File No. 34394

This rule was published in the February 15, 2011, issue (Vol. 2011, No. 4) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Natural Resources, Forestry, Fire and State Lands

Rule R652-122

County Cooperative Agreements with State for Fire Protection

Notice of Proposed Rule

(New Rule)

DAR File No.: 34394
Filed: 01/31/2011 11:24:07 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The purpose of this rule is to reduce fire suppression costs and improve the safety and efficiency of responders to wildland and wildland/urban interface fires. Wildland fires in the urban interface are expensive; as much as ten times the cost of a similar fire in a remote area. A considerable force of ground and aerial resources must be deployed to manage these fires because of the values at risk. These fires are often difficult to control because no precautions have been taken to make homes/communities less susceptible to fire. These fires are particularly dangerous because firefighters are often forced to function outside the limits of their training and equipment. Wildland firefighters are not trained or equipped to fight structure fires and structure firefighters are often not equipped or trained to fight wildland fires.

Summary of the rule or change:

This rule establishes minimum standards for a wildland fire ordinance and minimum standards for wildland fire training and equipment.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 65A-8-203

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The proposed rule may provide potential savings from reduced fire suppression costs for the state budget. A cost figure cannot be provided since it is dependent on wildland fire events which cannot be predicated and available resources to provide suppression crews and equipment.

local governments:

The proposed rule may provide potential savings from reduced fire suppression costs and possible cost of ordinance enforcement for local government. A cost figure cannot be provided since it is dependent on wildland fire events which cannot be predicated and the ordinances standards to be enforced may vary throughout the state.

small businesses:

The proposed rule does not apply to small businesses since the burden of wildland fire suppression costs, standards for wildland fire ordinance costs and training, certification and equipment costs are absorbed by the local land management agency, generally the federal, state or local government.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The proposed rule does not apply to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities since the burden of wildland fire suppression costs standards for wildland fire ordinance costs and training, certification and equipment costs are absorbed by the local land management agency, generally the federal, state or local government.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

There may be possible cost to home owners to meet and maintain ordinance standard set forth by the local government. A cost figure cannot be calculated at this time because it is dependent on home building standards which may vary based on different locations around the state.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

I do not anticipate any fiscal impact on business.

Michael R. Styler, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Natural Resources
Forestry, Fire and State Lands
SUITE 3520
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Jennifer Sullivan at the above address, by phone at 801-538-5495, by FAX at 801-533-4111, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Richard Buehler, Director


R652. Natural Resources, Forestry, Fire and State Lands.

R652-122. County Cooperative Agreements with State for Fire Protection.

R652-122-100. Authority.

This rule implements subsection 65A-8-203(3)(a) and subsection 65A-8-203(3)(b) which require the division to establish minimum standards for a wildland fire ordinance and specify minimum standards for wildland fire training, certification and wildland fire suppression equipment. This rule is promulgated under general rulemaking authority of subsection 65A-1-4(2).


R652-122-200. Minimum Standards for Wildland Fire Ordinance.

(1) The division uses the International Urban Wildland Interface Code as a basis for establishing the minimum standards discussed in this document. A county ordinance that at least meets the minimum standards should be in place by September 2006.

(2) The Division incorporates by reference the 2003 International Code Council Urban-Wildland Interface Code as the minimum standard for wildland fire ordinance with these exceptions:

(a) Section 101.1 Delete

(b) Section 101.3 Delete "The extent of this regulation is intended to be tiered commensurate with the relative level of hazard present."

(c) Section 101.3 Second paragraph, substitute "development and" for "unrestricted"

(d) Section 101.4 Delete Exception

(e) Section 101.5 In the Exception, delete "section 402.3"

(f) Section 105.2 Delete "For buildings or structures erected for temporary uses, see Appendix A, Section A108.3, of this code"

(g) Section 105.2 Add a number 15 to the list of activities that need a permit to read "Or other activities as determined by the code official"

(h) Section 202 Delete "Critical Fire Weather, Ignition-Resistant Construction Class 1,2 and 3, Urban-Wildland Interface area"

(i) Section 202 "See Critical Fire Weather" from Fire Weather definition

(j) Section 202 Replace Fuel, Heavy definition with "Vegetation consisting of round wood 3 inches (76 mm) or larger in diameter. The amount of fuel (vegetation) would be 6 tons per acre or greater."

(k) Section 202 Replace Fuel, Light definition with "Vegetation consisting of herbaceous and round wood less than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) in diameter. The amount of fuel (vegetation) would be 1/2 ton to 2 tons per acre."

(l) Section 202 Replace Fuel, Medium definition with "Vegetation consisting of round wood 1/4 to 3 inches (6.4mm to 76 mm) in diameter. The amount of fuel (vegetation) would be 2 to 6 tons per acre."

(m) Section 202 Add the term Legislative Body with the following definition: "The governing body of the political jurisdiction administering this code"

(n) Section 202 Add the term Brush, Tall with the following definition: "Arbor-like varieties of brush species and/or short varieties of broad-leaf trees that grow in compact groups or clumps. These groups or clumps reach heights of 4 to 20 feet. In Utah, this includes primary varieties of oak, maples, chokecherry, serviceberry and mahogany, but may also include other species."

(o) Section 202 Add the term Brush, Short with the following definition: "Low-growing species that reach heights of 1 to 3 feet. Sagebrush, snowberry, and rabbitbrush are some varieties"

(p) Section 202 Add the term Wildland Urban Interface with the following definition "The line, area or zone where structures or other human development (including critical infrastructure that if destroyed would result in hardship to communities) meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuel."

(q) Section 301 Delete

(r) Section 302.1 Replace with " The legislative body shall declare the urban-wildland interface areas within the jurisdiction. The urban wildland interface areas shall be based on the maps created through Section 302."

(s) Section 302.2 Replace with " In cooperation, the code official and the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands (FFSL) wildfire representative (per participating agreement between county and FFSL) will create or review Wildland Urban Interface area maps, to be recorded and field with the clerk of the jurisdiction. These areas shall become effective immediately thereafter."

(t) Section 302.3 Add "and the FFSL wildfire representative" between "official" and "shall".

(u) Section 402.3 Delete

(v) Section 403.2 Delete Exception

(w) Section 403.3 Replace "typically used to respond to that location" to "to protect structures and wildlands"

(x) Section 403.7 Add "It will be up to the code official to ascertain the standard based on local fire equipment, grade not to exceed 12%"

(y) Section 404.1 Delete "or as required . . . with Section 402.1.2"

(z) Section 404.1 Delete Exception

(aa) Section 404.3 Delete "The draft site shall have emergency . . . with Section 402."

(bb) Section 404.5 Replace "as follows: determined" with "by the local jurisdiction. NFPA 1142 may be used as a reference."

(cc) Section 404.5.1 Delete entire section including Exception

(dd) Section 404.5.2 Delete entire section including Exception

(ee) Section 404.6 Replace with "The water system required by this code can only be considered conforming for purposes of determining the level of ignition-resistant construction (see Table 503.1)."

(ff) Section 404.8 Delete the words "and hydrants"

(gg) Section 404.9 After " . . . periodic tests as required by the code official." add the sentences "Code official shall establish a periodic testing schedule. Costs are to be covered by the water provider."

(hh) Section 404.9 After the last sentence, add "Mains and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 24. Water tanks for private fire protection shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 22. Costs are to be covered by the water provider."

(ii) Section 404.10.3 After ". . . dependent on electrical power" add "supplied by power grid" and after " . . . demands shall provide . . . " add "functional"

(jj) Section 404.10.3 Replace "Exceptions" in its entirety with "When approved by the code official, a standby power supply is not required where the primary power service to the stationary water supply facility is underground or on-site generator."

(kk) Section 405 Before Section 405.1 Add "The purpose of the plan is to provide a basis to determine overall compliance with this code, for determination of Ignition Resistant Construction (IRC) (see Table 503.1) and for determining the need for alternative materials and methods."

(ll) Section 405.1 After "When required by a code official, a fire protection plan shall be prepared" add the words "and approved prior to the first building permit issuance or subdivision approval."

(mm) Chapter 5, Delete Table 502

(nn) Section 505.2 Replace "Class B roof covering" with "Class A roof covering"

(oo) Section 506.2 replace "Class C roof covering" with "Class A roof covering"

(pp) Section 602 Delete

(qq) Section 603.2 Replace "for the purpose of Table 503.1" with "for individual buildings or structures on a property"

(rr) Section 603.2 Replace "10 feet or to the property line" with "30 feet or to the property line"

(ss) Section 603.2 replace "along the grade" with "on a horizontal plane"

(tt) Section 603.2 replace "may be increased" with "may be modified"

(uu) Section 603.2 Delete "crowns of trees and structures"

(vv) Add new Section 603.3 titled "Community fuel modification zones" with the following text: Fuel modification zones to protect new communities shall be provided when required by the code official in accordance with Section 603 in order to reduce fuel loads adjacent to communities and structures.

(ww) Add new Section 603.3.1 titled "Land ownership" with the following text: Fuel modification zone land used to protect a community shall be under the control of an association or other common ownership instrument for the life of the community to be protected.

(xx) Add new Section 603.3.2 titled "Fuel modification zone plans" with the following text: Fuel modification zone plans shall be approved prior to fuel modification work and shall be placed on a site grading plan shown in plan view. An elevation plan shall also be provided to indicate the length of the fuel modification zone on the slope. Fuel modification zone plans shall include, but not be limited to the following:

(i) Plan showing existing vegetation

(ii) Photographs showing natural conditions prior to work being performed

(iii) Grading plan showing location of proposed buildings and structures, and set backs from top of slope to all buildings or structures

(yy) Section 604.1 Add "annually, or as necessary" after "maintained"

(zz) Section 604.4 First sentence should read "Individual trees and/or small clumps of trees or brush crowns extending to within . . . "

(aaa) Section 607 change "20 feet" to "30 feet"

(bbb) Chapter 7 Delete

(ccc) Appendix A is included as optional recommendations rather than mandatory

(ddd) Appendix B Last sentence changed to "Continuous maintenance of the clearance is required."

(eee) Appendix C Below title, add "This appendix is to be used to determine the fire hazard severity."

(fff) Appendix C-A1. Change to "One-lane road in, one-lane road out" and points change to 1, 10 and 15.

(ggg) Appendix C-A2. Points change to 1 and 5

(hhh) Appendix C-A3 Change to 3 entries: Road grade 5% or less, road grade 5-10% and road grade greater than 10%, with points at 1,5 and 10, respectively.

(iii) Appendix C-A4. Points are now 1, 5, 8 and 10

(jjj) Appendix C-A5 Change to "Present but unapproved" for 3 points, and "not present" for 5 points

(kkk) Appendix C-B1. Fuel Types change to "Surface" and "Overstory". Surface has 4 categories -- Lawn/noncombustible, Grass/short brush, Scattered dead/down woody material, Abundant dead/down woody material; and the points are 1, 5, 10 and 15, respectively. Overstory has 4 categories -- Deciduous trees (except tall brush), Mixed deciduous trees and tall brush, Clumped/scattered conifers and/or tall brush, Contiguous conifer and/or tall brush; and the points are 3, 10, 15 and 20, respectively.

(lll) Appendix C-B2. The 3 categories are changed to "70% or more of lots completed", "30% to 70% of lots completed" and "Less than 30% of lots completed" and the points would be 1, 10 and 20, respectively.

(mmm) Appendix C-C Replace first category with "Located on flat, base of hill, or setback at crest of hill"; Replace second category with "On slope with 0-20%grade"; Replace third category with "On slope with 21-30% grade"; Replace fourth category with "On slope with 31%grade or greater"; Add fifth category that reads "At crest of hill with unmitigated vegetation below"; replace the points with 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 for the five categories.

(nnn) Appendix C-E. Change the points to 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20.

(ooo) Appendix C-F. Drop down the second and third categories to third and fourth and insert new second category to read "Combustible siding/no deck"; The points for the four categories are 1, 5, 10 and 15.

(ppp) The new totals for "Moderate Hazard" are 50-75; "High Hazard" are 76-100; "Extreme Hazard" are 101+.

(qqq) Appendices D-H Delete


R652-122-300. Minimum Standards for Wildland Fire Training.

(1) These standards apply to fire departments representing those counties who have cooperative wildland fire protection agreements with the State of Utah or other fire departments which are contracted with the counties to provide fire protection on private wildland.

(2) All members of the fire department engaged in responding to private and state wildland fires within the county's jurisdiction will be certified by the Utah Fire Certification Council as Wildland Firefighter I. The standard must be obtained by June 1, 2007. For purposes of this rule, "engaged in private and state wildland fires"

(a) means firefighters who are directly involved in the suppression of a wildland fire; firefighters, on scene, who have supervisory responsibility or decision-making authority over those involved in the suppression of a wildland fire; or individuals who have fire suppression responsibilities within close proximity of the fire perimeter.

(b) does not mean a person used as a courier; driver of a vehicle not used for fire suppression; or a person used in a non-tactical, support or other peripheral function not in close proximity to a wildland fire.

(3) Fire Department personnel who supervise other firefighters on private and state wildland fires within the county's jurisdiction will be certified by the Utah Fire Certification Council as Wildland Firefighter II. This standard must be obtained June 1, 2014.


R652-122-400. Minimum Standards for Wildland Firefighting Equipment.

(1) The following standards are applicable to equipment used by fire departments representing those counties who have cooperative wildland fire protection agreements with the State of Utah. This includes county fire departments and other fire departments which are contracted with the counties to provide fire protection on private wildland. The Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands has determined that this standard be met by June 1, 2006.

(2) Engines and water tenders used on private wildland fires within the county's jurisdiction will meet the standard for the type of equipment plus appropriate hand tools and water handling equipment as determined by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group.



Component                 Type 1        Type 2        Type 3

Pump Rating (gpm)        1,000+ @        250+ @        150+ @
                           150 psi       150 psi       250 psi
Tank Capacity (gal)        400+          400+          500+
Hose 2.5 inch            1,200 ft      1,000 ft        --
Hose 1.5 inch              400 ft        500 ft        500 ft
Hose 1 inch                --            --            500 ft
Ladders                     48 ft         48 ft         --
Master Stream (gpm)        500           --             --
Personnel (minimum)          4             3             2

Component                 Type 4        Type 5        Type 6

Pump Rating (gpm)           50 @          50 @          30 @
                           100 psi       100 psi       100 psi
Tank Capacity (gal)        750+          400 - 750     150 - 400
Hose 2.5 inch               --            --             --
Hose 1.5 inch              300 ft        300 ft        300 ft
Hose 1 inch                300 ft        300 ft        300 ft
Ladders                     --            --            --
Master Stream (gpm)         --            --            --
Personnel (minimum)          2             2             2



Water Tenders

Component                   Type 1        Type 2        Type 3

Tank Capacity (gal)         5,000+        2,500+         1,000+
Pump Capacity (gpm)           300+          200+           200+
Off Load Capacity (gpm)       300+          200+           200+
Max Refill Time (min)          30            20             15
   tactical/nontactical       2/1           2/1            2/1


KEY: minimum standards, wildland urban interface, cooperative agreement

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: 2011

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 65A-8-203


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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Jennifer Sullivan at the above address, by phone at 801-538-5495, by FAX at 801-533-4111, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].