DAR File No. 37795

This rule was published in the July 15, 2013, issue (Vol. 2013, No. 14) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Environmental Quality, Drinking Water

Rule R309-105

Administration: General Responsibilities of Public Water Systems

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 37795
Filed: 06/27/2013 03:59:01 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The changes are in response to S.B. 21 and S.B. 11 passed in the 2012 General Legislative Session. The changes delete old rule references and add additional language for clarification and documentation of requirements for approved backflow prevention assemblies.

Summary of the rule or change:

Because of the realigning of responsibilities mandated by S.B. 21 (2012) the following changes, where appropriate, must be made to the Board's rules. When the words "Board" and "Executive Secretary" are used and refer to the performance of an executive task, they must be changed to "Division Director". Changes have also been made to the rule to accommodate S.B. 11 (2012) which covers the appeals process. Additional language for clarification and documentation of requirements for approved backflow prevention assemblies. This language has been a policy within the cross connection control program of Utah for the past fifteen years. It is also standard practice for documenting approval of assemblies nationwide. Deleted an old rule reference that is not longer valid. Added a definition from Rule R309-305 to this rule instead.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 19-4-104

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

No impact--The rule change incorporates the process used to validate third party approval of backflow apparatus.

local governments:

No impact--The rule change incorporates the process used to validate third party approval of backflow apparatus.

small businesses:

No impact--The rule change incorporates the process used to validate third party approval of backflow apparatus.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

No impact-- The rule change incorporates the process used to validate third party approval of backflow apparatus.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

No change--The rule change incorporates the process used to validate third party approval of backflow apparatus.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

The executive director agrees with the fiscal impacts detailed above.

Amanda Smith, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Environmental Quality
Drinking WaterRoom Third Floor
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Patti Fauver at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4196, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Ken Bousfield at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4207, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Jennifer Yee at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4216, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Ken Bousfield, Director


R309. Environmental Quality, Drinking Water.

R309-105. Administration: General Responsibilities of Public Water Systems.

R309-105-1. Purpose.

The purpose of this rule is to set forth the general responsibilities of public water systems, water system owners and operators.

R309-105-2 Authority.

R309-105-3 Definitions.

R309-105-4 General.

R309-105-5 Exemptions from Monitoring Requirements.

R309-105-6 Construction of Public Drinking Water Facilities.

R309-105-7 Source Protection Plans.

R309-105-8 Existing Water System Facilities.

R309-105-9 Minimum Pressure.

R309-105-10 Operation and Maintenance Procedures.

R309-105-11 Operator Certification.

R309-105-12 Cross Connection Control.

R309-105-13 Finished Water Quality.

R309-105-14 Operational Reports.

R309-105-15 Annual Reports.

R309-105-16 Reporting Test Results.

R309-105-17 Record Maintenance.

R309-105-18 Emergencies.


R309-105-2. Authority.

This rule is promulgated by the Drinking Water Board as authorized by Title 19, Environmental Quality Code, Chapter 4, Safe Drinking Water Act, Subsection 104 of the Utah Code and in accordance with 63G-3 of the same, known as the Administrative Rulemaking Act.


R309-105-3. Definitions.

Definitions for certain terms used in this rule are given in R309-110 but may be further clarified herein.


R309-105-4. General.

Water suppliers are responsible for the quality of water delivered to their customers. In order to give the public reasonable assurance that the water which they are consuming is satisfactory, the Board has established rules for the design, construction, water quality, water treatment, contaminant monitoring, source protection, operation and maintenance of public water supplies.


R309-105-5. Exemptions from Monitoring Requirements.

(1) The applicable requirements specified in R309-205, R309-210 and R309-215 for monitoring shall apply to each public water system, unless the public water system meets all of the following conditions:

(a) Consists only of distribution and storage facilities (and does not have any collection and treatment facilities);

(b) Obtains all of its water from, but is not owned or operated by, a public water system to which such regulations apply;

(c) Does not sell water to any person; and

(d) Is not a carrier which conveys passengers in interstate commerce.

(2) When a public water system supplies water to one or more other public water systems, the [Executive Secretary]Director may modify the monitoring requirements imposed by R309-205, R309-210 and R309-215 to the extent that the interconnection of the systems justifies treating them as a single system for monitoring purposes.

(3) In no event shall the [Executive Secretary]Director authorize modifications in the monitoring requirements which are less stringent than requirements established by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act.


R309-105-6. Construction of Public Drinking Water Facilities.

The following requirements pertain to the construction of public water systems.

(1) Approval of Engineering Plans and Specifications

(a) Complete plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects, as described in R309-500-5, shall be approved in writing by the [Executive Secretary]Director prior to the commencement of construction. A 30-day review time should be assumed.

(b) Appropriate engineering reports, supporting information and master plans may also be required by the [Executive Secretary]Director as needed to evaluate the proposed project. A certificate of convenience and necessity or an exemption therefrom, issued by the Public Service Commission, shall be filed with the [Executive Secretary]Director prior to approval of any plans or specifications for projects described in R309-500-4(1) as new or previously un-reviewed water system.

(2) Acceptable Design and Construction Methods

(a) The design and construction methods of all public drinking water facilities shall conform to the applicable standards contained in R309-500 through R309-550 of these rules. The [Executive Secretary]Director may require modifications to plans and specifications before approval is granted.

(b) There may be times in which the requirements of the applicable standards contained in R309-500 through R309-550 are not appropriate. Thus, the [Executive Secretary]Director may grant an "exception" to portions of these standards if it can be shown that the granting of such an exception will not jeopardize the public health. In order for the [Executive Secretary]Director to consider such a request, [the Division asks that it receive] the public drinking water system shall submit a written request directly from the management of the public dinking water system, preferably on system letterhead, that includes the following:

(i) citation of the specific rule for which the "exception" is being requested;

(ii) a detailed explanation, drawings may be included, of why the conditions of rule cannot be met;

(iii) what the system proposes, drawings may be included, in lieu of rule;

(iv) justification the proposed alternative will protect the public health to a similar or better degree than required by rule.

Physical conditions as well as cost may be justification for requesting an "exception-to-rule."

(c) Alternative or new treatment techniques may be developed which are not specifically addressed by the applicable standards contained in R309-500 through R309-550. These treatment techniques may be accepted by the [Executive Secretary]Director if it can be shown that:

(i) They will result in a finished water meeting the requirements of R309-200 of these regulations.

(ii) The technique will produce finished water which will protect public health to the same extent provided by comparable treatment processes outlined in the applicable standards contained in [R309-204 and] R309-500 through R309-550.

(iii) The technique is as reliable as any comparable treatment process governed by the applicable standards contained in [R309-204 and] R309-500 through R309-550.

(3) Description of "Public Drinking Water Project"

Refer to R309-500-5 for the description of a public drinking water project and R309-500-6 for required items to be submitted for plan approval.

(4) Specifications for the drilling of a public water supply well may be prepared and submitted by a licensed well driller holding a current Utah Well Driller's Permit if authorized by the [Executive Secretary]Director.

(5) Drawing Quality and Size

Drawings which are submitted shall be compatible with Division of Drinking Water Document storage. Drawings which are illegible or of unusual size will not be accepted for review. Drawing size shall not exceed 30" x 42" nor be less than 8-1/2" x 11".

(6) Requirements After Approval of Plans for Construction

After the approval of plans for construction, and prior to operation of any facilities dealing with drinking water, the items required by R309-500-9 shall be submitted and an operating permit received.


R309-105-7. Source Protection.

(1) Public Water Systems are responsible for protecting their sources of drinking water from contamination. R309-600 and R309-605 sets forth minimum requirements to establish a uniform, statewide program for implementation by PWSs to protect their sources of drinking water. PWSs are encouraged to enact more stringent programs to protect their sources of drinking water if they decide they are necessary.

(2) R309-600 applies to ground-water sources and to ground-water sources which are under the direct influence of surface water which are used by PWSs to supply their systems with drinking water.

(3) R309-605 applies to PWSs which obtain surface water prior to treatment and distribution and to PWSs obtaining water from ground-water sources which are under the direct influence of surface water. However, compliance with this rule is voluntary for public transient non-community water systems to the extent that they are using existing surface water sources of drinking water.


R309-105-8. Existing Water System Facilities.

(1) All public water systems shall deliver water meeting the applicable requirements of R309-200 of these rules.

(2) Existing facilities shall be brought into compliance with R309-500 through R309-550 or shall be reliably capable of delivering water meeting the requirements of R309-200.

(3) In situations where a water system is providing water of unsatisfactory quality, or when the quality of the water or the public health is threatened by poor physical facilities, the water system management shall solve the problem(s).


R309-105-9. Minimum Water Pressure.

(1) Unless otherwise specifically approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director, no water supplier shall allow any connection to the water system where the dynamic water pressure at the point of connection will fall below 20 psi during the normal operation of the water system. Water systems approved prior to January 1, 2007, are required to maintain the above minimum dynamic water pressure at all locations within their distribution system. Existing public drinking water systems, approved prior to January 1, 2007, which expand their service into new areas or supply new subdivisions shall meet the minimum dynamic water pressure requirements in R309-105-9(2) at any point of connection in the new service areas or new subdivisions.

(2) Unless otherwise specifically approved by the [Executive Secretary]Director, new public drinking water systems constructed after January 1, 2007 shall be designed and shall meet the following minimum water pressures at points of connection:

(a) 20 psi during conditions of fire flow and fire demand experienced during peak day demand;

(b) 30 psi during peak instantaneous demand; and

(c) 40 psi during peak day demand.

(3) Individual home booster pumps are not allowed as indicated in R309-540-5(4)(c).


R309-105-10. Operation and Maintenance Procedures.

All routine operation and maintenance of public water supplies shall be carried out with due regard for public health and safety. The following sections describe procedures which shall be used in carrying out some common operation and maintenance procedures.

(1) Chemical Addition

(a) Water system operators shall determine that all chemicals added to water intended for human consumption are suitable for potable water use and comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 60.

(b) No chemicals or other substances shall be added to public water supplies unless the chemical addition facilities and chemical type have been reviewed and approved by the [Division of Drinking Water]Director.

(c) Chlorine, when used in the distribution system, shall be added in sufficient quantity to achieve either "breakpoint" and yield a detectable free chlorine residual or a detectable combined chlorine residual in the distribution system at points to be determined by the [Executive Secretary]Director. Residual checks shall be taken a minimum of three times each week by the operator of any system using disinfectants. The [Executive Secretary]Director may, however, reduce the frequency of residual checks if he determines that this would be an unwarranted hardship on the water system operator and, furthermore, the disinfection equipment has a verified record of reliable operation. Suppliers, when checking for residuals, shall use test kits and methods which meet the requirements of the U.S. EPA. The "DPD" test method is recommended for free chlorine residuals. Information on the suppliers of this equipment is available from the Division of Drinking Water.

(2) New and Repaired Mains

(a) All new water mains shall meet the requirements of R309-550-6 with regard to materials of construction. All products in contact with culinary water shall comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 61.

(b) All new and repaired water mains or appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651-92. The chlorine solution shall be flushed from the water main with potable water prior to the main being placed in use.

(c) All products used to recoat the interiors of storage structures and which may come in contact with culinary water shall comply with ANSI/NSF Standard 61.

(3) Reservoir Maintenance and Disinfection

After a reservoir has been entered for maintenance or re-coating, it shall be disinfected prior to being placed into service. Procedures given in AWWA Standard C651-92 shall be followed in this regard.

(4) Spring Collection Area Maintenance

(a) Spring collection areas shall be periodically cleared of deep rooted vegetation to prevent root growth from clogging collection lines. Frequent hand or mechanical clearing of spring collection areas is strongly recommended. It is advantageous to encourage the growth of grasses and other shallow rooted vegetation for erosion control and to inhibit the growth of more detrimental flora.

(b) No pesticide (e.g., herbicide) may be applied on a spring collection area without the prior written approval of the [Executive Secretary]Director. Such approval shall be given 1) only when acceptable pesticides are proposed; 2) when the pesticide product manufacturer certifies that no harmful substance will be imparted to the water; and 3) only when spring development meets the requirements of these rules (see R309-515-7).

(5) Security

All water system facilities such as spring junction boxes, well houses, reservoirs, and treatment facilities shall be secure.

(6) Seasonal Operation

Water systems operated seasonally shall be disinfected and flushed according to the techniques given in AWWA Standard C651-92 and C652-92 prior to each season's use. A satisfactory bacteriologic sample shall be achieved prior to use. During the non-use period, care shall be taken to close all openings into the system.

(7) Pump Lubricants

All oil lubricated pumps for culinary wells shall utilize mineral oils suitable for human consumption as determined by the [Executive Secretary]Director. To assure proper performance, and to prevent the voiding of any warranties which may be in force, the water supplier should confirm with individual pump manufacturers that the oil which is selected will have the necessary properties to perform satisfactorily.


R309-105-11. Operator Certification.

All community and non-transient non-community water systems or any public system that employs treatment techniques for surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water shall have an appropriately certified operator in accordance with the requirements of these rules. Refer to R309-300, Certification Rules for Water Supply Operators, for specific requirements.


R309-105-12. Cross Connection Control.

(1) The water supplier shall not allow a connection to his system which may jeopardize its quality and integrity. Cross connections are not allowed unless controlled by an approved and properly operating backflow prevention assembly. The requirements of Chapter 6 of the 2009 International Plumbing Code and its amendments as adopted by the Department of Commerce under R156-56 shall be met with respect to cross connection control and backflow prevention.

(2) Each water system shall have a functioning cross connection control program. The program shall consist of five designated elements documented on an annual basis. The elements are:

(a) a legally adopted and functional local authority to enforce a cross connection control program (i.e., ordinance, bylaw or policy);

(b) providing public education or awareness material or presentations;

(c) an operator with adequate training in the area of cross connection control or backflow prevention;

(d) written records of cross connection control activities, such as, backflow assembly inventory; and

(e) test history and documentation of on-going enforcement (hazard assessments and enforcement actions) activities.

(3) Suppliers shall maintain, as proper documentation, an inventory of each pressure atmospheric vacuum breaker, double check valve, reduced pressure zone principle assembly, and high hazard air gap used by their customers, and a service record for each such assembly.

(4) Backflow prevention assemblies shall be in-line serviceable (repairable), in-line testable and have certification through third party certifying agencies to be used within a public drinking water system. Third party certification shall consist of any combination of two certifications, laboratory or field, performed by a recognized testing organization which has demonstrated competency to perform such tests.

(5) Backflow prevention assemblies shall be inspected and tested at least once a year, by an individual certified for such work as specified in R309-305. Suppliers shall maintain, as proper documentation, records of these inspections. This testing responsibility may be borne by the water system or the water system management may require that the customer having the backflow prevention assembly be responsible for having the device tested.

([5]6) Suppliers serving areas also served by a pressurized irrigation system shall prevent cross connections between the two. Requirements for pressurized irrigation systems are outlined in Section 19-4-112 of the Utah Code.


R309-105-13. Finished Water Quality.

All public water systems are required to monitor their water according to the requirements of R309-205, R309-210 and R309-215 to determine if the water quality standards of R309-200 have been met. Water systems are also required to keep records and, under certain circumstances, give public notice as required in R309-220.


R309-105-14. Operational Reports.

(1) Written Operational Reports.

(a) If, in the opinion of the [Executive Secretary]Director, a water system is not properly operated, the [Executive Secretary]Director may require a public water system to submit a written operational report covering the operation of the whole or a part of the water system's infrastructure.

(b) The [Executive Secretary]Director may require revisions to the submitted operational report to ensure satisfactory operation, and may order the water system to follow the operational report.

(c) If the water system fails to implement the provisions of the operational report, as evidenced by unsatisfactory delivery of a safe and/or reliable supply of drinking water, the [Executive Secretary]Director may order further remedies as deemed necessary.

(2) Treatment techniques for acrylamide and epichlorohydrin.

(a) Each public water system shall certify annually in writing to the [Executive Secretary]Director (using third party or manufacturer's certification) that when acrylamide and epichlorohydrin are used in drinking water systems, the combination (or product) of dose and monomer level does not exceed the levels specified in R309-215-8(2)(c).

(b) Certifications may rely on manufacturer's data.

(3)(a) All water systems using chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water shall regularly complete operational reports. This information shall be evaluated to confirm that the treatment process is being done properly, resulting in successful treatment.

(b) The information to be provided, and the frequency at which it is to be gathered and reported, will be determined by the [Executive Secretary]Director.


R309-105-15. Annual Reports.

All community water systems shall be required to complete annual report forms furnished by the Division of Drinking Water. The information to be provided [should]shall include: the status of all water system projects started during the previous year; water demands met by the system; problems experienced; and anticipated projects.


R309-105-16. Reporting Test Results.

(1) If analyses are made by certified laboratories other than the state laboratory, these results shall be forwarded to the Division as follows:

(a) The supplier shall report to the Division the analysis of water samples which fail to comply with the Primary Drinking Water Standards of R309-200. Except where a different reporting period is specified in R309-205, R309-210 or R309-215, this report shall be submitted within 48 hours after the supplier receives the report from his lab. The Division may be reached at (801)536-4200.

(b) Monthly summaries of bacteriologic results shall be submitted within ten days following the end of each month.

(c) All results of TTHM samples shall be reported to the Division within 10 days of receipt of analysis for systems monitoring pursuant to R309-210-9.

(d) For all samples other than samples showing unacceptable results, bacteriologic samples or TTHM samples, the time between the receipt of the analysis and the reporting of the results to the Division shall not exceed 40 days.

(e) Arsenic sampling results shall be reported to the nearest 0.001 mg/L.

(f) There are additional reporting requirements in other sections of the rules, see R309-215-16(5).

(2) Disinfection byproducts, maximum residual disinfectant levels and disinfection byproduct precursors and enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening. This section applies to the reporting requirements of R309-210-8, R309-215-12 and R309-215-13. For the reporting requirements of R309-210-9, R309-210-10 and R309-215-15 are contained within R309-210-9, R309-210-10 and R309-215-15, respectively.

(a) Systems required to sample quarterly or more frequently shall report to the State within 10 days after the end of each quarter in which samples were collected. Systems required to sample less frequently than quarterly shall report to the State within 10 days after the end of each monitoring period in which samples were collected. The [Executive Secretary]Director may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the MCL was exceeded, in lieu of having the system report that information.

(b) Disinfection byproducts. Systems shall report the information specified.

(i) Systems monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) on a quarterly or more frequent basis shall report:

(A) The number of samples taken during the last quarter.

(B) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last quarter.

(C) The arithmetic average of all samples taken in the last quarter.

(D) The annual arithmetic average of the quarterly arithmetic averages of this section for the last four quarters.

(E) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(i), the MCL was violated.

(ii) Systems monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) less frequently than quarterly (but at least annually) shall report:

(A) The number of samples taken during the last year.

(B) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last monitoring period.

(C) The arithmetic average of all samples taken over the last year.

(D) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(i), the MCL was violated.

(iii) Systems monitoring for TTHMs and HAA5 under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) less frequently than annually shall report:

(A) The location, date, and result of the last sample taken.

(B) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(i), the MCL was violated.

(iv) Systems monitoring for chlorite under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) shall report:

(A) The number of entry point samples taken each month for the last 3 months.

(B) The location, date, and result of each sample (both entry point and distribution system) taken during the last quarter.

(C) For each month in the reporting period, the arithmetic average of all samples taken in each three sample set taken in the distribution system.

(D) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(ii), the MCL was violated.

(v) System monitoring for bromate under the requirements of R309-210-8(2) shall report:

(A) The number of samples taken during the last quarter.

(B) The location, date, and result of each sample taken during the last quarter.

(C) The arithmetic average of the monthly arithmetic averages of all samples taken in the last year.

(D) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(b)(iii), the MCL was violated.

(c) Disinfectants. Systems shall report the information specified to the [Executive Secretary]Director within ten days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public, except as otherwise noted:

(i) Systems monitoring for chlorine or chloramines under the requirements of R309-210-8(3)(a) shall report and certify, by signing the report form provided by the [Executive Secretary]Director, that all the information provided is accurate and correct and that any chemical introduced into the drinking water complies with ANSI/NSF Standard 60:

(A) The number of samples taken during each month of the last quarter.

(B) The monthly arithmetic average of all samples taken in each month for the last 12 months.

(C) The arithmetic average of all monthly averages for the last 12 months.

(D) The additional data required in R309-210-8(3)(a)(ii).

(E) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(c)(i), the MRDL was violated.

(ii) Systems monitoring for chlorine dioxide under the requirements of R309-210-8(3) shall report:

(A) The dates, results, and locations of samples taken during the last quarter.

(B) Whether, based on R309-210-8(6)(c)(ii), the MRDL was violated.

(C) Whether the MRDL was exceeded in any two consecutive daily samples and whether the resulting violation was acute or nonacute.

(d) Disinfection byproduct precursors and enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening. Systems shall report the information specified.

(i) Systems monitoring monthly or quarterly for TOC under the requirements of R309-215-12 and required to meet the enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening requirements in R309-215-13(2)(b) or (c) shall report:

(A) The number of paired (source water and treated water) samples taken during the last quarter.

(B) The location, date, and results of each paired sample and associated alkalinity taken during the last quarter.

(C) For each month in the reporting period that paired samples were taken, the arithmetic average of the percent reduction of TOC for each paired sample and the required TOC percent removal.

(D) Calculations for determining compliance with the TOC percent removal requirements, as provided in R309-215-13(3)(a).

(E) Whether the system is in compliance with the enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening percent removal requirements in R309-215-13(2) for the last four quarters.

(ii) Systems monitoring monthly or quarterly for TOC under the requirements of R309-215-12 and meeting one or more of the alternative compliance criteria in R309-215-13(1)(b) or (c) shall report:

(A) The alternative compliance criterion that the system is using.

(B) The number of paired samples taken during the last quarter.

(C) The location, date, and result of each paired sample and associated alkalinity taken during the last quarter.

(D) The running annual arithmetic average based on monthly averages (or quarterly samples) of source water TOC for systems meeting a criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(i) or (iii) or of treated water TOC for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(ii).

(E) The running annual arithmetic average based on monthly averages (or quarterly samples) of source water SUVA for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(v) or of treated water SUVA for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(vi).

(F) The running annual average of source water alkalinity for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(iii) and of treated water alkalinity for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(c)(i).

(G) The running annual average for both TTHM and HAA5 for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b)(iii) or (iv).

(H) The running annual average of the amount of magnesium hardness removal (as CaCO 3, in mg/L) for systems meeting the criterion in R309-215-13(1)(c)(ii).

(I) Whether the system is in compliance with the particular alternative compliance criterion in R309-215-13(1)(b) or (c).

(3) The public water system, within 10 days of completing the public notification requirements under R309-220 for the initial public notice and any repeat notices, shall submit to the Division a certification that it has fully complied with the public notification regulations. The public water system shall include with this certification a representative copy of each type of notice distributed, published, posted, and made available to the persons served by the system and to the media.

(4) All samples taken in accordance with R309-215-6 shall be submitted within 10 days following the end of the operational period specified for that particular treatment. Finished water samples results for the contaminant of concern that exceed the Primary Drinking Water Standards of R309-200, shall be reported to the Division within 48 hours after the supplier receives the report. The Division may be reached at (801) 536-4000.

(5) Documentation of operation and maintenance for point-of-use or point-of-entry treatment units shall be provided to the Division annually. The Division shall receive the documentation by January 31 annually.


R309-105-17. Record Maintenance.

All public water systems shall retain on their premises or at convenient location near their premises the following records:

(1) Records of microbiological analyses and turbidity analyses made pursuant to this Section shall be kept for not less than five years. Records of chemical analyses made pursuant to this Section shall be kept for not less than ten years. Actual laboratory reports may be kept, or data may be transferred to tabular summaries, provided that the following information is included:

(a) The date, place and time of sampling, and the name of the person who collected the sample;

(b) Identification of the sample as to whether it was a routine distribution system sample, check sample, raw or process water sample or other special purpose sample.

(c) Date of analysis;

(d) Laboratory and person responsible for performing analysis;

(e) The analytical technique/method used; and

(f) The results of the analysis.

(2) Lead and copper recordkeeping requirements.

(a) Any water system subject to the requirements of R309-210-6 shall retain on its premises original records of all sampling data and analyses, reports, surveys, letters, evaluations, schedules, [Executive Secretary]Director determinations, and any other information required by R309-210-6.

(b) Each water system shall retain the records required by this section for no fewer than 12 years.

(3) Records of action taken by the system to correct violations of primary drinking water regulations shall be kept for a period not less than three years after the last action taken with respect to the particular violation involved.

(4) Copies of any written reports, summaries or communications relating to sanitary surveys of the system conducted by the system itself, by a private consultant, or by any local, State or Federal agency, shall be kept for a period not less than ten years after completion of the sanitary survey involved.

(5) Records concerning a variance or exemption granted to the system shall be kept for a period ending not less than five years following the expiration of such variance or exemption.

(6) Records that concern the tests of a backflow prevention assembly and location shall be kept by the system for a minimum of not less than five years from the date of the test.

(7) Copies of public notices issued pursuant to R309-220 and certifications made to the [Executive Secretary agency]Director pursuant to R309-105-16 shall be kept for three years after issuance.

(8) Copies of monitoring plans developed pursuant to these rules shall be kept for the same period of time as the records of analyses taken under the plan are required to be kept under R309-105-17(1), except as otherwise specified. In all cases the monitoring plans shall be kept as long as the any associated report.

(9) A water system must retain a complete copy of your IDSE report submitted under this section for 10 years after the date that you submitted your IDSE report. If the [Executive Secretary]Director modifies the R309-210-10 monitoring requirements that you recommended in your IDSE report or if the [Executive Secretary]Director approves alternative monitoring locations, you must keep a copy of the [Executive Secretary's]Director's notification on file for 10 years after the date of the [Executive Secretary's]Director's notification. You must make the IDSE report and any [Executive Secretary]Director notification available for review by the [Executive Secretary]Director or the public.

(10) A water system must retain a complete copy of its 40/30 certification submitted under this R309-210-9 for 10 years after the date that you submitted your certification. You must make the certification, all data upon which the certification is based, and any [Executive Secretary]Director notification available for review by the [Executive Secretary]Director or the public.

(11) A water subject to the disinfection profiling requirements of R309-215-14 shall keep must keep results of profile (raw data and analysis) indefinitely.

(12) A water system subject to the disinfection benchmarking requirements of R309-215-14 shall keep must keep results of profile (raw data and analysis) indefinitely.


R309-105-18. Emergencies.

(1) The [Executive Secretary]Director or the local health department shall be informed by telephone by a water supplier of any "emergency situation". The term "emergency situation" includes the following:

(a) The malfunction of any disinfection facility such that a detectable residual cannot be maintained at all points in the distribution system.

(b) The malfunction of any "complete" treatment plant such that a clearwell effluent turbidity greater than 5 NTU is maintained longer than fifteen minutes.

(c) Muddy or discolored water (which cannot be explained by air entrainment or re-suspension of sediments normally deposited within the distribution system) is experienced by a significant number of individuals on a system.

(d) An accident has occurred which has, or could have, permitted the entry of untreated surface water and/or other contamination into the system (e.g. break in an unpressurized transmission line, flooded spring area, chemical spill, etc.)

(e) A threat of sabotage has been received by the water supplier or there is evidence of vandalism or sabotage to any public drinking water supply facility which may affect the quality of the delivered water.

(f) Any instance where a consumer reports becoming sick by drinking from a public water supply and the illness is substantiated by a doctor's diagnosis (unsubstantiated claims should also be reported to the Division of Drinking Water, but this is not required).

(2) If an emergency situation exists, the water supplier shall then contact the Division in Salt Lake City within eight hours. Division personnel may be reached at all times through 801-536-4123.

(3) All suppliers are advised to develop contingency plans to cope with possible emergency situations. In many areas of the state the possibility of earthquake damage shall be realistically considered.


KEY: drinking water, watershed management

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [November 23, 2011]2013

Notice of Continuation: March 22, 2010

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-4-104[; 63G-4-202]


Additional Information

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2013/b20130715.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Patti Fauver at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4196, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Ken Bousfield at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4207, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Jennifer Yee at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4216, by FAX at 801-536-4211, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].