File No. 34016
This rule was published in the September 15, 2010, issue (Vol. 2010, No. 18) of the Utah State Bulletin.
Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources
Rule R657-11
Taking Furbearers
Notice of Proposed Rule
DAR File No.: 34016
Filed: 08/26/2010 09:31:10 AM
Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:
This rule is being amended pursuant to Regional Advisory Council and Wildlife Board meetings conducted for taking public input and reviewing the division's furbearer program.
Summary of the rule or change:
The changes to this rule: 1) require the purchase of a Furbearer License prior to acquiring temporary bobcat permits; 2) require the name and address of the trapper who has another individual transport bobcat and marten in addition to the current requirements; and 3) require all applications for muskrat trapping on Waterfowl Management Areas be submitted and accepted on-line only.
State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:
- Section 23-14-19
- Section 23-14-18
Anticipated cost or savings to:
the state budget:
The amendments require the purchase of an already existing license and only clarify other existing requirements. Therefore, the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) determines that these amendments do not create a cost or savings impact to the state budget or DWR's budget, since the changes will not increase workload and can be done with existing budget.
local governments:
None--This filing does not create any direct cost or savings impact to local governments because they are not directly affected by the amendment. Nor are local governments indirectly impacted because the amendment does not create a situation requiring services from local governments.
small businesses:
This amendment adds a requirement to purchase a furbearer license before acquiring temporary bobcat tags. Currently the rule states a furbearer license permit must be purchased to use the temporary bobcat tags; therefore the amendments do not impose any additional requirements on other persons, nor generate a cost or savings impact to small businesses.
persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:
This amendment adds a requirement to purchase a furbearer license before acquiring temporary bobcat tags. Currently the rule states a furbearer license permit must be purchased to use the temporary bobcat tags; therefore the amendments do not impose any additional requirements on other persons, nor generate a cost or savings impact to other persons.
Compliance costs for affected persons:
This amendment adds a requirement to purchase a furbearer license before acquiring temporary bobcat tags. Currently the rule states a furbearer license permit must be purchased to use the temporary bobcat tags. Therefore, DWR determines that there is no additional compliance costs associated with the amendments.
Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:
The amendments to this rule do not create an impact on businesses.
Michael R. Styler, Executive Director
The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:
Natural ResourcesWildlife Resources
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3154
Direct questions regarding this rule to:
- Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:
This rule may become effective on:
Authorized by:
James Karpowitz, Director
R657. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources.
R657-11. Taking Furbearers.
R657-11-1. Purpose and Authority.
(1) Under authority of Sections 23-14-18 and 23-14-19, the Wildlife Board has established this rule for taking furbearers.
(2) Specific dates, areas, number of permits, limits, and other administrative details which may change annually are published in the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking furbearers.
R657-11-2. Definitions.
(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23-13-2.
(2) In addition:
(a) "Artificial cubby set" means any artificially manufactured container with an opening on one end that houses a trapping device. Bait must be placed inside the artificial cubby set at least eight inches from the opening. Artificial cubby sets must be placed with the top of the opening even with or below the bottom of the bait so that the bait is not visible from above.
(b) "Bait" means any lure containing animal parts larger than one cubic inch, or eight cubic inches if used in an artificial cubby set, with the exception of white-bleached bones with no hide or flesh attached.
(c) "Exposed bait" means bait which is visible from any angle, except when used in an artificial cubby set.
(d) "Fur dealer" means any individual engaged in, wholly or in part, the business of buying, selling, or trading skins or pelts of furbearers within Utah.
(e) "Fur dealer's agent" means any person who is employed by a resident or nonresident fur dealer as a buyer.
(f) "Green pelt" means the untanned hide or skin of any furbearer.
(g) "Pursue" means to chase, tree, corner, or hold a furbearer at bay.
(h) "Scent" means any lure composed of material of less than one cubic inch that has a smell intended to attract animals.
R657-11-4. Bobcat Permits.
(1) Bobcat permits can only be obtained and are only valid with a valid, current furbearer license.
(2) A person may obtain up to the number of bobcat permits authorized each year by the Wildlife Board. Permit numbers shall be published in the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking furbearers.
(3) Bobcat permits will be available during the dates published in the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking furbearers and may be obtained by submitting an application through the division's Internet address.
(4) Bobcat permits are valid for the entire bobcat season.
R657-11-7. Permanent Possession Tags for Bobcat and Marten.
(1) A person may not:
(a) possess a green pelt or unskinned carcass from a bobcat or marten that does not have a permanent tag affixed after the Saturday following the close of the bobcat trapping season and marten seasons;
(b) possess a green pelt or the unskinned carcass of a bobcat with an affixed temporary bobcat possession tag issued to another person, except as provided in Subsections (5) and (6); or
(b) buy, sell, trade, or barter a green pelt from a bobcat or marten that does not have a permanent tag affixed.
(2) Bobcat and marten pelts must be delivered to a division representative to have a permanent tag affixed and to surrender the lower jaw.
(3) Bobcat and marten pelts may be delivered to the following division offices, by appointment only, during the dates published in the proclamation of the Wildlife Board for taking furbearers:
(a) Cedar City - Regional Office;
(b) Ogden - Regional Office;
(c) Price - Regional Office;
(d) Salt Lake City - Salt Lake Office;
(e) Springville - Regional Office; and
(f) Vernal - Regional Office.
(4) There is no fee for permanent tags.
(5) Bobcat and marten which have been legally taken may be transported from an individual's place of residence by an individual other than the fur harvester to have the permanent tag affixed; bobcats must be tagged with a temporary possession tag and accompanied by a valid furbearer license belonging to the fur harvester.
(6) Any individual transporting a bobcat or marten for another person must have written authorization stating the following:
(a) date of kill;
(b) location of kill;
(c) species and sex of animal being transported;
(d) origin and destination of such transportation;
(e) the name, address, signature and furbearer license number of the fur harvester;
(f) the name of the individual transporting the bobcat or marten; and
(g) the fur harvester's marten permit number if marten is being transported.
(7) Green pelts of bobcats and marten legally taken from outside the state may not be possessed, bought, sold, traded, or bartered in Utah unless a permanent tag has been affixed or the pelts are accompanied by a shipping permit issued by the wildlife agency of the state where the animal was taken.
(8)(a) Fur harvesters taking marten are requested to present the entire skinned carcass intact, including the lower jaw, to the division in good condition when the pelt is presented for tagging.
(b) "Good condition" means the carcass is fresh or frozen and securely wrapped to prevent decomposition so that the tissue remains suitable for lab analysis.
R657-11-12. Accidental Trapping.
(1)(a) Any bear, bobcat, cougar, [fisher,] marten, otter, wolverine, any furbearer
trapped out of season, or other protected wildlife accidentally
caught in a trap must be released unharmed.
(b) Written permission must be obtained from a division representative to remove the carcass of any of these species from a trap.
(c) The carcass remains the property of the state and must be turned over to the division.
(2) All incidents of accidental trapping of any of these animals must be reported to the division within 48 hours.
(3) Black-footed ferret, lynx and wolf are protected species under the Endangered Species Act. Accidental trapping or capture of these species must be reported to the division within 48 hours.
R657-11-13. Methods of Take and Shooting Hours.
(1) Furbearers, except bobcats and marten, may be taken by any means, excluding explosives, poisons, and crossbows, or as otherwise provided in Section 23-13-17.
(2) Bobcats may be taken only by shooting, trapping, or with the aid of dogs as provided in Section R657-11-26.
(3) Marten may be taken only with an elevated, covered set in which the maximum trap size shall not exceed 1 1/2 foothold or 160 Conibear.
(4) Taking furbearers by shooting or with the aid of dogs is restricted to one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, except as provided in Section 23-13-17.
(5) A person may not take any wildlife from an airplane or any other airborne vehicle or device or any motorized terrestrial or aquatic vehicle, including snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles.
R657-11-27. Applications for Trapping on State Waterfowl Management Areas.
(a) Applications for trapping on state waterfowl management
areas are available [from the division offices, and from waterfowl management
superintendents]at the division's internet address, and must be completed
and submitted online by the date prescribed in the respective
proclamation of the Wildlife Board.
[(2) Applications must be received in the mail no later than
5 p.m. on the date published in the proclamation of the Wildlife
Board for taking furbearers. Applications completed incorrectly or
received after the date published in the proclamation of the
Wildlife Board for taking furbearers will be rejected.
(3) Application must be sent to the Wildlife Management
section in the Salt Lake division office.
(4)(a) Trappers may apply for only one permit on only one
management area in any 12 month period.](i) Applicants submitting more than one application per calendar
year will be rejected.
(b) Applicants must meet all age requirements, proof of hunter education and furharvester requirements, and youth restrictions as provided in Utah Code 23-19-24, 23-19-11 and 23-20-20.
(c) Applicants may select up to two WMA choices on the application.
(d) Hunt choices must be listed in order of preference.
([b]e) Up to three trappers may apply as a group for a single
[(c) None of the group applicants may apply for any other
(5)(a) Only the trapper or trappers specified on the
application may trap on the waterfowl management area.
(b) Violation of this section is cause for forfeiture of
all trapping privileges on management areas for that trapping
(6) Areas open to trapping, trapping fees, and number of
permits for individual areas are available at division offices or
by contacting the waterfowl management area superintendents during
the application period.](f) A person who applies for or obtains a permit must notify the
division of any change in mailing address, residency, telephone
number, email address, and physical description.
([7)(a]g) If the number of applications received
for a WMAexceeds the number of permits available, a drawing
will be held. [Applicants shall be notified by mail of]Thisdrawing [results.
(b) This drawing] will determine successful
or unsuccessful applicants.
(i) each application will be assigned a computerized random drawing number.
(ii) a drawing order will be established by arranging applications beginning with the lowest random drawing number.
(iii) in sequence of the drawing order, the applicant's first selection will be considered. If a permit is not available for that selection, that applicant's second selection will be considered.
(iv) remaining permits will be offered to the alternate list beginning with the first eligible alternate.
(A) the alternate list is comprised of
and alternates].
([8) Trapping dates and species that may be trapped]B) the alternate list is arranged in order beginning with the
lowest drawing number.
(2) Permits, trapping dates and boundaries
(a) Open areas, trapping dates, allowable species, fees, and number of permitsshall be determined by the waterfowl management area superintendent.
Superintendents of waterfowl management areas offering more than
one trapping permit will determine the trapping boundaries of each
(c) Only the trapper or trappers listed on the permit may trap on the waterfowl management area.
(d ) All trappers must trap under the supervision of the waterfowl management area superintendent. Permits are not valid until signed by the superintendent in charge of the area to be trapped.
(e) Violation of this section is cause for forfeiture of all trapping privileges on management areas for that trapping year.
(f) Applicants may be notified of drawing results by the date prescribed in the respective proclamation of the Wildlife Board.
R657-11-28. Fees.
(1) Upon verified payment of trapping fees, permits will be mailed tosuccessful applicants are granted trapping rights for management areas.
(2) If a successful applicant fails to
make full payment within [ten]14days [after]ofthe [drawing]results posting date, an alternate trapper will be
(3) Permits are not valid until signed by the superintendent in charge of the area to be trapped.
KEY: wildlife, furbearers, game laws, wildlife law
Date of Enactment or Last substantive Amendment: [
October 22, 2009
Notice of Continuation: August 16, 2010
Authorizing, and Implementing or Interpreted Law: 23-14-18; 23-14-19; 23-13-17
Additional Information
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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Staci Coons at the above address, by phone at 801-538-4718, by FAX at 801-538-4709, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].