DAR File No. 39392
This rule was published in the June 1, 2015, issue (Vol. 2015, No. 11) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Professional Practices Advisory Commission, Administration
Rule R686-103
Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission Review of Licensure Due to Background Check Offenses
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 39392
Filed: 05/15/2015 09:15:40 AM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
H.B. 345, Education Abuse Policy, 2015 General Session, changed rulemaking authority from UPPAC to the Utah State Board of Education (Board). This rule is repealed in response to the legislation.
Summary of the rule or change:
Rule R686-103 is repealed in its entirety.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Subsection 53A-6-306(1)(a)
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
It is anticipated that there is likely no cost or savings to the state budget. Rule R686-103 is repealed and will be replaced with a new Board rule under Title R277. (DAR NOTE: The proposed new rules are Rule R277-200 under DAR No. 39382, Rule R277-201 under DAR No. 39383, Rule R277-202 under DAR No. 39384, Rule R277-203 under DAR No. 39385, Rule R277-204 under DAR No. 39386, Rule R277-205 under DAR No. 39387, and Rule R277-206 under DAR No. 39388 in this issue, June 1, 2015, of the Bulletin.)
local governments:
It is anticipated that there is likely no cost or savings to local government. Rule R686-103 is repealed and will be replaced with a new Board rule under Title R277.
small businesses:
It is anticipated that there is likely no cost or savings to small businesses. Rule R686-103 is repealed and will be replaced with a new Board rule under Title R277.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
It is anticipated that there is likely no cost or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities. Rule R686-103 is repealed and will be replaced with a new Board rule under Title R277.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There are likely no compliance costs for affected persons. Rule R686-103 is repealed and will be replaced with a new Board rule under Title R277.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
I have reviewed this rule and I believe that there is likely no fiscal impact on businesses.
Brad C. Smith, State Superintendent
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Professional Practices Advisory CommissionAdministration
250 E 500 S
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Benjamin Rasmussen at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7835, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Angela Stallings, Associate Superintendent, Policy and Communication
[R686. Professional Practices Advisory Commission,
R686-103. Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission
Review of License Due to Background Check Offenses.
R686-103-1. Definitions.
A. "Applicant" means an individual seeking a
clearance of a criminal background check pursuant to approval for
an educational license at any stage of the licensing process from
the USOE, including license renewal.
B. "Arrest" means a seizure or forcible
restraint; the taking or keeping of a person in custody by legal
authority, especially in response to a criminal charge;
specifically the apprehension of someone for the purpose of
securing the administration of the law. For purposes of this
rule, "arrest" also means fingerprinting at the time of
restraint or at a later time related to the cause for
C. "Board" means the Utah State Board of
D. "Conviction" means the act or process of
judicially finding someone guilty of a crime.
E. "Executive Committee" means a subcommittee
of UPPAC consisting of the Executive Secretary, Chair,
Vice-Chair, and one member of UPPAC at large. All Executive
Committee members, excluding the Executive Secretary, shall be
selected by UPPAC. Substitutes may be appointed from within UPPAC
by the Executive Secretary as needed.
F. "Executive Secretary" means an employee of
the Utah State Office of Education who is appointed by the State
Superintendent of Public instruction to serve as the executive
officer, and a non-voting member, of UPPAC.
G. "License" means a teaching or administrative
credential, including endorsements, which is issued by the Board
to signify authorization for the person holding the license to
provide professional services in Utah's public
H. "Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission
(UPPAC)" means an advisory commission established to assist
and advise the Board in matters relating to the professional
practices of educators, as establishing under Section
I. "USOE" means the Utah State Office of
R686-103-2. Authority and Purpose.
A. This rule is authorized by Section 53A-6-306(1)(a)
which directs UPPAC to adopt rules to carry out its
responsibilities under the law.
B. The purpose of this rule is to establish procedures
for an applicant to proceed toward licensing or be denied to
continue when an application or recommendation for licensing or
renewal identifies offenses in the applicant's criminal
background check. The standards and procedures of the Utah
Administrative Procedures Act do not apply to this rule under the
exemption of Section 63G-4-102(2)(d).
R686-103-3. Initial Submission and Evaluation of
A. Upon receipt of information as the result of a
fingerprint check of all applicable state, regional, and national
criminal records files pursuant to Section 53A-6-401, the
Executive Secretary shall make a determination to approve the
applicant's request for criminal background check clearance
based on time passed since offense, violent nature of the offense
(student safety), involvement or non-involvement of students or
minors in the offense, and other relevant factors, or refer the
application to UPPAC for a decision and request further
information and explanation from the applicant. The Executive
Secretary may require the applicant to provide additional
information, including:
(1) a letter of explanation for each reported offense
that details the circumstances, the final disposition, and any
explanation for the offense the applicant may want to provide
UPPAC, including any advocacy for approving licensing.
(2) official documentation regarding each offense,
including court records and police reports for each offense, or
if both court records and police reports are not available, a
letter on official police or court stationery from the
appropriate court or police department involved, explaining why
the records are not available.
B. UPPAC shall only consider an applicant's licensing
request after receipt of all letters of explanation and
documentation requested in good faith by the Executive
C. If an applicant is under court supervision of any
kind, including parole, informal or formal probation or plea in
abeyance, there is a presumption that the individual shall not be
approved for licensing until the supervision is successfully
D. It is the applicant's sole responsibility to
provide the requested material to UPPAC.
E. Upon receipt of any requested documentation, including
the applicant's written letters of explanation and advocacy,
UPPAC shall either approve the applicant's request for
criminal background check clearance; deny the applicant's
licensing request; or seek further information, personally from
the applicant or other sources, at the first possible meeting of
F. UPPAC has directed the Executive Secretary to approve
the following without additional UPPAC review:
(1) singular offenses committed by an applicant,
excluding offenses identified in R686-103-4G, if the arrest
occurred more than two years prior to the date of submission to
UPPAC for review;
(2) more than two offenses committed by the applicant,
excluding offenses identified in R686-103-4G, if at least one
arrest occurred more than five years prior to the date of
submission to UPPAC for review; or
(3) more than two offenses committed by the applicant,
excluding offenses identified in R686-103-4G, if all arrests for
the offenses occurred more than 10 years prior to the date of
submission to UPPAC for review.
G. UPPAC shall review all arrests and convictions for the
(1) convictions or pleas in abeyance for any offense
where the arrest occurred less than two years prior to the date
of submission to UPPAC;
(2) conviction(s) for felonies;
(3) arrests or convictions for sex-related or lewdness
(4) arrests or convictions for drug-related offenses
where the charge or conviction is for a class A misdemeanor or
higher; and
(5) convictions involving children in any way.
H. UPPAC directs the Executive Secretary to use
reasonable discretion to interpret the information received from
the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) provided to BCI from
multiple jurisdictions to comply with the provisions of
R686-103-4F and G and to interpret strictly the provisions of
R686-103-4F and G.
R686-103-4. Appeal.
A. Should UPPAC deny an applicant's licensing
request, UPPAC shall inform the applicant in writing that the
application for licensing has been denied and notify the
applicant of the right to appeal that decision under this
B. The applicant shall have 30 days from notice provided
under R686-103-3A to make formal written request for an
C. An applicant's request to appeal the denial of
clearance shall follow the application criteria and format
contained in R686-101 and shall include:
(1) name and address of the individual requesting
(2) action being requested;
(3) the grounds for the appeal, which are limited
(a) a mistake of identity;
(b) a mistake of fact regarding the information relied
upon by UPPAC in making its decision;
(c) information that could not, with reasonable
diligence, have been discovered and produced by the applicant
previously and provided previously to UPPAC; or
(d) compelling circumstances that in the judgment of the
Executive Committee warrant an appeal.
(4) signature of person requesting review.
D. The Executive Secretary shall make a determination
regarding the grounds for appeal in a timely manner, inform the
applicant in writing of the decision, and, if necessary, schedule
an appeal hearing at the earliest possible date, consistent with
the standard UPPAC meetings.
R686-103-5. Appeal Procedure.
A. An applicant shall have the right to be represented by
an attorney at an appeal hearing under this Rule. UPPAC shall be
represented by a person appointed by the Investigations Unit of
the USOE.
B. The burden of proof at an appeal hearing shall be on
the applicant to show that the actions of UPPAC in denying the
applicant's licensing request were based on the grounds
enumerated in R686-103-3C.
C. The hearing shall be heard before a panel (three
members) of UPPAC or UPPAC, chosen under the same procedures and
having the same duties as delineated in R686-101.
D. The Executive Secretary or UPPAC Chair shall conduct
the hearing and act as hearing officer. The hearing officer's
duties shall be the same duties as delineated in
E. At the sole discretion of the hearing officer, the
hearing shall be conducted consistent with R686-101, as
applicable. All procedural matters shall be at the discretion of
the hearing officer and the Executive Secretary who has the right
to limit witnesses and evidence presented by the applicant in
support of the appeal.
F. Within 20 days after the hearing, the Executive
Secretary or UPPAC Chair shall issue a written report
(1) detailed findings of fact related to the factual
basis for the appeal;
(2) the decision and rationale of the hearing panel
concerning the applicant's clearance of criminal background
check request; and
(3) any time-line or conditions recommended by the panel
for a reapplication for clearance by the applicant.
G. The panel's recommendation shall be reviewed by
UPPAC at the first reasonable opportunity.
H. UPPAC's decision, upon review of the panel's
recommendation, is the final administrative decision.
KEY: educator license, appeals
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: November 7,
Notice of Continuation: October 5, 2012
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law:
Additional Information
More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.
The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2015/b20150601.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Benjamin Rasmussen at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7835, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]. For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.