DAR File No. 41578

This rule was published in the June 1, 2017, issue (Vol. 2017, No. 11) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Administrative Services, Facilities Construction and Management

Rule R23-3

Planning, Programming, Request for Capital Development Projects and Operation and Maintenance Reporting for State Owned Facilities

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 41578
Filed: 05/03/2017 11:41:26 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The reason for the changes to this rule is to comply with changes made by S.B. 9 from the 2017 General Session.

Summary of the rule or change:

The changes to this rule include the rewriting of Subsection R33-3-4(1), which explains the requirement for Building Board approval before an agency may begin programming for a new facility which requires legislative approval; the addition of Subsection R33-3-4(3), which allows the Board to approve funding for the programming of a new facility prior to legislative appropriation; the rewriting of Subsection R33-3-10(5), which establishes the deadline for initial capital development requests; the addition of Subsection R33-3-10(6), which encourages agencies to submit modifications to initial requests no later than 14 days prior to the October Board meeting; the removal of Subsection R23-3-11(4); the addition of language to Subsection R23-3-11(5), which requires reporting of the amount an agency received and expended on operations and maintenance for the prior fiscal year; and the provision permitting the Board Director to adjust direct and indirect costs based on inflation.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 63A-5-211
  • Section 63A-5-103

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

There are no anticipated costs or savings to the state budget as a result of the changes to this rule. The changes are regarding policy such as modifying procedure and establishing deadlines.

local governments:

There are no anticipated costs or savings to local government as a result of the changes to this rule. The changes are regarding policy such as modifying procedure and establishing deadlines.

small businesses:

There are no anticipated costs or savings to small businesses as a result of the changes to this rule. The changes are regarding policy such as modifying procedure and establishing deadlines.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

There are no anticipated costs or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities as a result of the changes to this rule. The changes are regarding policy such as modifying procedure and establishing deadlines.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

There are no anticipated costs for affected persons as a result of the changes to this rule. The changes are regarding policy such as modifying procedure and establishing deadlines.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

I have reviewed the changes applied to Rule R23-3. I also believe that there are no potential fiscal impacts on businesses affected by the changes to the rule. I believe the wording incorporated in the changes reflects the intent the Board. I have no other comments.

Ned E. Carnahan, Building Board Chair

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Administrative Services
Facilities Construction and Management
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-1201

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Alan Bachman at the above address, by phone at 801-538-3105, by FAX at 801-538-3313, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Jeff Reddoor at the above address, by phone at 801-971-9830, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Simone Rudas at the above address, by phone at 801-538-3240, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Jeff Reddoor, State Building Board Manager


R23. Administrative Services, Facilities Construction and Management.

R23-3. Planning, Programming, Request for Capital Development Projects and Operation and Maintenance Reporting for State Owned Facilities.

R23-3-1. Purpose and Authority.

(1) This rule establishes policies and procedures for the authorization, funding, and development of programs for capital development and capital improvement projects and the use and administration of the Planning Fund.

(2) The Board's authority to administer the planning process for state facilities is contained in Section 63A-5-103.

(3) The statutes governing the Planning Fund are contained in Section 63A-5-211.

(4) This rule is also to provide the rules and standards as required by Section 63A-5-103(1)(e)(v).

(5) The Board's authority to make rules for its duties and those of the Division is set forth in Subsection 63A-5-103(1).


R23-3-2. Definitions.

(1) "Agency" means as defined in Section 63A-1-103(1).

(2) "Board" means the State Building Board established pursuant to Section 63A-5-101.

(3) "Capital Development" is defined in Section 63A-5-104.

(4) "Capital Improvement" is defined in Section 63A-5-104.

(5) "Director" means the Director of the Division, including, unless otherwise stated, the Director's duly authorized designee.

(6) "Division" means the Division of Facilities Construction and Management established pursuant to Section 63A-5-201.

(7) "Planning Fund" means the revolving fund created pursuant to Section 63A-5-211 for the purposes outlined therein.

(8) "Program" means a document containing a detailed description of the scope, the required areas and their relationships, and the estimated cost of a construction project.

(a) "Program" typically refers to an architectural program but, as used in this rule, the term "program" includes studies that approximate an architectural program in purpose and detail.

(b) "Program" may include feasibility studies, building evaluations and a master plan.


R23-3-3. When Programs Are Required.

(1) For capital development projects, a program must be developed before the design may begin unless the Director determines that a program is not needed for that specific project. Examples of capital development projects that may not require a program include land purchases, building purchases requiring little or no remodeling, and projects repeating a previously used design.

(2) For capital improvement projects, the Director shall determine whether the nature of the project requires that a program be prepared.


R23-3-4. Authorization of Programs.

(1) [The initiation of a program for a capital development project must be approved by the Legislature or the Board if it is anticipated that state funds will be requested for the design or construction of the project.]An agency is required to receive approval from the Board before the agency begins programming for a new facility that requires legislative approval under Subsection 63A-5-104(3).

(2) When requesting Board approval, the agency shall justify the need for initiating the programming process at that point in time and also address the level of support for funding the project soon after the program will be completed.

(3) The Board may approve the programming of a new facility before the Legislature makes an appropriation for the new facility under Subsection 63A-5-104(8)(a). When the program is funded by the agency, programming funds may be reimbursed from an appropriation, if at a later time, the Legislature funds the programming.


R23-3-5. Funding of Programs.

Programs may be funded from one of the following sources.

(1) Funds appropriated for that purpose by the Legislature.

(2) Funds provided by the agency.

(a) This would typically be the funding source for the development of programs before the Legislature funds the project.

(b) Funds advanced by agencies for programming costs may be included in the project budget request but no assurance can be given that project funds will be available to reimburse the agency.

(c) Agencies that advance funds for programming that would otherwise lapse may not be reimbursed in a subsequent fiscal year.

(3) If an agency is able to demonstrate to the Board that there is no other funding source for programming for a project that is likely to be funded in the upcoming legislative session, it may request to borrow funds from the Planning Fund as provided for in Section R23-3-8.


R23-3-6. Administration of Programming.

(1) The development of programs shall be administered by the Division in cooperation with the requesting agency unless the Director authorizes the requesting agency to administer the programming.

(2) This Section R23-3-6 does not apply to projects that are exempt from the Division's administration pursuant to Subsection 63A-5-206(3).


R23-3-7. Restrictions of Programming Firm.

(1) The Division may in its sole discretion based on the interest of the State, determine whether a programming firm (person) may be able to participate in any or all of the design or other similar aspects of a project.

(2) If there is any restriction of a programming firm to participate in future selections of a project, the Division, shall provide this restriction in any competitive solicitation, if there is one, that may be issued for selecting a programming firm. If there is no solicitation for the selection of the programming firm (i.e. sole source, small purchase, emergency procurement, etc.), then Division may simply provide any restriction of the firm's future participation in any other aspect of the project, by placing the restriction in the contract.

(3) Notwithstanding any provision of this Rule or any other Rule of this Board, the Division may terminate or suspend programming and design contracts at any time consistent with the provisions of the contract.


R23-3-8. Use and Reimbursement of Planning Fund.

(1) The Planning Fund may be used for the purposes stated in Section 63A-5-211 including the development of:

(a) facility master plans;

(b) programs; and

(c) building evaluations or studies to determine the feasibility, scope and cost of capital development and capital improvement requests.

(2) Expenditures from the Planning Fund must be approved by the Director.

(3) Expenditures in excess of $25,000 for a single planning or programming purpose must also be approved in advance by the Board.

(4) The Planning Fund shall be reimbursed from the next funded or authorized project for that agency that is related to the purposes for which the expenditure was made from the Planning Fund.

(5) The Division shall report changes in the status of the Planning Fund to the Board.


R23-3-9. Development and Approval of Master Plans.

(1) For each major campus of state-owned buildings, the agency with primary responsibility for operations occurring at the campus shall, in cooperation with the Division, develop and maintain a master plan that reflects the current and projected development of the campus.

(2) The purpose of the master plan is to encourage long term planning and to guide future development.

(3) Master plans for campuses and facilities not covered by Subsection (1) may be developed upon the request of the Board or when the Division and the agency determine that a master plan is necessary or appropriate.

(4) The initial master plan for a campus, and any substantial modifications thereafter, shall be presented to the Board for approval.


R23-3-10. Standards and Requirements for a Capital Development Project Request, Including a Feasibility Study.

(1) The Board Director shall establish a form for the consideration of Capital Development Projects which provides the following:

(a) the type of request, including whether it is, in whole or part, state funded, non-state or private funded, or whether it is non-state or private funded with an operations and maintenance request;

(b) defines the appropriateness and the project scope including proposed square footage;

(c) the proposed cost of the project including the preliminary cost estimate, proposed funding, the previous state funding provided, as well as other sources;

(d) the proposed ongoing operating budget funding, new program costs and new full time employees for the operations and maintenance and other programs;

(e) an analysis of current facilities and why the proposed facility is needed;

(f) a project executive summary of why the project is needed including the purpose of the project, the benefits to the State, how it relates to the mission of the entity and related aspects;

(g) the feasibility and planning of the project that includes how it corresponds to the applicable master plan, the economic impacts of the project, pedestrian, transportation and parking issues, various impacts including economic and community impacts, the extent of site evaluation, utility and infrastructure concerns and all other aspects of a customary feasibility study for a project of the particular type, location, size and magnitude;

(h) any land banking requests; and

(i) any other federal or state statutory or rule requirements related to the project.

(2) The form referred to in subsection (1) above shall also include the scoring criteria and weighting of the scores to be used in the Board's prioritization process, including:

(a) existing building deficiencies and life safety concerns;

(b) essential program growth;

(c) cost effectiveness;

(d) project need, including the improved program effectiveness and support of critical programs/initiatives;

(e) the availability of alternative funding sources that does not include funding from the Utah legislature; and

(f) weighting for all the above criteria as published in the Five Year Building Program for each agency as published and submitted to the Utah Legislature for the General Session immediately preceding the prioritization of the Board unless the Board in a public meeting has approved a different criteria and/or weighting system.

(3) The Board shall verify the completion and accuracy of the feasibility study referred to in this Rule.

(4) A capital development request by an agency described in Section 53B-1-102 shall comply with Section 63A-5-104(2)([b)(iii]d) and the Board shall comply with Section 63A-5-104(2)(e).

(5) An agency may [not modify a capital development project request after the deadline for submitting the request prior to the Board's October meeting, except to the extent that a modification: of the scope of the project; or the amount of funds requested, is necessary due to increased construction costs or other factors outside of the agency's control]submit an initial capital development request to the Board Director no later than the third Monday of July prior to the Utah Legislative Session that the request is related.

(6) An agency shall use best efforts to modify any submitted initial capital development request which was submitted to the Board director, no later than 14 days before the October Board meeting. Notwithstanding, the Board reserves the right to modify the request no later than the end of the hearing for the request at the October Board meeting. Any modification under this Rule R23-3-10(6) shall be for the purpose of a correction, or to better meet the standards or requirements of this Rule R23-3-10.


R23-3-11. Standards and Requirements Related to Operations and Maintenance of State-Owned Facilities.

(1) No later than October 1 of each calendar year, each agency shall report operations and maintenance expenditures for state owned facilities covering the prior fiscal year to the Board Director in accordance with Section 63A-5-103(e)(v) and this rule. All data must be entered into the Riskonnect database by the agency in accordance with the format outlined by the Board Director.

(2) The facility maintenance standards shall include utility metering requirements to track the utility costs as well as all other necessary requirements to monitor facility maintenance costs.

(3) The adopted Board facility management standards including annual reporting requirements shall be published on the Division of Facilities Construction and Management website.

(4) [If the Board does not adopt new or amended facility maintenance standards, the prior adopted standards on the DFCM website shall apply.

(5) ]The Board Director shall oversee the conducting of facility maintenance audit for state-owned facilities.

([6]5) Each agency shall create operations and maintenance programs in accordance with this rule 23-3 and have it included in the agency institutional line items. On or before September 1, 2016, and each September 1 of every following year, each agency shall revise the agency's budget to comply with Section 63A-5-103 and this Rule R23-3-11(6) , including but not limited to, the inclusion of the amount the agency received and expended on operations and maintenance for the immediately preceding fiscal year. The Board Director may request when it is in the interest of the Board to understand the amount of operations and maintenance funding available for a building, that an agency provide the information of the amounts received and expended on a per-building basis.

([7]6) The Board Director in the annual capital needs request sent to the agencies, shall provide an adjustment for inflationary costs of goods and services for the previous 12 months from the issuance of the annual needs request. When the annual report of each agency is reviewed by the Board and later submitted to the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, it shall include the review and adjustment for inflationary costs of goods and services. All matters in this subsection shall be in accordance with Section 63A-5-103(1)(e)(v) and this rule.

([8]7) The report by the agencies to the Board Director shall also include the actual cost for operations and management requests for a new facility, when applicable.


R23-3-12. Operations and Maintenance Standards, Facilities Maintenance Programs and Standards.

The purpose of these programs and standards is to outline the minimum requirements for maintaining state owned facilities and infrastructures in a manner that will maximize the usefulness and cost effectiveness of these facilities in enhancing the quality of life of Utah state employees, citizens, and visitors. Additional work may be required to satisfy code or judicial requirements. All agencies and institutions shall comply and will be audited against these standards by the Board. Exempt agencies are to review their maintenance programs against these standards and to report the degree of compliance for each of their individual building level or complexes to the legislature through the Board.

(1) Documentation.

(a) Architectural and Mechanical.

(i) At least one copy of the Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall be maintained at the facility or complex.

(ii) At least one copy of the architectural, mechanical, and electrical as-built drawings shall be maintained at the facility or complex.

(iii) A mechanism shall be provided whereby as-built drawings are promptly updated upon changes in the structural, mechanical, electrical, or plumbing systems.

(iv) As-built drawings shall be reviewed periodically to ensure that they reflect the current building or infrastructure configuration to be maintained at the facility or complex.

(v) Reserve copies of all building documentation shall be archived in an appropriate and separate location from the facility.

(2) Equipment Data Base and Tagging.

(a) An appropriate equipment numbering system shall be utilized and metal, plastic tags or labels placed on all building equipment and electrical panels.

(b) All equipment name plate data shall be collected, documented, and filed in a computerized data base/computerized maintenance management system (CMMS).

(3) Corrective Maintenance.

(a) A work request system shall be defined and made available to the user of the facility/infrastructure so that maintenance problems can be reported and logged promptly by the maintenance department. A log of all requests shall be maintained indicating the date of the request and the date of completion.

(b) A work order system shall be established to govern the procedures for corrective maintenance work. The work order system shall capture maintenance time, costs, nature of repair, and shall provide a basis for identifying maintenance backlog on the facility/infrastructure.

(c) Maintenance backlogs on the facility/infrastructure shall be regularly reviewed and older requests processed so that no request goes unheeded and all requests are acted upon in a timely manner.

(d) A priority system for corrective maintenance shall be established so that maintenance work is accomplished in an orderly and systematic manner. The facility user shall be made aware of the priority of requested maintenance and the time expected to accomplish the correction. If the stated goal cannot be met, the user shall be informed of the new goal for completing the request.

(e) The agency and institution shall report to the Board Director current and accurate operations and maintenance costs tracked to the individual building level for any facility measuring 3,000 GSF or greater. Locations consisting of multiple facilities that individually do not meet the minimum GSF requirement shall be required to report operations and maintenance costs at the campus/complex level. Reporting for Individual building O and M cost shall be reported no later than October 1 of each year.

(f) All operations and maintenance expenditure reports for both direct and indirect cost shall contain current and accurate costs including but not limited to: Utilities (Electrical, Gas/Fuel, and Water in certain cases Steam, High Temp Water, Chilled Water and Sewer may need reporting), Labor, Materials, Custodial, Landscape and Grounds services, Insurance, travel, leasing and rent. The direct and indirect costs shall be adjusted for inflation based on the applicable portion of the consumer price index in the reasonable discretion of the Board Director.

(4) Preventive Maintenance.

(a) State facilities managers shall automate preventive maintenance scheduling and equipment data bases.

(b) All equipment (e.g. chillers, boilers, air handlers and associated controls, air compressors, restroom exhaust fans, domestic hot water circulating pumps, automatic door operators, temperature control devices, etc.) shall be on a computer based preventive maintenance schedule. The frequency of preventive maintenance procedures shall be determined by manufacturer's recommendations and local craft expertise and site specific conditions.

(c) A filter maintenance schedule shall be established for HVAC filters and a record of filter changes maintained.

(d) Preventive maintenance work orders shall be issued for both contract and in house preventive maintenance and the completion of the prescribed maintenance requirements documented.

(e) Emergency generators shall be test run at least monthly. If test runs are not automatic, records of these test runs shall be maintained at the site. At least yearly, the transfer from outside power to emergency power shall be scheduled and successfully performed.

(5) Boilers.

(a) Steam Boilers.

(i) Steam boilers shall be checked daily when operational or on an automated tracking system.

(ii) Low water cut off devices shall be checked for actual boiler shut down at the beginning of the heating season and at least quarterly thereafter by duplicating an actual low-water condition.

(iii) Boiler relief valves shall be tested for proper operation at least annually.

(iv) A record of these tests shall be maintained near the location of the boiler.

(v) A daily log of the operating parameters shall be maintained on boilers when they are operational to include pressures, temperatures, water levels, condition of makeup and boiler feed water, and name of individual checking parameters.

(b) Hot Water And Steam Boilers

(i) All boilers shall receive inspections and certification as required from an authorized state agent or insurance inspector. The certificate of compliance shall be maintained at the boiler.

(ii) Monthly tests of boiler water pH and Total Dissolved Solids shall constitute the basis upon which to add water treatment chemicals. A log of these tests shall be maintained in the boiler room.

(6) Life Safety.

(a) All elevators shall receive regular inspections and maintenance by certified elevator maintenance contractors. Records of such maintenance shall be maintained at the site. Telephones within elevators shall be checked monthly for proper operation.

(i) All elevators shall have current Permits to Operate posted near the elevator equipment as required by the Utah State Labor Commission.

(b) Fire Protection Equipment.

(i) Detection and notification systems (e.g. control panel, smoke detection devices, heat sensing devices, strobe alarm lights, audible alarm indicating devices, phone line communication module, etc.) shall be inspected annually and tested for operation at least semi-annually by a properly certified technician. A record of these inspections shall be maintained and the FACP needs to be properly tagged as required by the Utah State Fire Marshal.

(ii) Halon/Ansulor pre-action systems shall be inspected and tested by a certified inspector semi-annually to ensure their readiness in the event of a fire. Testing and inspection of these systems shall be documented.

(iii) Fire extinguishers shall be inspected monthly and tagged annually by a certified inspector and all tags should be properly and legibly completed.

(iv) Automatic fire sprinkler systems, standpipes and fire pumps shall be inspected annually by a certified technician. Tags should be properly and completely filled out including the type of inspection, month and year those inspections were performed, the person who performed the inspection, and the certificate of registration number of the person performing the inspection.

(c) Uninterruptible power supply systems for data processing centers shall be inspected and tested appropriately to ensure their readiness in the event of external power interruptions. Maintenance on these systems shall be documented.

(d) Emergency directional and exit devices (e.g. exit signs, emergency lights, ADA assist equipment, alarm communicators, etc.) shall be inspected at least quarterly for proper operation.

(7) Air Conditioning and Refrigerated Equipment.

(a) Chillers.

(i) A daily log or computerized log of important data (e.g. chilled water supply and return temperature, condenser water supply and return temperature, current draw, outside air temperature, oil level and pressure, etc.) should be kept, and the information trended to identify changes in the system operation. The causes of change should then be determined and corrected to prevent possible system damage.

(ii) The systems shall be leak checked on a quarterly basis during the operating season and once during the winter.

(iii) A factory trained technician should perform a service inspection annually to include an oil analysis. Any abnormal results should be discussed with the chiller manufacturer to determine a proper course of action.

(iv) Chillers shall not be permitted to leak in excess of 15% of their total charge annually. Losses exceeding this amount are in violation of the law and may result in costly fines.

(v) Should refrigerant need to be added to a system, document the amount of refrigerant added; the cause of the loss; and type of repairs done.

(vi) An adequate supply of refrigerant for the uninterrupted operation of existing CFC chillers shall be maintained until the chiller is converted or replaced. Examples of CFCs are R11, R12, R113, R502, etc.

(vii) Maintenance personnel that perform work other than daily logs and visual inspections on CFC chillers or refrigeration equipment containing CFCs or HCFCs must by law have an EPA certification matching the type of equipment being serviced.

(viii) The condition of refrigerant cooling water systems such as cooling towers shall be checked visually at least weekly for algae growth and scaling and appropriate treatment administered.

(b) Roof Top and Package Units.

(i) Annually check and clean as needed the condenser coil and evaporator coil.

(ii) The following preventive maintenance items shall be completed annually: tighten belts, oil motors, leak check, clean evaporator pans and drains.

(iii) Quarterly check filters and replace where necessary.

(c) Small Refrigerated Equipment.

(i) Annually clean condenser coil.

(ii) Annually oil the condenser fan motor and visually inspect the equipment and make necessary repairs as needed.

(8) Plumbing.

(a) All Backflow Prevention Devices shall be tested by a certified technician at least annually and proper documentation shall be filed with the appropriate agency. Proper documentation shall be kept on site and readily available.

(b) Cross-connection control shall be provided on any water operated equipment or mechanism using water treating chemicals or substances that may cause pollution or contamination of domestic water supply.

(c) Any water system containing storage water heating equipment shall be provided with an approved, UL listed, adequately sized combination temperature and pressure relief valve, and must also be seismically strapped.

(d) Pressure vessels must be tested annually or as required and all certificates must be kept current and available on site.

(9) Electrical Systems.

(a) All electrical panels shall have a thermal-scan test performed bi-annually on all components to identify hot spots or abnormal temperatures. The results of the test shall be documented.

(b) A clearance of three feet, or as required by NEC shall be maintained around all electrical panels and electrical rooms shall not be used for general storage.

(c) Every electrical panel shall be properly labeled identifying the following: panel identifier; area being serviced by each individual breaker; and equipment being serviced by each breaker or disconnect.

(d) All pull boxes, junction boxes, electrical termination boxes shall have proper covers in place and panels accessible to persons other that maintenance personnel shall remain locked to guard against vandalism or personal injury.

(e) Only qualified electrical personnel shall be permitted to work on electrical equipment.

(10) Facility Inspections.

(a) The facility shall periodically receive a detailed and comprehensive maintenance audit. The audit shall include HVAC filter condition, mechanical room cleanliness and condition, corrective and preventive maintenance programs, facility condition, ADA compliance, level of performance of the janitorial service, condition of the grounds, and a customer survey to determine the level of user satisfaction with the facility and the facility management and maintenance services.

(b) A copy of the above audit shall be maintained at the facility.

(c) Each year a Facility Risk Management Inspection shall be conducted, documented, and filed with the Risk Management Division of the Department of Administrative Services.

(d) Actions necessary to bring the facility into compliance with Risk Management Standards for routine maintenance items shall be completed within two months following the above Risk Management Inspection. Items requiring capital expenditures shall be budgeted and accomplished as funds can be obtained.

(e) Every five years the facility shall be inspected and evaluated by an Architect/Engineer (A/E), qualified third party or qualified in-house personnel to determine structural and infrastructural maintenance and preventive maintenance needs.

(i) The structural inspection and evaluation may include interior and exterior painting, foundations, walls, carpeting, windows, roofs, doors, ADA and OSHA compliance, brick work, landscaping, sidewalks, structural integrity, and exterior surface cleanliness.

(ii) The mechanical and electrical evaluation shall include the HVAC systems, plumbing systems, security, fire prevention and warning systems, and electrical distribution systems.

(f) The above inspection shall be documented and shall serve as a basis for budgeting for needed capital improvements.

(g) Intrusion alarm systems that communicate via phone line shall be tested monthly to ensure proper operation.

(h) Periodic inspections of facilities may be requested of local fire departments and the identified deficiencies promptly corrected. These inspections and corrections shall be documented and kept on file at the facility.

(11) Indoor Air Quality and Energy Management.

(a) Indoor air quality shall be maintained within pertinent ASHRAE, OSHA, and State of Utah guidelines.

(b) All individual building utility costs (gas, electric, water, etc.) at facilities meeting the criteria listed in section 3.5 of the Facility Maintenance Standards shall be metered and reported back to the Board Director by October 1 of each year and made available at the facility so that energy usage can be accurately determined and optimized.

(c) Based on the ongoing analysis of energy usage, appropriate energy conservation measures shall be budgeted for, implemented, and the resulting energy savings documented.

(12) The following documents shall be on hand at the facility (where applicable) in an up to-date condition:

(a) A Hazardous Materials Management Plan;

(b) An Asbestos Control and Management Plan;

(c) A Laboratory Hygiene Plan;

(d) A Lockout/Tag out Procedure for Performing Maintenance on Building Equipment;

(e) A Blood Born Pathogen Program;

(f) An Emergency Management Plan to include emergency evacuation and disaster recovery; and

(g) A Respirator Program.


KEY: planning, public buildings, design, procurement

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [January 20], 2017

Notice of Continuation: April 3, 2014

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 63A-5-103; 63A-5-211

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull_pdf/2017/b20170601.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Alan Bachman at the above address, by phone at 801-538-3105, by FAX at 801-538-3313, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Jeff Reddoor at the above address, by phone at 801-971-9830, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Simone Rudas at the above address, by phone at 801-538-3240, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.