File No. 33793

This rule was published in the July 15, 2010, issue (Vol. 2010, No. 14) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Commerce, Real Estate

Section R162-2c-203

Utah-Specific Education Certification

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 33793
Filed: 06/30/2010 08:05:37 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

Instructors of prelicensing education are currently required to pass the mortgage loan originator prelicensing exam in order to obtain an instructor certification. Under the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS), it is not permissible for a person to take this prelicensing exam unless that person is pursuing a license as a mortgage loan originator. Therefore, the commission proposes to change the rule to require a person to pass the principal lending manager exam in order to obtain an instructor certification for Utah-specific prelicensing education.

Summary of the rule or change:

In Subsection R162-2c-203(5), the testing requirement is changed to reference the principal lending manager exam. The requirement of obtaining a minimum score of 85% is eliminated.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Subsection 61-2c-103(3)

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The costs to the state of reviewing an application for instructor certification will not change.

local governments:

Local governments do not certify as prelicensing instructors, nor do they review certification applications. No impact to local governments is anticipated.

small businesses:

Small businesses offering prelicensing education will have to ensure that any instructors applying for certification (from the effective date of this rule forward) pass the principal lending manager exam. Currently, the cost of the exam is $59. The cost of the mortgage loan originator exam, which is required under the rule as currently in effect, is $69. Therefore, a person who is pursuing instructor certification without simultaneously seeking licensure as a mortgage loan originator will experience a savings.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

A person who wishes to teach prelicensing education (from the effective date of this rule forward) will have to pass the principal lending manager exam. Currently, the cost of the exam is $59. The cost of the mortgage loan originator exam, which is required under the rule as currently in effect, is $69. Therefore, a person who is pursuing instructor certification without simultaneously seeking licensure as a mortgage loan originator will experience a savings.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

To comply, affected persons must pass the principal lending manager exam. The cost of this exam is $59.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

In order to better coordinate with the new federal law for mortgage licensees, this rule filing amends the examination requirement for certification as an instructor of prelicensing education, replacing the mortgage loan originator examination with the principal lending manager examination. No fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated other than a possible $10 fee savings for applicants.

Francine Giani, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Real Estate
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Jennie Jonsson at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6706, by FAX at 801-526-4387, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Deanna Sabey, Director


R162. Commerce, Real Estate.

R162-2c. Utah Residential Mortgage Practices and Licensing Rules.

R162-2c-203. Utah-Specific Education Certification.

(1) School certification.

(a) A school offering Utah-specific education shall certify with the division before providing any instruction.

(b) To certify, a school applicant shall prepare and supply the following information to the division:

(i) contact information, including:

(A) name, phone number, and address of the physical facility;

(B) name, phone number, and address of any school director;

(C) name, phone number, and address of any school owner; and

(D) an e-mail address where correspondence will be received by the school;

(ii) evidence that all school directors and owners meet the moral character requirements outlined in R162-2c-202(1) and the competency requirements outlined in R162-2c-202(2);

(iii) school description, including:

(A) type of school; and

(B) description of the school's physical facilities;

(iv) list of courses offered;

(v) proof that each course has been certified by the division;

(vi) list of the instructor(s), including any guest lecturer(s), who will be teaching each course;

(vii) proof that each instructor:

(A) has been certified by the division;

(B) is qualified as a guest lecturer; or

(C) is exempt from certification under Subsection 203(5)(f);

(viii) schedule of courses offered, including the days, times, and locations of classes;

(ix) statement of attendance requirements as provided to students;

(x) refund policy as provided to students;

(xi) disclaimer as provided to students; and

(xii) criminal history disclosure statement as provided to students.

(c) Minimum standards.

(i) The course schedule may not provide or allow for more than eight credit hours per student per day.

(ii) The attendance statement shall require that each student attend at least 90% of the scheduled class time.

(iii) The disclaimer shall adhere to the following requirements:

(A) be typed in all capital letters at least 1/4 inch high; and

(B) state the following language: "Any student attending (school name) is under no obligation to affiliate with any of the mortgage entities that may be soliciting for licensees at this school."

(iv) The criminal history disclosure statement shall:

(A) be provided to students while they are still eligible for a full refund; and

(B) clearly inform the student that upon application with the nationwide database, the student will be required to:

(I) accurately disclose the student's criminal history according to the licensing questionnaire provided by the nationwide database and authorized by the division; and

(II) provide to the division complete court documentation relative to any criminal proceeding that the applicant is required to disclose;

(C) clearly inform the student that the division will consider the applicant's criminal history pursuant to R162-2c-202(1) in making a decision on the application; and

(D) include a section for the student's attestation that the student has read and understood the disclosure.

(d) Within 15 calendar days after the occurrence of any material change in the information outlined in Subsection (1), the school shall provide to the division written notice of that change.

(e) A school certification expires 24 months from the date of issuance and must be renewed before the expiration date in order for the school to remain in operation. To renew, a school applicant shall:

(i) complete a renewal application as provided by the division; and

(ii) pay a nonrefundable renewal fee.

(2) Utah-specific course certification.

(a) A school providing a Utah-specific course shall certify the course with the division before offering the course to students.

(b) Application shall be made at least 30 days prior to the date on which a course requiring certification is proposed to begin.

(c) To certify a course, a school applicant shall prepare and supply the following information:

(i) instruction method;

(ii) outline of the course, including:

(A) a list of subjects covered in the course;

(B) reference to the approved course outline for each subject covered;

(C) length of the course in terms of hours spent in classroom instruction;

(D) number of course hours allocated for each subject;

(E) at least three learning objectives for every hour of classroom time;

(F) instruction format for each subject; i.e, lecture or media presentation;

(G) name and credentials of any guest lecturer; and

(H) list of topic(s) and session(s) taught by any guest lecturer;

(iii) a list of the titles, authors, and publishers of all required textbooks;

(iv) copies of any workbook used in conjunction with a non-lecture method of instruction;

(v) the number of quizzes and examinations; and

(vi) the grading system, including methods of testing and standards of grading.

(d) Minimum standards.

(i) All texts, workbooks, supplement pamphlets and other materials shall be appropriate, current, accurate, and applicable to the required course outline.

(ii) The course shall cover all of the topics set forth in the associated outline.

(iii) The lecture method shall be used for at least 50% of course instruction unless the division gives special approval otherwise.

(iv) A school applicant that uses a non-lecture method for any portion of course instruction shall provide to the student:

(A) an accompanying workbook as approved by the division for the student to complete during the instruction; and

(B) a certified instructor available within 48 hours of the non-lecture instruction to answer student questions.

(v) The division shall not approve an online education course unless:

(A) there is a method to ensure that the enrolled student is the person who actually completes the course;

(B) the time spent in actual instruction is equivalent to the credit hours awarded for the course; and

(C) there is a method to ensure that the student comprehends the material.

(3) Course expiration and renewal.

(a) A certification for a 40-hour Utah-specific prelicensing course expires two years from the date of certification.

(b) As of January 1, 2010, a 20-hour Utah-specific prelicensing course certified by the division shall be deemed expired, regardless of any expiration date printed on the certification.

(c)(i) A division-approved continuing education course shall expire on whichever of the following occurs first:

(A) the expiration date printed on the certificate; or

(B) December 31, 2010.

(ii) To renew a division-approved continuing education course, a school applicant shall, within six months following the expiration date:

(A) complete a renewal form as provided by the division; and

(B) pay a nonrefundable renewal fee.

(iii) To certify a continuing education course that has been expired for more than six months, a school applicant shall resubmit it as if it were a new course.

(iv) After a continuing education course has been renewed three times, a school applicant shall submit it for certification as if it were a new course.

(d) The division shall cease reviewing and certifying courses for continuing education on December 30, 2010.

(e) As of January 1, 2011, any course offered for continuing education shall be approved through the nationwide database.

(4) Education committee.

(a) The commission may appoint an education committee to:

(i) assist the division and the commission in approving course topics; and

(ii) make recommendations to the division and the commission about:

(A) whether a particular course topic is relevant to residential mortgage principles and practices; and

(B) whether a particular course topic would tend to enhance the competency and professionalism of licensees.

(b) The division and the commission may accept or reject the education committee's recommendation on any course topic.

(5) Instructor certification.

(a) Except as provided in Subsection (f), an instructor shall certify with the division before teaching a Utah-specific course.

(b) Application shall be made at least 30 days prior to the date on which the instructor proposes to begin teaching.

(c) To certify as an instructor of mortgage loan originator prelicensing courses, an individual shall provide evidence of:

(i) a high school diploma or its equivalent;

(ii)(A) at least five years of experience in the residential mortgage industry within the past ten years; or

(B) successful completion of appropriate college-level courses specific to the topic proposed to be taught;

(iii)(A) a minimum of twelve months of full-time teaching experience;

(B) part-time teaching experience that equates to twelve months of full-time teaching experience; or

(C) participation in instructor development workshops totaling at least two days in length; and

(iv) having passed, within the six-month period preceding the date of application[and with a minimum score of 85%], the [state portion of the national]principal lending manager licensing examination.

(d) To certify as an instructor of PLM prelicensing courses, an individual shall:

(i) meet the general requirements of this Subsection 5(c); and

(ii) meet the specific requirements for any of the following courses the individual proposes to teach.

(A) Management of a Residential Mortgage Loan Office: at least two years practical experience in managing an office engaged in the business of residential mortgage loans.

(B) Mortgage Lending Law: two years practical experience in the field of real estate law; and either:

(I) current active membership in the Utah Bar Association; or

(II) degree from an American Bar Association accredited law school.

(C) Advanced Appraisal:

(I) at least two years practical experience in appraising; and

(II) current state-certified appraiser license.

(D) Advanced Finance:

(I) at least two years practical experience in real estate finance; and

(II) association with a lending institution as a loan originator.

(e) To certify as an instructor of continuing education courses, an individual shall demonstrate:

(i) knowledge of the subject matter of the course proposed to be taught, as evidenced by:

(A) at least three years of experience in a profession, trade, or technical occupation in a field directly related to the course;

(B) a bachelor or higher degree in the field of real estate, business, law, finance, or other academic area directly related to the course; or

(C) a combination of experience and education acceptable to the division; and

(ii) ability to effectively communicate the subject matter, as evidenced by:

(A) a state teaching certificate;

(B) successful completion of college courses acceptable to the division in the field of education;

(C) a professional teaching designation from the National Association of Mortgage Brokers, the Real Estate Educators Association, the Mortgage Bankers Association of America, or a similar association; or

(D) other evidence acceptable to the division that the applicant has the ability to teach in schools, seminars, or equivalent settings.

(f) The following instructors are not required to be certified by the division:

(i) a guest lecturer who:

(A) is an expert in the field on which instruction is given;

(B) provides to the division a resume or similar documentation evidencing satisfactory knowledge, background, qualifications, and expertise; and

(C) teaches no more than 20% of the course hours;

(ii) a college or university faculty member who evidences academic training, industry experience, or other qualifications acceptable to the division;

(iii) an individual who:

(A) evidences academic training, industry experience, or other qualifications satisfactory to the division; and

(B) receives approval from the commission; and

(iv) a division employee.

(g) Renewal.

(i) An instructor certification for prelicensing education expires 24 months from the date of issuance and shall be renewed before the expiration date. To renew, an applicant shall submit to the division:

(A) evidence of having taught at least 20 hours of classroom instruction in a certified mortgage education course during the preceding two years;

(B) evidence of having attended an instructor development workshop sponsored by the division during the preceding two years; and

(C) a renewal fee as required by the division.

(ii) An instructor certification for division-approved continuing education expires 24 months from the date of issuance and shall be renewed before the expiration date. To renew, an applicant shall submit to the division:

(A) evidence of having taught at least one class in the subject area for which renewal is sought within the year preceding the date of application; or

(B)(I) written explanation for why the instructor has not taught a class in the subject area within the past year; and

(II) documentation to evidence that the applicant maintains the required expertise in the subject matter; and

(C) a renewal fee as required by the division.

(iii) An instructor certification issued by the division on or before December 31, 2010 for continuing education shall expire December 31, 2010.

(iv) The division shall cease certifying instructors for continuing education on December 30, 2010.

(v) As of January 1, 2011, any instructor proposing to teach a continuing education course shall certify through the nationwide database.

(h) Reinstatement.

(i) An instructor may reinstate an expired certification within 30 days of expiration by:

(A) complying with Subsection (g) as applicable to the type of course taught; and

(B) paying an additional non-refundable late fee.

(ii) Until six months following the date of expiration, an instructor may reinstate a certification that has been expired more than 30 days by:

(A) complying with Subsection (g) as applicable to the type of course taught;

(B) paying an additional non-refundable late fee; and

(C) completing six classroom hours of education related to residential mortgages or teaching techniques.

(6)(a) The division may monitor schools and instructors for:

(i) adherence to course content;

(ii) quality of instruction and instructional materials; and

(iii) fulfillment of affirmative duties as outlined in R162-2c-301(6)(a) and R162-2c-301(7)(a).

(b) To monitor schools and instructors, the division may:

(i) collect and review evaluation forms; or

(ii) assign an evaluator to attend a course and make a report to the division.


KEY: residential mortgage, loan origination, licensing, enforcement

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [ April 12, ] 2010

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 61-2c-103(3)


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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Jennie Jonsson at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6706, by FAX at 801-526-4387, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].