DAR File No. 39571

This rule was published in the September 1, 2015, issue (Vol. 2015, No. 17) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Commerce, Real Estate

Rule R162-2g

Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Administrative Rules

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 39571
Filed: 08/12/2015 08:20:58 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

This filing clarifies the rules relating to appraiser experience and continuing education credit requirements as set forth in the qualification criteria of the Appraiser Qualifications Board.

Summary of the rule or change:

The amendment of Section R162-2g-304d clarifies that a licensee may receive experience credit for work without a traditional client up to a maximum of 50% of the required experience and also limits experience credit to the actual hours worked. The amendment of Section R162-2g-307d clarifies that a licensee may receive credit for up to one-half of the individual's continuing education requirement for participation, other than as a student, in education processes and programs.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 61-2g-201
  • Section 61-2g-314
  • Section 61-2g-311
  • Section 61-2g-307
  • Section 61-2g-313

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The division has the staff and budget in place to administer this proposed amendment. It is not expected that the proposed amendment will affect those resources or result in any additional cost or savings to the state budget.

local governments:

Local governments are not required to comply with or enforce the real estate appraiser licensing and certification administrative rules. No fiscal impact to local government is expected from the proposed amendment.

small businesses:

The proposed amendment does not create new obligations for small business nor does it increase the cost associated with any existing obligation. No fiscal impact to small business is expected from the proposed amendment.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The proposed rule amendment does not create new obligations for other persons nor does it increase the cost associated with any existing obligation. No fiscal impact to other persons is expected from the proposed amendment.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The proposed rule amendment does not create new obligations for affected persons subject to the administrative rules nor does it increase the cost associated with any existing obligation. No fiscal impact to affected persons is expected from the proposed amendment.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

As stated in the rule analysis, this filing, which is for clarification only, amends the continuing education requirement for individual licensees. No fiscal impact to business in anticipated.

Francine A. Giani, Executive Director, Commerce

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Real Estate
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Justin Barney at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6603, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Jonathan Stewart, Director


R162. Commerce, Real Estate.

R162-2g. Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Administrative Rules.

R162-2g-304d. Experience Hours.

(1)(a) Except as provided in this Subsection (1)(b), appraisal experience shall be measured in hours according to the appraisal experience hours schedules found in Appendices 1 through 3.

(b)(i) An applicant who has experience in categories other than those shown on the appraisal experience hours schedules, or who believes the schedules do not adequately reflect the applicant's experience or the complexity or time spent on an appraisal, may petition the board on an individual basis for evaluation and approval of the experience as being substantially equivalent to that required for licensure or certification.

(ii) Upon a finding that an applicant's experience is substantially equivalent to that required for licensure or certification, the board may award the applicant an appropriate number of hours for the alternate experience.

(2) General restrictions.

(a) An applicant may not accrue more than 2,000 experience hours in any 12-month period.

(b) The board may not award credit for:

(i) appraisal experience earned more than five years prior to the date of application;

(ii) appraisals that were performed in violation of:

(A) Utah law;

(B) the law of another jurisdiction; or

(C) the administrative rules adopted by the division and the board;

(iii) appraisals that fail to comply with USPAP;

(iv) appraisals of the value of a business as distinguished from the appraisal of commercial real estate;

(v) personal property appraisals; or

(vi) an appraisal that fails to clearly and conspicuously disclose the contribution made by the applicant in completing the assignment.

(c) At least 50% of the appraisals submitted for experience credit shall be appraisals of properties located in Utah.

(d) With regard to experience hours claimed from the schedules found in Appendices 1 and 2:

(i) appraisals where only an exterior inspection of the subject property is performed shall be granted 90% of the credit awarded an appraisal that includes an interior inspection of the subject property; and

(ii) no more than 25% of the total experience required for licensure or certification may be earned from appraisals where the interior of the subject property is not inspected.

(e) A maximum of 250 experience hours may be earned from appraisal of vacant land.

(f) Appraisals on commercial or multi-unit form reports shall be awarded 75% of the credit normally awarded for the appraisal.

(g) Experience gained for work without a traditional client may qualify for experience hours but cannot exceed 50% of the total experience requirement. Work without a traditional client includes the following:[Experience for appraisal work without a traditional client may qualify for experience as follows:]

(i) a client hiring an appraiser for a business purpose; or

(ii) a practicum course so long as the course is approved by the AQB Course Approval Program and, if the course is taught in Utah either live or by distance education, also approved [or ]by the division.

[(h) Experience gained for work without a traditional client may not exceed 50% of the total experience requirement.

] (h) An applicant may receive credit only for experience hours actually worked by the applicant and as limited by the maximum experience hours described in these rules.

(3) Specific restrictions applicable to trainees applying for licensure.

(a)(i) A registered trainee may not claim experience hours for any appraisal work performed after January 1, 2015 unless the trainee and the trainee's supervisor(s) have completed the division-approved Supervisory Appraiser and Appraiser Trainee Course prior to performing the work to be claimed.

(ii) A trainee and the trainee's supervisor who signs the experience log shall document on the log the specific duties that the trainee performs for each appraisal.

(b) For each duty performed, the trainee shall be awarded a percentage of the total experience hours that may be awarded for the property type being appraised:

(i) pursuant to the appraisal experience hour schedules found in Appendices 1 through 3; and

(ii) with the following limitations for Appendix 2:

(A) participation in highest and best use analysis: 10% of total hours;

(B) participation in neighborhood description and analysis: 10% of total hours;

(C) property inspection: 20% of total hours, pursuant to this Subsection (3)(c);

(D) participation in land value estimate: 20% of total hours;

(E) participation in sales comparison property selection and analysis: 30% of total hours;

(F) participation in cost analysis: 20% of total hours;

(G) participation in income analysis: 30% of total hours;

(H) participation in the final reconciliation of value: 10% of total hours; and

(I) participation in report preparation: 20% of total hours.

(J) The applicant may claim up to 100% of the total hours allowed for the tasks listed in this Subsection(A) through (I).

(c) In order for a trainee to claim credit for an inspection pursuant to this Subsection (3)(b)(ii)(C):

(i) as to the first 100 residential appraisals or first 20 non-residential appraisals completed, as applicable to the license or certification being sought, the inspection must include:

(A) measurement of the exterior of a property that is the subject of an appraisal; and

(B) inspection of the exterior of a property that is used as a comparable in an appraisal; and

(ii) as to appraisals after the first 100 residential appraisals or first 20 non-residential appraisals completed, as applicable to the license or certification being sought, the inspection must satisfy all scope of work requirements.

(d) No more than one-third of the experience hours submitted toward licensure may come from any one of the categories identified in this Subsection (3)(b)(ii).

(4) Specific restrictions applicable to applicants for certification.

(a) An individual who obtained a license from the division through reciprocity shall provide to the division all records necessary for the division to verify that the individual satisfies the experience requirements outlined in these rules.

(b) The board may not award credit:

(i) for any appraisal where the applicant cannot prove more than 50% participation in the:

(A) data collection;

(B) verification of data;

(C) reconciliation;

(D) analysis;

(E) identification of property and property interests;

(F) compliance with USPAP standards; and

(G) preparation and development of the appraisal report; or

(ii) to more than one licensed appraiser per completed appraisal, except as provided in this Subsection (5).

(c)(i) An individual applying for certification as a state-certified residential appraiser shall document at least 75% of the hours submitted from:

(A) the residential experience hours schedule found in Appendix 1; or

(B) the residential portion of the mass appraisal hours schedule found in Appendix 3.

(ii) No more than 25% of the total hours submitted may be from:

(A) the general experience hours schedule found in Appendix 2; or

(B) properties other than 1- to 4-unit residential properties identified in the mass appraisal hours schedule found in Appendix 3.

(d) An individual applying for certification as a state-certified general appraiser shall document at least 1,500 experience hours as having been earned from:

(i) the general experience hours schedule found in Appendix 2; or

(ii) properties other than 1- to 4-unit residential properties identified in the mass appraisal hours schedule found in Appendix 3.

(5) Specific restrictions applicable to mass appraisers.

(a) Single-property appraisals performed under USPAP Standards 1 and 2 by mass appraisers shall be awarded full credit pursuant to Appendices 1 and 2.

(b) Review and supervision of appraisals by mass appraisers shall be awarded credit pursuant to this Subsection (6)(b)-(c).

(c)(i) Mass appraisers and mass appraiser trainees who perform 60% or more of the appraisal work shall be awarded full credit pursuant to Appendix 3.

(ii) Mass appraisers and mass appraiser trainees who perform between 25% and 59% of the appraisal work shall be awarded 50% credit pursuant to Appendix 3.

(iii) Mass appraisers and mass appraisal trainees who perform less than 25% of the appraisal work shall be awarded no credit for the appraisal assignment.

(d) In addition to submitting proof of required experience and samples, randomly selected from the experience log, of work conforming to USPAP Standard 6:

(i) a state-licensed appraiser applicant whose experience is earned primarily through mass appraisal shall submit proof of having performed at least five appraisals conforming to USPAP Standards 1 and 2;

(ii) a state-certified residential appraiser applicant whose experience is earned primarily through mass appraisal shall submit proof of having performed at least eight residential appraisals:

(A) conforming to USPAP Standards 1 and 2; and

(B) including the following property types:

(I) vacant property;

(II) two- to four-unit dwelling;

(III) non-complex single-family unit; and

(IV) complex single-family unit; and

(iii) a state-certified general appraiser applicant whose experience is earned primarily through mass appraisal shall submit proof of having performed at least eight appraisals from Appendix 2 conforming to USPAP Standards 1 and 2.

(e) No more than 60% of the total hours submitted for licensure or certification may be earned from any combination of appraisal assignments related to:

(i) property improvement inspection;

(ii) land segregation (division);

(iii) CAMA data entry; and

(iv) sale ratio study.

(f)(i) Mass appraisal of property with a personal property component of less than 50% of value shall be awarded full credit pursuant to Appendix 3 for the type of property appraised.

(ii) Mass appraisal of property with a personal property component of 50% to 75% of value shall be awarded 50% credit pursuant to Appendix 3 for the type of property appraised.

(iii) Mass appraisal of property with a personal property component greater than 75%, but less than 100%, shall be awarded 25% credit pursuant to Appendix 3 for the type of property appraised.

(iv) Mass appraisal of property with no real property component shall be awarded no credit.

(g) The appraisals submitted for review pursuant to this Subsection (5)(d) shall be selected from the applicant's most recent work.

(6) Special circumstances - condemnation appraisals, review appraisals, supervision of appraisers, other real estate experience, and government agency experience.

(a) Condemnation appraisals. A condemnation appraisal shall be awarded an additional 50% of the hours normally awarded for the appraisal if the condemnation appraisal includes a before-and-after appraisal because of a partial taking of the property.

(b) Review appraisals.

(i) Review appraisals shall be awarded experience credit when the appraiser performs technical reviews of appraisals prepared by employees, associates, or others, provided the appraiser complies with USPAP Standards Rule 3 when the appraiser is required to comply with the rule.

(ii) Except as provided in this Subsection (6)(e)(i), the following credit shall be awarded for review of appraisals:

(A) desk review: 30% of the hours that would be awarded if a separate written review appraisal report were prepared, up to a maximum of 500 hours; and

(B) field review: 50% of the hours that would be awarded if a separate written review appraisal report were prepared, up to a maximum of 500 hours.

(c) Supervision of appraisers. Except as provided in this Subsection (6)(e)(i), supervision of appraisers shall be awarded 20% of the hours that would be awarded to the appraisal, up to a maximum of 500 hours.

(d) Other real estate experience acceptable for certification.

(i) Provided that an applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that the applicant has the ability to arrive at a fair market value of property and to properly document value conclusions, the following activities may be used to satisfy up to 50% of the experience required for certification:

(A) preliminary valuation estimates;

(B) range of value estimates or similar studies;

(C) other real estate-related experience gained by:

(I) bankers;

(II) builders;

(III) city planners and managers; or

(IV) other individuals.

(ii) A comparative market analysis by an individual licensed under Section 61-2f et seq. may be granted up to 100% experience credit toward certification if:

(A) the analysis conforms with USPAP Standards Rules 1 and 2; and

(B) the individual demonstrates to the board that the individual uses similar techniques as appraisers to value properties and effectively utilize the appraisal process.

(iii) Except as provided in this Subsection (6)(e)(i), no more than 50% of the total experience required for certification may be earned through any combination of experience described in this Subsection (6)(b)-(d).

(e) Government agency experience.

(i) An individual who obtains experience hours in conjunction with investigation by a government agency is not subject to the hour limitations of this Subsection (6).

(ii) In addition to submitting proof of required experience, an applicant whose experience is earned primarily in conjunction with investigations by government agencies and through review of appraisals, with no opinion of value developed, shall submit proof of having complied with USPAP Standards 1 and 2 in performing appraisals as follows:

(A) if applying for state-licensed appraiser with experience reviewing residential appraisals, five appraisals of one-unit dwellings;

(B) if applying for state-certified residential appraiser with experience reviewing residential appraisals, eight appraisals of one-unit dwellings; and

(C) if applying for state-certified general appraiser with experience reviewing appraisals of property types listed in Appendix 2, at least eight appraisals of property types identified in Appendix 2.

(7) The board, at its discretion, may request the division to verify the claimed experience by any of the following methods:

(a) verification with the clients;

(b) submission of selected reports to the board; and

(c) field inspection of reports identified by the applicant at the applicant's office during normal business hours.


R162-2g-307d. Continuing Education Course Certification.

(1) The division and the board may not award continuing education credit for a course that is taught in Utah to registered, licensed, or certified appraisers unless the course is certified prior to its being taught.

(2) To certify a continuing education course, an applicant shall, at least 30 days prior to the course being taught, submit a completed application as required by the division, including:

(a) name and contact information of the course sponsor and the entity through which the course will be provided;

(b) description of the physical facility where the course will be taught;

(c) the proposed number of credit hours for the course;

(d) identification of whether the method of instruction will be traditional education or distance education;

(e) title of the course;

(f) statement defining how the course will meet the objectives of continuing education by increasing the licensee's knowledge, professionalism, and ability to protect and serve the public;

(g) course outline including:

(i) a description of the subject matter covered in each 15-minute segment; and

(ii) a minimum of one learning objective for every hour of class time;

(h) the name and certification number of each certified instructor who will teach the course;

(i) copies of all materials that will be distributed to the participants;

(j) the procedure for pre-registration;

(k) the tuition or registration fee and a copy of the cancellation and refund policy;

(l) except for courses approved for distance education, the procedure for taking and maintaining control of attendance during class time;

(m) sample of the completion certificate;

(n) signed statement agreeing that the course provider will, within 10 business days of completing the class, upload to the division the following information:

(i) course name;

(ii) course certificate number assigned by the division;

(iii) date the course was taught;

(iv) number of credit hours; and

(v) names and license numbers of all students receiving continuing education credit;

(o) signed statement agreeing not to market personal sales products; and

(p) other information the division might require.

(2) Standards for approval.

(a)(i) A distance education course shall:

(A) provide interaction between the student and instructor; and

(B) include a written examination that requires a student to demonstrate mastery and fluency.

(ii) The division may approve a distance education course offered by a college or university if the college or university:

(A) offers distance education programs in other disciplines; and

(B)(I) is accredited by the Commission on Colleges or a regional accreditation association; or

(II) is approved by the International Distance Education Certification Center.

(b) The course topic must be AQB-approved.

(c) The procedure for taking and maintaining control of attendance shall be more extensive than having the students sign a class roll.

(d) The completion certificate shall allow for entry of:

(i) licensee's name;

(ii) type of license;

(iii) license number;

(iv) date of course;

(v) name of the course provider;

(vi) course title;

(viii) course certification number and expiration date;

(ix) credit hours awarded; and

(x) signatures of the course sponsor and the licensee.

(e) A real estate appraisal-related field trip that is submitted for continuing education credit may not include transit time to or from the field trip location as part of the credit hours awarded.

(4) Non-certified continuing education credit. Except as provided in Subsection R162-2f-307d(1), the board may award continuing education credit on a case-by-case basis for the following:

(a) up to one-half of an individual's continuing education credit requirement for:

(i) participation, other than as a student, in[ an] appraisal educational processes and programs; or[practicum course;]

(ii)[(b)] teaching, program development, authorship of textbooks, or similar activities that are determined by the board to be equivalent to obtaining continuing education;[, up to one-half of an individual's continuing education credit requirement;]

(b)[(c)] service as a member of the experience review committee, or the technical advisory panel, if approved by the board and offered in accordance with AQB standards as a:

(i) practicum course under this Subsection (3)(a); or

(ii) course under this Subsection (3)(b); and

(c)[(d)] completion of any course that:

(i) meets the continuing education objectives of increasing the licensee's knowledge, professionalism, and ability to protect and serve the public; and

(ii) is taught outside the state of Utah.


KEY: real estate appraisals, school certification, instructor certification

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [ January 1, ]2015

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 61-2g-201(2)(h); 61-2g-202(1); 61-2g-205(5)(c); 61-2g-307(3); 61-2g-401(5)


Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2015/b20150901.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Justin Barney at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6603, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.