File No. 36716
This rule was published in the October 1, 2012, issue (Vol. 2012, No. 19) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Health, Family Health and Preparedness, Child Care Licensing
Rule R430-50
Residential Certificate Child Care
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 36716
Filed: 09/05/2012 02:53:55 PM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The purpose of this change is to correct minor rule references and to replace language related to contact information during off-site activities.
Summary of the rule or change:
The proposed change corrects references to required first aid and CPR training and clarifies what documentation is needed for off-site activities.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Title 26, Chapter 39
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
No state agencies operate in-home child care programs, so there are no anticipated costs or savings to state budgets associated with this rule change.
local governments:
No local governments operate in-home child care programs, so there are no anticipated costs or savings to local governments associated with this rule change.
small businesses:
Almost all child care facilities are small businesses. However, because this amendment would not remove or add to any of the requirements for child care programs, the Department does not anticipate that this rule will result in any new costs or savings to child care programs operated by small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
Because this amendment does not add to or remove any of the requirements for child care providers, the Department does not anticipate any new costs or savings to entities or persons that are not small businesses.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Because this rule does not impose any new requirement for child care providers, the Department does not anticipate any compliance costs for affected persons.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
These technical and other minor changes will have no fiscal impact on businesses.
David Patton, PhD, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
HealthFamily Health and Preparedness, Child Care Licensing
288 N 1460 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3231
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Simon Bolivar at the above address, by phone at 801-584-8223, by FAX at 801-584-8467, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
David Patton, Executive Director
R430. Health, Family Health and Preparedness, Child Care Licensing.
R430-50. Residential Certificate Child Care.
R430-50-9. Records.
(1) The certificate holder shall maintain on-site for review by the Department during any inspection the following general records:
(a) current animal vaccination records as required in R430-50-22(1)(b);
(b) a six week record of child attendance, as required in R430-50-13(3);
(c) a current local health department kitchen inspection;
(d) an initial local fire department clearance for all areas of the home being used for care;
(e) approved initial "CBS/LIS Consent and Release of Liability for Child Care" form for all providers, volunteers, and each person age 12 and older who resides in the certificate holder's home;
(f) if the certificate holder has been certified for more than a year, the most recent criminal background "Disclosure Statement" which includes all providers, volunteers, and each person age 12 and older who resided in the home of the certificate holder at any time since the last certificate renewal; and
(g) if the certificate holder has been certified for more than a year, the most recent "Request for Annual Renewal of CBS/LIS Criminal History Information for Child Care" which includes all providers, volunteers, and each person age 12 and older who resided in the home of the certificate holder at any time since the last certificate renewal.
(2) The certificate holder shall maintain on-site for review by the Department during any inspection the following records for each enrolled child:
(a) an admission form containing the following information for each child:
(i) name;
(ii) date of birth;
(iii) the parent's name, address, and phone number, including a daytime phone number;
(iv) the names of people authorized by the parent to pick up the child;
(v) the name, address and phone number of a person to be contacted in the event of an emergency if a provider is unable to contact the parent;
(vi) child health information, as required in R430-50-14(7); and
(vii) current emergency medical treatment and emergency medical transportation releases with the parent's signature;
(b) current immunization records or
documentation of a legally valid exemption, as specified in
R430-50-14(5) and (6);[
(c) a completed transportation permission form, if transportation services are offered to any child in care; and
([c]d) a six week record of medication permission forms, and a
six week record of medications actually administered, as specified
in R430-50-17(3) and R430-50-17(5)(f), if medications are
administered to any child in care.
(3) The certificate holder shall maintain on-site for review by the Department during any inspection the following records for the certificate holder and each non-emergency substitute:
(a) orientation training documentation for all non-emergency substitutes as required in R430-50-7(5);
(b) annual training documentation for the past two years as required in R430-50-7(6)(a); and
(c) current first aid and CPR
certification, as required in R430-50-10[(1)](2) and R430-50-20[(1)(c)](3)(d).
(4) The certificate holder shall maintain on-site for review by the Department during any inspection orientation training documentation for each volunteer as required in R430-50-7(5).
(5) The certificate holder shall ensure that information in any child's file is not released without written parental permission.
R430-50-20. Activities.
(1) The certificate holder shall offer daily activities to support each child's healthy physical, social-emotional, and cognitive-language development.
(2) The certificate holder shall ensure that the toys and equipment necessary to carry out the activities are accessible to children.
(3) If off-site activities are offered:
(a) the certificate holder shall obtain parental consent for off-site activities in advance;
(b) the certificate holder shall accompany
the children and shall take a copy of each child's
emergency contact information[admission form as specified in
(c) the certificate holder shall maintain required provider to child ratios and direct supervision during the activity;
(d) at least one provider present shall have a current Red Cross, American Heart Association, or equivalent first aid and infant and child CPR certification. Equivalent CPR certification must include hands-on testing. And
(e) the certificate holder shall ensure that there is a way for each provider, volunteer, and child to wash his or her hands as specified in R430-50-16(1) and (2). If there is no source of running water, providers, volunteers, and children may clean their hands with individual disposable wet wipes and hand sanitizer.
(4) If off-site swimming activities are offered, providers shall remain with the children during the activity, and lifeguards and pool personnel shall not count toward the provider to child ratio.
KEY: child care facilities; residential certificate
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [May 1, ]2012
Notice of Continuation: June 6, 2008
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 26-39
Additional Information
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Simon Bolivar at the above address, by phone at 801-584-8223, by FAX at 801-584-8467, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].