File No. 34032

This rule was published in the September 15, 2010, issue (Vol. 2010, No. 18) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Health, Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy

Rule R414-10

Physician Services

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 34032
Filed: 09/01/2010 09:27:06 AM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The purpose of this change is to clarify service coverage for physician services.

Summary of the rule or change:

This amendment clarifies that Medicaid does not cover certain clinic services. It also makes other updates and corrections.

State statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 26-18-3

This rule or change incorporates by reference the following material:

  • Updates 42 CFR 441, Subpart F, published by Government Printing Office, 10/01/2009

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The Department does not expect any impact to the state budget because this change only clarifies that Medicaid does not cover certain clinic services.

local governments:

There is no impact to local governments because they do not fund or provide physician services for Medicaid clients.

small businesses:

The Department does not expect any impact to small businesses because this change only clarifies that Medicaid does not cover certain clinic services.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The Department does not expect any impact to Medicaid providers or to Medicaid clients because this change only clarifies that Medicaid does not cover certain clinic services.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

There are no compliance costs to a single Medicaid provider or to a Medicaid client because this change only clarifies that Medicaid does not cover certain clinic services.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

This update to the rule will not reduce reimbursement to existing providers.

David N. Sundwall, MD, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Division of Administrative Rules, or at:

Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
288 N 1460 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3231

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Craig Devashrayee at the above address, by phone at 801-538-6641, by FAX at 801-538-6099, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

David Sundwall, Executive Director


R414. Health, Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy.

R414-10. Physician Services.

R414-10-1. Introduction and Authority.

(1) The Physician Services Program provides a scope of physician services to meet the basic medical needs of eligible Medicaid recipients. It encompasses the art and science of caring for those who are ill through the practice of medicine or osteopathy defined in Title 58, Chapter 12[, UCA].

(2) Physician services are a mandatory Medicaid, Title XIX, program authorized by Sections 1901 and 1905(a)(1) of the Social Security Act, 42 CFR 440.50[, October 1996 edition,] and Sections 26-1-5 and 26-18-3[, UCA].


R414-10-5. Service Coverage.

(1) Physician services involve direct patient care and securing and supervising appropriate diagnostic ancillary tests or services in order to diagnose the existence, nature, or extent of illness, injury, or disability. In addition, physician services involve establishing a course of medically necessary treatment designed to prevent or minimize the adverse effects of human disease, pain, illness, injury, infirmity, deformity, or other impairments to a client's physical or mental health.

(2) Physician services may be provided only within the parameters of accepted medical practice and are subject to limitations and exclusions established by the Department on the basis of medical necessity, appropriateness, and utilization control considerations.

(3) Program limitations and noncovered services are established by specific program policy maintained in the Physician Provider Manual and updated by notification through Medicaid Information Bulletins. Following is a general list of medical and health care services excluded from coverage:

(a) Services rendered during a period the recipient was ineligible for Medicaid;

(b) Services medically unnecessary or unreasonable;

(c) Services which fail to meet existing standards of professional practice, or which are currently professionally unacceptable;

(d) Services requiring prior authorization, but for which such authorization was not received;

(e) Services, elective in nature, based on patient request or individual preference rather than medical necessity;

(f) Services fraudulently claimed;

(g) Services which represent abuse or overuse;

(h) Services rejected or disallowed by Medicare when the rejection was based upon any of the reasons listed above.

(i) Services for which third party payors are primarily responsible, e.g., Medicare, private health insurance, liability insurance. Medicaid may make a partial payment up to the Medicaid maximum if the limit has not been reached by a third party.

(j) If a procedure or service is not covered for any of the above reasons or because of specific policy exclusion, all related services and supplies, including institutional costs, are excluded for the standard post operative recovery period.

(4) Experimental or medically unproven physician services or procedures are excluded from coverage. Criteria established and approved by the Department staff and physician consultants are used to identify noncovered services and procedures. Policy statements developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration, Coverage Issues Bureau, are also used to determine Department policy for noncovered services.

(5) Certain services are excluded from coverage because medical necessity, appropriate utilization, and cost effectiveness of the services cannot be assured. A variety of lifestyle factors contribute to the "syndromes" associated with such services, and there is no specific therapy or treatment identified except for those that border on behavior modification, experimental, or unproven practices. [Services include]Medicaid does not cover:

(a) [Sleep apnea or] sleep studies[, or both;] in sleep centers or clinics that are not Department-approved;

(b) services in pain clinics;[ and]

(c) services in [E]eating disorder[s] clinics[.]; and

(d) services in wound clinics.

(6) When a service or procedure does not qualify for coverage under the Medicaid program because it is an elective cosmetic, reconstructive, or plastic surgery, all related services, supplies, and institutional costs are excluded from coverage.

(7) Medications for appetite suppression, surgical procedures, unproven or experimental treatments, or educational, nutritional support programs for the treatment of obesity or weight control, are excluded from coverage.

(8) Cognitive or Office Services:

(a) Cognitive services by a provider are limited to one service per client per day. These services are defined as office visits, hospital visits except for those following a package surgical procedure, therapy visits, and other types of nonsurgical services. When a second office visit for the same problem or a hospital admission occurs on the same date as another service, the physician shall combine the services as one service and select a procedure code that indicates the overall care given.

(b) Routine physical examinations, not part of an otherwise medically necessary service, are excluded from coverage, except in the following circumstances:

(i) Preschool and school age children, including those who are EPSDT (CHEC) eligible, participating in the ongoing CHEC program of scheduled services and follow-up care.

(ii) New patients seeing a physician for the first time with an initial complaint where a comprehensive physical examination, including a medical and social history, is necessary.

(iii) Medically necessary examinations associated with birth control medication, devices, and instructions.

(c) Family planning services may be provided only by or under the supervision of a physician and only to individuals of childbearing age, including sexually active minors. The following services are excluded from coverage as family planning services:

(i) Experimental or unproven medical procedures, practices, or medication.

(ii) Surgical procedures for the reversal of previous elective sterilization, both male and female.

(iii) Infertility studies.

(iv) In-vitro fertilization.

(v) Artificial insemination.

(vi) Surrogate motherhood, including all services, tests, and related charges.

(vii) Abortion, except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or where pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.

(d) After-hours service codes may be used only by a private physician, primary care provider, who responds to treat a patient in the physician's private office for a medical emergency, accident, or injury after regular office hours. Only one of the after hours CPT codes may be used per visit.

(e) Laboratory services provided by a physician in his office are limited to the waived tests or those types of laboratory tests identified by the federal Health Care Financing Administration for which each individual physician is CLIA certified to provide, bill, and receive Medicaid payment.

(f) A specimen collection fee is covered for service in a physician's office only when a specimen is to be sent to an outside laboratory, and the physician or one of his office staff under his personal supervision actually extracts the specimen from a patient, and only by one of the following tasks:

(i) Drawing a blood sample through venipuncture, i.e., inserting into a vein a needle with syringe or vacutainer to draw the specimen; or

(ii) Collecting a urine sample by catheterization.

(iii) A drawing fee for finger, heel, or ear sticks is limited to only infants under the age of two years.

(g) Eye examinations are covered, but only once each calendar year.

(h) Contact lenses are covered only for aphakia, nystagmus, keratoconus, severe corneal distortion, cataract surgery, and in those cases where visual acuity cannot be corrected to at least 20/70 in the better eye.

(9) Psychiatric Services:

(a) Psychiatric services or psychosocial diagnosis and counseling are specialty medical services. Psychiatric services, whether in a private office, a group practice, or private clinic setting, may only be provided directly and documented and billed to the Department by the private physician. Charting and documentation must clearly reflect the private physician's direct provision of care.

(b) Nonphysician psychosocial counseling services are excluded from coverage as a Medicaid benefit. The personal supervision policy, Rule R414-45, may not be applied to psychiatric services.

(c) Admission to a general hospital for psychiatric care by a physician requires prior authorization and is limited to those cases determined by established criteria and utilization review standards to be of a severity that appropriate intensity of service cannot be provided in any alternate setting.

(d) Coverage for treatment of organic brain disease is limited to that provided by the primary care provider.

(10) Laboratory and Radiology Services:

(a) Physicians prepared in a highly specialized field of practice, e.g., neurology or neurosurgery, who provide consultation and diagnostic radiology services in an independent setting at the request of a private physician may bill for both the technical and professional component of the radiology service.

(b) Dermatologists with specialized preparation in pathology services specifically for the skin may provide and bill for those services.

(11) Hospital Services:

(a) A patient hospitalized for nonsurgical services may require more than one visit per day because of the patient's condition and treatment needs. Since physician visits are limited to one per day, the physician shall select one procedure code to define the overall care given. If intensive care services are provided, or critical care service codes are used to define service provided, the Department requires additional documentation from the physician. The medical record must show documentation of medical necessity and result of the additional service.

(b) If, for the convenience of the physician and not for medical necessity, a patient is transferred between physicians within the same hospital or from one hospital to another hospital, both physicians may only use subsequent hospital care service codes to define and bill for services provided. Under this policy limitation, services associated with the following codes are excluded from coverage as a Medicaid benefit:

(i) Consultation; and

(ii) Initial hospital care services.

(c) Treatment of alcoholism or drug dependency in an inpatient setting is limited to acute care for detoxification only.

(d) Services for pregnant women who do not meet United States residency requirements (undocumented aliens) are limited to only hospital admission for labor and delivery. Medicaid does not cover prenatal services.

(12) Abortion, Sterilization and Hysterectomy:

(a) Abortion procedures are limited to:

(i) those where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest; or

(ii) a case with medical certification of necessity where a woman suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself that would, as certified by a physician, place the woman in danger of death unless an abortion is performed.

(b) Sterilization and hysterectomy procedures are limited to those which meet the requirements of 42 CFR 441, Subpart F, October [1996]2009 edition, which is adopted and incorporated by reference.

(13) Cosmetic, Plastic, or Reconstructive Services:

(a) Cosmetic, plastic, or reconstructive surgery procedures may only be covered when medically necessary to:

(i) correct a congenital anomaly;

(ii) restore body form or function following an accidental injury; or

(iii) revise severe disfiguring and extensive scarring resulting from neoplastic surgery.

(14) Surgical Services:

(a) Surgical procedures defined and coded in the CPT Manual are limited by Utah Medicaid policy to prior authorization, or are excluded from coverage. Limitations are documented on the Medical and Surgical Procedures Prior Authorization List, reviewed and revised yearly and maintained in the Physician Provider Manual through notification by Provider Bulletins.

(b) Surgical procedures are "package" services. The package service includes:

(i) the preoperative examination, initiation of the hospital record, and development of a treatment program either in the physician's office on the day before admission, or in the hospital or the physician's office on the same day as admission to the hospital;

(ii) the operation;

(iii) any topical, local, or regional anesthesia; and

(iv) the normal, uncomplicated follow-up care covering the period of hospitalization and office follow-up for progress checks or any service directly related to the surgical procedure for up to six weeks post surgery.

(c) Interpretation of "package" services:

(i) A physician may not bill for an office visit the day prior to surgery, for preadmission or admission workup, or for subsequent hospital care while the patient is being prepared, hospitalized, or under care for a "package" surgical service.

(ii) Consultation services may be billed by the consulting physician only when consultation and no other service is provided. When a consulting physician admits and follows a patient, independently or concurrently with the primary physician, only admission codes and subsequent care codes may be used.

(iii) Office visits for up to six weeks following the hospitalization which relate to the same diagnosis are part of the "package" service. The only exception to either inpatient or office service is for service related to complications, exacerbations, or recurrence of other diseases or problems requiring additional or separate service.

(d) Procedures exempt from the "package" definition are identified in the CPT Manual by an asterisk. The CPT Manual outlines the surgical guidelines which apply to documentation and billing of procedures marked by an asterisk.

(e) Complications, exacerbations, recurrence, or the presence of other diseases or injuries requiring services concurrent with the initial surgical procedure during the listed period of normal follow-up care, may warrant additional charges only when the record shows extensive documentation and justification of additional services.

(f) When an additional surgical procedure is carried out within the listed period of follow-up care for a previous surgery, the follow-up periods continue concurrently to their normal terminations.

(g) Preoperative examination and planning are covered as separate services only in the following circumstances:

(i) When the preoperative visit is the initial visit for the physician and prolonged detention or evaluation is required to establish a diagnosis, determine the need for a specific surgical procedure, or prepare the patient;

(ii) When the preoperative visit is a consultation and the consulting physician does not assume care of the patient; or

(iii) When diagnostic procedures, not part of the basic surgical procedure, e.g., bronchoscopy prior to chest surgery, are provided during the immediate preoperative period.

(h) Exploratory laparotomy procedures confirm a diagnosis and determine the extent of necessary treatment. A physician may request payment only if the exploratory procedure is the only procedure done during an operative session.

(i) The services of an assistant surgeon are specialty services to be provided only by a licensed physician, and are covered only on very complex surgical procedures. Procedures not authorized for assistant surgeon coverage are listed in the Physician Provider Manual and updated by Medicaid Provider Bulletins as necessary. Medicare guidelines for limitation of assistant surgeon coverage are used, since those decisions are made at the national level with physician consultation.

(j) Medicaid does not cover surgical procedures, experimental therapies, or educational, nutritional, support programs for treatment of obesity or weight control.

(15) Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures:

(a) Diagnostic needle procedures, e.g., lumbar puncture, thoracentesis, and jugular, femoral vein, or subdural taps, when performed as part of a necessary workup for a serious medical illness or injury, are covered in addition to other medical care on the same day.

(b) Diagnostic "oscopy" procedures, e.g., endoscopy, bronchoscopy, and laparoscopy, are covered separately from any major surgical procedure. However, when an "oscopy" procedure is done the same day or at the same operative session as another procedure, the "oscopy" procedure may only be covered as a multiple procedure.

(c) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is covered only for service to the brain, spinal cord, hip, thigh and abdomen.

(d) Therapeutic needle procedures, e.g., scalp vein insertion, injections into cavities, nerve blocks, are covered in addition to other medical care on the same day.

(e) Puncture of a cavity or joint for aspiration followed by injection of a medication is covered as one procedure and identified by specific CPT code.

(16) Anesthesia Services:

Anesthesia services are covered only when administered by a licensed anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist who remains in attendance for the sole purpose of rendering general anesthesia services. Standby or monitoring by the anesthesiologist or anesthetist during local anesthesia is not a covered Medicaid anesthesia service.

(17) Transplant Services:

Except for kidney and cornea transplants, Medicaid limits organ transplant services to those procedures for which selection criteria have been approved and documented in Rule R414-10A.

(18) Modifiers:

Modifiers may be used only, as defined in the CPT Manual, to show that a service or procedure has been altered to some degree but not changed in definition or code. The following limitations apply:

(a) The professional component, modifier 26, may be used only with laboratory and radiology service codes and only when direct analysis, interpretation, and written report of findings are provided by a physician on a laboratory or radiology procedure.

(b) Unusual services are identified by use of modifier 22, along with the appropriate CPT code. A prepayment review of unusual services shall be completed by Medicaid professional staff or physician consultants. A report of the service and any important supporting documentation must be submitted with the claim for review.

(c) Anesthesia by surgeon is identified by use of modifier 47. The operating surgeon may not use modifier 47 in addition to the basic procedure code. Anesthesia provided by the surgeon is part of the basic procedure being provided.

(d) Mandated services as defined by CPT and identified by modifier 32 are noncovered services.

(e) Reference laboratory services identified by modifier 90 are noncovered services.

(19) Medications:

(a) Drugs and biologicals are limited to those approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or those approved by the Drug Utilization Review Board (DUR) for off-label use, which is use for a condition different from that initially intended for the drug or biological. Medicaid coverage of drugs and biologicals is based on individual need and orders written by a physician when the drug is given in accordance with accepted standards of medical practice and within the protocol of accepted use for the drug.

(i) Generic drugs shall be used whenever a generic product approved by the FDA is available. If the physician determines that a brand name drug is medically necessary, the physician may override the generic requirement by writing on the prescription in his own hand writing "name brand medically necessary". Preprinted messages, abbreviations, or notations by a second party, do not meet the override requirement. The pharmacist shall fill the prescription with the generic equivalent product if the override procedure is not followed.

(ii) Injectable medications approved in HCPCS are identified in the "J" code list published by the Health Care Financing Administration or the Department, or both. The list is reviewed and revised yearly and maintained in the Physician Provider Manual by notification and update through Medicaid Provider Bulletins.

(iii) The "J" code covers only the cost of an approved product.

(iv) Office visits only for administration of medication are excluded from coverage. However, an injection code which covers the cost of the syringe, needle and administration of the medication may be used with the "J" code when medication administration is the only reason for an office call.

(v) When an office service is provided for other purposes, in addition to medication administration, only the office visit and a "J" code may be used to bill for the service provided.

(vi) The office visit code and injection code may never be used together. Only one of the codes may be used to define the service provided.

(vii) Vitamin B-12 is limited to use only in treating conditions where physiological mechanisms produce pernicious anemia. Use of Vitamin B-12 in treating any unrelated condition is excluded from coverage.

(b) Vitamins may be provided only for:

(i) Pregnant women: Prenatal vitamins with 1 mg folic acid.

(ii) Children through age five: Children's vitamins with fluoride.

(iii) Children through age one: multiple vitamin (A, C, and D) without fluoride.

(iv) Children through age 15: Fluoride supplement.

(c) Human growth stimulating hormones are limited to CHEC eligible children under the age of 15 who meet the established internal criteria for coverage that has been published and is available in the Provider Manual.

(d) Methylphenidates, amphetamines, and other central nervous system stimulants require prior authorization and may be provided only for treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

(e) Medications for appetite suppression are not a covered service.

(f) Non-prescription, over-the-counter items are limited, and notification of changes consistent with this rule is made by Provider Bulletin and Provider Manual updates.[

(g) Nutrients may be provided only as established in R414-71-6.]


KEY: Medicaid

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [May 1], 2010

Notice of Continuation: January 26, 2007

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 26-1-5; 26-18-3


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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Craig Devashrayee at the above address, by phone at 801-538-6641, by FAX at 801-538-6099, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].