DAR File No. 37192
This rule was published in the February 1, 2013, issue (Vol. 2013, No. 3) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Environmental Quality, Radiation Control
Rule R313-17
Administrative Procedures
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 37192
Filed: 01/11/2013 10:04:44 AM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
Changes are required to conform with S.B. 21, 2012 General Session (Chapter 360, Laws of Utah 2012).
Summary of the rule or change:
S.B. 21 (2012) gave authority to the Director of the Division of Radiation Control to make many regulatory decisions that had previously been made either by the Radiation Control Board or by the Executive Secretary of the Radiation Control Board. This rule change implements these statutory changes by replacing occurrences of both "executive secretary" and "board" with "director." Some citations to Title 63G, Chapter 4, were deleted and the correct citations were added.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subection 19-3-104(4)
- Section 19-1-301.5
- Section 19-1-301
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
There are no anticipated costs or savings to the state budget as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.
local governments:
There are no anticipated costs or savings as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.
small businesses:
There are no anticipated costs or savings as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
There are no anticipated costs or savings as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There are no compliance costs for affected persons as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
There is no anticipated fiscal impact on businesses as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.
Amanda Smith, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental QualityRadiation ControlRoom Third Floor
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Craig Jones at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4264, by FAX at 801-533-4097, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Rusty Lundberg, Director
R313. Environmental Quality, Radiation.
R313-17. Administrative Procedures.
R313-17-1. Authority.
The rules set forth herein are adopted
pursuant to the provision of Subsection 19-3-104(4) and Sections [63G-4-102 and Sections 63G-4-201 through
63G-4-205]19-1-301 and 19-1-301.5.
R313-17-2. Public Notice and Public Comment Period.
(1) The [Executive Secretary]Director shall give public notice of and provide an
opportunity to comment on the following:
(a) A proposed major licensing action for license categories 2b and c, 4a, b, c, d and 6 identified in Section R313-70-7.
(i) Major licensing actions include:
(A) Pending issuance of a new license,
(B) Pending issuance of a license renewal,
(C) Pending approval of a license termination,
(D) An increase in process, storage, or disposal capacity,
(E) A geographic expansion,
(F) A change in engineering design, construction, or process controls that will more than likely cause an individual to receive a higher total effective dose equivalent or increase the annual quantity of radioactive effluents released to the environment,
(G) A decrease in environmental monitoring or sampling frequency,
(H) Pending approval of reclamation, decontamination or decommissioning plans,
(I) Pending approval of corrective actions to control or remediate existing radioactive material contamination, not already authorized by a license,
(J) A licensing issue the [Executive Secretary]Director deems is of significant public interest.
(b) The initial proposed registration of an ionizing radiation producing machine which operates at a kilovoltage potential (kVp) greater than 200 in an open beam configuration. R313-17-2(1)(b) does not apply to ionizing radiation producing machines used in the healing arts.
(c) Board activities that may have
significant public interest and the Board requests the [Executive Secretary]Director to take public comment on those proposed
(2) The [Executive Secretary]Director may elect to give public notice of and provide an
opportunity to comment on licensing actions that do not include the
actions in Subsection R313-17-2(1)(a)(i), for all license
categories identified in Section R313-70-7.
(3) Public notice shall allow at least 30 days for public comment.
(4) Public notice may describe more than one action listed in Subsection R313-17-2(1) and may combine notice of a public hearing with notice of the proposed action.
(5) Public notice shall be given by one or more of the following methods:
(a) Publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the proposed action,
(b) Publication on the Division of Radiation Control website, or
(c) Distribution by an electronic mail server.
R313-17-3. Administrative Procedures.
Administrative proceedings under the
Radiation Control Act are governed by Rule [R305-6]R305-7.
KEY: administrative procedures, comment, hearings, adjudicative proceedings
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [March 19, 2012]2013
Notice of Continuation: July 7, 2011
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-3-104(4);
[63G-4-102; 63G-4-201 through 63G-4-205]19-1-301 and 19-1-301.5.
Additional Information
The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2013/b20130201.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.
Text to be deleted is struck through and surrounded by brackets (e.g., [example]). Text to be added is underlined (e.g., example). Older browsers may not depict some or any of these attributes on the screen or when the document is printed.
For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Craig Jones at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4264, by FAX at 801-533-4097, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].