DAR File No. 44094

This rule was published in the October 15, 2019, issue (Vol. 2019, No. 20) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Regents (Board of), Administration

Rule R765-609C

Regents Scholarship

Notice of Proposed Rule

(New Rule)

DAR File No.: 44094
Filed: 09/22/2019 11:45:23 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

This new rule is the result of changes made to the Regents Scholarship Program by Section 53B-8-300, Utah Access Promise Scholarship, which created a new needs based scholarship program that significantly altered the Regents Scholarship, necessitating this new rule.

Summary of the rule or change:

This new rule establishes application procedures and award criteria for applicants. It reflects the removal of private non-profit institutions as eligible institutions, adds Utah's Technical Colleges, and removes all need-based supplemental awards, providing scholarship awards solely on merit. This rule also establishes appeals procedures.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 53B-8-112

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The Legislature appropriated $16,070,500 to be distributed to scholarship recipients. Recipients can use the scholarship towards the cost of tuition, fees, and books.

local governments:

After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that this proposed rule will not result in a fiscal impact to local governments.

small businesses:

After conducting a thorough analysis, it was determined that this proposed rule will not result in a fiscal impact to small businesses.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

Students who receive the scholarship will receive money towards the cost of tuition, books, and fees. The award amount will depend on the other financial aid the student receives.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

Institutions and the Board of Regents may incur costs for administering the program which may be covered from the program appropriation.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

I have reviewed and approved this rule and its fiscal impacts.

Dave Woolstenhulme, Commissioner

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Regents (Board of)
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101-1284

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Geoff Landward at the above address, by phone at 801-321-7136, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Dave Woolstenhulme, Commissioner of Higher Education


Appendix 1: Regulatory Impact Summary Table*

Fiscal Costs

FY 2020

FY 2021

FY 2022

State Government




Local Government




Small Businesses




Non-Small Businesses




Other Person




Total Fiscal Costs:




Fiscal Benefits

State Government




Local Government




Small Businesses




Non-Small Businesses




Other Persons




Total Fiscal Benefits:




Net Fiscal Benefits:





*This table only includes fiscal impacts that could be measured. If there are inestimable fiscal impacts, they will not be included in this table. Inestimable impacts for State Government, Local Government, Small Businesses and Other Persons are described in the narrative. Inestimable impacts for Non-Small Businesses are described in Appendix 2.


Appendix 2: Regulatory Impact to Non-Small Businesses

The Regents' Scholarship is a statutorily created scholarship program that benefits Utah high school students who reach certain academic achievements and also demonstrate financial need. Scholarship recipients may use the scholarship funds for tuition, fees, and books at eligible institutions of higher education in Utah. Although those institutions would therefore indirectly benefit from this rule, the amount from which they would benefit depends solely on where students attend school, making a direct fiscal benefit projection impossible.


The Commissioner of Higher Education, Dave Woolstenhulme, has reviewed and approved this fiscal analysis.



R765. Regents (Board of), Administration.

R765-609C. Regents Scholarship.

R765-609C-1. Purpose.

(1) The Regents' Scholarship encourages students to complete the Regents' Recommended High School Curriculum, in order to provide better access to higher education opportunities and to reward students for preparing academically for college.


R765-609C-2. References.

(1) Title 53B, Chapter 8, Section 108, Regents' Scholarship Program.

(2) Utah Admin. Code Section R277-700-7, High School Requirements (Effective for Graduating Students Beginning with the 2010-2011 School Year).


R765-609C-3. Definitions.

(1) "Advanced Math" means any of the following courses: pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, AP calculus AB, AP calculus BC, AP statistics, college courses Math 1030 and higher, IB Math SL, HL, and Further Math.

(2) "Board" means the Utah State Board of Regents.

(3) "College Course Work" means any instance in which college credit is earned, including but not limited to, concurrent enrollment, distance education, dual enrollment, or early college.

(4) "Eligible Institutions" means institutions of higher education listed in Utah Code Section 53B-2-101(1).

(5) "Excusable Neglect" means a failure to take proper steps at the proper time, not in consequence of carelessness, inattention, or willful disregard of the scholarship application process, but in consequence of some unexpected or unavoidable hindrance or accident.

(6) "Good Cause" means the student's failure to meet a scholarship application process requirement was due to circumstances beyond the student's control or circumstances that are compelling and reasonable.

(7) "High School" means a public school established by the Utah State Board of Education or private high school within the boundaries of the State of Utah. If a private high school, it shall be accredited by a regional accrediting body approved by the Board.

(8) "Scholarship Appeals Committee" means the committee designated by Commissioner of Higher Education to review appeals of Regents' Scholarship award decisions and take final agency action regarding awards.

(9) "Scholarship Award" means a scholarship awarded to all applicants who meet the eligibility requirements of section R609-4.

(10) "Scholarship Staff" means the employees assigned to review Regents' Scholarship applications and make initial decisions awarding the scholarships.

(11) "Substantial Compliance" means the applicant, in good faith, demonstrated clear intent to comply with the scholarship application requirements and has demonstrated likely eligibility, but failed to precisely comply with the application specifics.


R765-609C-4. Award Requirements.

(1) To qualify for the Regents' Scholarship, the applicant shall satisfy the following criteria:

(a) Graduate from a Utah high school with a minimum, non weighted GPA of 3.3.

(b) Complete four credits of English.

(c) Complete four credits of math, including one course of advanced math.

(d) Complete three credits of lab-based biology, chemistry and physics.

(e) Complete two credits of world languages.

(f) Complete three credits of social science.

(g) Complete the ACT with a minimum score of 22.

(h) Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

(2) A student may satisfy a course requirement through a competency-based assessment provided it is documented for credit on an official transcript.

(3) The courses completed shall be unique except when repeated for a higher grade.

(4) Repeated course work shall not count toward accumulation of required credits.

(5) College Course Work: College course work will only be evaluated if the applicant submits an official college transcript. If an applicant enrolls in and completes a college course worth three or more college credits, this shall be counted as one high school credit toward the scholarship requirements.

(6) Mandatory Enrollment: An award recipient attending a credit-granting eligible institution shall enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours per academic semester, beginning with the fall semester after high school graduation. An award recipient attending a non-credit granting institution must enroll full time in a program eligible for federal aid by September 1 after high school graduation. The institution at which the student attends shall verify the recipient has met the enrollment requirement.

(7) New Century Scholarship: A recipient shall not receive both a Regents' Scholarship and the New Century Scholarship established in Title 53B, Part 8, Section 105.


R765-609C-5. Application Procedures.

(1) Application Deadline: Applicants shall submit an official scholarship application no later than February 1 of the year that they graduate from high school. The Board may establish a priority deadline each year. Applicants who meet the priority deadline may be given first priority or consideration for the scholarship. Subject to funding, students may be considered based on the date of they completed and submitted their application.

(2) Required Documentation: Applicants shall submit the following documents:

(a) The online Regents' Scholarship application.

(b) An official high school paper or electronic transcript, official college transcript(s) when applicable, and any other miscellaneous official transcripts demonstrating all completed courses and GPA.

(c) If a student completed coursework at an educational institution outside of the district from which the student graduated, the student must submit an official transcript from the school at which he or she completed the coursework if the courses completed and grades earned are not reflected in the official high school transcript.

(d) Verified ACT score(s).


R765-609C-6. Award Amounts and Renewals.

(1) Funding Constraints of Awards: The Board will determine award amounts, depending on the annual legislative appropriation, whether the institution is a credit granting or non-credit granting institution, and the number of qualified applicants.

(2) Scholarship Award: Students who meet the eligibility criteria and enroll at a credit granting institution will receive a four-semester scholarship award, the amount of which will be determined annually by the Board. Students who enroll in a non-credit granting institution will receive a one-time scholarship award, the amount of which will be determined annually by the Board, which the institution may disburse over the course of a recipient's enrollment within this policy's limits and requirements.

(3) Ongoing Eligibility: Scholarship recipients who enroll at a credit granting institution must maintain a 3.0 GPA and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per academic semester to remain eligible for the award. Students who earn less than a 3.0 Semester GPA will be placed on probation. If the recipient again at any time earns less than a 3.0 GPA the scholarship may be revoked. Institutions shall verify the recipient has met these requirements. Recipients who do not maintain eligibility forfeit the remaining award amount.


R765-609C-7. Time Constraints and Deferrals.

(1) Time Limitation: Scholarship funds are only available to a recipient for five years after their high school graduation date.

(2) Upon the first day a recipient begins courses using the scholarship funds at a non-credit granting institution, the recipient must use the award in its entirety within two years, unless extended under section 7.3. This time limit does not extent the five-year award availability under sub-section (1).

(3) Deferral or Leave of Absence: Recipients who will not enroll as a student shall apply for a deferral or leave of absence with their institution.

(a) Deferrals or leaves of absence may be granted, at the discretion of the institution, for military service, humanitarian/religious service, documented medical reasons, and other exigent reasons.

(c) An approved deferral or leave of absence will not extend the time limits of the scholarship. The scholarship may only be used for academic terms that begin within five years after the recipient's high school graduation date.


R765-609C-8. Transfers.

(1) Recipients who elect to attend a credit granting institution may transfer to another credit granting institution and retain the scholarship award. Recipients are responsible to inform the Office of the Commissioner of their intent to transfer. The Office of the Commissioner shall coordinate the transfer of scholarship funds and information.


R765-609C-9. Scholarship Determinations and Appeals.

(1) Scholarship Determinations: Submission of a scholarship application does not guarantee a scholarship award. The Scholarship Staff shall review individual scholarship applications and determine eligibility. Awards are based on available funding, applicant pool, and applicants' completion of scholarship criteria by the specified deadline.

(2) Appeals: An applicant has the right to appeal the Scholarship Staff's adverse decision by filing an appeal with the Scholarship Appeals Committee subject to the following conditions:

(a) Applicants may submit a written appeal through either the U.S. Mail or their Regents Scholarship Student Account. Appeals must be postmarked (if mailed) or submitted online within 30 days of the date on which the scholarship notification was issued.

(b) In the appeal, the applicant must provide his or her full name, mailing address, the high school he or she last attended, a statement of the reason for the appeal, and all information or evidence that supports the appeal. The failure of an applicant to provide the information in this subsection shall not preclude the acceptance of an appeal.

(c) An appeal filed before the applicant receives official notification from the Scholarship Staff of its decision may not be considered.

(e) If an applicant failed to file his or her appeal on time, the Scholarship Appeals Committee shall notify the applicant of the late filing and give him or her an opportunity to explain the reasons for failing to file the appeal by the deadline. The Scholarship Appeals Committee shall not have jurisdiction to consider the merits of an appeal that is filed beyond the deadline unless it determines the applicant established excusable neglect.

(f) The Scholarship Appeals Committee shall review the appeal to determine if the award decision was made in error, or if the applicant demonstrated substantial compliance with the scholarship application requirements but failed to meet one or more requirements for good cause.

(g) If the Scholarship Appeals Committee determines the applicant has shown by a preponderance of the evidence that the initial decision was made in error, it shall either reverse the initial decision or remand it back to the Scholarship Staff for further review in accordance with the Appeals Committee's instructions.

(h) If the Scholarship Appeals Committee determines the applicant has shown by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she demonstrated substantial compliance with the application process requirements and good cause for failing to meet one or more of the requirements, the Appeals Committee shall grant the applicant a reasonable period of time to complete the remaining requirements and to resubmit the completed application to the Scholarship Staff for a redetermination. In such a case, the applicant shall have the right to appeal an adverse decision according to this rule.

(i) The Scholarship Appeals Committee's decision shall be in writing and contain its findings of facts, reasoning and conclusions of law and notice of the right to judicial review.

(j) The Scholarship Appeals Committee's decision represents the final agency action. An applicant who disagrees with the Scholarship Appeal Committee's Decision may seek judicial review in accordance with Utah Code Ann. 63G-4-402.


R765-609C-10. Reporting.

(1) As directed by the Commissioner's staff, eligible institutions shall report to the Board of Regents the following:

(a) The names of students the institutions awarded Regents' Scholarship funds.

(b) Enrollment information such as the current GPA, the number of credits completed, and deferment or leave of absence information.

(c) Other information deemed necessary to evaluate eligibility or the effectiveness of the program.

(2) The Board of Regents may, at any time, request additional documentation or data related to the Regents Scholarship and may review or formally audit an eligible institution's compliance with this policy.


KEY: regents, scholarship

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: 2019

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 53B-8-112

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull_pdf/2019/b20191015.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Geoff Landward at the above address, by phone at 801-321-7136, by FAX at , or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.