DAR File No. 40756

This rule was published in the October 1, 2016, issue (Vol. 2016, No. 19) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Environmental Quality, Environmental Response and Remediation

Rule R311-206

Underground Storage Tanks: Certificate of Compliance and Financial Assurance Mechanisms

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 40756
Filed: 09/09/2016 07:21:29 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

Requiring submittal of the manufacturer's installation checklist for newly installed tanks will help ensure that the work was done properly and that tank deflection readings were taken. Submittal of the checklist also provides documentation for the tank warranty. References to yearly submittal of financial responsibility documents are removed because, in recent years, some underground storage tank (UST) owner/operators using alternate financial assurance have obtained insurance policies with a term of more than one year. If no review of the policy is needed during a given fiscal year, the owner should not have to pay the review fee for that year. In Subsection R311-206-4(e), the reference to fiscal year 1998 is removed to allow the subsection to refer to auditing of facility throughput records for other years and to keep the criteria for audits of UST owner self-worth for self-insurance under Subsection R311-206-4(f). In Section R311-206-11, references to "continuous" monitoring are removed to avoid misinterpretation of the term "continuous" and to provide an accurate description of the level of monitoring required to qualify for the rebate. Other changes are made to clarify and update the rule and do not make substantive changes to the meaning of the rule.

Summary of the rule or change:

This amendment adds a requirement that the UST owner/operator must submit the tank manufacturer's installation checklist in order to receive a certificate of compliance for newly installed tanks; removes the requirement for submittal of financial responsibility documents each year; makes minor grammatical and technical changes; corrects citations due to changes elsewhere in the rules and changes to the federal UST regulations; updates fire code adoption reference; removes reference to fiscal year 1998 in the section that specifies the requirements for audits of UST facility throughput records; and rewords Environmental Assurance Fee rebate requirements by replacing references to "continuous" monitoring with more appropriate wording.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 19-6-410.5
  • Section 19-6-105
  • Section 19-6-403
  • Section 19-6-428

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The state budget may lose approximately $1,000 per year in alternate financial assurance mechanism processing fees. The amount could change if more or fewer UST owner/operators obtain UST insurance policies with terms longer than one year.

local governments:

If a local government is a UST owner/operator, it may save $240 per year if it has a UST insurance policy with a term greater than one year. The total amount saved would depend on the number of local government UST owner/operators that obtain such policies. There is no cost for submittal of the UST manufacturer's installation checklist. In current practice, the UST installer completes the checklist and generally submits it to the DERR. Other changes do not have cost or savings associated with them but clarify or improve wording of the rule.

small businesses:

If a small business is a UST owner/operator, it may save $240 per year if it has a UST insurance policy with a term greater than one year. The total amount saved would depend on the number of small businesses UST owner/operators that obtain such policies. There is no cost for submittal of the UST manufacturer's installation checklist. In current practice, the UST installer completes the checklist and generally submits it to the DERR. Other changes do not have cost or savings associated with them but clarify or improve wording of the rule.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

A UST owner/operator may save $240 per year if it has a UST insurance policy with a term greater than 1 year. The total amount saved would depend on the number of UST owner/operators that obtain such policies. There is no cost for submittal of the UST manufacturer's installation checklist. In current practice, the UST installer completes the checklist and generally submits it to the DERR. Other changes do not have cost or savings associated with them, but clarify or improve wording of the rule. Non-fiscal impacts are that the proposed change to require submittal of the UST manufacturer's installation checklist will help ensure that underground storage tanks and product piping are installed properly according to the specifications of the tank and piping manufacturers.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

No compliance costs are anticipated. The proposed changes can provide minor savings to UST owner/operators with UST insurance policies.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

Most of the changes would not have a fiscal impact on businesses. They formalize current practice and clean up the rule where out-of-date references exist, or the clarity of the rule can be improved. If a tank owner has an insurance policy for USTs and that policy runs longer than one year, the owner would not have to pay the $240 financial assurance processing fee in the years the policy is not renewed.

Alan Matheson, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Environmental Quality
Environmental Response and RemediationRoom First Floor
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Gary Astin at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4103, by FAX at 801-359-8853, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

  • 10/17/2016 02:00 PM, Department of Environmental Quality, 195 North 1950 West, Room 1015, Salt Lake City, UT

This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Brent Everett, Director


R311. Environmental Quality, Environmental Response and Remediation.

R311-206. Underground Storage Tanks: Certificate of Compliance and Financial Assurance Mechanisms.

R311-206-1. Definitions.

Definitions are found in Rule R311-200.


R311-206-2. Declaration of Financial Assurance Mechanism.

(a) To demonstrate financial assurance, as required by 40 CFR 280, subpart H, owners or operators of petroleum storage tanks shall:

(1) meet all requirements for participation in the Environmental Assurance Program, or

(2) demonstrate financial assurance by an allowable method specified in 40 CFR 280, subpart H.

(b) Owners or operators shall declare whether they will participate in the Environmental Assurance Program under Section 19-6-410.5, or show financial assurance by another method.

(c) For the purposes of Subsection 19-6-412(6), all tanks at a facility shall be covered by the same financial assurance mechanism, and shall be considered to be in one area, unless the Director determines there is sufficient information so that releases from different tanks at the facility could be accurately differentiated.


R311-206-3. Requirements for Issuance of Certificates of Compliance.

(a) The Director shall issue a certificate of compliance to an owner or operator for individual petroleum storage tanks at a facility if:

(1) the owner or operator has a certificate of registration;

(2) the tank is substantially in compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations;

(3) the UST test, conducted within 6 months before the tank was registered or within 60 days after the date the tank was registered, indicates that each individual UST is not leaking;

(4) the owner or operator has submitted a letter to the Director stating that based on customary business inventory practices standards there has been no release from the tank;

(5) the owner or operator has submitted a completed application according to a form provided and approved by the Director, and has declared the financial assurance mechanism that will be used;

(6) the owner or operator has met all requirements for the financial assurance mechanism chosen, including payment of all applicable fees;[and]

(7) the owner or operator has submitted an as-built drawing that meets the requirements of R311-200-1(b)([3]2)[.]; and

(8) the owner or operator has, for newly-installed tanks, submitted the completed tank manufacturer's installation checklist.


R311-206-4. Requirements for Environmental Assurance Program Participants.

(a) In accordance with Subsection 19-6-411(1)(a), the annual facility throughput rate, if reported, shall be reported to the Director as a specific number of gallons, based on the throughput for the previous calendar year.

(b) In accordance with Subsection 19-6-411(1)(b), when a petroleum storage tank is initially registered with the Director, any Petroleum Storage Tank fee for that tank for the current fiscal year shall be due when the tank is brought into use, as a requirement for receiving a Certificate of Compliance.

(c) In accordance with Subsection 19-6-411(6), the Director may waive all or part of the fees required to be paid on or before May 5, 1997 under Section 19-6-411 if no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or after July 1, 1991, and if the tank has been properly closed according to Rules R311-204 and R311-205, or in other circumstances as approved by the Director.

(d) In accordance with Subsection 19-6-411(2)(a)(i), if an installation company receives its annual permit after the beginning of the fiscal year, the annual fee must be paid for the entire year.

(e) Auditing of UST facility throughput records[ for fiscal year 1998].

(1) Owners and operators shall retain for seven years the monthly tank throughput records of the facility[ for the months of July 1997 through June 1998]. Tank throughput records shall include all financial and product documentation for receipts, dispositions and inventories.

(2) The Director may audit or order an audit, by an independent auditor, of records which support the amount of throughput, for each tank at a participant's facility.

(A) Records shall be made available at the Department for inspection within 30 calendar days after receiving notice from the Director.

(B) Audits may be determined by random selection or for particular reasons, including suspicion or discovery of inaccuracies in throughput reports, aggregating throughput reports, having a release, or filing a claim.

(C) Auditing tank throughput may be accomplished by any method approved by the Director.

(D) All costs of an independent audit shall be paid by the owner or operator.

(f) Owners or operators eligible for coverage by the Fund shall demonstrate financial assurance for the difference between coverage provided by the Fund and coverage amounts required by 40 CFR 280 Subpart H. If the owner or operator chooses self -[ ]insurance as the mechanism for demonstrating financial assurance for the difference, the owner or operator must document a tangible net worth of $10,000 upon request and to the satisfaction of the Director. An owner or operator may also select and document another mechanism specified in 40 CFR 280.94 to demonstrate financial assurance for the difference. The processing fee requirement referenced in Subsection R311-206-5(b) is not applicable because the administrative cost is covered by the PST fund fee. However, the Director may require the owner or operator to submit an independent audit to demonstrate net worth for self -[ ]insurance. The owner or operator shall bear the expense for the audit. The criteria for an audit are the same as set forth in Subsection R311-206-4(e)(2).


R311-206-5. Requirements for Owners and Operators Demonstrating Financial Assurance by Other Methods.

(a) Owners and operators who elect to utilize an alternate form of financial assurance shall use one or a combination of mechanisms specified in 40 CFR 280.94. Owners and operators shall submit to the Director the documents required by 40 CFR 280.111 to be kept and maintained for the mechanism used.

(1) Formats, calculations, letters, reporting, and record keeping shall be done in accordance with each applicable financial assurance mechanism specified in 40 CFR 280 subpart H.

(2) If the financial assurance documentation submitted to the Director is not in accordance with 40 CFR 280 subpart H, it shall be rejected and shall be invalid.

(b) The processing fee established in Subsection 19-6-408(2)[(a)] for each new or changed financial assurance document submitted for approval shall be included with the financial assurance document and shall be payable to the Department. Processing fees for subsequent [yearly ]reviews of [a ]financial assurance document s shall be due on July 1 [annually]of the fiscal year for which the review is required.

(1) Pursuant to 40 CFR 280.97, if the financial assurance mechanism is an insurance policy, the insurer is liable for payment of amounts within any deductible applicable to the policy to the provider of corrective action or a damaged third party, with right of reimbursement by the insured for such payment made by the insurer. This provision does not apply with respect to that amount of any deductible for which coverage is demonstrated under another mechanism or combination of mechanisms as specified in 40 CFR 280.95-280.[107]102 and 280.104-280.107. A showing of financial assurance for the deductible, if such a showing is made, shall be treated as a separate financial assurance mechanism subject to the processing fee requirement referenced in Subsection R311-206-5(b) above.

(2) If an owner or operator desires to make any material change to the financial assurance document, the change shall be approved by the Director, and an additional processing fee shall be paid in circumstances as determined by the Director.

(c) Evidence of a current and approved financial assurance mechanism shall be reported to the Director [each year ]as follows:

(1) Owners and operators using the financial test of self -[]insurance shall submit the "Letter from Chief Financial Officer" to the Director within the maximum 120 day period specified in 40 CFR 280.95.

(2) Owners and Operators using insurance and risk retention group coverage for financial assurance shall submit the coverage policy in its entirety, with the current Certificate of Insurance or Endorsement specified in 40 CFR 280.97(b), to the Director within 30 days of acceptance of such policy by the insurer or risk retention group.

(A) If the insurance policy or risk retention group coverage is cancelled, the insurer or risk retention group shall provide written notice of cancellation or other termination of coverage required by 40 CFR 280.97(b)(1)2.d. and 40 CFR 280.97(b)(2)2.d. to the Director as well as the insured.

(B) The insurer shall have a rating of A- or greater by A.M. Best Co.

(3) Owners and operators using an irrevocable letter of credit shall submit proof of the letter of credit, standby trust fund, and formal certification of acknowledgement to the Director within 30 days of issuance from the issuing institution.

(4) Owners and operators using a fully funded trust fund for financial assurance shall submit proof of the trust fund and formal certification of acknowledgement to the Director within 30 days after implementation of the trust fund.

(5) Owners and operators using a guarantee for financial assurance shall submit the Guarantee document, standby trust fund, and certification of acknowledgement to the Director within 30 days of issuance. The owner or operator shall also submit the guarantor's letter from chief financial officer within the 120-day period specified in 40 CFR 280.95.

(6) Owners and operators using a surety bond for financial assurance shall submit the surety bond document, standby trust fund, and certification of acknowledgement to the Director within 30 days of issuance.

(7) Guarantees and surety bonds may be used as financial assurance mechanisms in Utah only if the requirement of 40 CFR Part 280.94(b) is met.

(8) Owners and operators using one of the local government methods specified in 40 CFR 280.104 through 107 shall submit the letter from chief financial officer and associated documents to the Director within 120 days of the end of the owner/operator's or guarantor's fiscal year.

(d) The Director may require reports of financial condition or any other information relative to justification of the financial assurance mechanism from the owner or operator at any time. Information requested shall be reported to the Director within 30 calendar days after receiving the request.

(1) Owners and operators shall maintain evidence of all financial assurance mechanisms as specified in 40 CFR 280.111.

(2) Owners and operators shall keep records of all financial assurance mechanisms for a period of three years.

(3) The Director may audit or order an audit of records supporting the financial assurance mechanism at any time.

(A) Audits may be determined by random selection or for specific reasons, including the occurrence of a release or suspected release, deficiencies in complying with regulations or orders, or the suspicion or discovery of inaccuracies.

(B) Auditing of financial assurance methods may be accomplished by any method approved by the Director.

(e) Any and all costs of securing a selected financial assurance mechanism and generating and providing the necessary reporting evidence of an assurance mechanism to the Director shall be the sole responsibility of the owner or operator.

(f) Processing of the alternate financial assurance mechanism documents may be accomplished utilizing any method approved by the Director.


R311-206-6. Voluntary Admission of Eligible Exempt Underground Storage Tanks and above-ground storage tanks to the Environmental Assurance Program.

(a) Owners or operators of eligible exempt underground storage tanks specified in Subsection 19-6-415(1)(a) may voluntarily participate in the Environmental Assurance Program by:

(1) meeting the requirements of Subsection 19-6-415(1) and Subsection R311-206-3(a);

(2) properly performing release detection according to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 280 Subpart D; and

(3) meeting the upgrade requirements in 40 CFR 280.21 or the new tank requirements in 40 CFR 280.20, as applicable.

(b) Owners or operators of above-ground storage tanks may voluntarily participate in the Environmental Assurance Program by:

(1) meeting the requirements of Subsection 19-6-415(2) and Subsection R311-206-3(a);

(2) meeting applicable requirements of the Utah State Fire Code adopted pursuant to Section [53-7-106]15A-1-403;

(3) performing an annual line tightness test of all underground product piping, or documenting monthly monitoring of sensor-equipped double-walled underground product piping; and

(4) performing a tightness test of all above-ground tanks every five years, using a tightness test method capable of properly testing the tank.


R311-206-7. Revocation and Lapsing of Certificates.

(a) The Director shall revoke a certificate of compliance or registration if he determines that the owner or operator has willfully submitted a fraudulent application or is not in compliance with any requirement pertaining to the certificate.

(b) A petroleum storage tank owner or operator who has had a certificate of compliance revoked under Section 19-6-414 or Subsection R311-206-7(a) may have the certificate reissued by the Director after the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with Subsection 19-6-412(2), Subsection 19-6-428(3), and Section R311-206-3.

(c) A petroleum storage tank owner or operator who has had a certificate of compliance lapse under Subsection 19-6-408(5)(c) may have the certificate reissued by the Director after the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with Subsection 19-6-412(2) and Section R311-206-3.

(d) A petroleum storage tank owner or operator who has had eligibility to receive payments for claims against the fund lapse under Section 19-6-411(3)(c)(ii) shall meet the requirements of Subsection 19-6-428(3) and pay all fees, interest, and penalties due to reinstate eligibility.

(e) Upon permanent closure of a tank which is covered by the Fund, the eligibility to make a claim against the Fund shall terminate as specified in Section R311-207-2. Permanently closed tanks are not eligible to be reissued a certificate of compliance.

(f) In accordance with Section 19-6-414, the Director may revoke a certificate of compliance for the owner's or operator's failure to comply with 40 CFR 280, which requires release reporting, abatement, investigation, corrective action, or other measures to bring the release site under control.


R311-206-8. Delivery Prohibition.

(a) In accordance with Subsection 19-6-411(7), the Director shall authorize the placement of a delivery prohibition tag identifying a tank:

(1) for which the certificate of compliance has been revoked in accordance with Section 19-6-414, or

(2) for which the certificate of compliance has lapsed for non-payment of fees in accordance with Subsection 19-6-408(5), or

(3) that has never qualified for a certificate of compliance, and is not a new installation under Subsection R311-206-8(a)(4), or

(4) that is a new installation, and has not been issued a certificate of compliance.

(b) In accordance with Subsection 19-6-403(1)(b)(i), the Director shall authorize the placement of a delivery prohibition tag to be placed on the tank as soon as practicable after the determination is made that a tank:

(1) does not have spill prevention equipment required under 40 CFR 280.20(c) or 40 CFR 280.21(d), or

(2) does not have overfill prevention equipment required under 40 CFR 280.20(c) or 40 CFR 280.21(d), or

(3) does not have equipment required for tank or piping leak detection in accordance with 40 CFR 280 Subpart D, or

(4) does not have equipment required for tank or piping corrosion protection in accordance with 40 CFR 280 Subpart B or C.

(c) The delivery prohibition tag shall be placed on the tank fill or in a visible location near the tank fill.

(d) A person who delivers or accepts delivery of a regulated substance or petroleum into a tank marked with a delivery prohibition tag shall be subject to the penalties outlined in Section 19-6-416, unless authorized under R311-206-8(e).

(e) The Director may issue written approval for a delivery of petroleum to:

(1) provide ballast for a new tank during installation, or

(2) allow for the tank tightness test required under Section 19-6-413.

(f) The delivery prohibition tag shall remain in place until the Director issues:

(1) for tanks that have a tag in place in accordance with Subsection R311-206-8(a):

(A) a new certificate of compliance for the tank, and

(B) written authorization to remove the delivery prohibition tag, or

(2) for tanks that have a tag in place in accordance with Subsection R311-206-8(b):

(A) written authorization to remove the delivery prohibition tag.

(g) If a delivery prohibition tag is removed without the authorization specified in Subsection R311-206-8(f)(1)(B) or Subsection R311-206-8(f)(2)(A), the UST owner or operator shall be subject to:

(1) a re-inspection and any applicable fees, and

(2) placement of a new delivery prohibition tag on the tank.


R311-206-9. Removing Participating Tanks from the Environmental Assurance Program.

(a) Owners and operators of petroleum storage tanks who have voluntarily elected to participate in the Environmental Assurance Program may cease participation in the program and be exempted from the requirements described in Section R311-206-4 by:

(1) permanently closing tanks as outlined in 40 CFR 280, subpart G, Rule R311-204, and Rule R311-205, or

(2) meeting the following requirements:

(A) demonstrating compliance with Section R311-206-5, and

(B) notifying the Director in writing at least 30 days before the date of cessation of participation in the program, and specifying the date of cessation.

(i) The Director may waive the 30-day requirement if the owner or operator has already documented current financial assurance under R311-206-5 for other USTs owned or operated by the owner or operator.

(ii) The date of cessation of participation in the program may occur after the date designated in Subsection R311-206-9(a)(2)(B) if the owner or operator does not document compliance with R311-206-5 by the date originally designated.

(b) The fund will not give pro-rata refunds.

(c) For tanks being removed voluntarily from the program, the date of cessation of participation in the program shall be the date on which coverage under the program ends. Subsequent claims for payments from the fund must be made in accordance with Section 19-6-424 and Section R311-207-2.


R311-206-10. Participation in the Environmental Assurance Program After a Period of Voluntary Non-participation.

(a) Owners and operators who choose not to participate in the Environmental Assurance Program shall, before any subsequent participation in the program, meet the following requirements:

(1) notify the Director of the intent to participate in the program;

(2) comply with the requirements of Subsection 19-6-428(3), and

(3) meet the requirements of Subsection R311-206-3(a) to qualify for a new certificate of compliance.

(b) In accordance with Subsection 19-6-428(3)(b), the Director may determine that there is reasonable cause to believe that no petroleum has been released if the owner or operator, for each UST to participate in the program, meets the following requirements at the time the owner or operator applies for participation:

(1) The last two compliance inspections verify significant operational compliance, and verify that no release has occurred. Significant operational compliance status shall be determined using the EPA Release Prevention Compliance Measures Matrix and Release Detection Compliance Measures Matrix, both dated March 3, 2005 and incorporated herein by reference. The matrices contain leak prevention and leak detection criteria to be used by inspectors in determining compliance status of underground storage tanks.

(2) The owner or operator documents compliance with all release prevention and release detection requirements that are required for the time period since the last compliance inspection, and the records submitted do not give reason to suspect a release has occurred. The owner or operator shall submit:

(i) tank and piping leak detection records, or a tank and line tightness test performed within the last six months;

(ii) the most recent simulated leak test for all automatic line leak detectors;

(iii) cathodic protection tests, if applicable, and

(iv) internal lining inspections, if applicable.

(3) The period of non-participation in the Program is less than six months, or the UST is less than ten years old.


R311-206-11. Environmental Assurance Fee Rebate Program.

(a) To meet the requirements of Subsection 19-6-410.5(5)(d), each UST Facility participating in the Program shall receive a risk value calculated according to "Environmental Assurance Program Risk Factor Table and Calculation", which is hereby incorporated by reference. The table, dated June 2, 2014, contains risk factors and the formula for risk value calculation.

(b) The risk value for each facility participating in the Environmental Assurance Program shall be:

(1) calculated on a facility basis;

(2) valid for the calendar year;

(3) based on the facility characteristics as of December 15 of the prior calendar year; and

(4) determined, at sites with mixed equipment, by considering the highest risk-valued UST system component for each risk factor.

(c) To qualify as secondarily contained for purposes of risk calculation, tanks shall:

(1) meet the requirement s for secondary containment in [Section R311-203-6]40 CFR 280.20, and

(2) meet one of the following:

(A) [have continuous]use an interstitial sensor and documentation of monthly interstitial monitoring, or

(B) documentation of monthly visual checks of a brine-filled interstitial space, or

(C) have the interstitial space tested at least once every three years and be documented to be tight by using vacuum, pressure, or liquid testing in accordance with one of the following:

(i) [R]requirements developed by the manufacturer, or

(ii) [A]a Code of Practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory.

(d) To qualify as secondarily contained for purposes of risk calculation, piping shall:

(1) meet the requirements for secondary containment outlined in [Section R311-203-6]40 CFR 280.20, and

(2) meet one of the following:

(A) [have continuous]maintain monthly records of monitoring of the interstice by vacuum, pressure, or liquid filled interstitial space, or

(B) use an interstitial monitoring method not listed in Subsection (d)(2)(A), and the integrity of the interstitial space is ensured at least once every three years by using vacuum, pressure, or liquid test in accordance with criteria listed in Subsection (c)(2)([B]C).

(e) To qualify as secondarily contained for purposes of risk calculation, piping containment sumps and under-dispenser containment shall:

(1) be double-walled with [continuous]monthly documentation of monitoring of the space between the walls, or

(2) be tested at least once every three years to show the piping containment sump or under-dispenser containment is liquid tight by using vacuum, pressure, or liquid testing in accordance with one of the following:

(A) requirements developed by the manufacturer, or

(B) a code of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory.

(f) Each facility that participates in the Environmental Assurance Program may be eligible for a rebate of a portion of the Environmental Assurance Fee according to the rebate schedule in "Environmental Assurance Fee Rebate Table", which is hereby incorporated by reference. The table, dated June 2, 2014, lists risk tiers and the rebate for each tier.

(g) A facility that begins participation in the Environmental Assurance Program after January 1 of a calendar year shall have its risk value calculated for that year based on the risk factors in place at the facility on the date the facility begins participation in the Program.


KEY: hazardous substances, petroleum, underground storage tanks

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [October 10, 2014]2016

Notice of Continuation: April 10, 2012

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-6-105; 19-6-403; 19-6-410.5; 19-6-428

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Gary Astin at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4103, by FAX at 801-359-8853, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.