not eligible for GA financial assistance.

(8) In addition to the residency requirements in R986-100-106, residents in a group home that is administered under a contract with a governmental unit or administered by a governmental unit are not eligible for financial assistance.

(9) An individual receiving SSI is not eligible for GA. This ineligibility includes persons whose SSI is in suspense status, as defined by 20 CFR Part 416.1321 through 416.1330. An individual whose SSI benefits are suspended because he or she has not attained U.S. citizenship, may be eligible for GA if the individual actively pursues U.S. citizenship to regain SSI eligibility.


R986-400-403. Proof of [Unemployability] Impairment .

(1) An applicant must provide current medical evidence [that he or she is not capable of working and earning $500 per month] of an impairment that prevents basic work activities in any occupation due to a physical or mental health condition and that the [condition] impairment is expected to last at least [3] 60 days from the date of application. Evidence consists of a statement from a medical doctor, a doctor of osteopathy, a licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, a licensed Physician's Assistant, a licensed Mental Health Therapist as defined in UCA 58-60-102. If an applicant has been approved for SSI/SSDI, and is waiting for the first check, no further medical evidence of impairment is necessary. Verification and evidence of social security approval must be included in the case record.

(2) An applicant must cooperate in the obtaining of a second opinion if requested by the Department. Only the costs associated with a second opinion requested by the Department will be paid for by the Department. The Department will not pay the costs associated with obtaining a second opinion if the client requests the second opinion.[

(3) If the illness or incapacity is expected to last longer than 12 months, the client must apply for SSDI/SSI benefits.

(4) Full-time or part-time participation in post-high school education or training is considered evidence of employability rendering the client ineligible for GA financial assistance. If the Department believes work readiness or occupational skills enhancement opportunities will lead to employability, those services can be offered for a maximum of three months if the client is otherwise eligible.]


R986-400-404. Participation Requirements.

(1) [The client and spouse must participate, to the maximum extent possible, in an assessment and an employment plan as provided in R986-200. The only education or training supported by an employment plan for GA recipients is short term skills training as described in R986-400-403.] All GA clients are required to meet with an employment counselor and sign the General Assistance Agreement Form within 30 days after the initial financial benefit has been issued.

(2) [The employment plan must include obtaining appropriate medical or mental health treatment, or both, to overcome the limitations preventing the client from becoming employable. The employment plan must provide that all adults age 19 and above who do not qualify for coverage under any other category of Medicaid and who are not covered by or do not have access to private health insurance, Medicare or the Veterans Administration Health Care System must enroll in the Primary Care Network (PCN) through the Department of Health. If a client cannot enroll in PCN because the Department of Health has placed a cap on PCN enrollment, the requirement will be excused during the period enrollment is impossible. The Department may, at its discretion, develop a program whereby eligible clients will be allowed to pay the enrollment fee in installments.] The requirement to complete an assessment and employment plan is limited to clients with impairments expected to last 12 months or longer.

(3) If the impairment is expected to last 12 months or longer, the client must apply for SSI/SSDI benefits.

(4[3]) A client must accept any and all offers of appropriate employment as determined by the Department. "Appropriate employment" means employment that pays a wage [which] that meets or exceeds the applicable federal or state minimum wage law and has daily and weekly hours customary to the occupation. If the minimum wage laws do not apply, the wage must equal what is normally paid for similar work and in no case less than three-fourths of the minimum wage rate. The employment is not appropriate employment if the client is unable, due to physical or mental limitations, to perform the work.[

(4) A client is exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section if the client has been approved for SSI, is waiting for the first check, and has signed an "Agreement to Repay Interim Assistance" Form.]

(5) A client must cooperate in obtaining any and all other sources of income to which the client may be entitled including, [but not limited to UI,]SSI/SSDI, VA Benefits, and Workers' Compensation.

(6) A client who meets the eligible alien status requirements for GA but does not meet the eligible alien requirements for SSI can participate in activities that may help them to become eligible for SSI such as pursuing citizenship.


R986-400-405. Interim Aid for SSI Applicants.

(1) A client who has applied for SSI or SSDI benefits may be provided with GA financial assistance pending a determination on the application for SSI or SSDI. If the client is applying for SSI, he or she must sign an "Agreement to Repay Interim Assistance" form and agree to reimburse, or allow SSA to reimburse, the [Department] state of Utah for any and all GA financial assistance advanced pending a determination from SSA.

(2) Financial assistance will be immediately terminated without advance notice when SSA issues a payment or if the client fails to cooperate to the maximum extent possible in pursuing the application which includes cooperating fully with SSA and providing all necessary documentation to insure receipt of SSI or SSDI benefits.

(3) A client must fully cooperate in prosecuting an appeal of an SSI or SSDI denial at least to the Social Security ALJ level. If the ALJ issues an unfavorable decision, the client is not eligible for financial assistance unless an unrelated physical or mental health condition develops and is verified.

(4) If a client's SSI or SSDI benefits have been terminated due to a physical or mental health condition, the client is ineligible unless an unrelated physical or mental health condition develops and is verified.


R986-400-406. Failure to Comply with the Requirements of an Employment Plan.

(1) If a client fails to comply with the requirements of the employment plan without reasonable cause, financial assistance will be terminated immediately. Reasonable cause under this section means the client was prevented from participating through no fault of his or her own or failed to participate for reasons that are reasonable and compelling and may include reasons like verified illness or extraordinary transportation problems.

(2) If a client's financial assistance has been terminated under this section, the client is not eligible for further assistance as follows:

(a) the first time financial assistance is terminated, the client must resolve the reason for the termination and participate to the maximum extent possible in all of the required activities of the employment plan. The client does not need to reapply if he or she resolves the reason for termination by the end of the month following the termination;

(b) the second time financial assistance is terminated, the client will be ineligible for financial assistance for a minimum of one month and can only become eligible again upon completing a new application and participating to the maximum extent possible in the required employment activity; and

(c) the third and subsequent time financial assistance is terminated, the client will be ineligible for a minimum of six months and can only become eligible again upon completing a new application and actively participating in the required employment activity.[

3. If a client has had his or her financial assistance terminated because the client did not enroll in PCN, the client will not be eligible for GA until the client enrolls in PCN or obtains other medical coverage. This is true even if the client cannot enroll in PCN because there is no open enrollment.

4. An application for GA will be denied if the applicant's employment plan requires the applicant to enroll in PCN but he or she fails to do so during the application period. However, if there is no open enrollment during the application period, the PCN requirement will be waived until the next open enrollment period.]


R986-400-408. Time Limits.

(1) An individual cannot receive GA financial assistance for more than [24] 12 months out of a[ny] rolling 60-month period. Any month in which a client received a full or partial GA financial assistance payment count toward the 12 month limit.[Months which count toward the 24-month limit include any and all months during which any client who currently resides in the household received a full or partial financial assistance payment beginning with the month of March, 1998].

(a) A client with a short term impairment that prevents basic work activities in any occupation lasting at least 60 days from the date of application but less than 12 months can receive up to six months of GA financial benefits in a rolling 12 month period. Clients are limited to a total of 12 months of financial assistance within a rolling 60-month period.

(b) A client with a long term impairment that prevents basic work activities in any occupation and the impairment is expected to last 12 months or more, can receive a total of 12 months of GA financial benefits in a rolling 60 month period.

(2) There are no exceptions or extensions to the time limit.

(3) Advanced written notice for termination of GA financial assistance due to time limits is not required.


[R986-400-451. Authority for Working Toward Employment (WTE) and Other Applicable Rules.

(1) The Department provides WTE financial assistance pursuant to Section 35A-3-401 et seq. as funding permits.

(2) Rule R986-100 applies to WTE.

(3) Applicable provisions of R986-200 apply to WTE except as noted in this rule.

(4) The citizenship and alienage requirements of the Food Stamp Program apply to WTE.


R986-400-452. General Provisions.

(1) Working Toward Employment (WTE) provides financial assistance on a short term basis to single persons and married couples who have no dependent children residing with them 50% or more of the time and who are unemployable because they lack employment skills.

(2) At least one household member must be at least 18 years old or legally or factually emancipated. Factual emancipation is defined in R986-400-402.

(3) As a condition of eligibility, a client claiming factual emancipation must cooperate with the Department in locating his or her parents. The parents, once located, will be contacted by the Department. If the parents continue to refuse to support the client, a referral will be made to ORS to enforce the parents' child support obligations.

(4) All clients must cooperate in obtaining any and all other benefits or sources of income to which the client may be entitled except that a client who has applied for SSI benefits is ineligible for WTE. If a client applies for SSI, WTE financial assistance is terminated.

(5) A person eligible for Bureau of Indian Affairs assistance is not eligible for WTE financial assistance.

(6) If an applicant appears to be eligible for the Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) the applicant must comply with the requirements of RRP and will be paid out of funds for that program. If found eligible for RRP, the applicant is ineligible for WTE.


R986-400-453. Participation Requirements.

(1) All applicants and spouses must participate in an assessment and an employment plan as found in R986-200. In addition to the requirements of an employment plan as found in R986-200-210, a client must, as a condition of receipt of financial assistance, register for work and accept any and all offers of appropriate employment, as determined by the Department. Appropriate employment is defined in R986-400-404.

(2) The employment plan of each recipient of WTE financial assistance must contain the requirement that the client participate 40 hours per week in eligible activities. A list of approved eligible activities is available at each employment center. Married couples cannot share the performance requirements and each client must participate a minimum of 40 hours per week. The 40 hours must be spent in the following activities:

(a) At least 16 hours must be spent in an approved insternship or in paid employment. Some basic educational activities are also available; and

(b) eight hours a week participating in job search activities. The Department may reduce the number of hours spent in job search activities if it is determined the client has explored all local employment options. A reduction in the number of hours of job search will not reduce the total requirement of 40 hours of participation.

(3) Participation may be excused only if the client can show reasonable cause as defined in R986-400-406(1).


R986-400-454. Failure to Comply with the Requirements of an Employment Plan.

(1) If a client fails to comply with the requirements of the employment plan without reasonable cause as defined in R986-400-406(a), financial assistance will be terminated immediately.

(2) Advanced notice of termination is not required.

(3) If there are two clients in the household and only one client fails to comply, financial assistance for both will be terminated.

(4) Once a client or household's financial assistance has been terminated for failure to comply with the employment plan, the client is not eligible for further assistance as follows:

(a) the first time financial assistance is terminated, the client or couple must reapply and actively participate in all of the required activities of the employment plan;

(b) the second time financial assistance is terminated, the client or couple will be ineligible for financial assistance for a minimum of one month and can only become eligible again upon completing a new application and actively participating in the required employment activity;

(c) the third time financial assistance is terminated, the client will be ineligible for a minimum of six months and can only become eligible again upon completing a new application and actively participating in the required employment activity.


R986-400-455. Income and Assets Limits and Calculation of Assistance Payment.

(1) Income and asset determination and limits are the same as for FEP found in R986-200 except one vehicle with a maximum of $8,000 equity value is not counted. The entire equity value of one vehicle equipped to transport a disabled individual is exempt from the asset limit even if the vehicle has a value in excess of $8,000. Beginning October 1, 2007, all motorized vehicles will be exempt.

(2) The amount of financial assistance available for payment to a client is based on the number of hours of participation. Payment is made twice per month and only after proof of participation. The base amount of assistance is equal to the GA financial assistance payment for the household size. The base GA payment is then prorated based on the number of hours of participation for each household member, up to a maximum of 40 hours of participation per household member per week. In no event can the financial assistance payment per month for a WTE household be more than for the same size household receiving financial assistance under GA. Payment of financial assistance cannot be made for any period during which the client does not participate.

(3) The base GA financial assistance payment level is determined by the State Legislature and available upon request.

(4) Each WTE household member will receive the sum of $45 per month regardless of number of hours the client participates. This sum is intended to be used for participation expenses.


R986-400-456. Time Limits.

(1) An individual cannot receive WTE financial assistance for more than seven months out of any 18-month period.

(2) In addition to the seven months out of any 18-month period time limit, there is a 24-month life time limit for WTE financial assistance.

(3) Months which count toward the seven month time limit and the 24-month limit include any and all months during which any client who currently resides in the household received a full or partial financial assistance payment.

(4) There are no exceptions or extensions to the time limit.

(5) If WTE financial assistance is terminated due to the time limit, advanced written notice is not required.]


KEY: general assistance[, working toward employment]

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: July 31, 2009

Notice of Continuation: September 14, 2005

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 35A-3-401; 35A-3-402


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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Suzan Pixton at the above address, by phone at 801-526-9645, by FAX at 801-526-9211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].