DAR File No. 42178
This rule was published in the October 15, 2017, issue (Vol. 2017, No. 20) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Health, Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
Rule R414-2A
Inpatient Hospital Services
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 42178
Filed: 10/02/2017 05:08:10 PM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
The purpose of this change is to update and clarify Medicaid policy on coverage for inpatient hospital services.
Summary of the rule or change:
This amendment updates and removes definitions in the rule text to be consistent with current policy. It also clarifies member eligibility requirements, clarifies hospital admission requirements, clarifies policy for an inpatient psychiatric stay of a Prepaid Mental Health Plan (PMHP) member, and clarifies service coverage and limitations. It further includes new sections that outline policy for provider-preventable conditions and utilization control, and references policy for cost sharing and reimbursement.
Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Section 26-18-3
- Section 26-1-5
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
There is no impact to the state budget because this change only clarifies Medicaid policy. It neither affects service coverage to Medicaid members nor reimbursement to Medicaid providers.
local governments:
There is no budget impact to local governments because they do not fund inpatient hospital services for Medicaid members.
small businesses:
There is no impact to small businesses because this change only clarifies Medicaid policy. It neither affects service coverage to Medicaid members nor reimbursement to Medicaid providers.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
There is no impact to Medicaid providers nor to Medicaid members because this change only clarifies Medicaid policy. It neither affects service coverage nor provider reimbursement.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
There are no compliance costs to a single Medicaid provider or to a Medicaid member because this change only clarifies Medicaid policy. It neither affects service coverage nor provider reimbursement.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that this proposed rule will not result in a fiscal impact to businesses.
Joseph K. Miner, MD, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:
HealthHealth Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
288 N 1460 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3231
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Craig Devashrayee at the above address, by phone at 801-538-6641, by FAX at 801-538-6099, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Joseph Miner, Executive Director
R414. Health, Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy.
R414-2A. Inpatient Hospital Services.
R414-2A-1. Introduction and Authority.
This rule defines the scope of inpatient hospital services that are available to Medicaid clients for the treatment of disorders other than mental disease. This rule is authorized under Section 26-18-3 and governs the services allowed under 42 CFR 440.10.
R414-2A-2. Definitions.
(1) "Admission" means the
acceptance of a Medicaid [client]member for inpatient hospital [services]care and treatment when the member meets established criteria
for severity of illness and intensity of service and the required
service cannot be provided in an alternative setting.[
(2) "Diagnosis Related Group (DRG)" is the
CMS-coding that determines reimbursement for the resources that a
hospital uses to treat a client with a specific diagnosis or
medical need and is further described in Section R414-2A-9 of
this rule.
(3) "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy" is therapy that
places the patient in an enclosed pressure chamber for medical
([4]2) "Inpatient" is an individual whose severity of
illness and intensity of service requires continuous care in a
hospital[, as noted by InterQual Criteria as noted in Section
([5]3) "Inpatient Hospital Services" are services that
a hospital provides for the care and treatment of inpatients with
disorders other than mental illness
.[, under the direction of a physician or other practitioner
of the healing arts.
(6) "Leave of Absence" from an inpatient facility
is a patient's absence for therapeutic or rehabilitative
purposes where the patient does not return by midnight of the same
([7]4) "Observation
services" means
services, often less than 24 hours, including use of a bed and
monitoring by hospital staff, which are reasonable and necessary to
evaluate the medical condition or determine the need for a possible
admission to the hospital.[monitoring a patient to evaluate the patient's
condition, symptoms, diagnosis, or appropriateness of inpatient
(8) "Other Practitioner of the Healing Arts"
means a doctor of dental surgery or a podiatrist.]
([9]5) "Prepaid Mental Health Plan" means the
Medicaid mental and/or substance use disorder managed care plan
that covers inpatient and/or outpatient mental health services and
outpatient substance use disorder services for PMHP-enrolled
Medicaid members.[prepaid, capitated program through which the Department
pays contracted community mental health centers to provide all
needed inpatient and outpatient mental health services to residents
of the community mental health center's catchment area who are
enrolled in the plan.]
R414-2A-3. [Client]Member
Eligibility Requirements.
Inpatient hospital services are available
to categorically and medically needy individuals.[who are under the care of a physician or other practitioner
of the healing arts.]
R414-2A-4. Hospital Admission Requirements.
(1) An inpatient hospital must meet Medicare participation requirements.
([1]2) Each hospital [providing]that provides inpatient services must have a utilization
review plan as described in 42 CFR 482.30.
[(2) The attending physician or other practitioner of the
healing arts must sign a physician acknowledgement statement that
meets the requirements of 42 CFR 412.46.
(3) For psychiatric patients, the attending physician must
certify and recertify the need for inpatient psychiatric services
as described in 42 CFR 441.152.](3) Each hospital that accepts a Medicaid member for treatment
is responsible to verify that the member receives all medically
necessary services from Medicaid providers.
(4) Each hospital is financially responsible for any services a member receives from a non-Medicaid provider.
R414-2A-5. Prepaid Mental Health Plan.
Before admitting a Prepaid Mental Health Plan (PMHP) member for
an inpatient psychiatric stay, a hospital must obtain prior
authorization from the PMHP serving the member's county of
residence. If the hospital is not contracted with the PMHP, the
PMHP may choose to transfer the member to a contracted
hospital.[A Medicaid client residing in a county for which a prepaid
mental health contractor provides mental health services must
obtain authorization for inpatient psychiatric services from the
prepaid mental health contractor for the client's county of
R414-2A-6. Service Coverage.
(1) [Inpatient hospital services encompass all medically
necessary and therapeutic medical services and supplies that the
physician or other practitioner of the healing arts orders that are
appropriate for the diagnosis and treatment of a patient's
illness. Inpatient hospital care is limited to medical treatment of
symptoms that will lead to medical stabilization of the patient.
This medical stabilization care is irrespective of any underlying
psychiatric diagnosis.]Inpatient hospital services must be medically necessary and
ordered by an appropriate Medicaid-enrolled provider for the
diagnosis and treatment of a member's illness.
[(2) The Department does not pay for physician services
rendered by a non-Medicaid provider.]
([3]2) Services performed for a [patient]member by the admitting hospital or by an entity
wholly-owned or wholly-operated by the hospital within three days
of patient admission, are considered inpatient services. This
three-day window applies to diagnostic and non-diagnostic services
that are clinically related to the reason for the [patient]member's inpatient admission regardless of whether the
inpatient, [
and] outpatient, or observation diagnoses are the same.
([4]3) Medical supplies, appliances, drugs, and equipment
required for the care and treatment of a [client]member during an inpatient stay are reimbursed as part of
payment under the
Diagnosis Related Group (DRG).
([5]4) Services associated with pregnancy, labor, and vaginal or
C-section delivery are reimbursed as inpatient services as part of payment under the DRG, even if the stay is less
than 24 hours.
(5) Medicaid may pay at least one-day inpatient admission for:
(a) Admission for a normal delivery;
(b) Admitted and expired;
(c) Admitted and transferred to a distinct part of or to another acute care hospital.
Outpatient hospital services during an inpatient episode are
bundled to the DRG. [Services provided to an inpatient that could be provided on
an outpatient basis are reimbursed as part of payment under the
(7) [Inpatient hospital psychiatric services are available only
to clients
not residing in a county covered by a prepaid mental health
plan.]Inpatient hospital psychiatric services are available to all
Medicaid members. If the member is not enrolled in a PMHP,
providers may bill the State directly on a fee-for-service basis.
Otherwise, the provider must bill the member's PMHP.
R414-2A-7. Limitations.
Inpatient hospital care is limited to medical treatment of
symptoms that lead to medical stabilization of the member. This
medical stabilization care is irrespective of any underlying
psychiatric diagnosis.[(1) Inpatient admissions for 24 hours or more solely for
observation or diagnostic evaluation do not qualify for
reimbursement under the DRG system.]
([2]1) Detoxification for a substance use disorder in a hospital
is limited to medical detoxification for acute symptoms of
withdrawal when the [patient]member is in danger of experiencing severe or
life-threatening withdrawal. The Department does not cover any
lesser level of detoxification in an inpatient hospital.
([3]2) Abortion procedures [must first be reviewed and preauthorized by the Department
as meeting the requirements of Section 26-18-4 and 42 CFR
441.203.]require prior authorization. Refer to Rule R414-1B.
([4]3) Sterilization and hysterectomy procedures [must first be reviewed and preauthorized by the Department
as meeting the requirements of 42 CFR 441, Subpart F.]require prior authorization and must meet the requirements of 42
CFR 441, Subpart F.
([5]4) Organ transplant services are governed by Rule R414-10A[, Transplant Services Standards].
([6]5) Take[ ]-home supplies, dressings, non-rental durable medical
equipment, and drugs are reimbursed as part of payment under the
(6) Sleep studies are available only in a sleep disorder center accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
(7) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is limited to service in a facility in which the hyperbaric unit is accredited by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is therapy that places the member in an enclosed pressure chamber for medical treatment.
(8) Medicaid does not cover i npatient services solely for pain management. Pain management is adjunct to other Medicaid services.
[(8) Inpatient services solely for pain management do not
qualify for reimbursement under the DRG system. Pain management is
adjunct to other Medicaid services.
(9) Medicaid does not cover inpatient admissions for the
treatment of eating disorders.
(10) Physician services provided by a physician who is paid
by a hospital are inpatient services reimbursed as part of payment
billed on a 1500 form. Payment for physician services provided by
providers who are not paid by the hospital is governed by Rule
([11]9) Inpatient rehabilitation services [must first be reviewed and preauthorized]require prior authorization.
(10) Observation services are limited to cases where observation and evaluation is required to establish a diagnosis and determine the appropriateness of an inpatient admission or discharge. Observation is used to monitor the member's condition, complete diagnostic testing to establish a definitive diagnosis and formulate the treatment plan.
(a) Medicaid covers observation services with a physician's written order that outlines specific medically necessary reasons for the service, such as the member requires more evaluation to determine the severity of illness (e.g. laboratory, imaging, other diagnostic test) and an order to continue monitoring for clinical signs and symptoms to determine improving or declining health status.
(b) Outpatient procedures include uneventful recovery period.
(i) Observation is used to monitor complications of outpatient procedures beyond uneventful recovery period.
(c) Medicaid does not cover observation services for convenience of the hospital, member or family, or when awaiting transfer to another facility.
(d) When an ordered hospital inpatient admission improves to the point of discharge with a stay less than 24 hours, the admission is covered as inpatient when documentation supports the medical necessity.
(e) Inpatient admissions solely for observation or diagnostic evaluation do not qualify for reimbursement under the DRG system.
(11) Medicaid does not cover admission solely for the treatment of eating disorders.
(12) Medicaid does not cover non-physician psychosocial counseling outside of the DRG.
(13) An individual (undocumented immigrant) who does not meet United States residency requirements may only receive emergency services, including emergency labor and delivery, to treat an emergency medical condition.
(a) Medicaid does not cover prenatal and post-partum services for undocumented immigrants.
(b) Medicaid does not cover prescriptions for a member who is eligible to receive emergency services only.
R414-2A-8. Provider-Preventable Conditions.
(1) Medicaid does not pay for Provider Preventable Conditions (PPC).
(a) Medicaid utilizes the Medicaid Severity-Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) to identify a PPC.
(b) For inpatient hospital claims, Medicaid does not cover PPCs in Medicare crossover patients.
(c) To qualify as a PPC, one of the Medicare-listed diagnoses must develop during hospitalization.
(i) When present on admission, these diagnoses are not considered to be a PPC for that hospitalization.
(ii) Providers are expected to identify Present on Admission (POA) status for all diagnoses on each claim according to correct coding standards.
(d) Providers must assure that all PPC-related diagnoses, services, and charges are noted as "non-covered charges" on the claim.
(i) The Department does not use non-covered charges in calculating the hospital reimbursement.
(e) The Department shall deny PPC-related claims that result in an outlier payment and medical records will be required.
(i) Providers will receive Remittance Advice (RA) that confirms the occurrence of a PPC outlier claim.
(ii) The Department requires providers to know which medical records and other required documents are needed.
(iii) Upon RA notification of a PPC, the provider shall submit the following documents within 30 days:
(A) "Outlier PPC Medical Record Documentation Submission Form";
(B) Complete medical records from the associated hospital stay;
(C) Itemized bill (tab de-limited text file or Excel spreadsheet), including a detailed listing of PPC-related charges as non-covered charges, with total charges matching the total charges submitted on the claim.
(f) The Department will review and, if appropriate, re-process the claim based upon the review of the required documents submitted within the 30-day period of RA notification.
(g) The Department shall deny review of the claim unless the required documentation is submitted within 30 days of RA notification.
(h) The Department requires providers to report PPCs in accordance with Section R414-1-28.
R414-2A-9. Utilization Control and Review Program for Hospital Services.
The Hospital Utilization Review Program is administered and operated in accordance with Title 63A, Chapter 13.
(1) The purpose of the hospital utilization review program is to ensure:
(a) efficient and effective delivery of services;
(b) services are appropriate and medically necessary;
(c) service quality is maintained; and
(d) the State satisfies federal requirements for a statewide surveillance and utilization control program.
(2) The Hospital Utilization Review Program shall conduct assessments and audits to ensure the appropriateness and medical necessity of the following:
(a) Admissions to a hospital or a designated distinct part unit within a hospital;
(b) Transfers from one acute care hospital to another acute care hospital, or to a distinct part of a rehabilitation unit or psychiatric unit in another acute care hospital (inter-facility transfer);
(c) Transfers from an acute care setting to a distinct part rehabilitation or psychiatric unit within the same facility (intra-facility transfer);
(d) Continued stays;
(e) Services, surgical services and diagnostic procedures;
(f) Principal diagnosis, principal surgical procedure or both, reflected on paid claims to ensure consistency with the attending physician's determination and documentation as found in the member's medical record;
(g) Determine whether co-morbidity, as found on the claim, is correct and consistent with the attending physician's determination and compatible with documentation found in the member's medical record; and
(h) Quality of care.
(3) The Hospital Utilization Review Program shall conduct assessments and audits to determine:
(a) Appropriate utilization;
(b) Compliance with state and federal Medicaid regulations;
(c) Whether documentation meets state and federal requirements for sufficiency, and whether it accurately describes the status of services provided to the member; and
(d) Whether procedures that require prior authorization have been approved before the provision of services, except in cases that meet the criteria listed in the Utah Medicaid Section 1: General Information Provider Manual (Retroactive Authorization).
(4) The Hospital Utilization Review Program shall make determinations of medical necessity, appropriateness of care, and suitability of discharge planning in accordance with the following criteria and protocols:
(a) InterQual Criteria;
(b) Administrative rules or criteria developed by Medicaid for programs and services not otherwise addressed; and
(c) DRGs.
(5) Hospital Utilization Readmission Policy and Reviews.
(a) Whenever information available to the reviewer indicates the possibility of readmission to acute care within 30 days of the previous discharge, the staff administering and operating the Hospital Utilization Review Program may review any claim for:
(i) Readmission for the same or a similar diagnosis to the same hospital, or to a different hospital;
(ii) Appropriateness of inter-facility transfers; and
(iii) Appropriateness of intra-facility transfers.
(b) The Hospital Utilization Review Program shall review all suspected readmissions within 30 days of a previous discharge to ensure that Medicaid criteria have been met for severity of illness, intensity of service, and appropriate discharge planning and financial impact to the Department as noted in Subsection R414-2A-9(3).
(c) If a member is readmitted for the same or similar diagnosis within 30 days of discharge and, if after review as described in Subsection R414-2A-9(4)(b), program review staff determines that readmission does not meet the criteria in Subsection R414-2A-9(3)(b), then the payment shall be combined into a single DRG payment, unless it is cost effective to pay for two separate admissions. The first DRG (initial admission) shall be the DRG that is paid. This policy does not apply to cases related to pregnancy, neonatal jaundice, or chemotherapy.
(6) Definition, Policy Application.
(a) When applying policy, a similar diagnosis is defined as:
(i) Any diagnoses code with similar descriptors;
(ii) Any exchange or combination of principal and secondary diagnosis; and
(iii) Any other sets of principal diagnoses established to be similar by Utah Medicaid policy in written criteria and published to the hospitals prior to service dates.
(b) The evaluation criteria for utilization control are severity of illness, intensity of service, and cost effectiveness as noted in Subsection R414-2A-9(4)(b).
(7) Appropriate remedial action will be initiated for inappropriate readmissions when identified though the hospital utilization post-payment review process.
(8) Applicability to Outpatient Hospital Services.
(a) When a Medicaid member is readmitted to the hospital, or readmitted as an outpatient within 30 days of a previous discharge for the same or similar diagnosis, Medicaid will evaluate both claims to determine if they should be combined into a single payment or paid separately.
(9) Recovery of Funds.
(a) The Department shall recover payment when post-payment review finds that services are not medically necessary, not appropriate, or that quality of service is not suitable.
(b) The Department shall recover payment when it determines there is a violation of the 30-day re-admission policy.
(10) Hospital Utilization Review.
(a) Each month, the Hospital Utilization Review Program shall review at least 5 percent of a selected universe of claims adjudicated in the previous month. At least 2.5 percent of the claims shall be a random sample. Up to 2.5 percent may be a focused review on a specific service. A staff decision to focus on a specific service shall be made no later than the beginning of the sample cycle.
(b) The Department shall select the universe from paid inpatient hospital claims within the Data Warehouse. The universe from which the random sample is selected is defined as all inpatient hospital claims adjudicated before the beginning of the review cycle, except for:
(i) Claims showing, as a principal diagnosis, any International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) delivery code in the ICD-10-CM Manual Chapter 15 -- Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium, in the range of O00 through O9A.53, and other ICD-10-CM codes or DRG or DRGs as specified by policy or administrative decision.
(ii) Claims that show $0 payment by Medicaid;
(iii) Medicare crossover claims;
(iv) Claims with other codes or diagnoses determined by the review program staff to be inappropriate for review.
(c) The sample cycle shall begin on the first working day of each month.
(11) Utah State Hospital Utilization Review.
(a) The purpose of this utilization review is to ensure that Medicaid funds, as defined under 42 CFR 456, Subpart D, are expended appropriately and to ensure that services provided to Medicaid members at the Utah State Hospital (USH) are necessary and of high quality. Review program staff shall conduct oversight activities at USH.
(b) Oversight activities include quarterly clinical utilization reviews in which program staff review a sample of members who are under 21 years of age and are 65 years of age or older, and who were reviewed by USH utilization review staff during a previous quarter. These reviews are performed to:
(i) Evaluate the USH utilization process; and
(ii) Address the clinical topic selected for that quarter's review.
(c) Reviews of USH Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance programs are conducted to determine whether:
(i) The programs have been implemented in accordance with written hospital policy;
(ii) The programs are effective in meeting stated goals;
(iii) Improvements or modifications have been made to increase the effectiveness of program design.
(12) Applicability to Inpatient Psychiatric Care and Inpatient Rehabilitation Services.
(a) Provisions in the Hospital Utilization Review Program also apply to inpatient psychiatric care and inpatient rehabilitation services.
R414-2A-[8]10. [Coinsurance]Cost Sharing.
[Each]A Medicaid [client]member is responsible for a co[insurance ]payment as established in the Utah [State Medicaid]Medicaid State Plan and incorporated by reference in Rule
R414-2A-[9]11. Reimbursement[
Reimbursement for inpatient hospital services is in accordance
with Attachment 4.19-B of the Utah Medicaid State Plan, which is
incorporated by reference in Rule R414-1.[(1) Payments for inpatient hospital services are paid on a
prospectively determined amount for each qualifying patient
discharge under a Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) system. DRG weights
are established to recognize the relative amount of resources
consumed to treat a particular type of patient. The DRG
classification scheme assigns each hospital patient to one of over
500 categories or DRGs based on the patient's diagnosis, age
and sex, surgical procedures performed, complicating conditions,
and discharge status. Each DRG is assigned a weighting factor which
reflects the quantity and type of hospital services generally
needed to treat a patient with that condition. A preset
reimbursement is assigned to each DRG. The DRG system allows for
outliers for those discharges that have significant variance from
the norm.
(2) For purposes of reimbursement, the day of admission
is counted as a full day and the day of discharge is not
(3) When a patient receives SNF-level, ICF-level, or
other sub-acute care in an acute-care hospital or in a hospital
with swing-bed approval, payment is made at the swing-bed
(4) If a patient is readmitted for the same or a similar
diagnosis within 30 days of a discharge, please refer to Section
(5) The Department pays for physician interpretation of
laboratory services separately from the DRG payment. Laboratory
technical services are included within the DRG for the inpatient
(6) If an observation stay meets the intensity and severity
for inpatient hospitalization, the patient becomes an inpatient and
the observation services are reimbursed as part of payment under
the DRG.]
KEY: Medicaid
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [July 1], 2017
Notice of Continuation: October 10, 2012
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 26-1-5; 26-18-3; 26-18-3.5
Additional Information
More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Craig Devashrayee at the above address, by phone at 801-538-6641, by FAX at 801-538-6099, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]. For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.