DAR File No. 44153

This rule was published in the November 15, 2019, issue (Vol. 2019, No. 22) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing

Rule R156-1

General Rule of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 44153
Filed: 10/29/2019 09:31:06 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (Division) proposes these amendments to clarify and establish the application procedures for a criminal history determination pursuant to new Section 58-1-310 enacted by H.B. 90, passed in the 2019 General Session.

Summary of the rule or change:

New Section R156-1-310 establishes the application form and clarifies that an individual must submit a separate application for each license type determination. This section also clarifies that a determination will be based solely on the information contained in the application and supporting documents, that a "complete criminal conviction history" includes pleas in abeyance and nolo contendere and current firearms restrictions, and that an individual whose application has been denied as incomplete or who has received an unfavorable determination may submit a request for agency review. The following nonsubstantive formatting changes are also made in this filing: Sections R156-1-111a and R156-1-111b are merged for clarity, the obsolete license classification "Construction Trades Instructor" is deleted from Section R156-1-308a, and former Section R156-1-310 is renumbered to Section R156-1-501.1.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 58-1-308
  • Subsection 58-1-106(1)(a)
  • Subsection 58-1-501(2)

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The Division expects these proposed amendments to have no impact on the Division or other state agencies over and above the impact described in the fiscal note for H.B. 90 (2019), available online at: https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/HB0090.html, as this rule merely establishes and clarifies the Division's application procedures in accordance with the mandates of new Section 58-1-310. There will be a minimal cost to the Division of approximately $75 to disseminate this rule once the proposed amendments are made effective.

local governments:

These proposed rule amendments are not expected to impact local governments as they will not affect local governments' practices or procedures.

small businesses:

These proposed rule amendments will only impact individuals who seek an advance criminal history determination from the Division as authorized by new Section 58-1-310, and are not expected to impact small businesses over and above the impact described in the fiscal note for H.B. 90 (2019), available online at: https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/HB0090.html.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

These proposed rule amendments will affect an estimated 456 individuals annually who will seek an advance criminal history determination from the Division. Because the rule merely establishes and clarifies procedures in accordance with the mandates of Section 58-1-310, they are not expected to impact these persons over and above the impact described in the fiscal note for H.B. 90 (2019), available online at: https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/HB0090.html.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The Division estimates that these proposed amendments will have no compliance cost on any affected persons over and above that already included in the fiscal note for H.B. 90 (2019), available online at: https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/HB0090.html.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

The Division proposes these amendments to clarify and establish the application procedures for a criminal history determination pursuant to new Section 58-1-310 enacted by H.B. 90 (2019). New Section R156-1-310 establishes the application form and clarifies that an individual must submit a separate application for each license type determination. This section also clarifies that a determination will be based solely on the information contained in the application and supporting documents, that a "complete criminal conviction history" includes pleas in abeyance and nolo contendere and current firearms restrictions, and that an individual whose application has been denied as incomplete or who has received an unfavorable determination may submit a request for agency review. Nonsubstantive formatting changes are also made in this filing: Sections R156-1-111a and R156-1-111b are merged for clarity, the obsolete license classification "Construction Trades Instructor" is deleted from Section R156-1-308a, and former Section R156-1-310 is renumbered to Section R156-1-501.1. Small Business (less than 50 employees): These proposed rule amendments will only impact individuals who seek an advance criminal history determination from the Division as authorized by new Section 58-1-310, and there is no expected impact to small businesses over and above the impact described in the fiscal note for H.B. 90 (2019), available online at: https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/HB0090.html. Non-Small Businesses (50 or more employees): These proposed rule amendments will only impact individuals who seek an advance criminal history determination from the Division as authorized by new Section 58-1-310, and there is no expected impact to non-small businesses over and above the impact described in the fiscal note for H.B. 90 (2019), available online at: https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/HB0090.html.

Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Occupational and Professional Licensing
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Deborah Blackburn at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6060, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


Interested persons may attend a public hearing regarding this rule:

  • 12/03/2019 10:00 AM, Heber Wells Bldg, 160 E 300 S, Conference Room 474 (fourth floor), Salt Lake City, UT

This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Mark Steinagel, Director


Appendix 1: Regulatory Impact Summary Table*

Fiscal Costs

FY 2020

FY 2021

FY 2022

State Government




Local Government




Small Businesses




Non-Small Businesses




Other Person




Total Fiscal Costs:




Fiscal Benefits

State Government




Local Government




Small Businesses




Non-Small Businesses




Other Persons




Total Fiscal Benefits:




Net Fiscal Benefits:





*This table only includes fiscal impacts that could be measured. If there are inestimable fiscal impacts, they will not be included in this table. Inestimable impacts for State Government, Local Government, Small Businesses and Other Persons are described above. Inestimable impacts for Non-Small Businesses are described below.


Appendix 2: Regulatory Impact to Non-Small Businesses

These proposed rule amendments will only impact individuals who seek an advance criminal history determination from the Division as authorized by new Section 58-1-310, and are not expected to impact non-small businesses over and above the impact described in the fiscal note for H.B. 90 (2019), available online at: https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/HB0090.html.


The head of the Department of Commerce, Francine Giani, has reviewed and approved this fiscal analysis.



R156. Commerce, Occupational and Professional Licensing.

R156-1. General Rule of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.

R156-1-111[a]. Qualifications for Tax Certificate - Definitions - Application Requirements.

(1) In addition to the definitions in Title 58, Chapter 1, as used in Title 58, Chapter 1, or in this rule:

([1]a) "Psychiatrist", as defined under Subsection 58-1-111(1)(d, is further defined to include a licensed physician who is board eligible or board certified for a psychiatry specialization recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or the American Osteopathic Association's Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (BOS).

([2]b) Under Subsection 58-1-111(1)(f)(ii), the definition of a "volunteer retired psychiatrist" is further defined to mean a physician or osteopathic physician licensed under Title 58, Chapter 81, Retired Volunteer Health Practitioner Act, who is previously or currently board certified for a psychiatry specialization recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or the American Osteopathic Association's Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (BOS).[


R156-1-111b. Qualifications for Tax Certificate - Application Requirements.]

(2) An applicant for a tax credit certificate under Section 58-1-111 shall provide to the Division:

([1]a) the original application made available on the Division's website, containing the signed attestation of compliance; and

([2]b) any additional documentation that may be required by the Division to verify the applicant's representations made in the application.


R156-1-308a. Renewal Dates.

(1) The following standard two-year renewal cycle renewal dates are established by license classification in accordance with the Subsection 58-1-308(1):



Acupuncturist                      May 31       even years
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse January 31   even years
Advanced Practice Registered
  Nurse-CRNA                       January 31   even years
Architect                          May 31       even years
Athlete Agent                      September 30 even years
Athletic Trainer                   May 31       odd years
Audiologist                        May 31       odd years
Barber                             September 30 odd years
Barber Apprentice                  September 30 odd years
Barber School                      September 30 odd years
Behavior Analyst and
  Assistant Behavior Analyst       September 30 even years
Behavior Specialist and
  Assistant Behavior Specialist    September 30 even years
Building Inspector                 November 30  odd years
Burglar Alarm Security             March 31     odd years
C.P.A. Firm                        December 31  even years
Certified Court Reporter           May 31       even years
Certified Dietitian                September 30 even years
Certified Medical Language Interpreter March 31 odd years
Certified Nurse Midwife            January 31   even years
Certified Public Accountant        December 31  even years
Certified Social Worker            September 30 even years
Chiropractic Physician             May 31       even years
Clinical Mental Health Counselor   September 30 even years
Clinical Social Worker             September 30 even years
[Construction Trades Instructor     November 30  odd years]
Contractor                         November 30  odd years
Controlled Substance License       Attached to primary license renewal
Controlled Substance Precursor     May 31       odd years
Controlled Substance Handler       September 30 odd years
Cosmetologist/Barber               September 30 odd years
Cosmetologist/Barber Apprentice    September 30 odd years
Cosmetology/Barber School          September 30 odd years
Deception Detection                November 30  even years
  Deception Detection Examiner,
  Deception Detection Intern,
  Deception Detection Administrator
Dental Hygienist                   May 31       even years
Dentist                            May 31       even years
Direct-entry Midwife               September 30 odd years
Dispensing Medical Practitioner
  Advanced Practice Registered Nurse,
  Optometrist, Osteopathic Physician
  and Surgeon, Physician and Surgeon,
  Physician Assistant              September 30 odd years
Dispensing Medical Practitioner
  Clinic Pharmacy                  September 30 odd years
  Apprentice, Journeyman, Master,
  Residential Journeyman,
  Residential Master               November 30  even years
Electrologist                      September 30 odd years
Electrology School                 September 30 odd years
Elevator Mechanic                  November 30  even years
Environmental Health Scientist     May 31       odd years
Esthetician                        September 30 odd years
Esthetician Apprentice             September 30 odd years
Esthetics School                   September 30 odd years
Factory Built Housing Dealer       September 30 even years
Funeral Service Director           May 31       even years
Funeral Service Establishment      May 31       even years
Genetic Counselor                  September 30 even years
Hair Designer                      September 30 odd years
Hair Designer Instructor           September 30 odd years
Hair Designer School               September 30 odd years
Health Facility Administrator      May 31       odd years
Hearing Instrument Specialist      September 30 even years
Internet Facilitator               September 30 odd years
Landscape Architect                May 31       even years
Licensed Advanced Substance
  Use Disorder Counselor           May 31       odd years
Licensed Practical Nurse           January 31   even years
Licensed Substance                 May 31       odd years
  Use Disorder Counselor
Marriage and Family Therapist      September 30 even years
Massage Apprentice                 May 31       odd years
Massage Therapist                  May 31       odd years
Master Esthetician                 September 30 odd years
Master Esthetician Apprentice      September 30 odd years
Medication Aide Certified          March 31     odd years
Music Therapist                    March 31     odd years
Nail Technologist                  September 30 odd years
Nail Technologist Apprentice       September 30 odd years
Nail Technology School             September 30 odd years
Naturopath/Naturopathic            May 31       even years
Occupational Therapist             May 31       odd years
Occupational Therapy Assistant     May 31       odd years
Optometrist                        September 30 even years
Osteopathic Physician and          May 31       even years
  Surgeon, Online Prescriber,
  Restricted Associate Osteopathic
Outfitter/Hunting Guide            May 31       even years
Pharmacy Class A-B-C-D-E,          September 30 odd years
  Online Contract Pharmacy
Pharmacist                         September 30 odd years
Pharmacy Technician                September 30 odd years
Physical Therapist                 May 31       odd years
Physical Therapist Assistant       May 31       odd years
Physician Assistant                May 31       even years
Physician and Surgeon,             January 31   even years
  Online Prescriber, Restricted
  Associate Physician
  Apprentice, Journeyman,
  Master, Residential Master,
  Residential Journeyman           November 30  even years
Podiatric Physician                September 30 even years
Pre Need Funeral Arrangement
  Sales Agent                      May 31       even years
Private Probation Provider         May 31       odd years
Professional Engineer              March 31     odd years
Professional Geologist             March 31     odd years
Professional Land Surveyor         March 31     odd years
Professional Structural            March 31     odd years
Psychologist                       September 30 even years
Radiologic Technologist,           May 31       odd years
  Radiology Practical Technician
  Radiologist Assistant
Recreational Therapy
  Therapeutic Recreation Technician,
  Therapeutic Recreation Specialist,
  Master Therapeutic
  Recreation Specialist            May 31       odd years
Registered Nurse                   January 31   odd years
Respiratory Care Practitioner      September 30 even years
Security Personnel                 November 30  even years
Social Service Worker              September 30 even years
Speech-Language Pathologist        May 31       odd years
State Certified Commercial
  Interior Designer                March 31     odd years
Veterinarian                       September 30 even years
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor  March 31    odd years


(2) The following non-standard renewal terms and renewal or extension cycles are established by license classification in accordance with Subsection 58-1-308(1) and in accordance with specific requirements of the license:

(a) Associate Clinical Mental Health Counselor licenses shall be issued for a three year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the Board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure.

(b) Associate Marriage and Family Therapist licenses shall be issued for a three year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure; but the period of the extension may not exceed two years past the date the minimum supervised experience requirement has been completed.

(c) Certified Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor licenses shall be issued for a period of four years and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and Board that reasonable progress is being made toward completing the required hours of supervised experience necessary for the next level of licensure.

(d) Certified Advanced Substance Use Disorder Counselor Intern licenses shall be issued for a period of six months or until the examination is passed whichever occurs first.

(e) Certified Medical Language Interpreter Tier 1 and 2 licenses shall be issued for a period of three years and may be renewed. The initial renewal date of March 31, 2017, is established for these license classifications, subject to the provisions of Subsection R156-1-308c(7) to establish the length of the initial license period.

(f) Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor licenses shall be issued for a period of two years and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and Board that reasonable progress is being made toward completing the required hours of supervised experience necessary for the next level of licensure.

(g) Certified Social Worker Intern licenses shall be issued for a period of six months or until the examination is passed whichever occurs first.

(h) Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor Intern licenses shall be issued for a period of six months or until the examination is passed, whichever occurs first.

(i) Funeral Service Intern licenses shall be issued for a two year term and may be extended for an additional two year term if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure.

(j) Hearing Instrument Intern licenses shall be issued for a three year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the Board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examination, but a circumstance arose beyond the control of the licensee, to prevent the completion of the examination process.

(k) Pharmacy technician trainee licenses shall be issued for a period of two years and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the Board that reasonable progress is being made toward completing the requirements necessary for the next level of licensure.

(l) Psychology Resident licenses shall be issued for a two year term and may be extended if the licensee presents satisfactory evidence to the Division and the board that reasonable progress is being made toward passing the qualifying examinations or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure; but the period of the extension may not exceed two years past the date the minimum supervised experience requirement has been completed.

(m) Type I Foreign Trained Physician-Educator licenses will be issued initially for a one-year term and thereafter renewed every two years following issuance.

(n) Type II Foreign Trained Physician-Educator licenses will be issued initially for an annual basis and thereafter renewed annually up to four times following issuance if the licensee continues to satisfy the requirements described in Subsection 58-67-302.7(3) and completes the required continuing education requirements established under Section 58-67-303.


R156-1-310. Application for Division Determination Regarding Criminal Conviction.

The application procedures for a Division determination pursuant to Section 58-1-310 are clarified and established as follows:

(1) An individual applying for a determination shall submit the Application for Criminal History Determination form made available on the Division's website, containing a signed attestation and release.

(2) An individual shall submit a separate application for criminal history determination with processing fee for each occupational or professional license that the individual is interested in seeking.

(3) Pursuant to Subsection 58-1-310(2), the individual's complete criminal conviction history shall include:

(a) criminal convictions, pleas of nolo contendere, and pleas of guilty or nolo contendere which are held in abeyance pending the successful completion of probation; and

(b) current restrictions from possession, purchase, transfer, or ownership of a firearm or ammunition.

(4) Pursuant to Subsection 58-1-310(2)(e), the individual shall provide any additional documentation that may be required by the Division to verify or evaluate the individual's representations made in their application.

(5) A determination shall be based solely on the information contained in the individual's application and supporting documents.

(6) An individual whose application has been denied as incomplete, or who has received an unfavorable determination that their criminal record would disqualify them from obtaining the license, may submit a request for agency review to the executive director within 30 days of the date of issuance of the denial or of the unfavorable determination.


R156-1-[310]501.1 . Cheating on Examinations.

(1) Policy.

The passing of an examination, when required as a condition of obtaining or maintaining a license issued by the Division, is considered to be a critical indicator that an applicant or licensee meets the minimum qualifications for licensure. Failure to pass an examination is considered to be evidence that an applicant or licensee does not meet the minimum qualifications for licensure. Accordingly, the accuracy of the examination result as a measure of an applicant's or licensee's competency must be assured. Cheating by an applicant or licensee on any examination required as a condition of obtaining a license or maintaining a license shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall result in imposition of an appropriate penalty against the applicant or licensee.

(2) Cheating Defined.

Cheating is defined as the use of any means or instrumentality by or for the benefit of an examinee to alter the results of an examination in any way to cause the examination results to inaccurately represent the competency of an examinee with respect to the knowledge or skills about which they are examined. Cheating includes:

(a) communication between examinees inside of the examination room or facility during the course of the examination;

(b) communication about the examination with anyone outside of the examination room or facility during the course of the examination;

(c) copying another examinee's answers or looking at another examinee's answers while an examination is in progress;

(d) permitting anyone to copy answers to the examination;

(e) substitution by an applicant or licensee or by others for the benefit of an applicant or licensee of another person as the examinee in place of the applicant or licensee;

(f) use by an applicant or licensee of any written material, audio material, video material or any other mechanism not specifically authorized during the examination for the purpose of assisting an examinee in the examination;

(g) obtaining, using, buying, selling, possession of or having access to a copy of any portion of the examination prior to administration of the examination.

(3) Action Upon Detection of Cheating.

(a) The person responsible for administration of an examination, upon evidence that an examinee is or has been cheating on an examination shall notify the Division of the circumstances in detail and the identity of the examinees involved with an assessment of the degree of involvement of each examinee;

(b) If cheating is detected prior to commencement of the examination, the examinee may be denied the privilege of taking the examination; or if permitted to take the examination, the examinee shall be notified of the evidence of cheating and shall be informed that the Division may consider the examination to have been failed by the applicant or licensee because of the cheating; or

(c) If cheating is detected during the examination, the examinee may be requested to leave the examination facility and in that case the examination results shall be the same as failure of the examination; however, if the person responsible for administration of the examination determines the cheating detected has not yet compromised the integrity of the examination, such steps as are necessary to prevent further cheating shall be taken and the examinee may be permitted to continue with the examination.

(d) If cheating is detected after the examination, the Division shall make appropriate inquiry to determine the facts concerning the cheating and shall thereafter take appropriate action.

(e) Upon determination that an applicant has cheated on an examination, the applicant may be denied the privilege of retaking the examination for a reasonable period of time, and the Division may deny the applicant a license and may establish conditions the applicant must meet to qualify for a license including the earliest date on which the Division will again consider the applicant for licensure.


KEY: diversion programs, licensing, supervision, evidentiary restrictions

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [November 8, 2018]2019

Notice of Continuation: December 6, 2016

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 58-1-106(1)(a); 58-1-308; 58-1-501(2)

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull_pdf/2019/b20191115.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

Text to be deleted is struck through and surrounded by brackets ([example]). Text to be added is underlined (example).  Older browsers may not depict some or any of these attributes on the screen or when the document is printed.

For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Deborah Blackburn at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6060, by FAX at 801-530-6511, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.