DAR File No. 42973

This rule was published in the July 1, 2018, issue (Vol. 2018, No. 13) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources

Rule R657-62

Drawing Application Procedures

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 42973
Filed: 06/11/2018 10:42:23 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

This rule is being amended pursuant to Wildlife Board meetings conducted for taking public input and reviewing the Division of Wildlife Resources' (DWR) drawing application process.

Summary of the rule or change:

This rule is being amended to: 1) add language from Rule R657-55 concerning waiting periods for Expo permits; 2) add "limited entry" designation to restricted bear pursuit permits; 3) add the requirement for a hunter to possess a valid hunting or combination license in order to apply for Sandhill Crane, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Greater Sage Grouse and Swan permits; 4) allow for youth group applications for Turkey, Sandhill Crane, Sharp-tailed and Greater Sage Grouse; and 5) make technical corrections as needed. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The proposed amendment to Rule R657-55 is under Filing No. 42970 in this issue, July 1, 2018, of the Bulletin.)

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 23-14-18
  • Section 23-14-19

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

These rule amendments incorporate language from another rule and add a requirement for the purchasing of a hunting or combination license prior to applying in the species public draw, it does not create a cost or savings to DWR. Therefore, DWR has determined that these amendments will not create any cost or savings impact to the state budget or DWR's budget, since the changes will not increase workload and can be carried out with the existing budget.

local governments:

Since these amendments only incorporate other rule language and the hunting license requirement does not impact local governments, it does not create any direct cost or savings impact to local governments since they are not directly affected by this rule. Nor are local governments indirectly impacted because this rule does not create a situation requiring services from local governments.

small businesses:

Since these amendments only incorporate other rule language and the hunting license requirement does not impact small businesses, it does not create any direct cost or savings impact to small businesses since they are not directly affected by this rule. Nor are small businesses indirectly impacted because this rule does not create a situation requiring services from small businesses.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

These amendments will add the requirement to possess a valid hunting or combination license prior to applying for Swan, Sandhill Crane, Sharp-tailed Grouse, or Greater Sage grouse. Historically, DWR receives on average upwards of 8,000 applications for these species, this past year 1,800 applicants would not have met the requirement and would have had to purchase a license prior to applying. It is difficult to estimate the number of applications each year for any given species but it is expected that 1,000 to 1,500 applicants in the upcoming years would have to purchase a license. The licenses are valid for 365 days. Therefore, DWR determines that it could generate a cost or savings impact to other persons wanting to participate in hunting these species. The total estimated increase for the purchase of 1,500 combination licenses would be $57,000 per year, however, that number could fluctuate based on whether the applicants are youth, residents, or non-residents. The estimate was based off of adult resident applications since their is no way to accurately assume how many youth or nonresidents would apply each year.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

DWR has determined that these amendments could create a cost or savings impact to individuals who wish to participate in Swan, Sandhill Crane, Sharp-tailed Grouse, or Greater Sage Grouse hunting in Utah.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that these proposed rule changes will not result in a fiscal impact to businesses.

Michael R. Styler, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Natural Resources
Wildlife Resources
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Mike Fowlks, Deputy Director


Appendix 1: Regulatory Impact Summary Table*

Fiscal Costs

FY 2019

FY 2020

FY 2021

State Government




Local Government




Small Businesses




Non-Small Businesses




Other Person




Total Fiscal Costs:




Fiscal Benefits

State Government




Local Government




Small Businesses




Non-Small Businesses




Other Persons




Total Fiscal Benefits:




Net Fiscal Benefits:





*This table only includes fiscal impacts that could be measured. If there are inestimable fiscal impacts, they will not be included in this table. Inestimable impacts for State Government, Local Government, Small Businesses and Other Persons are described above. Inestimable impacts for Non-Small Businesses are described below.


Appendix 2: Regulatory Impact to Non-Small Businesses

These proposed changes to Rule R657-62 are not expected to have any fiscal impact on large businesses revenues or expenditures, because there are no services required from them in order to implement these rule changes.


The head of department of Natural Resources, Michael Styler, has reviewed and approved this fiscal analysis.



R657. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources.

R657-62. Drawing Application Procedures.

R657-62-1. Purpose and Authority.

(1) Under authority of Sections 23-14-18 and 23-14-19, the Wildlife Board has established this rule for drawing applications and procedures.

(2) Specific season dates, bag and possession limits, areas open, number of permits and other administrative details that may change annually are published in the respective guidebooks of the Wildlife Board.


R657-62-17. Lifetime License Permits.

(1) Lifetime License permits shall be issued pursuant to [Rule]rule R657-17.


R657-62-18. Big Game.

(1) Permit Applications

(a) Limited entry, Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit, Once-in-a-Lifetime, Management Bull Elk, Management Buck Deer, General Buck Deer, and Youth General Any Bull Elk permit applications.

(i) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license to apply for or obtain a big game permit.

(ii) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in [Rule]rule R657-5.

(iii) A person may obtain only one permit per species of big game, including limited entry, cooperative wildlife management unit, once-in-a-lifetime, conservation, landowner and general permits, except antlerless permits as provided in the Antlerless Addendum and permits as provided in Rule R657-42.

(b) A resident may apply in the big game drawing for the following permits:

(i) only one of the following:

(A) buck deer - limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit;

(B) bull elk - limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit; or

(C) buck pronghorn - limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit; and

(ii) only one once-in-a-lifetime permit, including once-in-a-lifetime cooperative wildlife management unit permits.

(c) A nonresident may apply in the big game drawing for the following permits:

(i) all of the following:

(A) buck deer -limited entry;

(B) bull elk - limited entry;

(C) buck pronghorn - limited entry; and

(D) all once-in-a-lifetime species.

(ii) Nonresidents may not apply for cooperative management units through the big game drawing.

(d) A resident or nonresident may apply in the big game drawing by unit for:

(i) a statewide general archery buck deer permit; or

(ii) for general any weapon buck deer; or

(iii) for general muzzleloader buck deer; or

(iv) a dedicated hunter certificate of registration.

(2) Youth

(a) For purposes of this section "youth" means any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31.

(b) Youth applicants who apply for a general buck deer permit

(i) will automatically be considered in the youth drawing based upon their birth date.

(ii) 20% of general buck deer permits in each unit are reserved for youth hunters.

(iii) Up to four youth may apply together for youth general deer permits.

(iv) Preference points shall be used when applying.

(v) Any reserved permits remaining and any youth applicants who were not selected for reserved permits shall be returned to the general buck deer drawing.

(c) Youth applicants who apply for a management buck deer permit

(i) will automatically be considered in the youth drawing based upon their birth date.

(ii) 30% of management buck deer permits in each unit are reserved for youth hunters.

(iii) Bonus points shall be used when applying

(iv) Any reserved permits remaining and any youth applicants who were not selected for reserved permits shall be returned to the management buck deer drawing.

(3) Senior

(a) For purposes of this section "senior" means any person 65 years of age or older on the opening day of the management buck deer archery season published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) Senior applicants who apply for a management buck deer permit

(i) will automatically be considered in the senior drawing based upon their birth date.

(ii) 30% of management buck deer permits in each unit are reserved for senior hunters.

(iii) Bonus points shall be used when applying.

(c) Any reserved permits remaining and any senior applicants who were not selected for reserved permits shall be returned to the management buck deer drawing.

(4) Drawing Order

(a) Permits for the big game drawing shall be drawn in the following order:

(i) limited entry, cooperative wildlife management unit and management buck deer;

(ii) limited entry, cooperative wildlife management unit and management bull elk;

(iii) limited entry and cooperative wildlife management unit buck pronghorn;

(iv) once-in-a-lifetime;

(v) general buck deer [-]-- lifetime license;

(vi) general buck deer [-]-- dedicated hunter;

(vii) general buck deer - youth;

(viii) general buck deer; and

(ix) youth general any bull elk.

(b) Any person who draws one of the following permits is not eligible to draw a once-in-a-lifetime permit:

(i) limited entry, Cooperative Wildlife Management unit or management buck deer;

(ii) limited entry, Cooperative Wildlife Management unit or management bull elk; or

(iii) a limited entry or Cooperative Wildlife Management unit buck pronghorn.

(c) If any permits listed in Subsection (a)(i) through (a)(iii) remain after the big game drawing after all choices have been evaluated separately for residents and nonresidents, a second evaluation will be done allowing cross-over usage of remaining resident and nonresident permit quotas.

(5) Groups

(a) Limited Entry

(i) Up to four people may apply together for limited entry deer, elk or pronghorn; or resident cooperative wildlife management unit permits.

(b) Group applications are not accepted for management buck deer or bull elk permits.

(c) Group applications are not accepted for Once-in-a-lifetime permits.

(d) General season

(i) Up to four people may apply together for general deer permits[.]

(ii) Up to two youth may apply together for youth general any bull elk permits.

(iii) Up to four youth may apply together for youth general deer permits.

(6) Waiting Periods

(a) Deer waiting period.

(i) Any person who draws or obtains a limited entry, premium limited entry, management , or cooperative wildlife management unit buck deer permit through the big game drawing process may not apply for or receive any of these permits again for a period of two seasons.

(ii) A waiting period does not apply to:

(A) general archery, general any weapon, general muzzleloader, conservation, sportsman, poaching-reported reward permits;[or]

(B) cooperative wildlife management unit[or], limited entry , premium limited entry, or landowner buck deer permits obtained through the landowner[.]; or

(C) buck deer wildlife expo permits, as provided in R657-55-6.

(b) Elk waiting period.

(i) Any person who draws or obtains a limited entry, management or cooperative wildlife management unit bull elk permit through the big game drawing process may not apply for or receive any of these permits for a period of five seasons.

(ii) A waiting period does not apply to:

(A) general archery, general any weapon, general muzzleloader, conservation, sportsman, poaching-reported reward permits;[or]

(B) cooperative wildlife management unit or limited entry landowner bull elk permits obtained through the landowner[.]; or

(C) bull elk wildlife expo permits, as provided in R657-55-6.

(c) Pronghorn waiting period.

(i) Any person who draws or obtains a buck pronghorn or cooperative wildlife management unit buck pronghorn permit through the big game drawing may not apply for or receive any of these permits thereafter for a period of two seasons.

(ii) A waiting period does not apply to:

(A) conservation, sportsman, poaching-reported reward permits; or

(B) cooperative wildlife management unit or limited entry landowner buck pronghorn permits obtained through the landowner[.]; or

(C) buck pronghorn wildlife expo permits, as provided in R657-55-6.

(d) Once-in-a-lifetime species waiting period.

(i) Any person who draws or obtains a permit for any bull moose, bison, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep or [Rocky Mountain]mountain goat may not apply for or receive an once-in-a-lifetime permit for the same species in the big game drawing or sportsman permit drawing.

(ii) Except as provided in Subsection (iii), once-in-a-lifetime restrictions do not apply to obtaining wildlife expo permits for once-in-a-lifetime species in the wildlife expo drawing, as provided in R657-55.

(iii) Any person who obtains a wildlife expo permit for a once-in-a-lifetime species is subject to the once-in-a-lifetime restrictions applicable to obtaining a subsequent permit for the same species through a division application and drawing process, as provided in R657-62 and the guide books of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(iv) A person who has been convicted of unlawfully taking a once-in-a-lifetime species may not apply for or obtain a permit for that species.

(e) Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit and landowner permits.

(i) Waiting periods and once-in-a-lifetime restrictions do not apply to purchasing limited entry landowner or cooperative wildlife management unit permits obtained through a landowner, except as provided in Subsection (ii).

(ii) Waiting periods are incurred and applied for the purpose of applying in the big game drawing as a result of obtaining a cooperative wildlife management unit bull moose permit through a landowner.


R657-62-19. Black Bear.

(1) Permit and Pursuit Applications.

(a) For the purposes of this section, "restricted bear pursuit permit" means a limited entry permit issued in a division drawing that authorizes an individual to pursue bear using trained dogs, consistent with the restrictions found in Utah Admin. Code R657-33.

(b) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license in order to apply for or obtain a limited entry bear permit or restricted bear pursuit permit.

(c) A person may not apply for or obtain more than one bear permit and restricted bear pursuit permit distributed pursuant to this rule within the same calendar year.

(d) A person may simultaneously possess both a limited entry bear permit and a restricted pursuit permit.

(e) Limited entry bear permits and restricted pursuit permits are valid only for the hunt unit and for the specified season designated on the permit.

(f)(i) Applicants may select up to three hunt unit choices when applying for limited entry bear or restricted bear pursuit permits. Hunt unit choices must be listed in order of preference.

(ii) Applicants must specify in the application a specific season for their limited entry or restricted bear pursuit permit.

(g) Any person intending to use bait during their bear hunt must obtain a certificate of registration as provided in Sections R657-33-13 and 14.

(h) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Sections 23-19-22.5, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.

(2) Group applications are not accepted.

(3) Waiting periods.

(a) Any person who obtains a limited entry bear permit through the division drawing, may not apply for a permit thereafter for a period of two years.

(b) Any person who obtains a limited entry restricted bear pursuit permit through the division drawing, may not apply for a permit thereafter for a period of two years.

(c) Waiting periods do not apply to bear wildlife expo permits, as provided in R657-55-6.

(4) A person must complete a mandatory orientation course prior to applying for any bear permit offered through a division drawing or obtaining bear permits as described in R657-33-3(5).


R657-62-20. Antlerless Species.

(1) Permit Applications.

(a) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license in order to apply for or obtain an antlerless permit.

(b) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in rule R657-5.

(c) A person may apply in the drawing for and draw the following permits, except as provided in Subsection (d):

(i) antlerless deer;

(ii) antlerless elk;

(iii) doe pronghorn;

(iv) antlerless moose, if available;

(v) ewe Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, if available; and

(vi) ewe desert bighorn sheep, if available.

(d)(i) Any person who has obtained a buck pronghorn permit, bull moose permit, ram Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit, or a ram desert bighorn sheep permit may not apply in the same year for a doe pronghorn permit, antlerless moose permit, ewe Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit, or a ewe desert bighorn sheep permit, respectively, except for permits remaining after the drawing as provided in R657-62-15.

(ii) A resident may apply for an antlerless moose, ewe Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, or ewe desert bighorn sheep in the antlerless drawing, but may not apply for more than one of those permits in a given year.

(iii) A nonresident may apply for all antlerless species in a given year.

(e) Applicants may select up to five hunt choices when applying for antlerless deer, antlerless elk and antlerless pronghorn.

(f) Applicants may select up to two hunt choices when applying for antlerless moose.

(g) Applicants may select up to two hunt choices when applying for ewe bighorn sheep permits.

(h) Hunt unit choices must be listed in order of preference.

(i) A person may not submit more than one application in the antlerless drawing per species. (2) Youth applications.

(a) For purposes of this section, "youth" means any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31.

(b) Twenty percent of the antlerless deer, elk and doe pronghorn permits are reserved for youth hunters.

(c) Youth applicants who apply for an antlerless deer, elk, or doe pronghorn permit as provided in this Subsection, will automatically be considered in the youth drawing based upon their birth date.

(3) Drawing Order

(a) Permits are drawn in the order listed in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking big game.

(b) Any reserved permits remaining and any youth applicants who were not selected for reserved permits shall be returned to the antlerless drawing.

(c) If permits remain after all choices have been evaluated separately for residents and nonresidents, a second evaluation will be done allowing cross-over usage of remaining resident and nonresident permit quotas.

(4) Group Applications

(a) Up to four hunters can apply together for antlerless deer, antlerless elk and doe pronghorn

(b) Group applications are not accepted for antlerless moose or ewe bighorn sheep permits.

(c) Youth hunters who wish to participate in the youth drawing must not apply as a group.

(5) Waiting Periods

(a) Antlerless moose waiting period.

(i) Any person who draws or obtains an antlerless moose permit or a cooperative wildlife management unit antlerless moose permit through the antlerless drawing process, may not apply for or receive an antlerless moose permit thereafter for a period of five seasons.

(ii) A waiting period does not apply to :

(A) cooperative wildlife management unit antlerless moose permits obtained through the landowner[.]; or

(B) antlerless moose wildlife expo permits, as provided in R657-55-6.

(b) Ewe bighorn sheep waiting period.

(i) Any person who draws or obtains a ewe bighorn sheep permit through the antlerless drawing process may not apply for or receive a permit for the same species of ewe bighorn sheep for a period of five seasons.

(ii) A waiting period does not apply to ewe bighorn sheep wildlife expo permits, as provided in R657-55-6.


R657-62-21. Sandhill Crane, Sharp-Tailed and Greater Sage Grouse.

(1) Permit applications.

(a) A person may obtain only one Sandhill Crane permit each year.

(b) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license [is required when taking]in order to apply for or obtain Sandhill Crane, Sharp-Tailed and Greater Sage Grouse [and may be purchased when applying for the ]permit.

(c) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Utah Code 23-19-24, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.

(d) Applicants may select up to four hunt choices. Hunt unit choices must be listed in order of preference.

(2) Youth applications.

(a) For purposes of this section, "youth" means any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31for the purpose of obtaining Sandhill Crane, Sharp-tailed grouse and Greater Sage grouse permits.

(b) Fifteen percent of the Sandhill Crane, Sharp-tailed grouse and Greater sage grouse permits are reserved for youth hunters.

(c) Youth applicants who apply for a Sandhill Crane, Sharp-tailed grouse or Greater sage grouse permit as provided in this Subsection, will automatically be considered in the youth drawing based upon their birth date.

(3) Group [applications.]Applications

(a) Up to four people may apply together.

(b) [Youth hunters who wish to participate in the youth drawing must not]Up to four youth may apply [as a group]together in a Group Application.

(4) Waiting Periods do not apply.


R657-62-22. Swan.

(1) Permit applications.

(a) A person may obtain only one swan permit each year.

(i) A person may not apply more than once annually.

(b) [A Utah]A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license [is required when hunting Swan and may be purchased when applying for the]in order to apply for or obtain a Swan permit.

(c) The division shall issue no more than the number of swan permits authorized by the U.S. Fish [and]& Wildlife Service each year.

(d) A person must complete a one-time orientation course before applying for a swan permit, except as provided under Subsection R657-9-6 (3) (b).

(i) Remaining swan permits available for sale shall be issued only to persons having previously completed the orientation course.

(e) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Utah Code 23-19-24, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.

(2) Youth applications.

(a) For purposes of this section, "youth" means any person 17 years of age or younger on July 31 st of the year in which the youth hunting day is held, as provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, Wilson's snipe and coot.

(b) Fifteen percent of the Swan permits are reserved for youth hunters.

(c) Youth who apply for a swan permit will automatically be considered in the youth permit drawing based on their birth date.

(3) Group applications.

(a) Up to four people may apply together in a Group Application.

(b) Up to four youth may apply together in a Group Application.

(4) Waiting period does not apply.


R657-62-23. Cougar.

(1) Permit Applications

(a) A person must possess or obtain a valid hunting or combination license to apply for or obtain a cougar limited entry permit.

(b) A person may not apply for or obtain more than one cougar permit for the same year.

(c) Limited entry cougar permits are valid only for the limited entry management unit and for the specified season provided in the hunt tables of the [proclamation]guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking cougar.

(d) Applicants may select up to three management unit choices when applying for limited entry cougar permits. Management unit choices must be listed in order of preference.

(e) If permits remain after all choices have been evaluated separately for residents and nonresidents, a second evaluation shall be done allowing cross-over usage of remaining resident and nonresident permit quotas.

(f) Any limited entry cougar permit purchased after the season opens is not valid until seven days after the date of purchase.

(g) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education requirements and youth restrictions as provided in Utah Code 23-19-22.5, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.

(2) Group applications are not accepted.

(3) Waiting periods.

(a) Any person who draws or purchases a limited entry cougar permit valid for the current season may not apply for a permit thereafter for a period of three seasons.

(b) Waiting periods are not incurred as a result of:

(i) purchasing cougar harvest objective permits[.]; or

(ii) obtaining a cougar wildlife expo permit, as provided in R657-55-6.


R657-62-24. Sportsman.

(1) Permit applications.

(a) One sportsman permit is offered to residents for each of the following species:

(i) desert bighorn (ram);

(ii) bison (hunter's choice);

(iii) buck deer;

(iv) bull elk;

(v) Rocky Mountain bighorn (ram);

(vi) [Rocky Mountain]mountain goat (hunter's choice);

(vii) bull moose;

(viii) buck pronghorn;

(ix) black bear;

(x) cougar; and

(xi) wild turkey.

(b) Bonus points shall not be awarded or utilized when applying for or obtaining sportsman permits.

(2) Group applications are not accepted.

(3) Waiting Periods[.]

(a) Any person who applies for or obtains a Sportsman Permit is subject to all waiting periods and exceptions as applicable to the species pursuant to [Rule]rule R657-41.

(b) Once-in-lifetime waiting periods[.]

(i) If you have obtained a once-in-a-lifetime permit through the sportsman drawing you are ineligible to apply for that once-in-a-lifetime species through the big game drawing.

(ii) If you have obtained a once-in-a-lifetime permit through the big game drawing you are ineligible to apply for that once-in-a-lifetime species through the sportsman drawing.

(c) Limited Entry waiting periods[.]

(i) Waiting periods do not apply to Sportsman deer, elk, pronghorn, bear or cougar.

(ii) Waiting period will not be incurred for receipt of a Sportsman deer, elk, pronghorn, bear or cougar.


R657-62-25. Turkey.

(1) Permit applications.

(a) A person must possess a valid hunting or combination license in order to apply for or obtain a wild turkey permit.

(b) Permit possession limitations are identified in R657-54. A person may obtain only one [limited entry or general ]spring season and up to three fall season wild turkey[permit each year. A person may obtain wild turkey conservation permits in addition to obtaining one limited entry or spring wild turkey permit as well as a fall general season permit.] permits, subject to the exceptions identified in R657-54.

(c) Applicants may select up to five hunt choices when applying for limited entry turkey permits. Hunt unit choices must be listed in order of preference.

(d) A turkey permit allows a person, using any legal weapon as provided in Section R657-54-7, to take one [bearded]wild turkey within the area , sex and season specified on the permit.

(2) Group applications.

(a) Up to four people may apply together in a Group Application.

(b) [Youth hunters who wish to participate in the youth drawing must not]Up to four youth may apply [as a group]together in a Group Application.

(3) Waiting period does not apply.

(4) Youth permits

(a) Up to 15 percent of the limited entry permits and fall general season permits are available to youth hunters.

(b) For purposes of this section "youth" means any person who is 17 years of age or younger on July 31.

(c) Youth who apply for a turkey permit will automatically be considered in the youth permit drawing based on their birth date.

(d) Bonus points shall be used when applying for youth turkey permits.

(e) Youth who are successful in obtaining a limited entry turkey permit but unsuccessful in harvesting a bird during the limited entry hunt season, may use the limited entry turkey permit to participate in the youth 3-day turkey hunt and the spring general season turkey hunt provided no more than one bird is harvested.


KEY: wildlife, permits

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [ March 26, ]2018

Notice of Continuation: April 14, 2014

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 23-14-18; 23-14-19

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.