DAR File No. 37530
This rule was published in the May 15, 2013, issue (Vol. 2013, No. 10) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Commerce, Real Estate
Rule R162-2f
Real Estate Licensing and Practices Rules
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 37530
Filed: 04/17/2013 04:19:11 PM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The purpose of this amendment is to update and refine the educational requirements for school and course certification.
Summary of the rule or change:
The changes: 1) specify and define which instructional methods are acceptable for education credit; 2) clarify the information a real estate school must provide the Division to obtain a certification; 3) require real estate schools to notify students of the possibility of obtaining an education waiver from the Division; 4) update requirements for course certification including a school's description of its student grievance process and its course content regarding current statutes and rules; and 5) remove the requirement of preparing, administering, and submitting student evaluations to the Division.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subsection 61-2f-203(1)(e)
- Subsection 61-2f-103(1)
- Subsection 61-2f-206(3)
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
This filing does not create any new programs or standards the Division will be required to implement or enforce. The Division already has the staff and budget necessary to review applications for school and course certification, and the proposed amendments will not increase the costs of this review. Therefore, no fiscal impact to the state budget is anticipated.
local governments:
Local governments are not required to comply with or enforce the rules governing the real estate industry. Therefore, no fiscal impact to local government will result from this filing.
small businesses:
Real estate schools and course providers that find it necessary to update or modify current disclosures and course content might experience costs. These costs will vary among providers and cannot be estimated, but should be minimal on consideration that education providers routinely include in their budgets costs for reviewing and updating their course offerings. In addition, any costs experienced will be offset, at least to a degree, by savings realized from the removal of the current requirement under which providers send to the Division student evaluations of each course taught.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
Real estate schools and providers are the only persons affected by this filing. Therefore, no fiscal impact to other persons will result from this filing.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Real estate schools and course providers that find it necessary to update or modify current disclosures and course content might experience costs. These costs will vary among providers and cannot be estimated, but should be minimal on consideration that education providers routinely include in their budgets costs for reviewing and updating their course offerings. In addition, any costs experienced will be offset, at least to a degree, by savings realized from the removal of the current requirement under which providers send to the Division student evaluations of each course taught.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
As explained in the rule summary, any costs to businesses resulting from compliance with course curriculum requirements are anticipated to be minimal, and will likely be offset by savings that result form the Division's repealing language that currently requires education providers to send to the Division student evaluations of each course taught.
Francine A. Giani, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
CommerceReal Estate
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Ben Jensen at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6603, by FAX at 801-526-4387, or by Internet E-mail at bjensen@utah.gov
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Jonathan Stewart, Director
R162. Commerce, Real Estate.
R162-2f. Real Estate Licensing and Practices Rules.
R162-2f-102. Definitions.
(1) "Active license" means a license granted to an applicant who:
(a) qualifies for licensure under Section 61-2f-203 and these rules;
(b) pays all applicable nonrefundable license fees; and
(c) affiliates with a principal brokerage.
(2) "Advertising" means solicitation through:
(a) newspaper;
(b) magazine;
(c) Internet;
(d) e-mail;
(e) radio;
(f) television;
(g) direct mail promotions;
(h) business cards;
(i) door hangers;
(j) signs; or
(k) any other medium.
(3) "Affiliate":
(a) when used in reference to licensure, means to form, for the purpose of providing a real estate service, an employment or non-employment association with another individual or entity licensed or registered under Title 61, Chapter 2f et seq. and these rules; and
(b) when used in reference to an undivided fractionalize long-term estate, means an individual or entity that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common control with, a specified individual or entity.
(4) "Branch broker" means an associate broker who manages a branch office under the supervision of the principal broker.
(5) "Branch office" means a principal broker's real estate brokerage office other than the principal broker's main office.
(6) "Brokerage" means a real estate sales or a property management company.
(7) "Brokerage record" means any record related to the business of a principal broker, including:
(a) record of an offer to purchase real estate;
(b) record of a real estate transaction, regardless of whether the transaction closed;
(c) licensing records;
(d) banking and other financial records;
(e) independent contractor agreements;
(f) trust account records, including:
(i) deposit records in the form of a duplicate deposit slip, deposit advice, or equivalent document; and
(ii) conveyance records in the form of a check image, wire transfer verification, or equivalent document; and
(g) records of the brokerage's contractual obligations.
(8) "Business day" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(3).
(9) "Certification" means authorization from the division to:
(a) establish and operate a school that provides courses approved for prelicensing education or continuing education; or
(b) function as an instructor for courses approved for prelicensing education or continuing education.
(10) "Commission" means the Utah Real Estate Commission.
(11) "Continuing education" means professional education required as a condition of renewal in accordance with Section R162-2f-204 and may be either:
(a) core: topics identified in Subsection R162-2f-206c(5)(c); or
(b) elective: topics identified in Subsection R162-2f-206c(5)(e).
(12) "Correspondence course" means a self-paced real estate course that:
(a) is not distance or traditional education; and
(b) fails to meet real estate educational course certification standards because:
(i) it is primarily student initiated; and
(ii) the interaction between the instructor and student lacks substance and/or is irregular.
[(12)](13) "Day" means calendar day unless specified as
"business day."
[(13)](14)(a) "Distance education" means education in
which the instruction does not take place in a traditional
classroom setting, but occurs through other interactive
instructional methods where teacher and student are separated by
distance and sometimes by time, including
the following:
(i)[(a)] computer conferencing;
(ii)[(b)] satellite teleconferencing;
(iii)[(c)] interactive audio;
(iv)[(d)] interactive computer software;
(v)[(e)] Internet-based instruction; and
(vi)[(f)] other interactive online courses.
(b) "Distance education" does not include home study and correspondence courses.
[(14)](15) "Division" means the Utah Division of Real
[(15)](16) "Double contract" means executing two or more
purchase agreements, one of which is not made known to the
prospective lender or loan funding entity.
[(16)](17) "Expired license" means a license that is not
renewed pursuant to Section 61-2f-204 and Section R162-2f-204
(a) the close of business on the expiration date, if the expiration date falls on a day when the division is open for business; or
(b) the next business day following the expiration date, if the expiration date falls on a day when the division is closed.
[(17)](18) "Guaranteed sales plan" means:
(a) a plan in which a seller's real estate is guaranteed to be sold; or
(b) a plan whereby a licensee or anyone affiliated with a licensee agrees to purchase a seller's real estate if it is not purchased by a third party:
(i) in the specified period of a listing; or
(ii) within some other specified period of time.
[(18)](19) "Inactive license" means a license that has
been issued pursuant to Sections R162-2f-202a through 202c or
renewed pursuant to Section R162-2f-204, but that may not be used
to conduct the business of real estate because the license holder
is not affiliated with a principal broker. Pursuant to Section
R162-2f-203, a license may be inactivated:
(a) voluntarily, with the assent of the license holder; or
(b) involuntarily, without the assent of the license holder.
[(19)](20) "Informed consent" means written
authorization, obtained from both principals to a single
transaction, to allow a licensee to act as a limited agent.
[(20)](21) "Limited agency" means the representation of
all principals in the same transaction to negotiate a mutually
acceptable agreement:
(a) subject to the terms of a limited agency agreement; and
(b) with the informed consent of all principals to the transaction.
[(21)](22) "Net listing" means a listing agreement under
which the real estate commission is the difference between the
actual selling price of the property and a minimum selling price as
set by the seller.
(23)(a) "Non-certified education" means a continuing education course offered outside of Utah, but for which a licensee may apply for credit pursuant to Subsection R162-2f-206c(1)(b).
(b) "Non-certified education" does not include:
(i) home study courses; or
(ii) correspondence courses.
(24)[(22)] "Nonresident applicant" means a
(a) whose primary residence is not in Utah; and
(b) who qualifies under Title 61, Chapter 2f et seq. and these rules for licensure as a principal broker, associate broker, or sales agent.
(25)[(23)] "Principal brokerage" means the
main real estate or property management office of a principal
(26)[(24)] "Principal" in a transaction means
an individual who is represented by a licensee and may be:
(a) the buyer or lessee;
(b) an individual having an ownership interest in the property;
(c) an individual having an ownership interest in the entity that is the buyer, seller, lessor, or lessee; or
(d) an individual who is an officer, director, partner, member, or employee of the entity that is the buyer, seller, lessor, or lessee.
(27) "Provider" means an individual or business that is approved by the division to offer continuing education.
(28)[(25)] "Property management" is defined
in Subsection 61-2f-102(19).
(29)[(26)] "Registration" means authorization
from the division to engage in the business of real estate as:
(a) a corporation;
(b) a partnership;
(c) a limited liability company;
(d) an association;
(e) a dba;
(f) a professional corporation;
(g) a sole proprietorship; or
(h) another legal entity of a real estate brokerage.
(30)[(27)] "Reinstatement" is defined in
Subsection 61-2f-102(22).
(31)[(28)] "Reissuance" is defined in
Subsection 61-2f-102(23).
(32)[(29)] The acronym RELMS means "real estate
licensing and management system," which is the online database
through which licensees
shall[can] submit [certain ]licensing information to the
(33)[(30)] "Renewal" is defined in Subsection
(34)[(31)] "Residential property" means real
property consisting of, or improved by, a single-family one- to
four-unit dwelling.
(35)[(32)] "School" means:
(a) any college or university accredited by a regional accrediting agency that is recognized by the United States Department of Education;
(b) any community college or vocational-technical school;
(c) any local real estate organization
that has been approved by the
division[commission] as a school; or
(d) any proprietary real estate school.
(36)[(33)] "Sponsor" means the party that is
the seller of an undivided fractionalized long-term estate.
(37)[(34)] "Third party service provider"
means an individual or entity that provides a service necessary to
the closing of a specific transaction and includes:
(a) mortgage brokers;
(b) mortgage lenders;
(c) loan originators;
(d) title service providers;
(e) attorneys;
(f) appraisers;
(g) providers of document preparation services;
(h) providers of credit reports;
(i) property condition inspectors;
(j) settlement agents;
(k) real estate brokers;
(l) marketing agents;
(m) insurance providers; and
(n) providers of any other services for which a principal or investor will be charged.
(38)[(35)] "Traditional education" means
education in which instruction takes place between an instructor
and students where all are physically present in the same
(39)[(36)] "Undivided fractionalized long-term
estate" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(26).
R162-2f-206a. Certification of Real Estate School.
(1) Prior to offering real estate prelicensing or continuing education, a school shall:
(a) first, obtain division approval of the school name; and
(b) second, certify the school with the division pursuant to this Subsection (2).
(2) To certify, a school applicant shall, at least 90 days prior to teaching any course, prepare and supply the following information to the division:
(a) contact information, including:
(i) name, phone number, email address, and address of the physical facility;
(ii) name, phone number, email address, and address of each school director;
(iii) name, phone number, email address, and address of each school owner; and
(iv) an e-mail address where correspondence will be received by the school;
(b) evidence that the school directors and owners meet the character requirements outlined in Subsection R162-2f-201(1) and the competency requirements outlined in Subsection R162-2f-201(2);
(c) evidence that the school name, as approved by the division pursuant to this Subsection (1)(a), is registered with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code as a real estate education provider;
(d) school description, including:
(i) type of school; and
(ii) description of the school's physical facilities;
(e) list of courses to be offered, including the following:
(i) a statement of whether each course is a prelicensing or continuing education course; and
(ii) as to a continuing education course, whether it is designed to qualify as fulfilling all or part of the core curriculum requirement for new agents;
(f) list of the instructor(s), including any guest lecturer(s), who will be teaching each course;
(g) proof that each instructor is:
(i) certified by the division;
(ii) qualified as a guest lecturer by having:
(A) requisite expertise in the field; and
(B) approval from the division; or
(iii) exempt from certification under Subsection R162-2f-206d(4);
(h) schedule of courses offered, including the days, times, and locations of classes;
(i) statement of attendance requirements as provided to students;
(j) refund policy as provided to students;
(k) disclaimer as provided to students and as specified in Subsection (3)(c);
(l) criminal history disclosure statement as provided to students and as specified in Subsection (3)(d);
(m) disclosure, as specified in Subsection (3)(e), of any possibility of obtaining an education waiver;
(n) course completion policy, as provided to students, describing the length of time allowed for completion and detailed requirements; and
(o)[(m)] any other information the division
(3) Minimum standards.
(a) The course schedule may not provide or allow for more than eight credit hours per student per day.
(b) The attendance statement shall require that each student attend at least 90% of the scheduled class periods, excluding breaks.
(c) The disclaimer shall adhere to the following requirements:
(i) be typed in all capital letters at least 1/4 inch high; and
(ii) state the following language: "Any student attending (school name) is under no obligation to affiliate with any of the real estate brokerages that may be soliciting for licensees at this school."
(d) The criminal history disclosure statement shall:
(i) be provided to each student prior to the school accepting payment; and
(ii) clearly inform the student that upon application with the division, the student will be required to:
(A) accurately disclose the student's criminal history according to the licensing questionnaire provided by the division;
(B) submit fingerprint cards to the division and consent to a criminal background check; and
(C) provide to the division complete court documentation relative to any criminal proceeding that the applicant is required to disclose;
(iii) clearly inform the student that the division will consider the applicant's criminal history pursuant to Subsection 61-2f-204(1)(e) and Subsection R162-2f-201(1) in making a decision on the application; and
(iv) include a section for the student's attestation that the student has read and understood the disclosure.
(e) The education waiver disclosure shall adhere to the following requirements:
(i) disclose to students the requirements for obtaining an education waiver while they are still eligible for a full refund;
(ii) be typed in all capital letters at least 1/4 inch high;
(iii) inform the students that the division grants education waivers for qualified individuals; and
(iv) state the following language: " A student accepted or enrolled for education hours cannot later reduce those hours by applying for an education waiver. An education waiver must be obtained before a student enrolls and is accepted by a school for education hours."
[(e)](f) Within 15 days after the occurrence of any material
change in the information outlined in this Subsection (2)(a), the
school shall provide, to the division's education staff, written notice of the change.
(4)(a) A school certification expires 24 months from the date of issuance and must be renewed before the expiration date in order to remain active.
(b) To renew a school certification, an applicant shall:
(i) complete a renewal application as provided by the division; and
(ii) pay a nonrefundable renewal fee.
(c) To reinstate an expired school certification within 30 days following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a nonrefundable late fee.
(d) To reinstate an expired school certification after 30 days and within six months following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a non-refundable reinstatement fee.
(e) A certification that is expired for more than six months may not be reinstated. To obtain a certification, a person must apply as a new applicant.
(f) If a deadline specified in this Subsection (4) falls on a day when the division is closed for business, the deadline shall be extended to the next business day.
R162-2f-206b. Certification Prelicensing Course.
(1) To certify a prelicensing course for traditional education, a person shall, no later than 30 days prior to the date on which the course is proposed to begin, provide the following to the division:
(a) comprehensive course outline including:
(i) description of the course, including a statement of whether the course is designed for:
(A) sales agents; or
(B) brokers;
(ii) number of class periods spent on each subject area;
(iii) minimum of three to five learning objectives for every three hours of class time; and
(iv) reference to the course outline approved by the commission for each topic;
(b) number of quizzes and examinations;
(c) grading system, including methods of testing and standards of grading;
(d)(i) a copy of at least two final examinations to be used in the course;
(ii) the answer key(s) used to determine if a student has passed the exam; and
(iii) an explanation of procedure if the student fails the final examination and thereby fails the course; and
(e) a list of the titles, authors and publishers of all required textbooks.
(2) To certify a prelicensing course for distance education, a person shall, no later than 60 days prior to the date on which the course is proposed to begin, provide the following to the division:
(a) all items listed in this Subsection (1);
(b) description of each method of course delivery;
(c) description of any media to be used;
(d) course access for the division using the same delivery methods and media that will be provided to the students;
(e) description of specific and regularly scheduled interactive events included in the course and appropriate to the delivery method that will contribute to the students' achievement of the stated learning objectives;
(f) description of how the students' achievement of the stated learning objectives will be measured at regular intervals;
(g) description of how and when certified
prelicensing instructors will be available to answer student
questions;[ and]
(h) attestation from the school director
of the availability and adequacy of the equipment, software, and
other technologies needed to achieve the course's instructional
claims[.]; and
(i) a description of the complaint process to resolve student grievances.
(3) Minimum standards. A prelicensing course shall:
(a) address each topic required by the course outline as approved by the commission;
(b) meet the minimum hourly requirement as established by Subsection 61-2f-203(1)(d)(i) and these rules;
(c) limit the credit that students may earn to no more than eight credit hours per day;
(d) be taught in an appropriate classroom facility unless approved for distance education;
(e) allow a maximum of 10% of the required class time for testing, including:
(i) practice tests; and
(ii) a final examination;[
(f) use only texts, workbooks, and
supplemental materials that are appropriate and current in their
application to the required course outline[.]; and
(g) reflect the current statutes and rules of the division.
(4) A prelicensing course certification expires at the same time as the school certification and is renewed automatically when the school certification is renewed.
R162-2f-206c. Certification of Continuing Education Course.
(1)(a) The division may not award continuing education credit for a course that is advertised in Utah to real estate licensees unless the course is certified prior to its being taught.
(b) A licensee who completes a course that is not required to be certified pursuant to this Subsection (1)(a), and who believes that the course satisfies the objectives of continuing education pursuant to this Subsection (2)(f), may apply to the division for an award of continuing education credit after successfully completing the course.
(2) To certify a continuing education course for traditional education, a person shall, no later than 30 days prior to the date on which the course is proposed to begin, provide the following to the division:
(a) name and contact information of the course provider;
(b) name and contact information of the entity through which the course will be provided;
(c) description of the physical facility where the course will be taught;
(d) course title;
(e) number of credit hours;
(f) statement defining how the course will meet the objectives of continuing education by increasing the participant's:
(i) knowledge;
(ii) professionalism; and
(iii) ability to protect and serve the public;
(g) course outline including a description of the subject matter covered in each 15-minute segment;
(h) a minimum of three learning objectives for every three hours of class time;
(i) name and certification number of each certified instructor who will teach the course;
(j) copies of all materials to be distributed to participants;
(k) signed statement in which the course provider and instructor(s):
(i) agree not to market personal sales products;
(ii) allow the division or its representative to audit the course on an unannounced basis; and
(iii) agree to upload, within ten business days after the end of a course offering, to the database specified by the division, the following:
(A) course name;
(B) course certificate number assigned by the division;
(C) date(s) the course was taught;
(D) number of credit hours; and
(E) names and license numbers of all students receiving continuing education credit;
(l) procedure for pre-registration;
(m) tuition or registration fee;
(n) cancellation and refund policy;
(o) procedure for taking and maintaining control of attendance during class time;
(p) sample of the completion certificate;
(q) nonrefundable fee for certification as required by the division; and
(r) any other information the division requires.
(3) To certify a continuing education course for distance education, a person shall:
(a) comply with this Subsection (2);
(b) submit to the division a complete description of all course delivery methods and all media to be used;
(c) provide course access for the division using the same delivery methods and media that will be provided to the students;
(d) describe specific
frequent and periodic[and regularly scheduled] interactive events
included in the course and appropriate to the delivery method that
will contribute to the students' achievement of the stated
learning objectives and encourage student participation;
(e) describe how and when certified instructors will be available to answer student questions; and
(f) provide an attestation from the sponsor of the availability and adequacy of the equipment, software, and other technologies needed to achieve the course's instructional claims.
(4) Minimum standards.
(a) Except for distance education courses, all courses shall be taught in an appropriate classroom facility and not in a private residence.
(b) The minimum length of a course shall be one credit hour.
(c) Except for online courses, the procedure for taking attendance shall be more extensive than having the student sign a class roll.
(d) The completion certificate shall allow for entry of the following information:
(i) licensee's name;
(ii) type of license;
(iii) license number;
(iv) date of course;
(v) name of the course provider;
(vi) course title;
(vii) number of credit hours awarded;
(viii) course certification number;
(ix) course certification expiration date;
(x) signature of the course sponsor; and
(xi) signature of the licensee.
(5) Certification procedures.
(a) Upon receipt of a complete application for certification of a continuing education course, the division shall, at its own discretion, determine whether a course qualifies for certification.
(b) Upon determining that a course qualifies for certification, the division shall determine whether the content satisfies core or elective requirements.
(c) Core topics include the following:
(i) state approved forms and contracts;
(ii) other industry used forms or contracts;
(iii) ethics;
(iv) agency;
(v) short sales or sales of bank-owned property;
(vi) environmental hazards;
(vii) property management;
(viii) prevention of real estate and mortgage fraud;
(ix) federal and state real estate laws;
(x) division administrative rules; and
(xi) broker trust accounts;
(d) If a course regarding an industry used form or contract is approved by the division as a core course, the provider of the course shall:
(i) obtain authorization to use the form(s) or contract(s) taught in the course;
(ii) obtain permission for licensees to subsequently use the form(s) or contract(s) taught in the course; and
(iii) if applicable, arrange for the owner of each form or contract to make it available to licensees for a reasonable fee.
(e) Elective topics include the following:
(i) real estate financing, including mortgages and other financing techniques;
(ii) real estate investments;
(iii) real estate market measures and evaluation;
(iv) real estate appraising;
(v) market analysis;
(vi) measurement of homes or buildings;
(vii) accounting and taxation as applied to real property;
(viii) estate building and portfolio management for clients;
(ix) settlement statements;
(x) real estate mathematics;
(xi) real estate law;
(xii) contract law;
(xiii) agency and subagency;
(xiv) real estate securities and syndications;
(xv) regulation and management of timeshares, condominiums, and cooperatives;
(xvi) resort and recreational properties;
(xvii) farm and ranch properties;
(xviii) real property exchanging;
(xix) legislative issues that influence real estate practice;
(xx) real estate license law;
(xxi) division administrative rules;
(xxii) land development;
(xxiii) land use;
(xxiv) planning and zoning;
(xxv) construction;
(xxvi) energy conservation in buildings;
(xxvii) water rights;
(xxviii) landlord/tenant relationships;
(xxix) property disclosure forms;
(xxx) Americans with Disabilities Act;
(xxxi) fair housing;
(xxxii) affirmative marketing;
(xxxiii) commercial real estate;
(xxxiv) tenancy in common;
(xxxv) professional development;
(xxxvi) business success;
(xxxvii) customer relation skills;
(xxxviii) sales promotion, including:
(A) salesmanship;
(B) negotiation;
(C) sales psychology;
(D) marketing techniques related to real estate knowledge;
(E) servicing clients; and
(F) communication skills;
(xxxix) personal and property protection for licensees and their clients;
(xl) any topic that focuses on real estate
concepts, principles, or industry practices or procedures, if the
topic enhances licensee professional skills and thereby advances
public protection and safety;[ and]
(xli) any other topic that directly
relates to the real estate brokerage practice and directly
contributes to the objective of continuing education[.]; and
(xlii) technology courses that utilize the majority of the time instructing students how the technology:
(A) directly benefits the consumer; or
(B) enables the licensee to be more proficient in performing the licensee's agency responsibilities.
(f) Unacceptable topics include the following:
(i) offerings in mechanical office and business skills, including:
(A) typing;
(B) speed reading;
(C) memory improvement;
(D) language report writing;
(E) advertising; and
(F) technology courses with a principal focus on technology operation, software design, or software use;
(ii) physical well-being, including:
(A) personal motivation;
(B) stress management; and
(C) dress-for-success;
(iii) meetings held in conjunction with the general business of the licensee and the licensee's broker, employer, or trade organization, including:
(A) sales meetings;
(B) in-house staff meetings or training meetings; and
(C) member orientations for professional organizations;
(iv) courses in wealth creation or retirement planning for licensees; and
(v) courses that are specifically designed for exam preparation.
(g) If an application for certification of a continuing education course is denied by the division, the person making application may appeal to the commission.
(6)(a) A continuing education course certification expires 24 months from the date of issuance and must be renewed before the expiration date in order to remain active.
(b) To renew a continuing education course certification, an applicant shall:
(i) complete a renewal application as provided by the division; and
(ii) pay a nonrefundable renewal fee.
(c) To reinstate an expired continuing education course certification within 30 days following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a nonrefundable late fee.
(d) To reinstate an expired continuing education course certification after 30 days and within six months following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a non-refundable reinstatement fee.
(e) A certification that is expired for more than six months may not be reinstated. To obtain a certification, a person must apply as a new applicant.
(f) If a deadline specified in this Subsection (6) falls on a day when the division is closed for business, the deadline shall be extended to the next business day.
R162-2f-206d. Certification of Prelicensing Course Instructor.
(1) An instructor shall certify with the division prior to teaching a prelicensing course.
(2) To certify, an applicant shall provide, within the 30-day period prior to the date on which the applicant proposes to begin instruction:
(a) evidence that the applicant meets the character requirements of Subsection R162-2f-201(1) and the competency requirements of Subsection R162-2f-201(2);
(b) evidence of having graduated from high school or achieved an equivalent education;
(c) evidence that the applicant understands the real estate industry through:
(i) a minimum of five years of full-time experience as a real estate licensee;
(ii) post-graduate education related to the course subject; or
(iii) demonstrated expertise on the subject proposed to be taught;
(d) evidence of ability to teach through:
(i) a minimum of 12 months of full-time teaching experience;
(ii) part-time teaching experience equivalent to 12 months of full-time teaching experience; or
(iii) attendance at a division instructor development workshop totaling at least two days in length;
(e) evidence of having passed an examination :
(i) designed to test the knowledge of the subject matter proposed to be taught;
(ii) with a score of 80% or more correct responses, and;
(iii) within the six-month period preceding the date of application;
(f) name and certification number of the certified prelicensing school for which the applicant will work;
(g) a signed statement agreeing to allow the instructor's courses to be randomly audited on an unannounced basis by the division or its representative;
(h) a signed statement agreeing not to market personal sales products;
(i) any other information the division requires;
(j) an application fee; and
(k) course-specific requirements as follows:
(i) sales agent prelicensing course: evidence of being a licensed sales agent or broker; and
(ii) broker prelicensing course: evidence of being a licensed associate broker, branch broker, or principal broker.
(3) An applicant may certify to teach a subcourse of the broker prelicensing course by meeting the following requirements:
(a) Brokerage Management. An applicant shall:
(i) hold a current real estate broker license;
(ii) possess at least two years practical experience as an active real estate principal broker; and
(iii)(A) have experience managing a real estate office; or
(B) hold a certified residential broker or equivalent professional designation in real estate brokerage management.
(b) Advanced Real Estate Law. An applicant shall:
(i) hold a current real estate broker license;
(ii) evidence current membership in the Utah State Bar; or
(iii)(A) have graduated from an American Bar Association accredited law school; and
(B) have at least two years real estate law experience.
(c) Advanced Appraisal. An applicant shall hold:
(i) a current real estate broker license, or
(ii) a current appraiser license or certification from the division.
(d) Advanced Finance. An applicant shall:
(i) evidence at least two years practical experience in real estate finance; and
(ii)(A) hold a current real estate broker license;
(B) evidence having been associated with a lending institution as a loan officer; or
(C) hold a degree in finance.
(e) Advanced Property Management. An applicant shall hold a current real estate license and:
(i) evidence at least two years full-time experience as a property manager; or
(ii) hold a certified property manager or equivalent professional designation.
(4) A college or university may use any faculty member to teach an approved course provided the instructor demonstrates to the satisfaction of the division academic training or experience qualifying the faculty member to teach the course.
(5)(a) A prelicensing instructor certification expires 24 months from the date of issuance and must be renewed before the expiration date in order to remain active.
(b) To renew a prelicensing course instructor certification, an individual shall:
(i) submit all forms required by the division;
(ii) evidence having taught, within the
two-year period prior to the date of application, [at least 20 hours of in-class instruction in ]a
certified real estate course;
(iii) evidence having attended, within the two-year period prior to the date of application, an instructor development workshop sponsored by the division; and
(iv) pay a nonrefundable renewal fee.
(c) To reinstate an expired prelicensing course instructor certification within 30 days following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a nonrefundable late fee.
(d) To reinstate an expired prelicensing course instructor certification after 30 days and within six months following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a non-refundable reinstatement fee.
(e) A certification that is expired for more than six months may not be reinstated. To obtain a certification, a person must apply as a new applicant.
(f) If a deadline specified in this Subsection (5) falls on a day when the division is closed for business, the deadline shall be extended to the next business day.
R162-2f-206e. Certification of Continuing Education Course Instructor.
(1) An instructor shall certify with the division before teaching a continuing education course.
(2) To certify, an applicant shall, within the 30-day period prior to the date on which the applicant proposes to begin instruction, provide the following:
(a) name and contact information of the applicant;
(b) evidence that the applicant meets the character requirements of Subsection R162-2f-201(1) and the competency requirements of Subsection R162-2f-201(2);
(c) evidence of having graduated from high school or achieved an equivalent education;
(d) evidence that the applicant understands the subject matter to be taught through:
(i) a minimum of two years of full-time experience as a real estate licensee;
(ii) college-level education related to the course subject; or
(iii) demonstrated expertise on the subject proposed to be taught;
(e) evidence of ability to teach through:
(i) a minimum of 12 months of full-time teaching experience; or
(ii) part-time teaching experience
equivalent to 12 months of full-time teaching experience;[
(iii) attendance at a division instructor development
workshop totaling at least two days in length;]
(f) a signed statement agreeing to allow the instructor's courses to be randomly audited on an unannounced basis by the division or its representative;
(g) a signed statement agreeing not to market personal sales products;
(h) any other information the division requires; and
(i) a nonrefundable application fee.
(3)(a) A continuing education course instructor certification expires 24 months from the date of issuance and must be renewed before the expiration date in order to remain active.
(b) To renew a continuing education course instructor certification, a person shall:
(i) submit all forms required by the division;
(ii)(A) evidence having taught, within the previous renewal period, a minimum of 12 continuing education credit hours; or
(B) submit written explanation outlining:
(I) the reason for not having taught a minimum of 12 continuing education credit hours; and
(II) documentation to the division that the applicant maintains satisfactory expertise in the subject area proposed to be taught; and
(iii) pay a nonrefundable renewal fee.
(c) To reinstate an expired continuing education instructor certification within 30 days following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a nonrefundable late fee.
(d) To reinstate an expired continuing education instructor certification after 30 days and within six months following the expiration date, a person shall:
(i) comply with all requirements for a timely renewal; and
(ii) pay a non-refundable reinstatement fee.
(e) A certification that is expired for more than six months may not be reinstated. To obtain a certification, a person must apply as a new applicant.
(f) If a deadline specified in this Subsection (3) falls on a day when the division is closed for business, the deadline shall be extended to the next business day.
R162-2f-401d. School and Provider Conduct.
(1) Affirmative duties. A school's owner(s) and director(s) shall:
(a) within 15 days after the occurrence of any material change in the information provided to the division under Subsection R162-2f-206a(2)(a), give the division written notice of that change;
(b)(i) provide instructors of prelicensing courses with the state-approved course outline; and
(ii) ensure that any prelicensing course adheres to the topics mandated in the state-approved course outline;
(c) ensure that all instructors comply with Section R162-2f-401e.
(d) prior to accepting payment from a prospective student for a prelicensing education course:
(i) provide the criminal history
disclosure statement described in Subsection R162-2f-206a(3)(d);[
(ii) obtain the student's signature on the criminal history disclosure; and
(iii) have the enrollee verify that an education waiver has not been obtained from the division;
(e)(i) retain signed criminal history disclosures for a minimum of three years from the date of course completion; and
(ii) make the signed criminal history disclosures available for inspection by the division upon request;
(f) maintain for a minimum of three years after enrollment:
(i) the registration record of each student;
(ii) the attendance record of each student; and
(iii) any other prescribed information regarding the offering, including exam results, if any;
(g) ensure that course topics are taught only by:
(i) certified instructors; or
(ii) guest lecturers;
(h)(i) limit the use of approved guest lecturers to a total of 20% of the instructional hours per approved course; and
(ii) prior to using a guest lecturer to teach a portion of a course, document for the division the professional qualifications of the guest lecturer;
(i) furnish to the division an updated roster of the school's approved instructors and guest lecturers each time there is a change;
(j) at the conclusion of a course:
(i) provide to each student who completes the course a
course evaluation in the form required by the division;
(ii) submit the completed course evaluations to the
division within ten business days;
(j)[(k)] within ten days of teaching a course, upload
course completion information for any student who:
(i) successfully completes the course; and
(ii) provides an accurate name or license number within seven business days of attending the course;
(k)[(l)] substantiate, upon request by the division,
any claims made in advertising; and
(l)[(m)] include in all advertising materials the
continuing education course certification number issued by the
(2) Prohibited conduct. A school may not:
(a) award continuing education credit for a course that has not been certified by the division prior to its being taught;
(b) award continuing education credit to any student who fails to:
(i) attend a minimum of 90% of the required class time; or
(ii) pass a prelicense course final examination;
(c) accept a student for a reduced number of hours without first having a written statement from the division defining the exact number of hours the student must complete;
(d) allow a student to challenge by examination any course or part of a course in lieu of attendance;
(e) allow a course approved for traditional education to be:
(i) taught in a private residence; or
(ii) completed through home study;
(f) make a misrepresentation in advertising about any course of instruction;
(g) disseminate advertisements or public notices that disparage the dignity and integrity of the real estate profession;
(h) make disparaging remarks about a competitor's services or methods of operation;
(i) attempt by any means to obtain or use the questions on the prelicensing examinations unless the questions have been dropped from the current exam bank;
(j) give valuable consideration to a real estate brokerage or licensee for referring students to the school;
(k) accept valuable consideration from a real estate brokerage or licensee for referring students to the brokerage;
(l) allow real estate brokerages to solicit for agents at the school during class time, including the student break time;
(m) obligate or require students to attend any event in which a brokerage solicits for agents;
(n) award more than eight credit hours per day per student;
(o) award credit for an online course to a student who fails to complete the course within one year of the registration date;
(p) advertise or market a continuing education course that has not been:
(i) approved by the division; and
(ii) issued a current continuing education course certification number; or
(q) advertise, market, or promote a continuing education course with language indicating that division certification is pending or otherwise forthcoming.
KEY: real estate business, operational requirements, trust account records, notification requirements
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [August 21, 2012]2013
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 61-2f-103(1); 61-2f-105; 61-2f-203(1)(e); 61-2f-206(3); 61-2f-307
Additional Information
The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2013/b20130515.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Ben Jensen at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6603, by FAX at 801-526-4387, or by Internet E-mail at bjensen@utah.gov.