File No. 34745
This rule was published in the May 15, 2011, issue (Vol. 2011, No. 10) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Human Resource Management, Administration
Rule R477-7
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 34745
Filed: 04/28/2011 04:53:54 PM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
Amendments articulate sick leave retirement benefits under Tier I and Tier II systems with more clarity and specificity. Expired language is removed. Clarifying language is added to reemployment rights and benefits. Disaster relief volunteer leave is expanded to organizations other than Red Cross, reflecting legitimate government-recognized organizations. Language is added to refer readers to more detail on long term disability benefits.
Summary of the rule or change:
Language is added in Section R477-7-6 to articulate sick leave retirement benefits under Tier I and Tier II systems. Subsection R477-7-6(5)(a) is removed along with corresponding language in Subsection R477-7-6(5)(b)(ii). Additional language is added to Subsection R477-7-10(5)(e). In Section R477-7-11, disaster relief volunteer leave is expanded to organizations other than Red Cross. Subsection R477-7-17(5) is added on long term disability benefits. Minor terminology changes and reference corrections are also made and redundant language is removed.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Section 34-43-103
- Section 63G-1-301
- Section 67-19-6
- Section 67-19-12.9
- Section 67-19-14.2
- Section 67-19-14.4
- Section 67-19-14
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
These changes are administrative and do not directly impact state budgets.
local governments:
This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on local government.
small businesses:
This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
This rule only affects the executive branch of state government and will have no impact on other persons. Rules regarding Tier II retirement benefits reflect a potential cost or savings to eligible state employees, depending on each employee's situation and chosen options. Expansion of disaster relief volunteer leave is a potential cost savings to state employees approved for such leave.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
This rule only affects agencies of the executive branch of state government.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
Rules published by the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) have no direct effect on businesses or any entity outside state government. DHRM has authority to write rules only to the extent allowed by the Utah Personnel Management Act, Title 67, Chapter 19. This act limits the provisions of career service and these rules to employees of the executive branch of state government. The only possible impact may be a very slight, indirect effect if an agency passes costs or savings on to business through fees. However, it is anticipated that the minimal costs associated with these changes will be absorbed by agency budgets and will have no effect on business.
Jeff Herring, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Human Resource ManagementAdministration
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-1201
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- J.J. Acker at the above address, by phone at 801-537-9096, by FAX at 801-538-3081, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:
- 05/24/2011 09:00 AM, Senate Building (East), 420 N State Street (Capitol Hill), Beehive Room, Salt Lake City, UT
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Jeff Herring, Executive Director
R477. Human Resource Management, Administration.
R477-7. Leave.
R477-7-1. Conditions of Leave.
(1) An employee shall be eligible for benefits when:
(a) in a position designated by the agency as eligible for benefits; and
(b) in a position which normally requires
working [more than]at least 40 hours per pay period.
(2) An eligible employee shall accrue annual, sick and holiday leave in proportion to the time paid as determined by DHRM.
(3) An employee shall use leave in no less than quarter hour increments.
(4) An employee may not use annual, sick, converted sick, compensatory, excess or holiday leave before accrued.
(5) An employee may not use compensatory, annual, converted sick leave used as annual, or excess leave without advance approval by management.
(6) An employee transferring from one agency to another is entitled to transfer all accrued annual, sick, and converted sick leave to the new agency.
(7) An employee separating from state service shall be paid in a lump sum for all annual leave and excess hours. An FLSA nonexempt employee shall also be paid in a lump sum for all compensatory hours.
(a) An employee separating from state service for reasons other than retirement shall be paid in a lump sum for all converted sick leave.
(b) Converted sick leave for a retiring employee shall be subject to Section R477-7-5.
(c) Annual, sick and holiday leave may not be used or accrued after the last day worked, except for:
(i) leave without pay;
(ii) administrative leave specifically approved by management to be used after the last day worked;
(iii) leave granted under the FMLA; or
(iv) leave granted for other medical reasons that was approved prior to the commencement of the leave period.
(8) Contributions to benefits may not be paid on cashed out leave, other than FICA tax, except as it applies to converted sick leave in Section R477-7-5(2) and the Retirement Benefit in Section R477-7-6.
R477-7-6. Sick Leave Retirement Benefit.
Upon retirement from active employment, an employee shall receive an unused sick leave retirement benefit under Sections 67-19-14.2 and 67-19-14.4.
(1) An employee in the Tier I retirement system or the Tier II hybrid retirement system shall become eligible for this benefit when actively retiring with Utah Retirement Systems.
(2) An employee in the Tier II defined contribution system shall become eligible when terminating employment on or after the retirement date established by the Utah Retirement Systems. This date reflects service time accrued by the employee as if the employee were in the Tier II hybrid retirement system.
([1]3)(a) Sick leave hours accrued prior to January 1, 2006
shall be Program I sick leave hours.
(b) Sick leave hours accrued after January 1, 2006 shall be Program II sick leave hours.
([2]4) An agency may offer the Unused Sick Leave Retirement
Option Program I to an employee who is eligible to receive
retirement benefits. However, any decision whether or not to
participate in this program shall be agency wide and shall be
consistent through an entire fiscal year.
(a) If an agency decides to withdraw for the next fiscal year after initially deciding to participate, the agency shall notify all employees at least 60 days before the new fiscal year begins.
([3]5) An employee in a participating agency shall receive the
following benefit provided by the Unused Sick Leave Retirement
Options Program I.
(a) [Continuing health and life insurance.
(i) The employing agency shall provide the same health
and life insurance benefits as provided to current employees
until the employee reaches the age eligible for Medicare or up to
the following number of years, whichever comes first.
(A) one year if the employee retires during calendar year
2010; or
(B) zero years if the employee retires after calendar
year 2010.
(ii) Health insurance provided shall be the same coverage
carried by the employee at the time of retirement; i.e., family,
two-party, or single. If the employee has no health coverage in
place upon retirement, none shall be offered or
(iii) Life insurance provided shall be the minimum
authorized coverage provided for all state employees at the time
the employee retires.
(iv) The retiree shall pay the same percentage of the
premium as a current employee on the same plan. The premium
amount shall be determined from the approved PEHP retiree rate
and not the active employee rates.
(b)] 25% of the value of the unused sick leave,
but not to exceed Internal Revenue Service limitations, shall be
placed in the employees 401(k) account as an employer
(i) Sick leave hours from Program II shall be placed in the 401(k) account before hours from Program I.
(ii) After the 401(k) contribution is
made, [an additional amount shall be deducted from the employees
remaining Program I sick leave balance as follows.
(A) 96 hours if the employee retires during calendar year
2010; or
(B) zero hours if the employee retires after calendar
year 2010.
(C) T]the remaining Program I sick leave hours and converted sick
leave hours from Subsection R477-7-5([4]5)(b)(i) shall be used to provide the following benefit.
(i ii) The purchase of PEHP health insurance, or a state approved program, and life insurance coverage for the employee until the employee reaches the age eligible for Medicare.
(A) Health insurance shall be the same coverage carried by the employee at the time of retirement; i.e., family, two-party, or single.
(B) The purchase rate shall be eight hours of sick leave or converted sick leave for the state paid portion of one month's premium.
(C) The employee shall pay the same percentage of the premium as a current employee on the same plan. The premium amount shall be determined from the approved PEHP retiree rate and not the active employee rates.
(D) Life insurance provided shall be the minimum authorized coverage provided for state employees at the time the employee retires.
(i[i]v) When the employee becomes eligible for Medicare, a
Medicare supplement policy provided by PEHP may be purchased at the
rate of eight hours of sick leave or converted sick leave for one
month's premium.
([iii]v) When the employee becomes eligible for Medicare, a PEHP
health insurance policy, or another state approved policy, may be
purchased for a spouse until the spouse is eligible for
(A) The purchase rate shall be eight hours of sick leave or converted sick leave for one month's premium.
(B) The employee shall pay the same percentage of the premium as a current employee on the same plan. The premium amount shall be determined from the approved PEHP retiree rate and not the active employee rates.
i) When the spouse reaches the age eligible for Medicare,
the employee may purchase a Medicare supplement policy provided by
PEHP for the spouse at the rate of eight hours of sick leave or
converted sick leave for one month's premium.
(v ii) In the event an employee is killed in the line of duty, the employee's spouse shall be eligible to use the employee's available sick leave hours for the purchase of health and dental insurance under Section 67-19-14.3.
([c]b) Upon retirement, Program I sick leave hours may not be
suspended or deferred for future use. This includes retired
employees who reemploy with the state and choose to suspend their
defined benefit payments.
([4]6) An employee shall receive the following benefit provided
by the Unused Sick Leave Retirement Option Program II.
(a) 25% of the value of the unused sick leave, but not to exceed Internal Revenue Service limitations, shall be placed in the employee's 401(k) account as an employer contribution.
(b) After the 401(k) contribution the
remaining sick leave hours and the converted sick leave hours from
Subsection R477-7-5([4]5)(b)(ii) shall be deposited in the employee
's PEHP health reimbursement account at the greater
(i) the employee 's rate of pay at retirement, or
(ii) the average rate of pay of state employees who retired in the same retirement system in the previous calendar year.
(c) Retired employees who reemploy with the state in a benefited position will have a new benefit calculated on any new Program II sick leave hours accrued, upon subsequent retirement, for the new period of employment.
R477-7-8. Jury Leave.
(1) An employee is entitled to a leave of absence from a regularly scheduled work day with full pay when, in obedience to a subpoena or direction by proper authority, the employee is required to:
(a) appear as a witness as part of the employee's position for the federal government, the State of Utah, or a political subdivision of the state; or
(b) serve as a witness in a grievance hearing under Section 67-19-31 and Title 67, Chapter 19a; or
(c) serve on a jury.
(2) An employee who is absent in order to litigate in matters unrelated to state employment shall use eligible accrued leave or leave without pay.
(3) An employee choosing to use paid leave while on jury duty shall be entitled to keep juror's fees; otherwise, juror's fees received shall be returned to agency payroll clerks for deposit with the State Treasurer. The fees shall be deposited as a refund of expenditure in the unit where the salary is recorded.
R477-7-10. Military Leave.
An employee who is a member of the
National Guard or Military Reserves and is on official military
orders is entitled to paid military leave not to exceed 120 hours
each calendar year, including travel time, under Section 39-3-[1]2.
(1) An employee may not claim salary for nonworking days spent in military training or for traditional weekend training.
(2) An employee may use any combination of military leave, accrued leave or leave without pay under Section R477-7-13.
([i]a) Accrued sick leave may only be used if the reason for
leave meets the conditions in Section R477-7-4.
(3) An employee on military leave is eligible for any service awards or non-performance administrative leave the employee would otherwise be eligible to receive.
(4) An employee shall give notice of official military orders as soon as possible.
(5) Upon release from official military orders under honorable conditions, an employee shall be placed in a position in the following order of priority.
(a) If the period of service was for less than 91 days, the employee shall be placed:
(i) in the same position the employee held on the date of the commencement of the service in the uniformed services; or
(ii) in the same position the employee would have held if the continuous employment of the employee had not been interrupted by the service.
(b) If the period of service was for more than 90 days, the employee shall be placed:
(i) in a position of like seniority, status and salary, of the position the employee held on the date of the commencement of the service in the uniformed services; or
(ii) in a position of like seniority, status, and salary the employee would have held if the continuous employment of the employee had not been interrupted by the service.
(c) When a disability is incurred or aggravated while on official military orders, the employing agency shall adhere to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), United States Code, Title 38, Chapter 43.
(d) The cumulative length of time allowed for reemployment may not exceed five years. This rule incorporates by reference 20CFR1002.103 for the purposes of calculating cumulative time.
(e) An employee is entitled to reemployment rights and benefits including increased pension and leave accrual to which the employee would have been entitled had the employee not been absent due to military service. An employee entering military leave may elect to have payment for annual leave deferred.
(6) In order to be reemployed, an employee shall present evidence of military service, and:
(a) for service less than 31 days, return at the beginning of the next regularly scheduled work period on the first full day after release from service unless impossible or unreasonable through no fault of the employee;
(b) for service of more than 30 days but less than 181 days, submit a request for reemployment within 14 days of release from service, unless impossible or unreasonable through no fault of the employee; or
(c) for service of more than 180 days, submit a request for reemployment within 90 days of release from service.
R477-7-11. Disaster Relief Volunteer Leave.
(1) An employee may be granted leave from
work with pay, by the agency head or designee, for an aggregate of
15 working days in any 12 month period to participate in disaster
relief services for [the American Red Cross]
a disaster relief organization. To request this leave an
employee shall be a certified disaster relief volunteer and file a
written request with the employing agency. The request shall
(a) a copy of a written request for the
employee's services from an official of the [American Red Cross]disaster relief organization;
(b) the anticipated duration of the absence;
(c) the type of service the employee is to
for the American Red Cross]; and
(d) the nature and location of the disaster where the employee's services will be provided.
R477-7-13. Leave of Absence Without Pay.
(1) An employee shall apply in writing to agency management for approval of a leave of absence without pay.
(a) Leave without pay may be granted only when there is an expectation that the employee will return to work.
(b) The employee shall be entitled to previously accrued annual and sick leave.
(c) If unable to return to work within the time period granted, the employee shall be separated from state employment unless prohibited by state or federal law.
(2) Nonmedical Reasons
(a) Approval may be granted for continuous leave for up to six months from the last day worked in the employee's regular position. Exceptions may be granted by the agency head.
(b) Agency management may approve leave without pay for an employee even though annual or sick leave balances exist.
(c) An employee who receives no compensation for a complete pay period shall be responsible for payment of the full premium of state provided benefits.
(d) An employee who returns to work on or before the expiration of leave without pay shall be placed in a position with comparable pay and seniority to the previously held position.
(3) Medical Reasons
(a) An employee who [is ineligible]does not qualify for FMLA, Workers Compensation, or Long
Term Disability may be granted leave without pay for medical
reasons not to exceed six months cumulative from the first day of
absence or inability to perform the employee's regular
(i) A leave of absence may not be granted when documentation from one or more qualified healthcare providers clearly establishes that the employee has a permanent condition preventing the employee from returning to the last held regular position unless prohibited by state or federal law.
(b) After six months cumulative from the first day of absence or inability to perform the regular position, the employee shall be separated from employment unless prohibited by state or federal law. Exceptions may be granted by the agency head in consultation with DHRM.
(c) Except as otherwise provided under the Family Medical Leave Act, an employee who receives no compensation for a complete pay period shall be responsible for payment of the full premium of state provided benefits.
(d) Upon request, an employee who is granted this leave shall provide a monthly return to work status update to the employee's supervisor.
R477-7-15. Family and Medical Leave.
(1) An eligible employee is allowed up to 12 work weeks of family and medical leave each calendar year for any of the following reasons:
(a) birth of a child;
(b) adoption of a child;
(c) placement of a foster child;
(d) a serious health condition of the employee; or
(e) care of a spouse, dependent child, or parent with a serious medical condition.
(f) A qualifying exigency arising as a result of a spouse, son, daughter or parent being on active duty or having been notified of an impending call or order to active duty in the Armed Forces.
(2) An employee is allowed up to 26 work weeks of family and medical leave during a 12 month period to care for a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin who is a recovering service member as defined by the National Defense Authorization Act.
(3) An employee on FMLA leave shall continue to receive the same health insurance benefits the employee was receiving prior to the commencement of FMLA leave provided the employee pays the employee share of the health insurance premium.
(4) An employee on FMLA leave shall receive any administrative leave given for non-performance based reasons if the leave would have been given had the employee been in a working status.
(5) To be eligible for family and medical leave, the employee shall:
(a) be employed by the state for at least one year;
(b) be employed by the state for a minimum of 1250 hours worked, as determined under FMLA, during the 12 month period immediately preceding the commencement of leave.
(6) To request FMLA leave, the employee or an appropriate spokesperson, shall apply in writing for the initial leave and when the reason for requesting family medical leave changes:
(a) thirty days in advance for foreseeable needs; or
(b) as soon as practicable in emergencies.
(7) An employee may use accrued annual leave, sick leave, converted sick leave, excess hours and compensatory time prior to going into leave without pay status for the family and medical leave period.
(8) An employee who chooses to use FMLA leave shall use FMLA leave for all absences related to that qualifying event.
(9) Any period of leave [without pay] for an employee with a serious health
condition who is determined by a health care provider to be
incapable of applying for Family and Medical Leave and has no agent
or designee shall be designated as FMLA leave.
(10) An employee with a serious health condition covered under workers' compensation may use FMLA leave concurrently with the workers' compensation benefit.
(11) If an employee has gone into leave without pay status and fails to return to work after FMLA leave has ended, an agency may recover, with certain exceptions, the health insurance premiums paid by the agency on the employee's behalf. An employee is considered to have returned to work if the employee returns for at least 30 calendar days.
(a) Exceptions to this provision include:
(i) an FLSA exempt and schedule AB, AD and AR employee who has been denied restoration upon expiration of their leave time;
(ii) an employee whose circumstances change unexpectedly beyond the employee's control during the leave period preventing the return to work at the end of 12 weeks.
(12) Leave taken for purposes of childbirth, adoption, placement for adoption or foster care may not be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule unless the employee and employer mutually agree.
(13) [Employees on FMLA may not work a second job without written
consent of the agency head.
(14)] Medical records created for purposes of FMLA
and the Americans with Disabilities Act shall be maintained in
accordance with confidentiality requirements of Subsection
R477-7-17. Long Term Disability Leave.
(1) An employee who is determined eligible for the Long Term Disability Program (LTD) may be granted up to six months of leave cumulative from the first day of absence or inability to perform the regular position as the result of health conditions, unless documentation from one or more qualified health care providers clearly establishes that the employee has a permanent condition preventing the employee from returning to the last-held regular position. Exceptions to the six months may be granted by the agency head.
(a) For LTD qualifying purposes, the medical leave begins on the day after the last day the employee worked in the employee's regular position. LTD requires a waiting period before benefit payments begin.
(b) An employee determined eligible for Long Term Disability benefits shall be eligible for health insurance benefits the day after the last day worked or the last day of FMLA leave.
(i) If the employee elects to continue health insurance coverage, the health insurance premiums shall be equal to 102% of the regular active premium beginning on the day after the last day worked. The employee is responsible for 10% of the health insurance premium during the first year of disability, 20% during the second year of disability, and 30% thereafter until the employee is no longer covered by the long term disability program. If the employee has a lapse of creditable coverage for more than 62 days, pre-existing condition exclusions shall apply.
(c) Upon approval of the LTD claim:
(i) Biweekly salary payments that the employee may be receiving shall cease. If the employee received any salary payments after the three month waiting period, the LTD benefit shall be offset by the amount received.
(ii) The employee shall be paid for remaining balances of annual leave, excess hours, and compensatory hours earned by FLSA non-exempt employees in a lump sum payment. This payment shall be made at the time LTD is approved unless the employee requests in writing to receive it upon separation from state employment. No reduction of the LTD payment shall be made to offset this payment. Upon return to work from an approved leave of absence, the employee has the option of buying back annual leave at the current hourly rate.
(iii) An employee with a converted sick leave balance at the time of LTD eligibility shall have the option to receive a lump sum payout of all or part of the balance or to keep the balance intact to pay for health and life insurance upon retirement. The payout shall be at the rate at the time of LTD eligibility.
(iv) An employee who retires from state government directly from LTD may be eligible for health and life insurance under Subsection 67-19-14(2)(b)(ii).
(v) Unused sick leave balance shall remain intact until the employee retires. At retirement, the employee shall be eligible for the 401(k) contribution and the purchase of health and life insurance under Subsection 67-19-14(2)(c)(i).
(2) An employee shall continue to accrue service credit for retirement purposes while receiving long term disability benefits.
(3) Conditions for return from long term disability include:
(a) If an employee provides an administratively acceptable medical release allowing a return to work, the agency shall place the employee in the previously held position or similar position in a comparable salary range provided the employee is able to perform the essential functions of the job with or without a reasonable accommodation.
(b) After six months of cumulative absence from or inability to perform the regular position, the employee shall be separated from state employment unless prohibited by state or federal law. Exceptions may be granted by the agency head.
(4) An employee who files a fraudulent long term disability claim shall be disciplined under Rule R477-11.
(5) Long term disability benefits are provided to eligible employees in accordance with 49-21-403.
KEY: holidays, leave benefits, vacations
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 1, 2010]2011
Notice of Continuation: June 29, 2007
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 34-43-103; 63G-1-301; 67-19-6; 67-19-12.9; 67-19-14; 67-19-14.2; 67-19-14.4
Additional Information
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact J.J. Acker at the above address, by phone at 801-537-9096, by FAX at 801-538-3081, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].