File No. 33450
This rule was published in the April 1, 2010, issue (Vol. 2010, No. 7) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources
Rule R657-62
Drawing Application Procedures
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 33450
Filed: 03/11/2010 06:15:34 AM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This rule is being amended pursuant to Wildlife Board meetings conducted for taking public input and reviewing the division's drawing application process.
Summary of the rule or change:
This rule is being amended to outline the requirement for retention and forfeiture of bonus points, clarify bear pursuit permits and Dedicated Hunter Certificates of Registration, remove reference to "Merriam's" and "Rio Grande", remove the definition of "Immediate family", and make technical changes for rule consistency.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Section 23-14-19
- Section 23-14-18
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
This amendment does not change the process currently in place by rule, it only clarifies the process for retention and forfeiture of bonus points as well as makes technical changes for consistency, therefore, the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) determines that these amendments will not create any cost or savings impact to the state budget or DWR's budget, since the changes will not increase workload and can be carried out with existing budget.
local governments:
Since this amendment only clarifies existing criteria that have already been set by rule into one inclusive rule and does not include any additional requirements, this filing does not create any direct cost or savings impact to local governments since they are not directly affected by the rule. Nor are local governments indirectly impacted because the rule does not create a situation requiring services from local governments.
small businesses:
This amendment will clarify current bonus point restrictions and make technical corrections therefore there are no additional requirements being added so it would not generate a cost or saving impact to small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
This amendment will clarify current bonus point restrictions and make technical corrections therefore there are no additional requirements being added so it would not generate a cost or saving impact to other persons.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
DWR determines that this amendment will not create a cost or savings impact to individuals who participate in hunting in Utah.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The amendments to this rule do not create an impact on businesses.
Michael R. Styler, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Natural ResourcesWildlife Resources
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
James Karpowitz, Director
R657. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources.
R657-62. Drawing Application Procedures.
R657-62-2. Definitions.
(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23-13-2.
[(2)](2) In addition:
(a) "Application" means a form required by the Division which must be completed by a person and submitted to the Division in order to apply for a hunting permit.
[(b) "Immediate family" means the landowner's
lessee, or the landowner's or lessee's spouse, children,
son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father, mother, father-in-law,
mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
stepchildren, and grandchildren.
(c](b) "Landowner" means any individual, family
or corporation who owns property in Utah and whose name appears on
the deed as the owner of eligible property or whose name appears as
the purchaser on an executed contract for sale of eligible
([d]c) "Limited entry hunt" means any hunt listed
in the hunt tables published by the Wildlife Board and is
identified as a premium limited entry hunt or limited entry hunt.
"Limited entry hunt" does not include cougar pursuit or
bear pursuit.
([e]d) "Limited entry permit" means any permit
obtained for a limited entry hunt,
including conservation permits, convention permits and sportsman permits.
([f]e)(i) "Valid application" means an
(A) for a permit to take a species for which the applicant is eligible to possess;
(B) for a permit to take a species
regardless of estimated permit numbers;[
(C) for a certificate of registration; and
([C]D) containing sufficient information, as determined by
the division, to process the application, including personal
information, hunt information, and sufficient payment.
(ii) Applications missing any of the items in Subsection (i) may be considered valid if the application is timely corrected through the application correction process.
([g]f) "Waiting period" means a specified period
of time that a person who has obtained a permit must wait before
applying for the same permit type.
([h]g) "Once-in-a-lifetime hunt" means any hunt
listed in the hunt tables published by the Wildlife Board and is
identified as once-in-a-lifetime, and does not include general or
limited entry hunts.
([i]h) "Once-in-a-lifetime permit" means any
permit obtained for a once-in-a-lifetime hunt by any means,
including conservation permits, sportsman permits, cooperative
wildlife management unit permits and limited entry landowner
R657-62-3. Scope of Rule.
(1) This rule sets forth the procedures and requirements for completing and filing applications to receive the following hunting permits and/or certificates of registrations:
(a) Dedicated Hunter certificate of registrations;
(b) limited-entry deer;
(c) limited-entry elk;
(d) limited-entry pronghorn;
(e) once-in-a-lifetime;
(f) public cooperative wildlife management unit;
(g) general season deer and youth elk;
(h) bear;
(i) bear pursuit;
(j) antlerless big game;
([j]k) sandhill crane;
([k]l) sharp-tail and sage grouse;
[(l) swan
](m) swan
(n) cougar;
([n]o) sportsman; and
([o]p) turkey.
R657-62-4. Residency Restrictions.
(1) Only a resident may apply for or
obtain a resident permit or resident certificate of registration and only a
nonresident may apply for or obtain a nonresident permit[.] or nonresident certificate of registration.
(2)(a) To apply for a resident permit or certificate of registration, a person must be a resident at the time of purchase.
(b) The posting date of the drawing shall be considered the purchase date of a permit or certificate of registration issued through a drawing.
R657-62-6. Applications.
(1)(a) Applications are available at the division's internet address, and must be completed and submitted online by the date prescribed in the respective proclamation of the Wildlife Board.
(b) The permit fees and handling fees must be paid with a valid debit or credit card.
(c) Any license[ or], permit or certificate of registration issued to a person is
invalid where full payment is not remitted to and received by the
(d) A person who applies for or obtains a permit or certificate of registration must notify the division of any change in mailing address, residency, telephone number, email address, and physical description.
R657-62-7. Group Applications.
(1) When applying as a group all applicants in the group with valid applications and who are eligible to possess the permit or certificate of registration applied for shall receive a permit or certificate of registration where the group is successful in the drawing.
(2) Group members must apply for the same hunt choices. - except for dedicated hunter region choice in certificate of registration application.
(3) When applying as a group, if the
available permit
or certificate of registration quota[
available] is not large enough to accommodate the group
size, the group application will not be considered.
R657-62-8. Bonus [Point System]Points.
(1) Bonus points are used to improve odds for drawing permits.
(2)(a) A bonus point is awarded for:
(i) each valid unsuccessful application when applying for limited-entry permits; or
(ii) each valid application when applying for bonus points.
(b) Bonus points are awarded by species for;
(i) limited-entry deer including cooperative wildlife management unit buck deer and management buck deer;
(ii) limited-entry elk including cooperative wildlife management unit bull elk and management bull elk;
(iii) limited-entry pronghorn including cooperative wildlife management unit buck pronghorn;
(iv) once-in-a-lifetime species including cooperative wildlife management units;
(v) bear;
(vi) antlerless moose;
(vii) cougar; and
(viii) turkey
(3)(a) A person may not apply in the drawing for both a permit and a bonus point for the same species.
(b) A person may not apply for a bonus point if that person is ineligible to apply for a permit for the respective species.
(c) Group applications will not be accepted when applying for bonus points.
(d) A person may apply for bonus points only during the applicable drawing application for each species.
(4)(a) Fifty percent of the permits for each hunt unit will be reserved for applicants with the greatest number of bonus points.
(b) Based on the applicant's first choice, the reserved permits will be designated by a random drawing number to eligible applicants with the greatest number of bonus points for each species.
(c) If reserved permits remain, the reserved permits will be designated by a random number to eligible applicants with the next greatest number of bonus points for each species.
(d) The procedure in Subsection (c) will continue until all reserved permits are issued or no applications for that species remain.
(e) Any reserved permits remaining and any applicants who are not selected for reserved permits will be returned to the applicable drawing.
(5)(a) Each applicant receives a random drawing number for:
(i) each species applied for; and
(ii) each bonus point for that species.
(6) Bonus points are forfeited if a person obtains a permit through the drawing for that bonus point species including any permit obtained after the drawing.
(7) Bonus points are not forfeited if:
(a) a person is successful in obtaining a conservation permit, convention permit or sportsman permit;
(b) a person obtains a landowner or a cooperative wildlife management unit permit from a landowner; or
(c) a person obtains a poaching-reported reward permit.
(8) Bonus points are not transferable.
(9) Bonus points are averaged and rounded down when two or more applicants apply together on a group application.
(10)(a) Bonus points are tracked using social security numbers or division-issued customer identification numbers.
(b) The division shall retain electronic copies of applications from 1996 to the current drawings for the purpose of researching bonus point records.
(c) Any requests for researching an applicant's bonus point records must be submitted within the time frames provided in Subsection (b).
(d) Any bonus points on the division's records shall not be researched beyond the time frames provided in Subsection (b).
(e) The division may void or otherwise eliminate any bonus point obtained by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or in violation of law.
R657-62-9. Bonus Point Forfeiture.
(1) All bonus points accumulated for big game species shall be automatically forfeited upon failing to apply in three consecutive years for any big game permit or bonus point for which the applicant is eligible to receive.
(a) "Big game permit" means for purpose of this subsection any big game hunting permit that a bonus point may be awarded upon unsuccessful application or in lieu of a permit.
(b) Forfeiture may be imposed no sooner than March 1, 2012 after three consecutive years of failing to apply for a big game permit or bonus point.
R657-62-10. Preference Points.
(1) Preference points are used in the applicable drawings to ensure that applicants who are unsuccessful in the drawing will have first preference in the next year's drawing.
(2)(a) A preference point is awarded for:
(i) each valid, unsuccessful application of the first-choice hunt when applying for a general buck deer permit; or
(ii) each valid unsuccessful application when applying for an antlerless deer, antlerless elk, or doe pronghorn permit; or
(iii) each valid application when applying only for a preference point in the applicable drawings.
(b) Preference points are awarded by species for:
(i) general buck deer;
(ii) antlerless deer;
(iii) antlerless elk; and
(iv) doe pronghorn.
(3)(a) A person may not apply in the drawing for both a preference point and a permit for the species listed in (2)(b).
(b) A person may not apply for a preference point if that person is ineligible to apply for a permit.
(c) Preference points shall not be used when obtaining remaining permits.
(4) General buck deer preference points are forfeited if a person obtains a first-choice hunt general buck deer permit.
(5) an antlerless deer permit, an antlerless elk permit or doe pronghorn permit through the drawing.
(6) Preference points are not transferable.
(7) Preference points are averaged and rounded down when two or more applicants apply together on a group application.
(8)(a) Preference points are tracked using social security numbers or customer identification numbers.
(b) The division shall retain copies of electronic applications from 2000 to the current applicable drawings for the purpose of researching preference point records.
(c) Any requests for researching an applicant's preference point records must be submitted within the time frames provided in Subsection (b).
(d) Any preference points on the division's records shall not be researched beyond the time frames provided in Subsection (b).
(e) The division may eliminate any preference point obtained by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or in violation of law.
R657-62-[10.]11. Loyalty Points.
(1) Loyalty points are used in the dedicated hunter certificate of registration drawing to ensure that applicants who are unsuccessful in the drawing will have first preference in the next year's drawing.
(2) A loyalty point is awarded for:
(a) each valid unsuccessful application;
(b) each valid application when applying only for a loyalty point in the dedicated hunter drawing.
(c) successfully completing a three-year enrollment in the dedicated hunter program immediately proceeding the application period.
(3)(a) A person may not apply in the drawing for both a loyalty point and a certificate of registration.
(b) A person may not apply for a loyalty point if that person is ineligible to apply for a certificate of registration.
(c) Loyalty points may not be used when obtaining remaining certificates of registration after the dedicated hunter drawing.
(4) Loyalty points are forfeited if a person obtains a certificate of registration through the drawing.
(5)(a) Loyalty points are not transferable.
(b) Loyalty points shall only be applied to the Dedicated Hunter drawing.
(c) A person may not have more than one loyalty point at any time.
(d) Loyalty points are only valid through the end of the following application period.
(6) Loyalty points are averaged and rounded down to the nearest whole point when two or more applicants apply together on a group application.
(7)(a) Loyalty points are tracked using social security numbers or division-issued customer identification numbers.
(b) The division shall retain copies of electronic applications for three years for the purpose of researching loyalty point records.
(c) Any requests for researching an applicant's loyalty point records must be requested within the time frames provided in Subsection (b).
(d) Any loyalty points on the division's records shall not be researched beyond the time frames provided in Subsection (b).
(e) The division may eliminate any loyalty points earned that are obtained by fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.
R657-62-12. Corrections, Withdrawals and Resubmitting Applications.
(1)(a) If an error is found on the application, the applicant may be contacted for correction.
(b) The division reserves the right to correct or reject applications.
(2)(a) An applicant may withdraw their application from the permit or certificate of registration drawing by the date published in the respective proclamation of the Wildlife Board.
(b) An applicant may resubmit their application, after withdrawing a previous application, for the permit or certificate of registration drawing by the date published in the respective proclamation of the Wildlife Board.
(c) Handling fees, hunting or combination license fees and donations will not be refunded. Resubmitted applications will incur a handling fee.
(3) To withdraw an entire group application, all applicants must withdraw their individual applications.
R657-62-[11.]13. Drawing Results.
Applicants [will]may be notified [by mail or e-mail ]of drawing results by the date
prescribed in the respective proclamation of the Wildlife
R657-62-[12.]14. License, Permit , Certificate of Registration and Handling Fees.
(1) Unsuccessful applicants will not be charged for a permit or certificate of registration.
(2) The handling fees and hunting or combination license fees are nonrefundable.
(3) All license, permit, certificate of registration and handling fees must be paid with a valid debit or credit card.
R657-62-[13.]15. Permits Remaining After the Drawing.
(1) Any permits remaining after the drawing are available on the date published in the respective proclamation on a first-come, first-served basis from division offices, participating license agents and through the division's internet site.
R657-62-[14.]16. Waiting Periods for Permits Obtained After the Drawing.
(1) Waiting periods do not apply to the purchase of remaining permits sold over the counter except as provided in Section 2.
(2) [However, w]Waiting periods are incurred as a result of purchasing
remaining permits after the drawing. [Therefore, i]If a remaining permit is purchased in the current year,
waiting periods will be in effect when applying in the drawing in
following years.
R657-62-[15.]17. Dedicated Hunter Certificates of Registration.
(1)(a) Applicants for a [D]dedicated [H]hunter [Certificates]certificate of [R]registration [shall be issued pursuant to]must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education
requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Rule
(b) Each prospective participant must complete Dedicated Hunter program orientation course annually before submitting an application.
(2) Group applications are accepted. Up to four applicants may apply as a group.
R657-62-[16.]18. Lifetime License Permits.
(1) Lifetime License permits shall be issued pursuant to Rule R657-17.
R657-62-[17.]19. Big Game.
(1) Permit Applications
(a) Limited entry, Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit, Once-in-a-Lifetime, Management Bull Elk, Management Buck Deer, General Buck Deer, and Youth General Any Bull Elk permit applications.
(i) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license to apply for or obtain a big game permit.
(ii) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Rule R657-5.
(iii) A person may obtain only one permit per species of big game, including limited entry, cooperative wildlife management unit, once-in-a-lifetime, conservation, landowner and general permits, except antlerless permits as provided in the Antlerless Addendum and permits as provided in Rule R657-42.
(b) A resident may apply in the big game drawing for the following permits:
(i) only one of the following:
(A) buck deer - limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit;
(B) bull elk - limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit; or
(C) buck pronghorn - limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit; and
(ii) only one once-in-a-lifetime permit, including once-in-a-lifetime cooperative wildlife management unit permits.
(c) A nonresident may apply in the big game drawing for the following permits:
(i) all of the following:
(A) buck deer -limited entry;
(B) bull elk - limited entry;
(C) buck pronghorn - limited entry; and
(D) all once-in-a-lifetime species.
(ii) Nonresidents may not apply for cooperative management units through the big game drawing.
(d) A resident or nonresident may apply in the big game drawing by region for:
(i) a statewide general archery buck deer permit; or
(ii) for general any weapon buck deer; or
(iii) for general muzzleloader buck deer.
(2) Youth
(a) For purposes of this section "youth" means any person 18 years of age or younger on the opening day of the general archery buck deer season.
(b) Youth applicants who apply for a general buck deer permit
(i) will automatically be considered in the youth drawing based upon their birth date.
(ii) 20% of general buck deer permits in each region are reserved for youth hunters.
(iii) may not apply as part of any group
(iv) Preference points shall be used when applying.
(c) Any reserved permits remaining and any youth applicants who were not selected for reserved permits shall be returned to the general buck deer drawing.
(3) Drawing Order
(a) Permits for the big game drawing shall be drawn in the following order:
(i) limited entry, cooperative wildlife management unit and management buck deer;
(ii) limited entry, cooperative wildlife management unit and management bull elk;
(iii) limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit buck pronghorn;
(iv) once-in-a-lifetime;
(v) youth general buck deer;
(vi) general buck deer and general buck/bull combo;
(vii) youth general any bull elk.
(b) Any person who draws one of the following permits is not eligible to draw a once-in-a-lifetime permit:
(i) limited entry, Cooperative Wildlife Management unit or management buck deer;
(ii) limited entry, Cooperative Wildlife Management unit or management bull elk; or
(iii) a limited entry or Cooperative Wildlife Management unit buck pronghorn.
(c) If any permits listed in Subsection (a)(i) through (a)(iii) remain after the big game drawing after all choices have been evaluated separately for residents and nonresidents, a second evaluation will be done allowing cross-over usage of remaining resident and nonresident permit quotas.
(4) Groups
(a) Limited Entry
(i) Up to four people may apply together for limited entry deer, elk or pronghorn; or resident cooperative wildlife management unit permits.
(b) Group applications are not accepted for management buck deer or bull elk permits.
(c) Group applications are not accepted for Once-in-a-lifetime permits.
(d) General season
(i) Up to ten people may apply together for general deer permits
(ii) Up to two youth may apply together for youth general any bull elk permits.
(5) Waiting Periods
(a) Deer waiting period.
(i) Any person who draws or obtains a
limited entry, management or cooperative wildlife management unit
buck deer permit through the big game drawing process[,] may not apply for or receive any of these permits
again for a period of two seasons.
(ii) A waiting period does not apply to:
(A) general archery, general any weapon, general muzzleloader, conservation, sportsman, poaching-reported reward permits; and dedicated hunter limited entry deer permits; or
(B) cooperative wildlife management unit or limited entry landowner buck deer permits obtained through the landowner.
(b) Elk waiting period.
(i) Any person who draws or obtains a
limited entry, management or cooperative wildlife management unit
bull elk permit through the big game drawing[,] process may not apply for or receive any of these
permits for a period of five seasons.
(ii) A waiting period does not apply to:
(A) general archery, general any weapon, general muzzleloader, conservation, sportsman, poaching-reported reward permits; and dedicated hunter limited entry elk permits; or
(B) cooperative wildlife management unit or limited entry landowner bull elk permits obtained through the landowner.
(c) Pronghorn waiting period.
(i) Any person who draws or obtains a buck pronghorn or cooperative wildlife management unit buck pronghorn permit through the big game drawing may not apply for or receive any of these permits thereafter for a period of two seasons.
(ii) A waiting period does not apply to:
(A) conservation, sportsman, poaching-reported reward permits; or
(B) cooperative wildlife management unit or limited entry landowner buck pronghorn permits obtained through the landowner.
(d) Once-in-a-lifetime species waiting period.
(i) Any person who draws or obtains a permit for any bull moose, bison, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain goat may not apply for or receive an once-in-a-lifetime permit for the same species in the big game drawing or sportsman permit drawing.
(ii) A person who has been convicted of unlawfully taking a once-in-a-lifetime species may not apply for or obtain a permit for that species.
(e) Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit and landowner permits.
(i) Waiting periods and once-in-a-lifetime restrictions do not apply to purchasing limited entry landowner or cooperative wildlife management unit permits obtained through a landowner, except as provided in Subsection (ii).
(ii) Waiting periods are incurred and applied for the purpose of applying in the big game drawing as a result of obtaining a cooperative wildlife management unit bull moose permit through a landowner.
R657-62-[18.]20. Black Bear.
(1) Permit and Pursuit Applications.
(a) A person must possess or obtain a
valid hunting or combination license in order to apply for or
obtain a limited entry bear permit[.] or bear pursuit permit.
(b) A person may not apply for or obtain more than one bear permit within the same calendar year, except as provided in Subsection R657-33-26(4).
(c) Limited entry bear permits are valid only for the hunt unit and for the specified
season designated on the permit.
(d)(i) Applicants may select up to three hunt unit choices when applying for limited entry bear permits. Hunt unit choices must be listed in order of preference.
(ii) Applicants must specify in the
application whether they want a limited entry bear permit or a
limited entry bear archery permit[.] and/or bear pursuit permit.
(e) Any person obtaining a limited entry bear archery permit must also obtain a certificate of registration if intending to use bait as provided in Section R657-33-14.
(f) Applicants must meet all age
requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth
restrictions as provided in [Utah State Code]Sections 23-19-22.5, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.
(2) Group applications are not accepted.
(3) Waiting periods.
(a) Any person who draws or purchases a
limited entry bear permit valid for the current [season]year, may not apply for a permit thereafter for a period
of two [seasons]years.
R657-62-[19.]21. Antlerless Species.
(1) Permit Applications.
(a) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license in order to apply for or obtain an antlerless permit.
(b) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Rule R657-5.
(c) A person may apply in the drawing for and draw the following permits, except as provided in Subsection (d):
(i) antlerless deer;
(ii) antlerless elk;
(iii) doe pronghorn; and
(iv) antlerless moose, if available.
(d) Any person who has obtained a buck pronghorn permit or a bull moose permit may not apply in the same year for a doe pronghorn permit or antlerless moose permit, respectively, except for permits remaining after the drawing as provided in R657-62-13.
(e) Applicants may select up to five hunt choices when applying for antlerless deer, antlerless elk and antlerless pronghorn.
(f) Applicants may select up to two hunt choices when applying for antlerless moose.
(g) Hunt unit choices must be listed in order of preference.
(h) A person may not submit more than one application in the antlerless drawing per species.
(2) Youth applications.
(a) For purposes of this section, "youth" means any person 18 years of age or younger on the opening day of the general archery buck deer season.
(b) Twenty percent of the antlerless deer, elk and doe pronghorn permits are reserved for youth hunters.
(c) Youth applicants who apply for an antlerless deer, elk, or doe pronghorn permit as provided in this Subsection, will automatically be considered in the youth drawing based upon their birth date.
(3) Drawing Order
(a) Permits are drawn in the order listed in the Antlerless Addendum to the Bucks, Bulls and Once-In-A-Lifetime proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.
(b) Any reserved permits remaining and any youth applicants who were not selected for reserved permits shall be returned to the antlerless drawing.
(c) If permits remain after all choices have been evaluated separately for residents and nonresidents, a second evaluation will be done allowing cross-over usage of remaining resident and nonresident permit quotas.
(4) Group Applications
(a) Up to four hunters can apply together for antlerless deer, antlerless elk and doe pronghorn
(b) Group applications are not accepted for antlerless moose.
(c) Youth hunters who wish to participate in the youth drawing must not apply as a group.
(5) Waiting Periods
(a) Antlerless moose waiting period.
(i) Any person who draws or obtains an antlerless moose permit or a cooperative wildlife management unit antlerless moose permit through the antlerless drawing process, may not apply for or receive an antlerless moose permit thereafter for a period of five seasons.
(ii) A waiting period does not apply to cooperative wildlife management unit antlerless moose permits obtained through the landowner.
R657-62-[20. Sandhill Crane.
(1) Permit applications.
(a) A person may obtain only one Sandhill Crane permit each year.
(b) A person may not apply more than once annually.
(c) A hunting or combination license may be purchased before applying, or the hunting or combination license will be issued upon successful drawing results.
(d) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Utah Code 23-19-24, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.
(e) Applicants may select up to four hunt choices. Hunt unit choices must be listed in order of preference.
(2) Group Applications
(a) Up to four people may apply together.
(3) Waiting Periods do not apply.
R657-62-21.]22. Sandhill Crane, Sharp-Tailed and Sage Grouse.
(1) Permit applications.
(a) A person may obtain only one Sandhill Crane permit each year.
(b)[(a)] A hunting or combination license [may be purchased before applying, or the hunting or
combination license will be issued upon successful drawing
results]is required to obtain a permit and may be purchased when
([b]c) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of
hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in
Utah Code 23-19-24, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.
([c]d) Applicants may select up to four hunt choices. Hunt
unit choices must be listed in order of preference.
(2) Group applications.
(a) Up to four people may apply together.
(3) Waiting Periods do not apply.
R657-62-[22.]23. Swan.
(1) Permit applications.
(a) A person may obtain only one swan permit each year.
(i) A person may not apply more than once annually.
(b) A Utah hunting or combination license
[may be purchased before applying, or the hunting or
combination license will be issued to the applicant upon
successfully drawing a permit.]is required to obtain a permit and may be purchased when
(c) The division shall issue no more than the number of swan permits authorized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service each year.
(i) The division may withhold up to 1% of the authorized number of swan permits each year to correct division errors, which may occur during the drawing process.
(ii) Division errors may be corrected using the withheld swan permits in accordance with the Division Error Remedy Rule R657-50.
(iii) Withheld swan permits shall be used to correct division errors reported to or discovered by the division on or before the fifth day preceding the opening day of the swan hunt.
(iv) Withheld swan permits remaining after correcting any division errors shall be issued prior to the opening day of the swan hunt to the next person on the alternate drawing list.
(d) A person must complete a one-time
orientation course before applying for a swan permit, except as
provided under Subsection R657-9-[7]6(3)(b).
(i) Remaining swan permits available for sale shall be issued only to persons having previously completed the orientation course.
(e) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Utah Code 23-19-24, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.
(2) [Groups
(a)] Up to four people may apply together
in a Group Application.
(3) Waiting period does not apply.
R657-62-[23.]24. Cougar.
(1) Permit Applications
(a) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license to apply for or obtain a cougar limited entry permit.
(b) A person may not apply for or obtain more than one cougar permit for the same year.
(c) Limited entry cougar permits are valid only for the limited entry management unit and for the specified season provided in the hunt tables of the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking cougar.
(d) Applicants may select up to three management unit choices when applying for limited entry cougar permits. Management unit choices must be listed in order of preference.
(e) If permits remain after all choices have been evaluated separately for residents and nonresidents, a second evaluation shall be done allowing cross-over usage of remaining resident and nonresident permit quotas.
(f) Any limited entry cougar permit purchased after the season opens is not valid until seven days after the date of purchase.
(g) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Utah Code 23-19-22.5, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.
(2) Group applications are not accepted.
(3) Waiting periods.
(a) Any person who draws or purchases a limited entry cougar permit valid for the current season may not apply for a permit thereafter for a period of three seasons.
(b) Waiting periods are not incurred as a result of purchasing cougar harvest objective permits.
R657-62-[24.]25. Sportsman.
(1) Sportsman applications.
(a) One sportsman permit is offered to residents for each of the following species:
(i) desert bighorn (ram);
(ii) bison (hunter's choice);
(iii) buck deer;
(iv) bull elk;
(v) Rocky Mountain bighorn (ram);
(vi) Rocky Mountain goat (hunter's choice);
(vii) bull moose;
(viii) buck pronghorn;
(ix) black bear;
(x) cougar; and
(xi) wild turkey.
(b) Bonus points shall not be awarded or utilized when applying for or obtaining sportsman permits.
(2) Group applications are not accepted.
(3) Waiting Periods.
(a) Any person who applies for or obtains a Sportsman Permit is subject to all waiting periods and exceptions as applicable to the species pursuant to rule R657-41.
(b) Once-in-lifetime waiting periods[
are applicable when applying for a sportsman
(i) If you have obtained a once-in-a-lifetime permit through the sportsman drawing you are ineligible to apply for that once-in-a-lifetime species through the big game drawing.
(ii) If you have obtained a once-in-a-lifetime permit through the big game drawing you are ineligible to apply for that once-in-a-lifetime species through the sportsman drawing.
(c) Limited Entry waiting periods[
are applicable when applying for a Sportsman
(i) Waiting periods do not apply to Sportsman deer, elk, pronghorn, bear or cougar.
(ii) Waiting period will not be incurred for receipt of a Sportsman deer, elk, pronghorn, bear or cougar.
R657-62-[25.]26. Turkey.
(1) Turkey applications.
(a) A person must possess a valid hunting or combination license in order to apply for or obtain a wild turkey permit.
(b) A person may obtain only one wild turkey permit each year, except a person may obtain wild turkey conservation permits in addition to obtaining one limited entry or remaining wild turkey permit.
A person may not apply for wild turkey more than once
(d)] Applicants may select up to five hunt choices when
applying for limited entry turkey permits. Hunt unit choices must
be listed in order of preference.
([e]d) A turkey permit allows a person, using any legal
weapon as provided in Section R657-54-7, to take one bearded turkey
within the area and season specified on the permit.
(2) Group Applications are not accepted.
(3) Waiting period does not apply.
(4) Youth permits
(a) Up to 15 percent of the limited entry
permits [authorized for taking Merriam's and Rio Grande
turkeys ]are available to youth hunters.
(b) For purposes of this section
"youth" means any person who is [18]15years of age or younger on the posting date of the
wild turkey drawing.
(c) Youth who apply for a turkey permit will automatically be considered in the youth permit drawing based on their birth date.
(d) Bonus points shall be used when applying for youth turkey permits.
(5) Landowner turkey permits shall be issued pursuant to rule R657-54.
KEY: wildlife, permits
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [April 21, 2009]
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 23-14-18; 23-14-19
Additional Information
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].