File No. 35016

This rule was published in the August 1, 2011, issue (Vol. 2011, No. 15) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing

Rule R156-56

Utah Uniform Building Standard Act Rule

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 35016
Filed: 07/07/2011 01:40:39 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

H.B. 203, which was passed during the 2011 General Session, rewrote Title 58, Chapter 56, and moved the building code and related provisions to Title 15A and left the building inspector licensure and factory built housing provisions in Title 58, Chapter 56. The building code provisions deleted in this proposed rule change will be moved to the new Rule R156-15A. This proposed rule change makes technical changes to accomplish this reorganization. Additional technical changes are included throughout the rule that affect punctuation and citations. Finally, this proposed rule change corrects certain references to "codes" previously adopted by rule but now adopted by statute to read "state construction codes adopted under Title 15A."

Summary of the rule or change:

In Section R156-56-101, the title of the rule is renamed to correctly reflect the revised scope of licensing provisions covered by this rule for building inspectors and factory built housing. In Section R156-56-102, inapplicable definitions are deleted and a definition for "Board" is added to be consistent with the Division's model rule format. The deleted definitions will be moved to new sections established under Rule R156-15A. Sections R156-56-105, R156-56-106, R156-56-202, R156-56-420, R156-56-601, R156-56-701, R156-56-702, R156-56-801, and R156-56-802 are being deleted and will be moved to new sections under Rule R156-15A. In Section R156-56-302, minor wording changes are made throughout this section to be consistent with recent statute changes. In Sections R156-56-401 and R156-56-402, old wording is being deleted and is replaced with information applying to factory built housing which was previously in Sections R156-56-602 and R156-56-604. Section R156-56-403 is being added with wording applying to factory built housing that was previously in Section R156-56-603. In Section R156-56-501, added a statute citation.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Subsection 58-1-202(1)(a)
  • Subsection 58-1-106(1)(a)
  • Section 58-56-1

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The Division will incur minimal costs of approximately $50 to print and distribute the rule once the proposed amendments are made effective. Any costs incurred will be absorbed in the Division's current budget.

local governments:

The proposed amendments only apply to licensed building inspectors and factory built housing dealers and applicants for licensure in those classifications. As a result, the proposed amendments do not apply to local governments.

small businesses:

The proposed amendments only apply to licensed building inspectors and factory built housing dealers and applicants for licensure in those classifications. Licensees and applicants for licensure may work in a small business; however, the proposed amendments would not directly affect the business. No substantive licensure requirements have been changed in this proposed rule. Therefore, there is no financial impact as a result of the proposed amendments.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The proposed amendments only apply to licensed building inspectors and factory built housing dealers and applicants for licensure in those classifications. No substantive licensure requirements have been changed in this proposed rule. Therefore, there is no financial impact as a result of the proposed amendments.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The proposed amendments only apply to licensed building inspectors and factory built housing dealers and applicants for licensure in those classifications. No substantive licensure requirements have been changed in this proposed rule. Therefore, there is no financial impact as a result of the proposed amendments.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

No fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated with this rule filing, which implements a recent statutory change and renumbers and reorganizes existing provisions.

Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Occupational and Professional Licensing
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Dan Jones at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6720, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

  • 08/10/2011 09:00 AM, State Office Building, 450 N State Street, Room 4112, Salt Lake City, UT

This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Mark Steinagel, Director


R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.

R156-56. [Utah Uniform Building Standard]Building Inspector and Factory Built Housing Licensing Act Rule.

R156-56-101. Title.

This rule is known as the "[Utah Uniform Building Standard]Building Inspector and Factory Built Housing Licensing Act Rule".


R156-56-102. Definitions.

In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapters 1, 55 and 56, as used in Title 58, Chapter 56 or this rule:

(1) "Board" means the Building Inspector Licensing Board created in Section 58-56-8.5.[

(1) "Building permit" means, for the purpose of determining the building permit surcharge under Subsection 58-56-9(4), a warrant, license or authorization to build or construct a building or structure or any part thereof.

(2) "Building permit fee" means, for the purpose of determining the building permit surcharge under Subsection 58-56-9(4), fees assessed by an agency of the state or political subdivision of the state for the issuance of permits for construction, alteration, remodeling, and repair and installation including building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing components.]

([3]2) "Employed by a local regulator, state regulator or compliance agency" means, with respect to Subsection 58-56-9(1), the hiring of services of a qualified inspector whether by an employer/employee relationship, an independent contractor relationship, a fee-for-service relationship or any other lawful arrangement under which the regulating agency purchases the services of a qualified inspector.

([4]3) "Inspector" means a person employed by a local regulator, state regulator or compliance agency for the purpose of inspecting building, electrical, plumbing or mechanical construction, alteration, remodeling, repair or installation in accordance with the state construction codes adopted under [this rule]Title 15A and taking appropriate action based upon the findings made during inspection.[

(5) "Permit number", as used in Sections R156-56-401 and R156-56-402, means the standardized building permit number described below in R156-56-401.

(6) "Refuses to establish a method of appeal" means with respect to Subsection 58-56-8(3), that a compliance agency does not in fact adopt a formal written method of appealing uniform building standard matters in accordance with generally recognized standards of due process; or, that the compliance agency does not convene an appeals board and render a decision in the matter within ninety days from the date on which the appeal is properly filed with the compliance agency.]


[ R156-56-105. Board of Appeals.

If the Commission is required to act as an appeals board in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 58-56-8(3), the following shall regulate the convening and conduct of the special appeals board:

(1) If a compliance agency refuses to establish a method of appeal regarding a uniform building standard issue, the appealing party may petition the Commission to act as the board of appeals.

(2) The person making the appeal shall file the request to convene the Commission as an appeals board in accordance with the requirements for a request for agency action, as set forth in Subsection 63G-4-201(3)(a) and Section R151-46b-7. A request by other means shall not be considered. Any request received by the Commission or Division by any other means shall be returned to the appellant with appropriate instructions.

(3) A copy of the final written decision of the compliance agency interpreting or applying a code which is the subject of the dispute shall be submitted as an attachment to the request. If the person making the appeal requests, but does not timely receive a final written decision, the person shall submit an affidavit to this effect in lieu of the final written decision.

(4) The request shall be filed with the Division no later than 30 days following the issuance of the disputed written decision by the compliance agency.

(5) The compliance agency shall file a written response to the request not later than 20 days after the filing of the request. The request and response shall be provided to the Commission in advance of any hearing in order to properly frame the disputed issues.

(6) Except with regard to the time period specified in Subsection (7), the time periods specified in this section may, upon a showing of good cause, be modified by the presiding officer conducting the proceeding.

(7) The Commission shall convene as an appeals board within 45 days after a request is properly filed.

(8) Upon the convening of the Commission as an appeals board, the board members shall review the issue to be considered to determine if a member of the board has a conflict of interest which would preclude the member from fairly hearing and deciding the issue. If it is determined that a conflict does exist, the member shall be excused from participating in the proceedings.

(9) The hearing shall be a formal hearing held in accordance with the Utah Administrative Procedures Act, Title 63G, Chapter 4.

(10) Decisions relating to the application and interpretation of the code made by a compliance agency board of appeals shall be binding for the specific individual case and shall not require Commission approval.


R156-56-106. Fees.

In accordance with Subsection 58-56-9(4), on April 30, July 31, October 31 and January 31 of each year, each agency of the state and each political subdivision of the state which assesses a building permit fee shall file with the Division a report of building fees and surcharge for the immediately preceding calendar quarter; and, shall remit 80% of the amount of the surcharge to have been assessed to the Division.


R156-56-202. Advisory Peer Committees Created - Membership - Duties.

(1) There is created in accordance with Subsection 58-1-203(1)(f) and 58-56-5(10)(e), the following committees as advisory peer committees to the Uniform Building Codes Commission:

(a) the Education Advisory Committee consisting of nine members, which shall include a design professional, a general contractor, an electrical contractor, a mechanical or plumbing contractor, an educator, and four inspectors (one from each of the specialties of plumbing, electrical, mechanical and general building);

(b) the Plumbing and Health Advisory Committee consisting of nine members;

(c) the Structural Advisory Committee consisting of seven members;

(d) the Architectural Advisory Committee consisting of seven members;

(e) the Fire Protection Advisory Committee consisting of five members;

(i) This committee shall join together with the Fire Advisory and Code Analysis Committee of the Utah Fire Prevention Board to form the Unified Code Analysis Council.

(ii) The Unified Code Analysis Council shall meet as directed by the Utah Fire Prevention Board or as directed by the Uniform Building Code Commission or as needed to review fire prevention and building code issues that require definitive and specific analysis.

(iii) The Unified Code Analysis Council shall select one of its members to act in the position of chair and another to act as vice chair. The chair and vice chair shall serve for one year terms on a calendar year basis. Elections for chair and vice chair shall occur at the meeting conducted in the last quarter of the calendar year.

(iv) The chair or vice chair shall report to the Utah Fire Prevention Board or Uniform Building Code Commission recommendations of the council with regard to the review of fire and building codes;

(f) the Mechanical Advisory Committee consisting of seven members; and

(g) the Electrical Advisory Committee consisting of seven members.

(2) The committees shall be appointed and serve in accordance with Section R156-1-205. The membership of each committee shall be made up of individuals who have direct knowledge or involvement in the area of code involved in the title of that committee.

(3) The duties and responsibilities of the committees shall include:

(a) review of codes proposed for adoption or approval as assigned by the Division in collaboration with the Commission;

(b) review of requests for amendments to the adopted codes or approved codes as assigned to each committee by the Division with the collaboration of the Commission;

(c) submission of recommendations concerning the reviews made under Subsection (a) and (b); and

(d) the Education Advisory Committee shall review and make recommendations regarding funding requests which are submitted, and review and make recommendations regarding budget, revenue and expenses of the education fund established pursuant to Subsection 58-56-9(4).


]R156-56-302. Qualifications for Licensure of Inspectors - Application Requirements.

In accordance with Subsection 58-56-9(1), the licensee classifications, scope of work, qualifications for licensure, and application for license are established as follows:

(1) License Classifications. Each inspector required to be licensed under Subsection 58-56-9(1) shall qualify for licensure and be licensed by the Division in one of the following classifications:

(a) Combination Inspector; or

(b) Limited Inspector.

(2) Scope of Work. The scope of work permitted under each inspector classification is as follows:

(a) Combination Inspector.

(i) Inspect the components of any building, structure or work for which a standard is provided in the specific edition of the state construction codes adopted under Title 15A[this rule or amendments to these codes as included in this rule].

(ii) Determine whether the construction, alteration, remodeling, repair or installation of all components of any building, structure or work is in compliance with the state construction code adopted under Title 15A[codes].

(iii) After determination of compliance or noncompliance with the state construction codes adopted under Title 15A, [codes] take appropriate action as is provided in the aforesaid codes.

(b) Limited Inspector.

(i) A Limited Inspector may only conduct activities under Subsections (ii), (iii) or (iv) for which the Limited Inspector has maintained current certificates under [the]state construction codes adopted under Title 15A [adopted codes] as provided under Subsection[s] R156-56-302(3)(b)[and R156-56-302(2)(c)(ii)].

(ii) Subject to the limitations of Subsection (i), inspect the components of any building, structure or work for which a standard is provided in the state construction codes adopted under Title 15A[specific edition of the codes adopted under this rule or amendments to these codes as included in this rule].

(iii) Subject to the limitations under Subsection (i), determine whether the construction, alteration, remodeling, repair or installation of components of any building, structure or work is in compliance with the state construction codes adopted under Title 15A[adopted codes].

(iv) Subject to the limitations under Subsection (i), after determination of compliance or noncompliance with the state construction codes adopted under Title 15A[codes], take appropriate action as is provided in the adopted codes.

(3) Qualifications for Licensure. The qualifications for licensure for each inspector classification are as follows:

(a) Combination Inspector.

Has passed the examination for and maintained as current the following national certifications for state construction codes adopted under Title 15A[this rule]:

(i) the "Combination Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council; or

(ii) all of the following certifications:

(A) the "Building Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council or both the "Commercial Building Inspector Certification" and the "Residential Building Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(B) the "Electrical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council or the "General Electrical Certification" issued by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors, or both the "Commercial Electrical Inspector Certification" and the "Residential Electrical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(C) the "Plumbing Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council, or both the "Commercial Plumbing Inspector Certification" and the "Residential Plumbing Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council; and

(D) the "Mechanical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council or both the "Commercial Mechanical Inspector Certification" and the "Residential Mechanical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council.

(b) Limited Inspector.

Has passed the examination for and maintained as current one or more of the following national certifications for state construction codes adopted under Title 15A[this rule]:

(i) the "Building Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(ii) the "Electrical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council or the "General Electrical Certification" issued by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors;

(iii) the "Plumbing Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(iv) the "Mechanical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(v) the "Residential Combination Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(vi) the "Commercial Combination Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(vii) the "Commercial Building Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(viii) the "Commercial Electrical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(ix) the "Commercial Plumbing Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(x) the "Commercial Mechanical Inspector Certification issued by the International Code Council;

(xi) the "Residential Building Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(xii) the "Residential Electrical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(xiii) the "Residential Plumbing Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(xiv) the "Residential Mechanical Inspector Certification" issued by the International Code Council;

(xv) any other special or otherwise limited inspector certifications used by the International Code Council which certifications cover a part of the state construction codes adopted under [this rule]Title 15A, including but not limited to each of the following: Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector, Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector, Structural Masonry Special Inspector, Structural Steel and Bolting Special Inspection, Structural Welding Special Inspection, Spray Applied Fire Proofing Special Inspector, Residential Energy Inspector, Commercial Energy Inspector;

(xvi) the Certified Welding Inspector Certification issued by the American Welding Society;

(xvii) any other certification issued by an agency specified in Chapter 17 of the International Building Code ("IBC ") or an agency specified in the referenced standards; or

(xviii) any combination certification which is based upon a combination of one or more of the above listed certifications.

(c) If no qualification is listed in the IBC for a special inspector, the special inspector may submit his qualifications to the licensing board for approval.

(4) Application for License.

(a) An applicant for licensure shall:

(i) submit an application in a form prescribed by the Division; and

(ii) pay a fee determined by the department pursuant to Section 63J-1-504.

(5) Code [t]Transition [p]Provisions.

(a) If an inspector or applicant obtains a new, renewal or recertification or replacement national certificate after a new code or code edition is adopted, the inspector or applicant is required to obtain that certification under the currently adopted code or code edition.

(b) After a new code or new code edition is adopted under this rule, the inspector is required to re-certify [their]the inspector's national certification to the new code or code edition at the next available renewal cycle of the national certification.

(c) If a licensed inspector fails to obtain the national certification as required in Subsection (a) or (b), [their]the inspector's authority to inspect for the area covered by the national certification automatically expires at the expiration date of the national certification that was not obtained as required.

(d) If an inspector recertifies a national certificate on a newer edition of the codes adopted before that newer edition is adopted under this rule, such recertification shall be considered as a current national certification as required by this rule.

(e) If an inspector complies with these transition provisions, the inspector shall be considered to have a current national certification as required by this rule.


R156-56-401. [Standardized Building Permit Number]Factory Built Housing and Modular Unit Contractor Continuing Education .

[As provided in Section 58-56-19, beginning on July 1, 2009, any agency issuing a permit for construction within the state of Utah shall use the standardized building permit numbering system. The standardized building permit numbering system described under Subsection 58-56-19(4) shall include a combination of alpha or numeric characters arranged in a format acceptable to the issuing agency.]In accordance with Subsection 15A-1-306(1)(f)(ii), continuing education required for factory built housing installation contractors and modular construction installation contractors is as stated in Subsection 58-55-303(2)(b).


R156-56-402. [Standardized Building Permit Content]Factory Built Housing Dealer Bonds .

[As provided in Section 58-56-19, beginning January 1, 2007, any agency issuing a permit for construction within the state of Utah shall use a permit form that incorporates standardized building permit content as follows:

(1) permit number, as set forth in Subsection R156-56-401(1), shall be printed by typewriter, computer printer or rubber stamp in the upper right-hand corner of the building permit in at least 12-point type;

(2) the name of the owner of the project;

(3) the name of the original contractor or owner-builder for the project;

(4) whether the permit applicant is an original contractor or owner-builder; and

(5) street address of the project or a general description of the project.](1) In accordance with Subsection 58-56-16(2)(c), a factory built housing dealer shall provide a registration bond issued by a surety acceptable to the Division in the amount of $50,000. An acceptable surety is one that is listed in the Department of Treasury, Fiscal Service, Circular 570, current revision, entitled "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies".

(2) The coverage of the registration bond shall include losses that may occur as the result of the factory built housing dealer's violation of the unprofessional or unlawful conduct provisions contained in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 56.


R156-56-403. Factory Built Housing Dispute Resolution Program.

(1) In accordance with Subsection 15A-1-306(1)(f)(i), the dispute resolution program is defined and clarified as follows:

(a) Persons with manufactured housing disputes may file a complaint with the Division.

(b) The Division shall investigate such complaints and as part of its investigation may take any of the following actions:

(i) Negotiate an informal resolution with the parties involved.

(ii) Take any informal or formal action allowed by any applicable statute, including but not limited to:

(A) pursuing disciplinary proceedings under Section 58-1-401;

(B) assessing civil penalties under Subsection 15A-1-306(2); and

(C) referring matters to appropriate criminal prosecuting agencies and cooperating or assisting with the investigation and prosecution of cases by such agencies.

(c) In addition, persons with manufactured housing disputes may pursue a civil remedy.


[R156-56-420. Administration of Building Code Training Fund.

In accordance with Subsection 58-56-9(3)(a), the Division shall use monies received under Subsection 58-56-9(4) to provide education regarding codes and code amendments to building inspectors and individuals engaged in construction-related trades or professions. The following procedures, standards and policies are established to apply to the administration of the fund:

(1) The Division shall not approve or deny expenditure requests from the Building Code Training Fund ("the fund") until the Uniform Building Code Commission (UBCC) Education Advisory Committee ("the Committee"), created in accordance with Subsections 58-1-203(1)(f), 58-56-5(10)(d) and (e), and R156-56-202(1)(a) has considered and made its recommendations on the requests.

(2) Appropriate funding expenditure categories include:

(a) grants in the form of reimbursement funding to the following organizations which administer code related educational events, seminars or classes:

(i) schools, colleges, universities, departments of universities or other institutions of learning;

(ii) professional associations or organizations; and

(iii) governmental agencies.

(b) costs or expenses incurred as a result of educational events, seminars or classes directly administered by the Division;

(c) expenses incurred for the salary, benefits or other compensation and related expenses resulting from the employment of a Board Secretary;

(d) office equipment and associated administrative expenses required for the performance of the duties of the Board Secretary, including but not limited to computer equipment, telecommunication equipment and costs and general office supplies; and

(e) other related expenses as determined by the Division.

(3) The following procedure shall be used for submission, review and payment of funding grants:

(a) A funding grant applicant shall submit a completed "Application for Building Code Training Funds Grant" a minimum of 15 days prior to the meeting at which the request is to be considered and prior to the training event on forms provided for that purpose by the Division. Applications received less than 15 days prior to a meeting may be denied.

(b) Payment of approved funding grants will be made as reimbursement after the approved event, class, or seminar has been held and the required receipts, invoices and supporting documentation, including proof of payment if requested by the Division or Committee, have been submitted to the Division.

(4) The Committee shall consider the following in determining whether to recommend approval of a proposed funding request to the Division:

(a) the fund balance available and whether the proposed request meets the overall training objectives of the fund, including but not limited to:

(i) the need for training on the subject matter;

(ii) the need for training in the geographical area where the training is offered; and

(iii) the need for training on new codes being considered for adoption;

(b) the prior record of the program sponsor in providing codes training including:

(i) whether the subject matter taught was appropriate;

(ii) whether the instructor was appropriately qualified and prepared; and

(iii) whether the program sponsor followed appropriate and adequate procedures and requirements in providing the training and submitting requests for funding;

(c) costs of the facility including:

(i) the location of a facility or venue to the type of event, seminar or class;

(ii) the suitability of said facility or venue with regard to the anticipated attendance at or in connection with additional non-funded portions of an event or conference;

(iii) the duration of the proposed educational event, seminar or class; and

(iv) whether the proposed cost of the facility is reasonable compared to the cost of alternative available facilities;

(d) the estimated cost for instructor fees including:

(i) the experience or expertise of the instructor in the proposed training area;

(ii) the quality of training based upon events, seminars or classes that have been previously taught by the instructor;

(iii) the drawing power of the instructor, meaning the ability to increase the attendance at the proposed educational event, seminar or class;

(iv) travel expenses; and

(v) whether the proposed cost for the instructor or instructors is reasonable compared to the costs of similar educational events, seminars or classes;

(e) the estimated cost of advertising materials, brochures, registration and agenda materials including:

(i) printing costs which may include creative or design expenses; and

(ii) whether delivery or mailing costs, including postage and handling, are reasonable compared to the cost of alternate available means of delivery;

(f) other reasonable and comparable cost alternatives for each proposed expense item; and

(g) any other information the Committee reasonably believes may assist in evaluating a proposed expenditure.

(5) Joint Functions.

(a) "Joint function" means a proposed event, class, seminar or program that provides code or code related education and education or activities in other areas.

(b) Only the prorated portions of a joint function which are code and code related education are eligible for a funding grant.

(c) In considering a proposed funding request that involves a joint function, the Committee shall consider whether:

(i) the expenses subject to funding are reasonably prorated for the costs directly related to the code and code amendment education; and

(ii) the education being proposed will be reasonable and successful in the training objective in the context of the entire program or event.

(6) Advertising materials, brochures and agenda or training materials for a funded educational event, seminar or class shall include a statement which acknowledges that partial funding of the training program has been provided by the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing from the 1% surcharge funds on all building permits.


]R156-56-501. Administrative Penalties - Unlawful Conduct.

In accordance with Subsections 58-56-9.1 , 58-56-9.3, and 58-56-9.5, unless otherwise ordered by the presiding officer, the following fine schedule shall apply:

(1) Engaging in the sale of factory built housing without being registered.

First offense: $500

Second offense: $1,000

(2) Selling factory built housing within the state as a dealer without collecting and remitting to the Division the fee required by Section 58-56-17.

First offense: $500

Second offense: $1,000

(3) Acting as a building inspector or representing oneself to be acting as a building inspector, unless licensed or exempted from licensure under Title 58, Chapter 56 or using the title building inspector or any other description, words, letters, or abbreviation indicating that the person is a building inspector if the person has not been licensed under Title 58, Chapter 56.

First offense: $500

Second offense: $1,000

(4) Acting as a building inspector beyond the scope of the license held.

First offense: $500

Second offense: $1,000

(5) Hiring or employing in any manner an unlicensed person as a building inspector, unless exempted from licensure.

First offense: $800

Second offense: $1,600

(6) Citations shall not be issued for third offenses, except in extraordinary circumstances approved by the investigative supervisor. If a citation is issued for a third offense, the fine is double the second offense amount, with a maximum amount not to exceed the maximum fine allowed under Section 58-56-9.5.

(7) If multiple offenses are cited on the same citation, the fine shall be determined by evaluating the most serious offense.

(8) An investigative supervisor may authorize a deviation from the fine schedule based upon the aggravating or mitigating circumstances.

(9) In all cases the presiding officer shall have the discretion, after a review of the aggravating or mitigating circumstances, to increase or decrease the fine amount based on the evidence reviewed.


[ R156-56-601. Modular Unit Construction and Set-up.

Modular construction and set-up shall be as set forth in accordance with the following:

(1) Construction shall be in accordance with the building standards accepted by the state pursuant to Section 58-56-4.

(2) The inspection of the construction, modification of or set-up of a modular unit shall be the responsibility of the local regulator; however, nothing in this rule shall preclude the local regulator from entering into an agreement with another qualified person for the inspection of the unit(s) in the manufacturing facility.


R156-56-602. Factory Built Housing Dealer Bonds.

(1) Pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 58-56-16(2)(c), a factory built housing dealer shall provide a registration bond issued by a surety acceptable to the Division in the amount of $50,000. An acceptable surety is one that is listed in the Department of Treasury, Fiscal Service, Circular 570, current revision, entitled "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies".

(2) The coverage of the registration bond shall include losses which may occur as the result of the factory built housing dealer's violation of the unprofessional or unlawful provisions contained in Title 58, Chapters 1 and 56.


R156-56-603. Factory Built Housing Dispute Resolution Program.

(1) Pursuant to Subsection 58-56-15(1)(f)(i), the dispute resolution program is defined and clarified as follows:

(a) Persons having disputes regarding manufactured housing issues may file a complaint with the Division.

(b) The Division shall investigate such complaints and as part of the investigation may take any of the following actions:

(i) The Division may negotiate with the parties involved for informal resolution of such complaints.

(ii) The Division may take any informal or formal action allowed by any applicable statute including, but not limited to:

(A) pursuing disciplinary proceedings under Section 58-1-401;

(B) pursing civil sanctions under Subsection 58-56-15(2); and

(C) referring matters to appropriate criminal prosecuting agencies and cooperating or assisting with the investigation and prosecution of cases by such agencies.

(c) In addition, persons having disputes regarding manufactured housing issues may also institute civil action.


R156-56-604. Factory Built Housing Continuing Education Requirements.

Pursuant to Subsection 58-56-15(1)(f)(ii), continuing education required for manufactured housing installation contractors is the continuing education required by Subsection 58-55-303(2)(b).


R156-56-701. Adopted and Approved Codes.

(1) Adopted Codes. The Division shall publish the codes adopted by the Legislature pursuant to Section 58-56-4 on its website as a separate document and adopted codes shall be no longer be incorporated into this rule.

(2) Approved Codes. In accordance with Subsection 58-56-4(6), and subject to the limitations contained in Subsection 58-56-4(7), the following codes or standards are hereby incorporated by reference and approved for use and adoption by a compliance agency as the construction standards which may be applied to existing buildings in the regulation of building alteration, remodeling, repair, removal, seismic evaluation and rehabilitation in the state:

(a) the 1997 edition of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings (UCADB) promulgated by the International Code Council;

(b) the 2009 edition of the International Existing Building Code (IEBC), including its appendix chapters, promulgated by the International Code Council;

(c) ASCE 31-03, Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings, promulgated by the American Society of Civil Engineers;

(d) ASCE/SEI 41-06, the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, promulgated by the American Society of Civil Engineers, 2007 edition.


R156-56-702. Requests for Code Amendments.

In accordance with Subsection 58-56-7(1), the procedure and manner under which requests for amendments to codes shall be filed with the Division and recommended or declined for adoption are as follows:

(1) All requests for amendments to any of the adopted codes or approved codes shall be submitted to the Division on forms specifically prepared by the Division for that purpose.

(2) The processing of requests for code amendments shall be in accordance with Division policies and procedures.


R156-56-801. Statewide Amendments to the IEBC.

The following are adopted as amendments to the IEBC to be applicable statewide:

(1) In Section 101.5 the exception is deleted.

(2) In Section 202 the definition for existing buildings is deleted and replaced with the following:

EXISTING BUILDING. A building lawfully erected under a prior adopted code, or one which is deemed a legal non-conforming building by the code official, and one which is not a dangerous building.

(3) In Section 605.1, Exception number 3, the following is added at the end of the sentence:

"unless undergoing a change of occupancy classification."

(4) Section 606.2.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:

606.2.1 Parapet bracing, wall anchors, and other appendages. Buildings constructed prior to 1975 shall have parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc. evaluated by a licensed engineer when said building is undergoing reroofing, or alteration of or repair to said feature. Such parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages shall be evaluated in accordance with the reduced International Building Code level seismic forces as specified in IEBC Section and design procedures of Section 101.5.4. When found to be deficient because of design or deteriorated condition, the engineer's recommendations to anchor, brace, reinforce, or remove the deficient feature shall be implemented.


1. Group R-3 and U occupancies.

2. Unreinforced masonry parapets need not be braced according to the above stated provisions provided that the maximum height of an unreinforced masonry parapet above the level of the diaphragm tension anchors or above the parapet braces shall not exceed one and one-half times the thickness of the parapet wall. The parapet height may be a maximum of two and one-half times its thickness in other than Seismic Design Categories D, E, or F.

(5) Section 907.3.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:

907.3.1 Compliance with the International Building Code. When a building or portion thereof is subject to a change of occupancy such that a change in the nature of the occupancy results in a higher seismic occupancy based on Table 1604.5 of the International Building Code; or where such change of occupancy results in a reclassification of a building to a higher hazard category as shown in Table 912.4; or where a change of a Group M occupancy to a Group A, E, F, M, R-1, R-2, or R-4 occupancy with two-thirds or more of the floors involved in Level 3 alteration work; or when such change of occupancy results in a design occupant load increase of 100% or more, the building shall conform to the seismic requirements of the International Building Code for the new seismic use group.

Exceptions 1-4 remain unchanged.

5. Where the design occupant load increase is less than 25 occupants and the occupancy category does not change.

(6) In Section 912.7.3 exception 2 is deleted.

(7) In Section 912.8 number 7 is added as follows:

7. When a change of occupancy in a building or portion of a building results in a Group R-2 occupancy, not less than 20 percent of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type B dwelling or sleeping units. These dwelling or sleeping units may be located on any floor of the building provided with an accessible route. Two percent, but not less than one unit, of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type A dwelling units.


R156-56-802. Local Amendment to the IEBC.

The following are adopted as amendments to the IEBC to be applicable to the following jurisdictions:



]KEY: factory built housing contractors, [building codes, ]building inspections, licensing , building inspectors

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 1, 2010]2011

Notice of Continuation: March 29, 2007

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-202(1)(a); 58-56-1[; 58-56-4(2); 58-56-6(2)(a); 58-56-19]


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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Dan Jones at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6720, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].