DAR File No. 40242

This rule was published in the April 1, 2016, issue (Vol. 2016, No. 7) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Natural Resources, Water Rights

Rule R655-3

Reports of Water Rights Conveyance

Notice of Proposed Rule

(Repeal and Reenact)

DAR File No.: 40242
Filed: 03/03/2016 11:15:14 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The current rule requires clarification and update to current industry practice.

Summary of the rule or change:

These rules are issued pursuant to Section 73-1-10 and Subsection 73-2-1(4)(a), which provides that the state engineer shall adopt rules that specify when a water right owner is authorized to prepare a Report of Conveyance to the state engineer; the kinds of information required in such reports; and the procedures for processing such reports. A brief summary of what was in the old rule that is not in the new version of the rule is mainly a list of examples that have been omitted and are now to be included in a training manual rather than the rule. Items that are in the new rule that are not in the old rule are an expanded list of definitions from the old rule; establishment of when maps are required and standards for title maps; and a clarification of the use of an addendum to update title as now authorized by statute.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 73-1-10
  • Subsection 73-2-1(4)(a)

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

No cost is involved--Clarification of processing does not require a dollar figure.

local governments:

No cost is involved--Clarification of processing does not require a dollar figure.

small businesses:

No cost is involved--Clarification of processing does not require a dollar figure.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

No cost is involved--Clarification of processing does not require a dollar figure.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

No cost is involved--Clarification of processing does not require a dollar figure.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

There is no fiscal impact--Clarification of process procedures does not require a dollar figure.

Michael Styler, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Natural Resources
Water RightsRoom 220
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Marianne Burbidge at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7370, by FAX at 801-538-7467, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Michael Styler, Executive Director


R655. Natural Resources, Water Rights.

[R655-3. Reports of Water Right Conveyance.

R655-3-1. Scope and Purpose.

These rules are issued pursuant to Section 73-1-10 which provides that the state engineer shall adopt rules that specify when a water right owner is authorized to prepare a Report of Conveyance to the state engineer; the kinds of information required in such reports; and the procedures for processing such reports.


R655-3-2. Definitions.

BENEFICIAL USE - the basis, the measure and the limit of a water right. It is the amount of water use allowed by the water right expressed in terms of the purpose(s) to which the water may be applied. For example, in the case of irrigation, the beneficial use is expressed as the number of acres that may be irrigated by the water right (e.g. 40 acres).

CHANGE APPLICATION - as allowed by Section 73-3-3, any person entitled to the use of water may make permanent or temporary changes in the point of diversion, place of use, or nature of use of a water right by making application upon forms furnished by the state engineer

DIVERSION LIMIT - the total volume of water in acre feet or the flow rate in cubic feet per second which may be diverted as allowed by the water right to meet the needs of the beneficial uses authorized by the water right.

DIVISION - the Utah Division of Water Rights within the Department of Natural Resources.

PROFESSIONAL - for the purposes of this rule, a person, as specified in Section 73-1-10, who is licensed in Utah as an attorney, a professional engineer, a title insurance agent, or a professional land surveyor.

REPORT OF CONVEYANCE - a report of water right conveyance to the state engineer as required by Section 73-1-10.


R655-3-3. When a Water Right Owner is Authorized to Prepare a Report of Conveyance.

A water right owner may prepare a Report of Conveyance without the certification of a professional in the situations described below in subsections 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. In all other situations, a Report of Conveyance must be prepared by or under the direct supervision of, and certified by, a professional.

3.1 On each of the documents (deed, marriage certificate, divorce decree, death certificate, or probate document) required in the situations described in subsections 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4, the name appearing on the document (the grantor in the case of a deed) must be exactly the same as the name of the water right owner as shown on the division's records. If there are differences in the names, the discrepancy may be addressed by attaching to the Report of Conveyance affidavits executed by the appropriate parties asserting that the persons named are one and the same.

3.2 Ownership changes which involve simple water rights conveyances.

3.2.1 A deed which conveys an entire water right and which specifically identifies the water right being conveyed by the state engineer's water right number (for example 43-1638).

3.2.2 A deed which conveys more than one water right and which meets the criteria of paragraph 3.2.1 for each water right conveyed.

3.2.3 A deed which conveys a portion of a water right and which conforms to the following suggested Water Right Deed format: The deed must be clearly labeled "WATER RIGHT DEED". The deed must contain standard warranty deed or quit claim deed conveyance language. The deed must be limited to the conveyance of water rights and must convey only one water right. The deed must contain all of the information necessary to clearly identify the water right conveyed. The deed must show the water right number. If this interest in the water right has been segregated from another water right, the deed must show the currently assigned water right number. The water right number will be the basis for identifying the water right, however, the deed may also show other numbers pertinent to the water right such as a diligence claim number, an application number, an award number from a decree, etc. The deed must name a grantee. (The name of the grantee as shown on the deed will be the name used to update the division's records.) The deed must show the current mailing address for the grantee. (This will be the address to which the division will mail official notices regarding administrative actions on the water right.) The deed must describe the beneficial uses conveyed by type and amount. For example:



Irrigation 38.50 acres
Stockwatering 10 cattle or equivalents
Domestic 1 family


(The division will use the beneficial use information to update the water right ownership.) The volume of water conveyed in acre feet or the flow rate conveyed in cubic feet per second or gallons per minute, is not required on the deed. However, if it is shown on the deed, it must be consistent with the beneficial use(s) shown on the deed. If there are multiple grantors and/or multiple grantees, the deed must clearly indicate the interest conveyed from each grantor and/or the interest acquired by each grantee. The deed must list by number any approved or unapproved pending change applications which are associated with the water right. The deed must also describe the type and amount of beneficial use associated with each of these applications that is being conveyed with the water right. For example:



Irrigation 20.50 acres
Stockwatering 5 cattle or equivalents
Domestic 1 family The deed must be signed by all grantors, notarized, and recorded in the county where the water is diverted and in the county where the water is used. If the water is diverted or used in more than one county, the deed must be recorded in each county where the water is diverted or used.

3.2.4 Reports of Conveyance prepared by water right owners may be based on more than one deed in the chain of deeds as long as each deed complies with the requirements of 3.2.1, 3.2.2, or 3.2.3.

3.3 Name changes which are due to marriage or divorce

3.3.1 In the case of marriage, a water right owner's name may be changed from the prior or maiden name to the married name. The Report of Conveyance must be accompanied by a copy of the marriage certificate.

3.3.2 In the case of divorce, a water right owner's name may be changed from the married name to the prior or maiden name. The Report of Conveyance must be accompanied by a copy of the divorce decree.

3.3.3 To add or remove a spouse, the water right ownership may be updated according to the procedure described in 3.2 above.

3.4 Ownership changes which are due to the death of the water right owner

3.4.1 When the water right is held in joint tenancy, the ownership may be updated to remove the name of the deceased joint tenant. The Report of Conveyance must be accompanied by a copy of the death certificate.

3.4.2 When the water right is not held in joint tenancy and there is only one successor to the deceased and the probate document clearly defines the distribution of the estate, the ownership may be updated to the successor. The Report of Conveyance must be accompanied by a copy of the probate document.


R655-3-4. Content of the Report of Conveyance.

A Report of Conveyance must have sufficient documentation presented in a standard statement format to demonstrate the chain of title connecting the owner as shown on the Division's water right records to the person currently claiming ownership of all or a portion of the water right. The Report of Conveyance shall be submitted on forms provided by the state engineer. The information required in a Report of Conveyance for most ownership transactions includes the information described below and any other information deemed necessary by the state engineer to process the report.

4.1 Information required on all Reports of Conveyance

4.1.1 The type of conveyance document.

4.1.2 The date the document was signed and the county recorder information.

4.1.3 The grantor name(s) as it appears on the conveyance document.

4.1.4 The grantee name(s) exactly as it appears on the conveyance document.

4.1.5 The current mailing address of the grantee.

4.1.6 Any pending change applications or non-use applications associated with the conveyance document.

4.1.7 Any special conditions of the conveyance document

4.1.8 Unless the Report of Conveyance is prepared by the water right owner as allowed by R655-3-3, it must include a certification by a professional stating that (s)he has prepared or supervised the preparation of the Report of Conveyance, that the report is true and accurate to the best of the preparer's knowledge, and that the attached documents evidence the ownership interest of the grantee. The certification must include the professional's name, profession, license number, and phone number. The certification also requires the name and phone number of the grantee.

4.2 In addition to the information described in 4.1, a Report of Conveyance which involves conveyance of only a portion of the water right must also include the following information:

4.2.1 The amount and type of each beneficial use that was conveyed by this document.

4.2.2 If applicable, the amount of each type of beneficial use associated with any pending change that was conveyed by the documents.

4.2.3 The diversion limit conveyed as applicable (see sub section

4.3 The supporting information which must accompany each Report of Conveyance include the following items:

4.3.1 Maps (if needed to establish water right appurtenance to land or to establish the portion of the water right conveyed by appurtenance)

4.3.2 Any explanatory narrative deemed necessary by the certifier.

4.3.3 Any necessary affidavits

4.3.4 Copies of all conveyance documents listed on the summary sheet. Conveyance documents (deeds, etc.) must bear county recorder's stamp with all recording information (document number, book, page, recording date, etc.). Documents must be legible. Documents must be arranged in chronological order by recording date/number.


R655-3-5. Procedures for Processing a Report of Conveyance.

5.1 Upon receiving a Report of Conveyance and the prescribed fee, the state engineer shall review the Report to see that it is acceptably complete. A Report of Conveyance is acceptably complete if the Report includes all the information and material required in section R655-3-4 which is necessary to update the water right ownership records of the state engineer to the name of the person claiming water right ownership and which does not conflict with other water right ownership information of record with the state engineer.

5.2 If a Report of Conveyance is acceptably complete, the state engineer shall file the Report and update the water right ownership records according to the Report.

5.3 If a Report of Conveyance is not acceptably complete, the state engineer shall return the Report with an explanation of why it is not acceptably complete. The state engineer may not file the Report and update the water right ownership records unless the Report is resubmitted with the necessary information and material. ]

R655-3. Reports of Water Right Conveyance.

R655-3-1. Scope and Purpose.

These rules are issued pursuant to Utah Code Section 73-1-10 and 73-2-1(4)(a) which provides that the state engineer shall adopt rules that specify when a water right owner is authorized to prepare a Report of Conveyance to the state engineer; the kinds of information required in such reports; and the procedures for processing such reports.


R655-3-2. Definitions.

APPURTENANCE -- A right or improvement to a property that passes with the property upon the transfer of the property. As applied to water rights, it is as described in Utah Code Section 73-1-11.

APPROPRIATION -- an application seeking to appropriate water pursuant to Utah Code Section 73-3-2.

BENEFICIAL USE - the basis, the measure and the limit of a water right. It is the specific use(s) authorized under a water right expressed in terms of the purpose(s) to which the water may be applied and the quantity of that purpose. For example, in the case of irrigation, the beneficial use is expressed as the number of acres that may be irrigated (e.g. 11.22 acres).

CHAIN OF TITLE -- A series of deeds or other properly filed and recorded documents which demonstrate the transfer of a water right or land with appurtenant water rights from the owner listed on records of the Division of Water Rights as grantor through a chronological succession of transfer documents where the grantee subsequently conveys to successive grantees the same water right ending with the grantee listed as new owner on the Report of Water Right Conveyance.

CHANGE APPLICATION -- an application authorized to be made under Utah Code Section 73-3-3 to change the point of diversion, place of use, nature of use, period of use or storage of a water right.

DIVERSION LIMIT - the total volume of water in acre-feet or the flow rate in cubic feet per second which may be diverted as allowed by the water right to supply the needs of the beneficial uses authorized by the water right.

DIVISION - the Utah Division of Water Rights within the Department of Natural Resources.

EXCHANGE APPLICATION -- as authorized under Utah Code Section 73-3-20, an application to allow water from one source to be exchanged for water from another source typically utilizing a reservoir to store water that will be released to offset the impacts of water diverted from another source such as a well. Exchanges are a conditional right rather than a modification of the underlying rights. The water may be exchanged to the extent it is not used under the underlying right. The right to exchange may be conveyed either through deed or by appurtenance but the underlying right is often held separately or exists through contract with another party and is not conveyed as an appurtenance of the exchange right. One may update ownership of the exchange right on state engineer records, but if control of the underlying right is lost through termination of a contract or otherwise, the state engineer may lapse the exchange right if the applicant has lost a legal interest in the underlying right used to facilitate the exchange (see UC 73-3-20(3)).

PLACE OF USE -- the specific acreage where water under a water right may be placed to beneficial use as described on the records of the State Engineer or a decree.

PROFESSIONAL - for the purposes of this rule, a person authorized to submit a Report of Conveyance as specified in Utah Code Section 73-1-10. A professional must be licensed in Utah as an attorney, a professional engineer, a title insurance producer, or a professional land surveyor.

REPORT OF CONVEYANCE (ROC) - a report of water right conveyance to the state engineer as required by Section 73-1-10.

SHARE STATEMENT - A water right file created on state engineer records for purposes of administration in instances where the owner of shares of stock in a water company is authorized under statute to file an application (nonuse or change applications) based on stock ownership. Shares of Stock do not transfer under rules of other rights to use water but transfer as securities as set forth in Title 70A, Chapter 8, Uniform Commercial Code - Investment Securities. Water Right Applications based on share statements are a conditional right. Rights under the application transfer as other interests in water rights but are separate from ownership of the underlying shares of stock upon which the application is based. If an ownership interest in the underlying shares of stock is lost or the shareholder fails to complete conditions imposed by the company to maintain the shares in good standing the state engineer is directed (UC 73-3-3.5(12)) to "reverse" or terminate the approval of the application upon petition of the water company which issued the shares of stock.

SOLE SUPPLY -- means the amount of Beneficial Use allowed under a particular water right when used alone and separate from all Supplemental Rights. If a water right has been assigned to more than one Water Use Group, the Sole Supply of the water right is the sum of its Beneficial Use Amounts.

SUPPLEMENTAL GROUP -- Also referred to as a Water Use Group, means one or more water rights listed together and assigned a unique number in the records of the State Engineer as being applied to a common Beneficial Use. The unique number referred to is shown on the Division's computer data base as Supplemental Group No.

WATER RIGHT NUMBER -- a file number assigned by the Division beginning with a two digit prefix associated with a specific geographic area designated by the Division, followed by a dash followed by another number to establish a specific number for the administrative functions of the Division. (e.g. 43-3231)

WATER RIGHTS ADDENDUM -- an addendum to a deed clarifying the water rights conveyed by the deed pursuant to Section 73-1-10(1)(d)(i) and 73-1-11(6). Addendums are recorded with the deed it accompanies at the County Recorder's Office and are forwarded by the County Recorder to the State Engineer pursuant to Utah Code Section 57-3-109.


R655-3-3. When a Water Rights Addendum Acts as a Report of Conveyance

3.1 When a recorded water right or land addendum and deed is transmitted to the State Engineer by a County Recorder, as required by Utah Code Section 57-3-109, the state engineer under Utah Code Section 73-1-10(1)(d)(ii) will consider the Water Rights Addendum to be a submitted Report of Water Right Conveyance.

3.2 Water Right Addendums submitted in conformance with this rule shall be processed by the state engineer and ownership updated on water right records of the Division if:

3.2.1 The grantor listed on the deed and addendum is the owner as listed on water right records of the Division; and

3.2.2 The Water Rights Addendum document is properly completed as instructed on the form.

3.3 If the state engineer does not update water right ownership on records of the Division upon submittal of a Water Rights Addendum as described in this rule, the state engineer shall provide written notice to the grantee at the address stated on the addendum of the reasons ownership was not updated.

3.4 If the state engineer does not update water right ownership on records of the Division upon submittal of a Water Right Addendum as described in this rule, a water right owner shall submit a report of water right conveyance as directed in Utah Code Section 73-1-10(3) and these rules.

3.5 An addendum is required to be signed by the grantors and grantees on the deed.


R655-3-4. Content of the Report of Conveyance.

4.1 A Report of Conveyance consists of:

4.1.1 A form provided by the state engineer which must be completed by the submitter;

4.1.2 Sufficient documentation presented as copies of properly recorded or authenticated documents to demonstrate the Chain of Title connecting the owner as shown on the Division's water right records to the person currently claiming ownership of all or a portion of the water right; and

4.1.3 Maps conforming to Rule R655-3-5 when conveyance by Appurtenance to land is asserted in the report of conveyance.

4.1.4 Additional information in the form of affidavits, opinions, and explanations if deemed necessary by the state engineer to process the ROC.

4.1.5 A fee paid to the State Engineer to process the Report of Conveyance pursuant to Utah Code Section 73-2-14(1)(q).

4.2 The content of a Report of Conveyance form is as follows:

4.2.1 A single specified water right number to which the report pertains. This is the water right ownership record of the Division which will be updated when the ROC is deemed acceptably complete.

4.2.2 A summary of the documents relied upon to establish a Chain of Title including: The type of conveyance document; Recording information on a deed including the date it was signed and recorded, and the Recorder's entry number; The grantor name(s) as it appears on the conveyance document; The grantee names exactly as they appear on the conveyance document; Any reservations or special conditions of conveyance. If a portion of a water right is conveyed, the "Portion" Report of Conveyance form must be used which additionally requires: The quantity of each beneficial use conveyed. If applicable, the quantity of use on a change application that was conveyed. The diversion limit if applicable.

4.2.3 The number of any change application to which the report also pertains.

4.2.4 Name and mailing address of all new owner(s) as identified in the Chain of Title and as the name and mailing address is to be shown on records of the state engineer.

4.2.5 A signed certification of the owner if the ROC is submitted by an individual without a professional certification attesting that the information contained in the ROC is true and accurate.

4.2.6 A signed certification by a Professional unless submittal by a Professional is exempted in these rules. The certification shall state: The professional was retained by an owner of the water right to prepare or supervise the preparation of the Report of Conveyance; that the report is true and accurate to the best of the preparer's knowledge; that an adequate and competent search of the records of the appropriate County Recorder has been made to find all conveyances affecting ownership of the water right; and that the attached documents evidence the ownership interest of the grantee. The certification must include the professional's name, profession, license number, mailing address and phone number.

4.3 Copies of deeds submitted as supporting documentation must be properly recorded in the county where water is diverted and, if different, the county where the water is used. The recording information must appear on deeds submitted.

4.4 A water right deed conveys only the water right or portion thereof expressly identified in the deed.

4.5 A document relied upon by a County Recorder's office to maintain a tract index for land with an appurtenant water right will be accepted as a conveyance document consistent with Utah Code Section 73-1-11(1)(b). Documents submitted must include: a chain of title from the person identified on the State Engineer's records as owning the water right to the person shown on the County Recorder's records as owning the property to which the water right is appurtenant; a copy of the tract index from the County Recorder; and an affidavit endorsed by the Report of Conveyance professional affirming that the water right has not been severed from the land but remains appurtenant to the property.

4.6 If an interest in a water right has been segregated from another water right, a deed recorded subsequent to the segregation must show the currently assigned water right number for the segregated water right.

4.7 The document required to support the change of the name of a corporation is a certificate of name change stamped by the Utah Department of Commerce accompanying the Report of Conveyance.

4.8 A copy of a marriage license evidences the change of name of an individual specified in the license.

4.9 A copy of a decree of a court of competent jurisdiction evidences the change of name of an individual as declared in the decree.

4.10 A copy of a death certificate evidences the dissolution of joint tenancy in favor of the surviving party (removal of a joint tenant as an owner on Division records).

4.11 A properly executed affidavit by an individual evidences aliases by which the individual may be named in other documents.

4.12 All supporting documents must be legible.

4.13 Supporting documents must be arranged in ascending chronological order (oldest to youngest) by recording date.


R655-3-5. Maps and Mapping Standards for Reports of Conveyance.

5.1 Maps are required when a water right is conveyed as an appurtenance to property. A map is a graphical depiction of the water right place of use overlain by the metes and bounds description of the property conveyed in a land deed demonstrating graphically and to scale the portion of the water right which is appurtenant to the property described.

5.2 Maps shall meet the following standards:

5.2.1 Maps must be legible.

5.2.2 Maps may be 8 1/2 x 11 or 8 1/2 x 14 inches in size.

5.2.3 Maps are to state the water right number conveyed.

5.2.4 Maps are to include a north arrow.

5.2.5 Maps are to be drawn to scale with a graphical scale bar contained thereon.

5.2.6 Maps are to include appropriate Public Land Survey lines and labelled with section(s), township, range, and base and meridian.

5.2.7 At least one section corner location or appropriate survey tie is to be shown on the map and labelled as such.

5.2.8 Maps are to include and depict the entire parcel described as conveyed on the land deed and the actual acreage of the parcel.

5.2.9 Maps are to show by hatching or shading the authorized place of use of the water right which is appurtenant to land described in a land deed.

5.2.10 Maps are to show any reservations from the property including property described by language such as "less and excepting" in the overall property description.

5.2.11 Each deed submitted must have a map accompanying it unless the property description in every deed is identical.

5.2.12 Maps should include a legend containing an identifier for the deed mapped, parcel numbers, subdivision name and lot numbers, and any other information needed to connect the map to the deed in a clear and consistent manner.

5.3 The accuracy and completeness of maps are the responsibility of the professional preparing the Report of Conveyance. Additional information may be required by the Division of Water Rights to adequately identify the property to which water rights are appurtenant or the place of use of a portion of a water right being conveyed.


R655-3-6. Procedures for Processing a Report of Conveyance.

6.1 Upon receipt of a Report of Conveyance, the state engineer shall assess if the Report of Conveyance is acceptably completed in form and substance .

6.2 If a Report of Conveyance is acceptably complete, it will be processed and Division records updated to reflect ownership of the water right in accordance with the Report.

6.3 If a Report of Conveyance is not acceptably complete, the ROC will be returned to the submitting party with an explanation of why it is not considered acceptably complete.

6.4 If the fee for the ROC has been processed by the state engineer prior to the return of a ROC to the submitting party, the state engineer will place a copy of the ROC on the water right file but will not update ownership records until the ROC is acceptably complete. The submitting party will be allowed 90 days to return a corrected or completed ROC for processing without further fee.

6.5 The accuracy and completeness of the Report is the sole responsibility of the submitter.

6.6 A Report of Conveyance which conflicts with another Report on the same water right will not be processed and will be returned to the submitter. Its receipt will be noted on records of the state engineer and the disputing parties notified. When the parties agree as to the resolution of the conflict issue, either through negotiation by the parties or through a court action and attendant order, the state engineer will update accordingly.


R655-3-7. When a Water Right Owner Is Authorized to Prepare a Report of Conveyance Without a Professional.

7.1A Report of Conveyance may be submitted by the owner of a water right without the certification of a professional only in the following situations:

7.1.1 When the deed or deeds convey 100% of a water right and state the water right number on the deed.

7.1.2 When the deed or deeds convey a portion of a water right, all owners of the right sign the deed as grantors, the deed conveys the portion by stating the water right number on the deed, and the sole supply has been established for the portion conveyed.

7.1.3 When the Report of Conveyance is submitted to change the name of an owner but does not report the conveyance of an interest in the water right to a new party.

7.1.4 When the Report of Conveyance is submitted to remove the name of a joint tenant due to death.


KEY: water rights , conveyances , ownership, titles

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 1, 2000]2016

Notice of Continuation: August 1, 2014

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 73-1



Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Marianne Burbidge at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7370, by FAX at 801-538-7467, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.