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DAR File No. 32315

This filing was published in the 02/01/2009, issue, Vol. 2009, No. 3, of the Utah State Bulletin.

Education, Administration


Adult Education Programs


DAR File No.: 32315
Filed: 01/15/2009, 02:20
Received by: NL


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

This rule is amended to provide updated terminology and provide for a Utah High School Completion Diploma under very limited circumstances for students who successfully pass the GED Tests.

Summary of the rule or change:

The amendments include adding new and changing existing definitions; adding a new section on adult education program student eligibility; and changing language throughout the rule to update terminology for adult education programs and funding.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

Subsections 53A-1-401(3) and 53A-1-402(1)

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

There may be some costs or savings to the state budget as a result of this amended rule. At this time, the number of students who may seek a Utah High School Completion Diploma through adult education, by taking the GED is speculative. Any costs associated with program changes or revised curriculum will be absorbed within existing budgets.

local governments:

There may be some costs or savings to local government as a result of this amended rule. School districts will be partially responsible for any increased adult education program costs due to changes in student eligibility. At this time, increases in student enrollment, GED Test taking, and increased costs are unknown.

small businesses and persons other than businesses:

There are no anticipated costs or savings to small businesses. This rule affects school districts, charter schools and public education students and does not involve businesses. Individual students would be responsible for the costs of taking the GED Tests. There is currently no information about an increased number of students that may take the GED Tests.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

There are no compliance costs for affected persons. Student who choose to take the GED Tests will be responsible for the cost.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

I have reviewed this rule and I see no fiscal impact on businesses. Patti Harrington, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

250 E 500 S
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111-3272

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

Kathy Akin at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7830, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Carol Lear, Director, School Law and Legislation


R277. Education, Administration.

R277-733. Adult Education Programs.

R277-733-1. Definitions.

A. "Adult" means an [person]individual 18 years of age or over.

B. "Adult education" means organized educational programs below the collegiate/postsecondary level, other than regular full-time [and summer education and]K-12 secondary [schools/programs/courses]education programs, provided by school districts or nonprofit organizations affording opportunities for individuals having demonstrated both presence and intent to reside within the state of Utah who are out-of-school youth (16 years of age and older) [and]or adults who have or have not graduated from high school, to improve their literacy levels and to further their high school level education.

C. "Adult Basic Education (ABE)" means a program of instruction below the 9.0 academic grade level for adults who lack competency in reading, writing, speaking, problem solving or computation at a level that substantially impairs their ability to find or retain adequate employment that will allow them to become employable, contributing members of society and preparing them for advanced education and training. The instruction is designed to help adults by:

(1) increasing their independence;

(2) improving their ability to benefit from occupational training;

(3) increasing opportunities for more productive and profitable employment; and

(4) making them better able to meet adult responsibilities.

D. "Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)" means Title II of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 which provides the principle source of federal support for adult basic and literacy education programs for adults who lack basic skills, an [a]Adult [e]Education [s]Secondary [school d]Diploma or its equivalency, or proficiency in English.

E. "Adult High School Completion (AHSC)" means a program of academic instruction at the 9.0 grade level or above in Board-approved subjects for eligible adult education students who are seeking[:

(1)] an [a]Adult [e]Education [s]Secondary [education d]Diploma from an adult education program[; or

(2) a certificate of GED].

F. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.

G. "Certificate of GED" means a certificate diploma issued by the USOE to an individual who has successfully passed all five subject areas of the GED based on Utah passing standards; measuring the major and lasting outcomes and concepts associated with a traditional four-year high school education. This definition is effective until July 1, 2009.

H. "Community-Based Organization (CBO)" means a nonprofit organization:

(1) eligible for and accepting federal AEFLA funds; and

(2) for the sole purpose of providing adult education services to qualified adult education learners.

(3) All rules and laws that apply to schools/school districts shall also apply to CBOs that receive adult education funding.

(4) CBOs:

(a) apply to the USOE;

(b) receive adult education funding through a competitive process; and

(c) receive USOE funding on a reimbursement basis only.

I. "Consumable items" means student workbooks, student packets, computer disks, pencils, papers, notebooks, and other similar personal items for which a student retains ownership during the course of study.

J. "Desk monitoring" means the review of UTopia data to ensure program integrity.

K. "Eligible adult education student" means an [person]individual [making]who provides documentation that his primary and permanent [home]residency is in Utah, and:

(1) is 17 years of age or older, and whose high school class has graduated; or

(2) is under 18 years of age and is married; or

(3) has been adjudicated as an adult; or

(4) is an out-of-school youth 16 years of age or older who has not graduated from high school.

L. "Enrollee" means an adult student who has 12 or more contact hours in an adult education program during a fiscal/program year, an academic assessment establishing an Entering Functioning Level, has an adult education Student Education Occupation Plan (SEOP) with an established goal, and a defined funding code. Enrollee status is based on the last date that all of the above items are entered into UTopia.

M. "English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)" is an instructional program provided for non-native language speakers.

N. "Fee" means any charge, deposit, rental, or other mandatory payment, however designated, whether in the form of money or goods. Admission fees, transportation charges, and similar payments to third parties are fees if the charges are made in connection with an activity or function sponsored by or through an adult education program. All fees are subject to approval by the local school board of education or local board of trustees.

O. "General Educational Development (GED) preparation" means a program [intended to]that provides instruction in five specific subject areas [which may lead to a certificate of GED]for eligible adult education students who seek a Utah High School Completion Diploma by successfully passing all five GED Tests. This definition is effective on July 1, 2009.

P. "General Educational Development (GED) [t]Testing" means the test required under R277-702.

Q. "Latest official census data" means the most current statistical information available used to determine the number of adults who need adult education services, and determined by:

(1) individuals 16 years of age and older; or

(2) individuals 16 years of age and older whose primary language is other than English; or

(3) individuals 16 years of age and older without a high school diploma or its equivalency - ungraduated adults.

R. "Measurable outcomes" means indicators of student achievement in adult education programs [resulting in]used for state funding purposes. These outcomes are described in R277-733-9.

S. "Other eligible adult education student" means an [person]individual 16 to [18]19 years of age whose high school class has not graduated and is counted in the regular school program. The funds generated, weighted pupil unit (WPU) or collected fees or both, are credited to the adult education program for attendance in an adult education program.

T. "Out-of-school youth" means a student 16 years of age or older who has not graduated from high school and is no longer enrolled in a K-12 program of instruction.

U. "Participant" means an adult education student who [generates less than twelve contact hours in a fiscal/program year and ]does not meet the qualifications of an adult education enrollee.

V. "Teach[ing]ers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)" means a credential for teachers of ESOL.

W. "Tuition" means the base cost of an adult education program that provid[ing]es services to[ the] adult education students.

X. "USOE" means the Utah State Office of Education.

Y. "Utah High School Completion Diploma" is a diploma issued by the Board and distributed by the GED Testing Centers as agents of the Board to an individual who passes all five subject areas of the GED Tests at a Utah GED Testing Center based on Utah passing standards; measuring the major and lasting outcomes and concepts associated with a traditional four-year high school experience. This definition is effective on July 1, 2009.

[Y]Z. "UTopia" means Utah Online Performance Indicators for Adult Education statewide database.

[Z]AA. "Waiver release form" means a form signed at least annually by an adult education student allowing for release of the student's personal data and student education occupation plan, including social security number and GED scores, for data matching purposes with agencies such as the Department of Workforce Services, higher education, Utah State Office of Rehabilitation and GED Scoring Services. Signed waiver release allows a student's education records to be shared with other adult education programs or interested agencies for the purpose of skill development, job training or career planning, or other purposes.


R277-733-3. Federal Adult Education.

The Board adopts the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), Title II of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Public Law 105-220, 20 U.S.C. 1201 et seq., hereby incorporated by reference, and the related current state plan required under that statute, as the standards and procedures governing [the]both federal[ly-funded portion] and state funding of[ its] adult education programs, [available from]administered by the USOE[ Adult Education Section].


R277-733-4. Program Standards.

A. Local Utah adult education programs shall comply with state and federal requirements and Board rules and follow procedures as defined in the Utah Adult Education Policy and Procedures Guide published, updated, and available from the USOE.

B. Local Utah adult education programs shall make reasonable efforts to market and inform prospective students within their geographic areas of the availability of the programs and provide enrollment information.

C. Utah adult education services may be offered to qualifying individuals whose primary residence is located in a community closely bordering Utah not conducive to commuting to the bordering state's closest adult education program. These individuals if approved by the adult education program in the school district providing the services, shall not be charged out-of-state Adult Education tuition.

[C]D. Adult education programs/courses may also be made available to Utah residents who are between the ages of 16 and 18, as determined necessary by local adult education programs.

[D]E. Local adult education programs shall make reasonable efforts to schedule classes at local community sites and times that meet the needs of adult education students.

[E]F. Each eligible adult education student shall have a written [s]Student [e]Education[al/][o]Occupation[al] [p]Plan (SEOP) defining the student's goal(s) based upon a complete academic assessment, prior academic achievement, work experience and an established Entering Functioning Level. Annually, the plan shall be reviewed by the student and a designated program official and maintained in the student's file along with a signed data matching/agency sharing waiver release form.

[F]G. Only courses identified in R277-733-7 qualify for adult education funds.

[G]H. Local adult education programs shall establish and maintain a local adult education advisory committee consisting of representation from the Utah Department of Workforce Services, Vocational Office of Rehabilitation, higher education and other interested community members with the responsibility to advocate for exemplary adult education programs through collaboration and partnerships with businesses and other community agencies.

[H]I. The USOE shall evaluate local programs through tri-annual site monitoring visits, annual desk monitoring, and as needed, additional site visits or both, to assure compliance.

[I]J. Education staff, including program administrators, assigned to provide education services shall be qualified and appropriate for their assignments.

[J]K. The teaching certificate and endorsement held by a staff member of a school district or community-based program shall be important in evaluating the appropriateness of the teacher's assignment, but not controlling. For instance, elementary teachers may teach secondary age students who are performing academically at an elementary level in certain subjects. [Persons]Individuals teaching an adult education high school completion class shall hold a valid Utah elementary or secondary education license and may issue adult education high school completion credits in multiple subjects. Non-licensed individuals providing instruction in ESOL, ABE, GED Test preparation or AHSC classes shall instruct under the supervision of a licensed program employee.

[K]L. [Persons]Individuals with post-secondary degrees [in adult education but are ]not in possession of a Utah teaching [certificate]licenses may be considered for employment solely in an adult education program teaching adult students following the completion of a student teaching field experience in an accredited adult education program.

[L]M. [Persons]Individuals with TESOL or ESOL credentials may be considered for employment solely in an adult education program teaching adult students following the completion of a student teaching experience in an accredited adult education program.


R277-733-5. Fiscal Procedures.

A. State funds appropriated for adult education are allocated in accordance with Section 53A-17a-119.

B. No eligible school district shall receive less than its portion of a seven percent base amount of the state appropriation if:

(1) instructional services approved by the USOE have been provided to eligible adult students during the preceding fiscal year; or

(2) the school district is preparing to offer such services--such a preparation period may not exceed two years.

C. Lapsing and nonlapsing funds

(1) Funds appropriated for adult education programs shall be subject to Board accounting, auditing, and budgeting rules.

(2) State adult education funds which are allocated to school district adult education programs and are not expended in a fiscal year may be carried over to the next fiscal year with written approval by the USOE. These funds may be considered in determining the school district's allocation for the next fiscal year. Carried over funds shall be expended within the next fiscal year. If funds are not expended, they shall be recaptured by the USOE on February 1 of each program year, and reallocated to other school district adult education programs based on need and effort as determined by the Board consistent with Section 53A-17a-119(3).

D. The USOE shall develop uniform forms, deadlines, program reporting and accounting procedures, and guidelines to govern the state (legislative) and federal AEFLA adult education funded programs. The Utah Adult Education Policy and Procedures Guide[, July, 2006] (updated annually) including forms, procedures and guidelines is available on the USOE adult education website.


R277-733-6. Adult Education Program Student Eligibility.

A. An individual is eligible to be a Utah adult education student if

(1) the prospective adult education student is at least 16 years of age and the student's class has not graduated; or

(2) a prospective adult education student who is otherwise eligible provides one of the following to establish Utah residency:

(a) valid state of Utah driver license;

(b) valid state of Utah driver privilege card;

(c) valid state of Utah identification card; or

(d) valid state of Utah resident fishing or hunting license.

(3) a prospective adult education student provides one of the following in the prospective student's name with the home mailing address (no post office boxes); documentation shall have been received no more than 12 months prior to the individual's registration request:

(a) mail from an in-state or out-of-state business;

(b) utility bill or work order;

(c) cell phone or telephone bill;

(d) employee pay stub;

(e) written statement on an employer's letterhead defining a job commitment;

(f) current year automobile registration;

(g) Utah state government agency form letter;

(h) Utah public library card;

(i) rent or mortgage payment statement;

(j) Utah voter registration card;

(k) Utah high school/college transcript or report card;

(l) tribal correspondence;

(m) approved or denied free or reduced lunch application from the individual's children's school that includes the individual's name on the application;

(n) daycare or nursery school record of the individual's children that includes the individual's name on the record;

(o) K-12 registration demographic card of children enrolled in a Utah school that includes the individual's name on the card.

B. The following does not establish residency for purposes of adult education programs:

(1) mail addressed to occupant or resident;

(2) letters from friends or relatives;

(3) power of attorney documents;

(4) personal correspondence addressed to a post office box.

C. To be eligible for participation in an adult education program, a Utah resident shall be:

(1) an individual 17 years of age or older whose high school class/cohort has graduated; or

(2) an individual emancipated under Section 78-3a-1005; or

(3) an individual emancipated by marriage; or

(4) an individual who is at least 16 years of age who has not graduated from high school and who is no longer enrolled in a K-12 program of instruction; or

(5) a student 16 to 19 years of age whose class has not graduated and who is attending adult education classes as an alternative to a traditional public education program.

D. Non-Utah residents from states bordering Utah seeking enrollment into an adult education program in Utah shall be considered resident Utah students consistent with individual agreements between the Utah Adult Education Program and the individual states bordering Utah.


R277-733-[6]7. Adult Education Pupil Accounting.

A. [A student who is at least 16 years of age but less than 19 years of age, who has not graduated from high school, who is a resident of a Utah school district, and who is enrolled in a K-12 program, may, with approval under the state administered Adult Education Program, also enroll in an adult education program. The regular state WPUs at the rate of 990 clock hours of membership per one weighted pupil unit per year, 1 FTE on a yearly basis, shall follow the student. The clock hours of students enrolled part-time shall be prorated within/by the school district.]A Utah administered adult education program shall receive WPU funding for a student at the rate of 990 clock hours of membership per one weighted pupil (with part-time enrollment pro-rated by the school district) for a student who is a resident of a Utah school district who meets the following criteria:

(1) is at least 16 years of age but less than 19 years of age;

(2) who has not received a high school diploma or a Utah High School Completion Diploma;

(3) who intends to graduate from a K-12 high school; and

(4) who attends an SEOP meeting with his school counselor, school administrator/designee, parent/legal guardian to discuss the appropriateness of the student's participation in adult education.

B. A student 17 years of age or older, without a high school diploma but whose high school class has graduated, who is a Utah resident, and who intends to graduate from a K-12 high school, may, with parental/guardian consultation and written approval from all parties (if applicable), enroll in the [S]state administered [A]adult [High School Completion]education [P]program upon proof of Utah residency. Student attendance up to 990 clock hours of membership is equivalent to 1 FTE per year.

(1) The clock hours of students enrolled part-time shall be prorated.

(2) As an alternative, equivalent [weighted pupil units]WPUs may be generated for competencies mastered on the basis of prior authorization of a school district plan by the USOE.

[D]C. For purposes of funding [the regular basic]in an adult education program, a student can only be a pupil in average daily membership once on any day. If the student's day is part-time in the regular school program and part-time in the adult education program, the student's membership shall be reported on a prorated basis for each program. A student may not be funded for more than one regular WPU for any school year.

[C]D. An out-of-school youth (minimum age of 16) who has not graduated from high school, may, with parental/guardian written approval (if applicable),[ and] school district administrative written approval and proof of Utah residency, enroll in an adult education program:

(1) The WPU shall not be generated by the student's participation in an adult education program.

(2) This student shall be eligible for adult education state funding.

(3) This student shall be presented with information prior to or at the time of enrollment in an adult education program that defines the consequences of the student's decision including the following:

(a) The student may[ only] receive an [a]Adult [e]Education Secondary [d]Diploma upon completion of the minimum required Carnegie units of credit as defined by the local adult education program; or

(b) The student may earn a Utah High School Completion Diploma upon successful passing of all five GED Tests; or

(c) The student may, at the discretion of the school district, return to his regular high school prior to the time his class graduates with the understanding and expectation that all necessary requirements for the traditional K-12 diploma shall be completed, provided that the student:

(i) is released from the adult education program; and

(ii) has not completed the requirements necessary for an Adult Education Secondary Diploma; or

(iii) has not successfully passed all five GED Tests and received a Utah High School Completion Diploma.

(4) An out-of-school youth of school age who has received an Adult Education Secondary Diploma or a Utah High School Completion Diploma is not eligible to return to a K-12 high school.

(5) An out-of-school youth of school age who has successfully completed an Adult Education Secondary Diploma or a Utah High School Completion Diploma shall be reported as a graduate for K-12 graduation (AYP) outcomes.

(6) An out-of-school youth of school age may be considered eligible to take the GED Test if all requirements as stated in R277-702, Procedures for Utah General Educational Development Certificate, are followed.


R277-733-[7]8. Program, Curriculum, Outcomes and Student Mastery.

A. The Utah Adult Education Program shall offer courses consistent with the Utah Core curriculum under R277-700.

B. The Utah Core curriculum and teaching strategies may be modified or adjusted to meet the individual needs of the adult education student.

C. Written course descriptions for AHSC required and elective courses shall be developed by school district adult education programs for all classes taught, consistent with the Utah Core curriculum and Utah adult education curriculum standards, as provided by the USOE.

D. Written course descriptions for GED Test preparation, ESOL and ABE courses shall be developed cooperatively by school districts, CBOs and the USOE based on Utah Core curriculum standards, modified for adult learners.

E. Course descriptions shall contain adult education mastery criteria and shall stress mastery of adult life skill [course ]material consistent with Core objective standards and the Core curriculum.

F. Course content mastery shall be stressed rather than completion of predetermined seat time in a classroom.

G. Adult high school completion education is determined by the following prerequisite courses:

(1) ESOL competency AEFLA levels one through six;

(2) ABE competency AEFLA levels one through four.

H. [Beginning January 1, 2008, ]AHSC courses for students seeking an Adult Education Secondary Diploma [shall satisfy]should meet federal AEFLA AHSC Levels I and II competency requirements with a minimum completion of 24 credits under the direction of a Utah licensed teacher as provided below:

(1) Adult High School Core Courses, as offered consistent with Utah Core objectives:

(a) 24.0 units of credit required through satisfaction of a course of study by demonstrated course competency or school district approved competency examination in correlation with the student's SEOP career focus;

(b) awarded adult education credit options including continuous professional employment training required for a professional license; or

(c) documented achievement of a trade or skill, basic or advanced military training;

(d) apprenticeship, union or registered work credentials;

(e) successfully [completion of the]passing all five GED [exam]Tests; academic credit for successfully passing [the]all five GED [exam]Tests may only be applied toward an [a]Adult [e]Education Secondary [d]Diploma if the proposed awarded units of credit are entered into UTopia by June 30, 2009;

(f) transcripted college or university courses as they align to the following Core instructional areas:

(i) Language Arts: 3.0;

(ii) mathematics: 2.0, individualized mathematics courses to meet the life needs of adult learners;

(iii) science: 2.0, from the four science areas of chemistry, biological science, earth science, or physics;

(iv) social studies: 2.50, 1.0 in United States history, .50 in United States government and civics, .50 in geography; and .50 in world civilizations;

(v) arts: 1.50;

(vi) healthy lifestyles: 2.0, individualized courses meeting the life needs of adult learners that include: .25 - 1.50 health education, .25 - 1.50 individualized fitness for life courses;

(vii) career and technical education (CTE): 1.00;

(viii) general financial literacy: .50;

(ix) education technology: .50 computer technology courses or successful completion of school district approved competency examination;

(x) electives: 9.0 units of credit.

I. The USOE Adult Education Section and local education programs shall disseminate clear information regarding revised adult education graduation requirements.

J. Adult education students receiving education services in a state prison or jail education program may graduate with an [a]Adult [e]Education [s]Secondary [d]Diploma upon completion of the state required 24.0 units of credit required under R277-700 and satisfied through completed credits or demonstrated course competency or a Utah High School Completion Diploma upon successful passing all five of the GED Tests consistent with students' SEOP career focus.

K. Adult Education Secondary Diploma [G]graduation requirements may be changed or modified, or both, for adult students with documented disabilities through Individual Education Plans (IEPs) from age 16 up until their 22nd birthday or an adult education SEOP, or both to meet unique educational needs.

L. A student's IEP or adult education SEOP shall document the nature and extent of modifications, substitutions, or exemptions made to accommodate the student's disability(ies).

M. Modified graduation requirements for individual students shall:

(1) be consistent with the student's IEP or SEOP, or both;

(2) be maintained in the student's files;

(3) maintain the integrity and rigor expected for AHSC graduation.

N. School districts shall establish policies:

(1) allowing or disallowing adult education students participation in graduation activities or ceremonies; and

(2) allowing or disallowing adult education students from participating in the Utah Basic Skills Competency Test (UBSCT).

O. An adult education high school completion student may only receive an Adult Education Secondary [d]Diploma earned through a designated Utah adult education program.

P. Adult education programs shall accept credits and grades awarded to students from other state recognized adult education programs, schools accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools or schools or programs approved by the Board without alteration.

Q. Adult education programs may establish reasonable timelines and may require adequate and timely documentation of authenticity for credits and grades submitted from schools or private providers.

R. A school district/adult education program is the final decision-making authority for the awarding of credit and grades from non-accredited sources.

S. Adult education shall provide a program that allows students to transition between sites in a seamless manner.

T. An adult education student seeking a Utah High School Completion Diploma shall be offered a course of academic instruction designed to prepare the student to take the GED Tests.

U. A Utah High School Completion Diploma shall be issued by the Board and distributed by the GED testing centers as agents of the Board or directly by the USOE GED administrator.

V. Upon completion of requirements for a Utah Adult Education Secondary Diploma, or a Utah High School Completion Diploma, adult education students may only continue in an adult education program to improve their basic literacy skills if:

(1) their academic skills are less than 12.9 grade level in an academic area of reading, math or English; and

(2) they lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills to enable them to function effectively in society. The focus of instruction shall be solely literacy and is limited specifically to reading, math or English.


R277-733-[8]9. Adult Education Programs--Tuition and Fees.

A. Any adult may enroll in an adult education class consistent with Section 53A-15-404.

B. Tuition and fees shall be charged for ABE, GED preparation, AHSC, or ESOL courses in an amount not to exceed $100 annually per student based on the student's ability to pay as determined by federal free and reduced lunch guidelines, under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 USC 1751, et seq. The appropriate student fees and tuition shall be determined by the local school board or CBO board of trustees.

C. Adults who are or may attend adult education programs shall be given adequate notice of program tuition and fees through public posting. Any charged tuition or fees shall be set and reviewed annually.

D. Adult education tuition and fees shall be waived or students shall be offered appropriate work in lieu of waivers for students who are younger than 18, qualify for fee waivers under R277-407, and their class has not graduated.

E. Tuition may be charged for courses that satisfy requirements outlined in R277-733-8B, when adequate state or local funds are not available.

F. Fees may be charged for consumable and nonconsumable items necessary for adult high school courses that satisfy requirements outlined in R277-733-8B, consistent with the definitions under R277-733-1E and R277-733-1I.

G. Fees and tuition charged and collected by adult education programs shall be reasonable and necessary as determined by the local boards of education or boards or trustees.

H. Collected fees and tuition shall be used specifically to provide additional adult education and literacy services that the program would otherwise be unable to provide.

I. The local program superintendent/chief executive officer and business administrator shall acknowledge by signature as part of the program's grant plan (state or federal, or both) submission and program assurances that all fees and tuition collected and submitted for accounting purposes are:

(1) returned/delegated with the exception of indirect costs to the local adult education program;

(2) used solely and specifically for adult education programming;

(3) not withheld and maintained in a general maintenance and operation fund.

J. All collected fees and tuition generated from the previous fiscal year shall be spent in the adult education program in the ensuing program year.

K. Collected fees and tuition may not be counted toward meeting federal matching, cost sharing or maintenance of effort requirements related to the local program's award.

L. Annually, local programs shall report to the school district or community-based organization all fees and tuition collected from students associated with each funding source.

M. Fees and tuition collected from adult education students shall not be commingled or reported with community education funds or any other public education fund.


R277-733-[9]10. Allocation of Adult Education Funds.

Adult education state funds shall be distributed to school districts offering adult education programs consistent with the following:

A. Base amount distributed equally to each participating school district with a Board-approved adult education plan and budget - 7 percent of appropriation.

B. Enrollees (not participants) as defined in R277-733-1L - 25 percent of appropriation.

C. Contact hours (instructional and non-instructional) for both enrollee[s] status students and participants - 16 percent of appropriation.

D. Measurable outcomes, outlined below, based upon state funds, shall be distributed to school districts - 50 percent of appropriation as follows:

(1) number of enrollee status student [a]Adult [e]Education [s]Secondary [d]Diplomas awarded - 30 percent of the 50 percent available;

(2) number of enrollee certificates of GED awarded - 25 percent of the 50 percent available; Effective July 1, 2009, programs shall be funded based on the first obtained student outcomes; either a Utah High School Completion Diploma or Adult Education Secondary Diploma.

(3) number of enrollee level gains: ESOL competency levels 1-6, ABE competency levels 1-4, and AHSC competency levels 1-2 - 30 percent of the 50 percent available;

(4) number of enrollee adult education completed secondary credits - 15 percent of the 50 percent available.

E. Supplemental support, to be distributed to school districts for special program needs or professional development, as determined by written request and USOE evaluation of need and approval - 2 percent or balance of appropriation, whichever is smaller.

(1) Any school district with pre-approved carryover adult education funds from the previous fiscal year [is ineligible]may negotiate a request for supplemental funding as needed.

(2) For the first quarter of the fiscal year (July through September) priority of supplemental funding shall be given to school districts whose initial adult education allocation is less than 1 percent of the state allotted total, as indicated on the state allocation table.

(3) Any balance of supplemental funds after the first quarter of the fiscal year may be applied for by all remaining eligible school districts.

F. Funds, state (flow through) or federal (reimbursement) or both, may be withheld or terminated for noncompliance with state policy and procedures and associated reporting timelines as defined by the USOE.


R277-733-1[0]1. Adult Education Records and Audits.

A. Official [R]records kept in perpetuity: To validate student outcomes, local programs shall maintain records for each program site in perpetuity which clearly and accurately show for each student:

(1) [complete student intake(s)]documentation of Utah residency; the student's initial managing program shall maintain documentation of Utah residency in the student's file in perpetuity; documentation of such proof shall be entered in the student's UTopia data record;

(2) [signed data matching/agency sharing waiver(s) of release as defined under R277-733-4E.

(3)] copies of [student assessments validating pre and post assessment outcomes, ]:

(a) transcripted grade data including previous report cards, transcripts, work verification, military training, professional licenses, union or registered work credentials[,];

(b) GED [certificates]Test Score Report showing successful passing of all five areas of the GED [exam]Test;

(c) completed Core followup surveys;

(d) releases of information requesting student record information and releases of student information to other requesting agencies;

(e) special education IEPs for students under the age of 22; and

(f) outside psychological, psychiatric or medical documentation used in determining education programming accommodations; and records of accommodations.

B. To validate student outcomes annually, the student's managing program shall maintain records for each program site which clearly and accurately show for each student:

(1) signed or refusal to sign waiver of release forms;

(2) all assessment protocol sheets (pre- and post-tests) used to determine student's EFL and level gains; and

(3) contact hours (both noninstructional and instructional) documentation.

[B]C. Audits:

(1) To ensure valid and accurate student data, all programs accepting either state or federal adult education funds, or both, shall[ be] enter[ed] and maintain[ed] required student data in the UTopia data system.

(2) Annually, an independent auditor shall be retained by each school district and CBO to audit student accounting records to verify UTopia data entries.

(3) Reports of accuracy shall be completed and submitted to the school districts' boards of education, the CBOs boards' of trustees, as appropriate, the local adult education program director, and the USOE.

(4) The USOE shall receive the final auditor report by September 15 annually.

(5) Local programs shall prepare and submit to the USOE a written corrective action plan for each audit finding by October 15 annually.

(6) USOE adult education staff members are responsible to monitor and assist programs in the resolution of corrective action plans.

(7) A program's failure to resolve audit findings may result in the termination of state and federal funding, or both.

([5]8) Independent audit reporting dates, forms, and procedures are available in the state of Utah Legal Compliance Audit Guide provided to the school districts and CBOs by the USOE in cooperation with the State Auditors' Office and published under the heading of APPC-5.

([6]9) USOE Adult Education Services program staff shall conduct tri-annual program reviews of each program to ensure accuracy of program data and program compliance. Desk monitoring shall be completed during years when tri-annual reviews are not performed. Additional informal monitoring or reviews or site visits may be conducted as necessary and as follows.

(10) As needed, monitored programs shall prepare and submit to the USOE a written corrective action plan for each monitoring finding as requested by the USOE.

(11) USOE adult education staff are responsible to monitor and assist programs in the resolution of corrective action plans.

(12) A program's failure to resolve audit findings may result in the termination of state or federal funding or both.

([7]13) The USOE shall review for cause school district or CBO records and practices for compliance with the law and this rule.


R277-733-1[1]2. Advisory Council.

A. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction or designee shall represent Adult Education programs on the Department of Workforce Services State Council as a voting member.

B. Adult education programs shall participate on or establish and maintain a local interagency advisory council consisting at a minimum of partner agencies including the Department of Workforce Services, the State Office of Rehabilitation, higher education, the Utah College of Applied Technology, industry and community representation, and other appropriate agencies with the purpose of supporting the mission of adult education in Utah.


KEY: adult education

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [October 8, 2008]2009

Notice of Continuation: October 5, 2007

Authorizing, Implemented, or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3; 53A-15-401; 53A-1-402(1); 53A-1-401(3); 53A-1-403.5; 53A-17a-119; 53A-15-404




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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Kathy Akin at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7830, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules (801-538-3764). Please Note: The Division of Administrative Rules is NOT able to answer questions about the content or application of these administrative rules.

Last modified:  01/30/2009 9:46 AM