DAR File No. 40290

This rule was published in the April 15, 2016, issue (Vol. 2016, No. 8) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Education, Administration

Rule R277-505

Administrative License Areas of Concentration and Programs

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 40290
Filed: 03/30/2016 02:13:51 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

Administrative Rules R277-502 and R277-503 no longer allow teacher preparation programs to be approved based solely on national accreditation. Rule R277-505 details the requirements that the Board establishes for its approval of such programs in administrative/supervisory licensure.

Summary of the rule or change:

Proposed amendments require programs to be aligned with the Utah Education Leadership Standards and establish internship or experience minimum requirements; define specific areas of focus for all administrative licensure programs; require the State Superintendent to work with local education agencies and university programs to create standards for a second tier licensure credential for building principals after employment and to explore the creation of credentials in other leadership positions; and provide technical and conforming changes.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Article X, Section 3
  • Section 53A-6-104
  • Section 53A-1-401

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The amendments to Rule R277-505 provide standards and procedures for Education Leadership licenses, approval of programs for Education Leadership licenses, and LEA-specific, competency-based licenses, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to the state budget.

local governments:

The amendments to Rule R277-505 provide standards and procedures for Education Leadership licenses, approval of programs for Education Leadership licenses, and LEA-specific, competency-based licenses, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to local government.

small businesses:

The amendments to Rule R277-505 provide standards and procedures for Education Leadership licenses, approval of programs for Education Leadership licenses, and LEA-specific, competency-based licenses, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to small businesses.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The amendments to Rule R277-505 provide standards and procedures for Education Leadership licenses, approval of programs for Education Leadership licenses, and LEA-specific, competency-based licenses, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The amendments to Rule R277-505 provide standards and procedures for Education Leadership licenses, approval of programs for Education Leadership licenses, and LEA-specific, competency-based licenses, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

To the best of my knowledge, there should be no fiscal impact on businesses resulting from the amendments to the rule.

Sydnee Dickson, Interim State Superintendent

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

250 E 500 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-3272

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Angela Stallings at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7656, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Angela Stallings, Associate Superintendent, Policy and Communication


R277. Education, Administration.

R277-505. [ Administrative ] Education Leadership License Areas of Concentration and Programs.

R277-505-[2]1 . Authority and Purpose.

[A.](1) This rule is authorized [under]by:

(a) Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3 , which vests general control and supervision of public education in the Board[,];

(b) Section[s] 53A-6-[101(1) and (2)]104, which permit s the Board to issue certificates for educators[,]; and

(c) Section 53A-1-401[(3)], which allows the Board to adopt rules in accordance with its responsibilities.

[B.](2) The purpose of this rule is to:

([1]a) specify the requirements for [Administrative]education leadership license areas of concentration[, including meaningful internships];[and]

([2]b) provide standards and procedures for district-specific and charter school-specific [Administrative]education leadership license areas of concentration[.]; and

(c) specify the requirements for an education leadership preparation program that must be met to receive Board approval of the program.


R277-505-[1]2 . Definitions.

[A. "Acceptable professional experience" means successful, full-time experience in public or accredited private or parochial schools in an area for which certification is required for employment in the public schools.]

[B.](1) "[Administrative]Education leadership license area of concentration" means the initial credential issued by the Board [which permits the]that authorizes a holder to be employed in a position [which requires administration or supervision of elementary, middle, or secondary levels within the public education system]that requires the license holder to administer educational programs or supervise educators in improving educational practices and outcomes within the public education system, including the administration and supervision of a school.

[C. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.]

[D. "District-specific educator license with an administrative license area of concentration" means an area of concentration awarded by a school district or charter school to an administrator following verification of criteria consistent with this rule.]

[E.](2) "Internship" means an on-site supervised experience in an accredited public or private school or other approved location.

[F.](3) "Level 2 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued to an applicant after [satisfaction of]the Level 2 applicant:

(a) completes all requirements for a Level 1 license ;[and:]

([3]b) [satisfaction of]completes the requirements under R277-522 for a teacher[s] whose employment as a Level 1 licensed educator began after January 1, 2003 in a Utah public or accredited private school[.];

([2]c) completes:

(i) at least three years of successful education experience[ within a five-year period] in a Utah public LEA or accredited private school ; or

(ii)(A) one year of successful education experience in a Utah public LEA or accredited private school; and

(B) at least three years of successful education experience in a public LEA or accredited private school outside of Utah; and

([1]d) completes additional requirements established by law or rule;

[G.](4) "Level 3 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued to an educator who :

(a) holds a current Utah Level 2 license ; and[has also received, in the educator's field of practice, National Board certification or a doctorate from an accredited institution]

(b) receives:

(i) National Board Certification;

(ii) a doctorate in:

(A) education; or

(B) a field related to a content area in a unit of the public education system or an accredited private school; or

(iii)(A) a Speech-Language Pathology area of concentration; and

(B) currently holds American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) certification.

(5) "LEA governing board" means:

(a) for a school district, the school district's local school board; or

(b) for a charter school, the charter school's charter school governing board.

[H. "Outstanding professional qualifications" means a person who has completed a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education and who has demonstrated successful managerial experience in business, government, or similar setting.]

[I. "USOE" means the Utah State Office of Education.]


R277-505-3. [ Administrative ] Education Leadership License Area of Concentration Positions.

[A.](1) [Local boards and charter schools]An LEA shall determine[, consistent with Sections 53A-3-301(4), 53A-6-104.5, 53A-6-110, and this rule, required licenses or letters of authorization for administrators working in] the various positions and settings in which an individual must hold an Education Leadership license area of concentration in accordance with the requirements of Sections:

(a) 53A-1a-511;

(b) 53A-3-301;

(c) 53A-6-104.5;

(d) 53A-6-110; and

(e) this Board rule.

[B. Local boards and charter schools shall, by board policy determined in an open meeting, notify the public of required licenses or credentials for administrators in their schools.]

(2) An LEA's governing board shall adopt a policy, in an open and public meeting, that describes the required licenses or credentials for administrators in the LEA's schools.

[C. Local boards and charter schools that have designated appropriate administrative requirements consistent with the law and this rule shall receive professional staff costs only for administrators licensed consistent with the policies and this rule.]

[D. Administrative interns currently registered for academic credit in an institution of higher education for the internship are not required to hold an Administrative license area of concentration but shall hold a Level 2 or Level 3 license.]

[E. The Board strongly recommends that all educators who supervise educators complete Administrative license areas of concentration programs and participate in ongoing professional development.]


R277-505-4. [ Administrative ] Education Leadership License Area of Concentration Requirements.

[A.](1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), [A]an applicant for [the Administrative]an education leadership license area of concentration [shall have successfully completed or received all of the following:

(1) a Level 2 teaching license or equivalent from another state with area of concentration;]may be granted an education leadership license area of concentration if the applicant:

([2]a) holds a master's degree or more advanced degree;

[(3) an education administrative program; and]

([4]b) passes a Board-approved [administrative]education leadership test; and

(c)(i) completes a Board-approved education leadership licensure program; or

(ii) subject to Subsection (3), holds an education leadership license valid in another state under the NASDTEC interstate agreement.

([5]2) [Exceptions may be made to R277-505-4A(1)(2) or (3) by the USOE] The Board may grant an education leadership license area of concentration to an applicant for :

(a) exceptional professional experience, including non-education experience;

(b) exceptional education accomplishments[,]; or

(c) other noteworthy experiences or circumstances.

(3) An applicant that holds an education leadership license valid in another state under the NASDTEC interstate agreement as described in Subsection (1)(c)(ii) shall complete:

(a) at least one year of education leadership experience in that state; or

(b) an education leadership internship substantially equivalent to the internship required for Board-approved education leadership licensure programs as described in this rule.

[(6) not fewer than three years of acceptable full-time professional experience in an education-related area in a public or accredited private or parochial school. Appropriate experiences that may be substituted for up to one-half of this requirement include:

(a) alternative school or similar type professional experience;

(b) community college, trade-technical college, or other post-secondary professional experience;

(c) district-level administrative experience;

(d) headstart or preschool professional experience;

(e) college of education or state education agency professional experience; or

(f) professional experience in academic departments of colleges or universities if there has been sufficient involvement with public school programs and curriculum.

(7) a recommendation from a Utah institution whose program of preparation has been accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC).

B. In addition to R277-505-4A, above, an applicant for the Administrative license area of concentration shall successfully complete an administrative internship. The internship shall:

(1) consist of a minimum of 450 hours of supervised clinical experiences, excluding additional hours required by a university for seminars or discussion sessions within the required hours.

(2) include a minimum of 200 of the required hours in a school setting which offers the opportunity of working with a properly licensed principal, students, faculty, classified employees, parents and patrons.

(3) include the remainder of the required internship hours in school district offices, the USOE or other USOE-approved and appropriate agencies or school settings.

(4) include the majority of the school-level supervised experience during the regular school day in concentrated blocks of a minimum of three hours each when students are present.

(5) presume interns' involvement in extracurricular activities.

(6) include experiences at both elementary and secondary school levels.

(7) have clinical experience in a different school than where the intern may be employed as a teacher.

(8) provide opportunities for the intern to demonstrate application of knowledge and skills gained through the higher education experience in school settings, including the opportunity to:

(a) understand the school community;

(b) understand the school culture and its importance to the student;

(c) experience managing a safe, efficient learning environment;

(d) collaborate with families of diverse students;

(e) support ethics and fairness in the school setting; and

(f) participate in the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural school context.

C. In the first year of employment as an administrator, an applicant for the Administrative license area of concentration shall complete a one school year mentoring experience established and supervised by the employing school district or charter school that includes criteria identified in R277-522-3A and B, as applied to administrators.

D. Relicensure and professional development requirements for active and non-practicing administrators shall include:

(1) for active administrators, at least 75 of the required 200 points shall focus on leadership issues to ensure that:

(a) administrators have current and effective knowledge and skills;

(b) administrators understand and can demonstrate employee corrective action directives;

(c) administrators are working to improve student achievement, teacher effectiveness and teacher retention skills; and

(d) administrators are using student data to assess student learning.

(2) for non-practicing administrators, at least 100 points of the required 200 points shall be related to school administration.]


R277-505-5. Standards for the Approval of Programs for Education Leadership Licensure.

(1) The Board may approve the education leadership licensure preparation program of an institution of higher education if the program:

(a) prepares candidates to meet the Utah educational leadership Standards described in R277-530;

(b) subject to Subsection (2), establishes entry requirements designed to ensure that only high quality individuals enter the licensure program;

(c) includes coursework specifically designed to prepare candidates to:

(i) properly utilize data, including student performance data, to evaluate educator and school performance and provide actionable information to educators to improve instruction;

(ii) facilitate educator use of technology to support and meaningfully supplement the learning of students in traditional, online-only, and blended classrooms

(iii) collaborate with all stakeholder groups to create a shared vision, mission, and goals for a school;

(iv) communicate effectively with parents, community groups, staff, and students;

(v) recognize effective and ineffective instructional practice in order to ensure authentic learning and assessment experiences for all students;

(vi) counsel educators in relation to the educator's evaluation, professional learning, and student performance to improve the educator's practice;

(vii) ensure a safe, secure, emotionally protective and healthy school environment, including the prevention of bullying and youth suicide; and

(viii) connect management operations, policies, and resources to the vision and values of the school; and

(d) includes a minimum of 50 hours of clinical experience in elementary and secondary schools throughout program coursework.

(2) Beginning on January 1, 2017, the entry requirements described in Subsection (1)(b) shall require an individual entering a Board-approved education leadership licensure program to:

(a) clear a USOE fingerprint background check;

(b) hold a Level 2 or 3 Utah educator license;

(c) have been deemed effective or higher by:

(i) an evaluation system meeting the standards of R277-531; or

(ii) the LEA's equivalent on the applicant's most recent evaluation;

(d) have a recommendation from:

(i) the individual's immediate administrative supervisor; or

(ii) an LEA-level administrator with knowledge regarding the individual's potential as an education leader; and

(e) pass an interview conducted by the program to measure the potential of the individual as an education leader.

(3) A Board-approved education leadership licensure program may waive the entrance requirements described in Subsections (2)(b) through (e) based on program established guidelines for no more than ten percent of an incoming cohort.

(4) A Board-approved education leadership licensure program shall ensure that each incoming cohort after January 1, 2017 has a mean post-secondary G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher.

(5) A Board-approved education leadership licensure program is exempt from the entrance requirements in R277-502-3(C)(6).

(6) For a program applicant accepted on or after January 1, 2017, a Board-approved education leadership licensure program shall require the following opportunities for a program applicant to demonstrate application of knowledge and skills gained through the program in a culminating experience:

(a) analyzing school assessment data from common formative assessments, summative assessments, standardized assessments, and interim or benchmark assessments with school staff and with individual teachers;

(b) participating in all aspects of at least two teacher evaluations using an evaluation system that meets the requirements of:

(i) R277-531; or

(ii) the LEAs equivalent;

(c) participating in all aspects of at least one evaluation of a classified employee;

(d) planning, or participating in the planning of, organizing, conducting, and evaluating the effectiveness of a professional development activity for school staff;

(e) participating in multiple meetings of more than one school-based learning team;

(f) participating in School Community Council meetings including the annual development and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan or the School LAND Trust plan;

(g) participating in multiple classroom observations and walk-throughs;

(h) participating in multiple IEP and 504 accommodation plan meetings in support of or as the LEA representative;

(i) handling multiple cases of student discipline referred to the school office for more than one type of misconduct;

(j) supervising a variety of after school activities and monitoring the process for collecting and handling fees and gate receipts;

(k) participating in the school's screening process, including interviews and the notification of successful and unsuccessful applicants; and

(l) any additional specific experiences as defined by the program.

(7) A program applicant shall complete the competencies described in Subsection (6) by participating in one of the following culminating experiences:

(a) employment in an education leadership position where the educator:

(i) supervises other educators and that meets the following requirements:

(ii) is employed half-time or more in the position for a full school year;

(iii) is mentored by a licensed education leader that has been deemed effective or higher by:

(A) an evaluation meeting the standards of R277-531; or

(B) the LEA's equivalent on the educator's most recent evaluation;

(iv) works a minimum of 100 hours in a minimum of two hour blocks during the regular school day and the regular school year in an elementary school where the educator is not employed if the educator is not employed as an elementary principal or vice-principal; and

(v) works a minimum of 100 hours in a minimum of two hour blocks during the regular school day and the regular school year in a secondary school where the educator is not employed if the educator is not employed as a secondary principal or vice-principal; or

(b) an internship where the educator:

(i) works a minimum of 400 hours of supervised clinical experiences, excluding additional hours required by a university for seminars or discussion sessions within the required hours;

(ii) works a minimum of 300 of the required hours in a school setting which offers the opportunity of working with:

(A) students, faculty, classified employees, parents, and patrons; and

(B) a licensed principal that has been deemed effective or higher by:

(I) an evaluation system meeting the standards of R277-531; or

(II) the LEA's equivalent on the principal's most recent evaluation;

(iii) works the remainder of the required internship hours in a school district office; at the USOE; with a Board-approved agency; or in another Board-approved program or school setting;

(iv) works the majority of the school-level supervised experience completed during the regular school day and in concentrated blocks of a minimum of two hours each when students are present;

(v) works a minimum of 150 hours in an elementary school;

(vi) works a minimum of 150 hours in a secondary school; and

(vii) works a minimum of 32 hours in concentrated blocks of a minimum of eight hours each during the regular school day and the regular school year in a school in which the intern is not employed as a teacher.

(8) The Superintendent may approve a culminating experience proposal that does not meet the requirements of Subsection (6) to pilot innovative or alternative practice if:

(a) a Board-approved education leadership licensure program and a partner LEA submit a joint proposal to the Superintendent; and

(b) the proposal is for a maximum of two years.

(9) The Superintendent shall report the results of a pilot described in Subsection (8)(a) to the Board after completion.


R277-505-[5]6 . [District-Specific and Charter School-Specific Administrator Standards]LEA-specific Competency-based License for Education Leadership Area of Concentration.

[A. A local school board may request a district-specific educator license and Administrative license area of concentration permitting a person with outstanding professional qualifications to serve in a position for which that license or area of concentration is required, including all areas listed in R277-505-4.

B. In order to receive an educator license in a district-specific Administrative license area of concentration, a district shall make a request using a USOE-approved form.

C. The candidate shall:

(1) hold a Bachelors degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

(2) have a record of documented, demonstrated success in a managerial role.

(3) take a USOE-approved school leadership test which shall be used to inform and guide continuing professional development; and

(4) complete a one-year supervised administrative experience under the supervision of a licensed and trained administrative mentor assigned by the employing school district or charter school. The candidate shall be issued a letter of authorization by the USOE during the year of supervision.

D. At the end of the supervised year, the employing district or charter school shall request that a district or charter school-specific Administrative license area of concentration be awarded by the USOE.

E. The district-specific Administrative license area of concentration shall be valid only in the employing district/charter school for the duration of the individual's employment.

F. The completed Administrative license area of concentration shall qualify the school district or charter school to receive professional staff costs.

G. The USOE may receive and investigate, or both, complaints about district-specific or charter school-specific administrators. Investigations shall be conducted by the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission and action may be taken consistent with Section 53A-6-405, Denial of license, and Section 53A-6-501, Disciplinary action against educator.

H. Individuals who receive district-specific or charter school-specific administrative license areas of concentration shall be subject to professional development requirements established by local boards or charter schools.]

An LEA may request an LEA-specific competency-based license for an education leadership area of concentration under Subsection R277-503-4D for an individual if the individual has successfully completed:

(1) a master's degree or more advanced degree; and

(2) a Board-approved education leadership test.


R277-505-[6]7 . [Reciprocity for Administrative Credentials]Education Leadership Tier Two Credentials.

[A. An applicant for a Utah administrative area of concentration shall submit documentation of successful completion of an administrative program that meets Utah administrative requirements of R277-505-4.

B. The requirements of R277-505-4 may be satisfied, at the discretion of the USOE, by administrative experience in another state.

C. The USOE may require out-of-state applicants to pass a state-approved administrative test, if such a test is required of in-state applicants.]

(1) The Superintendent shall work with LEAs and Board-approved licensure programs to create a tier two principal credential that may be earned by an individual employed as a principal or vice-principal.

(2) In the first year of employment as an education leader, an individual shall complete a one school year mentoring experience established and supervised by the employing LEA in consultation with a Board-approved education leadership program that includes criteria identified in R277-522-3A and B, as applied to education leaders.

(3) An individual employed for the first time as a Utah school principal or vice-principal after June 30, 2019 in a school district shall complete the tier two principal credential within the first three years of employment as a principal or vice-principal.

(4) An individual holding a Utah Administrative/Supervisory (K-12) license area of concentration shall be considered to hold an education leadership license area of concentration and the tier two principal credential for all licensure purposes.

(5) The Superintendent shall work with LEAs and Board-approved licensure programs to develop additional tier two leadership credentials intended to provide specialized skills for individuals holding an education leadership license area of concentration.


KEY: professional competency, teacher certification, accreditation

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [August 9, 2010]2016

Notice of Continuation: August 14, 2012

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3; 53A-6-101(1); 53A-6-101(2); 53A-1-401[(3)]


Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2016/b20160415.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Angela Stallings at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7656, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.