DAR File No. 40918

This rule was published in the November 15, 2016, issue (Vol. 2016, No. 22) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Agriculture and Food, Regulatory Services

Rule R70-101

Bedding, Upholstered Furniture and Quilted Clothing

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 40918
Filed: 10/28/2016 10:55:14 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The rule governs the filling material for bedding, upholstered furniture, and quilted clothing products in addition to their registration and inspection in the state. Changes in the rule are due to the passage of H.B. 314 during the 2016 General Session which requires sterilization facilities to license.

Summary of the rule or change:

The rule changes outline the license/permit requirements for sterilization facilities and the procedures to be followed by those facilities.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 4-10-14
  • Subsection 4-2-2(i)

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

Due to the changes in registration the Department will gain some registrations fees. The fee for this new license will bring in approximately $30,000 in revenue. There will be a minimal increase in employee workload which the Department should be able to absorb.

local governments:

There are no sterilization facilities within the state.

small businesses:

The changes to the rule have an effect on bedding and upholstered furniture businesses that bring in filling material. Requiring sterilization was already required; therefore, there are no new costs associated with the changes for small businesses.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

Large businesses producing filled clothing will incur a one-time fee of approximately $30 to update their labels and then an annual fee of $105. Large businesses producing bedding and upholstered furniture already put the required information on their labels and will, therefore, only incur the $105 annual fee.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The changes to the rule will add an additional license fee of $105 to each sterilization facility per year. Producers of quilted clothing may incur a one-time fee of approximately $30 to change their labels.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

H.B. 314 (2016) for the sterilization of wool, feathers, down, shoddy, or hair was introduced due to a request from industry. This change will bring Utah in line with other states that require sterilization facilities to license. The fees for the license are also in line with the charge from other states and similar licenses issued by the department.

LuAnn Adams, Commissioner

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Agriculture and Food
Regulatory Services
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3034

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Kathleen Mathews at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7103, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Michelle Jack at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7151, by FAX at 801-538-4949, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Travis Waller at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7150, by FAX at 801-538-7124, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Scott Ericson at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7102, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

LuAnn Adams, Commissioner


R70. Agriculture and Food, Regulatory Services.

R70-101. Bedding, Upholstered Furniture and Quilted Clothing.

R70-101-1. Authority and Purpose.

Pursuant to Section 4-10-3, this rule establishes the standards, practices and procedures for the manufacture, repair, sale, and distribution of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing products, and filling materials.


R70-101-2. Definitions.

1) "Clean" means free from stains, dirt, trash, filth, pulp, sludge, oil, grease, fat, skin, epidermis, excreta, vermin, insects, insect eggs, insect carcasses, contamination, hazardous materials, residual or objectionable substances or odors.

2) "Department" means the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food.

3) "Law Label or Label" means a tag attached to a product that provides information about the product to the consumer.

4) "Manufacture" means the making, processing, or preparing of new or secondhand bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material.

5) "Manufacturer" means a person who makes or has employees make any bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, filling material, or any part thereof.

6) "Non-resident" means a person licensed under these rules who does not have premises in the State of Utah.

7) "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, firm, auctioneer, trust, limited liability company, or corporation, and agents, and employees of them.

8) "Premises" means all places where bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material is sold, offered for sale, exposed for sale, stored, renovated or manufactured and the delivery vehicles used in their transportation.

9) "Supply dealer" means a person who manufactures, processes, or sells at wholesale any felt, batting, pads, or other filling, loose in bags, in bales or in containers, concealed or not concealed, intended for use in bedding, upholstered furniture, or quilted clothing.

10) "Second Hand Law Tag or Tag" means a tag attached to a product or filling material that has previously been used.

11) "Sterilization Permit Number" means the number issued by a state to be used on filling materials or on the label for bedding, upholstered furniture, or quilted clothing to identify the sterilizing facility, person, or company.

12) "Sterilize" means a process used to make wool, feathers, down, shoddy, or hair free from bacteria or other living microorganisms.

13) "Sterilizer" means a person who sterilizes wool, feathers, down, shoddy, or hair.

[11)]14) "Uniform Registry Number or URN" means the number issued by a state to be used on the law label of bedding, furniture, or filling materials to identify the manufacturing facility, person, or company.


R70-101-3. Application of Rule.

1) This rule shall apply to all persons engaged in the business of manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling, processing, repairing, sterilizing, and selling items of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing and filling materials, regardless of their point of origin.


R70-101-4. Licensing Requirements for Manufacturers, Repairers, and Wholesalers.

1) Any person, who advertises, solicits, or contracts to manufacture or repair bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling materials shall secure a license from the department.

a) This license must be obtained before such products are offered for sale in Utah.

2) Any person seeking a license shall provide the following to the department:

a) a complete registration application form,

b) a sample of the identification label that will be used, and

c) a sample tag

i) wholesale bedding, upholstered furniture dealers, upholstery supply dealer, and quilted clothing manufacturers are exempted from providing a sample tag to the department.

3) A licensing fee will be assessed annually. This fee shall be paid before January 1 or a late fee will be assessed. All fees are listed in the department's fee schedule approved by the legislature.


R70-101-5. Sterilization Permit Requirements for Sterilizers.

1) Any person, who advertises, solicits, or contracts as a sterilizer shall secure a sterilization permit from the department.

a) This permit must be obtained before such products are offered for sale in Utah.

2) Any person seeking a sterilization permit shall provide to the department a sterilization permit application completed by a department authorized third party inspector.

3) A permit fee will be assessed annually. This fee shall be paid before January 1 or a late fee will be assessed. All fees are listed in the department's fee schedule approved by the legislature.

4) Inspections for sterilization permits shall be conducted every three years

a) Copies of the inspection reports shall be submitted to the department with the renewal form for that year.


R70-101-[5]6 . Revocation of License or Permit.

1) The department shall have the authority to suspend or revoke a license or permit for any violation of these provisions.

2) A suspension or revocation shall be in accordance with section 4-1-5.


R70-101-[6]7. Sanitation Requirements.

1) The premises, delivery equipment, machinery, appliances, and devices shall at all times be kept free from refuse, dirt, contamination, or insects.

2) No person shall use in the making, repairing, or renovating of bedding, upholstered furniture, or quilted clothing any filling material that:

a) contains any bugs, vermin or filth,

b) is not clean, or

c) contains burlap or other material that has been used for baling.

3) Bedding, quilted clothing, and filling materials shall be stored four inches off the floor.

4) New and used products shall be stored separately.


R70-101-8 Sterilization Requirements for New Fill Material.

1) All wool, feathers, down, shoddy, and hair shall be cleaned and sterilized before being used as new filling material.

2) Methods for Sterilization

a. Pressure Steam: The material shall be subjected to treatment by steam at 15 PSI (.104 mPA) for 30 minutes or 20 PSI (.0138 mPA) for 20 minutes.

i. The gauge for registering steam pressure must be visible from outside of the room or chamber.

b. Streaming Steam: Two applications of streaming steam maintained for a period of one hour each, applied at intervals of not less than six nor more than 24 hours, may be used.

i. Valved outlets shall be provided near the bottom and the top of the room or chamber when streaming steam is employed.

c. Heat: a teamperature of 235° F held for a period of 2 hours, within a closed container is considered satisfactory for proper sterilization.

d. Other methods as may be approved by the department upon petition.


R70-101-[ 7 ] 9. Manufacturing, Wholesale, Sterilizers, and Supply Dealer Labeling Requirements for Quilted Clothing.

1) The department adopts by reference the Rules and Regulations under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, Fur Products Labeling Act, and Wool Products Labeling Act found in 16 CFR parts 300, 301, and 303.

2) Articles of plumage-filled clothing shall meet the following label requirements:

a) Any label stating the contents of Down, Goose Down, or Duck Down shall also state the minimum percentage of Down, Goose Down, or Duck Down that is contained in the article. The down label is a qualified general label and shall include in parentheses the minimum percentage of down in the product which must be 75% or greater.

b) Down and Waterfowl Feathers: may be used to designate any plumage product containing between 50% (minimum) and 74% down and plumules. The percentage of both must be stated on the sewn-in label and hang tags,

c) Waterfowl Feathers and Down: may be used to designate any plumage product containing between 5% (minimum) and 49% down and plumules. The percentage of both must be stated on the sewn-in label and hang tags.

d) Waterfowl Feathers: may be used to designate any plumage product containing less than 5% down and plumules.

e) Quill Feathers are not permitted unless disclosed.

f) Other Plumage Products which do not meet the requirements for any of the above listed categories must be labeled accurately with each component listed separately in order of predominance.

3) The sterilization permit number (PER. NO. ) shall be listed on the textile label

a) manufacturers of quilted clothing shall have five years compliance period, starting January 1, 2017, for the inclusion of the sterilization permit number on the textile label.

[3)]4) The form of identification used on labels and tags shall be the same as those supplied to the department with the registration application.


R70-101-[8]10. Filling Material.

1) All terms and definitions of filling materials shall be those terms which have been submitted and approved by International Association of Bedding Law Officials (IABFLO), except as otherwise required by this rule.

2) All plumage materials shall follow the standards as set forth in the "USA-2000 Labeling Standards- Down and Feather Products" and ASTM D-4522.

3) All other filling materials shall be clean.

4) "Imperfect, irregular foam" means any foam products which show major imperfections or that fall below the foam manufacturer's usual standards or specifications and must be stated on the tag as "imperfect" or "irregular" along with the generic name of the foam.

5) "Imperfect, irregular fibers" shall mean fibers that have imperfections or that fall below the fiber manufacturer's usual standards or specification s and must be stated on the tag as "imperfect" or irregular" along with the generic name of the fiber.

6) The terms "Prime", "Super", "Northern" and similar terms shall not be used unless the fill can be proved to be of superior quality and meet the terms of the qualifying statement.


R70-101-[9]11. Generic Names, Grades, Descriptive Terms, and Definitions of Filling Material.

1) Filling material shall be described on the label and on the tag using the:

a) true generic name,

b) grade,

c) description terms, or

d) definitions of the filling material which have been approved by the department.

2) When more than one kind of filling material is used in a mixture, the percentage by weight shall be listed in order of predominance.

a) Federal fiber tolerance standards are applicable, except as pertains to plumage products.

b) Blends may be described in accordance with section [8]10 of this rule.

3) When different filling materials are used in various parts of the garment , the areas of the garment shall be named, followed by the name of the filling material used in that area.


R70-101-[10]12. Manufacturer Identification and Law Label Requirements For Bedding and Upholstered Furniture.

1) The form of identification used on labels and tags shall be the same as those supplied to the department with the registration application.

2) For articles of bedding and upholstered furniture, the law label shall use the format adopted by the IABFLO, as listed in the "Manual of Labeling Laws" of the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA). A copy of the current edition of the "Manual of Labeling Laws" is available for public inspection at the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, 350 North Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, Utah.

(3) The law label for newly manufactured products shall meet the following requirements:

a) white on all sides of the label,

b) made of material that cannot be torn,

c) printed in black ink

d) printed in English,

e) printed clearly and legibly, and

f) firmly attached to the article

4) All required information shall be printed on one side of the label with the opposite side remaining blank.

5) Each law label shall state the following:

a) the phrase "UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG NOT TO BE REMOVED EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER" shall appear in bold at the top of the label in capital letters no less than 1/8 inches in height,

b) the phrase "ALL NEW MATERIAL" shall appear in the next section in bold, capital letters no less [the]than 1/8 inch[es] in height, followed by the phrase "CONSISTING OF", no case or height requirements, followed by the filling contents in bold capital letters no less than 1/8 inch in height,

c) the phrase, "Certification is made that the materials in this article are described in accordance with law" shall appear in the next section of the tag,

d) the URN issued by the state in which the firm is first registered shall appear next,[ and]

e) the Sterilization Permit Number of the sterilization facility from which the material was obtained, in bold capital letters no less than 1/8 inch in height,

f) the words "CONTENTS STERILIZED" in bold capital letters no less than 1/8 inch in height, and

[e)]g) the name and complete address of the manufacturer, importer, or vendor of the article shall appear next.

6) The law label shall be easily accessible to the consumer for examination.

a) Products which are offered for sale in boxes or in some other packaging which make the law labels inaccessible shall reproduce a legible facsimile of the law label on the outer container or covering.

7) No mark, label, printed matter, illustration, sticker, or any other device shall be placed upon the label.

8) The firm's license with the state that issued the URN must be kept current for the number to be valid in the state of Utah.

9) Every firm doing business under more than one state-issued URN or permit shall obtain a license or permit for each number used on products that are offered for sale in Utah.


R70-101-[11]13. Second Hand Law Tags and Tagging Requirements.

1) Tags for second hand materials shall be:

a) a minimum of 2 inches by 3 inches,

b) yellow on both sides of the tag,

c) made of material that cannot be torn,

d) printed in English,

e) printed in black ink,

f) printed clearly and legibly, and

g) firmly attached to the article.

2) All required information shall be printed on one side of the tag with the opposite side remaining blank.

3) Second hand tag shall contain the following information:

a) the phrase "UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG NOT TO BE REMOVED EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER" shall appear in bold at the top of the label in capital letters, no less than 1/8 inch in height,

b) the phrase, "THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SECOND HAND MATERIAL CONSISTING OF CONTENTS UNKNOWN" shall appear in the next section of the tag. The words "second hand material" and "contents unknown" shall be in capital letters, size not less than 1/8 inches in height,

c) the phrase, "Certification is made that the materials in this article are described in accordance with law" shall appear in the next section of the tag, and

d) the store name and complete corporate address shall appear next.

4) The tag shall be easily accessible to the consumer for examination.

5) No mark, label, printed matter, illustration, sticker, or any other device shall be placed upon the tag.


R70-101-[12]14. Second Hand Tag and Tagging Requirements for Repaired, Reupholstered, and Renovated Products.

1) Tags for repaired, reupholstered, and renovated products shall be:

a) a minimum of 2 inches by 3 inches,

b) yellow on both sides of the tag,

c) made of material that cannot be torn,

d) have the required information printed on one side of the tag with the opposite side remaining blank,

e) printed in English,

f) printed in black ink,

g) printed clearly and legibly, and

h) firmly attached to the article.

[2) All required information shall be printed on one side of the tag with the opposite side remaining blank.]

[3)]2) Second hand tag shall contain the following information:

a) the phrase, "UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THIS TAG[E] NOT TO BE REMOVED EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER" shall appear in bold at the top of the label in capital letters, no less than 1/8 inch in height,

b) the phrase, "THIS ARTICLE IS NOT FOR SALE OWNER'S MATERIAL" shall appear next in bold in capital letters, no less than 1/8 inch in height,


d) a description of the work that was done on the product,

e) the URN number,

f) the name and address of the renovator or repairer, and

g) the date of pick-up, owner's name, and address.


R70-101-[13]15. Used Mattresses.

1) Retailers selling customer returns, refurbished, or used mattresses shall follow the second hand law tag requirements as set out in R70-101-[11]13.

2) In addition, retailers must also display on such mattresses a tag stating "USED" in bold capital letters.

3) The Used tag shall be:

a) a minimum 3 inches by 6 inches,

b) yellow on both sides of the tag,

c) the font shall be a minimum of one inch in height,

d) printed in black ink, and

e) printed in English.

4) All required information shall be printed on one side of the tag with the opposite side remaining blank.

5) The USED tag shall be clearly visible to the consumer at all times.


R70-101-[14]16. Variance.

1) The department may issue variances on labeling and tagging requirements.

2) Requests for a variance must be made to the department in writing and must contain the following information:

a) For what product you are requesting the variance,

b) where you are going to be using the variance,

c) an explanation of the need for a variance,

d) a description of how the variance will be used in practice, and

e) an example of the label or tag that will be used in place of the required label or tag.

3) Approval of variances will be given from the department in writing.

4) All variances shall be subject to a period of review.


R70-101-[15]17. Making or Selling Material or Parts.

1) A person shall not purchase, make, process, prepare, or sell, directly or indirectly, at wholesale or retail, or otherwise, any filling material or other component parts to be used in bedding, upholstered furniture, or quilted clothing, unless such material is appropriately tagged.


R70-101-[16]18. Retailer Responsibilities.

1) Retailers shall:

a) ensure that any article of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material they sell is labeled and tagged correctly,

b) comply with the department's laws and rules governing false and misleading advertisement, and

c) ensure that all manufacturers from whom they purchase products hold a valid license with the department.

2) Retailers shall provide the identity of the manufacturer or wholesaler of any article of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material sold upon request of the department.

3) A retailer may register in lieu of the manufacturer or wholesaler if the manufacturer or wholesaler is not registered.


R70-101-[17]19. Violation of [t]T his Rule.

1) Each improperly labeled or tagged article of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material made or sold shall be a separate violation of this rule.

2) No person shall be in violation if he has received, from the person by whom the articles were manufactured or from whom they were received, a guarantee in good faith that the articles are not contrary to the provisions of these rules in the form prescribed by the Federal Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, Federal Wool Products Labeling Act, and the Federal Trade Commission Rules and Regulations.

3) No person shall remove, or cause to be removed, any tag, or device placed upon any article of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material by an inspector.

4) No person may remove an article that has been condemned and ordered held on inspection notice.

5) No person shall interfere with, obstruct, or hinder any inspector of the department in the performance of their duties.

6) Any article of bedding, upholstered furniture, quilted clothing, or filling material manufactured or wholesaled by the manufacturer or wholesaler who is not registered or permitted may be withheld from sale until the manufacturer or wholesaler registers or obtains a permit.


R70-101-[18]20. Products Not Intended for Use[s] Subject to This Rule.

1) The Commissioner may exclude from this rule textile fiber products which:

a) Have insignificant or inconsequential textile fiber content, or

b) The disclosure of the textile fiber content is not necessary for the protection of the consumer.


KEY: quality control, labeling, inspections, registration

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 22, 2015]2016

Notice of Continuation: March 16, 2015

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 4-10-3

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2016/b20161115.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

Text to be deleted is struck through and surrounded by brackets ([example]). Text to be added is underlined (example).  Older browsers may not depict some or any of these attributes on the screen or when the document is printed.

For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Kathleen Mathews at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7103, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Michelle Jack at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7151, by FAX at 801-538-4949, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Travis Waller at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7150, by FAX at 801-538-7124, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Scott Ericson at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7102, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.