DAR File No. 42691
This rule was published in the April 1, 2018, issue (Vol. 2018, No. 7) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Environmental Quality, Water Quality
Rule R317-2
Standards of Quality for Waters of the State
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 42691
Filed: 03/15/2018 10:30:32 AM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This rule is being changed to correct errors, eliminate requirements that are unnecessary, address comments and recommendations received during the Triennial Reviews of the Water Quality Standards, and comply with Federal requirements.
Summary of the rule or change:
In Sections R317-2-3.3 and R317-2-11, the public notice and comment periods were extended to provide the public more time to review and comment on sometimes complicated proposals. In Section R317-2-3.5, the requirement that permitted discharges to Class 1C (potable water) waters always conduct a Level II antidegradation review is proposed to be deleted. Level II antidegradation reviews are still required for permitted discharges to Class 1C waters for new permits and for any increases in concentration or effluent loads for existing permits because of previous revisions to these rules. In Section R317-2-13, the recreation uses for Mill Creek in Grand County and Utah Lake in Utah County are proposed to be changed from infrequent primary and secondary contact recreation to frequent primary and secondary contact recreation (Class 2A) because people commonly swim in these waters. This change was requested by the local watershed group and endorsed by the federal land management agency. Descriptions of the waters with site-specific criteria in Section R317-2-14 were added to Section R317-2-13 with an asterisk identifying the affected use. These were added for the convenience of the users. This is a nonsubstantive change because no uses or criteria are revised. The Class 1C drinking water use is added to Grove and Battle Creeks in Utah County at the request of American Fork City. The affected waters are used as a source for drinking water. The aquatic life use is changed from Class 3D (waterfowl, shorebirds and their food chain) to Class 3A (cold water species of game fish, other cold water aquatic life and their food chain) based on an investigation of aquatic life present. In Table 2.14.1, deletion of the temperature-dependent criterion for fluoride for the Class 1C potable water use is proposed to be replaced with the current USEPA drinking water maximum contaminant level. The criteria for several pollutants are proposed to be moved from Table 2.14.6 to Table 2.14.1. The criteria in Table 2.14.6 are human health criteria and these pollutants do not have current USEPA human health criteria but do have USEPA maximum contaminant levels. In Table 2.14.2, the cadmium criteria for aquatic life use Classes 3A-3D are updated. The revised criteria are more stringent for the acute and less stringent for the chronic criterion when compared to the existing Utah criteria. New criteria for carbaryl, a carbamate pesticide, are proposed. Utah does not currently have any numeric criteria for carbaryl. In footnotes for Table 2.14.1, the site-specific total dissolved solids criterion for Quitchupah Creek is revised to include tributaries that were inadvertently omitted when the standard was promulgated. The water quality in one of the tributaries was misidentified as being impaired because of the omission. The site-specific total dissolved solids criterion for the Sevier River from Gunnison Bend Reservoir to Clear Lake: 3,370 mg/l is corrected to Crafts Lake because Clear Lake is not on the Sevier River. In Table 2.14.2, corrections were made to the table values for the chronic ammonia criteria, fish early life stages absent, and the acute silver criteria. The table values are based on equations in the water quality standards are unchanged. In Table 2.14.6, the human health criteria were reviewed and updated as required by federal regulations. Most of the pollutants listed in this table are affected. Some pollutants and criteria are proposed to be moved to Table 2.14.1. Pollutants listed that do not have current USEPA-recommended human health criteria or existing Utah criteria are proposed to be deleted. Criteria with available updated USEPA human health criteria are updated. The new criteria, and most of the updated criteria, are more stringent than the existing criteria; but, some are less stringent. Informational footnotes were added to Tables 2.14.1 and 2.14.2 to alert the user that criteria in Table 2.14.6 also apply to the uses in these tables (nonsubstantive change).
Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Title 19, Chapter 5
- 40 CFR Part 131
- 33 U.S.C. 1251
- 33 U.S.C. 1311-1317
- 33 U.S.C. 1329
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
For impacts that were estimable, aggregate fiscal cost savings over the next three years for the state will be $29,480. The Utah Division of Water Quality is the only constrained party for the proposed public participation revisions in Sections R317-2-3 and R317-2-11 and both the direct and indirect fiscal impacts will be neutral because the changes only extend the time required for the public comment period. The indirect fiscal impacts for other state agencies will be neutral because the length of the comment and review period should not affect the costs if these agencies choose to comment. The indirect non-fiscal impacts will inestimably be positive because the additional time provided will either have no impact or a beneficial impact by providing additional time for review and comment. The proposed revisions to Section R317-2-3 will result in indirect positive recurring fiscal impacts to the Utah Division of Water Quality because the 26 existing UPDES permits that discharge to Class 1C waters will no longer have to submit redundant Level II antidegradation reviews every 5 years at permit renewal. These reviews are estimated to require 4 hours of staff time at $90/hour for each review resulting in an annual average savings of $1,872 for the first 3 years evaluated or $9,360 over 5 years. The proposed revisions will result in direct positive fiscal impacts to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources by avoiding the need to submit a Level II antidegradation review every 5 years at permit renewal. The cost impacts are estimated to be an annual savings of $288 over the first 3 years based on an estimated 16 hours of staff time at $90/hour or $1,440 every 5 years. The proposed changes to Section R317-2-13 will have one-time and potentially recurring indirect fiscal costs to the Utah Division of Water Quality. The one-time costs will be to update the use classifications in various internal systems. The one-time indirect fiscal impacts will be $1,400 assuming 4 hours to update each of the 4 databases at $90/hour. The proposed change in Section R317-2-13 for Mill Creek from infrequent primary and secondary contact recreation to frequent primary and secondary contact recreation will not have direct recurring fiscal or non-fiscal impacts to the Utah Division of Water Quality because the water quality support status will be unchanged. The change in use in Section R317-2-13 for Utah Lake may cause recurring indirect fiscal impacts that are inestimable. Based on the currently available data, the water quality of Utah Lake may or may not be categorized as impaired during the next or future assessment cycles which would trigger a TMDL (total maximum daily load) investigation which would have recurring indirect fiscal impacts. These impacts are unknown because the impairment and potential sources of the impairment cannot currently be identified. The proposed addition of the Class 1C potable water use in Section R317-2-13 to Battle and Grove Creeks will have inestimable indirect non-fiscal benefits for the Division of Drinking Water because they supported the change to protect these creeks as drinking water sources. The proposed changes in Section R317-2-14 will have one-time indirect fiscal impacts to the Utah Division of Water Quality. These one-time impacts will be to update the use classifications in various internal systems. The one-time indirect fiscal impact will be $2,800 assuming 8 hours to update each of the 4 databases at $90/hour. The proposed change for the Quitchupah Creek site-specific total dissolved solids criterion in Table 2.14.1 will have recurring indirect fiscal benefits to the Utah Division of Water Quality. With the change, the Division will avoid the need for follow-up sampling and analyses to investigate a tributary to Quitchupah Creek that was inadvertently omitted from the previously promulgated site-specific total dissolved solids standard. Fiscal benefits will be $10,000/yr based on 80 hours of staff time at $90/hour and $2,800 in direct costs for transportation lodging and laboratory analyses.
local governments:
For impacts that were estimable, aggregate fiscal cost savings over the next three years for local governments will be $12,672. The indirect fiscal impacts for local governments of the proposed public participation revisions in Sections R317-2-3 and R317-2-11 will be neutral because the length of the comment and review period should not affect the costs if they choose to comment. The indirect non-fiscal impacts with be inestimably positive because the additional time provided will either have no impact or a beneficial impact by providing additional time for review and comment. The proposed revisions to Section R317-2-3.5 will result in direct cost savings by avoiding the need to submit a Level II antidegradation review every 5 years at permit renewal for 11 Utah Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits. The impacts will be an annual savings of $384 per permit for 11 permits based on an estimated 16 hours of staff time at $120/hour every 5 years. The annual savings is $4,224 each year or $12,672 for 3 years and $21,120 over 5 years. For the City of American Fork, Indirect inestimable non-fiscal savings are anticipated for the use changes to Grove and Battle Creeks because American Fork City requested the change and the changes will assist in protecting their potable water source. The proposed revisions to Table 2.14.6 are neutral because to no local government currently has limits for these pollutants and this status is not expected to change. The proposed revision to Table 2.14.2 to change to less stringent chronic cadmium criteria may have indirect positive impacts to Park City but these impacts are inestimable. Cadmium concentrations will still require treatment under the new criteria but the cost of treatment may decrease. Park City is not currently meeting the cadmium treatment requirements because of economic hardship and the change in criteria will not affect treatment requirements over the next three years.
small businesses:
For impacts that were estimable, aggregate fiscal cost savings over the next 3 years for small businesses will be $3,456. For the proposed public participation revisions, small businesses are not constrained parties. The indirect fiscal impacts for small businesses will be neutral because the length of the comment and review period should not affect the costs if they choose to comment. The indirect non-fiscal impacts with be inestimably positive because the additional time provided will either have no impact or a beneficial impact by providing additional time for review and comment. The proposed revisions to Section R315-2-3.5 will result in direct positive fiscal impacts by avoiding the need to submit a Level II antidegradation review every 5 years at permit renewal for 3 permittees. The savings will be $1,920 384 per permit based on an estimated 16 hours of staff time at $120/hour every 5 years. Over 5 years, the 3 permittees will save $5,760 or $1,152 annually and $3,456 over 3 years. For the proposed revisions to Grove, Battle, and Mill Creeks in Section R317-2-13, no small businesses will be impacted because no discharge permits are issued for these waters. For the proposed classification change for Utah Lake in Section R317-2-13, the fiscal impacts to eight publicly-owned treatment plant permittees will be neutral because the discharge requirements will not be affected because the discharges are already meeting the new numeric criteria associated with the proposed change in use. Indirect non-fiscal impacts are possible for the three livestock operators identified in the Utah Department of Workforce Services Firm Find but these impacts are inestimable. For any impacts to occur, the water quality of Utah Lake would have to be impaired for E. coli under the changed use but not the existing use designation, a future total maximum daily load would have to conclude that these specific agricultural sources are a significant contributor to the impairment, and the owners would have to elect to voluntarily implement best management practices to address these sources. The proposed changes to Section R317-2-14 result in more stringent criteria for benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, and some phenols which are limited to one discharge permit. The proposed changes have the potential to result in indirect negative fiscal impacts but the potential and magnitude are inestimable. A waste load allocation needs to be evaluated to determine if and how much permit limits for these pollutants will change. Resulting changes to the permit limits may require different or additional water treatment but absent an engineering study, the impacts and associated costs are inestimable.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
For impacts that were estimable, aggregate fiscal cost savings over the next 3 years for these persons will be $1,152. For the proposed public participation revisions, these persons are not constrained parties. Indirect fiscal impacts for these persons will be neutral because the length of the comment and review period will not affect the costs if they choose to comment. The indirect non-fiscal impacts with be inestimably positive because the additional time provided will either have no impact or a beneficial impact by providing additional time for review and comment. The proposed revisions to Section R317-2-3 will result in direct positive fiscal impacts by avoiding the need to submit a Level II antidegradation review every 5 years at permit renewal for Capitol Reef National Park. The impacts will be an annual savings of $384 based on an estimated 16 hours of staff time at $120/hour every 5 years. The savings over 3 years will be $1,152 and $1,920 over 5 years. The proposed revisions to Section R317-2-14 may result in inestimable indirect cost to other persons that discharge wastewater to publicly-owned treatment works. These persons may be subject to additional pretreatment requirements imposed by the treatment works or the Division of Water Quality to ensure that the treatment works comply with their permit limits. The potential indirect costs are inestimable because no readily available data regarding the specific pollutants or current or potential future pretreatment limits are available.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
No additional compliance costs for affected persons.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The fiscal impacts of these proposed revisions will result in modest cost savings for businesses.
Alan Matheson, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:
Environmental QualityWater QualityRoom DEQ, Third Floor
195 N 1950 W
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Judy Etherington at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4344, by FAX at 801-536-4301, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:
- 04/17/2018 06:00 PM, Washington County Library, St. George, UT
- 04/11/2018 06:00 PM, UDEQ, 195 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, UT
- 04/13/2018 05:00 PM, Uintah County Library, Vernal, UT
- 04/16/2018 06:00 PM, Grand County Library, Moab, UT
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
Erica Gaddis, Director
Appendix 1: Regulatory Impact Summary Table*
FY 2018 |
FY 2019 |
FY 2020 |
Fiscal Costs |
State Government |
$7,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
Local Government |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Small Businesses |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Non-Small Businesses |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Other Person |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Total Fiscal Costs: |
$7,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
Fiscal Benefits |
State Government |
$12,160 |
$12,160 |
$12,160 |
Local Government |
$4,224 |
$4,224 |
$4,224 |
Small Businesses |
$1,152 |
$1,152 |
$1,152 |
Non-Small Businesses |
$768 |
$768 |
$768 |
Other Persons |
$384 |
$384 |
$384 |
Total Fiscal Benefits: |
$18,688 |
$18,688 |
$18,688 |
Net Fiscal Benefits: |
$11,688 |
$18,688 |
$18,688 |
*This table only includes fiscal impacts that could be measured. If there are inestimable fiscal impacts, they will not be included in this table. Inestimable impacts for State Government, Local Government, Small Businesses and Other Persons are described above. Inestimable impacts for Non-Small Businesses are described below.
Appendix 2: Regulatory Impacts
For impacts that were estimable, aggregate fiscal cost savings over the next three years for non-small businesses will be $2,304.
The proposed revisions to the public participation requirements will result in inestimable positive non-fiscal impacts because the additional time provided will either have no impact or a beneficial impact by providing additional time for review and comment.
The changes to the antidegradation review requirements in Section R317-2-3 will result in direct positive fiscal impacts by avoiding the need to submit a Level II antidegradation review every 5 years at permit renewal for 2 permits. The impacts will be an annual savings of $384 per permit per year based on an estimated 16 hours of staff time at $120/hour every 5 years. Net annual savings are $768, $2,304 over 3 years and $3804 over 5 years.
No constrained parties were identified that would be affected by the proposed revisions to Section R317-2-13.
The proposed revisions to Section R317-2-14 may have direct and indirect fiscal impacts that are inestimable for two permittees. One of the discharges is currently inactive but the permit does include effluent limits that could be affected by the proposed revisions to Table 2.14.6. The fiscal impacts are inestimable because current effluent data are unavailable. The other discharge permit currently has a monitoring limit for cadmium but the savings of the proposed change are inestimable until cadmium effluent concentrations are assessed at permit renewal. The revisions may result in inestimable indirect cost to non-small businesses that discharge wastewater to publically owned treatment works. These businesses may be subject to additional pretreatment requirements imposed by the treatment works or the Division of Water Quality to ensure that the treatment works comply with their permit limits. The potential indirect costs are inestimable because no readily available data regarding the specific pollutants or current or potential future pretreatment limits are available.
The head of the Department of Environmental Quality, Alan Matheson, has reviewed and approved this fiscal analysis.
R317. Environmental Quality, Water Quality.
R317-2. Standards of Quality for Waters of the State.
R317-2-1A. Statement of Intent.
Whereas the pollution of the waters of this state constitute a menace to public health and welfare, creates public nuisances, is harmful to wildlife, fish and aquatic life, and impairs domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other legitimate beneficial uses of water, and whereas such pollution is contrary to the best interests of the state and its policy for the conservation of the water resources of the state, it is hereby declared to be the public policy of this state to conserve the waters of the state and to protect, maintain and improve the quality thereof for public water supplies, for the propagation of wildlife, fish and aquatic life, and for domestic, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other legitimate beneficial uses; to provide that no waste be discharged into any waters of the state without first being given the degree of treatment necessary to protect the legitimate beneficial uses of such waters; to provide for the prevention, abatement and control of new or existing water pollution; to place first in priority those control measures directed toward elimination of pollution which creates hazards to the public health; to insure due consideration of financial problems imposed on water polluters through pursuit of these objectives; and to cooperate with other agencies of the state, agencies of other states and the federal government in carrying out these objectives.
R317-2-1B. Authority.
These standards are promulgated pursuant to Sections 19-5-104 and 19-5-110.
R317-2-1C. Triennial Review.
The water quality standards shall be reviewed and updated, if necessary, at least once every three years. The Director will seek input through a cooperative process from stakeholders representing state and federal agencies, various interest groups, and the public to develop a preliminary draft of changes. Proposed changes will be presented to the Water Quality Board for information. Informal public meetings may be held to present preliminary proposed changes to the public for comments and suggestions. Final proposed changes will be presented to the Water Quality Board for approval and authorization to initiate formal rulemaking. Public hearings will be held to solicit formal comments from the public. The Director will incorporate appropriate changes and return to the Water Quality Board to petition for formal adoption of the proposed changes following the requirements of the Utah Rulemaking Act, Title 63G, Chapter 3.
R317-2-2. Scope.
These standards shall apply to all waters of the state and shall be assigned to specific waters through the classification procedures prescribed by Sections 19-5-104(5) and 19-5-110 and R317-2-6.
R317-2-3. Antidegradation Policy.
3.1 Maintenance of Water Quality
Waters whose existing quality is better than the established standards for the designated uses will be maintained at high quality unless it is determined by the Director, after appropriate intergovernmental coordination and public participation in concert with the Utah continuing planning process, allowing lower water quality is necessary to accommodate important economic or social development in the area in which the waters are located. However, existing instream water uses shall be maintained and protected. No water quality degradation is allowable which would interfere with or become injurious to existing instream water uses.
In those cases where potential water quality impairment associated with a thermal discharge is involved, the antidegradation policy and implementing method shall be consistent with Section 316 of the Federal Clean Water Act.
3.2 Category 1 Waters
Waters which have been determined by the Board to be of exceptional recreational or ecological significance or have been determined to be a State or National resource requiring protection, shall be maintained at existing high quality through designation, by the Board after public hearing, as Category 1 Waters. New point source discharges of wastewater, treated or otherwise, are prohibited in such segments after the effective date of designation. Protection of such segments from pathogens in diffuse, underground sources is covered in R317-5 and R317-7 and the rules for Individual Wastewater Disposal Systems (R317-501 through R317-515). Other diffuse sources (nonpoint sources) of wastes shall be controlled to the extent feasible through implementation of best management practices or regulatory programs.
Discharges may be allowed where pollution will be temporary and limited after consideration of the factors in R317-2-3.5.b.4., and where best management practices will be employed to minimize pollution effects.
Waters of the state designated as Category 1 Waters are listed in R317-2-12.1.
3.3 Category 2 Waters
Category 2 Waters are designated surface water segments which are treated as Category 1 Waters except that a point source discharge may be permitted provided that the discharge does not degrade existing water quality. Discharges may be allowed where pollution will be temporary and limited after consideration of the factors in R317-2-.3.5.b.4., and where best management practices will be employed to minimize pollution effects. Waters of the state designated as Category 2 Waters are listed in R317-2-12.2.
3.4 Category 3 Waters
For all other waters of the state, point source discharges are allowed and degradation may occur, pursuant to the conditions and review procedures outlined in Section 3.5.
3.5 Antidegradation Review (ADR)
An antidegradation review will determine whether the proposed activity complies with the applicable antidegradation requirements for receiving waters that may be affected.
An antidegradation review (ADR) may consist of two parts or levels. A Level I review is conducted to insure that existing uses will be maintained and protected.
Both Level I and Level II reviews will be conducted on a parameter-by-parameter basis. A decision to move to a Level II review for one parameter does not require a Level II review for other parameters. Discussion of parameters of concern is those expected to be affected by the proposed activity.
Antidegradation reviews shall include opportunities for public participation, as described in Section 3.5e.
a. Activities Subject to Antidegradation Review (ADR)
1. For all State waters, antidegradation reviews will be conducted for proposed federally regulated activities, such as those under Clean Water Act Sections 401 (FERC and other Federal actions), 402 (UPDES permits), and 404 (Army Corps of Engineers permits). The Director may conduct an ADR on any projects with the potential for major impact on the quality of waters of the state. The review will determine whether the proposed activity complies with the applicable antidegradation requirements for the particular receiving waters that may be affected.
2. For Category 1 Waters and Category 2 Waters, reviews shall be consistent with the requirement established in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, respectively.
3. For Category 3 Waters, reviews shall be consistent with the requirements established in this section
b. An Anti-degradation Level II review is not required where any of the following conditions apply:
1. Water quality will not be lowered by the proposed activity or for existing permitted facilities, water quality will not be further lowered by the proposed activity, examples include situations where:
(a) the proposed concentration-based effluent limit is less than or equal to the ambient concentration in the receiving water during critical conditions; or
(b) a UPDES permit is being renewed and the proposed effluent concentration and loading limits are equal to or less than the concentration and loading limits in the previous permit; or
(c) a UPDES permit is being renewed and new effluent limits are to be added to the permit, but the new effluent limits are based on maintaining or improving upon effluent concentrations and loads that have been observed, including variability; or
2. Assimilative capacity (based upon concentration) is not available or has previously been allocated, as indicated by water quality monitoring or modeling information. This includes situations where:
(a) the water body is included on the current 303(d) list for the parameter of concern; or
(b) existing water quality for the parameter of concern does not satisfy applicable numeric or narrative water quality criteria; or
(c) discharge limits are established in an approved TMDL that is consistent with the current water quality standards for the receiving water (i.e., where TMDLs are established, and changes in effluent limits that are consistent with the existing load allocation would not trigger an antidegradation review).
Under conditions (a) or (b) the effluent limit in an UPDES permit may be equal to the water quality numeric criterion for the parameter of concern.
3. Water quality impacts will be temporary and related only to sediment or turbidity and fish spawning will not be impaired,
4. The water quality effects of the proposed activity are expected to be temporary and limited. As general guidance, CWA Section 402 general discharge permits, CWA Section 404 general permits, or activities of short duration, will be deemed to have a temporary and limited effect on water quality where there is a reasonable factual basis to support such a conclusion. Factors to be considered in determining whether water quality effects will be temporary and limited may include the following:
(a) Length of time during which water quality will be lowered.
(b) Percent change in ambient concentrations of pollutants of concern
(c) Pollutants affected
(d) Likelihood for long-term water quality benefits to the segment (e.g., dredging of contaminated sediments)
(e) Potential for any residual long-term influences on existing uses.
(f) Impairment of the fish spawning, survival and development of aquatic fauna excluding fish removal efforts.
c. Anti-degradation Review Process
For all activities requiring a Level II review, the Division will notify affected agencies and the public with regards to the requested proposed activity and discussions with stakeholders may be held. In the case of Section 402 discharge permits, if it is determined that a discharge will be allowed, the Director will develop any needed UPDES permits for public notice following the normal permit issuance process.
The ADR will cover the following requirements or determinations:
1. Will all Statutory and regulatory requirements be met?
The Director will review to determine that there will be achieved all statutory and regulatory requirements for all new and existing point sources and all required cost-effective and reasonable best management practices for nonpoint source control in the area of the discharge. If point sources exist in the area that have not achieved all statutory and regulatory requirements, the Director will consider whether schedules of compliance or other plans have been established when evaluating whether compliance has been assured. Generally, the "area of the discharge" will be determined based on the parameters of concern associated with the proposed activity and the portion of the receiving water that would be affected.
2. Are there any reasonable less-degrading alternatives?
There will be an evaluation of whether there are any reasonable non-degrading or less degrading alternatives for the proposed activity. This question will be addressed by the Division based on information provided by the project proponent. Control alternatives for a proposed activity will be evaluated in an effort to avoid or minimize degradation of the receiving water. Alternatives to be considered, evaluated, and implemented to the extent feasible, could include pollutant trading, water conservation, water recycling and reuse, land application, total containment, etc.
For proposed UPDES permitted discharges, the following list of alternatives should be considered, evaluated and implemented to the extent feasible:
(a) innovative or alternative treatment options
(b) more effective treatment options or higher treatment levels
(c) connection to other wastewater treatment facilities
(d) process changes or product or raw material substitution
(e) seasonal or controlled discharge options to minimize discharging during critical water quality periods
(f) pollutant trading
(g) water conservation
(h) water recycle and reuse
(i) alternative discharge locations or alternative receiving waters
(j) land application
(k) total containment
(l) improved operation and maintenance of existing treatment systems
(m) other appropriate alternatives
An option more costly than the cheapest alternative may have to be implemented if a substantial benefit to the stream can be realized. Alternatives would generally be considered feasible where costs are no more than 20% higher than the cost of the discharging alternative, and (for POTWs) where the projected per connection service fees are not greater than 1.4% of MAGHI (median adjusted gross household income), the current affordability criterion now being used by the Water Quality Board in the wastewater revolving loan program. Alternatives within these cost ranges should be carefully considered by the discharger. Where State financing is appropriate, a financial assistance package may be influenced by this evaluation, i.e., a less polluting alternative may receive a more favorable funding arrangement in order to make it a more financially attractive alternative.
It must also be recognized in relationship to evaluating options that would avoid or reduce discharges to the stream, that in some situations it may be more beneficial to leave the water in the stream for instream flow purposes than to remove the discharge to the stream.
3. Does the proposed activity have economic and social importance?
Although it is recognized that any activity resulting in a discharge to surface waters will have positive and negative aspects, information must be submitted by the applicant that any discharge or increased discharge will be of economic or social importance in the area.
The factors addressed in such a demonstration may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) employment (i.e., increasing, maintaining, or avoiding a reduction in employment);
(b) increased production;
(c) improved community tax base;
(d) housing;
(e) correction of an environmental or public health problem; and
(f) other information that may be necessary to determine the social and economic importance of the proposed surface water discharge.
4. The applicant may submit a proposal to mitigate any adverse environmental effects of the proposed activity (e.g., instream habitat improvement, bank stabilization). Such mitigation plans should describe the proposed mitigation measures and the costs of such mitigation. Mitigation plans will not have any effect on effluent limits or conditions included in a permit (except possibly where a previously completed mitigation project has resulted in an improvement in background water quality that affects a water quality-based limit). Such mitigation plans will be developed and implemented by the applicant as a means to further minimize the environmental effects of the proposed activity and to increase its socio-economic importance. An effective mitigation plan may, in some cases, allow the Director to authorize proposed activities that would otherwise not be authorized.
5. Will water quality standards be violated by the discharge?
Proposed activities that will affect the quality of waters of the state will be allowed only where the proposed activity will not violate water quality standards.
6. Will existing uses be maintained and protected?
Proposed activities can only be allowed if "existing uses" will be maintained and protected. No UPDES permit will be allowed which will permit numeric water quality standards to be exceeded in a receiving water outside the mixing zone. In the case of nonpoint pollution sources, the non-regulatory Section 319 program now in place will address these sources through application of best management practices to ensure that numeric water quality standards are not exceeded.
7. If a situation is found where there is an existing use which is a higher use (i.e., more stringent protection requirements) than that current designated use, the Director will apply the water quality standards and anti-degradation policy to protect the existing use. Narrative criteria may be used as a basis to protect existing uses for parameters where numeric criteria have not been adopted. Procedures to change the stream use designation to recognize the existing use as the designated use would be initiated.
d. Special Procedures for Drinking Water Sources
[An Antidegradation Level II Review will be required by the
Director for discharges to waters with a Class 1C drinking water
use assigned.
] Depending upon the locations of the discharge and its proximity to downstream drinking water diversions, additional treatment or more stringent effluent limits or additional monitoring, beyond that which may otherwise be required to meet minimum technology standards or in stream water quality standards, may be required by the Director in order to adequately protect public health and the environment. Such additional treatment may include additional disinfection, suspended solids removal to make the disinfection process more effective, removal of any specific contaminants for which drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) exists, and/or nutrient removal to reduce the organic content of raw water used as a source for domestic water systems.
Additional monitoring may include analyses for viruses, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, other pathogenic organisms, and/or any contaminant for which drinking water MCLs exist. Depending on the results of such monitoring, more stringent treatment may then be required.
The additional treatment/effluent limits/monitoring which may be required will be determined by the Director after consultation with the Division of Drinking Water and the downstream drinking water users.
e. Public Notice
The public will be provided notice and an opportunity to comment on the conclusions of all completed antidegradation reviews. When possible, public notice on the antidegradation review conclusions will be combined with the public notice on the proposed permitting or certifying action. In the case of UPDES permits, public notice will be provided through the normal permitting process, as all draft permits are public noticed for 30 days, and public comment solicited, before being issued as a final permit. The Statement of Basis for the draft UPDES permit will contain information on how the ADR was addressed including results of the Level I and Level II reviews. In the case of Section 404 permits from the Corps of Engineers, the Division of Water Quality will develop any needed 401 Certifications and the public notice may be published in conjunction with the US Corps of Engineers public notice procedures. Other permits requiring a Level II review will receive a separate public notice according to the normal State public notice procedures. The public will be provided notice and an opportunity to comment whenever substantive changes are made to the implementation procedures referenced in Subsection R317-2-3.5.f.
f. Implementation Procedures
The Director shall establish reasonable protocols and guidelines (1) for completing technical, social, and economic need demonstrations, (2) for review and determination of adequacy of Level II ADRs and (3) for determination of additional treatment requirements. Protocols and guidelines will consider federal guidance and will include input from local governments, the regulated community, and the general public. The Director will inform the Water Quality Board of any protocols or guidelines that are developed.
R317-2-4. Colorado River Salinity Standards.
In addition to quality protection afforded by these rules to waters of the Colorado River and its tributaries, such waters shall be protected also by requirements of "Proposed Water Quality Standards for Salinity including Numeric Criteria and Plan of Implementation for Salinity Control, Colorado River System, June 1975" and a supplement dated August 26, 1975, entitled "Supplement, including Modifications to Proposed Water Quality Standards for Salinity including Numeric Criteria and Plan of Implementation for Salinity Control, Colorado River System, June 1975", as approved by the seven Colorado River Basin States and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as updated by the 1978 Revision and the 1981, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, and 2011 reviews of the above documents.
R317-2-5. Mixing Zones.
A mixing zone is a limited portion of a body of water, contiguous to a discharge, where dilution is in progress but has not yet resulted in concentrations which will meet certain standards for all pollutants. At no time, however, shall concentrations within the mixing zone be allowed which are acutely lethal as determined by bioassay or other approved procedure. Mixing zones may be delineated for the purpose of guiding sample collection procedures and to determine permitted effluent limits. The size of the chronic mixing zone in rivers and streams shall not to exceed 2500 feet and the size of an acute mixing zone shall not exceed 50% of stream width nor have a residency time of greater than 15 minutes. Streams with a flow equal to or less than twice the flow of a point source discharge may be considered to be totally mixed. The size of the chronic mixing zone in lakes and reservoirs shall not exceed 200 feet and the size of an acute mixing zone shall not exceed 35 feet. Domestic wastewater effluents discharged to mixing zones shall meet effluent requirements specified in R317-1-3.
5.1 Individual Mixing Zones. Individual mixing zones may be further limited or disallowed in consideration of the following factors in the area affected by the discharge:
a. Bioaccumulation in fish tissues or wildlife,
b. Biologically important areas such as fish spawning/nursery areas or segments with occurrences of federally listed threatened or endangered species,
c. Potential human exposure to pollutants resulting from drinking water or recreational activities,
d. Attraction of aquatic life to the effluent plume, where toxicity to the aquatic life is occurring.
e. Toxicity of the substance discharged,
f. Zone of passage for migrating fish or other species (including access to tributaries), or
g. Accumulative effects of multiple discharges and mixing zones.
R317-2-6. Use Designations.
The Board as required by Section 19-5-110, shall group the waters of the state into classes so as to protect against controllable pollution the beneficial uses designated within each class as set forth below. Surface waters of the state are hereby classified as shown in R317-2-13.
6.1 Class 1 -- Protected for use as a raw water source for domestic water systems.
a. Class 1A -- Reserved.
b. Class 1B -- Reserved.
c. Class 1C -- Protected for domestic purposes with prior treatment by treatment processes as required by the Utah Division of Drinking Water
6.2 Class 2 -- Protected for recreational use and aesthetics.
a. Class 2A -- Protected for frequent primary contact recreation where there is a high likelihood of ingestion of water or a high degree of bodily contact with the water. Examples include, but are not limited to, swimming, rafting, kayaking, diving, and water skiing.
b. Class 2B -- Protected for infrequent primary contact recreation. Also protected for secondary contact recreation where there is a low likelihood of ingestion of water or a low degree of bodily contact with the water. Examples include, but are not limited to, wading, hunting, and fishing.
6.3 Class 3 -- Protected for use by aquatic wildlife.
a. Class 3A -- Protected for cold water species of game fish and other cold water aquatic life, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain.
b. Class 3B -- Protected for warm water species of game fish and other warm water aquatic life, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain.
c. Class 3C -- Protected for nongame fish and other aquatic life, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain.
d. Class 3D -- Protected for waterfowl, shore birds and other water-oriented wildlife not included in Classes 3A, 3B, or 3C, including the necessary aquatic organisms in their food chain.
e. Class 3E -- Severely habitat-limited waters. Narrative standards will be applied to protect these waters for aquatic wildlife.
6.4 Class 4 -- Protected for agricultural uses including irrigation of crops and stock watering.
6.5 Class 5 -- The Great Salt Lake.
a. Class 5A Gilbert Bay
Geographical Boundary -- All open waters at or below approximately 4,208-foot elevation south of the Union Pacific Causeway, excluding all of the Farmington Bay south of the Antelope Island Causeway and salt evaporation ponds.
Beneficial Uses -- Protected for frequent primary and secondary contact recreation, waterfowl, shore birds and other water-oriented wildlife including their necessary food chain.
b. Class 5B Gunnison Bay
Geographical Boundary -- All open waters at or below approximately 4,208-foot elevation north of the Union Pacific Causeway and west of the Promontory Mountains, excluding salt evaporation ponds.
Beneficial Uses -- Protected for infrequent primary and secondary contact recreation, waterfowl, shore birds and other water-oriented wildlife including their necessary food chain.
c. Class 5C Bear River Bay
Geographical Boundary -- All open waters at or below approximately 4,208-foot elevation north of the Union Pacific Causeway and east of the Promontory Mountains, excluding salt evaporation ponds.
Beneficial Uses -- Protected for infrequent primary and secondary contact recreation, waterfowl, shore birds and other water-oriented wildlife including their necessary food chain.
d. Class 5D Farmington Bay
Geographical Boundary -- All open waters at or below approximately 4,208-foot elevation east of Antelope Island and south of the Antelope Island Causeway, excluding salt evaporation ponds.
Beneficial Uses -- Protected for infrequent primary and secondary contact recreation, waterfowl, shore birds and other water-oriented wildlife including their necessary food chain.
e. Class 5E Transitional Waters along the Shoreline of the Great Salt Lake Geographical Boundary -- All waters below approximately 4,208-foot elevation to the current lake elevation of the open water of the Great Salt Lake receiving their source water from naturally occurring springs and streams, impounded wetlands, or facilities requiring a UPDES permit. The geographical areas of these transitional waters change corresponding to the fluctuation of open water elevation.
Beneficial Uses -- Protected for infrequent primary and secondary contact recreation, waterfowl, shore birds and other water-oriented wildlife including their necessary food chain.
R317-2-7. Water Quality Standards.
7.1 Application of Standards
a. The numeric criteria listed in R317-2-14 shall apply to each of the classes assigned to waters of the State as specified in R317-2-6. It shall be unlawful and a violation of these rules for any person to discharge or place any wastes or other substances in such manner as may interfere with designated uses protected by assigned classes or to cause any of the applicable standards to be violated, except as provided in R317-1-3.1.
b. At a minimum, assessment of the beneficial use support for waters of the state will be conducted biennially and available for a 30-day period of public comment and review. Monitoring locations and target indicators of water quality standards shall be prioritized and published yearly. For water quality assessment purposes, up to 10 percent of the representative samples may exceed the minimum or maximum criteria for dissolved oxygen, pH, E. coli, total dissolved solids, and temperature, including situations where such criteria have been adopted on a site-specific basis.
c. Site-specific standards may be adopted by rulemaking where biomonitoring data, bioassays, or other scientific analyses indicate that the statewide criterion is over or under protective of the designated uses or where natural or un-alterable conditions or other factors as defined in 40 CFR 131.10(g) prevent the attainment of the statewide criteria as prescribed in Subsections R317-2-7.2, and R317-2-7.3, and Section R317-2-14.
7.2 Narrative Standards
It shall be unlawful, and a violation of these rules, for any person to discharge or place any waste or other substance in such a way as will be or may become offensive such as unnatural deposits, floating debris, oil, scum or other nuisances such as color, odor or taste; or cause conditions which produce undesirable aquatic life or which produce objectionable tastes in edible aquatic organisms; or result in concentrations or combinations of substances which produce undesirable physiological responses in desirable resident fish, or other desirable aquatic life, or undesirable human health effects, as determined by bioassay or other tests performed in accordance with standard procedures; or determined by biological assessments in Subsection R317-2-7.3.
7.3 Biological Water Quality Assessment and Criteria
Waters of the State shall be free from human-induced stressors which will degrade the beneficial uses as prescribed by the biological assessment processes and biological criteria set forth below:
a. Quantitative biological assessments may be used to assess whether the purposes and designated uses identified in R317-2-6 are supported.
b. The results of the quantitative biological assessments may be used for purposes of water quality assessment, including, but not limited to, those assessments required by 303(d) and 305(b) of the federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1313(d) and 1315(b)).
c. Quantitative biological assessments shall use documented methods that have been subject to technical review and produce consistent, objective and repeatable results that account for methodological uncertainty and natural environmental variability.
d. If biological assessments reveal a biologically degraded water body, specific pollutants responsible for the degradation will not be formally published (i.e., Biennial Integrated Report, TMDL) until a thorough evaluation of potential causes, including nonchemical stressors (e.g., habitat degradation or hydrological modification or criteria described in 40 CFR 131.10 (g)(1 - 6) as defined by the Use Attainability Analysis process), has been conducted.
R317-2-8. Protection of Downstream Uses.
All actions to control waste discharges under these rules shall be modified as necessary to protect downstream designated uses.
R317-2-9. Intermittent Waters.
Failure of a stream to meet water quality standards when stream flow is either unusually high or less than the 7-day, 10-year minimum flow shall not be cause for action against persons discharging wastes which meet both the requirements of R317-1 and the requirements of applicable permits.
R317-2-10. Laboratory and Field Analyses.
10.1 Laboratory Analyses
All laboratory examinations of samples collected to determine compliance with these regulations shall be performed in accordance with standard procedures as approved by the Director by the Utah Office of State Health Laboratory or by a laboratory certified by the Utah Department of Health.
10.2 Field Analyses
All field analyses to determine compliance with these rules shall be conducted in accordance with standard procedures specified by the Utah Division of Water Quality.
R317-2-11. Public Participation.
notices and public hearings will be held
for the consideration, adoption, or amendment of the
classifications of waters and standards of purity and quality.
Public notices shall be published at least twice in a newspaper of
general circulation in the area affected at least 30 days prior to
any public hearing. The notice will be posted on a State public
notice website at least 45 days before any hearing and a notice
will be mailed at least 30 days before any hearing to the chief
executive of each political subdivision and other potentially
affected persons.[to review all proposed revisions of water quality
standards, designations and classifications, and public meetings
may be held for consideration of discharge requirements set to
protect water uses under assigned classifications.]
R317-2-12. Category 1 and Category 2 Waters.
12.1 Category 1 Waters.
In addition to assigned use classes, the following surface waters of the State are hereby designated as Category 1 Waters:
a. All surface waters geographically located within the outer boundaries of U.S. National Forests whether on public or private lands with the following exceptions:
1. Category 2 Waters as listed in R317-2-12.2.
2. Weber River, a tributary to the Great Salt Lake, in the Weber River Drainage from Uintah to Mountain Green.
b. Other surface waters, which may include segments within U.S. National Forests as follows:
1. Colorado River Drainage
Calf Creek and tributaries, from confluence with Escalante River to headwaters.
Sand Creek and tributaries, from confluence with Escalante River to headwaters.
Mamie Creek and tributaries, from confluence with Escalante River to headwaters.
Deer Creek and tributaries, from confluence with Boulder Creek to headwaters (Garfield County).
Indian Creek and tributaries, through Newspaper Rock State Park to headwaters.
2. Green River Drainage
Price River (Lower Fish Creek from confluence with White River to Scofield Dam.
Range Creek and tributaries, from confluence with Green River to headwaters.
Strawberry River and tributaries, from confluence with Red Creek to headwaters.
Ashley Creek and tributaries, from Steinaker diversion to headwaters.
Jones Hole Creek and tributaries, from confluence with Green River to headwaters.
Green River, from state line to Flaming Gorge Dam.
Tollivers Creek, from confluence with Green River to headwaters.
Allen Creek, from confluence with Green River to headwaters.
3. Virgin River Drainage
North Fork Virgin River and tributaries, from confluence with East Fork Virgin River to headwaters.
East Fork Virgin River and tributaries from confluence with North Fork Virgin River to headwaters.
4. Kanab Creek Drainage
Kanab Creek and tributaries, from irrigation diversion at confluence with Reservoir Canyon to headwaters.
5. Bear River Drainage
Swan Creek and tributaries, from Bear Lake to headwaters.
North Eden Creek, from Upper North Eden Reservoir to headwaters.
Big Creek and tributaries, from Big Ditch diversion to headwaters.
Woodruff Creek and tributaries, from Woodruff diversion to headwaters.
6. Weber River Drainage
Burch Creek and tributaries, from Harrison Boulevard in Ogden to headwaters.
Hardscrabble Creek and tributaries, from confluence with East Canyon Creek to headwaters.
Chalk Creek and tributaries, from Main Street in Coalville to headwaters.
Weber River and tributaries, from Utah State Route 32 near Oakley to headwaters.
7. Jordan River Drainage
City Creek and tributaries, from City Creek Water Treatment Plant to headwaters (Salt Lake County).
Emigration Creek and tributaries, from Hogle Zoo to headwaters (Salt Lake County).
Red Butte Creek and tributaries, from Foothill Boulevard in Salt Lake City to headwaters.
Parley's Creek and tributaries, from 13th East in Salt Lake City to headwaters.
Mill Creek and tributaries, from Wasatch Boulevard in Salt Lake City to headwaters.
Big Cottonwood Creek and tributaries, from Wasatch Boulevard in Salt Lake City to headwaters.
Little Willow Creek and tributaries, from diversion to headwaters (Salt Lake County.)
Bell Canyon Creek and tributaries, from Lower Bells Canyon Reservoir to headwaters (Salt Lake County).
South Fork of Dry Creek and tributaries, from Draper Irrigation Company diversion to headwaters (Salt Lake County).
8. Provo River Drainage
Upper Falls drainage above Provo City diversion (Utah County).
Bridal Veil Falls drainage above Provo City diversion (Utah County).
Lost Creek and tributaries, above Provo City diversion (Utah County).
9. Sevier River Drainage
Chicken Creek and tributaries, from diversion at canyon mouth to headwaters.
Pigeon Creek and tributaries, from diversion to headwaters.
East Fork of Sevier River and tributaries, from Kingston diversion to headwaters.
Parowan Creek and tributaries, from Parowan City to headwaters.
Summit Creek and tributaries, from Summit City to headwaters.
Braffits Creek and tributaries, from canyon mouth to headwaters.
Right Hand Creek and tributaries, from confluence with Coal Creek to headwaters.
10. Raft River Drainage
Clear Creek and tributaries, from state line to headwaters (Box Elder County).
Birch Creek (Box Elder County), from state line to headwaters.
Cotton Thomas Creek from confluence with South Junction Creek to headwaters.
11. Western Great Salt Lake Drainage
All streams on the south slope of the Raft River Mountains above 7000' mean sea level.
Donner Creek (Box Elder County), from irrigation diversion to Utah-Nevada state line.
Bettridge Creek (Box Elder County), from irrigation diversion to Utah-Nevada state line.
Clover Creek, from diversion to headwaters.
All surface waters on public land on the Deep Creek Mountains.
12. Farmington Bay Drainage
Holmes Creek and tributaries, from Highway US-89 to headwaters (Davis County).
Shepard Creek and tributaries, from Haight Bench diversion to headwaters (Davis County).
Farmington Creek and tributaries, from Haight Bench Canal diversion to headwaters (Davis County).
Steed Creek and tributaries, from Highway US-89 to headwaters (Davis County).
12.2 Category 2 Waters.
In addition to assigned use classes, the following surface waters of the State are hereby designated as Category 2 Waters:
a. Green River Drainage
Deer Creek, a tributary of Huntington Creek, from the forest boundary to 4800 feet upstream.
Electric Lake.
R317-2-13. Classification of Waters of the State (see R317-2-6).
a. Colorado River Drainage
13.1 Upper Colorado River Basin
[Paria River and tributaries,]Paria River and tributaries, from
from state line to headwaters 2B 3C 4
state line to headwaters 2B 3C 4
[All tributaries to Lake]All tributaries to Lake Powell
Powell, except as listed below 2B 3B 4
except as listed below: 2B 3B 4
[Tributaries to Escalante River from] Tributaries to Escalante River
confluence with Boulder Creek to
headwaters, including Boulder Creek 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Boulder
Creek to headwaters, including
Boulder Creek 2B 3A 4
[Dirty Devil River and] Dirty Devil River and tributaries,
tributaries, from Lake
Powell to Fremont River 2B 3C 4
from Lake Powell to Fremont River 2B 3C 4
[Deer Creek and tributaries,] Deer Creek and tributaries, from
from confluence with Boulder
Creek to headwaters 2B 3A 4
confluence with Boulder Creek to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Fremont River and]Freemont River and tributaries from
tributaries, from confluence
with Muddy Creek to Capitol
Reef National Park, except as
listed below 1C 2B 3C 4
confluence with Muddy Creek to
Capitol Reef National Park, except
as listed below: 1C 2B 3C 4
[Pleasant Creek and] Pleasant Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence
with Fremont River to East
boundary of Capitol Reef
National Park 2B 3C 4
from confluence with Fremont
River to East boundary of Capitol
Reef National Park 2B 3C 4
[Pleasant Creek and] Pleasant Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from East
boundary of Capitol Reef
National Park to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
from East boundary of Capitol
Reef National Park to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
[Fremont River and]Fremont River and tributaries,
tributaries, through Capitol
Reef National Park to
headwaters 1C 2A 3A 4
through Capitol Reef National
Park to headwaters 1C 2A 3A 4
[Muddy Creek and tributaries,]Muddy Creek and tributaries, from
from confluence with Fremont
River to Highway U-10
crossing, except as listed
below 2B 3C 4
Confluence with Fremont River to
Highway U-10 crossing, except as
listed below 2B 3C 4
Muddy Creek from confluence
with Fremont River to
confluence with Ivie Creek 2B 3C 4*
Muddy Creek and tributaries from
the confluence with Ivie Creek
to U-10 2B 3C 4*
Ivie Creek and its tributaries
from the confluence with Muddy
Creek to the confluence with
Quitchupah Creek 2B 3C 4*
Ivie Creek and its tributaries
from the confluence with
Quitchapah Creek to U-10,
except as listed below: 2B 3C 4*
Quitchupah Creek from the
confluence with Ivie Creek
to U-10 2B 3C 4*
Quitchupah Creek and.
tributaries, from Highway
U-10 crossing to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Ivie Creek and tributaries,
from Highway U-10 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Quitchupah Creek and]Muddy Creek and tributaries, from
Tributaries, from Highway
U-10 crossing to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Ivie Creek and tributaries,
from Highway U-10 to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Muddy Creek and tributaries,
from Highway U-10 crossing
to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Highway U-10 crossing to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[San Juan River and]San Juan River and tributaries from
Tributaries, from Lake
Powell to state line except As
listed below: 1C 2A 3B 4
Lake Powell to state line except as
listed below: 1C 2A 3B 4
[Johnson Creek and] Johnson Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence
with Recapture Creek to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Recapture
Creek to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Verdure Creek and tributaries,] Verdure Creek and tributaries,
from Highway US-191 crossing
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from Highway US-191 crossing to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[North Creek and tributaries,] North Creek and tributaries, from
from confluence with Montezuma
Creek to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
confluence with Montezuma Creek
to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[South Creek and tributaries,] South Creek and tributaries, from
from confluence with Montezuma
Creek to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
confluence with Montezuma Creek
to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Spring Creek and tributaries,] Spring Creek and tributaries,
from confluence with Vega
Creek to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Vega Creek
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Montezuma Creek and tributaries,] Montezuma Creek and tributaries,
from U.S. Highway 191 to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from U.S. Highway 191 to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Colorado River and tributaries,]Colorado River and tributaries, from
from Lake Powell to state line
except as listed below 1C 2A 3B 4
Lake Powell to state line except
as listed below: 1C 2A 3B 4
[Indian Creek and tributaries,] Indian Creek and tributaries,
through Newspaper Rock State
Park to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
through Newspaper Rock State Park
to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Kane Canyon Creek and] Kane Canyon Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence with
Colorado River to headwaters 2B 3C 4
from confluence with Colorado
River to headwaters 2B 3C 4
[Mill Creek and tributaries, from] Mill Creek and tributaries, from
confluence with Colorado River to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
confluence with Colorado River to
headwaters 1C 2A 3A 4
Castle Creek from confluence with
the Colorado River to Seventh Day
Adventist Diversion 1C 2A 3B 4*
Onion Creek from the confluence
with Colorado River to road
crossing above Stinking Springs 1C 2A 3B 4*
[Dolores River and tributaries,] Dolores River and tributaries,
from confluence with Colorado
River to state line 2B 3C 4
from confluence with Colorado
River to state line 2B 3C 4
[Roc Creek and tributaries, from] Roc Creek and tributaries, from
confluence with Dolores River to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
confluence with Dolores River to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[LaSal Creek and tributaries,] LaSal Creek and tributaries from
from state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Lion Canyon Creek and] Lion Canyon Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from state line to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
from state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Little Dolores River and] Little Dolores River and
tributaries, from confluence
with Colorado River to state line 2B 3C 4
tributaries, from confluence with
Colorado River to state line 2B 3C 4
[Bitter Creek and tributaries,] Bitter Creek and tributaries,
from confluence with Colorado
River to headwaters 2B 3C 4
from confluence with Colorado
River to headwaters 2B 3C 4
(*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
b. Green River Drainage
Green River and tributaries, from
confluence with Colorado River to
state line , except as listed below:[] 1C 2A 3B 4
[Thompson Creek and tributaries] Thompson Creek and tributaries
from Interstate Highway 70 to
headwaters 2B 3C 4
from Interstate 70 to headwaters 2B 3C 4
[San Rafael River and] San Rafael River and tributaries
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to confluence
with Ferron Creek 2B 3C 4
from confluence with Green River
to confluence with Ferron Creek,
except as listed below: 2B 3C
San Rafael River from the
confluence with the Green
River to Buckhorn Crossing 2B 3C 4*
San Rafael River from
Buckhorn Crossing to the
confluence with Huntington
Creek and Cottonwood Creek 2B 3C 4*
[Ferron Creek and tributaries,]
from confluence with San
Rafael River to Millsite
Reservoir 2B 3C 4
Ferron Creek and tributaries,
from Millsite Reservoir to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Ferron Creek and tributaries,
from confluence with San Rafael
River to Millsite Reservoir,
except as listed below: 2B 3C 4
Ferron Creek from the
confluence with San Rafael
River to Highway 10 2B 3C 4*
Ferron Creek and tributaries, from
Millsite Reservoir to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Huntington Creek and] Huntington Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence
with Cottonwood Creek to
Highway U-10 crossing 2B 3C 4
from confluence with Cottonwood
Creek to Highway U-10 crossing 2B 3C 4*
[Huntington Creek and] Huntington Creek and tributaries
tributaries, from Highway
U-10 crossing to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from Highway U-10 crossing to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Cottonwood Creek and] Cottonwood Creek and tributaries
tributaries, from confluence
with Huntington Creek to
Highway U-57 crossing 2B 3C 4
from confluence with Huntington
Creek to Highway U-57 crossing,
except as listed below: 2B 3C 4
Cottonwood Creek from the
confluence with Huntington
Creek to U-57 2B 3C 4*
Rock Canyon Creek from the
confluence with Cottonwood
Creek to headwaters 2B 3C 4*
[Cottonwood Creek and] Cottonwood Creek and tributaries
tributaries, from Highway
U-57 crossing to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from Highway U-57 crossing to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Cottonwood Canal, Emery] Cottonwood Canal, Emery County 1C 2B 3E 4
County 1C 2B 3E 4
[Price River and tributaries,] Price River and tributaries, from
from confluence with Green
River to Carbon Canal
Diversion at Price City Golf Course 2B 3C 4
Except as listed below
confluence with Green River to
Carbon Canal Diversion at Price
City Golf Course,
except as listed below 2B 3C 4
Price River and tributaries from
confluence with Green River to
confluence with Soldier Creek 2B 3C 4*
Price River and tributaries from
the confluence with Soldier
Creek to Carbon Canal Diversion 2B 3C 4*
[Grassy Trail Creek and
tributaries, from Grassy
Trail Creek Reservoir to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
] Grassy Trail Creek and
tributaries, from Grassy Trail
Creek Reservoir to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Price River and tributaries,] Price River and tributaries,
from Carbon Canal Diversion at Price
City Golf Course to Price City Water
Treatment Plant intake. 2B 3A 4
from Carbon Canal Diversion at
Price City Golf Course to Price
City Water Treatment Plant intake 2B 3A 4
[Price River and tributaries,] Price River and tributaries, from
from Price
City Water Treatment Plant
intake to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Price City Water Treatment Plant
intake to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Range Creek and tributaries,
from confluence with Green
River to Range Creek Ranch 2B 3A 4
] Range Creek and tributaries, from
confluence with Green River to
Range Creek Ranch 2B 3A 4
[Range Creek and tributaries,] Range Creek and tributaries, from
from Range Creek Ranch to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Range Creek Ranch to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Rock Creek and tributaries,] Rock Creek and tributaries, from
from confluence with Green
River to headwaters 2B 3A 4
confluence with Green River to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Nine Mile Creek and]
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Nine Mile Creek and tributaries,
from confluence with Green River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Pariette Draw and] Pariette Draw and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to headwaters 2B 3B 3D 4
from confluence with Green River
to headwaters 2B 3B 3D 4
[Willow Creek and tributaries] Willow Creek and tributaries
(Uintah County), from
confluence with Green River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
(Uintah County), from confluence
with Green River to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[White River and tributaries,] White River and tributaries, from
from confluence with Green
River to state line, except
as listed below 2B 3B 4
confluence with Green River to
state line, except as listed below: 2B 3B 4
[Bitter Creek and Tributaries] Bitter Creek and tributaries
from White River to Headwaters 2B 3A 4
from White River to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Duchesne River and tributaries,] Duchesne River and tributaries,
from confluence with Green
River to Myton Water Treatment
Plant intake, except as listed
below 2B 3B 4
from confluence with Green River
to Myton Water Treatment Plant
intake, except as listed below 2B 3B 4
[Uinta River and tributaries,] Uinta River and tributaries
From confluence with Duchesne
River to Highway US-40 crossing 2B 3B 4
from confluence with Duchesne
River to U.S. Highway 40 crossing 2B 3B 4
[Uinta River and tributaries,] Uinta River and tributaries,
From Highway US-4- crossing
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from U.S. Highway 40 crossing 2B 3A 4
[Power House Canal from] Power House Canal from
Confluence with Uinta River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
confluence with Uinta River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Whiterocks River and Canal,] Whiterocks River and Canal,
From Tridell Water
Treatment Plant to
Headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from Tridell Water Treatment
Plant to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Duchesne River and] Duchesne River and tributaries,
tributaries, from Myton
Water Treatment Plant intake
to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from Myton Water Treatment Plant
intake to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Lake Fork River and] Lake Fork River and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence
with Duchesne River to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Duchesne
River to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Lake Fork Canal from Dry] Lake Fork Canal from Dry Gulch
Gulch Canal Diversion to
Moon Lake 1C 2B 3E 4
Canal Diversion to Moon Lake 1C 2B 3E 4
[Dry Gulch Canal, from] Dry Gulch Canal, from Myton
Myton Water Treatment
Plant to Lake Fork Canal 1C 2B 3E 4
Water Treatment Plant to Lake
Fork Canal 1C 2B 3E 4
[Ashley Creek and] Ashley Creek and tributaries, from
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to
Steinaker diversion 2B 3B 4
confluence with Green River to
Steinaker diversion 2B 3B 4
[Ashley Creek and tributaries,] Ashley Creek and tributaries, from
from Steinaker diversion to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Steinaker diversion to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Big Brush Creek and] Big Brush Creek and tributaries
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to Tyzack
(Red Fleet) Dam 2B 3B 4
from confluence with Green River
to Tyzack (Red Fleet) Dam 2B 3B 4
[Big Brush Creek and] Big Brush Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from Tyzack
(Red Fleet) Dam to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
from Tyzack (Red Fleet) Dam to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Jones Hole Creek and] Jones Hole Creek and tributaries
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to
headwaters 2B 3A
from confluence with Green River
to headwaters 2B 3A
[Diamond Gulch Creek and] Diamond Gulch Creek and
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
tributaries, from confluence
with Green River to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Pot Creek and tributaries,] Pot Creek and tributaries, from
from Crouse Reservoir to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Crouse Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Green River and tributaries, from]Green River and tributaries, from
Utah-Colorado state line to Flaming Gorge
Dam except as listed below: 2A 3A 4
Utah-Colorado state line to Flaming
Gorge Dam, except as listed below: 2A 3A 4
[Sears Creek and tributaries,] Sears Creek and tributaries,
Daggett County 2B 3A
Daggett County 2B 3A
[Tolivers Creek and] Tolivers Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Daggett County 2B 3A
Daggett County 2B 3A
[Red Creek and tributaries,] Red Creek and tributaries, from
from confluence with Green
River to state line 2B 3C 4
confluence with Green River to
state line 2B 3C 4
[Jackson Creek and
tributaries, Daggett County 2B 3A
] Jackson Creek and
tributaries, Daggett County 2B 3A
[Davenport Creek and] Davenport Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Daggett County 2B 3A
Daggett County 2B 3A
[Goslin Creek and tributaries,] Goslin Creek and tributaries,
Daggett County 2B 3A
Daggett County 2B 3A
[Gorge Creek and tributaries,
Daggett County 2B 3A
] Gorge Creek and tributaries,
Daggett County 2B 3A
[Beaver Creek and tributaries,] Beaver Creek and tributaries,
Daggett County 2B 3A
Daggett County 2B 3A
[O-Wi-Yu-Kuts Creek and] O-Wi-Yu-Kuts Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Daggett County 2B 3A
Daggett County 2B 3A
Tributaries to Flaming Gorge
Reservoir, except as listed below 2B 3A 4
[Birch Spring Draw and] Birch Spring Draw and
tributaries, from Flaming
Gorge Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3C 4
tributaries, from Flaming Gorge
Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3C 4
[Spring Creek and tributaries,
from Flaming Gorge Reservoir
to headwaters 2B 3A
] Spring Creek and tributaries,
from Flaming Gorge Reservoir to
headwaters 2B 3A
[All Tributaries of Flaming Gorge]All tributaries of Flaming Gorge
Reservoir from Utah-Wyoming state line
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Reservoir from Utah-Wyoming state
line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
(*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
13.2 Lower Colorado River Basin
a. Virgin River Drainage
Beaver Dam Wash and tributaries,
from Motoqua to headwaters 2B 3B 4
[Virgin River and tributaries]Virgin River and tributaries, from
from state line to Quail Creek
diversion except as listed below 2B 3B 4
state line to Quail Creek diversion,
except as listed below: 2B 3B 4
Virgin River from the Utah-Arizona
border to Pah Tempe Springs 2B 3B 4*
Virgin River from the Utah-Arizona
border to Pah Tempe Springs 2B 3B 4*
[Santa Clara River from] Santa Clara River from confluence
confluence with Virgin River
to Gunlock Reservoir 1C 2B 3B 4
with Virgin River to Gunlock
Reservoir 1C 2B 3B 4
[Santa Clara River and] Santa Clara River and tributaries,
tributaries, from Gunlock
Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from Gunlock Reservoir to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Leed's Creek, from confluence] Leeds Creek from confluence
with Quail Creek to headwaters 2B 3A 4
with Quail Creek to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Quail Creek from Quail Creek] Quail Creek from Quail Creek
Reservoir to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Reservoir to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Ash Creek and tributaries,] Ash Creek and tributaries, from
from confluence with Virgin
River to Ash Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
confluence with Virgin River to
Ash Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
[Ash Creek and tributaries,] Ash Creek and tributaries, from
From Ash Creek Reservoir
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Ash Creek Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Virgin River and tributaries,]Virgin River and tributaries, from
from the Quail Creek diversion
to headwaters, except as listed
below 1C 2B 3C 4
the Quail Creek diversion to
headwaters, except as listed below: 1C 2B 3C 4
North Creek, from the confluence
with Virgin River to headwaters 1C 2B 3C 4*
[North Fork Virgin River and] North Fork Virgin River and
tributaries 1C 2A 3A 4
tributaries 1C 2A 3A 4
Kolob Creek, from confluence
with Virgin River to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[East Fork Virgin River, from] East Fork Virgin River, from
town of Glendale to headwaters 2B 3A 4
town of Glendale to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Kolob Creek, from confluence
with Virgin River to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
(*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
b. Kanab Creek Drainage
[Kanab Creek and tributaries,]Kanab Creek and tributaries, from
from state line to irrigation
diversion at confluence with
Reservoir Canyon 2B 3C 4
state line to irrigation diversion
at confluence with Reservoir Canyon 2B 3C 4
[Kanab Creek and tributaries,]Kanab Creek and tributaries, from
from irrigation diversion at
confluence with Reservoir Canyon
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
irrigation diversion at confluence
with Reservoir Canyon to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Johnson Wash and tributaries,
from state line to confluence
with Skutumpah Canyon 2B 3C 4
[Johnson Wash and tributaries,]Johnson Wash and tributaries, from
from confluence with
Skutumpah Canyon to headwaters 2B 3A 4
confluence with Skutumpah Canyon to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
13.3 Bear River Basin
a. Bear River Drainage
Bear River and tributaries, from
Great Salt Lake to Utah-Idaho
border, except as listed below: 2B 3B 3D 4
[Perry Canyon Creek from U.S.] Perry Canyon Creek from U.S.
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Box Elder Creek from confluence] Box Elder Creek from confluence
with Black Slough to Brigham
City Reservoir (the Mayor's Pond) 2B 3C 4
with Black Slough to Brigham City
Reservoir (Mayor's Pond) 2B 3C 4
[Box Elder Creek, from Brigham] Box Elder Creek, from Brigham
City Reservoir (the Mayor's Pond)
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
City Reservoir (Mayor's Pond)
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Salt Creek, from confluence with] Salt Creek from confluence with
Bear River to Crystal Hot Springs 2B 3B 3D
Bear River to Crystal Hot Springs 2B 3B 3D
[Malad River and tributaries,] Malad River and tributaries, from
from confluence with Bear River
to state line 2B 3C
confluence with Bear River to
state line 2B 3C
[Little Bear River and] Little Bear River and tributaries,
tributaries, from Cutler
Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 3D 4
from Cutler Reservoir to
headwaters, except as listed below: 2B 3A 3D 4
South Fork Spring Creek from
confluence with Pelican Pond
Slough Stream to U.S. Highway 89 2B 3A 3D 4*
[Logan River and tributaries,] Logan River and tributaries, from
from Cutler Reservoir to
headwaters 2B 3A 3D 4
Cutler Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 3D 4
[Blacksmith Fork and tributaries,] Blacksmith Fork and tributaries,
from confluence with Logan River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Logan River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Newton Creek and tributaries,] Newton Creek and tributaries,
from Cutler Reservoir to Newton
Reservoir 2B 3A 4
from Cutler Reservoir to Newton
Reservoir 2B 3A 4
[Clarkston Creek and tributaries,] Clarkston Creek and tributaries,
from Newton Reservoir to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
from Newton Reservoir to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Birch Creek and tributaries, from] Birch Creek and tributaries, from
confluence with Clarkston Creek
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
confluence with Clarkston Creek
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Summit Creek and tributaries,] Summit Creek and tributaries,
from confluence with Bear River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Bear River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Cub River and tributaries, from] Cub River and tributaries, from
confluence with Bear River to
state line, except as listed
below: 2B 3B 4
confluence with Bear River to
state line, except as listed below: 2B 3B 4
[High Creek and tributaries,] High Creek and tributaries
from confluence with Cub River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Cub River
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
All tributaries to Bear Lake from
Bear Lake to headwaters, except as
listed below 2B 3A 4
Swan Springs tributary to Swan
Creek 1C 2B 3A
Bear River and tributaries in
Rich County 2B 3A 4
Bear River and tributaries, from
Utah-Wyoming state line to
headwaters (Summit County) 2B 3A 4
Mill Creek and tributaries, from
state line to headwaters (Summit
County) 2B 3A 4
(*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
13.4 Weber River Basin
a. Weber River Drainage
Willard Creek, from Willard Bay
Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Weber River, from Great Salt Lake]Weber River, from Great Salt Lake
to Slaterville diversion,
except as listed below: 2B 3C 3D 4
to Slaterville diversion, except as
listed below: 2B 3C 3D 4
Four Mile Creek from I nterstate[-] 15
[T]to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Weber River and tributaries, from
Slaterville diversion to Stoddard
diversion, except as listed below 2B 3A 4
Ogden River and tributaries,
[F]from confluence with Weber River
[T]to Pineview Dam, except as listed
[B]below[]: 2A 3A 4
[Wheeler Creek from] Wheeler Creek from confluence
Confluence with Ogden
River to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
with Ogden River to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[All tributaries to] All tributaries to Pineview
Pineview Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Strongs Canyon Creek and
[T]tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Burch Creek and tributaries, from
Harrison Boulevard in Ogden to
Headwaters 1C 2B 3A
Spring Creek and tributaries,
[F]from U.S. National Forest
[B]boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Weber River and tributaries, from]Weber River and tributaries, from
Stoddard diversion to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Stoddard diversion to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
13.5 Utah Lake-Jordan River Basin
a. Jordan River Drainage
[Jordan River, from Farmington]Jordan River, from Farmington Bay to
Bay to North Temple Street,
Salt Lake City 2B 3B * 3D 4
North Temple Street, Salt Lake City 2B 3B* 3D 4
[State Canal, from Farmington]State Canal, from Farmington Bay to
Bay to confluence with the
Jordan River 2B 3B * 3D 4
confluence with the Jordan River 2B 3B* 3D 4
[Jordan River, from North Temple]Jordan River, from North Temple Street
Street in Salt Lake City to
confluence with Little
Cottonwood Creek 2B 3B * 4
in Salt Lake City to confluence
with Little Cottonwood Creek 2B 3B* 4
[Surplus Canal from Great Salt]Surplus Canal from Great Salt Lake to
Lake to the diversion from the
Jordan River 2B 3B * 3D 4
the diversion from the Jordan River 2B 3B* 3D 4
[Jordan River from confluence with]Jordan River from confluence with
Little Cottonwood Creek to
Narrows Diversion 2B 3A 4
Little Cottonwood Creek to Narrows
Diversion 2B 3A 4
[Jordan River, from Narrows]Jordan River, from Narrows Diversion
Diversion to Utah Lake 1C 2B 3B 4
to Utah Lake 1C 2B 3B 4
[City Creek, from Memory Park]City Creek, from Memory Park in Salt
in Salt Lake City to City Creek
Water Treatment Plant 2B 3A
Lake City to City Creek Water
Treatment Plant 2B 3A
City Creek, from City Creek Water
Treatment Plant to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
[Red Butte Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4]Red Butte Creek and tributaries,
from Liberty Park pond inlet to
Red Butte Reservoir
from Liberty Park pond inlet to Red
Butte Reservoir 2B 3A 4
[Red Butte Creek and tributaries,]Red Butte Creek and tributaries, from
from Red Butte Reservoir to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A
Red Butte Reservoir to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
[Emigration Creek and tributaries,]Emigration Creek and tributaries,
from 1100 East in Salt
Lake City to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from 1100 East in Salt Lake City
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Parley's Creek and tributaries,]Parleys Creek and tributaries, from
from 1300 East in Salt Lake City
to Mountain Dell Reservoir 1C 2B 3A
1300 East in Salt Lake City to
Mountain Dell Reservoir 1C 2B 3A
[Parley's Creek and tributaries,]Parleys Creek and tributaries, from
from Mountain Dell Reservoir to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A
Mountain Dell Reservoir to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
[Mill Creek (Salt Lake County)]Mill Creek (Salt Lake County) from
from confluence with Jordan
River to Interstate Highway 15 2B 3C 4
confluence with Jordan River to
Interstate 15 2B 3C 4
[Mill Creek (Salt Lake County)]Mill Creek (Salt Lake County) and
and tributaries from Interstate
Highway 15 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
tributaries, from Interstate 15
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Big Cottonwood Creek and]Big Cottonwood Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence
with Jordan River to Big Cottonwood
Water Treatment Plant 2B 3A 4
from confluence with Jordan River to
Big Cottonwood Water Treatment Plant 2B 3A 4
[Big Cottonwood Creek and]Big Cottonwood Creek and tributaries
tributaries, from Big Cottonwood
Water Treatment Plant to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A
from Big Cottonwood Water Treatment
Plant to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
Deaf Smith Canyon Creek and
tributaries 1C 2B 3A 4
[Little Cottonwood Creek and]Little Cottonwood Creek and
tributaries, from confluence
with Jordan River to Metropolitan
Water Treatment Plant 2B 3A 4
tributaries, from confluence with
Jordan River to Metropolitan
Water Treatment Plant 2B 3A 4
Little Cottonwood Creek and
tributaries, from Metropolitan
Water Treatment Plant to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A
Bell s Canyon Creek and tributaries,
from [l]Lower Bell[']s Canyon [r]Reservoir
to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
[Little Willow Creek and]Little Willow Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from Draper
Irrigation Company diversion to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A
from Draper Irrigation Company
diversion to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
Big Willow Creek and tributaries,
from Draper Irrigation Company
diversion to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
South Fork of Dry Creek and
tributaries, from Draper
[]Irrigation Company diversion to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A
[All permanent streams on east]All permanent streams on east slope
slope of Oquirrh Mountains (Coon,
Barney's, Bingham, Butterfield,
and Rose Creeks) 2B 3D 4
of Oquirrh Mountains (Coon, Barneys,
Bingham, Butterfield, and Rose Creeks) 2B 3D 4
Kersey Creek from confluence of C-7
Ditch to headwaters 2B 3D
[* Site specific criteria for dissolved oxygen. See Table 2.14.5.](*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
b. Provo River Drainage
[Provo River and tributaries,]Provo River and tributaries, from
from Utah Lake to Murdock
diversion 2B 3A 4
Utah Lake to Murdock Diversion 2B 3A 4
[Provo River and tributaries,]Provo River and tributaries, from
from Murdock Diversion to
headwaters, except as listed
below 1C 2B 3A 4
Murdock Diversion to headwaters,
except as listed below: 1C 2B 3A 4
Upper Falls drainage above Provo
City diversion 1C 2B 3A
Bridal Veil Falls drainage above
Provo City diversion 1C 2B 3A
Lost Creek and tributaries above
Provo City diversion 1C 2B 3A
c. Utah Lake Drainage
[Dry Creek and tributaries (above]Dry Creek and tributaries (above
Alpine), from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Alpine), from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[American Fork Creek and]American Fork Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from diversion at
mouth of American Fork Canyon to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
from diversion at mouth of American
Fork Canyon to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Spring Creek and tributaries,]Spring Creek and tributaries, from
from Utah Lake near Lehi to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Utah Lake near Lehi to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Lindon Hollow Creek and]Lindon Hollow Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, from Utah Lake to
headwaters 2B 3B 4
from Utah Lake to headwaters 2B 3B 4
Grove Creek from Murdock
Diversion to headwaters 1C 2B 3A
Battle Creek from Murdock
Diversion to Headwaters 1C 2B 3A
[Rock Canyon Creek and tributaries]Rock Canyon Creek and tributaries
(East of Provo) from U.S.
National Forest boundary to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
(East of Provo), from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Mill Race (except from Interstate
[Highway]15 to the Provo City WWTP
discharge) and tributaries , from
Utah Lake to headwaters 2B 3B 4
Mill Race from Interstate 15[Highway]
[15]to the Provo City wastewater
treatment plant discharge 2B 3B 4
[Spring Creek and tributaries from]Spring Creek and tributaries, from
Utah Lake (Provo Bay) to 50 feet
upstream from the east boundary
of the Industrial Parkway Road
Right-of-way 2B 3B 4
Utah Lake (Provo Bay) to 50 feet
upstream from the east boundary of
the Industrial Parkway Road
Right-of-way 2B 3B 4
[Tributary to Spring Creek (Utah]Tributary to Spring Creek (Utah
County) which receives the
Springville City WWTP effluent
from confluence with Spring Creek
to headwaters 2B 3D 4
County) which receives the
Springville City WWTP effluent from
confluence with Spring Creek
to headwaters 2B 3D 4
[Spring Creek and tributaries from]Spring Creek and tributaries from 50
50 feet upstream from the east
boundary of the Industrial Parkway
Road right-of-way to the headwaters 2B 3A 4
feet upstream from the east boundary
of the Industrial Parkway Road
right-of-way to the headwaters 2B 3A 4
Ironton Canal from Utah Lake
(Provo Bay) to the east boundary
of the Denver and Rio Grande
Western Railroad right-of-way 2B 3C 4
[Ironton Canal from the east]Ironton Canal from the east boundary
boundary of the Denver and Rio
Grande Western Railroad
right-of-way to the point
of diversion from Spring Creek 2B 3A 4
of the Denver and Rio Grande Western
Railroad right-of-way to the point
of diversion from Spring Creek 2B 3A 4
[Hobble Creek and tributaries,]Hobble Creek and tributaries, from
from Utah Lake to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Utah Lake to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Dry Creek and tributaries from]Dry Creek and tributaries, from Utah
Utah Lake (Provo Bay) to
Highway-US 89 2B 3E 4
Lake (Provo Bay) to U.S. Highway 89 2B 3E 4
[Dry Creek and tributaries]Dry Creek and tributaries, from
from Highway-US 89 to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
U.S. Highway 89 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Spanish Fork River and]Spanish Fork River and tributaries,
tributaries, from Utah Lake to
diversion at Moark Junction 2B 3B 3D 4
from Utah Lake to diversion at Moark
Junction 2B 3B 3D 4
[Spanish Fork River and]Spanish Fork River and tributaries,
tributaries, from diversion at
Moark Junction to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from diversion at Moark Junction to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Benjamin Slough and
tributaries , from Utah Lake to
headwaters, except as listed
below 2B 3B 4
[Beer Creek (Utah County) from] Beer Creek (Utah County) from
4850 West (in NE1/4NE1/4 sec.
36, T.8 S., R.1 E.) to
headwaters 2B 3C 4
4850 West (in NE1/4NE1/4 sec. 36,
T.8.S., R.1.E.) to headwaters 2B 3C 4
[Salt Creek, from Nephi diversion]Salt Creek from Nephi diversion to
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Currant Creek, from mouth]Currant Creek from mouth of Goshen
of Goshen Canyon to Mona
Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Canyon to Mona Reservoir 2B 3A 4
[Currant Creek, from Mona]Currant Creek from Mona Reservoir
Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Peteetneet Creek and tributaries,]Peteetneet Creek and tributaries,
from irrigation diversion above
Maple Dell to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from irrigation diversion above
Maple Dell to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Summit Creek and tributaries]Summit Creek and tributaries
(above Santaquin), from U.S.
National Forest boundary to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
(above Santaquin), from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[All other permanent streams]All other permanent streams entering
entering Utah Lake 2B 3B 4
Utah Lake 2B 3B 4
13.6 Sevier River Basin
a. Sevier River Drainage
[Sevier River and tributaries from]Sevier River and tributaries,
Sevier Lake to Gunnison Bend
Reservoir to U.S.National Forest
boundary except
as listed below 2B 3C 4
from Sevier Lake to Gunnison Bend
Reservoir to U.S. National Forest
boundary, except as listed below: 2B 3C 4
Sevier River from Gunnison Bend
Reservoir to Clear Lake 2B 3C 4*
[Beaver River and tributaries] Beaver River and tributaries, from
from Minersville City to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Minersville City to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Little Creek and tributaries,] Little Creek and tributaries, from
From irrigation diversion to
Headwaters 2B 3A 4
irrigation diversion to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Pinto Creek and tributaries,] Pinto Creek and tributaries, from
From Newcastle Reservoir to
Headwaters 2B 3A 4
Newcastle Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Coal Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4
Summit Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4
Parowan Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4
[Tributaries to Sevier River]Tributaries to Sevier River from
from Sevier Lake to Gunnison
Bend Reservoir from U.S.
National Forest boundary to
headwaters, including: 2B 3A 4
Sevier Lake to Gunnison Bend
Reservoir from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters, including: 2B 3A 4
[] Pioneer Creek and tributaries,
[] Millard County 2B 3A 4
[] Chalk Creek and tributaries,
[] Millard County 2B 3A 4
[] Meadow Creek and tributaries,
[] Millard County 2B 3A 4
[] Corn Creek and tributaries,
[] Millard County 2B 3A 4
Sevier River and tributaries , below
U.S. National Forest boundary from
Gunnison Bend Reservoir to
Annabella Diversion , except
as listed below 2B 3B 4
Sevier River between Gunnison
Bend Reservoir and DMAD Reservoir 2B 3B 4*
[Oak Creek and tributaries,] Oak Creek and tributaries
Millard County 2B 3A 4
Millard County 2B 3A 4
[Round Valley Creek and] Round Valley Creek and
tributaries, Millard County 2B 3A 4
tributaries, Millard County 2B 3A 4
[Judd Creek and tributaries,] Judd Creek and tributaries, Juab
Juab County 2B 3A 4
County 2B 3A 4
[Meadow Creek and tributaries,] Meadow Creek and tributaries, Juab
Juab County 2B 3A 4
County 2B 3A 4
[Cherry Creek and tributaries] Cherry Creek and tributaries, Juab
Juab County 2B 3A 4
County 2B 3A 4
[Tanner Creek and tributaries,] Tanner Creek and tributaries, Juab
Juab County 2B 3E 4
County 2B 3E 4
Baker Hot Springs, Juab County 2B 3D 4
[Chicken Creek and tributaries,] Chicken Creek and tributaries,
Juab County 2B 3A 4
Juab County 2B 3A 4
[San Pitch River and] San Pitch River and tributaries,
tributaries, from confluence
with Sevier River to Highway
U-132 crossing except
As listed below: 2B 3C 3D 4
from confluence with Sevier River
to Highway U-132 crossing, except
as listed below: 2B 3C 3D 4
San Pitch River from below
Gunnison Reservoir to the
Sevier River 2B 3C 3D 4*
[Twelve Mile Creek (South Creek)] Twelve Mile Creek (South Creek)
and tributaries, from U.S.
Forest Service boundary
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
and tributaries, from U.S.
National Forest boundary
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Six Mile Creek and
tributaries, Sanpete County 2B 3A 4
[Manti Creek (South Creek)] Manti Creek (South Creek) and
and tributaries, from U.S.
Forest Service
boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Ephraim Creek (Cottonwood] Ephraim Creek (Cottonwood Creek)
Creek) and tributaries,
from U.S. Forest Service to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
and tributaries, from U.S.
National Forest to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Oak Creek and tributaries,] Oak Creek and tributaries, from
from U.S. Forest Service
boundary near Spring City to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
U.S. National Forest boundary
near Spring City to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Fountain Green Creek and] Fountain Green Creek and
tributaries, from U.S.
Forest Service boundary to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[San Pitch River and tributaries,] San Pitch River and tributaries,
from Highway U-132 crossing to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
from Highway U-132 crossing to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Lost Creek from the confluence
with Sevier River to U.S. National
Forest boundary 2B 3C 3D 4*
Brine Creek-Petersen Creek from
the confluence with the Sevier
River to Highway U-119 Crossing 2B 3C 3D 4*
[Tributaries to Sevier River from]Tributaries to Sevier River from
Gunnison Bend Reservoir to
Annabelle Diversion from U.S.
National Forest boundary to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Gunnison Bend Reservoir to Annabella
diversion from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Sevier River and tributaries,]Sevier River and tributaries, from
from Annabella diversion to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Annabella diversion to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Monroe Creek and tributaries,]Monroe Creek and tributaries, from
from diversion to headwaters 2B 3A 4
diversion to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Little Creek and tributaries,]Little Creek and tributaries, from
from irrigation diversion to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
irrigation diversion to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Pinto Creek and tributaries,]Pinto Creek and tributaries, from
from Newcastle Reservoir to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Newcastle Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Coal Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4
Summit Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4
Parowan Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4
Duck Creek and tributaries 1C 2B 3A 4
(*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
13.7 Great Salt Lake Basin
a. Western Great Salt Lake Drainage
Grouse Creek and tributaries, Box
Elder County 2B 3A 4
Muddy Creek and tributaries, Box
Elder County 2B 3A 4
Dove Creek and tributaries, Box
Elder County 2B 3A 4
Pine Creek and tributaries, Box
Elder County 2B 3A 4
Rock Creek and tributaries, Box
Elder County 2B 3A 4
Fisher Creek and tributaries, Box
Elder County 2B 3A 4
Dunn Creek and tributaries, Box
Elder County 2B 3A 4
[Indian Creek and tributaries,]Indian Creek and tributaries, Box
Box Elder County 2B 3A 4
Elder County 2B 3A 4
[Tenmile Creek and tributaries,]Tenmile Creek and tributaries, Box
Box Elder County 2B 3A 4
Elder County 2B 3A 4
[Curlew (Deep) Creek, Box Elder]Curlew (Deep) Creek, Box Elder County 2B 3A 4
County 2B 3A 4
[Blue Creek and tributaries, from]Blue Creek and tributaries, Box Elder
Great Salt Lake to Blue Creek
Reservoir 2B 3D 4
County, from Bear River Bay, Great
Salt Lake to Blue Creek Reservoir 2B 3D 4*
[Blue Creek and tributaries, from]Blue Creek and tributaries from Blue
Blue Creek Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3B 4
Creek Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3B 4*
[All perennial streams on the]All perennial streams on the east
east slope of the Pilot Mountain
Range 1C 2B 3A 4
slope of the Pilot Mountain Range 1C 2B 3A 4
[Donner Creek and tributaries,]Donner Creek and tributaries, from
from irrigation diversion to
Utah-Nevada state line 2B 3A 4
irrigation diverion to Utah-Nevada
state line 2B 3A 4
[Bettridge Creek and tributaries,]Bettridge Creek and tributaries, from
from irrigation diversion to
Utah-Nevada state line 2B 3A 4
irrigation diverion to Utah-Nevada
state line 2B 3A 4
[North Willow Creek and]North Willow Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
[South Willow Creek and]South Willow Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Hickman Creek and tributaries,
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Barlow Creek and tributaries,
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Clover Creek and tributaries,
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Faust Creek and tributaries,
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Vernon Creek and tributaries,
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Ophir Creek and tributaries,
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
[Soldier Creek and Tributaries]Soldier Creek and tributaries, from
from the Drinking Water Treatment
Facility Headwaters, Tooele
County 1C 2B 3A 4
the Drinking Water Treamtent Facility
to headwaters, Tooele County 1C 2B 3A 4
Settlement Canyon Creek and
tributaries, Tooele County 2B 3A 4
[Middle Canyon Creek and]Middle Canyon Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Tank Wash and tributaries,
Tooele County 2B 3A 4
Basin Creek and tributaries,
Juab and Tooele Counties 2B 3A 4
Thomas Creek and tributaries,
Juab County 2B 3A 4
[Indian Farm Creek and]Indian Farm Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Juab County 2B 3A 4
Juab County 2B 3A 4
[Cottonwood Creek and]Cottonwood Creek and tributaries,
tributaries, Juab County 2B 3A 4
Juab County 2B 3A 4
Red Cedar Creek and tributaries,
Juab County 2B 3A 4
Granite Creek and tributaries,
Juab County 2B 3A 4
Trout Creek and tributaries,
Juab County 2B 3A 4
Birch Creek and tributaries,
Juab County 2B 3A 4
[Deep Creek and tributaries,]Deep Creek and tributaries, from
from Rock Spring Creek to
headwaters, Juab and Tooele
Counties 2B 3A 4
Rock Spring Creek to headwaters,
Juab and Tooele Counties 2B 3A 4
Cold Spring, Juab County 2B 3C 3D
Cane Spring, Juab County 2B 3C 3D
[Lake Creek, from Garrison]Lake Creek, from Garrison (Pruess)
(Pruess) Reservoir to Nevada
state line 2B 3A 4
Reservoir to Nevada state line 2B 3A 4
Snake Creek and tributaries,
Millard County 2B 3B 4
Salt Marsh Spring Complex,
Millard County 2B 3A
Twin Springs, Millard County 2B 3B
Tule Spring, Millard County 2B 3C 3D
Coyote Spring Complex, Millard
County 2B 3C 3D
[Hamblin Valley Wash and]Hamblin Valley Wash and tributaries,
tributaries, from Nevada state
line to headwaters (Beaver and
Iron Counties) 2B 3D 4
from Nevada state line to headwaters
(Beaver and Iron Counties) 2B 3D 4
[Indian Creek and tributaries,]Indian Creek and tributaries, Beaver
Beaver County, from Indian Creek
Reservoir to headwaters 2B 3A 4
County, from Indian Creek Reservoir
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Shoal Creek and tributaries,
Iron County 2B 3A 4
(*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
b. Farmington Bay Drainage
[Corbett Creek and tributaries,]Corbett Creek and tributaries, from
from Highway to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Highway to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Kays Creek and tributaries,]Kays Creek and tributaries, from
from Farmington Bay to U.S.
National Forest boundary 2B 3B 4
Farmington Bay to U.S. National
Forest boundary 2B 3B 4
North Fork Kays Creek and
tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Middle Fork Kays Creek and
tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
South Fork Kays Creek and
tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Snow Creek and tributaries 2B 3C 4
[Holmes Creek and tributaries,]Holmes Creek and tributaries, from
from Farmington Bay to U.S.
National Forest boundary 2B 3B 4
Farmington Bay to U.S. National
Forest boundary 2B 3B 4
Holmes Creek and tributaries,
from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Baer Creek and tributaries,]Baer Creek and tributaries, from
from Farmington Bay to
Interstate Highway 15 2B 3C 4
Farmington Bay to Interstate 15 2B 3B 4
[Baer Creek and tributaries,]Baer Creek and tributaries, from
from Interstate Highway 15 to
Highway US-89 2B 3B 4
Interstate 15 to U.S. Highway 89 2B 3B 4
Baer Creek and tributaries, from
U.S. Highway [US-]89 to headwaters [] 1C 2B 3A 4
[Shepard Creek and tributaries,]Shepard Creek and tributaries, from
from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
U.S. National Forest boundary to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Farmington Creek and tributaries,
from Farmington Bay Waterfowl
Management Area to U.S. National
Forest boundary 2B 3B 4
Farmington Creek and tributaries,
from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Rudd Creek and tributaries,]Rudd Creek and tributaries, from
from Davis aqueduct to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Davis aqueduct to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Steed Creek and tributaries,]Steed Creek and tributaries, from
from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
U.S. National Forest boundary
to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Davis Creek and tributaries,]Davis Creek and tributaries, from
from Highway US-89 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
U.S. Highway 89 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Lone Pine Creek and tributaries,
from U.S. Highway [US-]89 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Ricks Creek and tributaries, from
[Highway I-] Interstate 15 to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Barnard Creek and tributaries,] Barnard Creek and tributaries, from
from Highway US-89 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
U.S. Highway 89 to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Parrish Creek and tributaries,]Parrish Creek and tributaries, from
from Davis Aqueduct to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Davis Aqueduct to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Deuel Creek and tributaries, (Centerville]Deuel Creek and tributaries,
Canyon) from Davis Aqueduct to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
(Centerville Canyon) from Davis
Aqueduct to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Stone Creek and tributaries, from]Stone Creek and tributaries, from
Farmington Bay Waterfowl
Management Area to U.S. National
Forest boundary 2B 3A 4
Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management
Area to U.S. National Forest Boundary 2B 3A 4
[Stone Creek and tributaries,]Stone Creek and tributaries, from
from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
U.S. National Forest boundary to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[Barton Creek and tributaries,]Barton Creek and tributaries, from
from U.S. National Forest
boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
U.S. National Forest boundary to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Mill Creek (Davis County) and]Mill Creek (Davis County) and
tributaries, from confluence
with State Canal to U.S.
National Forest boundary 2B 3B 4
tributaries, from confluence with
State Canal to U.S. National Forest
boundary 2B 3B 4
[Mill Creek (Davis County)]Mill Creek (Davis County) and
and tributaries, from U.S.
National Forest boundary to
headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
[North Canyon Creek and]North Canyon Creek and tributaries
tributaries, from U.S. National
Forest boundary to headwaters 2B 3A 4
from U.S. National Forest boundary
to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Howard Slough 2B 3C 4
Hooper Slough 2B 3C 4
Willard Slough 2B 3C 4
Willard Creek to Headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Chicken Creek to Headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Cold Water Creek to Headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
One House Creek to Headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
Garner Creek to Headwaters 1C 2B 3A 4
13.8 Snake River Basin
a. Raft River Drainage (Box Elder County)
Raft River and tributaries 2B 3A 4
[Clear Creek and tributaries,]Clear Creek and tributaries, from
from Utah-Idaho state line to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Utah-Idaho state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Onemile Creek and tributaries,]Onemile Creek and tributaries, from
from Utah-Idaho state line to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Utah-Idaho state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[George Creek and tributaries,]George Creek and tributaries, from
from Utah-Idaho state line to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Utah-Idaho state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Johnson Creek and tributaries,]Johnson Creek and tributaries, from
from Utah-Idaho state line to
headwaters 2B 3A 4
Utah-Idaho state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Birch Creek and tributaries,]Birch Creek and tributaries, from
from state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
[Pole Creek and tributaries,]Pole Creek and tributaries, from
from state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Goose Creek and tributaries 2B 3A 4
[Hardesty Creek and tributaries,]Hardesty Creek and tributaries, from
from state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
Meadow Creek and tributaries,
from state line to headwaters 2B 3A 4
13.9 All irrigation canals and ditches statewide, except as otherwise designated: 2B, 3E, 4
13.10 All drainage canals and ditches statewide, except as otherwise designated: 2B, 3E
13.11 National Wildlife Refuges and State
Waterfowl Management Areas, and other Areas Associated with the Great Salt Lake
Bear River National Wildlife
Refuge, Box Elder County 2B 3B 3D
Bear River Bay
Open Water below approximately
4,208 ft. 5C
Transitional Waters approximately
4,208 ft. to Open Water 5E
Open Water above approximately
4,208 ft. 2B 3B 3D
Brown[']s Park Waterfowl Management
Area, Daggett County 2B 3A 3D
Clear Lake Waterfowl Management
Area, Millard County 2B 3C 3D
Desert Lake Waterfowl Management
Area, Emery County 2B 3C 3D
Farmington Bay Waterfowl
Management Area, Davis and
Salt Lake Counties 2B 3C 3D
Farmington Bay
Open Water below approximately
4,208 ft. 5D
Transitional Waters approximately
4,208 ft. to Open Water 5E
Open Water above approximately
4,208 ft. 2B 3B 3D
Fish Springs National
Wildlife Refuge, Juab County 2B 3C 3D
Harold Crane Waterfowl
Management Area, Box Elder
County 2B 3C 3D
Gilbert Bay
Open Water below approximately
4,208 ft. 5A
Transitional Waters approximately
4,208 ft. to Open Water 5E
Open Water above approximately
4,208 ft. 2B 3B 3D
Gunnison Bay
Open Water below approximately
4,208 ft. 5B
Transitional Waters approximately
4,208 ft. to Open Water 5E
Open Water above approximately
4,208 ft. 2B 3B 3D
Howard Slough Waterfowl
Management Area, Weber County 2B 3C 3D
Locomotive Springs Waterfowl
Management Area, Box Elder County 2B 3B 3D
Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management
Area, Weber County 2B 3C 3D
Ouray National Wildlife Refuge,
Uintah County 2B 3B 3D
Powell Slough Waterfowl
Management Area, Utah County 2B 3C 3D
Public Shooting Grounds Waterfowl
Management Area, Box Elder County 2B 3C 3D
Salt Creek Waterfowl Management
Area, Box Elder County 2B 3C 3D
Stewart Lake Waterfowl Management
Area, Uintah County 2B 3B 3D
Timpie Springs Waterfowl
Management Area, Tooele County 2B 3B 3D
13.12 Lakes and Reservoirs. All lakes and any reservoirs greater than 10 acres not listed in 13.12 are assigned by default to the classification of the stream with which they are associated.
a. Beaver County
Anderson Meadow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Manderfield Reservoir 2B 3A 4
LaBaron Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Kent[']s Lake 2B 3A 4
Minersville Reservoir 2B 3A 3D 4
Puffer Lake 2B 3A
Three Creeks Reservoir 2B 3A 4
b. Box Elder County
Cutler Reservoir (including
portion in Cache County) 2B 3B 3D 4
Etna Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Lynn Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Mantua Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Willard Bay Reservoir 1C 2A 3B 3D 4
c. Cache County
Hyrum Reservoir 2A 3A 4
Newton Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Porcupine Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Pelican Pond 2B 3B 4
Tony Grove Lake 2B 3A 4
d. Carbon County
Grassy Trail Creek Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Olsen Pond 2B 3B 4
Scofield Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
e. Daggett County
Browne Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Daggett Lake 2B 3A 4
Flaming Gorge Reservoir (Utah
portion) 1C 2A 3A 4
Long Park Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Sheep Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Spirit Lake 2B 3A 4
Upper Potter Lake 2B 3A 4
f. Davis County
Farmington Ponds 2B 3A 4
Kaysville Highway Ponds 2B 3A 4
Holmes Creek Reservoir 2B 3B 4
g. Duchesne County
Allred Lake 2B 3A 4
Atwine Lake 2B 3A 4
Atwood Lake 2B 3A 4
Betsy Lake 2B 3A 4
Big Sandwash Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Bluebell Lake 2B 3A 4
Brown Duck Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Butterfly Lake 2B 3A 4
Cedarview Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Chain Lake #1 2B 3A 4
Chepeta Lake 2B 3A 4
Clements Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Cleveland Lake 2B 3A 4
Cliff Lake 2B 3A 4
Continent Lake 2B 3A 4
Crater Lake 2B 3A 4
Crescent Lake 2B 3A 4
Daynes Lake 2B 3A 4
Dean Lake 2B 3A 4
Doll Lake 2B 3A 4
Drift Lake 2B 3A 4
Elbow Lake 2B 3A 4
Farmer[']s Lake 2B 3A 4
Fern Lake 2B 3A 4
Fish Hatchery Lake 2B 3A 4
Five Point Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Fox Lake Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Governor[']s Lake 2B 3A 4
Granddaddy Lake 2B 3A 4
Hoover Lake 2B 3A 4
Island Lake 2B 3A 4
Jean Lake 2B 3A 4
Jordan Lake 2B 3A 4
Kidney Lake 2B 3A 4
Kidney Lake West 2B 3A 4
Lily Lake 2B 3A 4
Midview Reservoir (Lake Boreham) 2B 3B 4
Milk Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Mirror Lake 2B 3A 4
Mohawk Lake 2B 3A 4
Moon Lake 1C 2A 3A 4
North Star Lake 2B 3A 4
Palisade Lake 2B 3A 4
Pine Island Lake 2B 3A 4
Pinto Lake 2B 3A 4
Pole Creek Lake 2B 3A 4
Potter[']s Lake 2B 3A 4
Powell Lake 2B 3A 4
Pyramid Lake 2A 3A 4
Queant Lake 2B 3A 4
Rainbow Lake 2B 3A 4
Red Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Rudolph Lake 2B 3A 4
Scout Lake 2A 3A 4
Spider Lake 2B 3A 4
Spirit Lake 2B 3A 4
Starvation Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Superior Lake 2B 3A 4
Swasey Hole Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Taylor Lake 2B 3A 4
Thompson Lake 2B 3A 4
Timothy Reservoir #1 2B 3A 4
Timothy Reservoir #6 2B 3A 4
Timothy Reservoir #7 2B 3A 4
Twin Pots Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Upper Stillwater Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
X - 24 Lake 2B 3A 4
h. Emery County
Cleveland Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Electric Lake 2B 3A 4
Huntington Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Huntington North Reservoir 2A 3B 4
Joe[']s Valley Reservoir 2A 3A 4
Millsite Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
i. Garfield County
Barney Lake 2B 3A 4
Cyclone Lake 2B 3A 4
Deer Lake 2B 3A 4
Jacob[']s Valley Reservoir 2B 3C 3D 4
Lower Bowns Reservoir 2B 3A 4
North Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Panguitch Lake 2B 3A 4
Pine Lake 2B 3A 4
Oak Creek Reservoir (Upper Bowns) 2B 3A 4
Pleasant Lake 2B 3A 4
Posey Lake 2B 3A 4
Purple Lake 2B 3A 4
Raft Lake 2B 3A 4
Row Lake #3 2B 3A 4
Row Lake #7 2B 3A 4
Spectacle Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Tropic Reservoir 2B 3A 4
West Deer Lake 2B 3A 4
Wide Hollow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
j. Iron County
Newcastle Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Red Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Yankee Meadow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
k. Juab County
Chicken Creek Reservoir 2B 3C 3D 4
Mona Reservoir 2B 3B 4
Sevier Bridge (Yuba) Reservoir 2A 3B 4
l. Kane County
Navajo Lake 2B 3A 4
m. Millard County
DMAD Reservoir 2B 3B 4
Fools Creek Reservoir 2B 3C 3D 4
Garrison Reservoir (Pruess Lake) 2B 3B 4
Gunnison Bend Reservoir 2B 3B 4
n. Morgan County
East Canyon Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Lost Creek Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
o. Piute County
Barney Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Lower Boxcreek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Manning Meadow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Otter Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Piute Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Upper Boxcreek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
p. Rich County
Bear Lake (Utah portion) 2A 3A 4
Birch Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Little Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Woodruff Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
q. Salt Lake County
Decker Lake 2B 3B 3D 4
Lake Mary 1C 2B 3A
Little Dell Reservoir 1C 2B 3A
Mountain Dell Reservoir 1C 2B 3A
r. San Juan County
Blanding Reservoir #4 1C 2B 3A 4
Dark Canyon Lake 1C 2B 3A 4
Ken[']s Lake 2B 3A*[*] 4
Lake Powell (Utah portion) 1C 2A 3B 4
Lloyd[']s Lake 1C 2B 3A 4
Monticello Lake 2B 3A 4
Recapture Reservoir 2B 3A 4
(*) Site-specific criteria are associated with this use.
s. Sanpete County
Duck Fork Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Fairview Lakes 1C 2B 3A 4
Ferron Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Lower Gooseberry Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Gunnison Reservoir 2B 3C 4
Island Lake 2B 3A 4
Miller Flat Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Ninemile Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Palisade Reservoir 2A 3A 4
Rolfson Reservoir 2B 3C 4
Twin Lakes 2B 3A 4
Willow Lake 2B 3A 4
t. Sevier County
Annabella Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Big Lake 2B 3A 4
Farnsworth Lake 2B 3A 4
Fish Lake 2B 3A 4
Forsythe Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Johnson Valley Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Koosharem Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Lost Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Redmond Lake 2B 3B 4
Rex Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Salina Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Sheep Valley Reservoir 2B 3A 4
u. Summit County
Abes Lake 2B 3A 4
Alexander Lake 2B 3A 4
Amethyst Lake 2B 3A 4
Beaver Lake 2B 3A 4
Beaver Meadow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Big Elk Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Blanchard Lake 2B 3A 4
Bridger Lake 2B 3A 4
China Lake 2B 3A 4
Cliff Lake 2B 3A 4
Clyde Lake 2B 3A 4
Coffin Lake 2B 3A 4
Cuberant Lake 2B 3A 4
East Red Castle Lake 2B 3A 4
Echo Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Fish Lake 2B 3A 4
Fish Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Haystack Reservoir #1 2B 3A 4
Henry[']s Fork Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Hoop Lake 2B 3A 4
Island Lake 2B 3A 4
Island Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Jesson Lake 2B 3A 4
Kamas Lake 2B 3A 4
Lily Lake 2B 3A 4
Lost Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Lower Red Castle Lake 2B 3A 4
Lyman Lake 2A 3A 4
Marsh Lake 2B 3A 4
Marshall Lake 2B 3A 4
McPheters Lake 2B 3A 4
Meadow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Meeks Cabin Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Notch Mountain Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Red Castle Lake 2B 3A 4
Rockport Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Ryder Lake 2B 3A 4
Sand Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Scow Lake 2B 3A 4
Smith Moorehouse Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Star Lake 2B 3A 4
Stateline Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Tamarack Lake 2B 3A 4
Trial Lake 1C 2B 3A 4
Upper Lyman Lake 2B 3A 4
Upper Red Castle 2B 3A 4
Wall Lake Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Washington Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Whitney Reservoir 2B 3A 4
v. Tooele County
Blue Lake 2B 3B 4
Clear Lake 2B 3B 4
Grantsville Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Horseshoe Lake 2B 3B 4
Kanaka Lake 2B 3B 4
Rush Lake 2B 3B
Settlement Canyon Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Stansbury Lake 2B 3B 4
Vernon Reservoir 2B 3A 4
w. Uintah County
Ashley Twin Lakes (Ashley Creek) 1C 2B 3A 4
Bottle Hollow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Brough Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Calder Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Crouse Reservoir 2B 3A 4
East Park Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Fish Lake 2B 3A 4
Goose Lake #2 2B 3A 4
Matt Warner Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Oaks Park Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Paradise Park Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Pelican Lake 2B 3B 4
Red Fleet Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Steinaker Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Towave Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Weaver Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Whiterocks Lake 2B 3A 4
Workman Lake 2B 3A 4
x. Utah County
Big East Lake 2B 3A 4
Salem Pond 2A 3A 4
Silver Flat Lake Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Tibble Fork Resevoir 2B 3A 4
Utah Lake [2B]2A 3B 3D 4
y. Wasatch County
Currant Creek Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
Deer Creek Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Jordanelle Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
Mill Hollow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Strawberry Reservoir 1C 2B 3A 4
z. Washington County
Baker Dam Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Gunlock Reservoir 1C 2A 3B 4
Ivins Reservoir 2B 3B 4
Kolob Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Lower Enterprise Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Quail Creek Reservoir 1C 2A 3B 4
Sand Hollow Reservoir 1C 2A 3B 4
Upper Enterprise Reservoir 2B 3A 4
aa. Wayne County
Blind Lake 2B 3A 4
Cook Lake 2B 3A 4
Donkey Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Fish Creek Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Mill Meadow Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Raft Lake 2B 3A 4
bb. Weber County
Causey Reservoir 2B 3A 4
Pineview Reservoir 1C 2A 3A 4
[** Denotes site-specific temperature, see Table 2.14.2 Notes]
13.13 Unclassified Waters
All waters not specifically classified are presumptively classified: 2B, 3D
R317-2-14. Numeric Criteria.
TABLE 2.14.1
Parameter Domestic[] Recreation and Agri-
Source[] Aesthetics culture
1C (1)[] 2A 2B 4
MEAN) (NO.)/100 ML) (7)
E. coli 206 126 206
(NO.)/100 ML) (7)
E. coli 668 409 668
pH (RANGE) 6.5-9.0 6.5-9.0 6.5-9.0 6.5-9.0
Turbidity Increase
(NTU) 10 10
MG/L) (2)
Arsenic 0.01 0.1
Barium 1.0
Beryllium <0.004
Cadmium 0.01 0.01
Chromium 0.05 0.10
Copper 0.2
Lead 0.015 0.1
Mercury 0.002
Selenium 0.05 0.05
Silver 0.05
Bromate 0.01
Boron 0.75
Chlorite <1.0
Fluoride [(3)] 4.0[1.4-2.4]
Nitrates as N 10
Total Dissolved
Solids (4) 1200
Gross Alpha 15 15
Gross Beta 4 mrem/yr Radium 226, 228
(Combined) 5
Strontium 90 8
Tritium 20000
Uranium 30
2,4-D 94-75-7[] 70
2,4,5-TP 93-72-1[] 10[Methoxychlor 40]
Alachlor 15972-60-8 2
Atrazine 1912-24-9 3
Carbofuran 1563-66-2 40
Dalapon 75-99-0 200
103-23-1 400
96-12-8 0.2
Dinoseb 88-85-7 7
Diquat 85-00-7 20
Endothall 145-73-3 100
Ethylene Dibromide
106-93-4 0.05
BOD (MG/L) 5 5 5
Nitrate as N (MG/L) 4 4
Total Phosphorus as P
(MG/L)(6) 0.05 0.05
(1) [Reserved]See also numeric criteria for water and organism in
Table 2.14.6.
(2) The dissolved metals method involves filtration of the
sample in the field, acidification of the sample in the field, no
digestion process in the laboratory, and analysis by approved
laboratory methods for the required detection levels.
(3) Reserved[Maximum concentration varies according to the daily]
maximum mean air temperature.
12.0 2.4
12.1-14.6 2.2
14.7-17.6 2.0
17.7-21.4 1.8
21.5-26.2 1.6
26.3-32.5 1.4
Blue Creek and tributaries, Box Elder County, from Bear River
Bay, Great Salt Lake to Blue Creek Reservoir:
March through October daily maximum 4,900 mg/l and an average of
3,800 mg/l; November through February daily maximum 6,300 mg/l
and an average of 4,700 mg/l. Assessments will be based on TDS
concentrations measured at the location of STORET 4960740.
Blue Creek Reservoir and tributaries, Box Elder County,
daily maximum 2,100 mg/l;
Castle Creek from confluence with the Colorado River to Seventh
Day Adventist Diversion: 1,800 mg/l;
Cottonwood Creek from the confluence with Huntington Creek to Highway
[I-57:]U-57: 3,500 mg/l;
Ferron Creek from the confluence with San Rafael River to Highway
U-10: 3,500 mg/l;
Huntington Creek and tributaries from the confluence with
Cottonwood Creek to Highway U-10: 4,800 mg/l;
Ivie Creek and its tributaries from the confluence with Muddy
Creek to the confluence with Quitchupah Creek: 3,800 mg/l
provided that total sulfate not exceed 2,000 mg/l to
protect the livestock watering agricultural existing use;
Ivie Creek and its tributaries from the confluence with
Quitchupah Creek to Highway U -10: 2,600 mg/l;
Lost Creek from the confluence with Sevier River to U.S.[Forest]
National Forest[Service B] boundary: 4,600 mg/l;
Muddy Creek and tributaries from the confluence with Ivie Creek
to Highway U-10: 2,600 mg/l;
Muddy Creek from confluence with Fremont River to confluence with
Ivie Creek: 5,800 mg/l;
North Creek from the confluence with Virgin River to headwaters:
2,035 mg/l;
Onion Creek from the confluence with Colorado River to road
crossing above Stinking Springs: 3000 mg/l;
Brine Creek-Petersen Creek, from the confluence with the Sevier
River to Highway U-119 Crossing: 9,700 mg/l;
Price River and tributaries from confluence with Green River to
confluence with Soldier Creek: 3,000 mg/l;
Price River and tributaries from the confluence with Soldier
Creek to Carbon Canal Diversion: 1,700 mg/l ;
Quitchupah Creek and tributaries from the confluence with Ivie Creek
to Highway U-10:[] 3,800 mg/l provided that total sulfate not exceed
2,000 mg/l to protect the livestock watering agricultural
existing use;
Rock Canyon Creek from the confluence with Cottonwood Creek to
headwaters: 3,500 mg/l;
San Pitch River from below Gunnison Reservoir to the Sevier
River: 2,400 mg/l;
San Rafael River from the confluence with the Green River to
Buckhorn Crossing: 4,100 mg/l;
San Rafael River from the Buckhorn Crossing to the confluence
with Huntington Creek and Cottonwood Creek: 3,500 mg/l;
Sevier River between Gunnison Bend Reservoir and DMAD Reservoir:
1,725 mg/l;
Sevier River from Gunnison Bend Reservoir to [Clear]Crafts Lake:
3,370 []mg/l;
South Fork Spring Creek from confluence with Pelican Pond
Slough Stream to U .S . Highway 89[] 1,450 mg/l (Apr.-Sept.)
1,950 mg/l (Oct.-March)
Virgin River from the Utah/Arizona border to Pah Tempe Springs:
2,360 mg/l
(5) Investigations should be conducted to develop more
information where these pollution indicator levels are exceeded.
(6) Total Phosphorus as P (mg/l) indicator for
lakes and reservoirs shall be 0.025.
(7) Where the criteria are exceeded and there is a reasonable
basis for concluding that the indicator bacteria E. coli are
primarily from natural sources (wildlife), e.g., in National
Wildlife Refuges and State Waterfowl Management Areas, the
criteria may be considered attained provided the density
attributable to non-wildlife sources is less than the criteria.
Exceedences of E. coli from nonhuman nonpoint sources will
generally be addressed through appropriate Federal, State, and
local nonpoint source programs.
Measurement of E. coli using the "Quanti-Tray 2000" procedure
is approved as a field analysis. Other EPA approved methods may
also be used.
For water quality assessment purposes, up to 10% of
representative samples may exceed the 668 per 100 ml criterion
(for 1C and 2B waters) and 409 per 100 ml (for 2A waters). For
small datasets, where exceedences of these criteria are
observed, follow-up ambient monitoring should be conducted to
better characterize water quality.
TABLE 2.14.2
Parameter Aquatic Wildlife
3A 3B 3C 3D 5
Total Dissolved
Gases (1) (1)
Minimum Dissolved Oxygen
(MG/L) (2)(2a)
30 Day Average 6.5 5.5 5.0 5.0
7 Day Average 9.5/5.0 6.0/4.0
Minimum 8.0/4.0 5.0/3.0 3.0 3.0
Max. Temperature(C)(3) 20 27 27
Max. Temperature
Change (C)(3) 2 4 4
pH (Range)(2a) 6.5-9.0 6.5-9.0 6.5-9.0 6.5-9.0
Turbidity Increase
(NTU) 10 10 15 15
4 Day Average (6) 87 87 87 87
1 Hour Average 750 750 750 750
Arsenic (Trivalent)
4 Day Average 150 150 150 150
1 Hour Average 340 340 340 340
Cadmium (7)
4 Day Average [0.25]0.72 [0.25]0.72 [0.25]0.72 [0.25]0.72
1 Hour Average [2.0]1.8 [2.0]1.8 [2.0]1.8 1.8[2.0]
4 Day Average 11 11 11 11
1 Hour Average 16 16 16 16
(Trivalent) (7)
4 Day Average 74 74 74 74
1 Hour Average 570 570 570 570
Copper (7)
4 Day Average 9 9 9 9
1 Hour Average 13 13 13 13
Cyanide (Free)
4 Day Average 5.2 5.2 5.2
1 Hour Average 22 22 22 22
Iron (Maximum) 1000 1000 1000 1000
Lead (7)
4 Day Average 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
1 Hour Average 65 65 65 65
4 Day Average 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012
Nickel (7)
4 Day Average 52 52 52 52
1 Hour Average 468 468 468 468
4 Day Average 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
1 Hour Average 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4
Selenium (14)
Gilbert Bay (Class 5A)
Great Salt Lake
Geometric Mean over
Nesting Season (mg/kg dry wt) 12.5
1 Hour Average (7) [1.6]3.2 [1.6]3.2 [1.6]3.2 [1.6]3.2
4 Day Average 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
1 Hour Average 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46
Zinc (7)
4 Day Average 120 120 120 120
1 Hour Average 120 120 120 120
(MG/L) (4)
Total Ammonia as N (9)
30 Day Average (9a) (9a) (9a) (9a)
1 Hour Average (9b) (9b) (9b) (9b)
Chlorine (Total
4 Day Average 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011
1 Hour Average 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019
Hydrogen Sulfide
Max. UG/L) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Phenol(Maximum) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
4 Day Average 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
1 Hour Average 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
1 Hour Average 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
4 Day Average 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
1 Hour Average 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
4 Day Average 0.0043 0.0043 0.0043 0.0043
1 Hour Average 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
4 Day Average 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041
1 Hour Average 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083
4,4' -DDT
4 Day Average 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010
1 Hour Average 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
4 Day Average 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
1 Hour Average 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
4 Day Average 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056
1 Hour Average 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24
4 Day Average 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056
1 Hour Average 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
4 Day Average 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056
1 Day Average 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
4 Day Average 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036
1 Hour Average 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086
4 Day Average 0.0038 0.0038 0.0038 0.0038
1 Hour Average 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
Heptachlor epoxide
4 Day Average 0.0038 0.0038 0.0038 0.0038
1 Hour Average 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
4 Day Average 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
1 Hour Average 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Maximum) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Mirex (Maximum) 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
4 Day Average 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6
1 Hour Average 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0
4 Day Average 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013
1 Hour Average 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.066
4 Day Average 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014
Pentachlorophenol (11)
4 Day Average 15 15 15 15
1 Hour Average 19 19 19 19
4 Day Average 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
1 Hour Average 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73
Gross Alpha (pCi/L) 15 15 15 15
Gross Beta (pCi/L) 50 50 50 50
BOD (MG/L) 5 5 5 5
Nitrate as N (MG/L) 4 4 4
Total Phosphorus as P(MG/L) (12)
0.05 0.05
(1) Not to exceed 110% of saturation.
(2) These limits are not applicable to lower water levels
in deep impoundments. First number in column is for when
early life stages are present, second number is for when all
other life stages present.
(2a) These criteria are not applicable to Great Salt Lake
impounded wetlands. Surface water in these wetlands shall be
protected from changes in pH and dissolved oxygen that create
significant adverse impacts to the existing beneficial uses.
To ensure protection of uses, the Director shall
develop reasonable protocols and guidelines that quantify the
physical, chemical, and biological integrity of these waters.
These protocols and guidelines will include input from
local governments, the regulated community, and the general
public. The Director will inform the Water
Quality Board of any protocols or guidelines that are developed.
(3) Site Specific Standards for Temperature
Ken[']s Lake: From June 1st - September 20th, 27 degrees C.
(4) Where criteria are listed as 4-day average and
1-hour average concentrations, these concentrations should not
be exceeded more often than once every three years on the
(5) The dissolved metals method involves filtration of
the sample in the field, acidification of the sample in the
field, no digestion process in the laboratory, and analysis by
EPA approved laboratory methods for the required
detection levels.
(6) The criterion for aluminum will be implemented as
Where the pH is equal to or greater than 7.0 and the
hardness is equal to or greater than 50 ppm as CaC03 in the
receiving water after mixing, the 87 ug/1 chronic criterion
(expressed as total recoverable) will not apply, and aluminum
will be regulated based on compliance with the 750 ug/1 acute
aluminum criterion (expressed as total recoverable).
(7) Hardness dependent criteria. 100 mg/l used.
Conversion factors for ratio of total recoverable metals to
dissolved metals must also be applied. In waters with a
hardness greater than 400 mg/l as CaC03, calculations will
assume a hardness of 400 mg/l as CaC03. See Table 2.14.3 for
complete equations for hardness and conversion factors.
(8) [Reserved]See also numeric criteria for organism only in
Table 2.14.6.
(9) The following equations are used to calculate Ammonia
criteria concentrations:
(9a) The thirty-day average concentration of total ammonia
nitrogen (in mg/l as N) does not exceed, more than once every
three years on the average, the chronic criterion calculated
using the following equations.
Fish Early Life Stages are Present:
mg/l as N (Chronic) = ((0.0577/(1+10 7.688-pH)) + (2.487/(1+
10 pH-7.688))) * MIN (2.85, 1.45*10 0.028*(25-T))
Fish Early Life Stages are Absent:
mg/1 as N (Chronic) = ((0.0577/(1+10 7.688-pH)) + (2.487/
(1+10 pH-7.688))) * 1.45*10 0.028* (25-MAX(T,7)))
(9b) The one-hour average concentration of total ammonia
nitrogen (in mg/l as N) does not exceed, more than once every
three years on the average the acute criterion calculated
using the following equations.
Class 3A:
mg/l as N (Acute) = (0.275/(1+10 7.204-pH)) + (39.0/1+10 pH-7.204))
Class 3B, 3C, 3D:
mg/l as N (Acute) = 0.411/(1+10 7.204-pH)) + (58.4/(1+10 pH-7.204))
In addition, the highest four-day average within the 30-day
period should not exceed 2.5 times the chronic criterion.
The "Fish Early Life Stages are Present" 30-day average total
ammonia criterion will be applied by default unless it is
determined by the Director, on a site-specific basis, that it
is appropriate to apply the "Fish Early Life Stages are
Absent" 30-day average criterion for all or some portion of
the year. At a minimum, the "Fish Early Life Stages are
Present" criterion will apply from the beginning of spawning
through the end of the early life stages. Early life stages
include the pre-hatch embryonic stage, the post-hatch free
embryo or yolk-sac fry stage, and the larval stage for the
species of fish expected to occur at the site. The Director
will consult with the Division of Wildlife Resources in making
such determinations. The Division will maintain information
regarding the waterbodies and time periods where application
of the "Early Life Stages are Absent" criterion is determined
to be appropriate.
(10) Investigation should be conducted to develop more
information where these levels are exceeded.
(11) pH dependent criteria. pH 7.8 used in table. See
Table 2.14.4 for equation.
(12) Total Phosphorus as P (mg/l) as a pollution indicator
for lakes and reservoirs shall be 0.025.
(13) Reserved
(14) The selenium water quality standard of 12.5 (mg/kg dry
weight) for Gilbert Bay is a tissue based standard using the
complete egg/embryo of aquatic dependent birds using Gilbert Bay
based upon a minimum of five samples over the nesting season.
Assessment procedures are incorporated as a part of this
standard as follows:
Egg Concentration Triggers: DWQ Responses
Below 5.0 mg/kg: Routine monitoring with sufficient intensity
to determine if selenium concentrations within the Great Salt
Lake ecosystem are increasing.
5.0 mg/kg: Increased monitoring to address data gaps,
loadings, and areas of uncertainty identified from initial Great
Salt Lake selenium studies.
6.4 mg/kg: Initiation of a Level II Antidegradation review by the
State for all discharge permit renewals or new discharge permits
to Great Salt Lake. The Level II Antidegradation review may
include an analysis of loading reductions.
9.8 mg/kg: Initiation of preliminary TMDL studies to evaluate
selenium loading sources.
12.5 mg/kg and above: Declare impairment. Formalize and
implement TMDL.
Level II Review procedures associated with this standard are
referenced at R317-2-3.5.C.
pH Class 3A Class 3B, 3C, 3D
6.5 32.6 48.8
6.6 31.3 46.8
6.7 29.8 44.6
6.8 28.1 42.0
6.9 26.2 39.1
7.0 24.1 36.1
7.1 22.0 32.8
7.2 19.7 29.5
7.3 17.5 26.2
7.4 15.4 23.0
7.5 13.3 19.9
7.6 11.4 17.0
7.7 9.65 14.4
7.8 8.11 12.1
7.9 6.77 10.1
8.0 5.62 8.40
8.1 4.64 6.95
8.2 3.83 5.72
8.3 3.15 4.71
8.4 2.59 3.88
8.5 2.14 3.20
8.6 1.77 2.65
8.7 1.47 2.20
8.8 1.23 1.84
8.9 1.04 1.56
9.0 0.89 1.32
Fish Early Life Stages Present
Temperature, C
pH 0 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
6.5 6.67 6.67 6.06 5.33 4.68 4.12 3.62 3.18 2.80 2.46
6.6 6.57 6.57 5.97 5.25 4.61 4.05 3.56 3.13 2.75 2.42
6.7 6.44 6.44 5.86 5.15 4.52 3.98 3.50 3.07 2.70 2.37
6.8 6.29 6.29 5.72 5.03 4.42 3.89 3.42 3.00 2.64 2.32
6.9 6.12 6.12 5.56 4.89 4.30 3.78 3.32 2.92 2.57 2.25
7.0 5.91 5.91 5.37 4.72 4.15 3.65 3.21 2.82 2.48 2.18
7.1 5.67 5.67 5.15 4.53 3.98 3.50 3.08 2.70 2.38 2.09
7.2 5.39 5.39 4.90 4.31 3.78 3.33 2.92 2.57 2.26 1.99
7.3 5.08 5.08 4.61 4.06 3.57 3.13 2.76 2.42 2.13 1.87
7.4 4.73 4.73 4.30 3.78 3.32 2.92 2.57 2.26 1.98 1.74
7.5 4.36 4.36 3.97 3.49 3.06 2.69 2.37 2.08 1.83 1.61
7.6 3.98 3.98 3.61 3.18 2.79 2.45 2.16 1.90 1.67 1.47
7.7 3.58 3.58 3.25 2.86 2.51 2.21 1.94 1.71 1.50 1.32
7.8 3.18 3.18 2.89 2.54 2.23 1.96 1.73 1.52 1.33 1.17
7.9 2.80 2.80 2.54 2.24 1.96 1.73 1.52 1.33 1.17 1.03
8.0 2.43 2.43 2.21 1.94 1.71 1.50 1.32 1.16 1.02 0.90
8.1 2.10 2.10 1.91 1.68 1.47 1.29 1.14 1.00 0.88 0.77
8.2 1.79 1.79 1.63 1.43 1.26 1.11 0.97 0.86 0.75 0.66
8.3 1.52 1.52 1.39 1.22 1.07 0.94 0.83 0.73 0.64 0.56
8.4 1.29 1.29 1.17 1.03 0.91 0.80 0.70 0.62 0.54 0.48
8.5 1.09 1.09 0.99 0.87 0.76 0.67 0.59 0.52 0.46 0.40
8.6 0.92 0.92 0.84 0.73 0.65 0.57 0.50 0.44 0.39 0.34
8.7 0.78 0.78 0.71 0.62 0.55 0.48 0.42 0.37 0.33 0.29
8.8 0.66 0.66 0.60 0.53 0.46 0.41 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.24
8.9 0.56 0.56 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.31 0.27 0.24 0.21
9.0 0.49 0.49 0.44 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.26 0.23 0.20 0.18
Fish Early Life Stages Absent
Temperature, C
pH 0-7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16
6.5 10.8 10.1 9.51 8.92 8.36 7.84 7.36 6.89 6.06
6.6 10.7 [10.1]9.99 9.37 [9.37]8.79 [8.79]8.24 [8.24]7.72 [7.72]7.24 [7.24]6.79 [6.36]5.97
6.7 10.5 [9.99]9.81 9.20 8.62 8.08 7.58 7.11 6.66 5.86
6.8 10.2 [9.81]9.58 8.98 8.42 7.90 7.40 6.94 6.51 5.72
6.9 9.93 9.31 8.73 8.19 7.68 7.20 6.75 6.33 5.56
7.0 9.60 9.00 8.43 7.91 7.41 6.95 6.52 6.11 5.37
7.1 9.20 8.63 8.09 7.58 7.11 6.67 6.25 5.86 5.15
7.2 8.75 8.20 7.69 7.21 6.76 6.34 5.94 5.57 4.90
7.3 8.24 7.73 7.25 6.79 6.37 5.97 5.60 5.25 4.61
7.4 7.69 7.21 6.76 6.33 5.94 5.57 5.22 4.89 4.30
7.5 7.09 6.64 6.23 5.84 5.48 5.13 4.81 4.51 3.97
7.6 6.46 6.05 5.67 5.32 4.99 4.68 4.38 4.11 3.61
7.7 5.81 5.45 5.11 4.79 4.49 4.21 3.95 3.70 3.25
7.8 5.17 4.84 4.54 4.26 3.99 3.74 3.51 3.29 2.89
7.9 4.54 4.26 3.99 3.74 3.51 3.29 3.09 2.89 2.54
8.0 3.95 3.70 3.47 3.26 3.05 2.86 2.68 2.52 2.21
8.1 3.41 3.19 2.99 2.81 2.63 2.47 2.31 2.17 1.91
8.2 2.91 2.73 2.56 2.40 2.25 2.11 1.98 1.85 1.63
8.3 2.47 2.32 2.18 2.04 1.91 1.79 1.68 1.58 1.39
8.4 2.09 1.96 1.84 1.73 1.62 1.52 1.42 1.33 1.17
8.5 1.77 1.66 1.55 1.46 1.37 1.28 1.20 1.13 0.990
8.6 1.49 1.40 1.31 1.23 1.15 1.08 1.01 0.951 0.836
8.7 1.26 1.18 1.11 1.04 0.976 0.915 0.858 0.805 0.707
8.8 1.07 1.01 0.944 0.885 0.829 0.778 0.729 0.684 0.601
8.9 0.917 0.860 0.806 0.758 0.709 0.664 0.623 0.584 0.513
9.0 0.790 0.740 0.694 0.651 0.610 0.572 0.536 0.503 0.442
pH 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
6.5 5.33 4.68 4.12 3.62 3.18 2.80 2.46
6.6 5.25 4.61 4.05 3.56 3.13 2.75 2.42
6.7 5.15 4.52 3.98 3.50 3.07 2.70 2.37
6.8 5.03 4.42 3.89 3.42 3.00 2.64 2.32
6.9 4.89 4.30 3.78 3.32 2.92 2.57 2.25
7.0 4.72 4.15 3.65 3.21 2.82 2.48 2.18
7.1 4.53 3.98 3.50 3.08 2.70 2.38 2.09
7.2 4.41 3.78 3.33 2.92 2.57 2.26 1.99
7.3 4.06 3.57 3.13 2.76 2.42 2.13 1.87
7.4 3.78 3.32 2.92 2.57 2.26 1.98 1.74
7.5 3.49 3.06 2.69 2.37 2.08 1.83 1.61
7.6 3.18 2.79 2.45 2.16 1.90 1.67 1.47
7.7 2.86 2.51 2.21 1.94 1.71 1.50 1.32
7.8 2.54 2.23 1.96 1.73 1.52 1.33 1.17
7.9 2.24 1.96 1.73 1.52 1.33 1.17 1.03
8.0 [0.94]1.94 1.71 1.50 1.32 1.16 1.02 0.897
8.1 [0.68]1.68 1.47 1.29 1.14 1.00 0.879 0.733
8.2 [0.43]1.43 1.26 1.11 [0.073]1.073 0.855 0.752 0.661
8.3 [0.22]1.22 1.07 0.941 0.827 0.727 0.639 0.562
8.4 [0.03]1.03 0.906 0.796 0.700 0.615 0.541 0.475
8.5 0.870 0.765 0.672 0.591 0.520 0.457 0.401
8.6 0.735 0.646 0.568 0.499 0.439 0.396 0.339
8.7 0.622 0.547 0.480 0.422 0.371 0.326 0.287
8.8 0.528 0.464 0.408 0.359 0.315 0.277 0.244
8.9 0.451 0.397 0.349 0.306 0.269 0.237 0.208
9.0 0.389 0.342 0.300 0.264 0.232 0.204 0.179
TABLE 2.14.3a
Parameter 4-Day Average (Chronic)
Concentration (UG/L)
CADMIUM CF * [e(0.7409 (ln(hardness)) -4.719] e (0.7977*ln(hardness)-.909)
CF = 1.101672 - ln(hardness) (0.041838)
CF * e (0.8190(ln(hardness)) + 0.6848
CF = 0.860
COPPER CF * e (0.8545(ln(hardness)) -1.702)
CF = 0.960
LEAD CF * e (1.273(ln(hardness))-4.705)
CF = 1.46203 - ln(hardness)(0.145712)
NICKEL CF * e (0.8460(ln(hardness))+0.0584)
CF = 0.997
ZINC Cf * e (0.8473(ln(hardness))+0.884) CF = 0.986
TABLE 2.14.3b
Parameter 1-Hour Average (Acute)
Concentration (UG/L)
CADMIUM CF * [e(1.0166(ln(hardness))-3.924)]e (0.9789*ln(hardness)-3.866)
CF = 1.136672 - ln(hardness)(0.041838)
CHROMIUM (III) CF * e (0.8190(ln(hardness)) +3.7256)
CF = 0.316
COPPER CF * e (0.9422(ln(hardness))- 1.700)
CF = 0.960
LEAD CF * e (1.273(ln(hardness))-1.460)
CF = 1.46203 - ln(hardness)(0.145712)
NICKEL CF * e (0.8460(ln(hardness)) +2.255)
CF= 0.998
SILVER CF * e (1.72(ln(hardness))- 6.59)
CF = 0.85
ZINC CF * e (0.8473(ln(hardness)) +0.884)
CF = 0.978
(1) Hardness as mg/l CaCO 3.
TABLE 2.14.4
4-Day Average (Chronic) 1-Hour Average (Acute)
Concentration (UG/L) Concentration (UG/L)
e (1.005(pH))-5.134 e (1.005(pH))-4.869
TABLE 2.14.5
7-day average 5.5 mg/l
30-day average 5.5 mg/l
Instantaneous minimum 4.5 mg/l
30-day average 5.5 mg/l
Instantaneous minimum 4.0 mg/l
TABLE 2.14.6
Chemical Parameter Water and Organism Organism Only
[ ] and CAS # (ug/L) (ug/L)
Class 1C Class 3A,3B,3C,3D
Antimony 7440-36-0[] 5.6 640
Arsenic 7440-38-2[] A A
Beryllium 7440-41-7[] C C
[Cadmium C C]Chromium III 16065-83-1 [] C C
Chromium VI 18540-29-9 [] C C
Copper 7440-50-8 [] 1,300
[Lead C C]Mercury 7439-97-6 [] A A
Nickel 7440-02-0 [] [100 MCL]610 4,600
Selenium 7782-49-2 [] [A]170 4,200
Thallium 7440-28-0 [] 0.24 0.47
Zinc 7440-66-6 [] 7,400 26,000
Free Cyanide 57-12-5 [] 140 140
Asbestos 1332-21-4 [] 7 million
2,3,7,8-TCDD Dioxin 1746-01-6 []5.0 E -9 B 5.1 E-9 B
Acrolein 107-02-8 [] [6.0]3.0 [9.0]400
Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 [] [0.051 B]0.061 [0.25 B]7.0
[Alachlor 2.0]Atrazine 1912-24-9 [] 3.0
Benzene 71-43-2 [] [2.2]2.1 B 51 B
Bromoform 75-25-2 [] [4.3]7.0 B [140]120 B
[Carbofuran 40]Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 [] [0.23]0.4 B [1.6] 5 B
Chlorobenzene 57-12-5 [] 100 MCL 1,600
Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 []0.40 B 13 B
[Chloroethane]Chloroform 67-66-3 [
2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether] 5.7 B 470 B
Dalapon 75-99-0 [] 200
[Di(2ethylhexl)adipate 400]Dichlorobromomethane 75-27-4 [
Dibromochloropropane 0.2] 0.55 B 17 B
[1,1-Dichloroethane]1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 [] [0.38]9.9 B [37] 650 B
1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 [] [7]300 MCL[] [7,100]20,000
Dichloroethylene (cis-1,2)
156-59-2 70
[Dinoseb 7.0]Diquat 231-36-7 [] 20
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 [] [0.50]0.90 B [15]31 B
1,3-Dichloropropene 542-75-6 [] [0.34]0.27 [21]12
[Endothall 100]Ethylbenzene 100-41-4[] [530]68 [2,100]130
[Ethylene Dibromide 0.05]Glyphosate 1071-83-6[] 700
[Haloacetic acids 60 E]Methyl Bromide 74-83-9 [] [47] 100[] [1,500]10,000
[Methyl Chloride F F]Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 [] [4.6]20 B [590] 1,000 B
[Ocamyl (vidate) 200]1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
Picloram 500
Simazine 4
Styrene 100
79-34-5 [0.17]0.2 B [4.0] 3 B
Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 [] [0.69]10 B [3.3]29 B
Toluene 108-88-3[] [1,000]57 [15,000] 520
1,2 -Trans-Dichloroethylene
156-60-5 100 MCL [10,000]4,000
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 [200]10,000 MCL [F]200,000
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 [0.59]0.55 B [16]8.9 B
Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 [] [2.5]0.6 B [30]7 B
Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 [] [0.025]0.022 [2.4]1.6
Xylenes 1330-20-7 [] 10,000
2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 [] [81]30 [150]800
2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 [] [77]10 [290]60
2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 [] [380]100 [850]3,000
534-52-1 [13.0]2 [280]30
2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 [] [69]10 [5,300]300
59-50-7 500 2,000
Pen[e]tachlorophenol 87-86-5 [] [0.27]0.03 B [3.0]0.04 B
Phenol 108-95-2 [10,000]4,000 [860,000]300,000
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 300 600
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 [1.4]1.5 B [2.4]2.8 B
Acenaphthene 83-32-9 [] [670]70 [990] 90
[Acenaphthylene]Anthracene 120-12-7 [] [8,300]300 [40,000] 400
Benzidine 92-87-5 [] [0.000086]0.00014 B [0.00020]0.011 B
BenzoaAnthracene 56-55-3 [] [0.0038]0.0012 B [0.018]0.0013 B
BenzoaPyrene 50-32-8 [] [0.0038]0.00012 B [0.018]0.00013 B
BenzobFluoranthene 205-99-2 [] [0.0038]0.0012 B 0.018 B
[BenzoghiPerylene]BenzokFluoranthene 207-08-9 [] [0.0038]0.012 B [0.018] 0.013 B
542-88-1 0.00015 0.017
108-60-1 200 B 4000
111-44-40 0.030 B [0.53]2.2 B
542-88-1 0.00015 0.017
108-60-1 200 B 4000
39638-32-9 1,400 65,000
117-81-7 [1.2]0.32 B[] [2.2]0.037 B
[4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether]Butylbenzyl Phthalate
85-68-7 [1,500]0.1 [1,900] 0.1
2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 [] [1,000]800 [1,600]1,000
[4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether]Chrysene 218-01-9 [] 0.0038 B 0.018 B
Dibenzoa,hAnthracene 53-70-3 [] 0.0038 B 0.018 B
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 [] [420]1,000[] [1,300]3,000
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 [] [320]7 [960]10
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 [] [63]300 [190]900
91-94-1 [0.021]0.04 B [0.028] 0.15 B
Diethyl Phthalate 64-66-2 [] [17,000]600 [44,000]600
Dimethyl Phthalate 131-11-3 [] [270,000]2,000 [1,100,000]2,000
Di-n-Butyl Phthalate 84-74-2 [] [2,000]20 [4,500]30
2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 [] [0.11]0.49 B [3.4]1.7 B
Dinitrophenols 25550-58-7 10 1,000
Di-n-Octyl Phthalate
122-66-7 0.036 B 0.20 B
Fluoranthene 206-44-0 [] [130]20 [140]20
Fluorene 86-73-7 [] [1,100]50 [5,300]70
Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 [] [0.00028]0.000079 B [0.00029]0.000079 B
[Hexachlorobutedine]Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 [] [0.44]0.01 B [18]0.01 B
Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 [] 1.4 B 3.3 B
77-47-4 4[0] [1,100]4
Ideno 1,2,3-cdPyrene
193-39-5 [0.0038]0.0012 B [0.018]0.0013 B
Isophorone 78-59-1 [] [35]34 B [960]1,800 B
[Naphthalene]Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 [] [17]10 [690]600
N-Nitrosodiethylamine 55-18-5 0.0008 B 1.24 B
62-75-9 0.00069 B 3.0 B
621-64-7 0.005 B 0.51 B
86-30-6 3.3 B 6.0 B
N-Nitrosoyrrolidine 930-55-2 0.016 B 34 B
Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 0.1 0.1
[Phenanthrene]Pyrene 129-00-0 [830] 20 [4,000]30
120-82-1 [35]0.07 MCL[] [70]0.076
Aldrin 309-00-2 [] [0.000049]0.00000077 B [] [0.000050]0.00000077 B
alpha-BHC 319-84-6 [] [0.0026]0.00036 B [] [0.0049]0.000050 B
beta-BHC 319-85-7 [] [0.0091]0.008 B [0.017]0.014 B
gamma-BHC (Lindane) 58-89-9 [] [0.2]4.2 MCL [1.8]4.4
[delta-BHC]Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)
Technical 608-73-1 0.0066 0.010
Chlordane 57-74-9 [] [0.00080]0.00030 B [0.00081]0.00032 B
4,4-DDT 50-29-3 [] [0.00022]0.000032 B [] [0.00022]0.000030 B
4,4-DDE 72-55-9 [] [0.00022]0.000018 B [] [0.00022]0.000018 B
4,4-DDD 72-54-8 [] [0.00031]0.00012 B [0.00031]0.00012 B
Dieldrin 60-57-1 [] [0.000052]0.0000012 B [] [0.000054]0.0000012 B
alpha-Endosulfan 959-98-8 [] [62]20 [89]30
beta-Endosulfan 33213-65-9 [] [62]20 [89]40
Endosulfan Sulfate 1031-07-8 [] [62]20 [89]40
Endrin 72-20-8 [] [0.059]0.03 [0.060] 0.03
Endrin Aldehyde 7421-93-4 [] [0.29]1 [0.30]1
Heptachlor 76-44-8 [] [0.000079]0.0000059 B [] [0.000079]0.0000059 B
Heptachlor Epoxide 1024-57-3 [] [0.000039]0.000032 B [0.000039]0.000032 B
Methoxychlor 72-43-5 0.02 MCL 0.02
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
(PCBs) 1336-36-3 0.000064 B,D 0.000064 B,D
[PCB's]Toxaphene 8001-35-2 [] [0.00028]0.0007 B [0.00028]0.00071 B
A. See Table 2.14.2
B. Based on carcinogenicity of 10-6 risk.
C. EPA has not calculated a human criterion for this
contaminant. However, permit authorities should address
this contaminant in NPDES permit actions using the State's existing
narrative criteria for toxics
D. This standard applies to total PCBs.
KEY: water pollution, water quality standards
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [November 30, 2015]2018
Notice of Continuation: September 26, 2017[-1317, 1329]
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-5; FWPCA 33 USC 1251, 1311-1317, 1329
Additional Information
More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Judy Etherington at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4344, by FAX at 801-536-4301, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]. For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.