DAR File No. 38817

This rule was published in the September 15, 2014, issue (Vol. 2014, No. 18) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Health, Children's Health Insurance Program

Rule R382-10


Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 38817
Filed: 08/26/2014 09:23:52 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The purpose of this change is to discontinue presumptive eligibility under the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) due to lack of enrollment.

Summary of the rule or change:

This amendment discontinues CHIP presumptive eligibility for children who are under 19 years old.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 26-1-5
  • Title 26, Chapter 40
  • Section 26-18-3

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

Discontinuation of this program results in only negligible savings to the state budget because only a handful of children enroll in the Presumptive Eligibility program each year.

local governments:

There is no impact to local governments because they do not fund or provide CHIP services to CHIP recipients.

small businesses:

Small businesses will see little to no financial impact because very few children have been enrolled in CHIP as presumptively eligible, and a child who could have received presumptive eligibility may still apply for medical assistance. If such child is found eligible for CHIP, providers will be able to receive payment for services.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

This change will cause little to no financial impact on either providers or individuals because children who could have received presumptive eligibility may still apply for medical assistance, and if found eligible for CHIP, the child will have coverage for medical expenses, and providers will be able to receive payment for services.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

This change will cause little to no financial impact on any single provider or individual because children who could have received presumptive eligibility may still apply for medical assistance, and if found eligible for CHIP, the child will have coverage for medical expenses, and providers will be able to receive payment for services.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

There will be no material impact on business because of the small number of individuals eligible under the program.

David Patton, PhD, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Children's Health Insurance Program
288 N 1460 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3231

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Craig Devashrayee at the above address, by phone at 801-538-6641, by FAX at 801-538-6099, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

David Patton, Executive Director


R382. Health, Children's Health Insurance Program.

R382-10. Eligibility.

R382-10-15. Application and Eligibility Reviews.

(1) The Department adopts and incorporates by reference 42 CFR 457.330, 457.340, 457.343, and 457.348, October 1, 2013 ed.

(2) The provisions of Section R414-308-3 apply to applicants for CHIP, except for Subsection R414-308-3(10) and the three months of retroactive coverage.

(3) Individuals can apply without having an interview. The eligibility agency may interview applicants and enrollee's, the parents or spouse, and any adult who assumes responsibility for the care or supervision of the child, when necessary to resolve discrepancies or to gather information that cannot be obtained otherwise.

[(4) According to the provisions of Section 2105(a)(4)(F) of the Social Security Act, the Department provides medical assistance during a presumptive eligibility period to a child if a Medicaid eligibility worker with the Department of Human Services has determined, based on preliminary information, that:

(a) the child meets citizenship or alien status criteria as defined in Section R414-302-3;

(b) the child is not enrolled in a health insurance plan; and

(c) the child's household income exceeds the applicable income limit for Medicaid, but does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty level for the applicable household size.

(5) A child determined presumptively eligible is required to file an application for medical assistance with the eligibility agency in accordance with the requirements of Section 1920A of the Social Security Act.

(6) A child may receive medical assistance during only one presumptive eligibility period in any six month period.

]([7]4) The eligibility agency shall complete a periodic review of an enrollee's eligibility for CHIP medical assistance in accordance with the requirements of 42 CFR 457.343.

([8]5) If an enrollee fails to respond to a request for information to complete the review during the review month, the agency shall end the enrollee's eligibility effective at the end of the review month and send proper notice to the enrollee.

(a) If the enrollee responds to the review or reapplies within three calendar months of the review closure date, the eligibility agency shall treat the response as a new application without requiring the enrollee to reapply. The application processing period then applies for this new request for coverage.

(b) If the enrollee is determined eligible based on this reapplication, the new certification period begins the first day of the month in which the enrollee contacts the agency to complete the review if verification is provided within the application processing period. The four day grace period may apply. If the enrollee fails to return verification within the application processing period, or if the enrollee is determined ineligible, the eligibility agency shall send a denial notice to the enrollee.

(c) The eligibility agency may not continue eligibility while it makes a new eligibility determination.

([9]6) Except as defined in R382-10-15([8]5), the enrollee must reapply for CHIP if the enrollee's case is closed for one or more calendar months.

([10]7) If the eligibility agency sends proper notice of an adverse decision during the review month, the agency shall change eligibility for the month that follows.

([11]8) If the eligibility agency does not send proper notice of an adverse change for the month that follows, the agency shall extend eligibility to that month. The eligibility agency shall send proper notice of the effective date of an adverse decision. The enrollee does not owe a premium for the due process month.

([12]9) If the enrollee responds to the review in the review month and the verification due date is in the month that follows, the eligibility agency shall extend eligibility to the month that follows. The enrollee must provide all verification by the verification due date.

(a) If the enrollee provides all requested verification by the verification due date, the eligibility agency shall determine eligibility and send proper notice of the decision.

(b) If the enrollee does not provide all requested verification by the verification due date, the eligibility agency shall end eligibility effective at the end of the month in which the eligibility agency sends proper notice of the closure.

(c) If the enrollee returns all verification after the verification due date and before the effective closure date, the eligibility agency shall treat the date that it receives all verification as a new application date. The eligibility agency shall determine eligibility and send a notice to the enrollee.

(d) The eligibility agency may not continue eligibility while it determines eligibility. The new certification date for the application is the day after the effective closure date if the enrollee is found eligible.

(10[3]) The eligibility agency shall provide ten-day notice of case closure if the enrollee is determined to be ineligible or if the enrollee fails to provide verification by the verification due date.

(11[4]) If eligibility for CHIP enrollment ends, the eligibility agency shall review the case for eligibility under any other medical assistance program without requiring a new application. The eligibility agency may request additional verification from the household if there is insufficient information to make a determination.

(12[5]) An applicant must report at application and review whether any of the children in the household for whom enrollment is being requested have access to or are covered by a group health plan, other health insurance coverage, or a state employee's health benefits plan.

(13[6]) The eligibility agency shall deny an application or review if the enrollee fails to respond to questions about health insurance coverage for children whom the household seeks to enroll or renew in the program.


R382-10-16. Eligibility Decisions.

(1) The Department adopts and incorporates by reference 42 CFR 457.350, October 1, 2013, ed., regarding eligibility screening.

(2) The eligibility agency shall determine eligibility for CHIP within 30 days of the date of application. If the eligibility agency cannot make a decision in 30 days because the applicant fails to take a required action and requests additional time to complete the application process, or if circumstances beyond the eligibility agency's control delay the eligibility decision, the eligibility agency shall document the reason for the delay in the case record.

[(3) If a child made presumptively eligible files an application for medical assistance in accordance with the requirements of Section 1920A of the Social Security Act, presumptive eligibility continues only until the eligibility agency makes an eligibility decision based on that application. Filing additional applications does not extend the presumptive eligibility period.

]([4]3) The eligibility agency may not use the time standard as a waiting period before determining eligibility, or as a reason for denying eligibility when the agency does not determine eligibility within that time.

([5]4) The eligibility agency shall complete a determination of eligibility or ineligibility for each application unless:

(a) the applicant voluntarily withdraws the application and the eligibility agency sends a notice to the applicant to confirm the withdrawal;

(b) the applicant died; or

(c) the applicant cannot be located or does not respond to requests for information within the 30-day application period.

([6]5) The eligibility agency shall redetermine eligibility every 12 months.

([7]6) At application and review, the eligibility agency shall determine if any child applying for CHIP enrollment is eligible for coverage under Medicaid.

(a) A child who is eligible for Medicaid coverage is not eligible for CHIP.

(b) An eligible child who must meet a spenddown to receive Medicaid and chooses not to meet the spenddown may enroll in CHIP.

([8]7) If an enrollee asks for a new income determination during the CHIP certification period and the eligibility agency finds the child is eligible for Medicaid, the agency shall end CHIP coverage and enroll the child in Medicaid.


R382-10-17. Effective Date of Enrollment and Renewal.

(1) Subject to the limitations in Section R414-306-6, Section R382-10-10, and the provisions in Subsection R414-308-3(7), the effective date of CHIP enrollment is the first day of the application month.

[(2) The presumptive eligibility period begins on the first day of the month in which a child is determined presumptively eligible for CHIP. Coverage cannot begin in a month that the child is otherwise eligible for medical assistance.

]([3]2) If the eligibility agency receives an application during the first four days of a month, the agency shall allow a grace enrollment period that begins no earlier than four days before the date that the agency receives a completed and signed application. During the grace enrollment period, the individual must receive medical services, meet eligibility criteria, and have an emergency situation that prevents the individual from applying. The Department may not pay for any services that the individual receives before the effective enrollment date.

[(4) If a child determined eligible for a presumptive eligibility period files an application in accordance with the requirements of Section 1920A of the Social Security Act and is determined eligible for regular CHIP based on that application, the effective date of CHIP enrollment is the first day of the month of application or the first day of the month in which the presumptive eligibility period began, if later.

(a) The four-day grace period defined in Subsection R382-10-17(3) applies if the applicant meets that criteria and the child was not eligible for any medical assistance during such time period.

(b) Any applicable CHIP premiums apply beginning with the month regular CHIP coverage begins, even if such months are the same months as the CHIP presumptive eligibility period.

]([5]3) For a family who has a child enrolled in CHIP and who adds a newborn or adopted child, the effective date of enrollment is the date of birth or placement for adoption if the family requests the coverage within 30 days of the birth or adoption. If the family makes the request more than 30 days after the birth or adoption, enrollment in CHIP will be effective beginning the first day of the month in which the date of report occurs, subject to the limitations in Sections R414-306-6, R382-10-10 and the provisions of Subsection R382-10-17([3]2).

([6]4) The effective date of enrollment for a new certification period after the review month is the first day of the month after the review month, if the review process is completed by the end of the review month. If a due process month is approved, the effective date of enrollment for a renewal is the first day of the month after the due process month if the review process is completed by the end of the due process month. The enrollee must complete the review process and continue to be eligible to be reenrolled in CHIP at review.


R382-10-18. Enrollment Period.

(1) Subject to the provisions in Subsection R382-10-18(2), a child eligible for CHIP enrollment receives 12 months of coverage that begins with the effective month of enrollment. If the eligibility agency allows a grace enrollment period that extends into the month before the application month, the days of the grace enrollment period do not count as a month in the 12-month enrollment period.

(2) CHIP coverage may end before the end of the 12-month certification period if the child:

(a) turns 19 years of age before the end of the 12-month enrollment period;

(b) moves out of the state;

(c) becomes eligible for Medicaid;

(d) begins to be covered under a group health plan or other health insurance coverage;

(e) enters a public institution or an institution for mental diseases; or

(f) does not pay the quarterly premium.

[(3) The presumptive eligibility period ends on the earlier of:

(a) the day the eligibility agency makes an eligibility decision for medical assistance based on the child's application when that application is made in accordance with the requirements of Section 1920A of the Social Security Act; or

(b) the last day of the month following the month in which a presumptive eligibility period begins if an application for medical assistance is not filed on behalf of the child by the last day of such month.

]([4]3) Certain changes affect an enrollee's eligibility during the 12-month certification period.

(a) If an enrollee gains access to health insurance under an employer-sponsored plan or COBRA coverage, the enrollee may switch to UPP. The enrollee must report the health insurance within ten calendar days of enrolling, or within ten calendar days of when coverage begins, whichever is later. The employer-sponsored plan must meet UPP criteria.

(b) If income decreases, the enrollee may report the income and request a redetermination. If the change makes the enrollee eligible for Medicaid, the eligibility agency shall end CHIP eligibility and enroll the child in Medicaid.

(c) If income increases during the certification period, eligibility remains unchanged through the end of the certification period.

([5]4) The agency shall redetermine eligibility if a family reports a decrease in income and requests a redetermination during the certification period. A decrease in the premium is effective as follows:

(a) The premium change is effective the month of report if income decreased that month and the family provides timely verification of income;

(b) The premium change is effective the month following the report month if the decrease in income is for the following month and the family provides timely verification of income;

(c) The premium change is effective the month in which verification of the decrease in income is provided, if the family does not provide timely verification of income.

([6]5) Failure to make a timely report of a reportable change may result in an overpayment of benefits.


KEY: children's health benefits

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [June 1, ]2014

Notice of Continuation: May 9, 2013

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 26-1-5; 26-40


Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Craig Devashrayee at the above address, by phone at 801-538-6641, by FAX at 801-538-6099, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.