DAR File No. 39511

This rule was published in the August 1, 2015, issue (Vol. 2015, No. 15) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Transportation, Preconstruction, Right-of-Way Acquisition

Rule R933-2

Control of Outdoor Advertising Signs

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 39511
Filed: 07/14/2015 05:03:02 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The last substantive update to Rule R933-2 was done more than nine years ago (03/31/2006). Significant discrepancies between the rule and state law have developed in the intervening years (the rule has not kept pace with changes in state law). Numerous provisions in the existing rule also conflict with a federal/state agreement entered into between the governor of the state of Utah and the Secretary of Transportation of the United States dated 01/18/1968, regarding the size, lighting, and spacing of outdoor advertising which may be erected and maintained within areas adjacent to the interstate.... This Utah-federal agreement is codified by Section R933-5-2. This amendment to Rule R933-2 resolves these conflicts.

Summary of the rule or change:

The amendment to Rule R933-2 creates a logical progression through the outdoor advertising control process; clarifies what information is needed for each application process; addresses how incomplete applications are handled; creates a purpose-built ownership transfer application; updates application time-frame language to conform with Subsection 72-7-507(5)(c); provides the permit holders additional time to complete permit ownership transfers; and gives the department 90 days to accept renewal fees, rather than the current 60 days, in advance of the renewal deadline; removes permit plate requirements and associated fees from the rule; removes Section R933-2-10 that covers when conforming signs become nonconforming and their removal (this section is duplicative of Subsection 72-7-509(1), and, therefore, serves no purpose); updates the limitations section for zoned or un-zoned areas; removes specific fee-related references to conform with Section 63J-1-501; corrects an existing conflict between state law, which indicates permits are transferable and the present rule, which indicates otherwise; removes several requirements relative to official signs application process; adds a provision on official signs regarding digital displays; prevents official signs from being transferred and off-premise advertising from being displayed; and updates and makes additions to or deletions from its list of defined terms.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Title 72, Chapter 7, Part 5
  • Section 72-1-201

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

It is anticipated that improved organization and the clarifications included as part of the amendments will make Rule R933-2 easier to understand and follow. If the rule is easier to understand and follow, applicants and regulators will require less time to complete the application process and there will be fewer challenges made to permit application decisions. If the amendments to the rule lead to an easier to understand and implement permitting process and fewer challenged permit decisions, the state's budget will experience an aggregate cost savings attributable in part to the rule amendments.

local governments:

No aggregate cost or savings to local governments are anticipated because the amendments to Rule R933-2 do not require any additional actions by local governments.

small businesses:

Small businesses could be affected by the amendments to Rule R933-2 because permit application fees will likely increase due in part to the amendments. Small businesses that own and must purchase annual permits for outdoor roadside advertising signs will be required to pay the increased fees. Small businesses that purchase space on outdoor roadside advertising signs will likely experience an increase in their rental fees due to owners passing along the increased fees to their customers.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

Persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities should not experience additional costs or savings attributable to the amendments to Rule R933-2 other than a possible de minimis increase in prices that may be caused in part by the increase in permit fees.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

Compliance costs for affected persons will increase due to increased permit fees that will likely result from the amendments to Rule R933-2. The amendment to the rule requires permit-related fees to be determined in accordance with Section 63J-1-504, which is amended from time-to-time by the legislature to account for inflation.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

These amendments to Rule R933-2 are necessary to bring the rule into conformance with state and federal law. However, the changes that will result from the amendments are generally positive for all persons affected by the rule.

Carlos Braceras, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Preconstruction, Right-of-Way Acquisition
4501 S 2700 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119-5998

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • James Palmer at the above address, by phone at 801-965-4000, by FAX at 801-965-4338, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Carlos Braceras, Executive Director


R933. Transportation, Preconstruction, Right-of-Way Acquisition.

R933-2. Control of Outdoor Advertising Signs.

R933-2-1. Purpose.

The purpose of [these]this rule[s] is to implement the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act Section s 72-7-501 [et seq.]through 72-7-516. Nothing in [these]this rule[s] shall be construed to permit outdoor advertising that would disqualify the [S]state for [F]federal participation of funds under the applicable [F]federal standards [applicable]or conflict with the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act. The Transportation Commission and the Utah Department of Transportation shall, through designated personnel, control outdoor advertising on [interstate and primary highway systems]controlled routes throughout the State of Utah.


[R933-2-2. Federal Regulations.

The federal regulations governing outdoor advertising contained in 23 CFR 750.101 through 750.713, April 1, 1994 are adopted and incorporated by this reference.


] R933-2-2. Definitions.

All references in this rule to Title 72, Chapter 7, Part 5, are to those sections of the Utah Code known as the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act. In addition to the definitions in that part, the following definitions are supplied:

(1) "Abandoned sign" means any controlled sign of which the sign face has been partially obliterated, dilapidated, has unsafe conditions or has remained blank or been removed for a continuous period of 12 months or more, and the sign owner does not have a pending and active application with the department or a local governmental authority to repair or rectify the condition.

(2) "Acceleration and deceleration lanes" means speed change lanes created for the purpose of enabling a vehicle to increase or decrease its speed to merge into, or out of, traffic on the main-traveled way. As used in the Act, an acceleration or deceleration lane begins and ends at a point no closer than 500 feet from the nearest point of the beginning or ending of pavement widening at the exit from or entrance to the main-traveled way. On-ramps and off-ramps are part of the interchange and shall not be considered an acceleration or deceleration lane under the Act or this rule.

(3) "Act" means the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act.

(4) "Advertising" means any message, whether in words, symbols, pictures or any combination thereof, painted or otherwise applied to the face of an outdoor advertising structure, and the message is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform, and the message is visible from any place on the main traveled-way of a controlled route.

(5) "Areas zoned for the primary purpose of outdoor advertising" as used in the Act is defined to include areas in which the primary activity is outdoor advertising.

(6) "Changeable Electronic Variable Message Signs" or "CEVMS" means a self-luminous advertising sign which emits or projects any kind of light, color, or message. Such a sign has the capability of being changed or altered by electronic means on a fixed display screen composed of a series of lights including light emitting diodes (LEDs), fiber optics, plasma displays, light bulbs, or other illumination devices within the display area.

(7) "Conforming sign" means an off-premises sign maintained in a location that conforms to the size, lighting, spacing, zoning, and other requirements as provided by law and this rule.

(8) "Contiguous" means a property that shares a common property line with another property.

(9) "Controlled route" means any route where outdoor advertising control is mandated by the Act, the Utah-Federal Agreement R933-5, or other state or federal law.

(10) "Controlled sign" means any off-premises sign that is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform and which is located and the advertising thereon is visible within a controlled outdoor advertising corridor as specified by state or federal law.

(11) "Customary Maintenance" means any change, replacement, manipulation, or other repair to the sign structure that does not:

(a) alter or change the overall height, location, material, sign face orientation or sign face size (except for temporary embellishments);

(b) add lighting relative to what is currently listed on the valid permit or change the sign face to a CEVMS, or

(c) require structural engineering review.

(12) "Feeder systems" are secondary city or county roads that bring traffic to the state highway.

(13) "Freeway" means a divided highway for through traffic with full control access.

(14) "Good standing" means the controlled sign is properly maintained, all program and permit-related fees are paid as specified in this rule, and current sign owner contact information is up to date with the department.

(15) "Grandfather status" refers to any off-premises controlled sign erected in zoned or unzoned commercial or industrial areas, prior to May 9, 1967, even if the sign does not comply with the size, lighting, or spacing of the Act and this rule. Signs only, and not sign sites, may qualify for Grandfather Status.

(16) "H-1" means highway service zone as defined in the Act.

(17) "Lease or consent" means any written agreement by which possession of land, or permission to use land for the purpose of erecting or maintaining a sign, or both, is granted by the owner to another person for a specified period of time.

(18) "Nonconforming sign" means a sign that was lawfully erected, but that does not conform to state law or rules enacted at a later date or that later fails to comply with state legislation or rules because of changed conditions. The term "illegally erected" or "illegally maintained" is not synonymous with the term, "nonconforming sign", nor is a sign with "grandfather" status synonymous with the term, "nonconforming sign."

(19) "Off-Premises Sign" means an outdoor advertising sign that advertises an activity, service or product and that is located on premises other than the premises at which activity or service occurs or product is sold or manufactured.

(20) "On-Premises Sign" does not include a sign that advertises a product or service that is only incidental to the principal activity or that brings rental income to the property owner or occupant.

(21) "Point of the gore" means the point of the area delineated by two solid white lines that is between a permanently constructed continuing lane of a through-roadway and a permanently constructed lane used to enter or exit the continuing lane, including similar areas between merging or splitting highways.

(22) "Property" as used in the definition of "On-Premises Sign" includes those areas from which the general public is serviced and which are directly connected with and are involved in assembling, manufacturing, servicing, or repairing of products used in the business activity. This property does not include the site of any auxiliary facilities that are not essential to and customarily used in the conduct of business, nor does it include property not contiguous to the property on which the sign is situated.

(23) "Public park" means any publicly owned land that is designed or used as a recreation area, wildlife or waterfowl refuge, or historical site.

(24) "Sale or lease sign" means any sign situated on the subject property that advertises that the property is for "sale" or "lease". This sign may not advertise any product or service unrelated to the business of selling or leasing the land upon which it is located, nor may it advertise a projected use of the land or a financing service available or being utilized in its development.

(25) "Scenic area" as used in the Act includes a scenic byway.

(26) "Transient or temporary activity" means any industrial or commercial activity, not otherwise herein excluded, that does not have a prior continuous history for a period of six months.

(27) "Visible" means capable of being seen whether or not readable, without visual aid, by a person of normal visual acuity.

(28) "Written notification" as described under Subsection 72-7-506(2)(a) is further defined to include email notification. An outdoor advertising permit holder may request in writing to receive notice via United States Postal Service.


[R933-2-3. Definitions.

All references in these Rules to Title 72, Chapter 7, Part 5, are to those sections of the Utah Code known as the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act. In addition to the definitions in that part, the following definitions are supplied:

(1) "Abandoned Sign" means any controlled sign, the sign facing of which has been partially obliterated, has been painted out, has remained blank or has obsolete advertising matter for a continuous period of 12 months or more.

(2) "Acceleration and deceleration lanes" means speed change lanes created for the purpose of enabling a vehicle to increase or decrease its speed to merge into, or out of, traffic on the main-traveled way. As used in the Act, an acceleration or deceleration lane begins and ends at a point no closer than 500 feet from the nearest point of the beginning or ending of pavement widening at the exit from or entrance to the main-traveled way. On-ramps and off-ramps are part of the interchange and shall not be considered an acceleration or deceleration lane under the Act or these rules.

(3) "Act" means the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act.

(4) "Advertising" means any message, whether in words, symbols, pictures or any combination thereof, painted or otherwise applied to the face of an outdoor advertising structure, which message is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform, and which message is visible from any place on the main travel-way of the interstate or primary highway system.

(5) "Areas zoned for the primary purpose of outdoor advertising" as used in the Act is defined to include areas in which the primary activity is outdoor advertising.

(6) "Commercial or industrial zone" as defined in of the Act is further defined to mean, with regard to those areas outside the boundaries of urbanized counties and outside the boundaries of cities and towns referred to in that subsection, those areas not within 8,420 feet of an interstate highway exit-ramp or entrance-ramp as measured from the nearest point of the beginning or ending of the pavement widening at the exit from or entrance to the main traveled way that are reserved for business, commerce, or trade under enabling state legislation or comprehensive local zoning ordinances or regulations, and are actually used for commercial or industrial purposes, including the land along both sides of a controlled highway for 600 feet immediately abutting the area of use, measurements under this subsection being made from the outer edge of regularly used buildings, parking lots, gate-houses, entrance gates, or storage or processing areas.

(7) "Conforming Sign" means an off-premise sign maintained in a location that conforms to the size, lighting, spacing, zoning and usage requirements as provided by law and these rules.

(8) "Controlled Sign" means any off-premise sign that is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform any part of the advertising or informative contents of which is visible from any place on the main traveled way of any interstate or federal-aid primary highway in this State.

(9) "Destroyed Sign" means a sign damaged by natural elements wherein the costs of re-erection exceeds 30% of the depreciated value of the sign as established by departmental appraisal methods.

(10) "Feeder systems" are secondary roads that bring traffic to the main-traveled way.

(11) "Freeway" means a divided highway for through traffic with full control access.

(12) "Grandfather Status" refers to any off-premise controlled sign erected in zoned or unzoned commercial or industrial areas, prior to May 9, 1967, even if the sign does not comply with the size, lighting, or spacing of the Act and these Rules. Signs only, and not sign sites, may qualify for Grandfather Status.

(13) "H-1" means highway service zone as defined in the Act.

(14) "Lease or Consent" means any written agreement by which possession of land, or permission to use land for the purpose of erecting or maintaining a sign, or both, is granted by the owner to another person for a specified period of time.

(15) "Legal copy" means the advertising copy on the sign that occupies at least 50% of the sign size.

(16) "Nonconforming Sign" means a sign that was lawfully erected, but that does not conform to State law or rules passed or made at a later date or that later fails to comply with State legislation or rules because of changed conditions. The term "illegally erected" or "illegally maintained" is not synonymous with the term, "nonconforming sign", nor is a sign with "grandfather" status synonymous with the term, "nonconforming sign."

(17) "Off-Premise Sign" means also, in supplement to the definition stated in the Act, an outdoor advertising sign that advertises an activity, service or product and that is located on premises other than the premises at which activity or service occurs or product is sold or manufactured.

(18) "On-Premise Sign", in supplement to the definition stated in the Act, does not include a sign that advertises a product or service that is only incidental to the principal activity or that brings rental income to the property owner or occupant.

(19) "Parkland" means any publicly owned land that is designed or used as a public park, recreation area, wildlife or waterfowl refuge, or historical site.

(20) "Point of the Gore" means the point of the area delineated by two solid white lines that is between a continuing lane of a through-roadway and a lane used to enter or exit the continuing lane, including similar areas between merging or splitting highways.

(21) "Property" as used in the definition of "On-Premise Sign" includes those areas from which the general public is serviced and which are directly connected with and are involved in assembling, manufacturing, servicing, repairing, or storing of products used in the business activity. This property does not include the site of any auxiliary facilities that are not essential to and customarily used in the conduct of business, nor does it include property not contiguous to the property on which the sign is situated.

(22) "Sale or Lease Sign" means any sign situated on the subject property that advertises that the property is for "sale" or "lease". This sign may not advertise any product or service unrelated to the business of selling or leasing the land upon which it is located, nor may it advertise a projected use of the land or a financing service available or being utilized in its development.

(23) "Scenic Area" as used in the Act includes a scenic byway.

(24) "Transient or Temporary Activity" means any industrial or commercial activity, not otherwise herein excluded, that does not have a prior continuous history for a period of six months.

(25) "Un-zoned Area" in supplement to the definition stated in the Act, means an area in which no zoning is in effect. It does not include areas within comprehensive zoning or master plans adopted by local zoning authorities.

(26) "V-Type Sign" means any sign, the center pole of which is nearest the traveled portion of the highway and is a common pole to the two sign faces, or when a common pole is not used, a sign with the sign faces no further than 36 inches apart at the angle of the sign closest to the traveled portion of the highway, and the structure poles at the point nearest the traveled portion of the highway no further apart than 48 inches. Existing V-type signs now controlled and permitted are excluded from this definition.

(27) "Visible" means capable of being seen whether or not readable, without visual aid, by a person of normal visual acuity.


] R933-2-3. Permit Required.

(1) All controlled signs legally in existence prior to the effective date of the 1967 Act, or that are legally created thereafter, shall have a permit issued by the department.


[R933-2-4. Permits.

(1) All controlled outdoor advertising signs legally in existence prior to the effective date of the 1967 Act, or that are legally created thereafter, must have a permit. This includes off-premise signs located on the side of or on top of any fixed object or building and visible from the main traveled way of an interstate or federal-aid primary highway.

(2) Anyone preparing to erect a controlled sign shall apply for the permit before beginning construction of the sign. Permits shall be issued in the manner prescribed in the Act. Permits may be issued only for signs that are to be erected in commercial or industrial zones or in unzoned commercial or industrial areas, as defined by the Act. Insomuch as a sign cannot lawfully be constructed or maintained unless there is legal access to the property on which the sign is proposed to be located, a permit may not be issued if the applicant does not have legal access to that property.

(3) Permits may be issued only for signs already lawfully erected or to be lawfully erected within 90 days from the date of the issuance of the permit. Within 30 days from the date of issuance, the permit must be affixed to the completed sign for which the permit was issued as provided in Subsection R933-2-4(5).

(4) A permit affixed to a sign other than the sign for which it was issued is unlawful, and remedial action shall be taken by the permittee by the proper affixing of the permit to the correct sign within 30 days of notice to the permittee.

(5) Permits shall be permanently attached to the sign in a position to be readily visible from the nearest highway in the direction of travel to the sign faces. If the sign is a single-face cross-highway reader, then the permit must be attached to the sign in a position readily visible from the nearest traveled portion of the highway. The permittee is responsible for the proper placement of the permit on the sign.

(6) Sign permits that have been lost or destroyed must be replaced, and new permits for signs otherwise lawful shall be issued upon the payment of a $25 fee for each sign and the completion of a new permit application.

(7) Permits shall be issued on a one year fiscal basis, and shall be renewed on or before the first day of July of each year.

(8) The fee for a new permit is $100 for the one-year fiscal period or any part thereof. The permit expires June 30 of the fiscal year. The fee for permit renewal is $25 for the one-year fiscal period or any part thereof. Notwithstanding the specification in Subsections R933-2-4(8),(12), and (13)(a) of a $100 fee for a sign permit, the fee for the sign permit for a non-profit public service sign shall be $25, and the fee for renewal of the permit for that non-profit public service sign shall be $10.

(9) The fee for permits issued within a one-year fiscal period shall not be prorated.

(10) One-year permit renewals shall be made on renewal forms prepared by the Department. Completion of the renewal application and obtaining of the renewal permit prior to the expiration of the existing permit shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. The renewal may be applied for no sooner than 60 days prior to July 1 of the year in which the permit is to be renewed.

(11) Written proof of lease or consent from site owner to erect or maintain an outdoor advertising sign must be furnished by the applicant at the time of application for an original permit. This proof may consist of an affidavit showing the landowner's name and address, the sign owner's name, and the sign location by route, milepost, address, and county. On renewal of the permit the applicant must certify that the sign site is still under valid lease to the applicant.

(12) If a one-year permit on a conforming sign is not renewed on or before July 1 of the year of its term, a new permit application shall be required for a new permit, along with a fee of $100.

(13) A permit is non transferable, and the permittee shall be liable for any violation of the law regarding the permitted sign. No new permit may be issued for a sign for which a permit has already been issued, except as follows:

(a) Transfer of ownership of a permitted sign shall require the holder of the valid permit to release, in writing, his rights to continue to maintain his sign or use his location for outdoor advertising. The new owner applicant shall then submit to the Utah Department of Transportation the written release and proof of having obtained sign ownership, and a valid lease or consent for the remainder of the permit term. A $100 fee shall accompany the application and both application and fee must be received within 30 days of the ownership transfer.

(b) A conforming sign that is unlawful and forfeited by the permittee may be acquired and permitted, providing the new sign applicant submits the completed permit application and proof of possession of a valid land lease or consent to maintain a sign at the described location and providing the new application and the sign are otherwise lawful.

(14) A supplemental application fee of $100 shall be charged to cover administrative and inspection costs for every sign that was erected without a sign permit, Form R-299, or altered without prior written approval of the department, Form R-407. This supplemental fee is in addition to the regular $100 permit fee.

(15) Each application for a new permit must be accompanied by the approved building permit of the local governing authority or a written statement from that authority that building permits are not required under its ordinances.

(16) Where local authority has issued a building permit for construction of a sign, but construction is contrary to the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act, the action of the local authority does not require the State to issue a permit.

(17) Federal agencies, State agencies, counties, cities and towns that use outdoor advertising signs along the interstate or primary highway systems shall have a permit for each controlled sign as provided in the Act and these rules.


] R933-2-4. General Requirements.

(1) Permits shall be issued in accordance with the Act and as described by this rule.

(2) Permits may be issued only for signs that are to be erected in areas allowed by local, state and federal law.

(3) All permits shall be maintained in good standing with the department for the duration of the sign's existence.

(4) Until the application is considered complete by the department, the department shall not process the application.

(a) If the application is deemed incomplete by the department, the department will send a notice notifying the applicant of the deficiencies of the application.

(b) The applicant will have 30 days from the notification date to make the application complete per the instructions on the application.

(c) If the applicant does not submit the required information to make the application complete within 30 days from the notification date the application will be returned to the applicant as incomplete without being processed.

(d) During the time the applicant is completing the application, the department will not consider or review any subsequently-received New Outdoor Advertising Permit Application for the same general location, where granting one permit would preclude the other.

(e) If two or more applicants file a New Outdoor Advertising Permit Application at exactly the same time for the same general location, where granting one permit would preclude the other, the first complete application received by the department will have priority over the other. Any notices of deficiencies shall be sent to the applicants simultaneously.

(5) Where the local authority has issued a building permit for construction of a sign, but construction is contrary to the Act, the action of the local authority does not require the state to issue a permit.

(6) The crossing of a right-of-way line of any controlled route for access at other than an established access approach to erect, alter or maintain a sign without the written permission of the department, is unlawful.

(a) The first documented offense the permit holder will receive a warning notice.

(b) The second documented offense will result in a Notice of Agency Action.

(c) The third documented offense will result in permit revocation.

(7) Any sign located within the controlled area of two controlled routes shall meet the spacing requirements of both highway systems.

(8) If a sign message may be read from two or more routes, one or more of which is a controlled route, the more stringent of applicable control requirements applies.

(9) New sign structure or adjusted sign structure location requires the proposed location to be staked by the applicant prior to submitting any application. The applicant shall mark the center-point(s) of the support pole(s) of the proposed location with a clearly visible stake and a ribbon. The stake shall have the sign owners name clearly identified on it.

(10) If two or more applicants file a complete New Outdoor Advertising Permit Application at the same time for the same general location the first fully completed application received by the department will have priority over the other(s).


[ R933-2-5. Sign Changes, Repairs, and Maintenance.

(1) Sign changes or repairs, including those for signs in a commercial or industrial zone, are subject to the following requirements:

(a) The face of a controlled sign may be removed for maintenance and renovation or change of advertising copy using basically the same face material. The shape and size of advertising space may not be changed except as provided in these rules. Replacement of the sign face must be accomplished within a 60 day period from the date of its removal.

(b) A nonconforming sign with "Grandfather Status" may not be relocated, structurally altered, nor repositioned, including reversing the direction of the sign face.

(c) A conforming sign may be reshaped or modified as to height or size, or relocated upon proper written request, Form R-407, provided the change is in compliance with the Act and these rules. Any change shall be completed within 60 calendar days from the date of the approval of the request. A fee of $100 shall accompany the R-407 application to change the sign, in addition to any applicable fee under Subsection R933-2-4(14).

(d) A conforming sign that is damaged by vandals, storms, wind, or acts of nature can be re-erected or changed, or both, upon proper written request and approval on Form R-407.

(e) A nonconforming sign that is damaged but not destroyed by vandals or acts of nature may be repaired to the same size or shape upon proper written application and approval. Normal maintenance may be included in the repair, but no structural changes affecting the sign's value may be allowed. The sign may be purchased by the State if agreement is reached by the State and the sign owner. The compensation to the sign owner shall be the depreciated value of the sign immediately before damage, less cost of re-erection or repair.

(f) Repairs and ordinary maintenance may be made on conforming and nonconforming signs so long as repairs do not alter the basic advertising space or illumination, or change the material of the sign structure.

(g) Nonconforming signs destroyed by natural disaster are not eligible for compensation, unless at the time of destruction they have been appraised and committed for removal and the State has approved a purchase agreement.

(2) The following provisions govern maintenance:

(a) A legally permitted nonconforming sign may remain standing subject to the provisions of the Act and these rules so long as it is not changed, except for advertising copy, and is not purchased or condemned pursuant to law.

(b) Signs shall be properly maintained. Improper maintenance is considered:

(i) Paint faded or peeling extensively;

(ii) Message not visible or illegible;

(iii) Sheets or panels loose or sagging;

(iv) Structural supports leaning;

(v) Abandoned.

(c) A sign with any of the deficiencies listed in Subsection R933-2-5(2)(b) is not in a reasonable state of repair, is in violation of the law, and is subject to removal.

(d) The crossing of a right-of-way line of any State highway at other than an established access approach to erect or maintain a sign without the written permission of the Department, is unlawful.


] R933-2-5. Commercial and Industrial Usage Limitations for Unzoned Areas.

(1) Airport runways or parking or aircraft tie down areas are not commercial or industrial activities.

(2) Farming or ranching areas or related dairy farm facilities, of whatever nature, are not commercial or industrial activities.

(3) Municipal or private golf courses or cemeteries are not commercial or industrial areas.

(4) A trailer or mobile home park, court, or facility are not commercial or industrial areas.


[R933-2-6. Commercial and Industrial Usage: Limitations in Zoned or Unzoned Areas.

(1) Controlled signs in zoned or unzoned industrial or commercial areas are subject to the following zoning and usage requirements:

(a) Commercial or industrial usage must be visible from a traveled portion of the highway and must be situated within 600 feet of the sign site, measured from the outer edge of the regularly used buildings, parking lot, storage or processing area of the activity.

(b) The sign site must be zoned commercial or industrial or be in an unzoned commercial or industrial area.

(2) Airport runways or parking or aircraft tie down areas are not zoned or unzoned commercial or industrial areas.

(3) Mining operations and related activities, including gravel pits are not zoned or unzoned commercial or industrial areas unless they are:

(a) Where the final and concentrated processing of mined or extracted minerals is effected; or

(b) Where the mined material which has been processed is regularly stored or held for sale or shipment.

(4) Farming or ranching areas or related dairy farm facilities, of whatever nature, are not zoned or unzoned commercial or industrial areas.

(5) Municipal or private golf courses or cemeteries are not zoned or unzoned commercial or industrial areas.

(6) A trailer or mobile home park, court, or facility does not qualify under Subsection 72-7-504(1)(d) or (e) regardless of the local zoning. An RV Park does not qualify under either of those subsections unless at least 3/4 of the total available trailer parking spaces are not occupied or reserved for rental on a month-to-month basis.

(7) Where an occupied residence is located along the highway right of way within 600 feet of a commercial or industrial activity, no controlled sign may be erected closer than 100 feet of the residence unless the owner of the residence expressly waives in writing the foregoing restriction. The waiver must be submitted with the permit application prior to the erection of a new sign.

(8) Where the width of the right of way in a commercial or industrial area is more than 300 feet, and there is commercial activity on only one side of the highway, that activity does not qualify the opposite side of the highway as commercial or industrial usage for the purpose of erecting new outdoor advertising signs.


] R933-2-6. New Application Requirements.

(1) The applicant shall submit a completed application on the approved departmental form (Outdoor Advertising Permit Application) in accordance with the instructions listed on the application. At a minimum, the applicant shall include the following items:

(a) Each application shall be accompanied by a valid and approved building permit or special use permit from the local governing authority, or a written statement from that authority indicating the building permit or special use permit is not required under its ordinances for the proposed sign.

(b) Written proof of lease, easement, ownership, or consent from the property owner to erect and maintain an outdoor advertising sign shall be furnished by the applicant.

(i) Proof of ownership may consist of a sworn declaration showing the landowner's name and address, the sign owner's name, and the sign location by route, milepost, address, and county; and

(ii) Proof verifying legal access to the sign location from private property, for purposes of maintaining the controlled sign, is also required.

(c) The Application's Location Sketch Addendum shall be completed and attached in accordance with the instructions contained thereon.

(d) The Application's Zoning Verification Addendum shall be completed and signed by the local zoning authority.

(e) The appropriate non-refundable new application review fee shall be submitted with the completed application.

(2) All new approved permit applications require the applicant to commence construction of the sign structure within 180 days from the date of the department approval and shall complete all work within 365 days from the date of the department approval.

(3) The final approval of the new approved permit application will not occur until (a) the applicant notifies the department of its completion and (b) the applicant has forwarded photographs to the department depicting the entire sign structure (including a photograph showing each individual sign face).

(4) It shall be the sole responsibility of the sign owner to ensure the final placement of the sign is not encroaching anywhere within the department's established right-of-way.

(5) A retroactive permit fee penalty shall be charged in addition to the non-refundable new application review fee to cover the additional administrative review and inspection costs where an applicant is seeking a state permit for an existing sign that did not have prior written approval.


[R933-2-7. Spacing For Permitted Signs.

(1) Spacing of permitted signs shall be as follows:

(a) Signs in unincorporated areas may not be spaced less than 500 feet apart on the interstate and federal-aid primary system, as measured parallel to the highway right of way. Any sign allowed to be erected in a highway service zone H-1 may not be less than 500 feet from an existing controlled sign adjacent to an interstate highway or primary highway except that signs may be erected less than 500 feet from each other if the sign faces on the same side of the interstate highway or limited access primary highway are not simultaneously visible.

(b) No sign may be erected more than 100 feet on the perpendicular from the edge of the right of way of an interstate or primary highway except where a non-controlled highway or railroad right of way runs contiguous and adjacent to the edge of the controlled highway. The 100-foot corridor shall then be measured from a point on the perpendicular not to exceed 200 feet from the edge of the right of way of the interstate or primary highway. In no case may the outer edge of the corridor exceed 350 feet from the controlled right of way.

(c) Any sign located within the controlled area of both the interstate system and a primary system must meet the spacing requirements of both highway systems.

(d) If a sign message may be read from two or more routes, one or more of which is a controlled route, the more stringent of applicable control requirements applies.

(2) Height Above Highway:

No new structure, including the sign face, may be more than 50 feet in height above the elevation of the edge of the traveled surface of the highway. Where local zoning requirements or ordinances are in effect, the stricter of any applicable zoning requirements or ordinances apply.


] R933-2-7. Permit Transfer Application Requirements.

(1) A permit is transferable in accordance with Utah Code Section 72-7-507.

(2) Within 90 days of the sale or transfer of ownership of a controlled sign the new sign owner shall submit a completed application on the approved departmental form (Outdoor Advertising Permit Ownership Transfer Application) in accordance with the instructions listed on the application. At a minimum, the applicant shall include the following items:

(a) The new sign owner shall provide the department proof of sign ownership.

(b) Written proof of lease, easement, ownership, or consent from the property owner to maintain an outdoor advertising sign shall be furnished by the applicant.

(i) Proof of ownership may consist of a notarized declaration showing the landowner's name and address, the sign owner's name, and the sign location by route, milepost, address, and county; and

(ii) Proof verifying legal access to the sign location from private property, for purposes of maintaining the controlled sign, is also required.

(3) The appropriate non-refundable permit transfer fee shall be submitted with the completed application.

(4) If an ownership transfer application is not submitted to the department within 90 days of the sale or transfer the new sign owner shall submit a new permit application, with the appropriate non-refundable application review fee and any corresponding late fee.


[R933-2-8. Removal of Illegal Signs.

(1) Removal Costs: The cost for the removal by the Utah Department of Transportation of an illegal or abandoned sign shall be assessed jointly and severally against the sign owner, landowner, occupant of the land or other responsible person, or any combination thereof, in accordance with Section 72-7-508.

(2) Storage Charges: Illegal or abandoned signs that have been removed by the Department after proper notice to the sign and site owner or occupant of the land shall be stored at the nearest department shed. There shall be a charge of $25 per month levied as the storage charges. The storage charges shall be in addition to the costs of the removal of the illegal or abandoned sign.

(3) Redemption and Disposal: If the illegal or abandoned sign has not been claimed and redeemed within 30 days from the date of removal, notice to the sign owner, site owner, and occupant of the land shall be given. If the sign is not redeemed within 30 days thereafter, a designated Department official in the area in which the sign is stored shall proceed to dispose of the stored illegal or abandoned sign by either utilizing the material contained therein for Utah Department of Transportation maintenance purposes or destroying the sign. A statement of the sign disposal shall be made and filed with a designated person at the Department.


] R933-2-8. Sign Alteration Application Requirements.

(1) Any sign alteration-related activity that is not defined as customary maintenance requires the sign owner to submit an Outdoor Advertising Sign Alteration Application.

(2) Anyone preparing to remodel a controlled sign shall submit a completed application on an approved departmental form (Outdoor Advertising Sign Alteration Application). The form shall be completed in accordance with the instructions on the application. At a minimum, the applicant shall include the following items:

(a) Each application shall be accompanied by a valid and approved building permit or special use permit from the local governing authority, or a written statement from that authority indicating the building permit or special use permit is not required under its ordinances for the proposed sign.

(b) The Application's Location Sketch Addendum shall be completed and attached in accordance with the instructions contained thereon.

(c) The Application's Zoning Verification Addendum shall be completed and signed by the local zoning authority.

(d) Evidence from the sign owner confirming the sign owner has legal access to the sign location from private property, for purposes of alteration and maintenance of the controlled sign.

(e) The appropriate non-refundable application review fee shall be submitted with the completed application.

(3) All approved alteration(s) shall commence within 180 days from the date of the department approval and shall complete all work within 365 days from the date of the department approval.

(4) A retroactive permit fee penalty shall be charged in addition to the non-refundable application review fee to cover additional administrative and inspection costs where an applicant is seeking an alteration permit for a sign that has been altered without prior written approval.

(a) If the sign alterations are not approved the permit holder will return the sign to the original recorded approved permitted state for size and structure.

(5) A conforming or nonconforming sign that is damaged by vandalism or an act of God may be re-erected or changed, or both, upon properly completed Outdoor Advertising Sign Alteration Application and approval of the application.

(a) Nonconforming sign located on a scenic-by-way that is damaged by vandalism or an act of God may only be repaired to the original recorded approved permitted state for size and structure.


[R933-2-9. Termination of Non-Conforming Use Status.

(1) The non-conforming use status of a controlled sign shall terminate under the following conditions:

(a) Failure of the sign owner to apply for a renewal permit on or before the date on which the permit expires;

(b) Structural alteration or change of the sign as to height, size, location or direction of sign face not constituting ordinary maintenance or a change of advertising matter;

(c) Destruction by storm, wind, act of nature, fire or vandalism;

(d) Abandonment;

(e) Failure to correct after receiving proper notice pursuant to Section 72-7-508, or failure to ask for a hearing after receiving proper notice pursuant to Section 72-7-508, or failure to file a written response as required by law, or failure to appeal from an adverse decision of the Department, or exhaustion of all legal remedies under Section 72-7-508.

(f) Purchase by the Department under Section 72-7-510.

(g) Acquisition at any time by the Department for highway construction.


] R933-2-9. Permit Renewal Requirements.

(1) Permits shall be renewed by the filing of a renewal application and submission of the appropriate non-refundable renewal fee before the first day of July during the designated billing cycle year.

(a) Permits not renewed by the first day of July during the designated billing cycle year are considered suspended.

(i) Suspended permits for conforming and non-conforming signs may be renewed upon submittal of the renewal application, appropriate non-refundable renewal fee, and late fee. The submittal must be received by September 30 of the current billing cycle year.

(ii) The department shall issue a Notice of Agency Action for suspended permits not renewed by September 30 of the current billing cycle year providing the sign owner a voluntary correction time frame prior to revoking the permit. The department shall provide this notice via certified mail to the sign owner as identified within the official sign inventory records maintained by the department.

(2) A renewal time extension may be provided to the sign owner upon the sign owner submitting a written request to the department before the first day of July during the designated billing cycle year. The department may approve such a time extension at the department's sole discretion. Any such extension shall not exceed 30 days in length. Additional time extensions beyond 30 days may only be considered where the department determines extraordinary circumstances exist. The time extension are not subject to Section (1)(a) unless they do not submit payment within the 30 day extension period.

(3) The department may make renewal applications available to the sign owner 90 days prior to the first day of July during the designated billing cycle year. The department will make the renewal applications available to the sign owner no less than 30 days prior to the first day of July of the designated billing cycle year.

(4) Completion of the renewal application prior to the expiration of the existing permit shall be the sole responsibility of the sign owner.

(5) Ensuring the department has the latest billing contact information including a valid email address shall be the sole responsibility of the sign owner.

(6) By signing the renewal application the sign owner certifies the sign site is still under valid lease, easement, or consent to the sign owner, or under the ownership of the sign owner including legal access to the sign location from private property, for purposes of maintaining the controlled sign.


[R933-2-10. Conforming Sign Becoming Nonconforming -- Removal.

(1) Any legal conforming sign that becomes nonconforming after May 9, 1967, by reason of law or route classification, may not be required to be removed under the Utah Advertising Act until after the end of the fifth year after it had become nonconforming, except as otherwise provided for by law or contract.


] R933-2-10. Minimum Sign Maintenance Requirements.

(1) Signs shall be properly maintained.

(a) Improper maintenance includes:

(i) paint faded or peeling extensively;

(ii) message not visible or illegible;

(iii) sheets or panels loose or sagging;

(iv) structural damage, or leaning; or

(v) abandonment.

(b) A sign with any of the deficiencies listed in Subsection R933-2-10(1)(a) is not in a reasonable state of repair, is in violation of the law, and is subject to permit revocation and removal. The department shall issue a Notice of Agency Action providing the sign owner a voluntary correction time frame prior to revocation and removal. The department shall provide this notice via certified mail to the sign owner as identified within the official sign inventory records maintained by the department.


[R933-2-11. On-Premise Signs -- Illegal Status - Removal.

An on-premise sign loses its on-premise status when the business or activity it advertises has ceased to exist for a period of at least 12 months at the site of the sign, the sign is located within 1,000 feet of a controlled highway, and the message thereon is visible to the traveling public from that controlled highway. This sign may be removed at the expense of the sign owner or land owner or both without compensation to the sign or site owner as provided in Section 72-7-508 of the Act.


] R933-2-11. Outdoor Advertising Control and Permit-Related Fees.

(1) All applicable outdoor advertising control and permit-related fees shall be determined in accordance with Utah Code 63J-1-504 and be contained within the department's approved fee schedule.

(2) Permit applications shall not be processed or reviewed until all applicable outdoor advertising control and permit-related fees have been paid in full.

(3) The fee for permits shall not be prorated.


[R933-2-12. Directional Signs.

(1) Directional signs shall conform to federal standards concerning the lighting, size, number, and spacing of the signs. There are no zoning or usage requirements for directional signs.

(2) The following standards apply only to directional signs that are erected and maintained adjacent to the interstate and federal-aid primary highway system, and that are visible from the main traveled way.

(a) A directional sign allowed under Sections 72-7-502 and 72-7-504 is subject to the following restrictions:

(i) No sign may exceed the following limits where all dimensions include border and trim, but exclude supports:

(A) Maximum area - 150 square feet;

(B) Maximum height - 20 feet;

(C) Maximum length - 20 feet.

(ii) A sign may be illuminated, subject to the following:

(A) Signs that are not effectively shielded so as to prevent light from being directed at any portion of the traveled way of an interstate or primary highway, or that cause glare or impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle, or that otherwise interfere with any driver's operation of a motor vehicle, are prohibited.

(B) No sign may be so illuminated as to obscure or interfere with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device, or signal.

(iii) Each location of a directional sign must be approved by the Department and is subject to the following restrictions:

(A) No directional sign may be located within 2,000 feet of an interchange or intersection at grade within the interstate system or other freeways or the primary system, measured from the nearest point of pavement widening at the exit from or entrance to the main traveled way.

(B) No directional sign may be located within 2,000 feet of a rest area, parkland, or scenic areas.

(C) Directional signs facing the same direction of travel shall be spaced no less than one mile apart.

(D) No more than one directional sign per activity facing the same direction of travel may be erected along a single route approaching the activity.

(E) Signs adjacent to the interstate or primary system shall be located within 15 air miles of the activity they advertise.

(iv) Any area of historical interest shall be approved by the Utah Historical Society before consideration for approval as an area for a directional sign.

(b) The following directional signs are prohibited:

(i) Signs advertising activities that are illegal under Federal or State law in effect at the location of those signs or activities;

(ii) Signs positioned in any manner as to obscure or otherwise interfere with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, signal, or device, or to obstruct or interfere with the driver's view of approaching, merging, or intersecting traffic;

(iii) Signs erected or maintained upon trees or painted or drawn upon rocks, or other natural features;

(iv) Obsolete signs;

(v) Signs that are structurally unsafe or in disrepair;

(vi) Signs that contain or are illuminated by any flashing or moving light or animated by moving parts;

(vii) Signs located in rest areas, parklands, or scenic areas.

(3) Any directional sign erected or maintained under the Act and these rules may at any time be removed for cause upon order of the Department after notice and hearing, if requested and timely pursued, under Section 72-7-508.


] R933-2-12. Termination of Nonconforming Use Status.

(1) The nonconforming use status of a controlled sign shall terminate and the status will become illegal under the following conditions:

(a) failure of the sign owner to respond to a Notice of Agency Action issued to renew a suspended permit;

(b) abandonment;

(c) failure to correct an identified outdoor advertising violation or failure to ask for a hearing after receiving proper notice pursuant to Section 72-7-508, failure to file a written response as required by law, or failure to appeal from an adverse decision of the department;

(d) purchase by the department under Section 72-7-510; or

(e) acquisition at any time by the department for highway construction.


[R933-2-13. Official Signs.

(1) Prerequisites for erection and maintenance:

(a) Prior to erection of an official sign the public agency shall submit to the Department in the Region where the sign is to be located, a completed permit application form R-299 along with:

(i) Facsimile of the sign message to be erected;

(ii) Statement of the official duty or responsibility being performed;

(iii) Certified copy of the statute, resolution, or ordinance from the public body showing official action authorizing erection and maintenance of the sign.

(b) The sign must be erected off the highway right-of-way, owned and maintained by the public agency, and located within the zoning jurisdiction of the public agency.

(c) Standards, Criteria and Restrictions:

(i) Only information of general interest to the traveling public may be placed on an official sign. Commercial advertising of a particular service, product or facility is prohibited.

(ii) The sign must be within the zoning jurisdiction of the city, town, or other public agency designated by the sign.

(iii) No city, town or other subdivision of the State may erect or maintain more than one sign at each approach to the off-ramp, facing oncoming traffic at the nearest point of turn off to a city, town or other subdivision and in no event may more than two official signs, one for each direction of travel upon the controlled highway, be erected and maintained by or for the purpose of designating a city or town or other subdivision.

(iv) No official sign may be located within 2,000 feet of an interchange or intersection at grade along the interstate or primary highway system, measured from the nearest point of pavement widening at the exit from the main traveled way.

(v) No official sign may be so illuminated as to interfere with the effectiveness of, or obscure, an official traffic sign, device, or signal.

(vi) Signs that are not effectively shielded so as to prevent light from being directed at any portion of the traveled way of an interstate or primary highway, or that cause glare or impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle, or that otherwise interfere with any driver's operation of a motor vehicle, are prohibited.

(vii) No sign may be located within 500 feet of a rest area, parkland, cemetery, or scenic area or other official sign.

(viii) No sign may be erected at a site prohibited under local zoning. The stricter commercial and industrial zoning and usage requirements applicable to controlled outdoor advertising signs do not apply to official signs, though all other relevant rules apply.

(ix) No sign message may be altered without prior written approval by the department.

(x) Any official sign erected or maintained under the Act and these Rules may at any time be removed for cause and without compensation after notice and hearing, if required. The owner of any official sign shall remove the sign at its own cost and expense.


] R933-2-13. Termination of On-Premises Status.

An on-premises sign loses its on-premises status when the business or activity it advertises has ceased to exist for a period of 12 months at the site of the sign, and the message thereon is visible to the traveling public from a controlled route. The advertising copy on signs meeting this criterion may be removed at the expense of the sign owner or land owner or both without compensation to the sign or site owner as provided in Section 72-7-508 of the Act.


[R933-2-14. Department Hearings.

Any hearing regarding the legality of a sign shall be held in the region where the sign is located, and shall be held in accordance with the Act, and in accordance with the Utah Administrative Procedures Act and Rule R907-1 unless specifically stated otherwise in a governing statute.


] R933-2-14. Removal of Illegal Signs.

(1) Illegal or abandoned sign(s) removal from private property. The department shall provide the responsible party with a Notice of Agency Action prior to removing any illegal or abandoned sign(s) from private property.

(2) Signs placed within the state right-of-way may be removed without prior written notice.

(3) Permitted sign(s) affixed to private property that encroach on the state right-of-way may be given written notice to remove the installation from the right-of-way.

(4) The cost for the removal by department of an illegal or abandoned sign shall be assessed jointly and severally against the sign owner, landowner, occupant of the land or other responsible person, or any combination thereof, in accordance with Section 72-7-508.

(5) Storage Charges. Illegal or abandoned signs that have been removed by the department shall be stored at the nearest department shed. An appropriate fee shall be charged for storage. The storage charges shall be in addition to the costs of the removal of the illegal or abandoned sign.

(6) Redemption and Disposal. If the illegal or abandoned sign has not been claimed and redeemed within 60 calendar days from the date of removal a designated department official shall proceed to dispose of the stored illegal or abandoned sign by either utilizing the material contained therein for department purposes or destroying the sign. A statement of the sign disposal shall be made and filed with a designated person at the department.


R933-2-15. Directional Signs.

(1) Directional signs allowed under Section 72-7-504 shall conform to federal standards under 23 CFR Section 750.154.


R933-2-16. Official Signs.

(1) Prerequisites for erection and maintenance.

(a) Prior to erection of an official sign the public agency shall submit to the Outdoor Advertising Control Program, a completed permit application on an approved departmental form (Outdoor Advertising Permit Application). The form shall be completed in accordance with the instructions on the application.

(b) The sign shall be erected off the highway right-of-way, owned and maintained by the political subdivision, and located within the zoning jurisdiction of the political subdivision.

(2) Standards, Criteria and Restrictions.

(a) Only information of general interest to the traveling public may be placed on an official sign. Commercial advertising of a particular service, product or facility is prohibited.

(b) The sign shall be within the zoning jurisdiction of the city, town, or other public agency designated by the sign.

(c) No city, town or other political subdivision of the state may erect or maintain more than one sign at each approach to the off-ramp, facing oncoming traffic at the nearest point of turn off to a city, town or other political subdivision and in no event may more than two official signs, one for each direction of travel upon the controlled highway, be erected and maintained by or for the purpose of designating a city or town or other subdivision.

(d) No official sign may be located within 2,000 feet of an interchange or intersection at grade along the interstate highway system, measured from the nearest point of pavement widening at the exit from the main traveled way.

(e) No official sign may be so illuminated as to interfere with the effectiveness of, or obscure, an official traffic sign, device, or signal.

(f) Signs that are not effectively shielded so as to prevent light from being directed at any portion of the traveled way of a controlled route, or that cause glare or impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle, or that otherwise interfere with any driver's operation of a motor vehicle, are prohibited.

(g) Any official sign erected or maintained under the Act and this rule may at any time be removed for cause and without compensation after a Notice of Agency Action is issued, if required. The owner of any official sign shall remove the sign at its own cost and expense.

(h) Official signs shall remain static and not be permitted or converted to digital display formats such as CEVMS signs.

(i) An Outdoor Advertising Permit for an Official Sign may not be transferred and may not display off-premises advertising.


R933-2-17. Department Hearings.

Any hearing regarding an application or conformance to the rule or statute for a sign shall be held in accordance with the Act, and in accordance with the Utah Administrative Procedures Act and Rule R907-1.


KEY: signs

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [March 31, 2006]2015

Notice of Continuation: November 14, 2011

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Title 72, Chapter 7, Part 5; 72-1-201


Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2015/b20150801.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact James Palmer at the above address, by phone at 801-965-4000, by FAX at 801-965-4338, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.