DAR File No. 41650

This rule was published in the June 1, 2017, issue (Vol. 2017, No. 11) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Environmental Quality, Waste Management and Radiation Control, Waste Management

Rule R315-15

Standards for the Management of Used Oil

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 41650
Filed: 05/15/2017 05:19:57 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The proposed changes incorporate corresponding revisions made by EPA in a final rule published in the Federal Register on 11/28/2016 (81 FR 85732) under the title of Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule (HWGIR). As an authorized state for the hazardous waste program, the proposed changes are made in order to maintain regulatory equivalency with the federal hazardous waste regulations. Similar changes are proposed in other rules under Title R315 in order to incorporate all of the corresponding revisions promulgated under the final HWGIR by EPA on 11/28/2016. Other proposed changes are being made to clarify text, correct citations and text, and potentially reduce transportation costs for qualifying transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler.

Summary of the rule or change:

On 04/13/2017, the Waste Management and Radiation Control Board authorized the proposed changes to be published for public review and comment. Proposed changes to Section R315-15-1 reflect those corresponding revisions made by the final HWGIR to 40 CFR 279, as promulgated on 11/28/2016 (81 FR 85732), by replacing "conditionally exempt" with "very" and amending the citation to Section R315-262-14. Proposed changes to Section R315-15-10 clarify the text regarding sudden accidental and non-sudden accidental releases and correct certain citations. Proposed changes to Section R315-15-12 correct subsection numbering. The proposed change to Section R315-15-13 adds to the list of NAICS codes, 485111 Mixed Mode Transit Systems, to allow qualifying transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler. The proposed changes to Section R315-15-17 remove the word "liability" to be more correct. Specifically, incorporating into Rule R315-15 and into the other companion rules of Title R315, the revisions promulgated by EPA make significant improvements to the hazardous waste generation requirements by: 1) reorganizing and consolidating the generator requirements for added convenience and clarity, 2) providing added flexibility for generators to manage their hazardous waste in a more cost-effective and equally protective manner, and 3) revising the title of the lowest category of hazardous waste generation from "conditionally exempt small quantity generator" to "very small quantity generator". The change in the title of the lowest category of hazardous waste generation will result in less confusion on the part of hazardous waste generators regarding the essential requirements for managing hazardous waste produced in very small quantities. Changing the title of this generation category to "very small quantity generator" makes clear that limited rules apply to the generation and management of hazardous waste in very small quantities rather than potentially mislead by using the phrase "conditionally exempt," which may imply that no requirements or rules apply.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 19-6-704

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

Based on EPA's regulatory impact assessment (September 2016) for the HWGIR, state agencies that generate hazardous waste may realize an undetermined portion of the aggregate annual net cost savings of $3,600 to $13,100 for all Utah hazardous waste generators. The proposed change to allow qualifying mixed mode transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler will result in saving the cost of outsourcing such transportation. There may be a cost saving to the state budget to the extent that state funds are used to support such transportation expenses. Any cost savings will vary depending on the volume of used oil transported.

local governments:

Based on EPA's regulatory impact assessment (September 2016) for the HWGIR, local governments that generate hazardous waste may realize an undetermined portion of the aggregate annual net cost savings of $3,600 to $13,100 for all Utah hazardous waste generators. The proposed change to allow qualifying mixed mode transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler will result in saving the cost of outsourcing such transportation. There may be a cost saving to local government to the extent that local government funds are used to support such transportation expenses. Any cost savings will vary depending on the volume of used oil transported.

small businesses:

Based on EPA's regulatory impact assessment (September 2016) for the HWGIR, small businesses that generate hazardous waste may realize an undetermined portion of the aggregate annual net cost savings of $3,600 to $13,100 for all Utah hazardous waste generators. The proposed change to allow qualifying mixed mode transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler will result in saving the cost of outsourcing such transportation. However, this change will likely not have a financial impact on small businesses since they typically do not operate mixed mode transit systems.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

Based on EPA's regulatory impact assessment (September 2016) for the HWGIR, other persons that generate hazardous waste may realize an undetermined portion of the aggregate annual net cost savings of $3,600 to $13,100 for all Utah hazardous waste generators. The proposed change to allow qualifying mixed mode transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler will result in saving the cost of outsourcing such transportation. Any cost savings will vary depending on the volume of used oil transported and market conditions for used oil and related petroleum products.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

In the regulatory impact assessment issued by EPA (September 2016, EPA-HQ-RCRA-2012-0121-0313, regulations.gov) for the final HWGIR, EPA estimated that by applying the rule changes, all hazardous waste generators can potentially realize a national aggregate net compliance cost savings from $722,000 to $2,630,000, annually. The total number of Utah hazardous waste generators is about 0.5% of the national total. Therefore, given the national total, the annual net cost savings to all Utah hazardous waste generators may range from $3,600 to $13,100. The proposed change to allow qualifying mixed mode transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler will result in saving the cost of outsourcing such transportation. Any cost savings will vary depending on the volume of used oil transported and market conditions for used oil and related petroleum products.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

In the regulatory impact assessment issued by EPA (September 2016) for the final HWGIR, EPA estimated that by applying the rule changes, all hazardous waste generators can potentially realize a national aggregate net compliance cost savings from $722,000 to $2,630,000, annually. The total number of Utah hazardous waste generators is about 0.5% of the national total. Therefore, given the national total, the annual net cost savings to all Utah hazardous waste generators may range from $3,600 to $13,100. The proposed change to allow qualifying mixed mode transit systems to transport their own used oil to a permitted used oil recycler will result in saving the cost of outsourcing such transportation. Any cost savings will vary depending on the volume of used oil transported and market conditions for used oil and related petroleum products.

Alan Matheson, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Environmental Quality
Waste Management and Radiation Control, Waste ManagementRoom Second Floor
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3097

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Rusty Lundberg at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4257, by FAX at 801-536-0222, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Thomas Ball at the above address, by phone at 801-536-0251, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Scott Anderson, Director


R315. Environmental Quality, Waste Management and Radiation Control, Waste Management.

R315-15. Standards for the Management of Used Oil.

R315-15-1. Applicability, Prohibitions, and Definitions.


This section identifies those materials that are subject to regulation as used oil under R315-15. This section also identifies some materials that are not subject to regulation as used oil under R315-15, and indicates whether these materials may be a hazardous waste as defined under R315-261.

(a) Used oil. It is presumed that used oil is to be recycled unless a used oil handler disposes of used oil or sends used oil for disposal. Except as provided in R315-15-1.2, the requirements of R315-15 apply to used oil, and to materials identified in this section as being subject to regulation as used oil, whether or not the used oil or material exhibits any characteristics of hazardous waste identified in R315-261-20 through 24.

(b) Mixtures of used oil and hazardous waste.

(1) Listed hazardous waste.

(i) Mixtures of used oil and hazardous waste which are listed in R315-261-30 through 33 and 35 are subject to regulation as hazardous waste under R315-261 rather than as used oil under R315-15.

(ii) Rebuttable presumption for used oil. Used oil containing more than 1,000 ppm total halogens is presumed to be a hazardous waste because it has been mixed with halogenated hazardous waste listed in R315-261-30 through 33 and 35. A person may rebut this presumption by demonstrating that the used oil does not contain hazardous waste, for example, by using an analytical method from SW-846, Edition III, Update IV to show that the used oil does not contain significant concentrations of halogenated hazardous constituents listed in R315-261, Appendix VIII.

(A) The rebuttable presumption does not apply to metalworking oils/fluids containing chlorinated paraffins, if they are processed, through a tolling arrangement as described in R315-15-2.5(c), to reclaim metalworking oils/fluids. The presumption does apply to metalworking oils/fluids if such oils/fluids are recycled in any other manner, or disposed.

(B) The rebuttable presumption does not apply to used oils contaminated with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) removed from refrigeration units where the CFCs are destined for reclamation. The rebuttable presumption does apply to used oils contaminated with CFCs that have been mixed with used oil from sources other than refrigeration units.

(2) Characteristic hazardous waste. A mixture of used oil and hazardous waste that solely exhibits one or more of the hazardous waste characteristics identified in R315-261-20 through 24 and a mixtures of used oil and hazardous waste that is listed in R315-261-30 through 33 and 35 solely because it exhibits one or more of the characteristics of hazardous waste identified in R315-261-20 through 24 are subject to:

(i) Except as provided in R315-15-1(b)(2)(iii), regulation as hazardous waste under R315-260 through 266, 268, 270, and 273 rather than as used oil under R315-15, if the resultant mixture exhibits any characteristics of hazardous waste identified in R315-261-20 through 24; or

(ii) Except as specified in R315-15-1.1(b)(2)(iii), regulation as used oil under R315-15, if the resultant mixture does not exhibit any characteristics of hazardous waste identified under R315-261-20 through 24.

(iii) Regulation as used oil under R315-15, if the mixture is of used oil and a waste which is hazardous solely because it exhibits the characteristic of ignitability, e.g., mineral spirits, provided that the mixture does not exhibit the characteristic of ignitability under R315-261-21.

(3) [Conditionally exempt]Very small quantity generator hazardous waste. Mixtures of used oil and [conditionally exempt]very small quantity generator hazardous waste regulated under [R315-261-5,]Section R315-262-14 are subject to regulation as used oil under R315-15.

(c) Materials containing or otherwise contaminated with used oil.

(1) Except as provided in R315-15-1.1(c)(2) materials containing or otherwise contaminated with used oil from which the used oil has been properly drained or removed to the extent possible such that no visible signs of free-flowing oil remain in or on the material:

(i) Are not used oil and thus not subject to R315-15, and

(ii) If applicable, are subject to the hazardous waste regulations R315-260 through 266, 268, 270, and 273, and R315-101 and 102.

(2) Materials containing or otherwise contaminated with used oil that are burned for energy recovery are subject to regulation as used oil under R315-15.

(3) Used oil drained or removed from materials containing or otherwise contaminated with used oil is subject to regulation as used oil under R315-15.

(d) Mixtures of used oil with products.

(1) Except as provided in (d)(2) mixtures of used oil and fuels or other fuel products are subject to regulation as used oil under R315-15.

(2) Mixtures of used oil and diesel fuel mixed on site by the generator of the used oil for use in the generator's own vehicles are not subject to R315-15 after the used oil and diesel fuel have been mixed. Prior to mixing, the used oil is subject to the requirements of R315-15-2.

(e) Materials derived from used oil.

(1) Materials that are reclaimed from used oil that are used beneficially and are not burned for energy recovery or used in a manner constituting disposal, e.g., re-refined lubricants, are:

(i) Not used oil and thus are not subject to R315-15, and

(ii) Not solid wastes and are thus not subject to the hazardous waste regulations of R315-260 through 266, 268, 270, and 273 as provided in R315-261-3(c)(2)(i).

(2) Materials produced from used oil that are burned for energy recovery, e.g., used oil fuels, are subject to regulation as used oil under R315-15.

(3) Except as provided in R315-15.1.1(e)(4), materials derived from used oil that are disposed of or used in a manner constituting disposal are:

(i) Not used oil and thus are not subject to R315-15, and

(ii) Are solid wastes and thus are subject to the hazardous waste regulations R315-260 through 266, 268, 270, and 273 if the materials are listed or identified as hazardous wastes.

(4) Used oil re-refining distillation bottoms that are used as feedstock to manufacture asphalt products are not subject to R315-15.

(f) Wastewater. Wastewater contaminated with de minimis quantities of used oil, the discharge of which is subject to regulation under either section 402 or section 307(b) of the Clean Water Act, including wastewaters at facilities that have eliminated the discharge of wastewater, are not subject to the requirements of Rule R315-15. For purposes of this paragraph only, "de minimis" quantities of used oils are defined as small spills, leaks, or drippings from pumps, machinery, pipes, and other similar equipment during normal operations or small amounts of oil lost to the wastewater treatment system during washing or draining operations. This exception does not apply if the used oil is discarded as a result of abnormal manufacturing operations resulting in substantial leaks, spills, or other releases, or to used oil recovered from wastewaters.

(g) Used oil introduced into crude oil pipelines or a petroleum refining facility.

(1) Used oil mixed with crude oil or natural gas liquids, e.g., in a production separator or crude oil stock tank, for insertion into a crude oil pipeline is exempt from the requirements of R315-15. The used oil is subject to the requirements of R315-15 prior to the mixing of used oil with crude oil or natural gas liquids.

(2) Mixtures of used oil and crude oil or natural gas liquids containing less than 1% used oil that are being stored or transported to a crude oil pipeline or petroleum refining facility for insertion into the refining process at a point prior to crude distillation or catalytic cracking are exempt from the requirements of R315-15.

(3) Used oil that is inserted into the petroleum refining facility process before crude distillation or catalytic cracking without prior mixing with crude oil is exempt from the requirements of R315-15, provided that the used oil constitutes less than 1% of the crude oil feed to any petroleum refining facility process unit at any given time. Prior to insertion into the petroleum refining facility process, the used oil is subject to the requirements of R315-15.

(4) Except as provided in R315-15-1.1 (g)(5), used oil that is introduced into a petroleum refining facility process after crude distillation or catalytic cracking is exempt from the requirements of R315-15 only if the used oil meets the specification of R315-15-1.2. Prior to insertion into the petroleum refining facility process, the used oil is subject to the requirements of R315-15.

(5) Used oil that is incidentally captured by a hydrocarbon recovery system or wastewater treatment system as part of routine process operations at a petroleum refining facility and inserted into the petroleum refining facility process is exempt from the requirements of R315-15. This exemption does not extend to used oil that is intentionally introduced into a hydrocarbon recovery system, e.g., by pouring collected used oil into the waste water treatment system.

(6) Tank bottoms from stock tanks containing exempt mixtures of used oil and crude oil or natural gas liquids are exempt from the requirements of R315-15.

(h) Used oil on vessels. Used oil produced on vessels from normal shipboard operations is not subject to Rule R315-15 until it is transported ashore.

(i) Used oil containing PCBs. In addition to the requirements of R315-15, marketers and burners of used oil who market used oil containing PCBs at concentrations greater than or equal to 2 ppm are subject to the requirements found in R315-15-18 and 40 CFR 761.20(e).

(j) Inspections. Any duly authorized employee of the Director, may, at any reasonable time and upon presentation of credentials, have access to and the right to copy any records relating to used oil, and inspect, audit, or sample. Any authorized employee obtaining samples shall give to the owner, operator or agent a receipt describing the sample obtained and, if requested, a portion of each sample of waste equal in volume or weight to the portion retained. The employee may also make record of the inspection by photographic, electronic, audio, video, or any other reasonable means.

(k) Violations, Orders, and Hearings. If the Director has reason to believe a person is in violation of any provision of R315-15, procedural requirements for compliance shall follow Utah Code Annotated 19-6-721 and Utah Administrative Code R305-7.


Used oil burned for energy recovery, and any fuel produced from used oil by processing, blending, or other treatment, is subject to regulation under R315-15 until:

(a) It has been demonstrated not to exceed any allowable levels of the constituents and properties shown in Table 1;

(b) The person making that claim complies with R315-15-7.3, R315-15-7.4, and R315-15-7.5(b); and

(c) The used oil is delivered to a used oil burner.



     Constituent/property                  Allowable level

       Arsenic                                5 ppm maximum
       Cadmium                                2 ppm maximum
       Chromium                              10 ppm maximum
       Lead                                 100 ppm maximum
       Flash point                          100 degrees F minimum
       Total halogens                     4,000 ppm maximum(2)

     (1)  The allowable levels in Table 1 do not apply to
mixtures of used oil and hazardous waste that continue to be
regulated as hazardous waste.  See R315-15-1.1(b).
     (2)  Used oil containing more than 1,000 ppm total halogens
is presumed to be a hazardous waste under the rebuttable
presumption described in R315-15-1.1(b)(1).  Such used oil is
subject to R315-266-100 through 112, rather than R315-15 when
burned for energy recovery unless the presumption of mixing can
be successfully rebutted.
     Note:  Applicable standards for the marketing and burning
of used oil containing any quantifiable level (2 ppm) of PCBs
are found in 40 CFR 761.20(e), 2013 edition, incorporated by
reference, and R315-15-18.  Prohibition of PCB oil dilution is
described in 40 CFR 279.10 and 40 CFR 761.20(e).



Except as authorized by the Director, a person may not place, discard, or otherwise dispose of used oil in any of the following manners:

(a) Surface impoundment and waste piles. Used oil shall not be managed in surface impoundments or waste piles unless the units are subject to regulation under R315-264 or R315-265.

(b) Use as a dust suppressant, weed suppressant, or for road oiling. The use of used oil as a dust suppressant, weed suppressant, or for road oiling or other similar use is prohibited. Any disposal of used oil on the ground is prohibited under Utah Code Annotated 19-6-706(1)(a)(iii).

(c) A person may not mix or commingle used oil with the following substances, except as incidental to the normal course of processing, mechanical, or industrial operations:

(1) Solid waste that is to be disposed of in any solid waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility, except as authorized by the Director; or

(2) Any hazardous waste so the resulting mixture may not be recycled or used for other beneficial purpose as authorized under R315-15.

(d) Used oil shall not be disposed in a solid waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility, except for the disposal of hazardous used oil as authorized under R315-261.

(e) Used oil shall not be disposed in sewers, drainage systems, septic tanks, surface or ground waters, watercourses, or any body of water.


Burning in particular units. Off-specification used oil fuel may be burned for energy recovery only in the devices described in R315-15-6.2(a).


(a) R315-15-1.3 does not apply to release of de minimis quantities of used oil identified under Utah Code Annotated 19-6-706(4)(a) except for the requirements of 19-6-706(i) and (ii).

(b) A person may dispose of an item or substance that contains de minimis amounts of oil in disposal facilities in accordance with Utah Code Annotated 19-6-706 (2) (a) if:

(1) To the extent that all oil has been reasonably removed from the item or substance; and

(2) No free flowing oil remains in the item or substance.


(a) Disposal of Used Oil Filters. A person may dispose of a nonterne plated used oil filter as a non-hazardous solid waste when that filter is gravity hot-drained by one of the methods described in R315-15-1.6(b) and is not mixed with hazardous waste defined in R315-261.

(b) "Gravity hot-drained" means drained for not less than 12 hours near operating temperature but above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. A nonterne used oil filter is a container of used oil and is subject to R315-15 until it is gravity hot-drained by one of the following methods:

(1) puncturing the filter anti-drain back valve or the filter dome end and gravity hot-draining;

(2) gravity hot-draining and crushing;

(3) dismantling and gravity hot-draining; or

(4) any other equivalent gravity hot-draining method authorized by the Director that will remove used oil from the filter at least as effectively as the methods listed in R315-15-1.6(b)(1) through (3).


(a) Definitions of terms used in R315-15 are found in: R315-15-1.7(b) through (h) and R315-260.

(b) The term "de minimis quantities of used oil" defined in Utah Code Annotated 19-6-706(4)(b), and 19-6-708(3)(a) means small spills, leaks, or drippings from pumps, machinery, pipes, and other similar equipment during normal operations and does not apply to used oil discarded as a result of abnormal operations resulting in substantial leaks, spills, or other releases. Nor does it apply to accumulations of quantities of used oil that pose a potential threat to human health or the environment.

(c) "Financial responsibility" means the mechanism by which a person who has a financial obligation satisfies that obligation.

(d) "Used oil" means any oil, refined from crude oil or synthetic oil, that has been used and as a result of that use is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities. Used oil includes engine oil, transmission fluid, compressor oils, metalworking oils, hydraulic oil, brake fluid, oils used as buoyants, lubricating greases, electrical insulating, and dialectic oils.

(e) "Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)" means any chemical substance that is limited to the biphenyl molecule that has been chlorinated to varying degrees or any combination of substances which contains such substance.

(f) "On-specification used oil" means used oil that does not exceed levels of constituents and properties specified in R315-15-1.2.

(g) "Off-specification used oil" means used oil that exceeds levels of constituents and properties specified in R315-15-1.2.

(h) "Parts per million (ppm)" means a weight-per-weight ratio used to describe concentrations. Parts per million (ppm) is the number of units of mass of a contaminant per million units of total mass (e.g., micrograms per gram).


Laboratory analyses used to satisfy the requirements of R315-15 shall be performed by a laboratory that holds a current Utah Certification for environmental laboratories issued by the Utah Department of Health, Laboratory Improvement under R444-14 Utah Administrative Code. The laboratory shall be certified for the method(s) and analyte(s) applied to generate the environmental data.


R315-15-10. Financial Requirements.

(a) Used oil activities. An owner or operator of an off-specification burner facility, transportation facility, processing/re-refining facility, or transfer facility, or a group of such facilities, is financially responsible for:

(1) cleanup and closure costs;

(2) general liabilities, including operation of motor vehicles, worker compensation and contractor liability; and

(3) environmental pollution legal liability for bodily injury or property damage to third parties resulting from sudden or non-sudden used oil releases.

(i)(A) The owner or operator of a permitted used oil facility or operation shall present evidence satisfactory to the Director of its ability to meet these financial requirements.

(B) The owner or operator shall present with its permit application the information the Director requires to demonstrate its general comprehensive liability coverage.

(C) The owner or operator shall use the financial mechanisms described in R315-15-12 to demonstrate its ability to meet the financial requirements of R315-15-10(a)(1) and (a)(3).

(ii) In approving the financial mechanisms used to satisfy the financial requirements, the Director will take into account existing financial mechanisms already in place by the facility if required by R315-264-140 through 151, R315-265-140 through 150, and R311-201-6. Additionally, the Director will consider other relevant factors in approving the financial mechanisms, such as the volumes of used oil handled and existing secondary containment.

(iii) Financial responsibility, environmental pollution legal liability and general liability coverage shall be provided to the Director as part of the permit application and approval process and shall be maintained until released by Director.

(iv) Changes in extent, type, or amount of the environmental pollution legal liability and financial responsibility shall be considered a permit modification requiring notification to and approval from the Director.

(b)(1) Environmental pollution legal liability coverage for third party damages at used oil facilities. Each used oil processor, re-refiner, transfer facility, and off-specification burner shall obtain and maintain environmental pollution liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties resulting from [sudden and non-sudden accidental releases ]sudden accidental releases, non-sudden accidental releases, or both, of used oil at its facility. This liability coverage shall be maintained for the duration of the permit or until released by the Director as provided for in R315-15-10.

(2) Changes in extent, type, or amount of the financial mechanism will be considered a permit modification requiring notification to and approval from the Director. The minimum amount of environmental pollution legal liability coverage using an assurance mechanism as specified in this section for third-party damages shall be:

(i) For operations where individual volumes of used oil are greater than 55 gallons, such as tanks, storage vessels, used oil processing equipment, and that are raised above grade-level sufficiently to allow for visual inspection of the underside for releases shall be required to obtain coverage in the amount of $1 million per occurrence for sudden releases, with an annual aggregate coverage of $2 million, exclusive of legal defense costs; and

(ii) For operations in whole or part that do not qualify under [R315-15-10(b)(1)]Subsection R315-15-10(b)(2)(i), coverage shall be in the amount of $1 million per occurrence for sudden releases, with an annual aggregate coverage of $2 million, and $3 million per occurrence for non-sudden releases, with an annual aggregate coverage of $6 million, exclusive of legal defense costs;

(iii) For operations covered under Subsection R315-15-10(b)(2) (ii), the owner or operator may choose to use a combined liability coverage for sudden and non-sudden accidental releases in the amount of $4 million per occurrence, with an annual aggregate coverage of $8 million, exclusive of legal defense costs.

(c) Used oil transporter environmental pollution legal liability coverage for third party damages. Each used oil transporter shall obtain environmental pollution legal liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties covering sudden accidental releases of used oil from its vehicles and other equipment and containers used during transit, loading, and unloading in Utah, and shall maintain this coverage for the duration of the permit or until released by the Director as provided for R315-15-10. The minimum amount of the coverage for used oil transporters shall be $1 million per occurrence for sudden releases, with an annual aggregate coverage of $2 million, exclusive of legal defense costs. Changes in extent, type, or amount of the liability coverage shall be considered a permit modification requiring notification to and approval from the Director.

(d) An owner or operator responsible for cleanup and closure under R315-15-11 or environmental pollution legal liability for bodily injury and property damage to third parties under R315-15-10(b) and (c) shall demonstrate its ability to satisfy its responsibility to the Director through the use of an acceptable financial assurance mechanism indicated under R315-15-12.

(e) Used Oil Collection Centers. Except for DIYers, who are subject to Utah Code Annotated 19-6-718, an owner of a used oil collection center shall be subject to the same liability requirements as a permitted facility under R315-15-10(a) and (b) unless these requirements are waived by the Director. In accordance with Utah Code Annotated 19-6-710, the Director may waive the requirement of proof of liability insurance or other means of financial responsibility that may be incurred in collecting or storing used oil if the following criteria are satisfied:

(1) The used oil storage tank or container is in good condition with no severe rusting, apparent structural defects or deterioration, and no visible leaks;

(2) There is adequate secondary containment for the tank or container that is impervious to used oil to prevent any used oil released into the secondary containment system from migrating out of the system;

(3) The storage tank or container is clearly labeled with the words "Used Oil";

(4) DIYer log entries are complete including the name and address of the generator, date and quantity of used oil received; and

(5) Oil sorbent material is readily available on site for immediate cleanup of spills.

(f) The Director shall waive an owner or operator from its existing financial responsibility mechanism as described in R315-15-10 when:

(1) The Director approves an alternative mechanism;

(2) The owner or operator has achieved cleanup and closure according to R315-15-11; or

(3) The Director determines that financial responsibility is no longer applicable under R315-15.

(g) State of Utah and Federal government used oil permittees are exempt from the requirements of R315-15-10.


R315-15-12. Financial Assurance.


For the purposes of R315-15-12, the following definitions apply:

(a) "Existing used oil facility" means any used oil transfer facility, off-specification burner, or used oil processing/re-refining facility in operation on July 1, 1993 under a used oil operating permit issued by the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining and in effect on or before June 30, 1993. An existing used oil facility is also required to obtain a permit from the Director in accordance with R315-15-13.

(b) "New used oil facility" means any used oil transfer, off-specification burner, or used oil processing/re-refining facility that was not in operation as a used oil facility on July 1, 1993, and received an operating permit in accordance with R315-15-13 from the Director after July 1, 1993.

(c) "Financial assurance mechanism" means "reclamation surety" as used in Utah Code Annotated 19-6-709 and 19-6-710 of the Used Oil Management Act.


(a) The owner or operator of an existing or new used oil facility requiring a permit under R315-15-13 shall establish a financial assurance mechanism as evidence of financial responsibility under R315-15-10 sufficient to assure cleanup and closure of the facility in conformance with R315-15-11.1 with one or more of the financial assurance mechanisms of R315-15-12.3 prior to receiving a permit from the Director.

(b) Any increase in capacity to store or process used oil at a used oil facility permitted by the Director, above the storage or processing capacity identified in the permit application approved by the Director, shall require the owner or operator of the permitted used oil facility to increase the amount or face value of the financial assurance mechanism to meet the additional capacity. The additional amount or increase in face value of financial assurance mechanism shall be in place and effective before operation of the increased storage or processing capacity and shall meet the requirements of R315-15-12.3 and R315-15-12.4.

(c) DIYer used oil collection centers, generator used oil collection centers, and used oil aggregation points are not required to post a financial assurance mechanism, but are subject to the cleanup and closure requirements of R315-15-10 and R315-15-11 unless they have received a waiver in writing from the Director as identified in R315-15-10(e).


(a) Any financial assurance mechanism used to show financial responsibility under R315-15-10 and 11 for an existing or new used oil facility shall:

(1) be legally valid, binding, and enforceable under Utah and federal law;

(2) be approved by the Director;

(3) ensure that funds will be available in a timely fashion for:

(i) completing all cleanup and closure activities indicated in the closure plan of the permit approved by the Director; and

(ii) environmental pollution legal liability for third party damages for bodily injury and property damage resulting from a sudden or non-sudden accidental release of used oil from or arising from permitted operations; and

(4) require a written notice sent by certified mail to the Director 120 days prior to cancellation or termination of the financial mechanism.

(5) be updated each year to adjust for inflation, using either:

(i) the gross domestic product implicit price deflator ratio of the increase of the current calendar year to the past calendar year or

(ii) a new estimated cleanup and closure cost estimate recalculated to account for all changes in scope and nature of the permitted operation.

(b) The owner or operator of an existing or new used oil facility shall establish a financial assurance mechanism for cleanup and closure by one of the following mechanisms and shall submit a signed original or an original signed duplicate of the financial assurance mechanism to the Director for approval as part of the permit application:

(1) Trust Fund.

(i) The trustee shall be an entity that has the authority to act as a trustee and whose operations are regulated and examined by a federal or state agency.

(ii) A signed original or an original signed duplicate of the trust agreement and accompanied by a formal certification of acknowledgement shall be submitted to the Director.

(iii) For trust funds that are fully funded at the time of permit approval, an annual trust valuation shall be certified and submitted to the Director. The permittee shall provide evidence annually, upon the anniversary of the trust agreement, that the trust remains fully funded.

(iv) For trust funds not fully funded at the time of permit approval by the Director, incremental payments into the trust fund shall be made annually by the owner or operator to fully fund the trust within five years of the Director's approval of the permit as follows:

(A) initial payment value shall be the initial cleanup and closure cost estimate value divided by the pay-in period, not to exceed five years, and

(B) next payment value shall be the difference of the approved current cleanup and closure cost estimate less the trust fund value, all divided by the remaining number of years in the pay-in period, and

(C) subsequent next payments shall be made into the trust fund annually on or before the anniversary date of the initial payment made into the trust fund and reported in accordance with the approved trust agreement, and

(D) no later than 30 days after the last incremental payment to fully fund the trust, the permittee shall provide proof to the Director that the trust fund has been fully funded according to the current permitted cleanup and closure cost estimate.

(E) The facility shall submit an annual valuation of the trust to the Director on or before the anniversary date of the trust.

(v) For a new used oil facility, the payment into the trust fund shall be made before the initial receipt of used oil.

(vi) The owner or operator, or other person authorized to conduct cleanup and closure activities may request reimbursement from the trustee for cleanup and closure completed when approved in writing by the Director.

(vii) The request for reimbursement may be granted by the trustee as follows:

(A) only if sufficient funds exist to cover the reimbursement request; and

(B) if justification and documentation of the cleanup and closure expenditures are submitted to and approved by the Director in writing prior to the trustee granting reimbursement.

(viii) The Director may cancel the incremental trust funding option at any time and require the permittee to provide either a fully funded trust or other cleanup and closure financial mechanism as provided in R315-15-12 under the following conditions:

(A) upon the insolvency of the permittee, or

(B) when a violation of R315-15-10, 11 or 12 has been determined.

(ix) The trust agreement shall follow the wording provided by the Director as identified in R315-15-17.2.

(2) Surety Bond Guaranteeing Payment.

(i) The bond shall be effective before the initial receipt of used oil.

(ii) The surety company issuing the bond shall, at a minimum, be among those listed as acceptable sureties on Federal bonds in Circular 570 of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the owner or operator shall notify the Director that a copy of the bond has been placed in the operating record.

(iii) The penal sum of the bond shall be in an amount at least equal to the cleanup and closure cost estimate developed under R315-15-11.2.

(iv) Under the terms of the bond, the surety shall become liable on the bond obligation when the owner or operator fails to perform as guaranteed by the bond.

(v) The owner or operator shall establish a standby trust agreement at the time the bond is established.

(A) The standby trust agreement shall meet the requirements of R315-15-12.3(b)(1), except for R315-15-12.3(b)(1)(iii), (viii), and (ix) and the standby trust agreement shall follow the wording provided by the Director as identified in R315-15-17.14.

(B) Payment made under the terms of the bond shall be deposited by the surety directly into the standby trust agreement and payments from the standby trust fund shall be approved by the trustee with the written concurrence of the Director.

(vi) The surety bond shall automatically be renewed on the expiration date unless cancelled by the surety company 120 days in advance by sending both the bond applicant and the Director a written cancellation notice by certified mail.

(vii) The bond applicant may terminate the bond for nonpayment of fee by providing written notice, by certified mail, to the Director 120 days prior to termination.

(viii) Any change to the form or content of the surety bond shall be submitted to the Director for approval and acceptance.

(ix) The surety bond shall follow the language provided by the Director found in R315-15-17.3.

(3) Letter of Credit

(i) The letter of credit shall be effective before the initial receipt of used oil

(ii) The financial institution issuing the letter of credit shall be an entity that has the authority to issue letters of credit and whose letter of credit operations are regulated and examined by a state or federal agency.

(iii) The letter of credit shall be issued in an amount at least equal to the cleanup and closure cost estimate developed under R315-15-11.2.

(iv) The owner or operator shall establish a standby trust agreement at the time the letter of credit is established.

(A) The standby trust agreement shall meet the requirements of R315-15-12.3(b)(1), except for Subsections R315-15-12.3(b)(1)(iii), (viii), and (ix) and the standby trust agreement shall follow the language incorporated by reference in R315-15-17.14.

(B) Payment made under the terms of the letter of credit shall be deposited by the surety directly into the standby trust and payments from the standby trust fund shall be approved by the trustee with the written concurrence of the Director.

[(vi)](v) The letter of credit shall follow the wording provided by the Director as identified in R315-15-17.4.

(4) Insurance.

(i) The insurance shall be effective before the initial receipt of used oil.

[(C)](A) Insurance coverage period shall be the earliest date of permit issuance or a retroactive date established by the earliest period of coverage for any financial assurance mechanism.

(ii) At a minimum, the insurer shall be licensed to transact the business of insurance, or eligible to provide insurance as an excess or surplus lines insurer, in one or more states.

(iii) The insurance policy shall guarantee that funds will be available to perform the cleanup and closure activities approved by the Director.

(iv) The policy shall guarantee that the insurer will be responsible for the paying out of funds to the owner or operator or person authorized to conduct the cleanup and closure activities, as approved by the Director, up to an amount equal to the face amount of the policy. Payment of any funds by the insurer shall be made with the written concurrence of the Director.

(A) The Insurer shall establish at a standby trust agreement for only the benefit of the Director when the Director notifies the Insurer that the Director is making a claim, as provided for in R315-15, for cleanup and closure of a permitted used oil transfer, processor, re-refiner, or off-specification burner facility.

(B) The Insurer shall place the face value of the applicable coverage in the trust within 30 days of establishing the standby trust agreement.

(C) The standby trust agreement shall meet the requirements of R315-15-12.3(b)(1), except for R315-15-12.3(b)(1)(iii), (iv), (v), (viii), and (xi), and the standby trust agreement shall follow the language provided by the Director incorporated by reference in R315-15-17.14.

(v) The insurance policy shall be issued for a face amount at least equal to the cleanup and closure cost estimate developed under R315-15-11.2.

(vi) An owner or operator, or other person authorized by the Director, may receive reimbursements for cleanup and closure activities completed if:

(A) the value of the policy is sufficient to cover the reimbursement request; and

(B) justification and documentation of the cleanup and closure expenditures are submitted to and approved by the Director, prior to receiving reimbursement.

(vii) Each policy shall contain a provision allowing assignment of the policy to a successor owner or operator.

(viii) The insurance policy shall provide that the insurer may not cancel, terminate, or fail to renew the policy except for failure to pay the premium. If there is a failure to pay the premium, the insurer may cancel the policy by sending notice of cancellation by certified mail to the owner or operator and the Director 120 days in advance of cancellation. If the insurer cancels the policy, the owner or operator shall obtain an alternate financial assurance mechanism meeting the requirements for financial responsibility under R315-15-10 and of this subsection within 60 days of notice of cancellation of the policy.

(ix) The policy coverage amount for cleanup and closure is exclusive of legal and defense costs.

(x) Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Insured shall not relieve the Insurer of its obligations under the policy.

(xi) The Insurer as first-payer is liable for the payment of amounts within any deductible, retention, self-insured retention (SIR), or reserve applicable to the policy, with a right of reimbursement by the Insured for any such payment made by the Insurer. This provision does not apply with respect to that amount of any deductible, retention, self-insured retention, or reserve for which coverage is otherwise demonstrated as specified in R315-15-12.

(xii) Whenever requested by the Director, the Insurer agrees to furnish to the Director a signed duplicate original of the policy and all endorsements.

(xiii) Cancellation of the policy, whether by the Insurer, the Insured, a parent corporation providing insurance coverage for its subsidiary, or by a firm having an insurable interest in and obtaining liability insurance on behalf of the owner or operator of the used oil management facility, will be effective only upon written notice and only after the expiration of 120 days after a copy of such written notice is received by the Director for those facilities that are located in Utah.

(xiv) Any other termination of the policy will be effective only upon written notice and only after the expiration of 120 days after a copy of such written notice is received by the Director for those facilities that are located in Utah.

(xv) All policy provisions related to R315-15 shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah. In the event of the failure of the Insurer to pay any amount claimed to be due hereunder, the Insurer and the Insured will submit to the jurisdiction of the appropriate court of the State of Utah, and will comply with all the requirements necessary to give such court jurisdiction. All matters arising hereunder, including questions related to the interpretation, performance and enforcement of this policy, shall be determined in accordance with the law and practice of the State of Utah (notwithstanding Utah conflicts of law rules).

(xvi) Endorsement(s) added to, or removed from the policy that have the effect of affecting the environmental pollution liability language, directly or indirectly, shall be approved in writing by the Director before said endorsement(s) become effective.

(xvii) Neither the Insurer nor the Insured shall contest the state of Utah's use of the drafting history of the insurance policy in a judicial interpretation of the policy or endorsement(s) to said policy.

(xviii) The Insurer shall establish a standby trust fund for the benefit of the Director at the time the Director first makes a claim against the insurance policy.

(A) The standby trust fund shall meet the requirements of R315-15-12.3(b)(1), except for item R315-15-12.3(b)(1)(iii), (iv), (v), (viii), and (ix) and the standby trust agreement shall follow the wording found in R315-15-17.14.

(B) Payment made under the terms of the insurance policy shall be deposited by the Insurer as grantor directly into the standby trust fund and payments from the trust fund shall be approved by the trustee with the written concurrence of the Director.

(5) The owner or operator of an existing or new used oil facility may establish a financial assurance mechanism by a combination of the above mechanisms as approved by the Director.

(c) The owner or operator of an existing or new used oil facility or operation shall establish a financial assurance mechanism for bodily injury and property damage to third parties resulting from sudden and/or non-sudden accidental releases of used oil from a permitted used oil facility or operation as follows:

(1) An owner or operator that is a used oil processor, transfer facility, or off-specification burner, or a group of such facilities regulated under R315-15 shall demonstrate financial responsibility for bodily injury and property damage to third parties caused by sudden and/or non-sudden accidental release of used oil arising from operations or operations of the facility or group of facilities shall have and maintain liability coverage in the amount as specified in R315-15-10(b). This liability coverage shall be demonstrated by one or more of the financial mechanisms in R315-15-12.3(c)(3).

(2) An owner or operator that is a used oil transporter regulated under R315-15, must demonstrate financial responsibility for bodily injury and property damage to third-parties resulting from sudden release of used oil arising from transit, loading and unloading, to or from facilities within Utah. The owner or operator shall maintain liability coverage for sudden accidental occurrences in the amount specified in R315-15-10(c). This liability coverage shall be demonstrated by one or more of the financial mechanisms in R315-15-12.3(c)(3).

(3) The owner or operator shall demonstrate compliance with R315-15-10(b) or (c) by using one or more of the following financial assurance mechanisms:

(i) Insurance. The owner or operator shall follow the wording provided by the Director identified in R315-15-17.5 through R315-15-17.9, as may be applicable.

(ii) Trust. The owner or operator shall follow the wording provided by the Director identified in R315-15-17.12.

(iii) Surety Bond. The owner or operator shall follow the wording provided by the Director identified in R315-15-17.11.

(iv) Letter of Credit. The owner or operator shall follow the wording provided by the Director identified in R315-15-17.10.

(d) Adjustments by the Director. If the Director determines that the levels of financial responsibility required by R315-15-10(b) or (c), as applicable are not consistent with the degree and duration of risk associated with used oil operations or facilities, the Director may adjust the level of financial responsibility required under R315-15-10(b) or (c), as applicable, as may be necessary to protect human health and the environment. This adjusted level will be based on the Director's assessment of the degree and duration of risk associated with the used oil operations or facilities. In addition, if the Director determines that there is a significant risk to human health and the environment from non-sudden release of used oil resulting from the used oil operations or facilities, the Director may require that an owner or operator of the used oil facility or operation comply with R315-15-10(b) and (c), as applicable. An owner or operator must furnish, within a reasonable time to the Director when requested in writing, any information the Director requests to determine whether cause exists for an adjustment to the financial responsibility under R315-15-10(b) or (c) with the used oil operations or facilities. Failure to provide the requested information as and when requested under this section may result in the Director revoking the owner's or operator's used oil permit(s). Any adjustment of the level or type of coverage for a facility that has a permit will be treated as a permit modification.

(e) When the owner or operator of a permitted used oil facility or operation believes that its responsibility for cleanup and closure or for environmental pollution liability as described in R315-15-10(d) has changed, it may submit a written request to the Director to modify its permit to reflect the changed responsibility.

(f) The Director may release the requirement for cleanup and closure financial assurance after the owner or operator has clean-closed the facility according to R315-15-11.

(g) The owner or operator of a permitted used oil facility or operation may request the Director to modify its permit to change its financial assurance mechanism or mechanisms as described in R315-15-12.

(h) The Director may modify the permit to change financial assurance mechanism or mechanisms after the owner or operator has established a replacement financial assurance mechanism or mechanisms acceptable to the Director.

(i) Incapacity of owners or operators, guarantor, or financial institution. An owner or operator of a permitted used oil facility or operation shall notify the Director by certified mail within ten days of the commencement of a bankruptcy proceeding naming the owner or operator as debtor.

(1) An owner or operator who fulfills the financial responsibility requirements by obtaining a trust fund, surety bond, letter of credit, or insurance policy will be considered to be without the required financial responsibility or liability coverage in the event of:

(i) bankruptcy of the trustee or issuing institution; or

(ii) a suspension or revocation of the authority of the trustee institution to act as trustee; or

(iii) a suspension or revocation of the authority of the institution to issue a surety bond, a letter of credit, or an insurance policy.

(2) The owner or operator of a permitted used oil facility or operation must establish other financial responsibility or liability coverage within 60 days after such an event.


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R315-15-13. Registration and Permitting of Used Oil Handlers.


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(a) Applicability. Except as provided by R315-15-13.4(f), a person may not operate as a used oil transporter without holding a used oil transporter permit issued by the Director. A person shall not operate a used oil transfer facility without holding a used oil transfer facility permit specific to that facility, issued by the Director.

(b) General. The application for a permit shall include the following information:

(1) The name and address of the operator;

(2) The location of the transporter's base of operations and the location of any transfer facilities, if applicable;

(3) Maps of all transfer facilities, if applicable;

(4) The methods to be used for collecting, storing, and delivering used oil;

(5) The methods to be used to determine if used oil received by the transporter or facility is on-specification or off-specification and how the transporter will comply with the rebuttable requirements of R315-15-4.5;

(6) The type of containment and the volume, including type and number of storage vessels to be used and the number and type of transportation vehicles, if applicable;

(7) The methods of disposing of any waste by-products;

(8) The status of business, zoning, and other applicable licenses and permits if required by federal, state, and local government entities;

(9) An emergency spill containment plan, including a list of spill containment equipment to be carried in vehicles used to transport used oil and spill containment equipment maintained at the used oil transfer facility, and how the transporter shall comply with the requirements of R315-15-9;

(10) Proof of liability insurance or other means of financial responsibility for liabilities that may be incurred in collecting, transporting, or storing used oil;

(11) Proof of form and amount of reclamation surety for any facility used in conjunction with transportation or storage of used oil;

(12) A closure plan meeting the requirements of R315-15-11;

(13) Proof of applicant's ownership of any property and facility used for storage of used oil or, if the property and facility is not owned by the applicant, the owners' written statement acknowledging the activities specified in the application;

(14) For transfer facility permit applications, tank certification in accordance with R315-264-190 through 200 for used oil storage tanks at the transfer facility;

(15) For transfer facility permit applications, a facility piping and instrument drawing certified by a Professional Engineer;

(16) If rail transport is part of the application, a loading/off-loading plan for rail tanker cars used to transport used oil. This plan shall include detailed procedures to be followed to minimize the potential for releases and on-site accidents. At a minimum, the following items shall be addressed:

(i) Personal safety equipment;

(ii) Coordination with railroad to ensure exclusive rights to the loading track during the entire period of loading/offloading;

(iii) A minimum number and qualification of workers involved in the loading or off-loading operations;

(iv) Braking and blocking of rail car wheels;

(v) Procedures for Depressurizing tank car prior to opening manhole covers and outlet valves;

(vi) The sequence of valve openings and closings on any hosing or piping involved in the loading or off-loading process,

(vii) A description of how and where pipe and hose fitting will be attached, including a description of which rail car valves/openings will be used;

(viii) Use of catchment container to collect any used oil released from hoses, valves, and pipes during and following the loading/offloading operation;

(ix) Measures to insure ignition sources are not present;

(x) Procedures for cleanup of any spills that occur during the loading/offloading operations; and

(xi) Other site-specific requirements required by the Director to protect human health and the environment.

(c) Permit fees. Registration and permitting fees are established under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Annotated 63J-1-504. A copy of the Division's Fee Schedule is available upon request. Payment of appropriate fees is required prior to issuance of permit approvals and annual used oil handler certificates.

(d) Annual Reporting. Each transporter and transfer facility shall submit an annual report to the Director of its activities during the calendar year. The annual report shall be submitted to the Director no later than March 1, of the year following the reported activities. The Annual report shall either be submitted on a form provided by the Director or shall contain the following information:

(1) the EPA identification number, name, and address of the transporter/transfer facility;

(2) the calendar year covered by the report;

(3) the total amount of used oil transported;

(4) the itemized amounts and types of used oil transferred to permitted transporters and transfer facilities, used oil processors/re-refiners, off-specification used oil burners, and used oil fuel marketers; and

(5) the itemized amounts and types of used oil transferred inside and outside the state, indicating the state to which used oil is transferred, and the specific name, address and telephone number of the operations or facility to which used oil was transferred.

(e) Changes in information. The owner or operator of the facility shall notify the Director in writing of any changes in the information submitted to apply for a permit within 20 days of the change.

(f) Transporter and Transfer Facility Permit by rule. Notwithstanding any other provisions of R315-15-13.4, a used oil generator who self-transports used oil generated by that generator at a non-contiguous operation to a central collection facility in the generator's own service vehicles in quantities exceeding 55 gallons shall be deemed to have an approved used oil transporter permit or used oil transfer facility permits, or both if the generator meets all applicable requirements of R315-15-13.4(f)(1) through (4).

(1) All used oil transporters or transfer facilities who qualify for a permit by rule shall submit a notification to the Director of their intent to operate under R315-15-13.4(f) and comply with the following conditions:

(i) The generator's facility is defined under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), published, in 2017 Revision, by the US Economic Classification Policy Committee, with a NAICS code of 21 (Mining), 22 (Untilities), 23 (Construction), 485111 (Mixed Mode Transit Systems), or 541360 (Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services);

(ii) The generator self-transports and delivers the used oil to facilities that the generator owns, operates, or both.

(iii) The generator notifies the Director with the information required by R315-15-13.4(b)(1) through (10); and

(iv) The generator complies with R315-15-4.3, R315-15-4.4(b) through (d), R315-15-4.6(b) through (f), R315-15-4.7(b) and (d), and R315-15-4.8.

(2) A generator who self-transports used oil in accordance with R315-15-13.4(f)(1)and who burns all the collected used oil for energy recovery is deemed to be approved by rule to operate as a used oil transporter for that activity if the following additional conditions are met:

(i) The generator only burns the self-collected used oil for energy recovery at that generator's own central collection facility.

(ii) The generator registers as a used oil fuel marketer in accordance with R315-15-13.7 and complies with R315-15-7.

(3) A generator who self-transports used oil in accordance with R315-15-13.4(f)(1) and only stores the used oil for subsequent collection by permitted used oil transporters is deemed to be approved by rule to operate as a used oil transporter and transfer facility for that activity if the following additional conditions are met:

(i) The generator arranges for permitted used oil transporters to collect the generator's used oil.

(ii) The self-transported used oil is not stored at the generator's facility longer than 35 days. If the self-transported used oil is stored longer than 35 days, the generator becomes a used oil processor in accordance with R315-15-4.6(a) and shall obtain a used oil processor permit in accordance with R315-15-13.5.

(4) A generator who self-transports used oil in accordance with R315-15-13.4(f)(1), and who both burns their collected used oil for energy recovery and arranges for permitted use oil transporters to collect that used oil, is deemed to be approved by rule to operate as a used oil transporter and transfer facility for that activity if the following additional conditions are met:

(i) The self-transported used oil burned for energy recovery is only burned at the generator's central collection facility;

(ii) The generator registers as a used oil fuel marketer in accordance with R315-15-13.7 and complies with R315-15-7; and

(iii) The generator arranges for permitted used oil transporters to collect the generator's used oil not burned on site.

(iv) The self-transported used oil is not stored at the generator's facility longer than 35 days. If the self-transported used oil is stored longer than 35 days, the generator becomes a used oil processor in accordance with R315-15-4.6(a) and shall obtain a used oil processor permit in accordance with R315-15-13.5.

(g) All used oil transporters and transfer facilities shall obtain and maintain a used oil handler certificates in accordance with R315-15-13.8.


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R315-15-17. Wording of Financial Assurance Mechanisms.


R315-15-17 presents the standard wording forms to be used for the financial assurance mechanisms found in R315-15-12. The following forms are hereby incorporated by reference and are available at the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control located at 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah, during normal business hours or on the Division's web site, http://www.hazardouswaste.utah.gov/.

(a) The Division requires that the forms described in R315-15-17.2 through R315-15-17.14 shall be used for all financial assurance filings and shall be signed in duplicate original documents. The wording of the forms shall be identical to the wording specified in R315-15-17.2 through R315-15-17. 14.

(b) The Director may substitute new wording for the wording found in any of the financial assurance mechanism forms when such language changes are necessary to conform to applicable financial industry changes, when industry-wide consensus language changes are submitted to the Director.


The trust agreement for a trust fund must be worded as found in the Trust Agreement Form approved by the Director.


The surety bond guaranteeing payment into a standby trust agreement trust fund must be worded as found in the Surety Bond Guaranteeing Payment into a Standby Trust Agreement Trust Fund Form approved by the Director.


The letter of credit must be worded as found in the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit with Standby Trust Agreement Form approved by the Director.


The insurance endorsement of cleanup and closure must be worded as found in the Utah Used Oil Pollution [Liability ]Insurance Endorsement for Cleanup and Closure Form approved by the Director.


The used oil transporter pollution liability endorsement for sudden occurrence must be worded as found in the Utah Used Oil Transporter Pollution Liability Endorsement for Sudden Occurrence Form approved by the Director.


The used oil pollution liability endorsement for sudden occurrence for permitted facilities other than permitted transporters must be worded as found in the Utah Used Oil Pollution Liability Endorsement for Sudden Occurrence Form approved by the Director.


The used oil pollution liability endorsement for non-sudden occurrence must be worded as found in the Utah Used Oil Pollution Liability Endorsement Non-Sudden Occurrence Form approved by the Director.


The used oil pollution liability endorsement combined for sudden and non-sudden occurrence must be worded as found in the Utah Used Oil Pollution Liability Endorsement for Combined Sudden and Non-Sudden Occurrences Form approved by the Director.


The letter of credit must be worded as found in the Letter of Credit for Third Party Damages from Environmental Pollution Liability with Optional Standby Trust Agreement to be used by Transfer/Processor/Re-refiner/Off-specification Burner Facility Form approved by the Director.


A surety bond must be worded as found in the Payment Bond for Third Party Damages from Environmental Pollution Liability to be used by Transfer/Processor/Re-refiner/Off-specification burner Facility Form approved by the Director.


A trust agreement must be worded as found in the Trust Agreement for Third Party Damages from Environmental Pollution Liability to be used by Transfer/Processor/Re-refiner/Off-specification Burner Facility Form approved by the Director.


A standby trust agreement must be worded as found in the Standby Trust Agreement Associated with Third Party Damages from Environmental Pollution Liability Requiring Standby Trust Agreement to be used by Transfer/Processor/Re-refiner/Off-specification Burner Facility Form approved by the Director.


The standby trust agreement for a trust fund must be worded as found in the Standby Trust Agreement, other than Liability for Transfer/Processor/Re-refiner/Off-specification Burner Facility Form approved by the Director.


KEY: hazardous waste, used oil

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [February 13], 2017

Notice of Continuation: March 10, 2016

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-6-704

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull_pdf/2017/b20170601.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

Text to be deleted is struck through and surrounded by brackets ([example]). Text to be added is underlined (example).  Older browsers may not depict some or any of these attributes on the screen or when the document is printed.

For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Rusty Lundberg at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4257, by FAX at 801-536-0222, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Thomas Ball at the above address, by phone at 801-536-0251, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.