DAR File No. 39720
This rule was published in the October 1, 2015, issue (Vol. 2015, No. 19) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Environmental Quality, Administration
Rule R305-7
Administrative Procedures
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 39720
Filed: 09/08/2015 04:37:11 PM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The primary purpose of this rule amendment is to implement the amendment to Section 19-1-301.5 that became effective 05/12/2015 through S.B. 282 and S.B.173 from the 2015 General Session. Section 19-1-301.5 was amended to revise procedural requirements applicable to permit review proceedings. For example, the Section 19-1-301.5 amendment requires the filing of a petition for review instead of a request for agency action to challenge a permit order. In addition, the Section 19-1-301.5 amendment imposes page limitations on briefs and limits supplementation of the administrative record. The Section 19-1-301.5 amendment also requires the petitioner to marshal the evidence and it revises the standard of review language. The Section 19-1-301.5 amendment requires administrative law judges (ALJs) to promptly issue decisions. The Section 19-1-301.5 amendment renames "permit review adjudicative proceedings" to "special adjudicative proceedings" and explicitly identifies challenges to certain financial assurance determinations as falling within the special adjudicative proceeding procedures. A secondary purpose of this rule amendment is to update the filing and address requirements resulting from the merger of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste with the Division of Radiation Control.
Summary of the rule or change:
The term "petition for review" replaces "request for agency action" in Part 2, (Sections R305-7-200 to R305-7-217). Section R305-7-102 defines "other administrative authorization" to specifically include financial assurance determinations identified by Section 19-1-301.5. Section R305-7-109 indicates that there is no default for not filing a response to a petition for review under Subsection 63G-4-209(c) in a special adjudicative proceeding. Section R305-7-200 describes the retrospective nature and application of the amendments to Section 19-1-301.5. Section R305-7-203 describes specific information that must be included in a petition for review. Section R305-7-206 describes proceedings after a petition for review is filed. Section R305-7-209 describes the administrative record and associated filing requirement. Section R305-7-213 describes briefing requirements. Section R305-7-214 explains the petitioner's marshaling requirement and the standard of review. Section R305-7-602 updates the filing and address requirements resulting from the merger of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste with the Division of Radiation Control.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Section 19-1-301.5
- Section 19-1-105
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
The proposed change may make the review procedure more efficient. There may be some costs savings in having the proceeding take less time to resolve. The agency does not anticipate workload increases as a result of the rule amendment.
local governments:
The proposed change may make the review procedure more efficient. There may be some costs savings in having the proceeding take less time to resolve. The agency does not anticipate additional costs to local governments as a result of the rule amendment.
small businesses:
The proposed change may make the review procedure more efficient. There may be some costs savings in having the proceeding take less time to resolve. The agency does not anticipate additional costs to small business as a result of the rule amendment.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
The proposed change may make the review procedure more efficient. There may be some costs savings in having the proceeding take less time to resolve. The agency does not anticipate additional costs to persons who may be affected by the rule amendment.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Filing a petition for review does not have a fee.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The purpose of the rule amendment is to implement amendments to Section 19-1-301.5 enacted during the 2015 General Session. The purpose of the statutory amendment was to make the adjudicative process faster in resolving permit challenges. There may be more work in earlier stages of the proceeding that the parties would previously have faced later in the process. There may be some costs savings in having the proceeding take less time to resolve.
Alan Matheson, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental QualityAdministration
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Sandra Allen at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4122, by FAX at 801-359-8853, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Alan Matheson, Executive Director
R305. Environmental Quality, Administration.
R305-7. Administrative Procedures.
R305-7-101. Scope of Rule and Purpose of Parts.
(1) This rule governs all adjudicative procedures conducted under the authority of the Environmental Quality Code, Utah Code Ann. Title 19. This rule does not govern the proceedings that result in an initial determination by the Director, including the issuance of the initial determination itself.
(2) (a) Part 1 of this Rule (R305-7-101 through 113) applies to all adjudications before the agency. It addresses general and preliminary matters.
(b) Part 2 of this Rule (R305-7-20
0[1] through 217) applies to
special adjudicative proceedings[permit review adjudicative procedures]. These
procedures are governed by Section 19-1-301.5.
(c) Part 3 of this Rule (R305-7-301
through 320) applies to adjudicative procedures that are not
special adjudicative proceedings[permit review adjudicative procedures]. These
procedures are governed by Section 19-1-301.
(e) Part 4 of this Rule (R305-7-401 through 403) addresses matters initiated by notices of agency action.
(d) Part 5 of this Rule (R305-7-501 through 503) addresses declaratory orders and emergency adjudication.
(e) Part 6 of this Rule (R305-7-601 through 623) addresses matters relevant to specific statutes.
R305-7-102. Definitions.
(1) The following definitions apply to this Rule. The definitions in Part 6 of this Rule, e.g., the definition of "Director," also apply for matters governed by the statutory provisions specified in that Part. If the definition in Part 6 differs from the definition in Part 1, the definition in Part 6 controls.
(a) "Administrative Law Judge" or ALJ means the person appointed under Section 19-1-301(5) or Section 19-1-301.5(5) to conduct an adjudicative proceeding.
(b) "Administrative Proceedings Records Officer" means a person who receives a record copy of submissions on behalf of the agency, as specified in R305-7-104.
(c) "Administrative Record," for
purposes of Part 2 of this Rule, means the record described in
Section 19-1-301.5(8)(b) and upon which a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding is
conducted. See also R305-7-209.
(d) "Days" means calendar days unless otherwise specified. See also R305-7-105.
(e) "Director" means the director of one of the divisions listed in Section 19-1-105(1)(a). The Director is defined, for each statute administered by the Department, in Part 6 of this Rule.
(f) "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Quality.
(g) "Initial Order" means an order that is not a Permit Order, that is issued by the Director and that is the final step in the portion of a proceeding that is exempt from the requirements of UAPA as provided in Section 63G-4-102(2)(k).
(h) "Notice of Violation" means a notice of violation issued by the Director that is exempt from the requirements of UAPA under Section 63G-4-102(2)(k).
(i) "Part" means the sections of this Rule that are grouped together by subject matter, e.g., Sections R305-7-501 through 503 are Part 5 of this Rule.
(j) "Party" is defined in
R-305-7-207 for
special[permit review] adjudicative proceedings, and in
R305-7-305 for other proceedings.
(k) "Permit" means any of the following:
(i) a permit;
(ii) a plan;
(iii) a license;
(iv) an approval order; or
(v) another administrative authorization
made by a [d]Director, including a financial assurance determination as defined by
Section 19-1-301.5(1)(c).
(l)(i) "Permit order" means an order issued by the Director that:
(A) approves a permit;
(B) renews a permit;
(C) denies a permit;
(D) modifies or amends a permit; or
(E) revokes and reissues a permit.
(ii) "Permit order" does not include an order terminating a permit.
(m) "Permit review adjudicative
and "special adjudicative proceedings" and
"permit special proceedings" mean[s] a
n adjudicative proceeding to resolve a challenge to a Permit
including a financial assurance determination as defined by
Section 19-1-301.5 (1)(c).
(n) "Person" means an individual, trust, firm, estate, company, corporation, partnership, association, state, state or federal agency or entity, municipality, commission, or political subdivision of a state. "Person" also includes, as appropriate to the matter, other entities as provided in definitions in the statutes specified in the Department of Environmental Quality Code, Title 19, and in rules promulgated thereunder.
(o) "Rule" means this Rule R305-7, Administrative Procedures for the Department of Environmental Quality, unless otherwise specified.
(p) "UAPA" means the Utah Administrative Procedures Act, Utah Code Ann. Title 63G, Chapter 4.
(2)(a) Ordinarily, administrative proceedings under the Environmental Quality Code are decided by the Executive Director based on a proceeding conducted by and recommended decision prepared by an Administrative Law Judge. In the event governing law specifies that another person or entity conduct a proceeding in the place of an Administrative Law Judge, the term "Administrative Law Judge" shall mean the person or entity serving in that function. In the event governing law specifies that another person or entity make final determinations regarding dispositive actions, the term "Executive Director" shall mean the person or entity who makes that final decision.
(b) Nothing in this provision R305-7-102(2) authorizes the appointment of a person or entity other than an administrative law judge to conduct an adjudicative proceeding. Nothing in this provision R305-7-102(2) authorizes the appointment of a person or entity other than the Executive Director to make a final determination regarding an adjudicative proceeding.
R305-7-103. Form of Submissions.
(1) All submissions, whether on paper copy or electronic, shall use 8-1/2 by 11 inch pages, be double-spaced, with each page numbered, and have one inch margins and 12 point font. Paper copies of documents submitted under this Rule shall ordinarily be printed on white paper; double-sided printing is encouraged but not required.
(2) Requests for agency action, notices of agency action, petitions for review, and responses to requests for agency action, shall include numbered paragraphs.
(3) The first page of every filing shall contain a caption that gives the name and file number of the proceeding, the name of the ALJ if one has been appointed, and the filing date.
Requirements [Page limits ]for motions
and briefs for special adjudicative proceedings are
specified in R305-7-211 and R305-7-
Requirements for motions for other proceedings are specified in
R305-7-312.[Page limits for briefs on the merits in a permit review
adjudicative proceeding are specified in R305-7-213. Incorporation
by reference of pages from other filings shall count toward a page
R305-7-104. Filing and Service of Notices, Orders and Other Papers.
(1) (a) Filing and service of all papers shall be made by email except as otherwise provided in this R305-7-104 and in R305-7-309(2)(b), R305-7-309(7)(b)(ii), and R305-7-313.
(b) In the event the ALJ determines that it is inappropriate in a specific case to file and serve all papers by email, the requirements of R305-7-104(4) will govern. Those requirements may be modified by the ALJ.
(c) The provisions of R305-7-104(2) will also apply regardless of whether filing and service are done by email (R305-7-104(3)) or by traditional service methods (R305-7-104(4)).
(d) A party seeking to have filing and service requirements governed by R305-7-104(4), such as a person who does not have access to email, shall file and serve that request as provided in R305-7-104(4). Once a request to proceed under R305-7-104(4) is filed and served, the provisions of that section shall apply to all future filing and service unless otherwise ordered by the ALJ.
(2) General Provisions Governing Filing and Service.
(a) Every submission shall be filed with:
(i) the ALJ or, if no ALJ has been appointed, the Director; and
(ii) the Administrative Proceedings Records Officer.
(b) In addition, every submission shall be served upon:
(i) the Director, if a submission is not filed with the Director under paragraph (2)(a)(i);
(ii) the assistant attorney general representing the Director;
(iii) the permittee or the person who was the recipient of the Permit Order, or other order or notice of violation being challenged;
(iv) any other party.
(c) A person, other than the Director, who is represented by an attorney or other representative, as provided in R305-7-106, shall be served through the attorney or other representative.
(d) Every submission shall include a certificate of service that shows the date and manner of filing with and service on the persons identified in R305-7-104(2)(a) and (b).
(e) Service on a regulated person at the person's last known address in the agency's file shall be deemed to be service on that person.
(3) Provisions governing electronic filing and service.
(a) A submission shall be filed with the Administrative Proceedings Records Officer by emailing it to [email protected].
(b) Filing or service on all other parties shall be by email at addresses provided by those persons. If the person filing or serving the submission is unable, after due diligence, to determine an email address for a party, the person shall file or provide service by traditional means, as provided in R305-7-104(4).
(c) (i) A text document served by email shall be submitted as a searchable PDF document.
(ii) A person filing a submission may electronically file and serve a document without a signature if the person indicates that the document was signed (e.g., "signed by (name)" or "/s/ (name)") and keeps the original on file to be provided if requested by the ALJ.
(d) The ALJ may order any other submission to be provided in a searchable format.
(e) Large emails (5 Mb or more) may not be accepted by some email systems. It shall be the responsibility of a person sending a large email to ensure that it has been received by all parties, e.g., by telephoning or by sending a separate notification email and requesting a response.
(f) Photographic or other illustration documents filed and served by email shall be submitted as:
(i) a PDF document; or
(ii) a JPEG document.
(g) Documents that are difficult to file and serve by email because of their size or form may be filed and served on a CD, DVD, USB flash drive or other commonly used digital storage medium. A document may also be provided in paper form if it is impracticable to copy the document electronically. Filing and service of such documents shall be as provided in R305-7-104(4).
(h) A party shall provide a paper copy of any document, including signed documents, upon request by the ALJ.
(4) Provisions governing traditional filing and service.
(a) Filing and service shall be made:
(i) by United States mail, postage pre-paid;
(ii) by hand-delivery;
(iii) by overnight courier delivery; or
(iv) by the Utah State Building Mail system, if the sender and receiver are both state employees.
(b) Documents to be filed with or served on the Director shall be filed and served at the address specified in Part 6.
(c) Documents to be filed with the Administrative Proceedings Records Officer shall be submitted to one of these addresses:
(i) By U.S. Mail: Administrative Proceedings Records Officer, Environment Division, Utah Attorney General's Office, PO Box 140873, Salt Lake City Utah 84114-0873; or
(ii) By hand or commercial delivery: Administrative Proceedings Records Officer, Environment Division, Utah Attorney General's Office, 195 North 1950 West, Second Floor, Salt Lake City Utah 84116.
(d) (i) Except as provided in R305-7-104(5)(b), a document that is filed or served by U.S Mail or overnight delivery service shall be considered filed or served on the date it is mailed or provided to the overnight delivery service. A document that is filed or served by Utah State Building Mail shall be considered filed or served on the date it is placed in a Utah State Building Mail bin.
(5)(a) A paper, signed original of any Request for Agency Action, Petition for Review, Notice of Agency Action or Petition to Intervene shall be filed and served as provided in R305-7-104(2) and (4).
(b) To be timely, a Request for Agency Action , Petition for Review, or a Petition to Intervene must be received by the Director and the Administrative Proceedings Records Officer as provided in:
(i) R305-7-203(5) and R305-7-205 (for a
Petition for Review, [request for agency action ]filed and served in a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding);
(ii) R305-7-303(5) (for a request for
agency action filed and served in a proceeding other than a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding);
(iii) R305-7-204(2) and R305-7-205 (for a
[p]Petition to [i]Intervene filed and served in a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding); and
(iv) R305-7-304 (which incorporates the
requirements of R305-7-204(2)) for a [p]Petition to [i]Intervene filed and served in a proceeding other than a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding).
R305-7-105. Computation and Extensions of Time.
(1) A business day is any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or legal State of Utah holiday.
(2) As provided in R305-7-102, "days" means calendar days unless otherwise specified.
(3) Computing time.
(a) If a period is in calendar days:
(i) exclude the day of the event that triggers the period;
(ii) count every day, including intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays; and
(iii) include the last day of the period, but if the last day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal State of Utah holiday, the period continues to run until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal State of Utah holiday.
(b) If a period is in business days:
(i) exclude the day of the event that triggers the period; and
(ii) count every business day.
(c) If a document is not filed or served by email, any time for responding to the document shall be extended by three business days. This provision does not apply to a Request for Agency Action , Petition for Review or a Petition to Intervene. See R305-7-104(5).
(4) Date of issuance.
The date of issuance of a Permit Order, a Notice of Agency Action or other order is the date the document is signed and dated.
(5) Extensions of Time.
To the extent permitted by Section 19-1-301.5, t[T]he ALJ may approve extensions of any time limits
established by this rule, and may extend time limits adopted in
schedules established under R305-7-308.
See Section 19-1-301.5(8).
To the extent permitted by Section 19-1-301.5, t[T]he ALJ may postpone a deadline or, as
applicable, a scheduled conference, oral argument or hearing, upon
motion from the parties, or upon the ALJ's own motion.
See Section 19-1-301.5(8).
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, R305-7-108(2) governs the ALJ's authority to extend time to file a Request for Agency Action, Petition for Review, or Petition to Intervene. See also the provisions cited in R305-7-108(2).
R305-7-106. Appearances and Representation.
(1) A party may be represented:
(a) by an individual if the individual is the party; or
(b) by a designated officer or other designated employee if the party is a person other than an individual.
(2) Any party may be represented by legal counsel. An attorney who is not currently a member in good standing of the Utah State Bar must present a written or oral motion for admission pro hac vice made by an active member in good standing of the Utah State Bar. Communication with and service on local counsel shall be deemed to be communication with and service on the party so represented.
R305-7-107. Proceeding Conducted by Teleconference or Other Electronic Means.
(1) All parties shall be present in person, or through an authorized representative (see R305-7-106), at an evidentiary hearing, if applicable.
(2) A party may participate in oral
argument on a dispositive motion or oral argument on the merits of
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding by
teleconference or other electronic means if:
(a) all other parties stipulate to participation by teleconference or other electronic means; and
(b) the ALJ approves the stipulation.
(3) A party may participate in any other hearing or conference on a dispositive motion or a hearing on the merits of a permit review adjudicative proceeding by teleconference or other electronic means if all other parties stipulate to participation by teleconference or other electronic means.
R305-7-108. Modifying Requirements of Rules.
(1) Except as provided in R305-7-108(2), the requirements of this Rule may be modified by order of the ALJ for good cause, provided the modification is not inconsistent with applicable statutory provisions.
(2) The following requirements may not be modified:
(a) the requirements for timely filing a
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] under R305-7-203(5) and
205 for a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding;
(b) the requirements for timely filing a
Request for Agency Action under R305-7-303(5) for a proceeding
other than a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding;
(c) the requirements for timely filing a
Petition to Intervene under R305-7-204(2) and 205 for a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding; and
(d) the requirements for timely filing a
Petition to Intervene under R305-7-304 (which incorporates the
requirements of R305-7-204(2)) for a proceeding other than a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding.
R305-7-109. Default.
(1) The provision controlling default
under UAPA, Section 63G-4-209, governs default under
special[permit review] adjudicative proceedings as well as
proceedings under UAPA
,[.]including enforcement proceedings. However, a petitioner in a
special adjudicative proceeding is not allowed to file a request
for agency action. Instead, a petitioner in a special adjudicative
proceeding must file a Petition for Review. Therefore, if a
petitioner in a special adjudicative proceeding improperly files a
request for agency action a respondent is not required to answer
it. In addition, a respondent in a special adjudicative proceeding
is not required to file a response to a Petition for Review under
Section 63G-4-209(1)(c). However, a party in a special adjudicative
proceeding who does not file a brief as required Section
19-1-301.5(8) may be held in default. See Section 19-1-301.5(
(2) A default order shall include a statement of the grounds for default and shall be filed with the Administrative Proceedings Records Officer and shall be served on all parties.
(3) A defaulted party may seek to have the default set aside according to procedures set forth in the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. A motion to set aside a default and any subsequent order shall be made to the ALJ.
R305-7-110. Limitation on Authority under Rule.
Nothing in this Rule constitutes a grant of authority for any person other than the recipient to challenge a Notice of Violation or to initiate an action to challenge or require the agency's enforcement either generally or in a specific situation. See UAPA, Sections 63G-4-102(8) and 63G-4-201(3).
R305-7-111. No Limitation on Authority to Bring Action.
(1) Nothing in this Rule shall be read as a limitation either of the agency's statutory authority to bring an emergency proceeding or a judicial proceeding under UAPA, Section 63G-4-502, under the Department of Environmental Quality Code, Utah Code Ann. Title 19. It shall also not be read as a limitation on the procedures the agency may use for an emergency proceeding under those authorities.
(2) Failure in this Rule to provide administrative procedures for an administrative action that is authorized by statute shall not be read as a limitation of the agency's authority to bring that action.
R305-7-112. Procedures Not Addressed.
In the event there are authorities or situations for which procedures are not prescribed by these rules, the ALJ shall, for a specific case, identify analogous procedures or other procedures that will apply. If the proceeding is conducted under the authority of Section 19-1-301, it shall be conducted formally under UAPA.
R305-7-113. Applicability of UAPA.
Special[Permit review] adjudicative proceedings are exempt
from UAPA except as specifically provided in Section 19-1-301.5.
See Section 19-1-301.5(3).
(2) With respect to all other orders:
(a) Initial Orders and Notices of Violation issued by the Director are exempt from the requirements of UAPA, as provided in Section 63G-4-102(2)(k).
(b) A proceeding to challenge an Initial Order or a Notice of Violation is subject to the requirements of UAPA.
(3) Neither UAPA nor this Rule applies to requests for government records or requests for confidentiality of government records. Those matters are governed by the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act, Sections 63G-2-101 through 901, and by Section 19-1-306.
R305-7-200. Retrospective Construction and Interpretation.
(1) SB 282 and SB 173 (Gen. Session 2015) modified Section 19-1-301.5 permit review adjudicative procedures effective May 12, 2015. Because the revisions are procedural, they shall be accorded retrospective construction in the sense that they will be applied to pending actions and proceedings, as well as to future actions but will not be so applied as to defeat procedural steps completed before the effective date of May 12, 2015.
R305-7-201. Scope of Rule; Purpose of Part.
Part 2 of this Rule (R305-7-201 through
217) specifies procedures to be used in a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding, as
authorized under Section 19-1-301.5.
R305-7-202. Notice and Comment and Exhaustion of Remedies.
(1) As provided in 19-1-301.5(4), if a
public comment period is provided during the permit application
process, a person who challenges a Permit Order, including the
permit applicant, may only raise an issue or argument during the
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding that:
(a) the person raised during the public comment period; and
(b) was supported with sufficient information or documentation to enable the Director to fully consider the substance and significance of the issue.
(2) Any supporting materials which are submitted shall be included in full and may not be incorporated by reference, unless they are already part of the Administrative Record in the same proceeding, or consist of state or federal statutes, regulations or rules, EPA documents of general applicability, or other generally available reference materials.
(3) The relevance of and the relevant portions of any supporting materials included with or incorporated by reference in comments shall be described with reasonable specificity.
(4) In preparing a comment response document, the Director may request that the permit applicant provide information in response to comments received during the public comment period.
Petitions for Review
Requests for Agency Action
(1) Permit orders may be contested by
filing and serving a written
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] as provided in
(2) Any
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] shall meet all of the
requirements of UAPA, Section 63G-4-201(3)(a) and (3)(b), and the
requirements of Section 19-1-301.5.
See Section 19-1-301.5(6)(d).
(3) A
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] shall be in writing,
shall be signed by the person making the
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action], or by that
person's representative, and shall include:
(a) the names and addresses of all persons
to whom a copy of the
Petition for Review[request for agency action] is being sent;
(b) the
Director's[agency's] file number or other reference
number, if known;
(c) the date that the
Petition for Review[request for agency action] was mailed;
(d) a statement of the legal authority and
jurisdiction under which
review is[agency action is] requested;
(e) a statement of
petitioner's position, including as applicable:[the relief or action sought from the agency;
(i) the legal authority under which the Petition for Review is requested;
(ii) the legal authority under which the Executive Director has jurisdiction to review the Petition for Review;
(iii) each of the petitioner's arguments in support of the petitioner's requested relief;
(iv) an explanation of how each argument described in Section 19-1-301.5(6)(d)(v)(D) was preserved;
(v) a detailed description of any permit condition to which the petitioner is objecting;
(vi) any modification or addition to a permit that the petitioner is requesting;
(vii) a demonstration that the Director's permit decision is based on a finding of fact or conclusion of law that is clearly erroneous;
(viii) if the Director addressed a finding of fact or conclusion of law described in Section 19-1-301.5(6)(d)(v)(G) in a response to public comment, a citation to the comment and response that relates to the finding of fact or conclusion of law and an explanation of why the Director's response was clearly erroneous or otherwise warrants review; and
(ix) a claim for relief.
[(f) a statement of the facts and reasons forming the basis
for relief or agency action.
(g) the requestor's name, address and email address,
if any; and
(h) a statement demonstrating that the person filing the
Request for Agency Action has met the requirements of Section
19-1-301.5(4), which requires that person to have raised the
issues or arguments in the Request for Agency Action during any
public comment period, and to have provided sufficient
information or documentation to enable the director to fully
consider the substance and significance of the issues or
arguments raised.
] (4) It is not sufficient under Section
63G-4-201(3) to file and serve a general statement of disagreement,
a reservation of rights to serve a
Petition for Review[request for agency action], or a request to have
the matter heard.
(5) To be timely, a
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] to contest a Permit
Order shall be, within 30 days of the date the Permit Order being
challenged was issued:
(a) received for filing by the Administrative Proceedings Records Officer at the address specified in R305-7-104(4)(c) of this Rule;
(b) received by the Director at the address specified in Part 6; and
(c) served as provided in R305-7-104(2), (4) and (5).
(6) Failure to file a
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] within the period
specified in R305-7-104(5) waives any right to contest the permit
order or to seek judicial review.
R305-7-204. Intervention.
(1) A person who seeks to intervene in a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding under this
section shall file and serve:
(a) a [p]Petition to [i]Intervene that:
(i) meets the requirements of Section 63G-4-207(1); and
(ii) demonstrates that the person is entitled to intervention under Section 19-1-301.5(7)(c)(ii); and
(b) a timely
Petition for Review[request for agency action].
(2) To be timely, a Petition to Intervene shall, within 30 days after the day on which the Permit Order being challenged was issued, be:
(a) received by the Administrative Proceedings Records Officer at the address specified in R305-7-104(4)(c) of this Rule;
(b) received by the Director at the address specified in Part 6;
(c) served on all other parties as provided in R305-7-104(4).
R305-7-205. Extensions of Time for Filing
Petitions for Review
Requests for Agency Action
] and Petitions to Intervene.
The time for filing a
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] or a Petition to
Intervene may be extended only by stipulation of the parties and
only if such stipulation is received for filing before the
expiration of the time for filing the
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] or Petition to
R305-7-206. Proceedings After a
Petition for Review
Request for Agency Action
] is Filed.
(1) After a
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action] has been filed, the
parties are encouraged to meet to attempt to resolve the
(2)(a) Any party may at any time file a request for appointment of an ALJ. An ALJ will not ordinarily be appointed until requested by a party, although the Executive Director may appoint an ALJ at any time.
(b) A request for appointment of an ALJ shall be filed as provided in R305-7-104(2)(a), and served as provided in R305-7-104(2)(b).
(3) After an ALJ is appointed, the ALJ
shall review and respond to the
Petition for Review[request for agency action] in accordance with
Subsections 63G-4-201(3)(d) and (e).
(4) Unless
the parties stipulate or the ALJ orders otherwise
following a motion[ordered by the ALJ], the Director shall file and
serve the Administrative Record, as provided in R305-7-209, within
40 days after
the day on which the Executive Director issues a notice of
appointment of an administrative law judge[service of the Notice of Further Proceedings].
The schedule and page limits for briefing on the merits
specified in Subsection 19-1-301.5(8)(a) shall apply except as
otherwise stipulated by the parties and coordinated with the ALJ in
accordance with R305-7-208(6).[Any dispositive motion shall be filed within 15 days after
service of the Administrative Record.]
(6) Dispositive Motions. The schedule for submission of dispositive motions specified in Subsection 19-1-301.5(8)(a) shall apply unless otherwise stipulated by the parties. However, without stipulation or order, dispositive motions may be submitted in advance of the schedule specified in Subsection 19-1-301.5(8)(a). Any issue or argument that could be raised in a dispositive motion is not waived by failure to file such a motion, but may be raised during the briefing on the merits. See R305-7-212.
(7) Subsection 19-1-301.5(13) is explained as follows. For each issue or argument that is not dismissed or otherwise resolved under Subsection 19-1-301.5(11)(b) or (12), the ALJ shall:
(a) provide the parties an opportunity for briefing and oral argument in accordance with Subsection 19-1-301.5(8);
(b) conduct a review of the Director's order or determination, based on the record as described in Subsection 19-1-301.5(9)(b)(c), and (10)(e); and
(c) within 60 days after the day on which oral argument takes place, or, if there is no oral argument, within 60 days after the day on which the reply brief is due, the ALJ shall submit to the Executive Director a proposed dispositive action, that includes:
(i) written findings of fact;
(ii) written conclusions of law; and
(iii) a recommended order.
R305-7-207. Parties.
(1) The following are parties to a
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding:
(a) the Director who issued the Permit
Order being challenged in the
special[permit review] adjudicative proceeding;
(b)(i) the permittee; or
(ii) the person who applied for the permit, if the permit was denied; and
(c) a person granted intervention by the ALJ.
(2) A person who has filed a Petition to Intervene that has not been denied is not a party, but will be treated as a party for purposes of this Rule (e.g., for purposes of service, making motions and settlement) unless otherwise ordered by the ALJ.
R305-7-208. Conferences, Proceedings and Order.
(1) The ALJ may hold one or more conferences for the purposes of:
(a) identifying and, if possible, narrowing the issues that will be considered;
(b) determining whether an issue will be considered through a dispositive motion or during the briefing on the merits;
(c) establishing schedules for the filing of motions and briefs;
(d) considering stipulations of fact or law; and
(e) considering any other matters.
(2) The ALJ shall promptly issue an order memorializing any determinations made about the matters considered in a conference.
(3) The ALJ may at any time order a party to make a more clear statement of the issues the party intends to raise.
(4) The ALJ may:
(a) require the parties to submit proposed schedules for the proceeding; and
(b) to the extent allowed by Section 19-1-301.5 and R305-7-208(6), change deadlines and page limits for submissions established by this Rule.
(5) The parties may request the ALJ hold a conference for the purpose of addressing the matters described in R305-7-208(1).
(6) Stipulated Scheduling Orders. The ALJ shall issue scheduling orders following Section 19-1-301.5 for the administrative record, briefing and page limits, and dispositive motions that shall apply unless the parties file stipulations for alternative scheduling and page limitations. The ALJ shall promptly adopt such timely filed stipulations in applicable scheduling orders unless the ALJ is not available on the stipulated hearing date or questions the necessity of the stipulated brief lengths.
(a) Stipulated Hearing Date. If the ALJ is not available on the stipulated hearing date, the ALJ shall confer with the parties to determine a mutually acceptable date and shall specify the mutually acceptable date in applicable scheduling orders.
(b) Stipulated Over-Length Briefs. If the ALJ questions the necessity of the stipulated over-length briefs, the ALJ may require the parties to state with specificity the issues to be briefed, the number of additional pages requested, and the good cause for allowing over-length briefs. The ALJ may promptly refuse to adopt or may promptly modify through order the parties' stipulation for over-length briefs if the parties fail to show good cause.
R305-7-209. Administrative Record.
(1) To the extent they relate to the
issues and arguments raised in the
Petition for Review[Request for Agency Action], the Administrative
Record shall consist of the following items, if they exist:
(a) the permit application, draft permit, and final permit;
(b) each statement of basis, fact sheet, engineering review, or other substantive explanation designated by the Director as part of the basis for the decision relating to the Permit Order;
(c) the notice and record of each public comment period;
(d) the notice and record of each public hearing, including oral comments made during the public hearing;
(e) written comments submitted during the public comment period;
(f) responses to comments that are designated by the Director as part of the basis for the decision relating to the Permit Order;
(g) any information that is:
(i) requested by and submitted to the Director; and
(ii) designated by the Director as part of the basis for the decision relating to the Permit Order;
(h) any additional information specified by rule;
(i) any additional documents agreed to by the parties; and
(j) information supplementing the record under Section 19-1-301.5(8)(c) or R305-7-210.
(2) If there has been no notice and
comment period for a Permit Order, information that is submitted
with the
Petition for Review[request for agency action] shall be deemed to be
part of the Administrative Record as shall information submitted in
any response to the
Petition for Review[request for agency action].
(3)(a) The Director shall prepare the record by compiling it in chronological order, numbering each page and preparing an index.
(b) The Director shall, within 40 days of
service of the Notice
of Appointment, [of Further Proceedings, ]or as otherwise
provided in R305-7-206[ordered by the ALJ][:];
(i) file and serve an electronic copy of the record in accordance with the requirements of R305-7-104; or
(ii) make a paper copy of the record available for review during normal working hours, and file and serve a copy of the record's index as provided in R305-7-104.
(4) Any challenges to the Administrative Record shall be made by motion within 10 business days of the date the record or index is served under paragraph (3)(b).
R305-7-210. Response to Supplemental Information.
If the Administrative Record is supplemented with additional information as described in R305-7-209(1)(i) or (j), the other parties may, in response, serve and file additional information specific to the supplemental information, which shall also be part of the Administrative Record. The additional information may not raise any new matters not raised in the supplemental information.
R305-7-211. Motions.
(1) A motion shall be made in writing, and shall include the grounds upon which it is based and the relief or order sought. A separate memorandum in support of the motion is not required.
(2) Any response to a motion shall be filed within 21 days of service of the motion.
(3) Any reply to a response to a motion may be filed within 10 days of service of the response. A reply shall be limited to matters raised in the response.
(4) A motion may not exceed 20 pages. If a separate memorandum in support of a motion is filed, the motion and memorandum together shall not exceed 20 pages. A response may not exceed 15 pages. A reply may not exceed ten pages.
(5) Deadlines and page limits may be modified by order of the ALJ.
(6) Any determination by the ALJ that is dispositive shall be forwarded to the Executive Director in the form of a recommended decision.
(7) See also R305-7-206(6) and R305-7-212 regarding issues and arguments not raised by motion.
R305-7-212. Challenges to a Petition to Intervene or to Failure to Preserve an Issue.
(1) A challenge to a Petition to Intervene under Section 19-1-301.5(7) or to a party's failure to preserve an issue under Section 19-1-301.5(4) and (6)(c) may be made by motion or may be made in the parties' briefs on the merits.
(2) If a challenge under paragraph (1) relies on a significant portion of the evidence or arguments that must be considered to make a determination on the merits, the party making the challenge under paragraph (1) is encouraged to do so in the brief on the merits.
(3) The ALJ may defer ruling on a motion under paragraph (1) until the ALJ makes a decision on the merits of the case if the ALJ finds that the motion relies on a significant portion of the evidence or arguments that must be considered to make a determination on the merits.
R305-7-213. Procedures for Determination on the Merits.
(1) Requirements for briefs on the merits in a special adjudicative proceeding are as follows:
(a) The schedule and page limits specified in Section 19-1-301.5(8)(a) shall apply except as otherwise stipulated by the parties and ordered by the ALJ in accordance with R305-7-208;
(b) Any page incorporated by reference from the administrative or adjudicative record shall count toward a page limitation;
(c) The table of contents, table of citations, and any addendum containing statutes, rules, regulations or portions of the administrative record cited do not count toward the page limitation;
(d) All statements of fact shall be supported by references to the pages in the administrative record in which the evidence is identified;
(e) Matters addressed in the petition but not in the opening brief shall be waived;
(f) Matters not addressed in the petition may not be raised in the opening brief.
[(1) Briefs on the merits shall be filed according to a
schedule and with page limits established by the ALJ. In the
absence of an order otherwise specifying deadlines:
(a) The Petitioner shall file and serve an Opening Brief
of no more than 30 pages within 30 days after the Director serves
the record or, if a dispositive motion is filed, within 30 days
of the ALJ's determination on, or deferral of, the motion;
(b) A responsive brief of no more than 30 pages shall be
filed and served within 30 days after the Petitioner's brief
is served.
(c) A reply brief of no more than 15 pages may be filed
and served within 15 days after the responsive brief is
(d) If a reply brief is filed, a surreply brief of no
more than five pages may be filed and served within five business
days after the reply brief is served.
] (2) A reply or a surreply brief may not raise any issue that was not raised in the responsive brief or the reply, respectively.
(3) Briefs must be concise, presented with accuracy, logically arranged with proper headings and free from burdensome, irrelevant, or immaterial matters. A brief not meeting these criteria may fail to meet that party's burden of persuasion.
(4) In cases involving more than one petitioner or respondent, including cases consolidated for purposes of the appeal, any number of either may join in a single brief, and any may adopt by reference any part of the brief of another. Parties may similarly join in reply briefs.
(5)[(3)] The ALJ shall provide an opportunity for oral
argument. Oral argument shall, at a minimum, be recorded at the
agency's expense using audio recording devices. The agency may
elect instead to use a court reporter. If the agency does not elect
to use a court reporter, any participant may request that the
agency use a court reporter for the oral argument, which request
shall be granted by the ALJ provided the requesting person agrees
to bear the cost associated with the request. Any such request
shall be submitted to the ALJ at least 10 business days before the
scheduled oral argument.
(6)[(4)] The parties may submit comments on the
ALJ's recommended decision to the Executive Director. Comments
shall not exceed 15 pages, and shall be submitted within ten
business days of the service of the recommended decision. A party
may file a response to another party's comments, not to exceed
five pages, within five business days of the date of the service of
the comments.
R305-7-214. Review and Determinations.
(1) The procedures and standards for resolving a permit
review challenge are specified in Section 19-1-301.5; see in
particular paragraphs (
9[8]) through (1
(2) The standard of review for the Director's factual, technical, and scientific determinations specified in Section 19-1-301.5(14)(b) and (15)(c)(ii) is explained as follows:
(a) The petitioner has the burden of proof;
(b) Marshaling the evidence is a natural extension of the petitioner's burden of proof;
(c) For each factual, technical, and scientific determination challenged by petitioner, the petitioner is required to marshal and acknowledge the evidence in the record that supports the Director's determination. Such determination shall be overturned as clearly erroneous only if the petitioner has proven, after marshaling, that the Director's determination is not supported. See Subsections 19-1-301.5(6)(d)(v)(G) and (H) and 19-1-301.5(14); and
(d) If the petitioner fails to marshal, there is a presumption that the Director's factual, technical, and scientific determination is not clearly erroneous.
(3) The standard of review for non-factual determinations provided in Section 19-1-301.5(15)(c)(i) recognizes that the Director has been granted substantial discretion to interpret the division's governing statutes and rules.
R305-7-215. Interlocutory Orders.
(1) Interlocutory review (review by the Executive Director before a final recommendation made by the ALJ) is not favored. Ordinarily, a party may challenge an order issued by the ALJ only after the ALJ has made a final recommended decision.
(2) A party may file, in accordance with R307-7-104, a motion for interlocutory review of a non-final ALJ order only if a ruling that is alleged to be in error could not be corrected through a challenge to the final recommended decision (e.g., a ruling denying privileged status to records), or where early resolution of a material issue may materially advance the termination of the proceeding.
(3) The Executive Director's determination to consider a motion for an interlocutory review is discretionary.
R305-7-216. Settlement.
The parties may agree to settle all or any portion of an action at any time during an administrative proceeding through a settlement agreement, an administrative settlement order, or a proposed judicial consent decree. Upon notice by the Director that there is a proposed settlement that will be subject to a public comment period, the ALJ shall suspend the administrative proceeding, in whole or in part, until notified by the Director or another party that the suspension should be lifted. The ALJ may order an update on the status of the settlement.
R305-7-217. Stays.
The procedure and standard for obtaining a stay is specified in Section 19-1-301.5(15).
. . . . . . .
R305-7-601. Purpose of Part.
(1) Part 6 of this Rule (R305-7-601 through 623) provides definitions and other provisions that will govern the way the procedures specified in Parts 2 through 5 of this Rule will apply to adjudicative procedures brought under specific statutes.
(2) For all statutes, Parts 1, 2 and 6 of this Rule apply to a proceeding to challenge a Permit Order.
(3) For all statutes, Parts 1, 3 and 6 of this Rule apply to a proceeding to challenge a Notice of Violation or other Initial Order.
R305-7-602. Addresses for Filing.
(1) Documents submitted to the Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Quality shall be sent to:
Executive Director
Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144810
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4810
Alternatively, these documents may be delivered by courier or hand delivery to:
Executive Director
Department of Environmental Quality
195 North 1950 West, 4th Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3097
(2) Documents submitted to the Director of the Division of Air Quality shall be sent to:
Director, Division of Air Quality
P.O. Box 144820
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820
Alternatively, these documents may be delivered by courier or hand delivery to:
Director, Division of Air Quality
195 North 1950 West, 4th Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3097
(3) Documents submitted to the Director of the Division of Drinking Water shall be sent to:
Director, Division of Drinking Water
P.O. Box 144830
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4830
Alternatively, these documents may be delivered by courier or hand delivery to:
Director, Division of Drinking Water
195 North 1950 West, 3rd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3097
(4) Documents submitted to the Director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control shall be sent to:
Director, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
P.O. Box 1448
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-48
Alternatively, these documents may be delivered by courier or hand delivery to:
Director, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
195 North 1950 West,
2nd[3rd] Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3097
[(5) Documents submitted to the Director of the Division of
Solid and Hazardous Waste shall be sent to:
Director, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880
Alternatively, these documents may be delivered by
courier or hand delivery to:
Director, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste
195 North 1950 West, 2nd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3097
(6)](5) Documents submitted to the Director of the Division of
Environmental Response and Remediation shall be sent to:
Director, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
P.O. Box 144840
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840
Alternatively, these documents may be delivered by courier or hand delivery to:
Director, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
195 North 1950 West, 1st Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3097
[(7)](6) Documents submitted to the Director of the Division of
Water Quality shall be sent to:
Director, Division of Water Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4870
Alternatively, these documents may be delivered by courier or hand delivery to:
Division of Water Quality
195 North 1950 West, 3rd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3097
. . . . . . .
KEY: administrative procedures, adjudicative procedures, hearings
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [January 31, 2013]2015
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-1-301; 19-1-301.5; 63G-4-102; 63G-4-201; 63G-4-202; 63G-4-203; 63G-4-205; 63G-4-503
Additional Information
More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.
The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2015/b20151001.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.
Text to be deleted is struck through and surrounded by brackets ([example]). Text to be added is underlined (example). Older browsers may not depict some or any of these attributes on the screen or when the document is printed.
For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Sandra Allen at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4122, by FAX at 801-359-8853, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]. For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.