DAR File No. 41779
This rule was published in the July 1, 2017, issue (Vol. 2017, No. 13) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Education, Administration
Rule R277-484
Data Standards
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 41779
Filed: 06/09/2017 12:26:57 PM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
Rule R277-484 is amended to update required data and deadlines provisions and provide technical and conforming changes in accordance with the Rulewriting Manual for Utah.
Summary of the rule or change:
The amendments to Rule R277-484 provide new and revised definitions, remove unnecessary language, restructure the rule, and provide technical and conforming changes in accordance with the Rulewriting Manual for Utah.
Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Art X, Sec 3
- Section 53A-1-413
- Section 53A-1-401
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
Changes to the rule are primarily restructuring and technical which will likely not result in a cost or savings to the state budget.
local governments:
Changes to the rule are primarily restructuring and technical which will likely not result in a cost or savings to local government.
small businesses:
Changes to the rule are primarily restructuring and technical which will likely not result in a cost or savings to small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
Changes to the rule are primarily restructuring and technical which will likely not result in a cost or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
Changes to the rule are primarily restructuring and technical which will likely not result in any compliance costs for affected persons.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that the amendments to this rule will not result in a fiscal impact to businesses.
Sydnee Dickson, State Superintendent
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:
250 E 500 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-3272
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Angela Stallings at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7656, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Angela Stallings, Deputy Superintendent, Policy and Communication
R277. Education, Administration.
R277-484. Data Standards.
R277-484-[2]1. Authority and Purpose.
[A.](1) This rule is authorized by:
(a) Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3
, which vests general control and supervision [of]over public education in the Board[,];[and by]
(b) Section 53A-1-401[(3)], which [permits]allows the Board to [adopt rules in accordance with its
responsibilities]make rules to execute the Board's duties and
responsibilities under the Utah Constitution and state law;[and specifically allows the Board to interrupt
disbursements of state aid to any LEA which fails to comply with
(c) Subsection 53A-1-401(8)(a), which allows the Board to take corrective action against an education entity that fails to comply with Board rules; and
(d) Subsection 53A-1-413(8), which requires the Board to ensure LEA inclusion of data in an LEA's Student Information System.
[B.](2) The [Board, through its chief executive officer, the
State ]Superintendent [of Public Instruction, ]is required to perform
certain data collection related duties essential to the operation
of statewide educational accountability and financial systems as
mandated in state and federal law.
[C.](3) The purpose of this rule is to support the operation of
required educational accountability and financial systems by
ensuring timely submission of data by LEAs.
R277-484-[1]2. Definitions.
[A.](1) "Annual Financial Report" means an account of
LEA revenue and expenditures by source and fund sufficient to meet
the reporting requirements specified in Subsections 53A-1-301(3)(d) and (e).
[B.](2) "Annual Program Report" means an account of
LEA revenue and expenditures by source and program sufficient to
meet the reporting requirements specified in Subsections 53A-1-301(3)(d) and (e).
[C. "Board" means the Utah State Board of
[D.](3) "Comprehensive Administration of Credentials for
Teachers in Utah Schools
" or "[(]CACTUS[)]" [means the database maintained on all licensed Utah
educators. The database includes information such as:
(1) personal directory information;
(2) educational background;
(3) endorsements;
(4) employment history;
(5) professional development information;
(6) completion of employee background checks;
(7) a record of disciplinary action taken against the
educator.]means the same as that term is defined in Subsection
[E.](4) "Data Warehouse" means the database of
demographic information, course taking, and test results maintained
by the USOE on all students enrolled in Utah schools.
[F.](5) "EDEN" means the Education Data Exchange
Network, the mechanism by which state education agencies are
mandated to submit data to the U.S. Department of Education.
[G. "ESEA" means the federal Elementary and
Secondary Education Act, also known as the No Child Left Behind
[H.](6) "LEA" [means local education agency, including local school
boards/public school districts, charter schools, and]includes, for purposes of this rule, the Utah Schools for
the Deaf and the Blind.
[I.](7) "MSP" means Minimum School Program, the set of
state support
ed K-12 public school funding programs.
[J. "MST" means Mountain Standard
[K.](8) "Schools interoperability framework
" or "[(]SIF[)]" means an open global standard for
seamless, real time data transfer and usage for Utah public
(9) "Student achievement backpack" has the same meaning as that term is defined in Subsection 53A-1-413(1)(d).
[L.](10) "Student information system
" or "[(]SIS[)]" means a student data collection system
used for Utah public schools.
[M. "USOE" means Utah State Office of
[N.](11) "Utah eTranscript and Record Exchange
" or "[(]UTREx[)]" means a system that allows individual
detailed student records to be exchanged electronically between
public education LEAs and the [USOE]Board, and allows electronic transcripts to be sent to any
post-secondary institution, private or public, in-state or
out-of-state, that participates in the e-transcript service.
(12) "Utah Student Record Store" has the same meaning as that term is defined in Subsection 53A-1-413(1)(e).
[O.](13) "Year" means both the school year and the
fiscal year for [LEAs in]a Utah
LEA, which runs from July 1 through June 30.
R277-484-3. Deadlines for Data Submission.
[For the purpose of submission of student level data, each
Utah LEA shall participate in UTREx.]
(1) An LEA shall submit student level data to the Board through UTREx.
(2) An LEA[s] shall
by 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on the date specified in
Table 1 submit [data to the USOE as directed by the USOE through the
following ]reports [by 5:00 p.m. MST on the date and ]in the format
specified by the [USOE]Superintendent[:].
(3) If a deadline in Table 1 falls on a weekend or state holiday in a given year, an LEA shall submit the report on the next business day following the date specified in Table 1.
Reporting Deadlines
Report Deadline
Adult Education - Final Report -
Prior Year July 15
Adult Education - Final Audit Report -
Prior Year September 15
Annual Assurance Letter - R277-108 October 1
Annual Financial Report - Prior Year October 1
Annual Program Report - Prior Year October 1
Bus Driver Credentials Report -
Current Year December 15
Bus Inventory Report July 15
CACTUS - Final Update - Current Year June 29
CACTUS - Midyear Update - Current Year November 15
Charter School Projections September 15
Classified Personnel Report - Prior Year July 15
Community Development and
Renewal Agency Representative List February 28
Driver Education Report - Prior Year July 15
Emergency Preparedness Compliance Statement -
Prior Year July 1
Emergency Response Plan - Prior Year July 1
Enrollment and Transfer Student
Documentation Audit - Current Year November 1
ESEA Choice and Supplemental Services Report -
Prior Year July 15
Financial Audit Report - Prior Year November 30
Fire Drill Compliance Statement - Prior Year July 1
Free and Reduced Price Lunch October 31
Enrollment Survey - Current Year November 15
Home Schooled Students Report - Prior Year July 15
Immunization Status Report
(to Utah Department of Health) - Final June 15
Immunization Status Report - Current Year November 1
LEA Budget - Next Fiscal Year July 15
LEA Budget - Next Fiscal Year -
Planned Truth in Taxation Process August 15
Membership Audit Report - Prior Year September 15
Negotiations Report - Current Year November 1
Other Emergency (Earthquake and
School Violence) Drills
Compliance Statement - Prior Year July 1
Pupil Transportation - Schedule A1
(Miles, Minutes, Students Report) -
Current Year Projected November 1
Pupil Transportation Schedule B
(Miscellaneous Expenditure Report) -
Prior Year November 1
Pupil Transportation Statistics
Year End Report- Prior Year July 15
Redevelopment Agency Taxing Entity
Committee Representative List February 28
UTREx - Complete December 1 Update -
Current Year December 10
UTREx - Complete October 1 Update -
Current Year October 10
UTREx - Revised December 1 Update -
Current Year - Significant Errors
Identified by the Superintendent or LEA December 15
UTREx - Revised October 1 Update -
Current Year
Significant Errors Identified by
the Superintendent or LEA October 15
UTREx - Final Comprehensive Update -
Prior Year July 7
[A. February 28 - Community Development and Renewal Agency
and/or Redevelopment Agency Taxing Entity Committee Representative
B. June 15
(1) Immunization Status Report (to Utah Department of
Health) - final;
(2) Safe School Incidents Report - for current
C. June 29 - CACTUS - final update for current
D. July 1
(1) Fire Drill Compliance Statement - for prior
(2) Other Emergency (Earthquake and School Violence)
Drills Compliance Statement - for prior year;
(3) Emergency Preparedness Compliance Statement - for
prior year;
(4) Emergency Response Plan - for prior year.
E. July 7 - UTREx - final comprehensive update for prior
F. July 15
(1) Adult Education - final report for prior
(2) Classified Personnel Report - for prior
(3) Driver Education Report - for prior year;
(4) ESEA Choice and Supplemental Services Report - for
prior year;
(5) Fee Waivers Report - for prior year;
(6) Home Schooled Students Report - for prior
(7) Teacher Benefits Report - for prior year;
(8) Pupil Transportation Statistics - for prior
(a) Bus Inventory Report;
(b) Year End Pupil Transportation Statistics
(9) Copy of local school board-adopted budget - for next
fiscal year, unless the local school board provides documentation
of planned truth-in-taxation process.
G. August 15 - copy of the local school board-adopted
budget - for next fiscal year, if the local school board provides
documentation of planned truth-in-taxation process.
H. September 15
(1) Membership Audit Report - for prior year;
(2) Adult Education - Financial Audit for prior
I. October 1
(1) Annual Financial Report (AFR) - for prior
(2) Annual Program Report (APR) - for prior
(3) Annual assurance letter required for compliance
information and documentation for identified programs and funds,
pursuant to R277-108.
J. Seven business days after October 1 - UTREx - complete
update required as of October 1 for current year.
K. October 15 - UTREx - revised update as of October 1
for current year, if significant errors are identified by the
USOE or the LEA.
L. November 1
(1) Enrollment and Transfer Student Documentation Audit
Report - for current year;
(2) Immunization Status Report - for current
(3) Pupil Transportation Statistics for state
(a) Schedule A1 (Miles, Minutes, Students Report) -
projected for current year;
(b) Schedule B (Miscellaneous Expenditure Report) - for
prior year;
(4) Negotiations report - for current year.
M. November 15
(1) CACTUS - update for current year; and
(2) Free and Reduced Price Lunch Enrollment Survey - as
of October 31 for current year.
N. November 30 - Financial Audit Report - for prior
O. Seven business days after December 1 - UTREx -
complete update required as of December 1 for current
P. December 15 - Bus Driver Credentials Report - for
current year.
M. December 15 - UTREx - revised update as of December 1
for current year if significant errors are identified by the USOE
or the LEA.]
R277-484-4. Adjustments to Deadlines.
[A. Deadlines in R277-484 that fall on a weekend or state
holiday in a given year shall be moved to the first workday after
the date specified for that year.]
[B.](1) An LEA may seek an extension of a deadline to ensure
continuation of funding and provide more accurate information to
allocation formulas by submitting a written request to the [USOE]Superintendent no later than[. The request shall be received by the USOE Director of
School Finance at least] 24 hours before the specified
deadline in [Section 3]Table 1.
(2) An extension request [and]shall include:
([1]a) The reason[(]s[)] for the extension request;
([2]b) The signatures of the LEA business administrator and [LEA ]superintendent[/]
or director; and
([3]c) The date by which the LEA [shall]proposes to submit the report.
[C. In processing the request for the extension, the USOE
Director of School Finance shall:]
[(1) Take](3) If an LEA requests an extension under Subsection (1), the
Superintendent may do any of the following after taking into
consideration the pattern of LEA compliance with reporting
deadlines and the urgency of the need for the data to be submitted[; and either]:
([2]a) Approve the request and allow the MSP fund transfer
process to continue; or
([3]b) [Recommend denial of the request and forward it to the USOE
Associate Superintendent for Business and Operations for a final
decision on whether or not to]Deny the request and stop the MSP fund transfer process[.]; or
(c) Recommend corrective action to the Board in accordance with Rule R277-114.
[D.](4) If, after receiving an extension, [the]an LEA fails to submit the report by the designated date,
the MSP fund transfer process shall be stopped and the procedure
s described in Section [8]R277-484-7 shall apply.
An [E]extension[s] shall apply only to the [report(s) and date(s)]specific reports and dates for which an extension was
requested[specified in the request].
[F.](6) [Exceptions - Deadlines]The Superintendent may not extend deadlines for the
following reports[may not be extended]:
[(1) CACTUS Update:
(a) June 29;
(b) November 15.
(2) UTREx Update:
(a) July 7 UTREx - final comprehensive update for prior
(b) Seven business days after October 1 UTREx - complete
update required as of October 1;
(c) October 15 UTREx - revised update as of October
(d) Seven business days after December 1 UTREx - complete
update required as of December 1;
(e) December 15 UTREx - revised update as of December
(a) AFR;
(b) APR;
(c) Mid-year or Final CACTUS updates;
(d) a Financial Audit Report; or
(e) any UTREx updates.
R277-484-5. Official Data Source and Required LEA Compatibility.
[A.](1) The [USOE]Superintendent shall load operational data collections into
the Data Warehouse as of the submission deadlines specified.
[B.](2) The Data Warehouse shall be the sole official source of
data for annual:
([1]a) school performance reports required under Section
([2]b) determination of [adequate yearly progress as required under the Utah
Comprehensive Accountability System (UCAS)]state and federal accountability reports; and
([3]c) submission of data files to the U.S. Department of
Education via EDEN.
[C.](3)(a) An LEA[s] shall use a
n [USOE-approved ]SIS
approved by the Superintendent to ensure compatibility with
[USOE]Board data collection systems.
(b) The [USOE]Superintendent shall maintain[s] a list of approved student information
([1]4) Prior to the [USOE]Superintendent granting approval for an LEA to initiate or
replace a student information system that was not previously
approved, the LEA shall[comply with the following]:
(a) [LEA shall ]send written request for approval to [USOE's Director of Information Technology]the Superintendent no later than November 15 of the year prior
to the year the LEA proposes to use the SIS for production
(b) [LEA shall ]submit documentation to the [USOE]Superintendent that the new or modified student information
system is [School Interoperability Framework (]SIF[)] certified;
(c) [LEA shall ]submit documentation to the [USOE]Superintendent that a
n SIF agent can meet the UTREx specifications profile for
Vertical Reporting Framework (VRF)[,] and eTranscripts;
(d) [LEA shall ]ensure that a new student information
system can generate valid data collection by submitting an actual
file to the [USOE]Superintendent for review;
(e) [LEA shall ]ensure that the new student information
system can generate the Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) request
file by submitting an actual file to the [USOE]Superintendent for review.
(a) The [USOE]Superintendent shall review documentation and grant or deny
an LEA[requests]
submission under Subsection (4) within 30 calendar days.
[(3) LEA requests and approval shall be completed by January
15 of the school year prior to the year the LEA proposes to use the
software for production data.]
(b) An [A]approved replacement system[s] shall run in parallel [for a period of at least three months ]to a
state-approved system
for a period of at least three months and be able to
generate duplicate reports to previously generated information.
[D.](6) [No later than October 1, 2013, all public education LEAs
shall begin submitting]An LEA shall submit daily updates to the [USOE]Board Clearinghouse using all School Interoperability
Framework (SIF) objects defined in the UTREx Clearinghouse
specification.[Noncompliance with this requirement may result in
interruption of MSP funds consistent with R277-484-8.]
An LEA shall electronically submit [A]all public high school transcripts requested by
a public education post-secondary school[s shall be electronically submitted to those public
education post-secondary schools] if the post-secondary
school[s are]
is capable of receiving transcripts through the electronic
transcript service designated by the [USOE. This process is mandatory for all public high schools
as of October 1, 2013]Superintendent.
(8) No later than June 30, 2017, an LEA shall ensure that data collected in the Utah Student Record Store for a Student Achievement Backpack is integrated into the LEA's SIS and is made available to a student's parent or guardian and an authorized LEA user in an easily accessible viewing format.
(9) Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this Section R277-484-5 may result in a recommendation for corrective action in accordance with Rule R277-114.
R277-484-6. Use of Data for Allocation of Funds.
The USOE School Finance Section shall publish by June 30
annually on its website a description of how data shall be used to
allocate funds to LEAs in each MSP program in the following fiscal
]6. Adjustments to Summary Statistics Based on Compliance
[A.](1) For the purpose of allocating MSP funds and projecting
the Superintendent may modify LEA level aggregate membership
and fall enrollment counts [may be modified by the USOE ]on the basis of the
values in the Membership and Enrollment audit reports,
respectively, when an [USOE ]audit report review team agrees that an
adjustment is warranted by the evidence of an audit[:].
([1]2) [the]An audit report review team shall make [its]a determination
under Subsection (1) within 60 working days of the
authorized audit report deadline[;].
The Superintendent may only adjust values [can only be adjusted ]downward [when]if an audit report[s are]
is received after [the]an authorized deadline[s].
]7. Financial Consequences of Failure to Submit Reports on
[A.](1) If an LEA fails to submit a report by its deadline as
specified in [Section 3]Table 1, consistent with procedures outlined in R277-114, [the USOE shall stop the MSP fund transfer process on the
day after the deadline,]the Superintendent may recommend corrective action, including
stopping the LEA's MSP funds transfer process, unless the
LEA has obtained an extension of the deadline in accordance with
the procedure described in Section
R277-484-4[, to the following extent:
(1) 10% of the total monthly MSP transfer amount in the
first month, 25% in the second month, and 50% in the third and
subsequent months for any report other than June 15 Immunization
Status report].
The Superintendent may recommend [L]loss of up to 1.0 WPU from Kindergarten or Grades 1-12
programs, depending on the grade level and aggregate membership of
the student, in the current year Mid Year Update for each student
whose prior year immunization status was not accounted for in
accordance with Utah Code 53A-11-301 as of June 15.
[B. If the USOE has stopped the MSP fund transfer process
for an LEA, the USOE shall:
(1) upon receipt of a late report from that LEA, restart
the transfer process within the month (if the report is submitted
by 10:00 a.m. on or before the tenth working day of the month) or
in the following month (if the report is submitted after 10:00
a.m. on or after the tenth working day of the month);
(2) appropriately inform the Board at its next regularly
scheduled meeting.
(3) inform the chair of the governing board if LEA staff
are not responsive in correcting ongoing problems with
KEY: data standards, reports, deadlines
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [
August 7, 2013
Notice of Continuation: December 31, 2012
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3;
53A-1-401(8)(a); 53A-1-413(8);
53A-1-301(3)(d) and (e)
Additional Information
More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.
The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull_pdf/2017/b20170701.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Angela Stallings at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7656, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]. For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.