File No. 33381

This rule was published in the March 1, 2010, issue (Vol. 2010, No. 5) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Commerce, Real Estate

Rule R162-210

Certification of Prelicensing Education Providers

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 33381
Filed: 02/11/2010 09:51:22 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

Rule R162-210 is repealed in light of the Division's proposed new Rule R162-2c, which updates the mortgage education certification rules to comply with the nationwide database. (DAR NOTE: The proposed new Rule R162-2c is under DAR No. 33372 in this issue, March 1, 2010, of the Bulletin.)

Summary of the rule or change:

Rule R162-210 is repealed in its entirety.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Subsection 61-2c-103(3)

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

Repealing this rule relieves the state from having to oversee and enforce it. The costs to the state of implementing and overseeing the new education certification rules are included in the rule analysis for proposed new Rule R162-2c.

local governments:

Local governments do not take, provide, or oversee mortgage prelicensing education and have never been subject to the rules governing it. Repealing this rule will have no fiscal impact to local governments.

small businesses:

Businesses that provide prelicensing education no longer have to comply with this rule. The costs to them of complying with the new rule governing prelicensing education are addressed in the rule analysis for proposed new Rule R162-2c.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

Individuals teaching prelicensing education courses no longer have to comply with this rule. The costs to them of complying with the new rule governing prelicensing education are addressed in the rule analysis for proposed new Rule R162-2c.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

In repealing this rule, the division relieves affected persons of any obligation to comply with it. There are no compliance costs.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

No fiscal impact to businesses is anticipated from this rule repeal as a substitute rule amendment containing the substance of these provisions is also proposed by the Division.

Francine A. Giani, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Real Estate
160 E 300 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-2316

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Jennie Jonsson at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6706, by FAX at 801-526-4387, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Deanna Sabey, Director


R162. Commerce, Real Estate.

[R162-210. Certification of Prelicensing Education Providers.

R162-210-1. Definitions.

210.1.1 For the purposes of this rule, "school" includes:

(a) Any college or university accredited by a regional accrediting agency which is recognized by the United States Department of Education;

(b) Any community college, vocational-technical school, state or federal agency or commission;

(c) Any nationally recognized mortgage organization, any Utah mortgage organization, or any local mortgage organization which has been approved by the Utah Residential Mortgage Regulatory Commission; and

d) Any proprietary mortgage education school.

210.1.2 For the purposes of this rule, "applicant" shall include school directors, school owners and pending instructors.

210.1.3 "Distance Education" is defined as education in which the instruction does not take place in a traditional classroom setting, but rather through other media where teacher and student are separated by distance and sometimes by time.


R162-210-2. Application for School Certification.

210.2.1 A school offering prelicensing education must be certified by the Division of Real Estate before providing any education. Each school requesting approval of an educational program designed to meet the prelicensing education requirements must make application for approval on the form prescribed by the Division. The application must include the non-refundable application fee and the following information which will be used in determining the school's eligibility for approval:

(a) Name, phone number and address of the school, school director, and all owners of the school;

(b) A description of the type of school and a description of the school's physical facilities. All courses must be taught in an appropriate classroom facility and not in any private residence, except for courses approved for specific home-study purposes;

(c) A comprehensive course outline including a description of the course, the length of time to be spent on each subject area broken into class periods, and a minimum of three to five learning objectives for every three hours of classroom time. The curriculum must include all of the topics set forth in the Standard Curriculum approved by the Utah Residential Mortgage Regulatory Commission and the Division. A school may alter the sequence of presentation of the required topics, and may add topics in addition to those required by the Standard Curriculum;

(d) A list of each certified instructor the school intends to use and the instructor certification number which has been issued by the Division. A college or university may use any faculty member to teach an approved course provided the instructor demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Division the academic training or experience qualifying him to teach the course;

(e) An itemization of methods of instruction, including lecture method, slide presentation, cassette, videotape, movie, or other method;

(f) A list of the titles, authors and publishers of all required textbooks. All texts, workbooks, supplement pamphlets and any other materials must be appropriate and current in their application to the required course outline;

(g) A schedule of the days, times and locations of classes;

(h) A copy of the statement which shall be provided for each student outlining the days, times and locations of classes; the number of quizzes and examinations; the grading system, including methods of testing and standards of grading; the requirements for attendance; the school's evidence of notification to candidates of the qualifying questionnaire; and the school's refund policy. The statement to the student shall state in capital letters no smaller than 1/4 inch the following language: "Any student attending the (school name) is under no obligation to affiliate with any of the mortgage entities that may be soliciting for licensees at this school;" and

(i) Any other information as the Division may require.


R162-210-3. School Certification and Renewal.

210.3.1 When a school has met all conditions of certification, and upon approval by the Division, a school will be issued certification. A school certification will expire 24 months from the date of issuance. A school shall apply for renewal for additional twenty-four month periods prior to the expiration of each current certification, using the form required by the Division.


R162-210-4. Rules of Conduct for Certified Schools.

210.4.1 A school shall teach the approved course of study as outlined in the Standard Course Outline approved by the Utah Residential Mortgage Regulatory Commission.

210.4.2 A school shall require each student to attend the required number of hours.

210.4.3 A school shall maintain a record of each student's attendance for a minimum of five years after enrollment.

210.4.4 A school shall not accept a student for a number of hours that is less than the full prelicensing curriculum without first having a written statement from the Division indicating the exact number of hours that an applicant for licensure by reciprocity is required by the Division to complete.

210.4.5 A school shall not make any misrepresentation in its advertising about any course of instruction, and shall be able to provide substantiation of any claims made in its advertising. School advertising and public notices shall not denigrate the mortgage profession and shall not make disparaging remarks about a competitor's services or methods of operation.

210.4.6 Guest Lecturers. No more than 20% of the required prelicensing education hours may be provided by guest lecturers. Guest lecturers shall be experts in the field on which they provide instruction. Prior to using any guest lecturer, a certified school shall provide to the Division the name of the guest lecturer and a resume which defines the knowledge and expertise of the guest lecturer, or other evidence of professional qualifications of the guest lecturer.

210.4.7 Minimum class time. A school shall not give a student credit for more credit hours of education than the student has actually completed. A credit hour is defined as 50 minutes of instruction within a 60 minute time period. A 10 minute break will be given for each 50 minutes of instruction.

210.4.8 Maximum class hours per day. Education credit will be limited to a maximum of eight credit hours per day.

210.4.9 Limitation on Non-lecture Methods of Instruction. Absent special approval from the Division: (a) Non-lecture methods of instruction will be limited to 50% of the total credit hours of the prelicensing curriculum; (b) Non-lecture methods of instruction will have an accompanying workbook for the student to complete during the instruction. The schools shall submit copies of the workbooks to the Division prior to using a non-lecture method of instruction; and (c) A school must have a certified instructor available to answer student questions within 48 hours after a non-lecture method of instruction has been used.

210.4.10 Proof of Course Integrity for Distance Education Courses. Distance education courses will be reviewed on a case by case basis and will be approved only if, in the opinion of the Division, assurance of the following can be provided: a) There is a method to insure that the person actually completing the course is the student who is to receive credit for the course; b) The course provides no fewer hours of actual instruction than the number of credit hours that will be granted for the course; and c) There is a method to insure that the student comprehends the material.

210.4.11 Challenge by Examination. A student cannot challenge a course or any part of a course of study by examination in lieu of attendance at the course.

210.4.12 College Credit Hour Equivalents. A college or a university that provides Division-approved prelicensing education courses may schedule those courses within its regular quarter or semester schedule. A college quarter hour credit is the equivalent of 10 classroom hours of prelicensing education, and a college semester hour credit is the equivalent of 15 classroom hours of prelicensing education.

210.4.13 Within 15 calendar days after the occurrence of any material change in the information provided in the school's application for certification, the school shall give the Division written notice of that change.

210.4.14 A school shall not attempt by any means to obtain or to use in its educational offerings the questions from the prelicensing examination unless the questions have been dropped from the current bank of exam questions.

210.4.15 A school shall not give any valuable consideration to an individual or entity licensed with the Division under the Utah Residential Mortgage Practices Act for having referred students to the school, nor shall a school accept valuable consideration from an individual or entity licensed with the Division under the Utah Residential Mortgage Practices Act for having referred students to a licensed mortgage entity.

210.4.16 Licensed mortgage entities may be permitted by a school to solicit prospective mortgage officers at the school, provided that no solicitation may be made during the class time or the 10-minute breaks that are permitted during every hour of instruction. Such solicitation may be made only after the regularly scheduled class time has concluded. No student may be required to attend any such solicitation.

210.4.17 A school shall use only certified instructors or guest lecturers. The school shall notify the Division about which class sessions the guest lecturers will teach.

210.4.18 A school's owners and directors shall be responsible for the quality of instruction in the school and for adherence to the state laws and regulations regarding school and instructor certification.

210.4.19 School directors shall provide the instructor for each course with the required content outline for the course and shall assure that the required subject matter has been taught.

210.4.20 Disclosure Requirements Regarding Criminal History. For the purposes of this rule, criminal history is defined as any felony or misdemeanor convictions, any pleas in abeyance or diversion agreements, or any pending criminal charges. Prior to accepting payment from a prospective student for a pre-licensing education course, a certified school shall provide a written disclosure to the prospective student stating: a) applicants for licensure must disclose any criminal history by answering a questionnaire as part of the mortgage exam; b) applicants for licensure must submit fingerprint cards to the Division and consent to a criminal background check; c) licenses issued by the Division are conditional pending the completion of the background check and failure to accurately disclose a criminal history will result in an immediate and automatic license revocation; d) applicants with a criminal history described in Subsection R162-202-5(202.5.1) do not qualify for a license; and e) applicants with a criminal history other than as described in Subsection R162-202-5(202.5.1) will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be required to appear at an administrative hearing to determine qualifications for licensure. The school shall be required to obtain the student's signature on the written disclosure required by Section acknowledging receipt of the disclosure. The disclosure form and acknowledgement shall be retained in the school's records and made available for inspection by the Division for a minimum of two years following the date upon which the student completes the pre-licensing course.


R162-210-5. Instructor Application for Certification.

210.5.1 An instructor shall not teach a prelicensing course by himself without having been certified by the Division prior to teaching the course. Each applicant for certification as a prelicensing instructor shall make application for approval on the form required by the Division.

210.5.2 The applicant for instructor certification to teach Mortgage Officer prelicensing courses shall provide:

(a) Evidence of a minimum educational level of graduation from high school or its equivalent;

(b) Evidence of a minimum of five years of experience in the residential mortgage industry within the past ten years, or evidence of having completed appropriate college-level courses specific to the topic proposed to be taught;

(c) Evidence of a minimum of twelve months of fulltime teaching experience or an equivalent number of months of part time teaching experience, or attendance at Instructor Development Workshops totaling at least two days in length; and

(d) Evidence of having passed an examination designed to test the knowledge of the subject matter proposed to be taught.

210.5.3 Lending Manager Prelicensing Courses. In addition to the requirements of Section 210.5.2, an applicant for certification to teach the following specific Lending Manager prelicensing courses shall have experience as follows: Management of a Residential Mortgage Loan Office. An applicant for certification to teach office management courses must be have at least two years practical experience in managing an office that engaged in the business of residential mortgage loans. Mortgage Lending Law. An applicant to teach mortgage lending law courses must be a current member of the Utah Bar Association or have graduated from an American Bar Association accredited law school, and must have at least two years practical experience in the field of real estate law. Advanced Appraisal. An applicant to teach advanced appraisal courses must be a State-Certified appraiser and must hold an MAI designation or equivalent designation. The instructor applicant must have at least two years practical experience in appraising. Advanced Finance. An applicant to teach advanced finance courses must have been associated with a lending institution as a loan officer or have a degree in finance. The instructor applicant must have at least two years practical experience in real estate finance.

210.5.4 Special Circumstances. Instructor applicants who cannot meet the requirements of Section 210.5.2, but who believe they are qualified to be certified as instructors, may petition the Utah Residential Mortgage Regulatory Commission on an individual basis for evaluation and approval of their qualifications as being substantially equivalent to those required for instructor certification.


R162-210-6. Instructor Certification and Renewal.

210.6.1. Upon approval by the Division, an instructor applicant will be issued a certification that expires twenty-four months following certification. An instructor shall apply for renewal for additional twenty-four month periods prior to the expiration of each current certification, using the form required by the Division.

210.6.2. As a condition of renewal of certification, the applicant shall include the following with the application for renewal:

(a) Proof of having taught at least 20 hours of in-class instruction in a certified mortgage education course during the preceding two years;

(b) Proof of attendance at an instructor development workshop sponsored by the Division during the preceding two years; and

(c) Proof of successful completion of 12 hours of live education courses taken in real estate financing related subjects;

210.6.3 A renewed certification will be issued for two full calendar years, expiring on December 31 of the second calendar year.

210.6.4 If an application for renewal of instructor certification, including all required fees and documentation, is not received prior to the expiration date of the current instructor certification, the instructor certification shall expire. When an instructor certification expires, the certification may be reinstated for a period of thirty days after the expiration date of the certification upon payment of a non-refundable late fee in addition to completion of the requirements for a timely renewal. After the thirty day period, and until three months after the expiration date, an instructor certification may be reinstated upon payment of a non-refundable late fee and completion of 6 classroom hours of education related to residential mortgages or teaching techniques in addition to completing all of the requirements for a timely renewal. After the three month period, an instructor will be required to apply as for an original certification.


R162-210-7. Determining Fitness for Certification.

210.7.1 In order to qualify for school certification, all school directors and all owners of the school must meet the criteria of honesty, integrity, truthfulness, reputation, and competency. In order to qualify for instructor certification, all instructors must meet the criteria of good moral character, honesty, integrity, truthfulness, reputation, and competency.

210.7.2 The determination of whether a person possesses these qualifications will be made by the Division, with the concurrence of the Commission. In determining fitness for certification, the Division and Commission may consider various factors, including:

(a) whether the person has had a license to practice in the mortgage profession, or any other regulated profession or occupation denied, restricted, suspended, or revoked or subjected to any other disciplinary action by this or another jurisdiction;

(b) whether the person has been permitted to resign or surrender a mortgage license or any other professional license or has ever allowed a license to expire while the applicant was under investigation, or while action was pending against the applicant by a mortgage licensing or any other regulatory agency;

(c) whether any action is pending against the person by any mortgage licensing or other regulatory agency;

(d) whether the person is currently under investigation for, or charged with, or has ever been convicted of or pled guilty or no contest to, or entered a plea in abeyance to, a misdemeanor or felony;

(e) the circumstances that led to any criminal convictions;

(f) the amount of time that has passed since the individual's last criminal conviction;

(g) whether the person has ever been placed on probation or ordered to pay a fine or restitution in connection with any criminal offense or a licensing action;

(h) whether a civil judgment has ever been entered against the person based on fraud, misrepresentation or deceit, and, if the judgment awarded damaged against the person, whether the judgment has been fully satisfied;

(i) whether any restitution ordered by a court in a criminal conviction has been fully satisfied;

(j) whether the probation in a criminal conviction or a licensing action has been completed and fully served;

(k) whether there has been subsequent good conduct on the part of the person;

(l) any character testimony presented at the hearing and any character references submitted by the individual;

(m) past acts related to honesty or moral character involving the business of residential mortgage loans;

(n) whether the individual has been guilty of dishonest conduct in the five years preceeding application that would have been ground under Utah law for revocation or suspension of a certification had the individual then been certified;

(o) whether any tax and child support arrearages have been paid; and

(p) whether the individual has demonstrated competency in business subsequent to any part incompetence by the individual in the mortgage loan business.


R162-210-8. Division Evaluation and Monitoring of Courses and Instructors.

210.8.1 The Division shall cause certified prelicensing education courses to be evaluated for adherence to course content and other prescribed criteria, and for the effectiveness of the instructor.

210.8.2 On a randomly selected basis, the Division may assign monitors to attend courses for the purpose of evaluating the courses and the instructors. The monitors will complete a standard evaluation form provided by the Division and return the form to the Division within 10 days after the last class.


KEY: residential mortgage loan origination

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: April 7, 2008

Notice of Continuation: May 27, 2009

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 61-2c-103(6)]


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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Jennie Jonsson at the above address, by phone at 801-530-6706, by FAX at 801-526-4387, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].