DAR File No. 37330

This rule was published in the March 1, 2013, issue (Vol. 2013, No. 5) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Environmental Quality, Solid and Hazardous Waste

Rule R315-309

Financial Assurance

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 37330
Filed: 02/15/2013 08:40:12 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

Changes are required to conform with S.B. 21 passed during 2012 General Session (Chapter 360, Laws of Utah 2012).

Summary of the rule or change:

S.B. 21, passed during the 2012 General Session, removed some authorities from the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board and its Executive Secretary and gave them to the Director of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. This change in statute now requires changes to the Solid and Hazardous Waste rules. Specifically, references to the "Board" and the "Executive Secretary" in the rules need to be changed to "Director" as appropriate.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 19-6-108
  • Section 19-6-105
  • Section 19-6-107

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

There are no anticipated costs or savings as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.

local governments:

There are no anticipated costs or savings as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.

small businesses:

There are no anticipated costs or savings as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

There are no anticipated costs or savings as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

There are no compliance costs for affected persons as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

There is no anticipated fiscal impact on businesses as this amendment only changes who has authority to make regulatory decisions.

Amanda Smith, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Environmental Quality
Solid and Hazardous WasteRoom Second Floor
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3097

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Allan Moore at the above address, by phone at 801-536-0211, by FAX at 801-536-0222, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Tina Mercer at the above address, by phone at 801-536-0259, by FAX at 801-536-0222, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Scott Anderson, Director


R315. Environmental Quality, Solid and Hazardous Waste.

R315-309. Financial Assurance.

R315-309-1. Applicability.

(1) The owner or operator of any solid waste disposal facility requiring a permit shall establish financial assurance sufficient to assure adequate closure, post-closure care, and corrective action, if required, of the facility by compliance with one or more financial assurance mechanisms acceptable to and approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(2) Financial assurance is not required for a solid waste disposal facility that is owned or operated by the State of Utah or the Federal government.

(3) Existing Facilities.

(a) An existing facility shall have the financial assurance mechanism in place and effective according to the compliance schedule as established for the facility by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(b) In the case of corrective action, the financial assurance mechanism shall be in place and effective no later than 120 days after the corrective action remedy has been selected.

(4) A new facility or an existing facility seeking lateral expansion shall have the financial assurance mechanism in place and effective before the initial receipt of waste at the facility or the lateral expansion.


R315-309-2. General Requirements.

(1) A financial assurance plan, including the assurance mechanism proposed for use, shall be submitted:

(a) for new facilities, upon initial permit application; and

(b) for existing facilities, to meet the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3).

(2) The financial assurance shall be updated each year as part of the annual report required by Subsection R315-302-2(4) to adjust for inflation or facility modification that would affect closure or post-closure care costs. The annual update of the financial assurance shall be reviewed and must be approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director prior to implementation.

(3) Financial assurance cost estimates shall be based on a third party preforming closure or post-closure care.

(a) The closure cost estimate shall be based on the most expensive cost to close the largest area of the disposal facility ever requiring a final cover at any time during the active life in accordance with the closure plan and at a minimum must contain the following elements if applicable:

(i) the cost of obtaining, moving, and placing the cover material;

(ii) the cost of final grading of the cover material;

(iii) the cost of moving and placing topsoil on the final cover;

(iv) the cost of fertilizing, seeding, and mulching or other approved method; and

(v) the cost of removing any stored items or materials, buildings, equipment, or other items or materials not needed at the closed facility.

(b) The post-closure care cost estimate shall be based on the most expensive cost of completing the post-closure care reasonably expected during the post-closure care period and must contain the following elements:

(i) ground water monitoring, if required, including number of monitor wells, parameters to be monitored, frequency of sampling, and cost per sampling;

(ii) leachate monitoring and treatment if necessary;

(iii) gas monitoring and control if required; and

(iv) cover stabilization which will include an estimate of the area and cost for expected annual work to repair residual settlement, control erosion, or reseed.

(4) Any facility for which financial assurance is required for post-closure care must have a financial assurance mechanism, which will cover the costs of post-closure care, in effect and active until the [Executive Secretary]Director determines that the post-closure care is complete.

(5) Financial assurance for corrective action shall be required only in cases of known releases of contaminants from a facility and shall be a current cost estimate for corrective action based on the most expensive cost of a third party performing the corrective action that may be required.


R315-309-3. General Requirements for Financial Assurance Mechanisms.

(1) Any financial assurance mechanism in place for a solid waste facility:

(a) must be legally valid, binding, and enforceable under Utah and Federal law;

(b) must ensure that funds will be available in a timely fashion when needed; and

(c) any financial assurance mechanism that guarantees payment rather than performance, but does not allow the [Executive Secretary]Director to approve partial payments to a third party, shall establish a standby trust at the time the financial assurance mechanism is established.

(i) In the case of a financial assurance mechanism for which the establishment of a standby trust is required, the standby trust fund shall meet the requirements of Subsections R315-309-4(1), (2), and (4).

(ii) Payments from the financial assurance mechanism shall be deposited directly into the standby trust fund and payments from the standby trust fund must be approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director and the trustee.

(2) The owner or operator of a solid waste facility that is required to provide financial assurance:

(a) shall submit the required documentation of the financial assurance mechanism to the [Executive Secretary]Director;

(b) prior to the financial assurance mechanism becoming effective and active for a solid waste facility, the mechanism must be approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director; and

(c) Financial assurance mechanism documents submitted to the [Executive Secretary]Director shall be signed originals or signed duplicate originals.

(3) The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may establish financial assurance by any mechanism that meets the requirements of Subsection R315-309-1(1) as approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(4) The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may establish financial assurance by a combination of mechanisms that together meet the requirements of Subsection R315-309-1(1) as approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director. Except for the conditions specified in Subsection R315-309-8(6)(c), financial assurance mechanisms guaranteeing performance, rather than payment, may not be combined with other instruments.


R315-309-4. Trust Fund.

(1) The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may establish a trust fund and appoint a trustee as a financial assurance mechanism. The trust fund and trustee must be with an entity that has the authority to establish trust funds and act as a trustee and whose operations are regulated and examined by a Federal or state agency.

(2) The owner or operator shall submit a signed original of the trust agreement to the [Executive Secretary]Director for approval and shall place a signed original of the trust agreement in the operating record of the solid waste disposal facility.

(3) Payments into the trust fund must be made annually by the owner or operator according to the following schedule:

(a) for a trust fund for closure and post-closure care, annual payments that will ensure the availability of sufficient funds within the permit term or the remaining life of the facility, whichever is shorter for the cost estimates required in Subsection R315-309-2(3). The initial payment into the trust fund must be made, for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste and for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(a); or

(b) for a trust fund for corrective action, annual payments that will ensure the availability of sufficient funds within one-half of the estimated length in years of the corrective action program for the cost estimate required by Subsection R315-309-2(5). Payments shall be determined as follows:

(i) The first payment shall be at least equal to one-half of the current cost estimate for the corrective action divided by one-half the estimated length of the corrective action program. The initial payment into the trust fund shall be made in accordance with the schedule specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(b).

(ii) The amount of subsequent payments must be determined by the following formula: Next Payment = (RB-CV)/Y where RB is the most recent estimate of the required trust fund balance for corrective action (i.e., the total cost that will be incurred during the second half of the corrective action period), CV is the current value of the trust fund, and Y is the number of years remaining in the pay-in period.

(4) The owner or operator, or other person authorized to conduct closure, post-closure, or corrective action may request reimbursement from the trustee for closure, post-closure, or corrective action costs.

(a) Prior to the release of funds by the trustee, the request for reimbursement must be approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director. The [Executive Secretary]Director shall act upon the reimbursement request within 30 days of receiving the request.

(b) After receiving approval from the [Executive Secretary]Director, the request for reimbursement may be granted by the trustee only if sufficient funds are remaining to cover the remaining costs and if justification and documentation of the costs is placed in the operating record.

(c) The owner or operator shall notify the [Executive Secretary]Director that documentation for the reimbursement has been placed in the operating record and that the reimbursement has been received.


R315-309-5. Surety Bond Guaranteeing Payment or Performance.

(1) The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may provide a surety bond for a financial assurance mechanism. The bond must be effective, for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste or, for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3).

(2) The surety company issuing the bond must, at a minimum, be among those listed as acceptable sureties on Federal bonds in Circular 570 of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the owner or operator must notify the [Executive Secretary]Director that a copy of the bond has been placed in the operating record.

(3) The penal sum of the bond must be in an amount at least equal to the closure, post-closure, or corrective action cost estimates of Subsection R315-309-2(3) or Subsection R315-309-2(5), whichever is applicable.

(4) Under the terms of the bond, the surety will become liable on the bond obligation when the owner or operator fails to perform as guaranteed by the bond.

(a) In the case of a payment bond, the surety shall pay the costs of closure and post-closure care if the owner or operator fails to complete closure and post-closure care activities.

(b) In the case of a performance bond, the surety shall perform closure and post-closure care on behalf of the owner or operator if the owner or operator fails to complete closure and post-closure care activities.

(5) The surety bond guaranteeing payment or performance shall contain provisions preventing cancellation except under the following conditions:

(a) if the surety sends notice of cancellation by certified mail to the owner or operator and the [Executive Secretary]Director 120 days in advance of the cancellation date; or

(b) if an alternative financial assurance mechanism has been obtained by the owner or operator.


R315-309-6. Insurance.

(1) The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may provide insurance as a financial assurance mechanism. The insurance must be effective, for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste or, for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3).

(2) At a minimum, the insurer must be licensed to transact the business of insurance, or eligible to provide insurance as an excess or surplus lines insurer, in one or more states, and the owner or operator must notify the [Executive Secretary]Director that a copy of the insurance policy has been placed in the operating record.

(3) The insurance policy must guarantee that funds will be available to close the facility or unit and provide post-closure care or provide corrective action, if applicable. The policy must also guarantee that the insurer will be responsible for paying out funds, as directed in writing by the [Executive Secretary]Director, to the owner or operator or other person authorized to conduct closure, post-closure, or corrective action, if applicable, up to an amount equal to the face amount of the policy.

(4) The insurance policy must be issued for a face amount at least equal to the closure, post-closure, or corrective action cost estimates required by Subsection R315-309-2(3) or Subsection R315-309-2(5), whichever is applicable.

(5) An owner or operator, or other authorized person may receive reimbursements for closure, post-closure, or corrective action, if applicable, if the remaining value of the policy is sufficient to cover the remaining costs of the work required and if justification and documentation of the cost is placed in the operating record. The owner or operator must notify the [Executive Secretary]Director that the documentation and justification for the reimbursement has been placed in the operating record and that the reimbursement has been received.

(6) Each policy must contain a provision allowing assignment of the policy to a successor owner or operator.

(7) The insurance policy must provide that the insurer may not cancel, terminate, or fail to renew the policy except for failure to pay the premium. If there is a failure to pay the premium, the insurer may cancel the policy by sending notice of cancellation by certified mail to the owner or operator and the [Executive Secretary]Director 120 days in advance of cancellation. If the insurer cancels the policy, the owner or operator must obtain alternate financial assurance.

(8) The insurer shall certify through the use of an insurance endorsement specified by the [Executive Secretary]Director that the policy issued provides insurance covering closure costs, post-closure costs, or corrective action costs.


R315-309-7. Letter of Credit.

(1) The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may provide a letter of credit as a financial assurance mechanism. The letter of credit must be irrevocable and issued for a period of at least one year in the amount at least equal to the current cost estimate as required by Subsection R315-309-2(3) for closure and post-closure care or the cost estimate as required by Subsection R315-309-2(5) for corrective action, if necessary.

(2) The institution issuing the letter of credit must be an entity which has the authority to issue a letter of credit and whose operations are regulated and examined by a Federal or state agency.

(3) The letter of credit must be effective for closure and post-closure care:

(a) for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste;

(b) for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(a); and

(c) for corrective action, in accordance with the schedule specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(b).

(4) The letter of credit must provide that the expiration date will be automatically extended for a period of at least one year unless the issuing institution has elected not to extend the letter of credit by sending notice by certified mail to the owner or operator and the [Executive Secretary]Director 120 days in advance of the expiration.

(5) If the letter of credit is not extended by the issuing institution, the owner or operator shall obtain alternate financial assurance which will become effective on or before the expiration date.


R315-309-8. Local Government Financial Test.

(1) The terms used in Section R315-309-8 are defined as follows.

(a) "Total revenues" means the revenues from all taxes and fees but does not include the proceeds from borrowing or asset sales, excluding revenue form funds managed by local government on behalf of a specific third party.

(b) "Total expenditures" means all expenditures excluding capital outlays and debt repayments.

(c) "Cash plus marketable securities" means all the cash plus marketable securities held by the local government on the last day of a fiscal year, excluding cash and marketable securities designated to satisfy past obligations such as pensions.

(d) "Debt service" means the amount of principal and interest due on a loan in a given time period, typically the current year.

(2) A local government owner or operator of a solid waste facility may demonstrate financial assurance up to the current cost estimate as required by Subsection R315-309-2(3) for closure and post-closure care and the cost estimate as required by Subsection R315-309-2(5) for corrective action, if required, or up to the amount specified in Subsection R315-309-8(6), which ever is less, by meeting the following requirements.

(a) If the local government has outstanding, rated general obligation bonds that are not secured by insurance, a letter of credit, or other collateral or other guarantee, it must have a current rating of Aaa, Aa, A, or Baa, as issued by Moody's or AAA, AA, A, or BBB, as issued by Standard and Poor's on such general obligation bonds.

(b) If the local government has no outstanding general obligation bonds, the local government shall satisfy each of the following financial ratios based on the local government's most recent audited annual financial statement:

(i) a ratio of cash plus marketable securities to total expenditures greater than or equal to 0.05; and

(ii) a ratio of annual debt service to total expenditures less than or equal to 0.20.

(c) The local government must prepare its financial statements in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for governments and have its financial statements audited by an independent certified public accountant.

(d) The local government must place a reference to the closure and post-closure care costs assured through the financial test into the next comprehensive annual financial report and in every subsequent comprehensive annual financial report during the time in which closure and post-closure care costs are assured through the financial test. A reference to corrective action costs must be placed in the comprehensive annual financial report not later than 120 days after the corrective action remedy has been selected. The reference to the closure and post-closure care costs shall contain:

(i) the nature and source of the closure and post-closure care requirements;

(ii) the reported liability at the balance sheet date;

(iii) the estimated total closure and post-closure care costs remaining to be recognized;

(iv) the percentage of landfill capacity used to date; and

(v) the estimated landfill life in years.

(3) A local government is not eligible to assure closure, post-closure care, or corrective action costs at its solid waste disposal facility through the financial test if it:

(a) is currently in default on any outstanding general obligation bonds, or

(b) has any outstanding general obligation bonds rated lower than Baa as issued by Moody's or BBB as issued by Standard and Poor's; or

(c) has operated at a deficit equal to 5%, or more, of the total annual revenue in each of the past two fiscal years; or

(d) receives an adverse opinion, disclaimer of opinion, or other qualified opinion from the independent certified public accountant, or appropriate state agency auditing its financial statement. The [Executive Secretary]Director may evaluate qualified opinions on a case-by-case basis and allow use of the financial test in cases where the [Executive Secretary]Director deems the qualification insufficient to warrant disallowance of use of the test.

(4) The local government owner or operator must submit the following items to the [Executive Secretary]Director for approval and place a copy of these items in the operating record of the facility:

(a) a letter signed by the local government's chief financial officer that:

(i) lists all current cost estimates covered by a financial test; and

(ii) provides evidence and certifies that the local government meets the requirements of Subsections R315-309-8(2) and R315-309-8(6);

(b) the local government's independently audited year-end financial statements for the latest fiscal year including the unqualified opinion of the auditor, who must be an independent certified public accountant;

(c) a report to the local government from the local government's independent certified public accountant stating the procedures performed and the findings relative to:

(i) the requirements of Subsections R315-309-8(2)(c) and R315-309-8(3)(c) and (d); and

(ii) the financial ratios required by Subsection R315-309-8(2)(b), if applicable; and

(d) a copy of the comprehensive annual financial report used to comply with Subsection R315-309-8(2)(d).

(e) The items required by Subsection R315-309-8(4) are to be submitted to the [Executive Secretary]Director and copies placed in the facility's operating record as follows:

(i) in the case of closure and post-closure care, for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste;

(ii) in the case of closure and post-closure care, for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(a); and

(iii) in the case of corrective action, in accordance with the schedule specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(b).

(5) A local government must satisfy the requirements of the financial test at the close of each fiscal year.

(a) The items required in Subsection R315-309-8(4) shall be submitted as part of the facility's annual report required by Subsection R315-302-2(4).

(b) If the local government no longer meets the requirements of the local government financial test it shall, within 210 days following the close of the local government's fiscal year:

(i) obtain alternative financial assurance that meets the requirements of R315-309-1(1); and

(ii) submit documentation of the alternative financial assurance to the [Executive Secretary]Director and place copies of the documentation in the facility's operating record.

(c) The [Executive Secretary]Director, based on a reasonable belief that the local government may no longer meet the requirements of the local government financial test, may require additional reports of financial condition from the local government at any time. If the [Executive Secretary]Director finds that the local government no longer meets the requirements of the local government financial test, the local government shall be required to provide alternative financial assurance on a schedule established by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(6) The portion of the closure, post-closure, and corrective action costs for which a local government owner or operator may assume under the local government financial test is determined as follows:

(a) If the local government does not assure other environmental obligations through a financial test, it may assure closure, post-closure, and corrective action costs that equal up to 43% of the local government's total annual revenue.

(b) If the local government assures any other environmental obligation through a financial test, it must add those costs to the closure, post-closure, and corrective action costs it seeks to assure by local government financial test. The total that may be assured must not exceed 43% of the local government's total annual revenue.

(c) The local government shall obtain an alternate financial assurance mechanism for those costs that exceed 43% of the local government's total annual revenue.

(7) Local Government Guarantee.

(a) An owner or operator of a solid waste facility may demonstrate financial assurance for closure, post-closure, and corrective action by obtaining a written guarantee provided by a local government. The local government providing the guarantee shall meet the requirements of the local government financial test in Section R315-309-8 and shall comply with the terms of the written guarantee as specified in Subsections R315-309-8(7)(b) and (c).

(b) The guarantee must be effective for closure and post-closure care:

(i) for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste;

(ii) for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(a); and

(iii) for corrective action, in accordance with the schedule specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(b).

(c) The guarantee shall provide that if the owner or operator fails to perform closure, post-closure care, or corrective action of a facility covered by the guarantee, the guarantor will:

(i) perform, or pay a third party to perform, closure, post-closure, or corrective action as required; or

(ii) establish a fully funded trust fund as specified in Section R315-309-4 in the name of the owner or operator.

(d) The guarantee will remain in force unless the guarantor sends notice of cancellation by certified mail to the owner or operator and to the [Executive Secretary]Director. Cancellation may not occur until 120 days after the date the notice is received by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(e) If the guarantee is canceled, the owner or operator shall, within 90 days following the receipt of the cancellation notice:

(i) obtain alternate financial assurance that meets the requirements of Subsection R315-309-1(1);

(ii) submit documentation of the alternate financial assurance to the [Executive Secretary]Director; and

(iii) place copies of the documentation of the alternate financial assurance in the facility's operating record.

(iv) If the owner or operator fails to provide alternate financial assurance within the 90 day period, the guarantor must provide the alternate financial assurance within 120 days following the guarantor's notice of cancellation, submit documentation of the alternate financial assurance to the [Executive Secretary]Director for review and approval, and place copies of the documentation in the facility's operating record.


R315-309-9. Corporate Financial Test.

(1) The terms used specifically in Section R315-309-9 are defined as follows.

(a) "Assets" means all existing and probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a particular entity.

(b) "Current assets" means cash or other assets or resources commonly identified as those which are reasonably expected to be realized in cash or sold or consumed during the normal operating cycle of the business.

(c) "Current liabilities" means obligations whose liquidation is reasonably expected to require the use of existing resources properly classifiable as current assets or the creation of other current liabilities.

(d) "Current plugging and abandonment cost estimate" means the most recent of the estimates prepared in accordance with 40 CFR 144.62(a), (b), and (c) (2001) which is adopted and incorporated by reference.

(e) "Independently audited" means an audit performed by and independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.

(f) "Liabilities" means probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events.

(g) "Net working capital" means current assets minus current liabilities.

(h) "Net worth" means total assets minus total liabilities and is equivalent to owner's equity.

(i) "Tangible net worth" means the tangible assets that remain after deducting liabilities; such assets would not include intangibles such as goodwill and rights to patents or royalties.

(2) A corporate owner or operator of a solid waste facility may demonstrate financial assurance up to the current cost estimate as required by Subsection R315-309-2(3) for closure and post-closure care and the cost estimate required by Subsection R315-309-2(5) for corrective action, if required, by meeting the following requirements.

(a) The owner or operator must satisfy one of the following three conditions:

(i) a current rating for its senior unsubordinated debt of AAA, AA, A, or BBB as issued by Standard and Poor's or Aaa, Aa, A, or Baa as issued by Moody's; or

(ii) a ratio of less than 1.5 comparing total liabilities to net worth: or

(iii) a ratio of greater than 0.10 comparing the sum of net income plus depreciation, depletion and amortization, minus $10 million, to total liabilities.

(b) The tangible net worth of the owner or operator must be greater than:

(i) the sum of the current closure, post-closure care, and corrective action cost estimates and any other environmental obligation, including guarantees, covered by a financial test plus $10 million except as provided in Subsection R315-309-9(2)(b)(ii);

(ii) $10 million in net worth plus the amount of any guarantees that have not been recognized as liabilities on the financial statements provided all of the current closure, post-closure care, and corrective action costs and any other environmental obligations covered by a financial test are recognized as liabilities on the owner's or operator's audited financial statements, and subject to the approval of the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(c) The owner or operator must have assets located in the United States amounting to at least the sum of current closure, post-closure care, corrective action cost estimates and any other environmental obligations covered by a financial test.

(3) The owner or operator must place the following items into the facility's operating record and submit a copy of these items to the [Executive Secretary]Director for approval:

(a) a letter signed by the owner's or operator's chief financial officer that:

(i) lists all current cost estimates for closure, post-closure care, corrective action, and any other environmental obligations covered by a financial test; and

(ii) provides evidence demonstrating that the firm meets the conditions of Subsection R315-309-9(2)(a)(i), or (a)(ii), or (a)(iii) and Subsections R315-309-9(2)(b) and (c); and

(b) a copy of the independent certified public accountant's unqualified opinion of the owner's or operator's financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year.

(i) To be eligible to use the financial test, the owner's or operator's financial statements must receive an unqualified opinion from the independent certified public accountant.

(ii) The [Executive Secretary]Director may evaluate qualified opinions on a case-by-case basis and allow use of the financial test where the [Executive Secretary]Director deems the matters which form the basis for the qualification are insufficient to warrant disallowance of the test.

(c) If the chief financial officer's letter providing evidence of financial assurance includes financial data showing that the owner or operator satisfies Subsection R315-309-9(2)(a)(i) or (ii) that are different from data in the audited financial statements or data filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, then a special report from the owner's or operator's independent certified public accountant is required. The special report shall:

(i) be based upon an agreed upon procedures engagement in accordance with professional auditing standards;

(ii) describe the procedures performed in comparing the data in the chief financial officer's letter derived from the independently audited, year-end financial statements;

(iii) describe the findings of that comparison; and

(iv) explain the reasons for any differences.

(d) If the chief financial officer's letter provides a demonstration that the firm has assured environmental obligations as provided in Subsection R315-309-9(2)(b)(ii), then the letter shall include a report from the independent certified public accountant that:

(i) verifies that all of the environmental obligations covered by a financial test have been recognized as liabilities on the audited financial statements;

(ii) explains how these obligations have been measured and reported; and

(iii) certifies that the tangible net worth of the firm is at least $10 million plus the amount of all guarantees provided.

(e) The items required by Subsection R315-309-9(3) are to be submitted to the [Executive Secretary]Director and copies placed in the facility's operating record as follows:

(i) in the case of closure and post-closure care, for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste;

(ii) in the case of closure and post-closure care, for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(a); and

(iii) in the case of corrective action, in accordance with the schedule specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(b).

(4) A firm must satisfy the requirements of the financial test at the close of each fiscal year by submitting the items required in Subsection R315-309-9(3) as part of the facility's annual report required by Subsection R315-302-2(4).

(5) If the firm no longer meets the requirements of the corporate financial test it shall, within 120 days following the close of the firm's fiscal year:

(a) obtain alternative financial assurance that meets the requirements of R315-309-1(1); and

(b) submit documentation of the alternative financial assurance to the [Executive Secretary]Director and place copies of the documentation in the facility's operating record.

(c) The [Executive Secretary]Director, based on a reasonable belief that the firm may no longer meet the requirements of the corporate financial test, may require additional reports of financial condition from the firm at any time. If the [Executive Secretary]Director finds that the firm no longer meets the requirements of the corporate financial test, firm shall be required to provide alternative financial assurance on a schedule established by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(6) Corporate Guarantee.

(a) A corporate owner or operator of a solid waste facility may demonstrate financial assurance for closure, post-closure care, and corrective action by obtaining a written guarantee provided by a corporation.

(i) The guarantor must be the direct or higher-tier parent corporation of the owner or operator, a firm whose parent corporation is also the parent corporation of the owner or operator, or a firm with a substantial business relationship with the owner or operator.

(ii) The firm shall meet the requirements of the corporate financial test in Section R315-309-9 and shall comply with the terms of the written guarantee as specified in Subsections R315-309-3(6)(b) and (c).

(A) A certified copy of the guarantee along with copies of the letter from the guarantor's chief financial officer and accountant's opinions must be submitted to the [Executive Secretary]Director and placed in the facility's operating record.

(B) If the guarantor's parent corporation is also the parent corporation of the owner or operator, the letter from the guarantor's chief financial officer must describe the value received in consideration of the guarantee.

(C) If the guarantor is a firm with a substantial business relationship with the owner or operator, the letter from the chief financial officer must describe this substantial business relationship and the value received in consideration of the guarantee.

(b) The guarantee must be effective for closure and post-closure care:

(i) for a new facility or a lateral expansion of an existing facility, before the initial receipt of waste;

(ii) for an existing facility, in accordance with the effective dates specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(a); and

(iii) for corrective action, in accordance with the schedule specified in Subsection R315-309-1(3)(b).

(c) The guarantee shall provide that if the owner or operator fails to perform closure, post-closure care, or corrective action of a facility covered by the guarantee, the guarantor will:

(i) perform, or pay a third party to perform, closure, post-closure, or corrective action as required; or

(ii) establish a fully funded trust fund as specified in Section R315-309-4 in the name of the owner or operator.

(d) The guarantee will remain in force unless the guarantor sends notice of cancellation by certified mail to the owner or operator and to the [Executive Secretary]Director. Cancellation may not occur until 120 days after the date the notice is received by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(e) If the guarantee is canceled, the owner or operator shall, within 90 days following the receipt of the cancellation notice:

(i) obtain alternate financial assurance that meets the requirements of Subsection R315-309-1(1);

(ii) submit documentation of the alternate financial assurance to the [Executive Secretary]Director; and

(iii) place copies of the documentation of the alternate financial assurance in the facility's operating record.

(iv) If the owner or operator fails to provide alternate financial assurance within the 90 day period, the guarantor must provide the alternate financial assurance within 120 days following the guarantor's notice of cancellation, submit documentation of the alternate financial assurance to the [Executive Secretary]Director for review and approval, and place copies of the documentation in the facility's operating record.

(f) If a corporate guarantor no longer meets the requirements of the corporate financial test as specified in Section R315-309-9:

(i) the owner or operator must, within 90 days, obtain alternate financial assurance; and

(ii) submit documentation of the alternate financial assurance to the [Executive Secretary]Director and place copies of this documentation in the facility's operating record.

(iii) If the owner or operator fails to provide alternate financial assurance within the 90-day period, the guarantor must provide that alternate assurance within the next 30 days.


R315-309-10. Discounting.

(1) The [Executive Secretary]Director may allow discounting of closure, post-closure care, or corrective action costs up to the rate of return for essentially risk free investments, net inflation.

(2) Discounting may be allowed under the following conditions:

(a) the [Executive Secretary]Director determines that cost estimates are complete and accurate and the owner or operator has submitted a statement from a professional engineer registered in the state of Utah so stating;

(b) the [Executive Secretary]Director finds the facility in compliance with all applicable Utah Solid Waste Permitting and Management Rules and in compliance with all conditions of the facility's permit issued under the rules;

(c) the [executive Secretary]Director determines that the closure date is certain and the owner or operator certifies that there are no foreseeable factors that will change the estimate of the facility life; and

(d) discounted cost estimates must be adjusted annually to reflect inflation and years of remaining facility life.


R315-309-11. Termination of Financial Assurance.

The owner or operator of a solid waste facility may terminate or cancel an active financial assurance mechanism under the following conditions:

(1) if the owner or operator establishes alternate financial assurance as approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director; or

(2) if the owner or operator is released from the financial assurance requirements by the [Executive Secretary]Director after meeting the conditions and requirements of Subsections R315-302-3(7)(b) and (c) or Subsection R315-308-3(2)(c), whichever is applicable.


KEY: solid waste management, waste disposal

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [February 1, 2007]2013

Notice of Continuation: February 14, 2008

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-6-105; 40 CFR 258


Additional Information

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2013/b20130301.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Allan Moore at the above address, by phone at 801-536-0211, by FAX at 801-536-0222, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Tina Mercer at the above address, by phone at 801-536-0259, by FAX at 801-536-0222, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].