DAR File No. 32696
This filing was published in the 06/15/2009, issue, Vol. 2009, No. 12, of the Utah State Bulletin.
Environmental Quality, Environmental Response and Remediation
Underground Storage Tanks: Certification Programs
DAR File No.: 32696
Filed: 05/28/2009, 02:23
Received by: NL
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
Subsection R311-201-6(e)(9) is changed so it agrees with the wording and intent of Subsection R311-203-3(a), which was changed in 2008. Section R311-201-12 is added to implement the "Operator Training" requirement of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005. This Act requires that state underground storage tank (UST) programs establish and implement a program for training of UST operators.
Summary of the rule or change:
Subsection R311-201-6(e)(9) is changed to modify the time frame in which a certified UST installer must notify the Executive Secretary (UST) before installing or upgrading an underground storage tank. Subsection R311-201-6(e)(9) will refer to the time frame stated in Subsection R311-203-3(a), which is 10 days or another time period approved by the Executive Secretary. Section R311-201-12, the new Operator Training section, creates three classes of trained and registered UST operators: A, B, and C. Each UST facility must have Class A, B, and C operators by 01/01/2012. A Class A operator is a person who has primary responsibility to oversee the broader aspects of statutory and regulatory requirements and standards necessary to operate the UST system. A Class B operator is a person who oversees the daily aspects of operation, maintenance, and recordkeeping for the UST system. A Class C operator is a person who has primary responsibility to respond to overfills or other emergency conditions that may occur with the UST system. The rule specifies the duties and responsibilities of each operator class. Most UST facilities will have an operator inspection every 30 days. The Class B operator or a designee will conduct the inspection, which will involve checking various parts of the UST system for proper function and prevention and detection of product releases from the system. The Executive Secretary will provide an inspection form to be used for these inspections. The form is incorporated by reference into the rule. Exceptions to the 30-day inspection requirements may be granted for specific situations. All classes of operators are required to be trained and registered. Class A and B operators will attend an approved training course and pass a registration examination. Class A and B operators may pass a nationally-recognized UST operator examination and a Utah-specific rules and regulations examination instead of taking the training course and registration examination. UST owners may provide their own training if it is approved by the Executive Secretary. Class A and B operators of UST facilities found to be significantly out of compliance for specified violations will attend an approved re-training course. Reciprocity is allowed for Class A and B operators from another state if that state's operator training program is determined to be equivalent to Utah's program.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
Sections 19-6-105, 19-6-402, and 19-6-403, and 42 USC Section 6991i of the Solid Waste Disposal Act as amended by the Energy Policy Act of 2005
This rule or change incorporates by reference the following material:
UST Operator Inspection - Utah, dated April 30, 2009
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
A state agency acting as an underground storage tank owner could incur a cost of approximately $250 per individual for initial registration as a Class A or B operator, a re-registration cost of approximately $25 per individual, and a re-training cost of approximately $200 per re-training instance. The aggregate cost would depend on the number of people registering as Class A or B operators and the number of re-training instances that occur. The state may also realize savings to the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund, as UST operators more carefully inspect their tank systems and find releases sooner. Costs to the Fund should be reduced because leaks may be found more quickly or prevented by increased diligence on the part of UST operators. The total savings would depend on the reduced number and severity of releases.
local governments:
A local government acting as an underground storage tank owner could incur a cost of approximately $250 per individual for initial registration as a Class A or B operator, a re-registration cost of approximately $25 per individual, and a re-training cost of approximately $200 per re-training instance. The aggregate cost would depend on the number of people registering as Class A or B operators and the number of re-training instances that occur.
small businesses and persons other than businesses:
A small business or other affected person acting as an underground storage tank owner/operator will incur an estimated cost of approximately $250 for training and registration of a Class A or Class B operator. An individual who registers as both a Class A and Class B operator is required to take only one class and pay only one registration fee. The Division estimates that approximately 700 to 800 individuals will register as class A and/or B operators for an approximate aggregate cost of $175,000 to $200,000 during the initial registration phase, which will occur over a period of approximately 2 years. After initial registration, operators will pay a registration fee of approximately $25 to re-register every 3 years. Re-training cost is expected to be approximately $200 per individual, with the aggregate cost depending on the number of individuals who need re-training. Training of Class C operators is expected to be done as part of general employee training, and would incur no additional cost. No registration fee will be charged for Class C operators.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Anticipated cost of the operator training program and registration for Class A or B operator is approximately $250 per person registered. An individual may register as both classes, but would take only one course and pay only one fee. An individual who contracts to be a B operator for an UST owner is required to certify as an UST inspector under the UST certification program, at a cost of approximately $400.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
Businesses will have to pay employees to attend an all-day class, and have to pay class and registration fees. There may also be cost for travel time involved. Either the owner or an employee will have to perform the extra duties required by the rule: inspections, training others, specifically the Class C operators, which usually have a high turn-over rate, maintaining new forms, etc. In the event the facility fails a state compliance inspection, the owner or designated representative will have to take a day and attend re-training. This extra time, training, and effort translates into an additional financial burden for the UST owners. On a positive note, this additional time, training and efforts by the owners should provide great dividends in the long term. Having these additional people trained in UST operations should reduce the number of releases into the environment. Releases that do occur will be caught early to minimize their impact. Trained individuals will be able to clean up spills and overfills in a timely manner. Although there are costs and time up front, in the long run it will save owners time and money and help protect the environment. William J. Sinclair, Acting Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental QualityEnvironmental Response and Remediation
168 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116-3085
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
Gary Astin at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4103, by FAX at 801-359-8853, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:
6/16/2009 at 10:00 AM, Grand Center, Room 4, 182 N 500 W, Moab, UT; 6/17/2009 at 10:00 AM, TriCounty Health Dept., 133 S 500 E, Vernal, UT; 6/23/2009 at 2:00 PM, Bear River Health Dept., Environmental Health, 85 E 1800 N, Logan, UT; 6/25/2009 at 2:00 PM, Iron County Tourism Bureau, 581 N Main St., Cedar City, UT; and 7/07/2009 at 2:00 PM, Department of Environmental Quality, Room 101, 168 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, UT
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Brad T Johnson, Director
R311. Environmental Quality, Environmental Response and Remediation.
R311-201. Underground Storage Tanks: Certification Programs and UST Operator Training.
R311-201-6. Standards of Performance.
(a) Certified UST Consultant. An individual who provides UST consulting services in the State of Utah:
(1) shall display the certificate upon request;
(2) shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations regarding UST release-related consulting in this state;
(3) shall provide, or shall associate appropriate personnel in order to provide a high level of experience and expertise in release abatement, investigation, or corrective action;
(4) shall perform, or take steps to ensure that work is performed with skill, care, and diligence consistent with a high level of experience and expertise in release abatement, investigation, or corrective action;
(5) shall perform work and submit documentation in a timely manner as determined by the Executive Secretary and in a format established by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, as outlined in the most recent Consultant's Day Seminar Handbook;
(6) shall review and certify by signature any documentation submitted to the Executive Secretary in accordance with UST release-related compliance;
(7) shall ensure and certify by signature all pertinent release abatement, investigation, and corrective action work performed under the direct supervision of a Certified UST Consultant;
(8) shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing environmental sampling for compliance with Utah underground storage tank rules, or report the results indicating that a release may have occurred, to the local health district, local public safety office and the Executive Secretary within twenty-four hours;
(9) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to performance of work for which certification is granted; and,
(10) shall not participate in any other activities regulated under Rule R311-201 without meeting all requirements of that certification program.
(b) UST Inspector. An individual who performs underground storage tank inspecting for the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation:
(1) shall display his certificate upon request;
(2) shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations regarding underground storage tank inspecting in this state;
(3) shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing tank inspecting to the local health district, local public safety office and the Executive Secretary within twenty-four hours;
(4) shall conduct inspections of USTs and records to determine compliance with this rule only as authorized by the Executive Secretary.
(5) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to any certificate application;
(6) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to performance of work for which certification is granted; and,
(7) shall not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without meeting all requirements of that certification program.
(c) UST Tester. An individual who performs UST testing in the State of Utah:
(1) shall display his certificate upon request;
(2) shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations regarding UST testing in this state;
(3) shall perform all work in a manner that there is no release of the contents of the tank;
(4) shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing tank testing to the local health district, local public safety office and the Executive Secretary within twenty-four hours;
(5) shall assure that all operations of UST testing which are critical to the integrity of the system and to the protection of the environment shall be supervised by a certified person;
(6) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to any certificate application;
(7) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to performance of work for which certification is granted where the manner of the activity would increase the possibility of a release or suspected release from an underground storage tank or which would falsify UST testing results of the underground storage tank system;
(8) shall perform work in a manner that the integrity of the underground storage tank system is maintained; and,
(9) shall not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without meeting all requirements of that certification program.
(d) Groundwater and soil sampler. An individual who performs environmental sampling for compliance with Utah underground storage tank rules:
(1) shall display his certificate upon request;
(2) shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations regarding underground storage tank sampling in this state;
(3) shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing groundwater or soil sampling or report the results indicating that a release may have occurred to the local health district, local public safety office and the Executive Secretary within twenty-four hours;
(4) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to any certificate application;
(5) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to performance of work for which certification is granted; and,
(6) shall not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without meeting all requirements of that certification program.
(e) UST Installer. An individual who performs underground storage tank installation in the State of Utah:
(1) shall display his certificate upon request;
(2) shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations regarding underground storage tank installation in this state;
(3) shall perform all work in a manner that there is no release of the contents of the tank;
(4) shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing tank installation to the local health district, local public safety office and the Executive Secretary within twenty-four hours;
(5) shall assure that all operations of tank installation which are critical to the integrity of the system and to the protection of the environment which includes preinstallation tank testing, tank site preparation including anchoring, tank placement, backfilling, cathodic protection installation, service, or repair, vent and product piping assembly, fill tube attachment, installation of tank manholes, pump installation, secondary containment construction, and UST repair shall be supervised by a certified person;
(6) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to any certificate application;
(7) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to performance of work for which certification is granted where the manner of the activity would increase the possibility of a release from an underground storage tank; and
(8) shall not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without meeting all requirements of that certification program.
(9) shall notify the Executive Secretary [30
days]as required by R311-203-3(a) before installing or upgrading an
(f) UST Remover. An individual who performs underground storage tank removal in the State of Utah:
(1) shall display his certificate upon request;
(2) shall comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding underground storage tank removal in this state;
(3) shall perform all work in a manner that there is no release of the contents of the tank;
(4) shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing tank removal to the local health district, local public safety office and the Executive Secretary within twenty-four hours;
(5) shall assure that all operations of tank removal which are critical to safety and to the protection of the environment which includes removal of soil adjacent to the tank, disassembly of pipe, final removal of product and sludges from the tank, cleaning of the tank, purging or inerting of the tank, removal of the tank from the ground, and removal of the tank from the site shall be supervised by a certified person;
(6) shall not proceed to close a regulated UST without an approved closure plan, except as outlined in Subsection R311-204-2(b);
(7) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to any certificate application;
(8) shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to performance of work for which certification is granted where the manner of the activity would increase the possibility of a release from an underground storage tank; and
(9) shall not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without meeting all requirements of that certification program, except as outlined in Subsection R311-204-5(b).
R311-201-12. UST Operator Training and Registration.
(a) To meet the Operator Training requirement (42 USC Section 6991i) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act as amended by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, each UST facility shall, by January 1, 2012, have UST facility operators that are trained and registered according to the requirements of this section. Each facility shall have three classes of operators: A, B, and C.
(1) A facility may have more than one person designated for each operator class.
(2) An individual acting as a Class A or B operator may do so for more than one facility.
(b) The UST owner or operator shall provide documentation to the Executive Secretary to identify the Class A, B, and C operators for each facility. If an owner or operator does not register and identify Class A, B, and C operators for a facility, the certificate of compliance for the facility may be revoked for failure to demonstrate substantial compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations.
(c) After January 1, 2012, new Class A and B operators shall be trained and registered within 30 days of assuming responsibility for an UST facility. New Class C operators shall be trained before assuming the responsibilities of a Class C operator.
(d) The Class A operator shall be an owner or employee who has primary responsibility for the broader aspects of the statutory and regulatory requirements and standards necessary to operate and maintain the UST system. The Class A operator shall:
(1) have a general knowledge of UST systems;
(2) ensure that UST records are properly maintained according to 40 CFR 280;
(3) ensure that yearly UST fees are paid;
(4) ensure proper response to and reporting of emergencies caused by releases or spills from USTs;
(5) make financial responsibility documents available to the Executive Secretary as required; and
(6) ensure that Class B and Class C operators are trained and registered.
(e) The Class B operator shall implement routine daily aspects of operation, maintenance, and recordkeeping for UST systems. The Class B operator shall be an owner, employee, or contractor working for the UST owner or operator. The Class B operator shall:
(1) ensure that on-site UST operator inspections are conducted according to the requirements of Subsection R311-201-12(h);
(2) ensure that UST release detection is performed according to 40 CFR 280 subpart D;
(3) ensure that the status of the UST system is monitored every seven days for alarms and unusual operating conditions that may indicate a release;
(4) document the reason for an alarm or unusual operating condition identified in Subsection R311-201-12(e)(3), if it is not reported as a suspected release according to 40 CFR 280.50;
(5) ensure that appropriate release detection and other records are kept according to 40 CFR 280.34 and 280.45, and are made available for inspection;
(6) ensure that spill prevention, overfill prevention, and corrosion protection requirements are met;
(7) be on site for facility compliance inspections, or designate another individual to be on site for inspections;
(8) ensure that suspected releases are reported according to the requirements of 40 CFR 280.50; and
(9) ensure that Class C operators are trained and registered, and are on-site during operating hours.
(f) An individual who contracts to act as a Class B operator for an UST owner or operator, or performs UST operator inspections according to Subsection R311-201-12(h), and is not the owner or operator, or an employee of the owner or operator, shall be certified as an UST inspector according to Section R311-201-2, and shall meet all requirements of an UST inspector.
(g) The Class C operator is an employee and is generally the first line of response to events indicating emergency conditions. A Class C operator shall:
(1) be present at the facility at all times during normal operating hours;
(2) monitor product transfer operations according to 40 CFR 280.30(a), to ensure that spills and overfills do not occur;
(3) properly respond to alarms, spills, and overfills;
(4) notify Class A and/or Class B operators and appropriate emergency responders when necessary; and
(5) act in response to emergencies and other situations caused by spills or releases from an UST system that pose an immediate danger or threat to the public or to the environment, and that require immediate action.
(h) UST Operator Inspections.
(1) Each UST facility shall have an on-site operator inspection conducted every 30 days, or as approved under Subsection R311-201-12(h)(4) or (5). The inspection shall be performed by or under the direction of the designated Class B operator. The Class B operator shall ensure that documentation of each inspection is kept and made available for review by the Executive Secretary.
(2) The UST operator inspection shall document that:
(A) release detection systems are properly operating and maintained;
(B) spill, overfill, vapor recovery, and corrosion protection systems are in place and operational;
(C) tank top manways, tank and dispenser sumps, secondary containment sumps, and under-dispenser containment are intact, and are properly maintained to be free of water, product, and debris;
(D) the tag or other identifying method issued under Subsection 19-6-411(7) is properly in place on each tank;
(E) alarm conditions that could indicate a release are properly investigated and corrected, and are reported as suspected releases according to 40 CFR 280.50 or documented to show that no release has occurred; and
(F) unusual operating conditions and other indications of a release or suspected release indicated in 40 CFR 280.50 are properly reported.
(3) The individual conducting the inspection shall use the form "UST Operator Inspection- Utah" to conduct on-site operator inspections. The form, dated April 30, 2009, and including information required to be completed during the inspection, is hereby incorporated by reference.
(4) The Executive Secretary may allow operator inspections to be performed less frequently in situations where it is impractical to conduct an inspection every 30 days. The owner or operator shall request the exemption, justify the reason for the exemption, and submit a plan for conducting operator inspections at the facility.
(5) An UST facility whose tanks are properly temporarily closed according to 40 CFR 280.70 and R311-204-4 shall have an operator inspection every 90 days.
(i) A facility that normally has no employee or other responsible person on site, or is open to dispense fuel at times when no employee or responsible person is on site, shall have:
(1) a sign posted in a conspicuous place, giving the name and telephone number of the facility owner, operator, or local emergency responders, and
(2) an emergency shutoff device, if the facility dispenses fuel.
(j) Operator Training and Registration
(1) Training and testing.
(A) Applicants for Class A and B operator registration shall successfully complete an approved operator training course within the six-month period prior to application.
(B) The training course shall be approved by the Executive Secretary, and shall include instruction in the following: notification, temporary and permanent closure, installation permitting, underground tank requirements of the 2005 Energy Policy Act, Class A, B, and C operator responsibilities, spill prevention, overfill prevention, UST release detection, corrosion protection, record-keeping requirements, emergency response, product compatibility, Utah UST rules and regulations, UST financial responsibility, and delivery prohibition.
(C) Applicants for Class A and B operator registration shall successfully pass a registration examination authorized by the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall determine the content of the examination.
(D) An individual applying for Class A or B operator registration may be exempted from meeting the requirements of Subsections R311-201-12(j)(1)(A) and (C) by completing the following within the six-month period prior to application:
(i) successfully passing a nationally recognized UST operator examination approved by the Executive Secretary, and
(ii) successfully passing a Utah UST rules and regulations examination authorized by the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall determine the content of the examination.
(E) Class C operators shall receive instruction in product transfer procedures, emergency response, and initial response to alarms and releases.
(2) Registration application.
(A) Applicants for Class A and B operator registration shall submit a registration application to the Executive Secretary, shall document proper training, and shall pay any applicable fees.
(B) Class C operators shall be designated by a Class B operator. The Class B operator shall maintain a list identifying the Class C operators for each UST facility. The list shall identify each Class C operator, the date of training, and the trainer. Identification on the list shall serve as the operator registration for Class C operators.
(C) A registered Class A or B operator may act as a Class C operator by meeting the training and registration requirements for a Class C operator.
(D) Class A and B registration shall be effective for a period of three years, and shall not lapse or expire if the registered operator leaves the employment of the company under which the registration was obtained.
(3) Renewal of registration.
(A) Class A and B operators shall apply for renewal of registration not more than six months prior to the expiration of the registration by:
(i) submitting a completed application form;
(ii) paying any applicable fees; and
(iii) documenting successful completion of any re-training required by Subsection R311-201-12(k).
(B) If the Executive Secretary determines that the operator meets all the requirements for registration, the Executive Secretary shall renew the applicant's registration for a period equal to the initial registration.
(C) Any applicant for renewal who has a registration that has been expired for more than two years prior to submitting a renewal application shall successfully satisfy the training and examination requirements for initial registration under Subsection R311-201-12(j)(1) before receiving the renewal registration.
(k) Re-training.
(1) A Class A operator shall be subject to re-training requirements if any facility for which the Class A operator has oversight is found to be out of compliance due to:
(A) lapsing of certificate of compliance;
(B) failure to provide acceptable financial responsibility; or
(C) failure to ensure that Class B and C operators are trained and registered.
(2) A Class B operator shall be subject to re-training requirements if a facility for which the Class B operator has oversight is found to be out of compliance due to:
(A) failure to document significant operational compliance, as determined by the EPA Release Prevention Compliance Measures Matrix and Release Detection Compliance Measures Matrix, both dated September 30, 2003, and incorporated by reference in Subsection R311-206-10(b)(1);
(B) failure to perform UST operator inspections required by Subsection R311-201-12(h);
(C) failure to have the tag or other identifying method issued under Subsection 19-6-411(7) properly in place on each tank; or
(D) failure to ensure that Class C operators are trained and registered, and are on-site during operating hours.
(3) To be re-trained, Class A and Class B operators shall successfully complete the appropriate Class A or B operator training course and examination, or shall complete an equivalent re-training course and examination approved by the Executive Secretary.
(4) Class A and B operators shall be re-trained within 90 days of the date of the determination of non-compliance, and shall submit documentation showing successful completion of the re-training to the Executive Secretary within 30 days of the re-training. If the documentation is not received, the Executive Secretary may revoke the certificate of compliance for the facility for failure to demonstrate substantial compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations.
(5) If the documentation of re-training is not received by the Executive Secretary within six months of the date of determination of non-compliance, the Class A or B operator's registration will lapse. To re-register, the operator shall meet the requirements of Subsection R311-201-12(j)(1) and (2).
(6) If a facility for which a Class A or B operator has oversight is found to be out of compliance under Subsections R311-201-12(k)(1) or (2), re-training shall not be required if the Class A or B operator successfully completes and documents re-training under Subsections R311-201-12(k)(3) and (4) for a prior determination of non-compliance that occurred during the previous nine months.
(l) Reciprocity.
(1) If the Executive Secretary determines that another state's operator training program is equivalent to the operator training program provided in this rule, he may accept an applicant's Class A or Class B registration application, provided that the applicant:
(A) submits a completed application form;
(B) passes the Utah UST rules and regulations examination referenced in Subsection R311-201-12(j)(1)(D)(ii), and
(C) submits payment of any applicable registration fees.
(2) The Class A or Class B registration shall be valid until the Utah registration expiration described in Subsection R311-201-12(j)(2)(D).
KEY: hazardous substances, petroleum, underground storage tanks
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive
Amendment: [September 9, 2004]2009
Notice of Continuation: April 18, 2007
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-6-105; 19-6-402; 19-6-403
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Gary Astin at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4103, by FAX at 801-359-8853, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules (801-538-3764). Please Note: The Division of Administrative Rules is NOT able to answer questions about the content or application of these administrative rules.
Last modified: 07/14/2009 8:03 PM