DAR File No. 40485

This rule was published in the July 1, 2016, issue (Vol. 2016, No. 13) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Public Safety, Fire Marshal

Rule R710-4

Buildings Under the Jurisdiction of the State Fire Prevention Board

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 40485
Filed: 06/09/2016 04:04:31 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The purpose of this amendment is to comply with the adoption of the 2015 International Fire Code by the Utah State Legislature and make formatting changes.

Summary of the rule or change:

The rule has been renumbered to meet the requirements of the Rulewriting Manual. The purpose of the rule has been restated to meet the requirements of the Rulewriting Manual. The authority of the rule has been restated to meet the requirements of the Rulewriting Manual. Redundant definitions have been removed. Clarifies the adoption, of the applicable chapters of NFPA 101. Removes information concerning fire drills that is covered in the code. Removes information covered in chapters 7 and 9 of the IFC. Corrects NFPA 13 section numbers. Removes information that is covered in chapter 9 of the IFC.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 53-7-204

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

There will not be an anticipated cost or savings to the state budget because the changes made to the rule are specific to incorporation of the 2015 International Fire Code specifications and other formatting changes and do not involve changes to fees or equipment requirements.

local governments:

There will not be an anticipated cost or savings to the local budget because the changes made to the rule are specific to incorporation of the 2015 International Fire Code specifications and other formatting changes and do not involve changes to fees or equipment requirements.

small businesses:

There will not be an anticipated cost or savings to the small business budget because the changes made to the rule are specific to incorporation of the 2015 International Fire Code specifications and other formatting changes and do not involve changes to fees or equipment requirements.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

There will not be an anticipated cost or savings to the persons budget because the changes made to the rule are specific to incorporation of the 2015 International Fire Code specifications and other formatting changes and do not involve changes to fees or equipment requirements.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

There will not be an anticipated cost or savings because the changes made to the rule are specific to incorporation of the 2015 International Fire Code specifications and other formatting changes and do not involve changes to fees or equipment requirements.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

I have reviewed the amendment and found that this rule change will not have a fiscal impact on business.

Keith D. Squires, Commissioner

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Public Safety
Fire MarshalRoom 302
MURRAY, UT 84123-2611

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Ted Black at the above address, by phone at 801-284-6352, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Kim Gibb at the above address, by phone at 801-556-8198, by FAX at 801-964-4482, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Coy Porter, State Fire Marshal


R710. Public Safety, Fire Marshal.

R710-4. Buildings Under the Jurisdiction of the State Fire Prevention Board.

R710-4-1. [Adoption of Fire Codes.]Purpose.

[Pursuant to Title 53, Chapter 7, Section 204, of the Utah Code Annotated 1953, the Utah Fire Prevention Board adopts ] The Purpose of this rule is to establish minimum rules for the prevention of fire and for the protection of life and property against fire and panic in any publicly owned building, including all public and private schools, colleges, and university buildings, and in any building or structure used or intended for use, as an asylum, hospital, mental hospital, sanitarium, home for the aged, assisted living facility, children's home or day care center, or any similar institutional type occupancy of any capacity; and in any place of assemblage where [fifty (]50[)] or more persons may gather together in a building, structure, tent, or room, for the purpose of amusement, entertainment, instruction, or education.[The requirements listed in this rule text are in addition to the requirements listed in R710-9, Rules Pursuant to the Utah Fire Prevention Law.]


R710-4-2. Authority.

This rule is authorized by Section 53-7- 204.


R710-4-3. Adoption.

[There is further adopted as part of these rules the following codes which are incorporated by reference:

1.1 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Standard 101, Life Safety Code (LSC), 2009 edition, except as amended by provisions listed in R710-4-3, et seq. ]The following chapters from NFPA, Standard 101 are the only chapters adopted: Chapter 18 - New Health Care Occupancies; Chapter 19 - Existing Health Care Occupancies; Chapter 20 - New Ambulatory Health Care Occupancies; Chapter 21 - Existing Ambulatory Health Care Occupancies; Chapter 22 - New Detention and Correctional Occupancies; Chapter 23 - Existing Detention and Correctional Occupancies; and other sections referenced within and pertaining to these chapters only. Wherever there is a section, figure or table in NFPA 101 that references "NFPA 5000 - Building Construction and Safety Code", that reference shall be replaced with the similar reference in the state adopted["International Building Code"]building code.

[1.2 International Fire Code (IFC), 2009 edition, excluding appendices, as published by the International Code Council, Inc. (ICC), and as enacted and amended by the Utah State Legislature in Sections 102 and 201 of the State Fire Code Adoption Act.

1.3 Copies of the above codes are on file in the Office of Administrative Rules and the State Fire Marshal.]


R710-4-[2]4 . Definitions.

[2.1](1) "Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)" means the State Fire Marshal, his authorized deputies, or the local fire enforcement authority.

[2.2](2) "Board" means Utah Fire Prevention Board.

[2.3](3) "Bureau of Fire Prevention or Fire Prevention Bureau" means the AHJ.

[2.4](4) "Fire Chief or Chief of the Department" means the AHJ.

[2.5](5) "Fire Department" means the AHJ.

[2.6](6) "Fire Marshal" means the AHJ.

[2.7](7) "Fire Officer" means the State Fire Marshal, the state fire marshal's deputies, the fire chief or fire marshal of any county, city, or town fire department, the fire officer of any fire district or special service district organized for fire protection purposes is the AHJ.

[2.8](8) "IBC" means International Building Code.

[2.9](9) "ICC" means International Code Council, Inc.

[2.10](10) "IFC" means International Fire Code.

[2.11](11) "IFGC" means International Fuel Gas Code.

[2.12](12) "IMC" means International Mechanical Code.

[2.13](13) "IPC" means International Plumbing Code.

[2.14](14) "LSC" means Life Safety Code.

[2.15](15) "NEC" means National Electric Code.

[2.16](16) "NFPA" means National Fire Protection Association.

[2.17](17) "SFM" means State Fire Marshal.

[2.18 "UCA" means Utah State Code Annotated 1953 as amended.]


R710-4-[3]5 . Amendments and Additions.

[3.1 Fire Drills

3.1.1 IFC, Chapter 4, Section 405.2, Table 405.2, is amended to add the following footnotes:

e. Secondary schools in Group E occupancies shall have an emergency evacuation drill for fire conducted at least every two months, to a total of four emergency evacuation drills during the nine-month school year. The first emergency evacuation drill for fire shall be conducted within 10 school days of the beginning of classes, and the third emergency evacuation drill for fire shall be conducted within 10 school days after the beginning of the next calendar year. The second and fourth emergency evacuation drills may be substituted by a security or safety drill to include shelter in place, earthquake drill or lock down for violence.

f. In Group E occupancies, excluding secondary schools, the monthly required emergency evacuation drill may be substituted by a security or safety drill to include shelter in place, earthquake drill or lock down for violence. The routine emergency evacuation drill for fire must by conducted at least every other evacuation drill.

g. A-3 occupancies in academic buildings of institutions of higher learning are required to have one emergency evacuation drill per year, provided the following conditions are met:

1. The building has a fire alarm system in accordance with Section 907.2.

2. The rooms classified as assembly, shall have fire safety floor plans as required in Section 404.3.2(4) posted.

3. The building is not classified a high-rise building.

4. The building does not contain hazardous materials over the allowable quantities by code.

3.2 Door Closures

3.2.1 IFC, Chapter 7, Section 703.2. Add the following: Exception: In Group E Occupancies, where the corridor serves an occupant load greater than 30 and the building does not have an automatic fire sprinkler system installed, the door closures may be of the friction hold-open type on classrooms doors with a rating of 20 minutes or less only.

3.3 Fire Protection Systems

3.3.1 IFC, Chapter 9, Section 903.2.8 is amended to add the following: Exception: Group R-4 fire areas not more than 4500 gross square feet and not containing more than 16 residents, provided the building is equipped throughout with an approved fire alarm system that is interconnected and receives its primary power from the building wiring and a commercial power system.]

[3.3.2](1) Water Supply Analysis

[](a) For proposed construction in both sprinklered and [unsprinklered]nonsprinklered occupancies, the [owner or ]architect or engineer shall provide [an engineer’s]a water supply analysis [evaluating the available water supply]as required in NFPA, Standard 13, Chapter 22.

[](b) The [owner or ]architect or engineer shall provide the water supply analysis during the preliminary design phase of the proposed construction. The AHJ shall not approve the plan review without the water supply analysis being provided or previously submitted water supply information within the last 12 months that is approved by the AHJ.

[](c) The water analysis shall be representative of the supply that may be available at the time of a fire as required in NFPA, Standard 13, [Annex A. 15.2.1] and A23.2.1.1.

[3.3.3](2) Fire Alarm Systems

[](a) Required Installations

[](i) All state-owned buildings, college and university buildings, other than institutional, with an occupant load of 300 or more, all schools with an occupant load of 50 or more, shall have an approved fire alarm system with the following features:

[](A) Automatic detection devices that detect smoke shall be installed throughout all corridors and spaces open to the corridor at the maximum prescribed spacing of thirty feet on center and no more than fifteen feet from the walls or smoke detectors shall be installed as required in NFPA, Standard 72, Section [5.3]17.7.

[](B) Where structures are not protected or partially protected with an automatic fire sprinkler system, approved automatic detectors shall be installed in accordance with the complete coverage requirements of NFPA, Standard 72.

[](C) Manual fire alarm boxes shall be provided as required. In public and private elementary and secondary schools, manual fire alarm boxes shall be provided in the boiler room, kitchen, and main administrative office of each building, and any other areas as determined by the AHJ.

[](b) Main Panel

[](i) An approved key plan drawing and operating instructions shall be posted at the main fire alarm panel which displays the location of all alarm zones and if applicable, device addresses.

[](ii) The main panel shall be located in a normally attended area such as the main office or lobby. Location of the Main Panel other than as stated above, shall require the review and authorization of the SFM. Where location as required above is not possible, an electronically supervised remote annunciator from the main panel shall be located in a supervised area of the building. The remote annunciator shall visually indicate system power status, alarms for each zone, and give both a visual and audible indication of trouble conditions in the system. All indicators on both the main panel and remote annunciator shall be adequately labeled.

[](c) System Wiring[,] Class[and Style]

[](i) Fire alarm system wiring shall be designated and installed as follows:

[](A) The initiating device circuits shall be designated and installed Class A as defined in NFPA, Standard 72.

[](B) The notification appliance circuits shall be designated and installed Class A as defined in NFPA, Standard 72.

[](C) Signaling line circuits shall be designated and installed [Style 6 or 7]Class A loop as defined in NFPA, Standard 72.

[](d) Fan Shut Down

[](A) Fan shut down shall be as required in IMC, Chapter 6, Section 606.

[](B) Duct detectors required by the IMC, shall be interconnected, and compatible with the fire alarm system.

[ Nuisance Alarms IFC, Chapter 9, Section 907.9.5 is amended to add the following sentences: Increases in nuisance alarms shall require the fire alarm system to be tested for sensitivity. Fire alarm systems that continue after sensitivity testing with unwarranted nuisance alarms shall be replaced as directed by the AHJ.]

[3.4](3) Time Out and Seclusion Rooms

[3.4.1](a) Time Out and Seclusion Rooms are allowed in occupancies protected by an automatic fire alarm system.

[3.4.2](b) A vision panel shall be provided in the room door for observation purposes.

[3.4.3](c) Time Out and Seclusion Room doors may not be fitted with a lock unless it is a self-releasing latch that releases automatically if not physically held in the locked position by an individual on the outside of the door.

[3.4.4](d) Time Out and Seclusion Rooms shall be located where a responsible adult can maintain visual monitoring of the person and room.


R710-4-[4]6 . Repeal of Conflicting Board Actions.

All former Board actions, or parts thereof, conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this Board action or of the codes hereby adopted, are hereby repealed.


R710-4-[5]7 . Validity.

The Board hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Board action, or of the codes hereby adopted, be declared, for any reason, to be invalid, it is the intent of the Board that it would have passed all other portions of this Board action, independent of the elimination here from of any such portion as may be declared invalid.


R710-4-[6]8 . Conflicts.

In the event where separate requirements pertain to the same situation in the same code, or between different codes as adopted, the more restrictive requirement shall govern, as determined by the AHJ, or his authorized representative.


R710-4-[7]9 . Adjudicative Proceedings.

[7.1](1) All adjudicative proceedings performed by the agency shall proceed informally as set forth herein and as authorized by UCA, Sections 63G-4-202 and 63G-4-203.

[7.2](2) A person may request a hearing on a decision made by the AHJ, by filing an appeal to the Board within 20 days after receiving final decision from the AHJ.

[7.3](3) All adjudicative proceedings, other than criminal prosecution, taken by the AHJ to enforce the Utah Fire Prevention and Safety Act, and these rules, shall commence in accordance with UCA, Section 63G-4-201.

[7.4](4) The Board shall act as the hearing authority, and shall convene as an appeals board after timely notice to all parties involved.

[7.5](5) The Board shall direct the SFM to issue a signed order to the parties involved giving the decision of the Board within a reasonable time of the hearing pursuant to UCA, Section 63G-4-203.

[7.6](6) Reconsideration of the Board's decision may be requested in writing within 20 days of the date of the decision pursuant to UCA, Section 63G-4-302.

[7.7](7) Judicial review of all final Board actions resulting from informal adjudicative proceedings is available pursuant to UCA, Section 63G-4-402.


KEY: fire prevention, public buildings

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [May 22, 2012]2016

Notice of Continuation: May 24, 2012

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 53-7-204


Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2016/b20160701.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Ted Black at the above address, by phone at 801-284-6352, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Kim Gibb at the above address, by phone at 801-556-8198, by FAX at 801-964-4482, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.