DAR File No. 41089

This rule was published in the January 1, 2017, issue (Vol. 2017, No. 1) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Education, Administration

Rule R277-212

UPPAC Hearing Procedures and Reports

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 41089
Filed: 12/14/2016 02:58:45 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

Rule R277-212 is amended to provide Board disciplinary action that results in an educator placed on probation and an educator receiving a letter of reprimand to be included for notification and reporting purposes.

Summary of the rule or change:

The changes to Rule R277-212 update the rule to include, in the notification and reporting requirements, those educators being placed on probation or receiving a letter of reprimand.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 53A-1-401
  • Art X, Sec 3
  • Section 53A-6-306

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The changes to Rule R277-212 provide for those educators being placed on probation or receiving a letter of reprimand to be included in notification and reporting requirements, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to the state budget.

local governments:

The changes to Rule R277-212 provide for those educators being placed on probation or receiving a letter of reprimand to be included in notification and reporting requirements, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to local government.

small businesses:

The changes to R277-212 provide for those educators being placed on probation or receiving a letter of reprimand to be included in notification and reporting requirements, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to small businesses.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The changes to Rule R277-212 provide for those educators being placed on probation or receiving a letter of reprimand to be included in notification and reporting requirements, which likely will not result in a cost or savings to persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local government entities.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The changes to Rule R277-212 provide for those educators being placed on probation or receiving a letter of reprimand to be included in notification and reporting requirements, which likely will not result in any compliance costs for affected persons.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

To the best of my knowledge, there should be no fiscal impact on businesses resulting from the amendments to this rule.

Sydnee Dickson, State Superintendent

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

250 E 500 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111-3272

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Angela Stallings at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7656, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Angela Stallings, Deputy Superintendent, Policy and Communication


R277. Education, Administration.

R277-212. UPPAC Hearing Procedures and Reports.

R277-212-2. Scheduling a Hearing.

(1)(a) Following receipt of an answer by respondent requesting a hearing, or at the direction of the Board to give the respondent an opportunity to have a hearing:

(i) UPPAC shall select panel members;

(ii) the Executive Secretary shall appoint a hearing officer from among a list of hearing officers identified by the state procurement process and approved by UPPAC; and

(iii) UPPAC shall schedule the date, time, and place for the hearing.

(b) The Executive Secretary shall schedule a hearing for a date that is not less than 45 days nor more than 180 days from the date the Executive Secretary receives the answer unless otherwise stipulated by the parties.

(c) The required scheduling periods may be waived by mutual written consent of the parties or by the hearing officer for good cause shown.

(2)(a) Any party may request a change of hearing date by submitting a request in writing that shall:

(i) include a statement of the reasons for the request; and

(ii) be submitted to the hearing officer at least five days prior to the scheduled date of the hearing.

(b) The hearing officer shall determine whether the reason stated in the request is sufficient to warrant a change.

(c) If the hearing officer finds that the reason for the request for a change of hearing date is sufficient, the hearing officer shall promptly notify all parties of the new time, date, and place for the hearing.

(d) If the hearing officer does not find the reason for the request for a change of hearing date to be sufficient, the hearing officer shall immediately notify the parties that the request has been denied.

(e) The hearing officer and the parties may waive the time period required for requesting a change of hearing date for good cause shown.

(3) An educator is entitled to a hearing on any matter in which an action is recommended.

(4) An educator is not entitled to a hearing on a matter in which a disciplinary letter is recommended.

R277-212-3. Appointment and Duties of the Hearing Officer and Hearing Panel.

(1)(a) The Executive Secretary shall appoint a hearing officer to chair the hearing panel and conduct the hearing.

(b) The Executive Secretary shall select a hearing officer on a random basis from a list of available contracted hearing officers, subject to availability and conflict of interest.

(c) The Executive Secretary shall provide such information about the case as necessary to determine whether the hearing officer has a conflict of interest and shall disqualify any hearing officer that cannot serve under the Utah Rules of Professional Conduct.

(d) A hearing officer:

(i) may require the parties to submit a brief and a list of witnesses prior to the hearing;

(ii) presides at the hearing and regulates the course of the proceeding;

(iii) administers an oath to a witness as follows: "Do you swear or affirm that the testimony you will give is the truth?";

(iv) may take testimony, rule on a question of evidence, and ask a question of a witness to clarify a specific issue; and

(v) prepares and submits a hearing report to the Executive Secretary at the conclusion of the proceedings in consultation with panel members and the timelines of this rule.

(2)(a) UPPAC shall select three or more individuals to serve as members of the hearing panel.

[(b) As directed by UPPAC, any licensed educator may serve as a panel member, if needed.]

([c]b) The majority of panel members shall be current UPPAC members.

(c) As directed by UPPAC, a licensed educator or member of the community may serve as a panel member, if needed.

(d) UPPAC shall select panel members on a rotating basis to the extent practicable.

(e) UPPAC shall accommodate each prospective panel member based on the availability of the panel member.

(f) If the respondent is a teacher, at least one panel member shall be a teacher.

(g) If the respondent is a non-teacher licensed educator, at least one panel member shall be a non-teacher licensed educator.

(3) The requirements of Subsection (2) may be waived only upon the stipulation of both UPPAC and the respondent.

(4)(a) A UPPAC panel member shall:

(i) assist a hearing officer by providing information concerning professional standards and practices of educators in the respondent's particular field of practice and in the situations alleged;

(ii) ask a question of a witness to clarify a specific issue;

(iii) review all evidence and briefs, if any, presented at the hearing;

(iv) make a recommendation to UPPAC as to the suggested disposition of a complaint; and

(v) assist the hearing officer in preparing the hearing report.

(b) A panel member may only consider the evidence approved for admission by the hearing officer.

(c) The Executive Secretary may make an emergency substitution of a panel member for cause with the consent of the parties.

(d) The agreement to substitute a panel member shall be in writing.

(e) Parties may agree to a two-member UPPAC panel in an emergency situation.

(f) If the parties do not agree to a substitution or to having a two-member panel, the Executive Secretary shall reschedule the hearing.

(5)(a) A party may request that the Executive Secretary disqualify a hearing officer by submitting a written request for disqualification to the Executive Secretary.

(b) A party shall submit a request to disqualify a hearing officer to the Executive Secretary at least 15 days before a scheduled hearing.

(6)(a) The Executive Secretary shall review a request described in Subsection (5) and supporting evidence to determine whether the reasons for the request are substantial and compelling.

(b) If the Executive Secretary determines that the hearing officer should be disqualified, the Executive Secretary shall appoint a new hearing officer and, if necessary, reschedule the hearing.

(7) A hearing officer may recuse himself or herself from a hearing if, in the hearing officer's opinion, the hearing officer's participation would violate any of the Utah Rules of Professional Conduct consistent with the Supreme Court Rules of Professional Practice.

(8)(a) If the Executive Secretary denies a request to disqualify a hearing officer described in Subsection (5), the Executive Secretary shall notify the party within ten days prior to the date of the hearing.

(b) The requesting party may submit a written appeal of the Executive Secretary's denial to the Superintendent no later than five days prior to the hearing date.

(c) If the Superintendent finds that the appeal is justified, the Superintendent shall direct the Executive Secretary to appoint a new hearing officer and, if necessary, reschedule the hearing.

(d) The decision of the Superintendent described in Subsection (8)(c) is final.

(e) If a party fails to file an appeal within the time requirements of Subsection (8)(b), the appeal shall be deemed denied.

(f) If the Executive Secretary fails to meet the time requirements described in Subsection (6) or (8), the request or appeal is approved.

(9)(a) A UPPAC member shall recuse himself or herself as a panel member due to any known financial or personal interest, prior relationship, personal and independent knowledge of the persons or issues in the case, or other association that the panel member believes would compromise the panel member's ability to make an impartial decision.

(b) A party may request that a UPPAC panel member be disqualified by submitting a written request to the following:

(i) the hearing officer; or

(ii) to the Executive Secretary if there is no hearing officer.

(c) A party shall submit a request described in Subsection (9)(b) no less than 15 days before a scheduled hearing.

(d) The hearing officer, or the Executive Secretary, if there is no hearing officer, shall:

(i) review a request described in Subsection (9)(b) and supporting evidence to determine whether the reasons for the request are substantial and compelling enough to disqualify the panel member; and

(ii) if the reasons for the request described in Subsection (9)(b) are substantial and compelling, disqualify the panel member.

(e) If the panel member's disqualification leaves the hearing panel with fewer than three UPPAC panel members:

(i) UPPAC shall appoint a replacement; and

(ii) the Executive Secretary shall, if necessary, reschedule the hearing.

(f) If a request described in Subsection (9)(b) is denied, the hearing officer or the Executive Secretary if there is no hearing officer, shall notify the party requesting the panel member's disqualification no less than ten days prior to the date of the hearing.

(g) The requesting party may file a written appeal of a denial described in Subsection (9)(f) with the Superintendent no later than five days prior to the hearing date.

(h) If the Superintendent finds that an appeal described in Subsection (9)(g) is justified, the Superintendent shall direct the hearing officer or the Executive Secretary if there is no hearing officer, to replace the panel member.

(i) If a panel member's disqualification leaves the hearing panel with fewer than three UPPAC panel members, UPPAC shall agree upon a replacement and the Executive Secretary shall, if necessary, reschedule the hearing.

(j) The decision of the Superintendent described in Subsection (9)(h) is final.

(k) If a party fails to file an appeal within the time requirements of Subsection (9)(g), the appeal shall be deemed denied.

(l) If the hearing officer, or the Executive Secretary if there is no hearing officer, fails to meet the time requirements described in this Subsection (9), the request or appeal is approved.

(10) The Executive Secretary may, at the time the Executive Secretary selects a hearing officer or panel member, select an alternative hearing officer or panel member following the process for selecting those individuals.

(11) The Executive Secretary may substitute a panel member with an alternative panel member if the Executive Secretary notifies the parties of the substitution.


R277-212-13. Hearing Report.

(1) Within 20 days after the hearing, or within 20 days after the deadline imposed for the filing of any post-hearing materials as permitted by the hearing officer, the hearing officer shall sign and issue a hearing report consistent with the recommendations of the panel that includes:

(a) detailed findings of fact and conclusions of law based upon the evidence of record or on facts officially noted;

(b) a statement of relevant precedent, if available;

(c) a statement of applicable law and rule;

(d) presumptions applied by UPPAC;

(e) mitigating and aggravating circumstances considered by UPPAC;

(f) a recommended disposition of UPPAC panel members that shall be one or an appropriate combination of the following:

(i) dismissal of the complaint;

(ii) letter of admonishment;

(iii) letter of warning;

(iv) letter of reprimand;

(v) probation, to include the following terms and conditions:

(A) it is the respondent's responsibility to petition UPPAC for removal of probation and letter of reprimand from the respondent's CACTUS file;

(B) a recommended minimum probationary time;

(C) conditions that can be monitored;

(D) if recommended by the panel, a person or entity to monitor a respondent's probation;

(E) a statement providing for costs of probation, if appropriate; and

(F) whether or not the respondent may work in any capacity in public education during the probationary period;

(vi) disciplinary action held in abeyance;

(vii) suspension, to include the following terms and conditions:

(A) a recommended minimum time period consistent with R277-215 after which an educator may request a reinstatement hearing under Rule R277-213; and

(B) any recommended conditions precedent to requesting a reinstatement hearing under Section R277-213-2; or

(viii) revocation; and

(g) notice that UPPAC's recommendation is subject to approval by the Board and judicial review as may be allowed by law.

(2) Findings of fact may not be based solely upon hearsay, and conclusions shall be based upon competent evidence.

(3) Any of the consequences described in Subsection (1)(d) may be imposed in the form of a disciplinary action held in abeyance.

(4)(a) If the respondent's penalty is held in abeyance, the respondent's penalty is stayed subject to the satisfactory completion of probationary conditions.

(b) The decision to impose a consequence in the form of a disciplinary action held in abeyance shall provide for appropriate or presumed discipline if the respondent does not fully satisfy the probationary conditions.

(5)(a) A hearing officer shall circulate a draft report to hearing panel members prior to the 20 day completion deadline of the hearing report.

(b) Hearing panel members shall notify the hearing officer of any changes to the report:

(i) as soon as possible after receiving the report; and

(ii) prior to the 20 day completion deadline of the hearing report.

(c) The hearing officer shall file the completed hearing report with the Executive Secretary, who shall review the report with UPPAC.

(d) The Executive Secretary may participate in UPPAC's deliberation as a resource to UPPAC in explaining the hearing report and answering any procedural questions raised by UPPAC members.

(e) The hearing officer may confer with the Executive Secretary or the panel members or both while preparing the hearing report.

(f) The hearing officer may request the Executive Secretary to confer with the hearing officer and panel following the hearing.

(g) The Executive Secretary may return a hearing report to a hearing officer if the report is incomplete, unclear, or unreadable, or missing essential components or information.

(h) UPPAC shall vote to uphold the hearing officer's and panel's report if UPPAC finds that:

(i) there are no significant procedural errors;

(ii) the hearing officer's recommendations are based upon a preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing; and

(iii) that all issues explained in the hearing report are adequately addressed in the conclusions of the report.

(i) After the UPPAC review, the Executive Secretary shall send a copy of the hearing report to:

(i) the Board for further action;

(ii) the respondent; and

(iii) the UPPAC case file.

(6)(a) If UPPAC adopts a hearing report that recommends an action, as defined in Subsection R277-210-2(1), either party may request review by the Superintendent within 15 days from the date the Executive Secretary sends a copy of the hearing report to the respondent.

(b) The request for review shall consist of:

(i) the name, position, and address of the appellant;

(ii) the issue being appealed; and

(iii) the signature of the appellant or the appellant's representative.

(c) An appeal to the Superintendent is limited to a question of fairness or a violation of due process.

(d) If the Superintendent finds that a procedural error has occurred that violates fairness or due process, the Superintendent shall:

(i) refer the report back to UPPAC for reconsideration as to whether the findings, conclusions, or decisions are supported by a preponderance of the evidence; or

(ii) direct the UPPAC Executive Secretary to take specific administrative action.

(e) After UPPAC completes reconsideration, the Superintendent shall:

(i) notify all parties; and

(ii) refer the report to the Board, if necessary, for final disposition consistent with this rule.

(7) If the Board does not approve a UPPAC hearing report, the Board may:

(a) remand the case to UPPAC with direction to cure due process issues; or

(b) direct the Executive Secretary to make other evidence available pursuant to Section R277-212-14 before issuing a final decision with official findings; or

(c) issue findings based on the UPPAC hearing record and report:

(i) specifying the reasons, including presumptions and the mitigating and aggravating circumstances the Board considered, why the Board disapproves of the hearing report;

(ii) adopting the Board's decision on the matter; and

(iii) directing the Executive Secretary to include the findings as an addendum to the hearing report, which findings constitute final Board action; or

(d) take other appropriate action consistent with due process and R277-215.

(8) Following Board adoption of a hearing report or the Board's decision under Subsection (7)(b), the Executive Secretary shall:

(a) notify the educator;

(b) notify the educator's employer;

(c) update CACTUS to reflect the Board's action; and

(d) report the action to the NASDTEC Educator Information Clearing house if the action results in:

(i) a revocation;[ or]

(ii) a suspension[.];

(iii) probation; or

(iv) a letter of reprimand.

(9) The hearing report is a public document under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act after final action is taken in the case, but may be redacted if it is determined that the hearing report contains particular information, the dissemination of which is otherwise restricted under the law.

(10) A respondent's failure to comply with the terms of a final disposition may result in additional discipline against the educator license.

(11) If a hearing officer fails to satisfy the hearing officer's responsibilities under this rule, the Executive Secretary may:

(a) notify the Utah State Bar of the failure;

(b) reduce the hearing officer's compensation consistent with the failure;

(c) take timely action to avoid disadvantaging either party; or

(d) preclude the hearing officer from further employment by the Board for UPPAC purposes.

(12) The Executive Secretary may waive the deadlines within this section if the Executive Secretary finds good cause.

(13) All criteria of letters of warning and reprimand, probation, suspension, and revocation apply to the comparable sections of the final hearing report.


R277-212-16. Rights of Victims at Hearings.

(1) If the allegations that gave rise to the underlying allegations involve abuse of a sexual or physical nature, UPPAC shall make reasonable efforts to:

(a) advise the alleged victim that a hearing has been scheduled;

(b) notify the alleged victim of the date, time, and location of the hearing; and

(c) notify the alleged victim of the right to attend the hearing alone or with a victim advocate present.

(2) An alleged victim or guardian entitled to notification of a hearing is permitted, but is not required, to attend the hearing.

(3) An alleged victim or witness may have a criminal justice victim advocate or support person attend the hearing with them.


KEY: hearings, reports, educators

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [August 12, 2016]2017

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: Art X Sec 3; 53A-6-306; 53A-1-401

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2017/b20170101.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

Text to be deleted is struck through and surrounded by brackets ([example]). Text to be added is underlined (example).  Older browsers may not depict some or any of these attributes on the screen or when the document is printed.

For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Angela Stallings at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7656, by FAX at 801-538-7768, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.