DAR File No. 42371

This rule was published in the January 1, 2018, issue (Vol. 2018, No. 1) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources

Rule R657-5

Taking Big Game

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 42371
Filed: 12/11/2017 11:33:47 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

This rule is being amended pursuant to Regional Advisory Council meetings and the Wildlife Board meeting conducted for taking public input and reviewing the big game rule.

Summary of the rule or change:

The proposed revisions to this rule do the following: 1) add a definition for "Ewe"; 2) clarify the definition of "Ram"; 3) make technical corrections in Section R657-5-4; 4) add "Crossbows" to Section R657-5-8 and set the criteria for using them; 5) make technical corrections to Sections R657-5-9 and R657-5-10; 6) lower the minimum bow pull from 40 pounds at the draw to 30 pounds; 7) remove the 300 grains weight requirement for arrows; 8) simplify rule language in Section R657-5-11; 9) remove "prima facie evidence" and replaces it with "probable cause"; 10) add illuminated sight pins on a bow to the list of allowable light sources not applicable to spotlighting restrictions; 11) condense Hunter Orange references and requirements to one section and simplifies the language; 12) establish the process and protocol for multi-season hunting opportunities; 13) establish the process and protocol for "desert bighorn ewe" and "Rocky Mountain bighorn ewe" hunts; 14) establish the process and protocol for "cactus buck deer" hunts; and 15) make technical corrections as needed.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 23-14-18
  • Section 23-14-19

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

These proposed rule amendments either clarify current regulations or set protocol for new hunts, all of these changes can be initiated within the current workload and resources of the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR), therefore, the Division determines that these amendments do not create a cost or savings impact to the state budget or DWR's budget, since the changes will not increase workload and can be carried out with the existing budget.

local governments:

Since these proposed amendments only make adjustments to current regulations or in many instances simplifies current restrictions, this filing does not create any direct cost or savings to local governments. Nor are local governments indirectly impacted because the rule does not create a situation requiring services from local governments.

small businesses:

These amendments have the potential to create a cost impact to those individuals wishing to participate in the newly created hunting opportunities. However, permit numbers for these new hunts will not be set until early spring, so it would be impossible to estimate how many hunters might be impacted. The cost of the permits is in line with the Fee Schedule approved by the State Legislature in 2017 and will be followed when setting the fee for each permit. Hunting activities in the state of Utah are voluntary and as such, this cost would not be assessed to individuals not wishing to participate. Small businesses would not be directly or indirectly impacted because the rule does not create a situation requiring services from them.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

These amendments have the potential to create a cost impact to those individuals wishing to participate in the newly created hunting opportunities. However, permit numbers for these new hunts will not be set until early spring, so it would be impossible to estimate how many hunters might be impacted. The cost of the permits is in line with the Fee Schedule approved by the State Legislature in 2017 and will be followed when setting the fee for each permit. Hunting activities in the state of Utah are voluntary and as such, this cost would not be assessed to individuals not wishing to participate.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

DWR determines that these amendments may create additional costs for those wanting to participate in the new multi-season hunting opportunities, the new Cactus Buck Deer hunt, or the new ewe sheep hunts.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that this proposed rule amendment will not result in a fiscal impact to businesses.

Michael R. Styler, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Natural Resources
Wildlife Resources
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Mike Fowlks, Deputy Director


R657. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources.

R657-5. Taking Big Game.

R657-5-1. Purpose and Authority.

(1) Under authority of Sections 23-14-18 and 23-14-19, the Wildlife Board has established this rule for taking deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, bison, bighorn sheep, and Rocky Mountain goat.

(2) Specific dates, areas, methods of take, requirements, and other administrative details which may change annually are published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.


R657-5-2. Definitions.

(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23-13-2.

(2) In addition:

(a) "Antlerless deer" means a deer without antlers or with antlers five inches or shorter.

(b) "Antlerless elk" means an elk without antlers or with antlers five inches or shorter.

(c) "Antlerless moose" means a moose with antlers shorter than its ears.

(d) "Arrow quiver" means a portable arrow case that completely encases all edges of the broadheads.

(e) "Buck deer" means a deer with antlers longer than five inches.

(f) "Buck pronghorn" means a pronghorn with horns longer than five inches.

(g) "Bull elk" means an elk with antlers longer than five inches.

(h) "Bull moose" means a moose with antlers longer than its ears.

(i) "Cow bison" means a female bison.

(j) "Doe pronghorn" means a pronghorn without horns or with horns five inches or shorter.

(k) "Draw-lock" means a mechanical device used to hold and support the draw weight of a conventional or compound bow at any increment of draw until released by the archer using a trigger mechanism and safety attached to the device.

(l) "Drone" means an autonomously controlled, aerial vehicle of any size or configuration that is capable of controlled flight without a human pilot aboard.

(m) "Ewe" means a female bighorn sheep or any bighorn sheep younger than one year of age.

(n) "Hunter's choice" means either sex may be taken.

([m]o) "Limited entry hunt" means any hunt published in the hunt tables of the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game, which is identified as limited entry and does not include general or once-in-a-lifetime hunts.

([n]p) "Limited entry permit" means any permit obtained for a limited entry hunt by any means, including conservation permits, wildlife expo permits, sportsman permits, cooperative wildlife management unit permits and limited entry landowner permits.

([o]q) "Once-in-a-lifetime hunt" means any hunt published in the hunt tables of the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game, which is identified as once-in-a-lifetime, and does not include general or limited entry hunts.

([p]r) "Once-in-a-lifetime permit" means any permit obtained for a once-in-a-lifetime hunt by any means, including conservation permits, wildlife expo permits, sportsman permits, cooperative wildlife management unit permits and limited entry landowner permits.

([q]s) "Ram" means a male desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep older than one year of age.

([r]t) "Spike bull" means a bull elk which has at least one antler beam with no branching above the ears. Branched means a projection on an antler longer than one inch, measured from its base to its tip.[

(s) "Drone" means an autonomously controlled, aerial vehicle of any size or configuration that is capable of controlled flight without a human pilot aboard.]


R657-5-3. License, Permit, and Tag Requirements.

(1) A person may engage in hunting protected wildlife or in the sale, trade, or barter of protected wildlife or its parts in accordance with Section 23-19-1 and the rules or guidebooks of the Wildlife Board.

(2) Any license, permit, or tag that is mutilated or otherwise made illegible is invalid and may not be used for taking or possessing big game.

(3) A person must possess or obtain a Utah hunting or combination license to apply for or obtain any big game hunting permit.


R657-5-4. Age Requirements and Restrictions.

(1)(a) [Subject to the exceptions in subsection (c), a]A person 12 years of age or older may apply for or obtain a permit to hunt big game.

(b) A person 11 years of age may apply for a permit to hunt big game[if], provided that person's 12th birthday falls within the calendar year for which the permit is issued[.

(b) A]and that person [may]does not use [a]the permit to hunt big game before their 12th birthday.

(2)(a) A person at least 12 years of age and under 16 years of age must be accompanied by his parent or legal guardian, or other responsible person 21 years of age or older and approved by his parent or guardian, while hunting big game with any weapon.

(b) As used in this section, "accompanied" means at a distance within which visual and verbal communication are maintained for the purposes of advising and assisting.


R657-5-5. Duplicate License and Permit.

(1) Whenever any unexpired license, permit, tag or certificate of registration is destroyed, lost or stolen, a person may obtain a duplicate from a division office or online license agent, for ten dollars or half of the price of the original license, permit, or certificate of registration, whichever is less.

(2) The division may waive the fee for a duplicate unexpired license, permit, tag or certificate of registration provided the person did not receive the original license, permit, tag or certificate of registration.


R657-5-6. Hunting Hours.

Big game may be taken only between one-half hour before official sunrise through one-half hour after official sunset.


R657-5-7. Prohibited Weapons.

(1) A person may not use any weapon or device to take big game other than those expressly permitted in this rule.

(2) A person may not use:

(a) a firearm capable of being fired fully automatic;

(b) any light enhancement device or aiming device that casts a visible beam of light; or

(c) a firearm equipped with a computerized targeting system that marks a target, calculates a firing solution and automatically discharges the firearm at a point calculated most likely to hit the acquired target.

(3) Nothing in this Section shall be construed as prohibiting laser range finding devices or illuminated sight pins for archery equipment.


R657-5-8. Rifles[ and ], Shotguns, and Crossbows.

(1) [The following rifles and shotguns may be]A rifle used to [take]hunt big game[:

(a) any rifle firing] must fire centerfire cartridges and expanding bullets[; and].

([b]2) [a]A shotgun[,] used to hunt big game must be 20 gauge or larger, firing only 00 or larger buckshot or slug ammunition.

(3)(a) A crossbow used to hunt big game must have a minimum draw weight of 125 pounds and a positive mechanical safety mechanism.

(b) A crossbow arrow or bolt used to hunt big game must be at least 16 inches long and have:

(i) fixed broadheads that are at least 7/8 inch wide at the widest point; or

(ii) expandable, mechanical broadheads that are at least 7/8 inch wide at the widest point when the broadhead is in the open position.

(c) Unless otherwise authorized by the division through a certificate of registration, it is unlawful for any person to:

(i) hunt big game with a crossbow during a big game archery hunt;

(ii) carry a cocked crossbow containing an arrow or a bolt while in or on any motorized vehicle on a public highway or other public right-of-way; or

(iii) hunt any protected wildlife with a crossbow utilizing a bolt that has any chemical, explosive or electronic device attached.

(4) A crossbow used to hunt big game may have a fixed or variable magnifying scope only during an any weapon hunt.


R657-5-9. Handguns.

(1) A handgun may be used to take deer and pronghorn, provided the handgun :

(a) is a minimum of .24 caliber[,];

(b) fires a centerfire cartridge with an expanding bullet; and

(c) develops 500 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle.

(2) A handgun may be used to take elk, moose, bison, bighorn sheep, and Rocky Mountain goat , provided the handgun ;

(a) is a minimum of .24 caliber[,];

(b) fires a centerfire cartridge with an expanding bullet; and

(c) develops 500 foot-pounds of energy at 100 yards.


R657-5-10. Muzzleloaders.

(1) A muzzleloader may be used during any big game hunt, except an archery hunt, provided the muzzleloader:

(a) can be loaded only from the muzzle;

(b) has open sights, peep sights, or a variable or fixed power scope, including a magnifying scope;

(c) has a single barrel;

(d) has a minimum barrel length of 18 inches;

(e) is capable of being fired only once without reloading;

(f) powder and bullet, or powder, sabot and bullet are not bonded together as one unit for loading;

(g) is loaded with black powder or black powder substitute, which must not contain smokeless powder.

(2)(a) A lead or expanding bullet or projectile of at least 40 caliber must be used to hunt big game.

(b) A bullet 130 grains or heavier, or a sabot 170 grains or heavier , must be used for taking deer and pronghorn.

(c) A 210 grain or heavier bullet must be used for taking elk, moose, bison, bighorn sheep, and Rocky Mountain goat, except sabot bullets used for taking these species must be a minimum of 240 grains.

(3)(a) A person who has obtained a muzzleloader permit for a big game hunt may:

(i) use only muzzleloader equipment authorized in this Subsections (1) and (2) to take the species authorized in the permit; and

(ii) not possess or be in control of a rifle or shotgun while in the field during the muzzleloader hunt.

([A]b) "Field" for purposes of this section, means a location where the permitted species of wildlife is likely to be found[. "Field"], but does not include a hunter's established campsite or the interior of a fully enclosed automobile or truck.

([b]c) The provisions of Subsection (a) do not apply to:

(i) a person [licensed to hunt upland game or waterfowl provided the person complies with Rules R657-6 and R657-9 and the Upland Game Guidebook and Waterfowl Guidebook, respectively, and possessing only legal weapons to take]lawfully hunting upland game or waterfowl;

(ii) a person licensed to hunt big game species during hunts that coincide with the muzzleloader hunt;

(iii) livestock owners protecting their livestock; or

(iv) a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7 of the Utah Code, provided the person is not utilizing the concealed firearm to hunt or take protected wildlife.

(4) A person who has obtained an any weapon permit for a big game hunt may use muzzleloader equipment authorized in this Section to take the species authorized in the permit.


R657-5-11. Archery Equipment.

(1) Archery equipment may be used during any big game hunt, except a muzzleloader hunt, provided:

(a) the minimum bow pull is [40]30 pounds at the draw or the peak, whichever comes first;[and]

(b) arrowheads used have two or more sharp cutting edges that cannot pass through a 7/8 inch ring;

(c) expanding arrowheads cannot pass through a 7/8 inch ring when expanded, and

(d) arrows must be a minimum of 20 inches in length from the tip of the arrowhead to the tip of the nock[, and must weigh at least 300 grains].

(2) The following equipment or devices may not be used to take big game:

(a) a crossbow, except as provided in Subsection (5) and Rule R657-12;

(b) arrows with chemically treated or explosive arrowheads;

(c) a mechanical device for holding the bow at any increment of draw, except as provided in Subsection (5) and Rule R657-12;

(d) a release aid that is not hand held or that supports the draw weight of the bow, except as provided in Subsection (5) and Rule R657-12; or

(e) a bow with a magnifying aiming device.

(3) Arrows carried in or on a vehicle where a person is riding must be in an arrow quiver or a closed case.

(4)(a) A person who has obtained an archery permit for a big game hunt may:

(i) [use ]only use archery equipment authorized in Subsections (1) and (2) to take the species authorized in the permit; and

(ii) not possess or be in control of a crossbow, draw-lock, rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader while in the field during an archery hunt.

([A]b) "Field" for purposes of this section, means a location where the permitted species of wildlife is likely to be found[. "Field"], but does not include a hunter's established campsite or the interior of a fully enclosed automobile or truck.

([b]c) The provisions of Subsection (a) do not apply to:

(i) a person [licensed to hunt upland game or waterfowl provided the person complies with Rules R657-6 and R657-9 and the Upland Game Guidebook and Waterfowl Guidebook, respectively, and possessing only the weapons authorized to take]lawfully hunting upland game or waterfowl;

(ii) a person licensed to hunt big game species during hunts that coincide with the archery hunt, provided the person is in compliance with the regulations of that hunt and possesses only the weapons authorized for that hunt;

(iii) livestock owners protecting their livestock;

(iv) a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7 of the Utah Code, provided the person is not utilizing the concealed firearm to hunt or take protected wildlife; or

(v) a person possessing a crossbow or draw-lock under a certificate of registration issued pursuant to R657-12.

(5) A person who has obtained an any weapon permit for a big game hunt may use archery equipment authorized in this Section to take the species authorized in the permit, including a crossbow or draw-lock.

[(6)(a) A crossbow used to hunt big game must have:

(i) a minimum draw weight of 125 pounds;

(ii) a minimum draw length of 14 inches, measured between the latch (nocking point) and where the bow limbs attach to the stock;

(iii) an overall length of at least 24 inches; measured between the butt stock end and where the bow limbs attach to the stock; and

(iv) a positive mechanical safety mechanism.

(b) A crossbow arrow or bolt used to hunt big game must be at least 16 inches long and have:

(i) fixed broadheads that are at least 7/8 inch wide at the widest point; or

(ii) expandable, mechanical broadheads that are at least 7/8 inch wide at the widest point when the broadhead is in the open position.

(c) It is unlawful for any person to:](6)(a) A person hunting an archery-only season on a once-in-a-lifetime hunt may:

(i) [hunt big game with a crossbow during a big game archery hunt, except as provided in R657-12-8;]only use archery equipment authorized in Subsections (1) and (2) to take the species authorized in the permit; and

(ii) [carry a cocked crossbow containing an arrow or a bolt while in or on any motorized vehicle on a public highway or other public right-of-way, except as provided in R657-12-4; or]not possess or be in control of a crossbow, draw-lock, rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader while in the field during the archery-only season.

([iii) hunt any protected wildlife with a crossbow:]b) "Field" for purposes of this section, means a location where the permitted species of wildlife is likely to be found, but does not include a hunter's established campsite or the interior of a fully enclosed automobile or truck.[

(A) bolt that has any chemical, explosive or electronic device attached; or

(B) that has an attached magnifying aiming device, except as provided in Subsection (7).

(7) A crossbow used to hunt big game during an any weapon hunt may have a fixed or variable magnifying scope.]


R657-5-12. Areas With Special Restrictions.

(1)(a) Hunting of any wildlife is prohibited within the boundaries of all park areas, except those designated by the Division of Parks and Recreation in Rule R651-614-4.

(b) Hunting with rifles and handguns in park areas designated open is prohibited within one mile of all park area facilities, including buildings, camp or picnic sites, overlooks, golf courses, boat ramps, and developed beaches.

(c) Hunting with shotguns or archery equipment is prohibited within one-quarter mile of the areas provided in Subsection (b).

(2) Hunting is closed within the boundaries of all national parks unless otherwise provided by the governing agency.

(3) Hunters obtaining a Utah license, permit or tag to take big game are not authorized to hunt on tribal trust lands. Hunters must obtain tribal authorization to hunt on tribal trust lands.

(4) Military installations, including Camp Williams, are closed to hunting and trespassing unless otherwise authorized.

(5) In Salt Lake County, a person may:

(a) only use archery equipment to take buck deer and bull elk south of I-80 and east of I-15;

(b) only use archery equipment to take big game in Emigration Township; and

(c) not hunt big game within one-half mile of Silver Lake in Big Cottonwood Canyon.

(6) Hunting is closed within a designated portion of the town of Alta. Hunters may refer to the town of Alta for boundaries and other information.

(7) Domesticated Elk Facilities and Domesticated Elk Hunting Parks, as defined in Section 4-39-102(2) and Rules R58-18 and R58-20, are closed to big game hunting. This restriction does not apply to the lawful harvest of domesticated elk as defined and allowed pursuant to Rule R58-20.

(8) State waterfowl management areas are closed to taking big game, except as otherwise provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(9) Hunters are restricted to using archery equipment, muzzleloaders or shotguns on the Scott M. Matheson Wetland Preserve.

(10) A person may not discharge a firearm, except a shotgun or muzzleloader, from, upon, or across the Green River located near Jensen, Utah from the Highway 40 bridge upstream to the Dinosaur National Monument boundary.


R657-5-13. Spotlighting.

(1) Except as provided in Section 23-13-17:

(a) a person may not use or cast the rays of any spotlight, headlight, or other artificial light to:

(i) take protected wildlife; or

(ii) locate protected wildlife while in possession of a rifle, shotgun, archery equipment, crossbow, or muzzleloader.

(b) the use of a spotlight or other artificial light in a field, woodland, or forest where protected wildlife are generally found is [prima facie evidence]probable cause of attempting to locate protected wildlife.

(2) The provisions of this section do not apply to:

(a) the use of headlights, illuminated sight pins on a bow, or other artificial light in a usual manner where there is no attempt or intent to locate protected wildlife; or

(b) a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7 of the Utah Code, provided the person is not utilizing the concealed firearm to hunt or take wildlife.


R657-5-14. Use of Vehicle or Aircraft.

(1)(a) A person may not use an airplane, drone, or any other airborne vehicle or device, or any motorized terrestrial or aquatic vehicle, including snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles, except a vessel as provided in Subsection (c), to take protected wildlife.

(b) A person may not take protected wildlife being chased, harmed, harassed, rallied, herded, flushed, pursued or moved by any vehicle, device, or conveyance listed in Subsection (a).

(c) Big game may be taken from a vessel provided:

(i) the motor of a motorboat has been completely shut off;

(ii) the sails of a sailboat have been furled; and

(iii) the vessel's progress caused by the motor or sail has ceased.

(2)(a) A person may not use any type of aircraft, drone, or other airborne vehicle or device from 48 hours before any big game hunt begins through 48 hours after any big game hunting season ends to:

(i) transport a hunter or hunting equipment into a hunting area;

(ii) transport a big game carcass; or

(iii) locate, or attempt to observe or locate any protected wildlife.

(b) Flying slowly at low altitudes, hovering, circling or repeatedly flying over a forest, marsh, field, woodland or rangeland where protected wildlife is likely to be found may be used as evidence of violations of Subsections (1) and (2).

(3) The provisions of this section do not apply to the operation of an aircraft, drone, or other airborne vehicle or device in a usual manner, or landings and departures from improved airstrips, where there is no attempt or intent to locate protected wildlife.


R657-5-15. Party Hunting and Use of Dogs.

(1) A person may not take big game for another person, except as provided in Section 23-19-1 and Rule R657-12.

(2) A person may not use the aid of a dog to take, chase, harm or harass big game. The use of one blood-trailing dog controlled by leash during lawful hunting hours within 72 hours of shooting a big game animal is allowed to track wounded animals and aid in recovery.


R657-5-16. Big Game Contests.

A person may not enter or hold a big game contest that:

(1) is based on big game or its parts; and

(2) offers cash or prizes totaling more than $500.


R657-5-17. Tagging.

(1) The carcass of any species of big game must be tagged in accordance with Section 23-20-30.

(2) A person may not hunt or pursue big game after any of the notches have been removed from the tag or the tag has been detached from the permit.

(3) The tag must remain with the largest portion of the meat until the animal is entirely consumed.


R657-5-18. Transporting Big Game Within Utah.

(1) A person may transport big game within Utah only as follows:

(a) the head or sex organs must remain attached to the largest portion of the carcass;

(b) the antlers attached to the skull plate must be transported with the carcass of an elk taken in a spike bull unit; and

(c) the person who harvested the big game animal must accompany the carcass and must possess a valid permit corresponding to the tag attached to the carcass, except as provided in Subsection (2).

(2) A person who did not take the big game animal may transport it only after obtaining a shipping permit or disposal receipt from the division or a donation slip as provided in Section 23-20-9.


R657-5-19. Exporting Big Game From Utah.

(1) A person may export big game or its parts from Utah only if:

(a) the person who harvested the big game animal accompanies it and possesses a valid permit corresponding to the tag which must be attached to the largest portion of the carcass; or

(b) the person exporting the big game animal or its parts, if it is not the person who harvested the animal, has obtained a shipping permit from the division.


R657-5-20. Purchasing or Selling Big Game or its Parts.

(1) A person may only purchase, sell, offer or possess for sale, barter, exchange or trade any big game or its parts as follows:

(a) Antlers, heads and horns of legally taken big game may be purchased or sold only on the dates published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game;

(b) Untanned hides of legally taken big game may be purchased or sold only on the dates published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game;

(c) Inedible byproducts, excluding hides, antlers and horns of legally possessed big game as provided in Subsection 23-20-3, may be purchased or sold at any time;

(d) tanned hides of legally taken big game may be purchased or sold at any time; and

(e) shed antlers and horns may be purchased or sold at any time.

(2)(a) Protected wildlife that is obtained by the division by any means may be sold or donated at any time by the division or its agent.

(b) A person may purchase or receive protected wildlife from the division, which is sold or donated in accordance with Subsection (2)(a), at any time.

(3) A person selling or purchasing antlers, heads, horns or untanned hides shall keep transaction records stating:

(a) the name and address of the person who harvested the animal;

(b) the transaction date; and

(c) the permit number of the person who harvested the animal.

(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to scouting programs or other charitable organizations using untanned hides.


R657-5-21. Possession of Antlers and Horns.

(1) A person may possess antlers or horns or parts of antlers or horns only from:

(a) lawfully harvested big game;

(b) antlers or horns lawfully obtained as provided in Section R657-5-20; or

(c) shed antlers or shed horns.

(2)(a) A person may gather shed antlers or shed horns or parts of shed antlers or shed horns at any time. An authorization is required to gather shed antlers or shed horns or parts of shed antlers or shed horns during the shed antler and shed horn season published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) A person must complete a wildlife harassment and habitat destruction prevention course annually to obtain the required authorization to gather shed antlers during the antler gathering season.

(3) "Shed antler" means an antler which:

(a) has been dropped naturally from a big game animal as part of its annual life cycle; and

(b) has a rounded base commonly known as the antler button or burr attached which signifies a natural life cycle process.

(4) "Shed horn" means the sheath from the horn of a pronghorn that has been dropped naturally as part of its annual life cycle. No other big game species shed their horns naturally.


R657-5-22. Poaching-Reported Reward Permits.

(1) For purposes of this section, "successful prosecution" means the screening, filing of charges and subsequent adjudication of guilt for the poaching incident.

(2) Any person who provides information leading to another person's successful prosecution under Section 23-20-4 for wanton destruction of a bull moose, desert bighorn ram, rocky mountain bighorn ram, rocky mountain goat, bison, bull elk, buck deer or buck pronghorn within any once-in-a-lifetime or limited entry area may receive a permit from the division to hunt the same species on the same once-in-a-lifetime or limited entry area where the violation occurred, except as provided in Subsection (3).

(3)(a) In the event that issuance of a poaching-reported reward permit would exceed 5% of the total number of limited entry or once-in-a-lifetime permits issued in the following year for the respective area, a permit shall not be issued for that respective area. As an alternative, the division may issue a permit as outlined in Subsections (b) or (c).

(b) If the illegally taken animal is a bull moose, desert bighorn ram, rocky mountain bighorn ram, rocky mountain goat or bison, a permit for an alternative species and an alternative once-in-a-lifetime or limited entry area that has been allocated more than 20 permits may be issued.

(c) If the illegally taken animal is a bull elk, buck deer or buck pronghorn, a permit for the same species on an alternative limited entry area that has been allocated more than 20 permits may be issued.

(4)(a) The division may issue only one poaching-reported reward permit for any one animal illegally taken.

(b) No more than one poaching-reported reward permit shall be issued to any one person per successful prosecution.

(c) No more than one poaching-reported reward permit per species shall be issued to any one person in any one calendar year.

(5)(a) Poaching-reported reward permits may only be issued to the person who provides the most pertinent information leading to a successful prosecution. Permits are not transferrable.

(b) If information is received from more than one person, the director of the division shall make a determination based on the facts of the case, as to which person provided the most pertinent information leading to the successful prosecution in the case.

(c) The person providing the most pertinent information shall qualify for the poaching-reported reward permit.

(6) Any person who receives a poaching-reported reward permit must possess or obtain a Utah hunting or combination license and otherwise be eligible to hunt and obtain big game permits as provided in all rules and regulations of the Wildlife Board and the Wildlife Resources Code.


R657-5-23. General Archery Buck Deer Hunt.

(1) The dates of the general archery buck deer hunt are provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(2) A person who has obtained a general archery buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general archery buck deer may use archery equipment prescribed in R657-5-11 to take:

(a) one buck deer within the general hunt area specified on the permit for the time specified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game; or

(b) a deer of hunter's choice within extended archery areas as provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(c) A person who has obtained a general archery buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general archery buck deer, may not hunt within Cooperative Wildlife Management unit deer areas.

(d) A person who has obtained a general archery buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general archery buck deer, may not hunt within premium limited entry deer or limited entry deer areas, except as provided by the Wildlife Board in the guidebooks for big game.

(3)(a) A person who obtains a general archery buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general archery buck deer, may hunt within extended archery areas during the extended archery area seasons as provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game and as provided in Subsection (b).

(b)(i) A person must complete the Archery Ethics Course annually to hunt any extended archery areas during the extended archery season.

(ii) A person must possess an Archery Ethics Course Certificate of Completion while hunting.

(4) A person who has obtained a general archery buck deer permit may not hunt during any other deer hunt or obtain any other deer permit, except antlerless deer and extended archery areas.

(5) If a person 17 years of age or younger obtains a general archery buck deer permit, that person may only hunt during the general archery deer season and the extended archery season as provided Section R657-5-23(3).[

(6) Hunter orange material must be worn if a centerfire rifle hunt is also in progress in the same area as provided in Section 23-20-31. Archers are cautioned to study rifle hunt tables and identify these areas described in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.]


R657-5-24. General Any Weapon Buck Deer Hunt.

(1) The dates for the general any weapon buck deer [hunt]hunts are provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(2)(a) A person who has obtained a general any weapon buck permit may use any legal weapon to take one buck deer within the hunt area and season dates specified on the permit as published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) A person who has obtained a general any weapon buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general any weapon buck deer, may not hunt within Cooperative Wildlife Management unit deer areas.

(c) A person who has obtained a general any weapon buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general any weapon buck deer, may not hunt within premium limited entry deer and limited entry deer areas, except as provided by the Wildlife Board in the guidebooks for big game.

(3) A person who has obtained a general any weapon buck deer permit may not hunt during any other deer hunt or obtain any other deer permit, except:

(a) antlerless deer, as provided in R657-5-27; and

(b) any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31 of the current year, may hunt the general archery, extended archery, general any weapon and general muzzleloader buck deer seasons applicable to the unit specified on the general any weapon buck deer permit, using the appropriate equipment as provided in Sections R657-5-7 through R657-5-11, respectively.


R657-5-25. General Muzzleloader Buck Deer Hunt.

(1) The dates for the general muzzleloader buck deer hunt are provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(2)(a) A person who has obtained a general muzzleloader buck permit may use a muzzleloader, as prescribed in R657-5-10, to take one buck deer within the general hunt area specified on the permit as published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) A person who has obtained a general muzzleloader buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general muzzleloader buck deer, may not hunt within any deer Cooperative Wildlife Management unit.

(c) A person who has obtained a general muzzleloader buck deer permit, or any other permit which allows that person to hunt general muzzleloader buck deer, may not hunt within premium limited entry deer or limited entry deer areas, except as provided by the Wildlife Board in the guidebooks for big game.

(3)(a) A person who has obtained a general muzzleloader buck deer permit may not hunt during any other deer hunt or obtain any other deer permit, except antlerless deer, as provided in R657-5-27.

(b) If a person 17 years of age or younger purchases a general muzzleloader buck deer permit, that person may only hunt during the general muzzleloader deer season.[

(4) Hunter orange material must be worn if a centerfire rifle hunt is also in progress in the same area as provided in Section 23-20-31. Muzzleloader hunters are cautioned to study the rifle hunt tables to identify these areas described in the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.]


R657-5-26. Premium Limited Entry and Limited Entry Buck Deer Hunts.

(1)(a) To hunt in a premium limited entry or limited entry buck deer area, hunters must obtain the respective limited entry buck permit. Limited entry areas are not open to general archery buck deer, general any weapon buck deer, or general muzzleloader buck deer hunting, except as specified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b)(i) The Wildlife Board may establish in guidebook a limited entry buck deer hunt on a general season buck deer unit.

(ii) The season dates for a limited entry hunt under this Subsection will not overlap the season dates for the underlying general season hunt on the unit.

(iii) A landowner association under R657-43 is not eligible to receive limited entry permits that occur on general season units.

(2) A limited entry buck deer permit allows a person using the prescribed legal weapon, to take one buck deer within the area and season specified on the permit, excluding deer cooperative wildlife management units located within the limited entry unit.

(3)(a) A person who has obtained a premium limited entry, limited entry, management, or cooperative wildlife management unit buck deer permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a buck deer.

(b) Limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit buck deer permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(c) A person who fails to comply with the requirement in Subsection (a) shall be ineligible to apply for any once-in-a-lifetime, premium limited entry, limited entry, management, or cooperative wildlife management unit permit or bonus point in the following year.

(d) Late questionnaires may be accepted pursuant to Rule R657-42-9(3).

(4) A person who has obtained a premium limited entry or limited entry buck permit may not:

(a) obtain any other deer permit, except an antlerless deer permit as provided in R657-5-27 and the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board; or

(b) hunt during any other deer hunt, except unsuccessful archery hunters may hunt within extended archery areas as provided in Subsection (7).

(5)(a) The Wildlife Board may establish a multi-season hunting opportunity in the big game guidebooks for selected premium limited entry and limited entry buck deer hunts.

(b) A person that obtains a premium limited entry or limited entry buck deer permit with a multi-season opportunity may hunt during any of the following limited entry buck deer seasons established in the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for the unit specified on the premium limited entry or limited entry buck deer permit:

(i) archery season, using only archery equipment prescribed in R657-5-11 for taking deer;

(ii) muzzleloader season, using only muzzleloader equipment prescribed in R657-5-10 for taking deer; and

(iii) any weapon season, using any legal weapon prescribed in R657-5 for taking deer.

(c) A landowner association under R657-43 is not eligible to receive a multi-season hunting opportunity for premium limited entry or limited entry units.

(6) A premium limited entry or limited entry buck deer permit, including a permit with a multi-season opportunity, is valid only within the boundaries of the unit designated on the permit, excluding:

(a) areas closed to hunting;

(b) deer cooperative wildlife management units; and

(c) Indian tribal trust lands.

(7) A person who possesses an archery buck deer permit for a premium limited entry or limited entry unit, including a permit with a multi-season opportunity, may hunt buck deer within any extended archery area during the established extended archery season for that area, provided the person:

(a) did not take a buck deer during the premium limited entry or limited entry hunt;

(b) uses the prescribed archery equipment for the extended archery area;

(c) completes the annual Archery Ethics Course required to hunt extended archery areas during the extended archery season; and

(d) possesses on their person while hunting:

(i) the multi-season limited entry or limited entry buck deer permit; and

(ii) the Archery Ethics Course Certificate of Completion.


R657-5-27. Antlerless Deer Hunts.

(1)(a) To hunt antlerless deer, a hunter must obtain an antlerless deer permit.

(b) A person may obtain only one antlerless deer permit or a two-doe antlerless deer permit through the division's antlerless big game drawing.

(2)(a) An antlerless deer permit allows a person to take one antlerless deer using the weapon type, within the area, and during season dates specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) A two-doe antlerless deer permit allows a person to take two antlerless deer using the weapon type, within the area, and during the season specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(c) A person may not hunt antlerless deer on any deer cooperative wildlife management unit unless that person obtains an antlerless deer permit for that specific cooperative wildlife management unit.

(3) A person who has obtained an antlerless deer permit may not hunt during any other antlerless deer hunt or obtain any other antlerless deer permits, except as provided in R657-44-3.

(4)(a) A person who obtains an antlerless deer permit and any of the permits listed in Subsection (b) may use the antlerless deer permit during the established season for the antlerless deer permit and during the established season for the applicable permits listed in Subsection (b) provided:

(i) the permits are both valid for the same area;

(ii) the appropriate archery equipment is used, if hunting antlerless deer during an archery season or hunt; and

(iii) the appropriate muzzleloader hunt equipment is used, if hunting antlerless deer during a muzzleloader season or hunt.

(b)(i) General buck deer for archery, muzzleloader, [or ]any weapon , or dedicated hunter;

(ii) General bull elk for archery, muzzleloader, [or ]any weapon , or multi-season;

(iii) Premium limited entry buck deer for archery, muzzleloader, any weapon, or multi-season;

(iv) Limited entry buck deer for archery, muzzleloader, any weapon, or multi-season;

(v) Limited entry bull elk for archery, muzzleloader, any weapon, or multi-season; or

(vi) Antlerless elk.

(c) A person that possess an unfilled antlerless deer permit and harvests an animal under authority of a permit listed in Subsection (b), may continue hunting antlerless deer as prescribed in Subsections (a) and (b) during the remaining portions of the Subsection (b) permit season.


R657-5-28. General Archery Elk Hunt.

(1) The dates of the general archery elk hunt are provided in the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(2)(a) A person who has obtained a general archery elk permit may use archery equipment to take:

(i) an antlerless elk or a bull elk on a general any bull elk unit, excluding elk cooperative wildlife management units;

(ii) an antlerless elk or a spike bull elk on a general spike bull elk unit, excluding elk cooperative wildlife management units;

(iii) an antlerless elk or a bull elk on extended archery areas as provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(3)(a) A person who obtains a general archery elk permit may hunt within the extended archery areas during the extended archery area seasons as provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game and as provided in Subsection (b).

(b)(i) A person must complete the Archery Ethics Course annually to hunt the extended archery areas during the extended archery season.

(ii) A person must possess an Archery Ethics Course Certificate of Completion on their person while hunting.

(4) A person who has obtained an archery elk permit may not hunt during any other elk hunt or obtain any other elk permit, except as provided in Subsection R657-5-33(3) and by the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.[

(5) Hunter orange material must be worn if a centerfire rifle hunt is also in progress in the same area as provided in Section 23-20-31. Archers are cautioned to study the rifle hunt tables to identify these areas described in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.]


R657-5-29. General Season Bull Elk Hunt.

(1) The dates and areas for the general season bull elk hunts are provided in the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for taking big game, except the following areas are closed to general any weapon bull elk hunting:

(a) Salt Lake County south of I-80 and east of I-15; and

(b) elk cooperative wildlife management units.

(2)(a) A person may purchase either a spike bull elk permit or an any bull elk permit.

(b) A person who has obtained a general season spike bull elk permit may take a spike bull elk on a general season spike bull elk unit. Any bull elk units are closed to spike bull elk permittees.

(c) A person who has obtained a general season any bull elk permit may take any bull elk, including a spike bull elk, on a general season any bull elk unit. Spike bull elk units are closed to any bull elk permittees.

(3) A person who has obtained a general season bull elk permit may use any legal weapon to take a spike bull elk or any bull elk, as specified on the permit.

(4) A person who has obtained a general season bull elk permit may not hunt during any other elk hunt or obtain any other elk permit, except as provided in Subsection R657-5-33(3).

(5) The Wildlife Board may establish multi-season hunting opportunities in the big game guidebooks for general season spike and bull elk hunts consistent with the following parameters:

(a) an individual with a multi-season spike elk permit may use:

(i) archery equipment as prescribed in R657-5-11 to take an antlerless elk or spike bull elk on a general season spike unit during the archery season;

(ii) archery equipment as prescribed in R657-5-11 to take an antlerless elk or any bull elk on a general season any bull unit during the archery season;

(iii) muzzleloader equipment as prescribed in R657-5-10 to take spike bull elk on general season spike units during the muzzleloader season; or

(iv) any legal weapon as prescribed in R657-5 to take a spike bull elk on a general season spike unit during the any legal weapon season.

(b) An individual with a multi-season any bull elk permit may use:

(i) archery equipment as prescribed in R657-5-11 to take an antlerless elk or

spike elk on a general season spike unit during the archery season;

(ii) archery equipment as prescribed in R657-5-11 to take an antlerless elk or any bull elk on a general season any bull unit during the archery season;

(iii) muzzleloader equipment as prescribed in R657-5-10 to take any bull elk on general season any bull units during the muzzleloader season; or

(iv) any legal weapon as prescribed in R657-5 to take any bull elk on a general season any bull unit during the any legal weapon season.

(c) An individual who obtains a multi-season bull elk permit may hunt within the extended archery areas during the extended archery area seasons described in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game, provided that individual:

(i) completes the Archery Ethics Course prior to going afield; and

(ii) possesses the Archery Ethics Course Certificate of Completion on their person while hunting.


R657-5-30. General Muzzleloader Bull Elk Hunt.

(1) The dates and areas for general muzzleloader bull elk hunts are provided in the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for taking big game, except the following areas are closed to general muzzleloader bull elk hunting:

(a) Salt Lake County south of I-80 and east of I-15; and

(b) elk cooperative wildlife management units.

(2)(a) General muzzleloader bull elk hunters may purchase either a spike bull elk permit or an any bull elk permit.

(b) A person who has obtained a general muzzleloader spike bull elk permit may use a muzzleloader, prescribed in R657-5-10, to take a spike bull elk on an any general spike bull elk unit. Any bull units are closed to spike bull muzzleloader permittees.

(c) A person who has obtained a general muzzleloader any bull elk permit may use a muzzleloader, as prescribed in R657-5-10, to take any bull elk on an any bull elk unit. Spike bull units are closed to any bull muzzleloader permittees.

(3) On selected units identified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game, a person who has obtained a general muzzleloader bull elk permit may use muzzleloader equipment to take either an antlerless elk or a bull elk.

(4) A person who has obtained a general muzzleloader bull elk permit may not hunt during any other elk hunt or obtain any other elk permit, except as provided in Subsection R657-5-33(3).


R657-5-31. Youth General Any Bull Elk Hunt.

(1)(a) For purposes of this section "youth" means any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31 of the current year.

(b) A youth may apply for or obtain a youth any bull elk permit.

(c) A qualified person may obtain a youth any bull elk permit only once during their life.

(2) The youth any bull elk hunting season and areas are published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(3)(a) A youth who has obtained a youth general any bull elk permit may take any bull elk, including antlerless elk, on a general any bull elk unit. Spike bull elk units are closed to youth general any bull elk permittees.

(b) A youth who has obtained a youth general any bull elk permit may use any legal weapon to take any bull elk or antlerless elk as specified on the permit.

(4) A youth who has obtained a youth general any bull elk permit may not hunt during any other elk hunt or obtain any other elk permit, except as provided in Section R657-5-33(3).

(5) Preference points shall not be awarded or utilized when applying for or obtaining a youth general any bull elk permit.


R657-5-32. Limited Entry Bull Elk Hunts.

(1) To hunt in a limited entry bull elk area, a hunter must obtain a limited entry bull elk permit for the area.

(2)(a) A limited entry bull elk permit allows a person, using the prescribed legal weapon, to take one bull elk within the area and season specified on the permit, except as provided in Subsection (5) and excluding elk cooperative wildlife management units located within a limited entry unit. Spike bull elk restrictions do not apply to limited entry elk permittees.

(3)(a) The Wildlife Board may establish a multi-season hunting opportunity in the big game guidebooks for selected limited entry bull elk units.

(b) A person that obtains a limited entry bull elk permit with a multi-season opportunity may hunt during any of the following limited entry bull elk seasons established in the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for the unit specified on the limited entry bull elk permit:

(i) archery season, using only archery equipment prescribed in R657-5-11 for taking elk;

(ii) muzzleloader season, using only muzzleloader equipment prescribed in R657-5-10 for taking elk; and

(iii) any weapon season, using any legal weapon prescribed in R657-5 for taking elk.

(c) A landowner association under R657-43 is not eligible to receive a multi-season hunting opportunity for limited entry units.

(4) A limited entry bull elk permit, including a permit with a multi-season opportunity, is valid only within the boundaries of the unit designated on the permit, excluding:

(a) areas closed to hunting;

(b) elk cooperative wildlife management units; and

(c) Indian tribal trust lands.

(5) A person who possesses any limited entry archery bull elk permit, including a permit with a multi-season opportunity, may hunt bull elk within any extended archery area during the established extended archery season for that area, provided the person:

(a) did not take a bull elk during the limited entry hunt;

(b) uses the prescribed archery equipment for the extended archery area;

(c) completes the annual Archery Ethics Course required to hunt extended archery areas during the extended archery season; and

(d) possesses on their person while hunting:

(i) the limited entry bull elk permit; and

(ii) the Archery Ethics Course Certificate of Completion.

(6) "Prescribed legal weapon" means for purposes of this subsection:

(a) archery equipment, as defined in R657-5-11, when hunting the archery season, excluding a crossbow or draw-lock;

(b) muzzleloader equipment, as defined in R657-5-10, when hunting the muzzleloader season; and

(c) any legal weapon, including a muzzleloader and crossbow with a fixed or variable magnifying scope or draw-lock when hunting during the any weapon season.

(7)(a) A person who has obtained a limited entry or cooperative wildlife management unit bull elk permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a bull elk.

(b) Limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit bull elk permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(c) A person who fails to comply with the requirement in Subsection (a) shall be ineligible to apply for any once-in-a-lifetime, premium limited entry, limited entry, or cooperative wildlife management unit permit or bonus point in the following year.

(d) Late questionnaires may be accepted pursuant to Rule R657-42-9(2).

(8) A person who has obtained a limited entry bull elk permit may not hunt during any other elk hunt or obtain any other elk permit, except as provided in Subsections (5) and R657-5-33(3).


R657-5-33. Antlerless Elk Hunts.

(1) To hunt antlerless elk, a hunter must obtain an antlerless elk permit.

(2)(a) An antlerless elk permit allows a person to take one antlerless elk using the weapon type, within the area, and during season dates specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) A person may not hunt antlerless elk on an elk cooperative wildlife management unit unless that person obtains an antlerless elk permit for that specific cooperative wildlife management unit.

(3)(a) A person may obtain three elk permits each year, in combination as follows:

(i) a maximum of one bull elk permit;

(ii) a maximum of one antlerless elk permit issued through the division's antlerless big game drawing; and

(iii) a maximum of two antlerless elk permits acquired over the counter or on-line after the antlerless big game drawing is finalized, including antlerless elk:

(A) control permits, as described in Subsection (5);

(B) depredation permits, as described in R657-44-8;

(C) mitigation permit vouchers, as defined in R657-44-2(2); and

(D) private lands only permits, as described in Subsection (6).

(b) Antlerless elk mitigation permits obtained by a landowner or lessee under R657-44-3 do not count towards the annual three elk permit limitation prescribed in this subsection.

(i) "Mitigation permit" has the same meaning as defined in R657-44-2(2).

(c) For the purposes of obtaining multiple elk permits, a hunter's choice elk permit is considered a bull elk permit.

(4)(a) A person who obtains an antlerless elk permit and any of the permits listed in Subsection (b) may use the antlerless elk permit during the established season for the antlerless elk permit and during the established season for the applicable permits listed in Subsection (b), provided:

(i) the permits are both valid for the same area;

(ii) the appropriate archery equipment is used, if hunting antlerless elk during an archery season or hunt; and

(iii) the appropriate muzzleloader hunt equipment is used, if hunting antlerless elk during a muzzleloader season or hunt.

(b)(i) General buck deer for archery, muzzleloader[or], any legal weapon , or dedicated hunter;

(ii) General bull elk for archery, muzzleloader[or], any legal weapon , or multi-season;

(iii) Premium limited entry buck deer for archery, muzzleloader, any weapon, or multi-season;

(iv) Limited entry buck deer for archery, muzzleloader, any legal weapon, or multi-season;

(v) Limited entry bull elk for archery, muzzleloader or any legal weapon[;], or multi-season.

(vi) Antlerless deer or elk , excluding antlerless elk control permits.

(c) A person that possess an unfilled antlerless elk permit and harvests an animal under authority of a permit listed in Subsection (b), may continue hunting antlerless elk as prescribed in Subsections (a) and (b) during the remaining portions of the Subsection (b) permit season.

(5)(a) To obtain an antlerless elk control permit, a person must first obtain a big game buck, bull, or a once-in-a-lifetime permit.

(b) An antlerless elk control permit allows a person to take one antlerless elk using the same weapon type, during the same season dates, and within areas of overlap between the boundary of the buck, bull, or once-in-a-lifetime permit and the boundary of the antlerless elk control permit, as provided in the Antlerless guidebook by the Wildlife Board.

(c) Antlerless elk control permits are sold over the counter or online after the division's antlerless big game drawing is finalized.

(d) A person that possess an unfilled antlerless elk control permit and harvests an animal under the buck, bull, or once-in-a-lifetime permit referenced in Subsection (b), may continue hunting antlerless elk as prescribed in Subsection (b) during the remaining portions of the buck, bull, or once-in-a-lifetime permit season.

(6)(a) A private lands only permit allows a person to take one antlerless elk on private land within a prescribed unit using any weapon during the season dates and area provided in the Big Game guidebook by the Wildlife Board.

(b) No boundary extension or buffer zones on public land will be applied to private lands only permits.

(c) Private lands only permits are sold over the counter or online after the division's antlerless big game drawing is finalized.

(d) "Private lands" means, for purposes of this subsection, any land owned in fee by an individual or legal entity, excluding:

(i) land owned by the state or federal government;

(ii) land owned by a county or municipality;

(iii) land owned by an Indian tribe;

(iv) land enrolled in a Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit under R657-37; and

(v) land where public access for big game hunting has been secured.


R657-5-34. Buck Pronghorn Hunts.

(1) To hunt buck pronghorn, a hunter must obtain a buck pronghorn permit.

(2) A person who has obtained a buck pronghorn permit may not obtain any other pronghorn permit or hunt during any other pronghorn hunt.

(3)(a) A person who has obtained a limited entry or cooperative wildlife management unit buck pronghorn permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a buck pronghorn.

(b) Limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit buck pronghorn permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(c) A person who fails to comply with the requirement in Subsection (a) shall be ineligible to apply for any once-in-a-lifetime, premium limited entry, limited entry, or cooperative wildlife management unit permit or bonus point in the following year.

(d) Late questionnaires may be accepted pursuant to Rule R657-42-9(2).

(4) A buck pronghorn permit allows a person to take one buck pronghorn within the area, during the season, and using the weapon type specified on the permit, except on a pronghorn cooperative wildlife management unit located within a limited entry unit.


R657-5-35. Doe Pronghorn Hunts.

(1)(a) To hunt doe pronghorn, a hunter must obtain a doe pronghorn permit.

(b) A person may obtain only one doe pronghorn permit or a two-doe pronghorn permit through the division's antlerless big game drawing.

(2)(a) A doe pronghorn permit allows a person to take one doe pronghorn using the weapon type, within the area, and during the season specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) A two-doe pronghorn permit allows a person to take two doe pronghorn using the weapon type, within the area, and during the season dates specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(c) A person may not hunt doe pronghorn on any pronghorn cooperative wildlife management unit unless that person obtains an antlerless pronghorn permit for that specific cooperative wildlife management unit.

(3) A person who has obtained a doe pronghorn permit may not hunt pronghorn during any other pronghorn hunt or obtain any other pronghorn permit.


R657-5-36. Antlerless Moose Hunts.

(1) To hunt antlerless moose, a hunter must obtain an antlerless moose permit.

(2)(a) An antlerless moose permit allows a person to take one antlerless moose using any legal weapon within the area and season specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) A person may not hunt antlerless moose on a moose cooperative wildlife management unit unless that person obtains an antlerless moose permit for that specific cooperative wildlife management unit as specified on the permit.

(3) A person who has obtained an antlerless moose permit may not hunt moose during any other moose hunt or obtain any other moose permit for that hunt year.


R657-5-37. Bull Moose Hunts.

(1) To hunt bull moose, a hunter must obtain a bull moose permit.

(2) A person who has obtained a bull moose permit may not obtain any other moose permit or hunt during any other moose hunt.

(3) A bull moose permit allows a person[using any legal weapon] to take one bull moose within the area[and season specified on the permit, ], during the seasons, and using the weapon type prescribed by the Wildlife Board, excluding any moose cooperative wildlife management unit located within a limited entry unit.

(4)(a) A person who has obtained a bull moose permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a bull moose.

(b) Bull moose permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(c) A person who fails to comply with the requirement in Subsection (a) shall be ineligible to apply for any once-in-a-lifetime, premium limited entry, limited entry, or cooperative wildlife management unit permit or bonus point in the following year.

(d) Late questionnaires may be accepted pursuant to Rule R657-42-9(2).


R657-5-38. Bison Hunts.

(1) To hunt bison, a hunter must obtain a bison permit.

(2) A person who has obtained a bison permit may not obtain any other bison permit or hunt during any other bison hunt.

(3) [The]A hunter's choice bison permit allows a person [using any legal weapon ]to take a bison of either sex within the area[and season as specified on the permit], during the seasons, and using the weapon type prescribed by the Wildlife Board.

(4)(a) An orientation course is required for bison hunters who draw an Antelope Island bison permit. Hunters shall be notified of the orientation date, time and location.

(b) The Antelope Island hunt is administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation.

(5) A cow bison permit allows a person to take one cow bison [using any legal weapon ]within the area[and season], during the seasons, and using the weapon types as specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(6) An orientation course is required for bison hunters who draw cow bison permits. Hunters will be notified of the orientation date, time and location.

(7)(a) A person who has obtained a bison permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a bison.

(b) Bison permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(c) A person who fails to comply with the requirement in Subsection (a) shall be ineligible to apply for any once-in-a-lifetime, premium limited entry, limited entry, or cooperative wildlife management unit permit or bonus point in the following year.

(d) Late questionnaires may be accepted pursuant to Rule R657-42-9(2).


R657-5-39. Desert Bighorn and Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Ram Hunts.

(1) To hunt a ram desert bighorn sheep or a ram Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, a hunter must obtain the respective permit.

(2) A person who has obtained a ram desert bighorn sheep or a ram Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit may not obtain any other desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit or hunt during any other desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep hunt.

(3) [Desert]Ram desert bighorn sheep and ram Rocky Mountain [big horn]bighorn sheep permits are considered separate once-in-a-lifetime hunting opportunities.

(4)(a) [The]A ram desert bighorn sheep permit allows a person [using any legal weapon ]to take one desert bighorn ram within the area[and season specified on the permit], during the seasons, and using the weapon type prescribed by the Wildlife Board.

(b) [The]A ram Rocky Mountain sheep permit allows a person [using any legal weapon ]to take one Rocky Mountain bighorn ram within the area[and season specified on the permit], during the seasons, and using the weapon type prescribed by the Wildlife Board.

[(5) The permittee may attend a hunter orientation course. The division provides each permittee with the time and location of the course.

(6) All bighorn sheep hunters are encouraged to have a spotting scope with a minimum of 15 power while hunting bighorn sheep. Any ram may be legally taken, however, permittees are encouraged to take a mature ram. The terrain inhabited by bighorn sheep is extremely rugged, making this hunt extremely strenuous.

]([7]5)Successful hunters must deliver the horns of the bighorn sheep to a division office within 72 hours of leaving the hunting area. A numbered seal will be permanently affixed to the horn indicating legal harvest.

([8]6)(a) A person who has obtained a desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep.

(b) Desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(c) A person who fails to comply with the requirement in Subsection (a) shall be ineligible to apply for any once-in-a-lifetime, premium limited entry, limited entry, or cooperative wildlife management unit permit or bonus point in the following year.

(d) Late questionnaires may be accepted pursuant to Rule R657-42-9(2).


R657-5-39.5. Desert Bighorn and Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ewe Hunts.

(1) To hunt a ewe desert bighorn sheep or a ewe Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, a hunter must obtain the respective ewe permit.

(2)(a) A ewe permit allows a person to take one ewe using any legal weapon within the area and season specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(3) A person who has obtained a ewe permit may not hunt desert bighorn or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep during any other sheep hunt or obtain any other sheep permit during that hunt year.

(4) Ewe desert bighorn sheep and ewe Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permits are considered separate hunting opportunities.


R657-5-40. Rocky Mountain Goat Hunts.

(1) To hunt Rocky Mountain goat, a hunter must obtain a Rocky Mountain goat permit.

(2) A person who has obtained a Rocky Mountain goat permit may not obtain any other Rocky Mountain goat permit or hunt during any other Rocky Mountain goat hunt.

(3) A Rocky Mountain goat of either sex may be legally taken on a hunter's choice permit.[Permittees are encouraged to take a mature goat. A mature goat is a goat older than two years of age, as determined by counting the annual rings on the horn.]

(4) The goat permit allows a person [using any legal weapon ]to take one goat within the area[and season specified on the permit], during the seasons, and using the weapon type prescribed by the Wildlife Board.

(5) [All goat hunters are encouraged to have a spotting scope with a minimum of 15 power while hunting goats. The terrain inhabited by Rocky Mountain goat is extremely rugged making this hunt extremely strenuous. The goat's pelage may be higher quality later in the hunting season.

(6) ]A female- only goat[only] permit allows a person to take one [female-goat using any legal weapon]femalegoat within the area, during the seasons, and [season]using the weapon type specified on the permit and in the Antlerless guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

([7]6) An orientation course is required for Rocky Mountain goat hunters who draw female-goat only permits. Hunters will be notified of the orientation date, time and location.

([8]7)(a) A person who has obtained a Rocky Mountain goat permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a Rocky Mountain goat.

(b) Rocky Mountain goat permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(c) A person who fails to comply with the requirement in Subsection (a) shall be ineligible to apply for any once-in-a-lifetime, premium limited entry, limited entry, or cooperative wildlife management unit permit or bonus points in the following year.

(d) Late questionnaires may be accepted pursuant to Rule R657-42-9(2).


R657-5-41. Depredation Hunter Pool Permits.

(1) When big game are causing damage or are considered a nuisance, control hunts not listed in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game may be held as provided in Rule R657-44. These hunts occur on short notice, involve small areas, and are limited to only a few hunters.

(2) For the purpose of this section, nuisance is defined as a situation where big game animals are found to have moved off formally approved management units onto adjacent units or other areas not approved for that species.


R657-5-42. Carcass Importation.

(1) It is unlawful to import dead elk, moose, mule deer, or white-tailed deer or their parts from the areas of any state, province, game management unit, equivalent wildlife management unit, or county, which has deer or elk diagnosed with Chronic Wasting Disease, except the following portions of the carcass:

(a) meat that is cut and wrapped either commercially or privately;

(b) quarters or other portion of meat with no part of the spinal column or head attached;

(c) meat that is boned out;

(d) hides with no heads attached;

(e) skull plates with antlers attached that have been cleaned of all meat and tissue;

(f) antlers with no meat or tissue attached;

(g) upper canine teeth, also known as buglers, whistlers, or ivories; or

(h) finished taxidermy heads.

(2)(a) The affected states, provinces, game management units, equivalent wildlife management units, or counties, which have deer, elk, or moose diagnosed with Chronic Wasting Disease shall be available at division offices and through the division's Internet address.

(b) Importation of harvested elk, moose, mule deer, or white-tailed deer or its parts from the affected areas are hereby restricted pursuant to Subsection (1).

(3) Nonresidents of Utah transporting harvested elk, moose, mule deer, or white-tailed deer from the affected areas are exempt if they:

(a) do not leave any part of the harvested animal in Utah and do not stay more than 24 hours in the state of Utah;

(b) do not have their deer, elk, or moose processed in Utah; or

(c) do not leave any parts of the carcass in Utah.


R657-5-43. Chronic Wasting Disease - Infected Animals.

(1) Any person who under the authority of a permit issued by the division legally takes a deer, elk, or moose that is later confirmed to be infected with Chronic Wasting Disease may:

(a) retain the entire carcass of the animal;

(b) retain any parts of the carcass, including antlers, and surrender the remainder to the division for proper disposal; or

(c) surrender all portions of the carcass in their actual or constructive possession, including antlers, to the division and receive a free new permit the following year for the same hunt.

(2) The new permit issued pursuant to Subsection (1)(c) shall be for the same species, sex, weapon type, unit, region, and otherwise subject to all the restrictions and conditions imposed on the original permit, except season dates for the permit shall follow the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game published in the year the new permit is valid.

(3) Notwithstanding other rules to the contrary, private landowners and landowner associations may refuse access to private property to persons possessing new permits issued under Subsection (1)(c).


R657-5-44. Management Bull Elk Hunt.

(1)(a) For the purposes of this section "management bull" means any bull elk with 5 points or less on at least one antler. A point means a projection longer than one inch, measured from its base to its tip.

(b) For purposes of this section "youth" means any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31.

(c) For the purposes of this section "senior" means any person 65 years of age or older on the opening day of the management bull elk archery season published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(2)(a) Management bull elk permits shall be distributed pursuant to R657-62 with thirty percent of the permits being allocated to youth, thirty percent to seniors and the remaining forty percent to hunters of all ages.

(3) Management bull elk permit holders may take one management bull elk during the season, on the area and with the weapon type specified on the permit. Management bull elk hunting seasons, areas and weapon types are published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(4)(a) A person who has obtained a management bull elk permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a management bull elk.

(b) Management bull elk permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(5)(a) Management bull elk permit holders who successfully harvest a management bull elk, as defined in Subsection (1)(a) must have their animal inspected by the division.

(b) Successful hunters must deliver the head and antlers of the elk they harvest to a division office for inspection within 48 hours after the date of kill.

(6) Management bull elk permit holders may not retain possession of any harvested bull elk that fails to satisfy the definition requirements in Subsection (1)(a).

(7) A person who has obtained a management bull elk permit may not hunt during any other elk hunt or obtain any other elk permit, except as provided in Section R657-5-33(3).


R657-5-45. General Any Weapon Buck Deer and Bull Elk Combination Hunt.

(1) Permit numbers, season dates and unit boundary descriptions for the general any weapon buck deer and bull elk combination hunt shall be established in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(2) A person who obtains a general any weapon buck deer and bull elk combination permit may use any legal weapon to take one buck deer and one bull elk during the season and within the unit specified on the permit.

(a) A general any weapon buck deer and bull elk combination permit does not authorize the holder to hunt deer or elk within any cooperative wildlife management unit.

(3) A person who has obtained a general any weapon buck deer and bull elk combination permit may not hunt during any other deer or elk hunt or obtain any other deer or elk permit, except:

(a) antlerless deer, as provided in Subsection R657-5-27, and

(b) antlerless elk, as provided in Subsection R657-5-33.

(4)(a) Lifetime license holders may obtain a general any weapon buck deer and bull elk combination permit.

(b) Upon obtaining a general any weapon buck deer and bull elk combination permit, the lifetime license holder foregoes any rights to receive a buck deer permit for the general archery, general any weapon or general muzzleloader deer hunts as provided in Section 23-19-17.5.

(c) A refund or credit is not issued for the general archery, general any weapon or general muzzleloader deer permit.


R657-5-46. Management Buck Deer Hunt.

(1)(a) For the purposes of this section "management buck" means any buck deer with 3 points or less on at least one antler above and including the first fork in the antler. A point means a projection longer than one inch, measured from its base to its tip. The eye guard is not counted as a point.

(b) For purposes of this section "youth" means any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31.

(c) For the purposes of this section "senior" means any person 65 years of age or older on the opening day of the management buck deer archery season published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(2) Management buck deer permits shall be distributed pursuant to rule R657-62 with thirty percent of the permits being allocated to youth, thirty percent to seniors and the remaining forty percent to hunters of all ages.

(3) Management buck deer permit holders may take one management buck deer during the season, [on]in the area and with the weapon type specified on the permit. Management buck deer hunting seasons, areas and weapon types are published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(4)(a) A person who has obtained a management buck deer permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a management buck deer.

(b) Management buck deer permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(5)(a) Management buck deer permit holders who successfully harvest a management buck deer, as defined in Subsection (1)(a) must have their animal inspected by the division.

(b) Successful hunters must deliver the head and antlers of the deer they harvest to a division office for inspection within 48 hours after the date of kill.

(6) Management buck deer permit holders may not retain possession of any harvested buck deer that fails to satisfy the definition requirements in Subsection (1)(a).

(7) A person who has obtained a management buck deer permit may not hunt during any other deer hunt or obtain any other deer permit, except as provided in Section R657-5-[28(4).]27.


R657-5-47. Cactus Buck Deer Hunt

(1) For the purposes of this section "cactus buck" means a buck deer with velvet covering at least 50% of the antlers during the season dates established by the Wildlife Board for a cactus buck deer hunt.

(2)(a) Cactus buck deer permit holders may take one cactus buck deer during the season, in the area, and with the weapon type specified on the permit.

(b) Cactus buck deer hunting seasons, areas and weapon types are published in the guidebooks of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(3)(a) A person who has obtained a cactus buck deer permit must report hunt information within 30 calendar days after the end of the hunting season, regardless of whether the permit holder was successful or unsuccessful in harvesting a cactus buck deer.

(b) Cactus buck deer permit holders must report hunt information by telephone, or through the division's Internet address.

(4)(a) Cactus buck deer permit holders who successfully harvest a cactus buck deer, as defined in Subsection (1)(a), must have their animal inspected by the division.

(b) Successful hunters must deliver the head and antlers of the deer they harvest to a division office for inspection within 48 hours after the date of harvest.

(5) Cactus buck deer permit holders may not retain possession of any harvested buck deer that fails to satisfy the definition requirements in Subsection (1).

(6) A person who has obtained a cactus buck deer permit may not hunt during any other deer hunt or obtain any other deer permit, except as provided in Section R657-5-27.


R657-5-48. Hunter Orange Exceptions.

(1) A person shall wear a minimum of 400 inches of hunter orange material on the head, chest, and back while hunting any species of big game, with the following exceptions:

(a) Hunters participating in a once-in-a-lifetime, statewide conservation, or statewide sportsmen hunt;

(b) Hunters participating in an archery or muzzleloader hunt outside of an area where an any weapon general season bull elk or any weapon general season buck deer hunt is occurring;

(c) Hunters hunting on a cooperative wildlife management unit unless otherwise required by the operator of the cooperative wildlife management units; and

(d) Hunters participating in a nuisance wildlife removal hunt authorized under a certificate of registration by the division.


KEY: wildlife, game laws, big game seasons

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 11, 2016]2018

Notice of Continuation: October 5, 2015

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 23-14-18; 23-14-19; 23-16-5; 23-16-6

Additional Information

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.