DAR File No. 39435

This rule was published in the July 1, 2015, issue (Vol. 2015, No. 13) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources

Rule R657-9

Taking Waterfowl, Common Snipe and Coot

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 39435
Filed: 06/11/2015 08:31:08 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

This rule is being amended pursuant to Regional Advisory Council and Wildlife Board meetings conducted annually for taking public input and reviewing the division's waterfowl program.

Summary of the rule or change:

The proposed revisions to the above listed rule: 1) change the name "Common Snipe" to "Wilson's Snipe"; 2) redefine closed areas; 3) redefine the use of blinds on Waterfowl Management Areas; and 4) make technical corrections.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 23-14-19
  • Section 23-14-18

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

This amendment clarifies closed areas and the use of blinds on waterfowl management areas; it does not make any changes to the process or employee workload, therefore the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) determines that these amendments do not create a cost or savings impact to the state budget or DWR's budget, since the changes will not increase workload and can be carried out with existing budget.

local governments:

Since this amendment has minimal impact on individual hunters and no impact on the local governments, the division finds that this filing does not create any direct cost or savings impact to local governments. Nor are local governments indirectly impacted because the rule does not create a situation requiring services from local governments.

small businesses:

This amendment clarifies closed areas on waterfowl management areas and redefines the use of blinds on those areas and therefore does not have the potential to generate a cost or savings impact to small businesses.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

This amendment clarifies closed areas on waterfowl management areas and redefines the use of blinds on those areas and therefore does not have the potential to generate a cost or savings impact to sportsmen or the other persons.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

DWR determines that this amendment will not create additional costs for those who participate in wildlife related activities in Utah.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

The amendments to this rule do not create an impact on businesses.

Michael R. Styler, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Natural Resources
Wildlife Resources
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Gregory Sheehan, Director


R657. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources.

R657-9. Taking Waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's  Snipe and Coot.

R657-9-1. Purpose and Authority.

(1) Under authority of Sections 23-14-18 and 23-14-19, and in accordance with 50 CFR 20, 50 CFR 32.64 and 50 CFR 27.21, 2004 edition, which is incorporated by reference, the Wildlife Board has established this rule for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe, and coot.

(2) Specific dates, areas, limits, requirements and other administrative details which may change annually are published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot.


R657-9-2. Definitions.

(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23-13-2.

(2) In addition:

(a) "Bait" means shelled, shucked or unshucked corn, wheat or other grain, salt or other feed that lures, attracts or entices birds.

(b) "Baiting" means the direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing, distributing, or scattering of salt, grain, or other feed that could serve as a lure or attraction for migratory games birds to, on, or over any areas where hunters are attempting to take them.

(c) "CFR" means the Code of Federal Regulations.

(d) "Daily Bag Limit" means the maximum number of migratory [games]game birds of a single species or combination (aggregate) of species permitted to be taken by one person in any one day during the open season in any one specified geographic area for which a daily bag limit is prescribed.

(e) "Dark geese" means the following species: cackling, Canada, white-fronted and brant.

(f) "Light geese" means the following species: snow, blue and Ross'.

(g) "Live decoys" means tame or captive ducks, geese or other live birds.

(h) "Off-highway vehicle" means any motor vehicle designed for or capable of travel over unimproved terrain.

(i) "Permanent waterfowl blind" means any waterfowl blind that is left unattended overnight and that is not a portable structure capable of immediate relocation.

(j) "Possession limit" the maximum number of migratory game birds of a single species or a combination of species permitted to be possessed by any one person when lawfully taken in the United States in any one specified geographic area for which a possession limit is prescribed.

(k) "Sinkbox" means any type of low floating device, having a depression, affording the hunter a means of concealment beneath the surface of the water.

(l) "Transport" means to ship, export, import or receive or deliver for shipment.

(m) "Waterfowl" means ducks, mergansers, geese, brant and swans.

(n) "Waterfowl blind" means any manufactured place of concealment, including boats, rafts, tents, excavated pits, or similar structures, which have been designed to partially or completely conceal a person while hunting waterfowl.


R657-9-7. Authorized Weapons.

(1) Migratory game birds may be taken with a shotgun, crossbow or archery tackle, including a draw lock.

(2) Migratory game birds may not be taken with a trap, snare, net, rifle, pistol, swivel gun, shotgun larger than 10 gauge, punt gun, battery gun, machine gun, fish hook, poison, drug, explosive or stupefying substance.

(3) Migratory game birds may not be taken with a shotgun of any description capable of holding more than three shells, unless it is plugged with a one-piece filler, incapable of removal without disassembling the gun, so its total capacity does not exceed three shells, except as authorized by the Wildlife Board and specified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking Waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and Coot.


R657-9-9. Use of Weapons on State Waterfowl Management Areas.

(1) A person may not possess a firearm, crossbow, or archery tackle on the following waterfowl management areas any time of the year except during the specified waterfowl hunting seasons or as authorized by the division: Bicknell Bottoms, Blue Lake, Brown's Park, Clear Lake, Desert Lake, Farmington Bay, Harold S. Crane, Howard Slough, Locomotive Springs, Mills Meadows, Ogden Bay, Powell Slough, Public Shooting Grounds, Salt Creek, Stewart 's Lake, Timpie Springs and Topaz.

(2) During the waterfowl hunting seasons, a shotgun is the only firearm that may be in possession, except as provided in Rule R657-12.

(3) The firearm restrictions set forth in this section do not apply to a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7 of the Utah Code, provided the person is not utilizing the concealed firearm to hunt or take wildlife.


R657-9-11. Airboats.

(1) Air-thrust or air-propelled boats and personal watercraft are not allowed in designated parts of the following waterfowl management or federal refuge areas:

(a) Box Elder County: Box Elder Lake, Bear River, that part of Harold S. Crane within one-half mile of all dikes and levees, Locomotive Springs, Public Shooting Grounds and Salt Creek, that part of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge north of "D" line dike, and outside Units 1, 3, 4 and 5 as posted.

(b) Daggett County: Brown's Park

(c) Davis County: Howard Slough, Ogden Bay and Farmington Bay within diked units or as posted

(d) Emery County: Desert Lake

(e) Millard County: Clear Lake, Topaz Slough

(f) Tooele County: Timpie Springs

(g) Uintah County: Stewart's Lake

(h) Utah County: Powell Slough

(i) Wayne County: Bicknell Bottoms

(j) Weber County: Ogden Bay within diked units or as posted and the portion of Harold S. Crane Waterfowl Management Area that falls within the county line.

(2) "Personal watercraft" means a motorboat that is:

(a) less than 16 feet in length;

(b) propelled by a water jet pump; and

(c) designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing or kneeling on the vessel, rather than sitting or standing inside the vessel.


R657-9-12. Motorized Vehicle Access.

(1) Motorized vehicle travel is restricted to county roads, improved roads and parking areas.

(2) Off-highway vehicles are not permitted on state waterfowl management areas, except as marked and posted open.

(3) Off-highway vehicles are not permitted on Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

(4) Motorized boat use is restricted on waterfowl management areas as specified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot.


R657-9-15. Amplified Bird Calls.

A person may not use recorded or electrically amplified bird calls or sounds or recorded or electronically amplified imitations of bird calls or sounds except as authorized by the Wildlife Board and specified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot.


R657-9-28. Use of Dogs.

[(1)](1) An individual may not use or permit a dog to harass, pursue, or take protected wildlife unless otherwise allowed for in the Wildlife Code, administrative rules issued under Wildlife Code, or a guidebook of the Wildlife Board.

(2) Dogs may be used to locate and retrieve turkey during open turkey hunting seasons.

(3) Dogs are generally allowed on state wildlife management and waterfowl management areas, subject to the following conditions.

(a) [dogs]Dogs are not allowed on the following state wildlife management areas and waterfowl management areas between March 10 and August 31 annually or as posted by the Division:

(i) Annabella;

(ii) Bear River Trenton Property Parcel;

(iii) Bicknell Bottoms;

(iv) Blue Lake;

(v) Browns Park;

(vi) Bud Phelps;

(vii) Clear Lake;

(viii) Desert Lake;

(ix) Farmington Bay;

(x) Harold S. Crane;

(xi) Hatt's Ranch

(xii) Howard Slough;

(xiii) Huntington;

(xiv) James Walter Fitzgerald;

(xv) Kevin Conway;

(xvi) Locomotive Springs;

(xvii) Manti Meadows;

(xviii) Mills Meadows;

(xix) Montes Creek;

(xx) Nephi;

(xxi) Ogden Bay;

(xxii) Pahvant;

(xxiv) Public Shooting Grounds;

(xxv) Redmond Marsh;

(xxvi) Richfield;

(xxvii) Roosevelt;

(xxviii) Salt Creek;

(xxix) Scott M. Matheson Wetland Preserve;

(xxx) Steward Lake;

(xxxi) Timpie Springs;

(xxxii) Topaz Slough;

(xxxiii) Vernal; and

(xxxiv) Willard Bay.

(b) The Division may establish special restrictions for Division-managed properties, such as on-leash requirements and temporary or locational closures for dogs, and post them at specific Division properties and at Regional offices;

(c) Organized events or group gatherings of twenty-five (25) or more individuals that involve the use of dogs, such as dog training or trials, that occur on Division properties may require a special use permit as described in R657-28; and

(d) Dog training may be allowed in designated areas on Lee Kay Center and Willard Bay WMA by the Division without a special use permit.


R657-9-29. Season Dates and Bag and Possession Limits.

(1) Season dates and bag and possession limits are specified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot.

(2) A youth duck hunting day may be allowed for any person 15 years of age or younger as provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot.


R657-9-30. [Closed Areas.]Rest Areas and No Shooting Areas.

[(1) A person may not trespass on state waterfowl management areas except during prescribed seasons, or for other activities as posted without prior permission from the division.](1) A person may only access and use state waterfowl management areas in accordance with state and federal law, state administrative code, and proclamations of the Wildlife Board.

(2)(a) The division may establish portions of state waterfowl management areas as "rest areas" for wildlife that are closed to the public and trespass of any kind is prohibited.

(b) In addition to any areas identified in the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, Wilson's snipe, and coot, the following areas are designated as rest areas:

(i) That portion of Clear Lake Waterfowl Management Area known as Spring Lake;

(ii) That portion of Desert Lake Waterfowl Management Area known as Desert Lake;

(iii) That portion of Public Shooting Grounds Waterfowl Management Area that lies above and adjacent to the Hull Lake Diversion Dike known as "Duck Lake";

(iv) That portion of Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area known as "Rest Lake"; and

(v) That portion of Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area that lies in the northwest quarter of unit one.

(d) Maps of all rest areas will be available at division offices, on the division's website, and to the extent necessary, marked with signage at each rest area.

(3)(a) The division may establish portions of state waterfowl management areas as "No Shooting Areas" where the discharge of weapons for the purposes of hunting is prohibited.

(b) No Shooting Areas remain open to the public for other lawful activities.

[(2) A person may not participate in activities that are posted as prohibited.

(3) A person may not trespass, take, hunt, shoot at, or rally any](c) In addition to any areas identified in the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, Wilson's snipe, [or]and coot[in], the following [specified ]areas are No Shooting Areas:

([a)]i) Within 600 feet of the north and south side of the center line of Antelope Island causeway[- within];

(ii) Within 600 feet of [either the north or south side.

(b) ]all structures found at Brown's Park [- That part adjacent to headquarters.]Waterfowl Management Area;

([c) Clear Lake - Spring Lake.

(d) Desert Lake - That part known as "Desert Lake."

(e)]iii) The following portions of Farmington Bay [-]Waterfowl Management Area:

(A) within 600 feet of the Headquarters and Learning [center]Center area[,]; and

(B) within 600 feet of dikes and roads accessible by motorized vehicles[and the waterfowl rest area in the northwest quarter of unit one as posted.];

([f) Ogden Bay - Headquarters area.

(g) Public Shooting Grounds - That part as posted lying above and adjacent to the Hull Lake Diversion Dike known as "Duck Lake."

(h) Salt Creek - That part as posted known as "Rest Lake."

(i) Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge - For information contact the refuge manager, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, at (435) 723-5887. The entire refuge is closed to the hunting of snipe.]iv) Within 600 feet of the headquarters area of Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Area;

([j) Fish Springs and Ouray National Wildlife Refuges -Waterfowl hunters must register at Fish Springs refuge headquarters prior to hunting. Both refuges are closed to the hunting of swans.

(k)]v) Within the boundaries of all State Parks[Hunting of any wildlife is prohibited within the boundaries of all state park areas] except those designated open by appropriate [signing]signage as provided in Rule R651-614-[4.]4;

([l)]vi) Within 1/3 of a mile of the Great Salt Lake Marina[and adjacent areas as posted.];

([m) Millard County

] xi) Within 600 feet of Gunnison Bend Reservoir and [the]its inflow upstream to the Southerland Bridge[.], Millard County;

([n) Salt Lake International Airport - Hunting and shooting prohibited as posted.]xii) All property within the boundary of the Salt Lake International Airport; and

(xii) All property within the boundaries of federal migratory bird refuges, unless hunting waterfowl specifically authorized by the federal government.

(4) The division reserves the right to manage division lands and regulate their use consistent with Utah Code Section 23-21-7 and Utah Administrative Code R657-28.


R657-9-31. Shooting Hours.

(1) A person may not hunt, pursue, or take wildlife, or discharge any firearm or archery tackle on state-owned lands adjacent to the Great Salt Lake, on division-controlled waterfowl management areas, or on federal refuges between official sunset and one-half hour before official sunrise.

(2) Legal shooting hours for taking or attempting to take waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe, and coot are provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot.


R657-9-32. Falconry.

(1) Falconers must obtain a valid hunting or combination license, a federal migratory bird stamp and a falconry certificate of registration to hunt waterfowl.

(2) Areas open and bag and possession limits for falconry are specified in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot.


R657-9-33. Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program (HIP).

(1) A person must obtain an annual Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program (HIP) registration number to hunt migratory game birds.

(2)(a) A person must call the telephone number published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot, or register online at the address published in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking waterfowl, [Common]Wilson's snipe and coot to obtain their HIP registration number.

(b) A person must write their HIP registration number on their current year's hunting license.

(3) Any person obtaining a HIP registration number will be required to provide their:

(a) hunting license number;

(b) hunting license type;

(c) name;

(d) address;

(e) phone number;

(f) birth date; and

(g) information about the previous year's migratory bird hunts.

(4) Lifetime license holders will receive a sticker every three years from the division to write their HIP number on and place on their lifetime license card.

(5) Any person hunting migratory birds will be required, while in the field, to prove that they have registered and provided information for the HIP program.


R657-9-34. Waterfowl Blinds on Waterfowl Management Areas.

(1) Waterfowl blinds on division waterfowl management areas may be constructed or used as provided in Subsection (a) through Subsection (e).

(a) Waterfowl blinds may not be left unattended overnight, except for blinds constructed entirely of non-woody, vegetative materials that naturally occur where the blind is located.

(b) Trees and shrubs on waterfowl management areas that are live or dead standing may not be cut or damaged except as expressly authorized in writing by the division.

(c) Excavating soil or rock on waterfowl management areas above or below water surface is strictly prohibited, except as expressly authorized in writing by the division.

(d) Rock and soil material may not be transported to waterfowl management areas for purposes of constructing a blind.

(e) Waterfowl blinds may not be constructed or used in any area or manner, which obstructs vehicular or pedestrian travel on dikes.

(2) The restrictions set forth in Subsection (1)(a) through Subsection (1)(c) do not apply to the following waterfowl management areas:

(a) Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area - West and North of Unit 1, Turpin Unit , and [Crystal]Doug Miller Unit ,.

(b) Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Area - West and South of the exterior dike separating the waterfowl management area's fresh water impoundments from the Great Salt Lake.

(c) Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Area - West of Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3.

(d) Harold Crane Waterfowl Management Area - one half mile North and West of the exterior dike separating the waterfowl management area's fresh water impoundments from Willard Spur.

(3) Waterfowl blinds constructed or maintained on waterfowl management areas in violation of this section may be removed or destroyed by the division without notice.

(4) Any unoccupied, permanent waterfowl blind located on state land open to public access for hunting may be used by any person without priority to the person that constructed the blind. It being the intent of this rule to make such blinds available to any person on a first-come, first-serve basis.

(5) Waterfowl blinds or decoys cannot be left unattended overnight on state land open to public access for hunting in an effort to reserve the particular location where the blinds or decoys are placed.


KEY: wildlife, birds, migratory birds, waterfowl

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [August 11, 2014]2015

Notice of Continuation: August 16, 2011

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 23-14-19; 23-14-18; 50 CFR part 20


Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2015/b20150701.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.