DAR File No. 40952

This rule was published in the December 1, 2016, issue (Vol. 2016, No. 23) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Commerce, Real Estate

Rule R162-2f

Real Estate Licensing and Practices Rules

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 40952
Filed: 11/04/2016 03:32:44 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to amend the requirements and restrictions for advertising by a licensee and to amend the experience points available to a licensee participating in a real estate sales transaction.

Summary of the rule or change:

In Subsection R162-2f-102(2), the definition of advertising is amended. In Section R162-2f-401h, the requirements and restrictions in advertising is amended. In Section R162-2f-501, the calculation of experience points for a real estate sales transaction by limiting the number of experience points for a transaction not subject to an exclusive brokerage agreement to one-quarter of the points available for a transaction that is subject to an exclusive brokerage agreement is amended.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 61-2f-103
  • Section 61-2f-203

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The division has the staff and budget in place to administer this proposed amendment. It is not expected that the proposed amendment will affect those resources or result in any additional cost or savings to the state budget.

local governments:

Local governments are not required to comply with or enforce the advertising and broker experience rules. No fiscal impact to local government is expected from the proposed amendment.

small businesses:

The proposed amendment does not create new obligations for small businesses nor does it increase the cost associated with any existing obligation. No fiscal impact to small business is expected from the proposed amendment.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The proposed amendment does not create new obligations for persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities nor does it increase the cost associated with any existing obligation. No fiscal impact to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities is expected from the proposed amendment.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The proposed rule amendment would amend the current advertising rule and limit experience points for licensees participating in real estate sales transactions which are not subject to an exclusive brokerage agreement. While it is possible that there could be a compliance cost for affected persons, it is not possible to determine the amount of compliance cost, if any, from the proposed amendment.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

The amendment to Sections R162-2f-102 and R162-2f-401h is to amend the restrictions for advertising by a licensee. No fiscal impact to business is anticipated. The amendment to Section R162-2f-501 changes the experience points available to a licensee participating in certain real estate transactions, reducing the number of points for transactions by agents who are merely listing properties on the MLS for a minimum fee but do not have an exclusive brokerage agreement for the property. No fiscal impact to business is anticipated.

Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Real Estate
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Justin Barney at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6603, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Jonathan Stewart, Director


R162. Commerce, Real Estate.

R162-2f. Real Estate Licensing and Practices Rules.

R162-2f-102. Definitions.

(1) "Active license" means a license granted to an applicant who:

(a) qualifies for licensure under Section 61-2f-203 and these rules;

(b) pays all applicable nonrefundable license fees; and

(c) affiliates with a principal brokerage.

(2) "Advertising" means a commercial message[solicitation] through:

(a) newspaper;

(b) magazine;

(c) Internet;

(d) e-mail;

(e) radio;

(f) television;

(g) direct mail promotions;

(h) business cards;

(i) door hangers;

(j) signs;

(k) other electronic communication; or

[(k)](l) any other medium.

(3) "Affiliate":

(a) when used in reference to licensure, means to form, for the purpose of providing a real estate service, an employment or non-employment association with another individual or entity licensed or registered under Title 61, Chapter 2f et seq. and these rules; and

(b) when used in reference to an undivided fractionalize long-term estate, means an individual or entity that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common control with, a specified individual or entity.

(4) "Branch broker" means an associate broker who manages a branch office under the supervision of the principal broker.

(5) "Branch office" means a principal broker's real estate brokerage office other than the principal broker's main office.

(6) "Brokerage" means a real estate sales or a property management company.

(7) "Brokerage record" means any record related to the business of a principal broker, including:

(a) record of an offer to purchase real estate;

(b) record of a real estate transaction, regardless of whether the transaction closed;

(c) licensing records;

(d) banking and other financial records;

(e) independent contractor agreements;

(f) trust account records, including:

(i) deposit records in the form of a duplicate deposit slip, deposit advice, or equivalent document; and

(ii) conveyance records in the form of a check image, wire transfer verification, or equivalent document; and

(g) records of the brokerage's contractual obligations.

(8) "Business day" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(3).

(9) "Certification" means authorization from the division to:

(a) establish and operate a school that provides courses approved for prelicensing education or continuing education; or

(b) function as an instructor for courses approved for prelicensing education or continuing education.

(10) "Closing gift" means any gift given by a principal broker, or a licensee affiliated with the principal broker, to a buyer or seller, lessor or lessee, in appreciation for having used the services of a real estate brokerage.

(11) "Commission" means the Utah Real Estate Commission.

(12) "Continuing education" means professional education required as a condition of renewal in accordance with Section R162-2f-204 and may be either:

(a) core: topics identified in Subsection R162-2f-206c(5)(c); or

(b) elective: topics identified in Subsection R162-2f-206c(5)(e).

(13) "Correspondence course" means a self-paced real estate course that:

(a) is not distance or traditional education; and

(b) fails to meet real estate educational course certification standards because:

(i) it is primarily student initiated; and

(ii) the interaction between the instructor and student lacks substance and/or is irregular.

(14) "Day" means calendar day unless specified as "business day."

(15)(a) "Distance education" means education in which the instruction does not take place in a traditional classroom setting, but occurs through other interactive instructional methods where teacher and student are separated by distance and sometimes by time, including the following:

(i) computer conferencing;

(ii) satellite teleconferencing;

(iii) interactive audio;

(iv) interactive computer software;

(v) Internet-based instruction; and

(vi) other interactive online courses.

(b) "Distance education" does not include home study and correspondence courses.

(16) "Division" means the Utah Division of Real Estate.

(17) "Double contract" means executing two or more purchase agreements, one of which is not made known to the prospective lender or loan funding entity.

(18) "Expired license" means a license that is not renewed pursuant to Section 61-2f-204 and Section R162-2f-204 by:

(a) the close of business on the expiration date, if the expiration date falls on a day when the division is open for business; or

(b) the next business day following the expiration date, if the expiration date falls on a day when the division is closed.

(19) "Guaranteed sales plan" means:

(a) a plan in which a seller's real estate is guaranteed to be sold; or

(b) a plan whereby a licensee or anyone affiliated with a licensee agrees to purchase a seller's real estate if it is not purchased by a third party:

(i) in the specified period of a listing; or

(ii) within some other specified period of time.

(20) "Inactive license" means a license that has been issued pursuant to Sections R162-2f-202a through 202c or renewed pursuant to Section R162-2f-204, but that may not be used to conduct the business of real estate because the license holder is not affiliated with a principal broker. Pursuant to Section R162-2f-203, a license may be inactivated:

(a) voluntarily, with the assent of the license holder; or

(b) involuntarily, without the assent of the license holder.

(21) "Inducement gift" means any gift given by a principal broker, or a licensee affiliated with the principal broker, to a buyer or seller, lessor or lessee, in a real estate transaction as an incentive to use the services of a real estate brokerage.

(22) "Informed consent" means written authorization, obtained from both principals to a single transaction, to allow a licensee to act as a limited agent.

(23) "Limited agency" means the representation of all principals in the same transaction to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement:

(a) subject to the terms of a limited agency agreement; and

(b) with the informed consent of all principals to the transaction.

(24) "Net listing" means a listing agreement under which the real estate commission is the difference between the actual selling price of the property and a minimum selling price as set by the seller.

(25)(a) "Non-certified education" means a continuing education course offered outside of Utah, but for which a licensee may apply for credit pursuant to Subsection R162-2f-206c(1)(b).

(b) "Non-certified education" does not include:

(i) home study courses; or

(ii) correspondence courses.

(26) "Nonresident applicant" means a person:

(a) whose primary residence is not in Utah; and

(b) who qualifies under Title 61, Chapter 2f et seq. and these rules for licensure as a principal broker, associate broker, or sales agent.

(27) "Principal brokerage" means the main real estate or property management office of a principal broker.

(28) "Principal" in a transaction means an individual who is represented by a licensee and may be:

(a) the buyer or lessee;

(b) an individual having an ownership interest in the property;

(c) an individual having an ownership interest in the entity that is the buyer, seller, lessor, or lessee; or

(d) an individual who is an officer, director, partner, member, or employee of the entity that is the buyer, seller, lessor, or lessee.

(29) "Provider" means an individual or business that is approved by the division to offer continuing education.

(30) "Property management" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(19).

(31) "Registration" means authorization from the division to engage in the business of real estate as:

(a) a corporation;

(b) a partnership;

(c) a limited liability company;

(d) an association;

(e) a dba;

(f) a professional corporation;

(g) a sole proprietorship; or

(h) another legal entity of a real estate brokerage.

(32) "Reinstatement" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(22).

(33) "Reissuance" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(23).

(34) The acronym RELMS means "real estate licensing and management system," which is the online database through which licensees shall submit licensing information to the division.

(35) "Renewal" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(24).

(36) "Residential property" means real property consisting of, or improved by, a single-family one- to four-unit dwelling.

(37) "School" means:

(a) any college or university accredited by a regional accrediting agency that is recognized by the United States Department of Education;

(b) any community college or vocational-technical school;

(c) any local real estate organization that has been approved by the division as a school; or

(d) any proprietary real estate school.

(38) "Sponsor" means:

(a) a person who is the original seller of an undivided fractionalized long-term estate.

(b) sponsor includes, if the seller is an entity, any individual who exercises managerial responsibility in the sponsoring entity.

(39) "Third party service provider" means an individual or entity that provides a service necessary to the closing of a specific transaction and includes:

(a) mortgage brokers;

(b) mortgage lenders;

(c) loan originators;

(d) title service providers;

(e) attorneys;

(f) appraisers;

(g) providers of document preparation services;

(h) providers of credit reports;

(i) property condition inspectors;

(j) settlement agents;

(k) real estate brokers;

(l) marketing agents;

(m) insurance providers; and

(n) providers of any other services for which a principal or investor will be charged.

(40) "Traditional education" means education in which instruction takes place between an instructor and students where all are physically present in the same classroom.

(41) "Undivided fractionalized long-term estate" is defined in Subsection 61-2f-102(26).


R162-2f-401h. Requirements and Restrictions in Advertising.

[(1) Advertising shall include the name of the real estate brokerage or, as applicable, the property management brokerage as shown on division records except where:

(a) a licensee advertises unlisted property in which the licensee has an ownership interest; and

(b) the advertisement identifies the licensee as "owner-agent" or "owner-broker."

(2) An advertisement that includes the name of an individual licensee shall also include the name of the licensee's brokerage in lettering that is at least one-half the size of the lettering identifying the individual licensee.

(3) An advertisement that includes a photograph of an individual who is not a licensee shall identify the individual's role in terms that make it clear that the individual is not licensed.

(4) An advertisement may not include artwork or text that states or implies that an individual has a position or status other than that of sales agent, associate broker, or principal broker affiliated with a brokerage.

(5) An advertising team, group, or other marketing entity that is not registered as a brokerage:

(a) shall, in all types of advertising, clearly:

(i) disclose that the team, group, or other marketing entity is not itself a brokerage; and

(ii) state the name of the registered brokerage with which the property being advertised is listed;

(b) shall, in any printed advertising material, clearly and conspicuously identify, in lettering that is at least one-half the size of the largest lettering used in the advertisement, the name of the registered brokerage with which the property being advertised is listed; and

(c) may not advertise as an "owner-agent" or "owner-broker."

(6)(a) A written advertisement of a guaranteed sales plan shall include, in print at least one-fourth as large as the largest print in the advertisement:

(i) a statement that costs and conditions may apply; and

(ii) information about how to contact the licensee offering the guarantee so as to obtain the disclosures required under Subsection R162-2f-401a(22).

(b) Any radio or television advertisement of a guaranteed sales plan shall include a conspicuous statement advising if any conditions and limitations apply.]

(1) Except as provided for in subsections (2) and (3), a licensee shall not advertise or permit any person employed by or affiliated with the licensee to advertise real estate services or property in any medium without clearly and conspicuously identifying in the advertisement the name of the brokerage with which the licensee is affiliated.

(2) When it is not reasonable for a licensee to identify the name of the brokerage in an electronic advertisement, the licensee shall ensure the electronic advertisement directly links to a display that clearly and conspicuously identifies the name of the brokerage.

(3) A licensee is not required to identify the name of the brokerage with which the licensee is affiliated if:

(a) the licensee advertises a property not currently listed with the brokerage with which the licensee is affiliated;

(b) the licensee has an ownership interest in the property; and

(c) the advertisement identifies the name of the individual licensee as "owner-agent" or "owner-broker."

(4) The name of the brokerage identified by a licensee in an advertisement shall be the name of the brokerage as shown on division records.

(5) A team, group, or other marketing entity which includes one or more licensees shall be subject to the same requirements and restrictions with regard to advertising as is an individual licensee.

(6)(a) If a licensee advertises a guaranteed sales plan, the advertisement shall include, in a clear and conspicuous manner:

(i) a statement that costs and conditions may apply; and

(ii) information about how to contact the licensee offering the guarantee so as to obtain the disclosures required under Subsection R162-2f-401a(23).

(b) Any radio or television advertisement of a guaranteed sales plan shall include a conspicuous statement advising if any conditions and limitations apply.


R162-2f-501. Appendices.

(1) When calculating experience points in Table 1, experience points for a transaction subject to an agency agreement other than an exclusive brokerage agreement as defined in Utah Code Subsection 61-2f-308(1)(d) are limited to one-quarter of the points described in Table 1.

(2) When calculating experience points from Tables 1 and 2, experience points are limited to points for those activities which require a real estate license and comply with R162-2f-401a. A minimum of one-half of the points in Tables 1 and 2 must derive from transactions of properties located in the state of Utah.





RESIDENTIAL - points can be accumulated from either the selling
or the listing side of a real estate closing:
  (a)  One unit dwelling                           2.5 points
  (b)  Two- to four-unit dwellings                   5 points
  (c)  Apartments, 5 units or over                  10 points
  (d)  Improved lot                                  2 points
  (e)  Vacant land/subdivision                      10 points

  (f)  Hotel or motel                               10 points
  (g)  Industrial or warehouse                      10 points
  (h)  Office building                              10 points
  (i)  Retail building                              10 points





  (a) Each property management                 1 point per unit
      agreement                                 up to 5 points
  (b) Each unit leased                         1.25 points
                                                per unit
  *(c) All other property management           0.25 pt/month

COMMERCIAL - hotel/motel, industrial/warehouse, office, or
retail building
  (a) Each property management                    1 point per
      agreement                                    unit up to 5 points
  (b) Each unit leased                            1.25 points
                                                   per unit
  *(c) All other property management              1 pt/month

     *When calculating experience points from Table 2, the
total combined monthly experience credit claimed for "All other
property management" combined, both residential and commercial,
may not exceed 25 points in any application to practice as a
real estate broker.





Real Estate Attorney                             1 pt/month
CPA-Certified Public Accountant                  1 pt/month
Mortgage Loan Officer                            1 pt/month
Licensed Escrow Officer                          1 pt/month
Licensed Title Agent                             1 pt/month
Designated Appraiser                             1 pt/month
Licensed General Contractor                      1 pt/month
Bank Officer in Real Estate Loans                1 pt/month
Certified Real Estate Prelicensing Instructor   .5 pt/month


KEY: real estate business, operational requirements, trust account records, notification requirements

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [2016]2017

Notice of Continuation: August 12, 2015

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 61-2f-103(1); 61-2f-105; 61-2f-203(1)(e); 61-2f-206(3); 61-2f-206(4)(a); 61-2f-306; 61-2f-307

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2016/b20161201.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

Text to be deleted is struck through and surrounded by brackets ([example]). Text to be added is underlined (example).  Older browsers may not depict some or any of these attributes on the screen or when the document is printed.

For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Justin Barney at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6603, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.