DAR File No. 41101

This rule was published in the January 1, 2017, issue (Vol. 2017, No. 1) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Environmental Quality, Air Quality

Rule R307-842

Lead-Based Paint Activities

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 41101
Filed: 12/15/2016 12:08:30 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

The purpose of this rule change is to implement amendments that EPA made to its regulations regarding lead-based paint (LBP) renovator certification courses into the Utah State Air Quality rules.

Summary of the rule or change:

These amendments reduce the training burden and costs to the regulated community by allowing electronic training as an option for the LBP renovator refresher course.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Subsection 19-2-104(1)(i)

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

There will be no cost or savings to the state budget, because the rule amendment only impacts how the regulated community is able to take "renovator refresher courses." The state does not have any new financial obligations regarding the new online course.

local governments:

There will be no cost or savings to the local government because the rule amendment only impacts how the regulated community is able to take "renovator refresher courses." Local governments do not have any new financial obligations regarding the new online course.

small businesses:

There may be a savings to small businesses that participate in "renovator refresher courses." The ability to take the course online could save some companies money because hosting or attending an in-person course can cost people money commuting. Any savings gained from taking an online class cannot be estimated as the avoided commute will vary from person to person.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

Other persons will see a small savings because the rule enables people to take the course online. This could save people gas money and other small costs associated with commuting. Any savings gained from taking an online class cannot be estimated as the avoided commute will vary from person to person.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The rule amendments add no new compliance costs for the regulated community because the rule is allowing people to take the course online so that people can save money and time on commuting.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

There may be a savings to businesses that participate in "renovator refresher courses." The ability to take the course online could save some companies money.

Alan Matheson, Executive Director

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Environmental Quality
Air QualityRoom Fourth Floor
195 N 1950 W
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116-3085

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Ryan Stephens at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4419, by FAX at 801-536-0085, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

Bryce Bird, Director


R307. Environmental Quality, Air Quality.

R307-842. Lead-Based Paint Activities.

R307-842-1. Accreditation of Training Programs: Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities.

(1) Scope.

(a) A training program may seek accreditation to offer courses in any of the following disciplines: inspector, risk assessor, supervisor, project designer, abatement worker, renovator, and dust sampling technician. A training program may also seek accreditation to offer refresher courses for each of the above listed disciplines. Training courses taught in Utah must be accredited by the director. All e-learning renovator refresher courses accredited by the director or are originating from companies based in Utah must also be accredited by the director.

(b) Training programs may apply to the director for accreditation of their lead-based paint activities courses or refresher courses pursuant to this section. Training programs may apply to the director for accreditation of their renovator or dust sampling technician courses or refresher courses pursuant to this section.

(c) A training program must not provide, offer, or claim to provide director-accredited lead-based paint activities courses without applying for and receiving accreditation from the director as required under paragraph (2) of this section. A training program must not provide, offer, or claim to provide director-accredited renovator or dust sampling technician courses without applying for and receiving accreditation from the director as required under paragraph (2) of this section.

(d) Accredited training programs, training program managers, and principal instructors must comply with all of the requirements of this section including approved terms of the application and all the requirements and limitations specified in any accreditation documents issued to training programs.

(2) Application process. The following are procedures a training program must follow to receive director accreditation to offer lead-based paint activities courses, renovator courses, or dust sampling technician courses:

(a) A training program seeking accreditation shall submit a written application to the director containing the following information:

(i) The training program's name, address, and telephone number;

(ii) A list of courses for which it is applying for accreditation. For the purposes of this section, courses taught in different languages and electronic learning courses are considered different courses, and each must independently meet the accreditation requirements;

(iii) The name and documentation of the qualifications of the training program manager;

(iv) The name(s) and documentation of qualifications of any principal instructor(s); and

(v) A statement signed by the training program manager certifying that the training program meets the requirements established in paragraph (3) of this section. If a training program uses EPA-recommended model training materials, the training program manager shall include a statement certifying that, as well; or

(vi) If a training program does not use EPA-recommended model training materials, its application for accreditation shall also include:

(A) A copy of the student and instructor manuals, or other materials to be used for each course;

(B) A copy of the course agenda for each course; and

(C) When applying for accreditation of a course in a language other than English, a signed statement from a qualified, independent translator that they had compared the course to the English language version and found the translation to be accurate;

(vii) All training programs shall include in their application for accreditation the following:

(A) A description of the facilities and equipment to be used for lecture and hands-on training;

(B) A copy of the course test blueprint for each course;

(C) A description of the activities and procedures that will be used for conducting the assessment of hands-on skills for each course; and

(D) A copy of the quality control plan as described in paragraph (3)(i) of this section.

(b) If a training program meets the requirements in paragraph (3) of this section, then the director shall approve the application for accreditation no more than 180 days after receiving a complete application from the training program. In the case of approval, a certificate of accreditation shall be sent to the applicant. In the case of disapproval, a letter describing the reasons for disapproval shall be sent to the applicant. Prior to disapproval, the director may, at its discretion, work with the applicant to address inadequacies in the application for accreditation. The director may also request additional materials retained by the training program under paragraph (8) of this section. If a training program's application is disapproved, the program may reapply for accreditation at any time.

(c) A training program may apply for accreditation to offer initial courses or refresher courses in as many disciplines as it chooses. A training program may seek accreditation for additional courses at any time as long as the program can demonstrate that it meets the requirements of this section.

(d) A training program applying for accreditation must submit the appropriate fees in accordance with the current Department of Environmental Quality Fee Schedule.

(3) Requirements for the accreditation of training programs. [For a training program to obtain accreditation from the director to offer lead-based paint activities courses, renovator courses, or dust sampling technician courses, the program]A training program accredited by the director to offer lead-based paint activities courses, renovator courses, or dust sampling technician courses must meet the following requirements:

(a) The training program shall employ a training manager who has:

(i) At least 2 years of experience, education, or training in teaching workers or adults; or

(ii) A bachelor's or graduate degree in building construction technology, engineering, industrial hygiene, safety, public health, education, business administration or program management or a related field; or

(iii) Two years of experience in managing a training program specializing in environmental hazards; and

(iv) Demonstrated experience, education, or training in the construction industry including: lead or asbestos abatement, painting, carpentry, renovation, remodeling, occupational safety and health, or industrial hygiene.

(b) The training manager shall designate a qualified principal instructor for each course who has:

(i) Demonstrated experience, education, or training in teaching workers or adults; and

(ii) Successfully completed at least 16 hours of any director-accredited, EPA-accredited, or EPA-authorized state or tribal-accredited lead-specific training for instructors of lead-based paint activities courses or 8 hours of any director-accredited, EPA-accredited or EPA-authorized state or tribal-accredited lead-specific training for instructors of renovator or dust sampling technician courses; and

(iii) Demonstrated experience, education, or training in lead or asbestos abatement, painting, carpentry, renovation, remodeling, occupational safety and health, or industrial hygiene.

(c) The principal instructor shall be responsible for the organization of the course, course delivery, and oversight of the teaching of all course material. The training manager may designate guest instructors as needed for a portion of the course to provide instruction specific to the lecture, hands-on activities, or work practice components of a course. However, the principal instructor is primarily responsible for teaching the course materials and must be present to provide instruction (or oversight of portions of the course taught by guest instructors) for the course for which he or she has been designated the principal instructor.

(d) The following documents shall be recognized by the director as evidence that training managers and principal instructors have the education, work experience, training requirements or demonstrated experience, specifically listed in paragraphs (3)(a) and (3)(b) of this section. This documentation must be submitted with the accreditation application and retained by the training program as required by the recordkeeping requirements contained in paragraph (8) of this section. Those documents include the following:

(i) Official academic transcripts or diploma as evidence of meeting the education requirements;

(ii) Resumes, letters of reference, or documentation of work experience, as evidence of meeting the work experience requirements; and

(iii) Certificates from train-the-trainer courses and lead-specific training courses, as evidence of meeting the training requirements.

(e) The training program shall ensure the availability of, and provide adequate facilities for, the delivery of the lecture, course test, hands-on training, and assessment activities. This includes providing training equipment that reflects current work practices and maintaining or updating the equipment and facilities as needed.

(f) To become accredited in the following disciplines, the training program shall provide initial training courses that meet the following training requirements:

(i) The initial inspector course shall last a minimum of 24 training hours, with a minimum of 8 hours devoted to hands-on training activities. The minimum curriculum requirements for the initial inspector course are contained in paragraph (4)(a) of this section;

(ii) The initial risk assessor course shall last a minimum of 16 training hours, with a minimum of 4 hours devoted to hands-on training activities. The minimum curriculum requirements for the initial risk assessor course are contained in paragraph (4)(b) of this section;

(iii) The initial supervisor course shall last a minimum of 32 training hours, with a minimum of 8 hours devoted to hands-on training activities. The minimum curriculum requirements for the initial supervisor course are contained in paragraph (4)(c) of this section;

(iv) The initial project designer course shall last a minimum of 8 training hours. The minimum curriculum requirements for the initial project designer course are contained in paragraph (4)(d) of this section;

(v) The initial abatement worker course shall last a minimum of 16 training hours, with a minimum of 8 hours devoted to hands-on training activities. The minimum curriculum requirements for the initial abatement worker course are contained in paragraph (4)(e) of this section;

(vi) The initial renovator course must last a minimum of 8 training hours, with a minimum of 2 hours devoted to hands-on training activities. The minimum curriculum requirements for the initial renovator course are contained in paragraph (4)(f) of this section; and

(vii) The initial dust sampling technician course must last a minimum of 8 training hours, with a minimum of 2 hours devoted to hands-on training activities. The minimum curriculum requirements for the initial dust sampling technician course are contained in paragraph (4)(g) of this section.

(viii) Electronic learning and other alternative course delivery methods are permitted for the classroom portion of renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses but not the hands-on portion of these courses, or for final course tests or proficiency tests described in paragraph (3)(g) of this section. Electronic learning courses must comply with the following requirements:

(A) A unique identifier must be assigned to each student for them to use to launch and re-launch the course;

(B) The training provider must track each student's course log-ins, launches, progress, and completion, and maintain these records in accordance with paragraph (8) of this section;

(C) The course must include periodic knowledge checks equivalent to the number and content of the knowledge checks contained in EPA's model course, but at least 16 over the entire course. The knowledge checks must be successfully completed before the student can go on to the next module;

(D) There must be a test of at least 20 questions at the end of the electronic learning portion of the course, of which 80% must be answered correctly by the student for successful completion of the electronic learning portion of the course. The test must be designed so that students do not receive feedback on their test answers until after they have completed and submitted the test; and

(E) Each student must be able to save or print a copy of an electronic learning course completion certificate. The electronic certificate must not be susceptible to easy editing.

(g) For each course offered, the training program shall conduct either a course test at the completion of the course, and if applicable, a hands-on skills assessment, or in the alternative, a proficiency test for that discipline. Each student must successfully complete the hands-on skills assessment and receive a passing score on the course test to pass any course, or successfully complete a proficiency test.

(i) The training manager is responsible for maintaining the validity and integrity of the hands-on skills assessment or proficiency test to ensure that it accurately evaluates the trainees' performance of the work practices and procedures associated with the course topics contained in paragraph (4) of this section;

(ii) The training manager is responsible for maintaining the validity and integrity of the course test to ensure that it accurately evaluates the trainees' knowledge and retention of the course topics; and

(iii) The course test shall be developed in accordance with the test blueprint submitted with the training accreditation application.

(h) The training program shall issue unique course completion certificates to each individual who passes the training course. The course completion certificate shall include:

(i) The name, a unique identification number, and address of the individual;

(ii) The name of the particular course that the individual completed;

(iii) Dates of course completion/test passage;

(iv) For initial inspector, risk assessor, project designer, supervisor, or abatement worker course completion certificates, the expiration date of interim certification, which is 6 months from the date of course completion;

(v) The name, address, and telephone number of the training program;

(vi) The language in which the course was taught;[ and]

(vii) For renovator and dust sampling technician course completion certificates, a photograph of the individual. The photograph must be an accurate and recognizable image of the individual. As reproduced on the certificate, the photograph must not be smaller than 1 square inch ; and

(viii) For renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities course completion certificates, the expiration date of the training certificate.

(i) The training manager shall develop and implement a quality control plan. The plan shall be used to maintain and improve the quality of the training program over time. This plan shall contain at least the following elements:

(i) Procedures for periodic revision of training materials and the course test to reflect innovations in the field; and

(ii) Procedures for the training manager's annual review of principal instructor competency.

(j) Courses offered by the training program must teach the work practice standards contained in R307-841-5 or R307-842-3, as applicable, in such a manner that trainees are provided with the knowledge needed to perform the renovations or lead-based paint activities they will be responsible for conducting.

(k) The training manager shall be responsible for ensuring that the training program complies at all times with all of the requirements in this section.

(l) The training manager shall allow the director or the director's authorized representative to audit the training program to verify the contents of the application for accreditation as described in paragraph (2) of this section.

(m) The training manager must provide notification of renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses offered.

(i) The training manager must provide the director with notification of all renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses offered except for any renovator course without hands-on training delivered via electronic learning. The original notification must be received by the director at least 7 business days prior to the start date of any renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities course;

(ii) The training manager must provide the director updated notification when renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses will begin on a date other than the start date specified in the original notification, as follows:

(A) For renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses beginning prior to the start date provided to the director, an updated notification must be received by the director at least 7 business days before the new start date; and

(B) For renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses beginning after the start date provided to the director, an updated notification must be received by the director at least 2 business days before the start date provided to the director;

(iii) The training manager must update the director of any change in location of renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses at least 7 business days prior to the start date provided to the director;

(iv) The training manager must update the director regarding any course cancellations, or any other change to the original notification. Updated notifications must be received by the director at least 2 business days prior to the start date provided to the director;

(v) Each notification, including updates, must include the following:

(A) Notification type (original, update, or cancellation);

(B) Training program name, address, and telephone number;

(C) Course discipline, type (initial/refresher), and the language in which instruction will be given;

(D) Date(s) and time(s) of training;

(E) Training location(s) telephone number, and address;

(F) Principal instructor's name; and

(G) Training manager's name and signature;

(vi) Notification must be accomplished using any of the following methods: Written notification, or electronically using the Utah Division of Air Quality electronic notification system. Written notification of renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities course schedules can be accomplished by using either the sample form titled "Renovator, Dust Sampling Technician, or Lead-Based Paint Activities Training Course Notification Form" or a similar form containing the information required in paragraph (3)(m)(v) of this section. All written notifications must be delivered to the director by United States Postal Service, fax, commercial delivery service, [or ]hand delivery, or by email. Instructions and sample forms can be obtained from the Utah Division of Air Quality Lead-Based Paint Program web site;

(vii) Renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses must not begin on a date, or at a location other than that specified in the original notification unless an updated notification identifying a new start date or location is submitted, in which case the course must begin on the new start date and/or location specified in the updated notification; and

(viii) No training program shall provide renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses without first notifying the director of such activities in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph.

(n) The training manager must provide notification following completion of renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities courses.

(i) The training manager must provide the director notification after the completion of any renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities course. This [notice]notification must be received by the director no later than 10 business days following [the ]course completion. Notifications for any e-learning renovator refresher course that does not include hands-on training must be submitted via written notification or electronically using the Utah Division of Air Quality electronic notification system no later than the 10th day of the month and include all students trained in the previous month. Written notification for any e-learning renovator refresher course, can be accomplished by using either the sample form titled "Renovator, Dust Sampling Technician, or Lead-Based Paint Activities Training Course Notification Form" or a similar form containing the information required in paragraph (3)(n)(ii) of this section. All written notifications must be delivered to the director by United States Postal Service, fax, commercial delivery service, hand delivery, or by email. Instructions and sample forms can be obtained from the Utah Division of Air Quality Lead-Based Paint Program web site;

(ii) The notification must include the following:

(A) Training program name, address, and telephone number;

(B) Course discipline and type (initial/refresher);

(C) Date(s) of training;

(D) The following information for each student who took the course:

(I) Name,

(II) Address,

(III) Date of birth,

(IV) Course completion certificate number,

(V) Course test score,[ and]

(VI) For renovator or dust sampling technician courses, a digital photograph of the student[;], and

(VII) For renovator refresher courses, the expiration date of the training certificate;

(E) Training manager's name and signature; and

(F) Utah Division of Air Quality Lead-Based Paint Program training verification statement[; and].

(iii) Notification must be accomplished using any of the following methods: Written notification, or electronically using the Utah Division of Air Quality electronic notification system. Written notification following renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities training courses can be accomplished by using either the sample form titled "Renovator, Dust Sampling Technician, or Lead-Based Paint Activities Training Course Notification Form" or a similar form containing the information required in paragraph (3)(n)(ii) of this section. All written notifications must be delivered to the director by United States Postal Service, fax, commercial delivery service, [or ]hand delivery, or by email. Instructions and sample forms can be obtained from the Utah Division of Air Quality Lead-Based Paint Program web site.

(4) Minimum training curriculum requirements. [To become accredited to offer lead-based paint courses in the specific disciplines listed in this paragraph, training programs must ensure that their courses of study include, at a minimum, the following course topics.]A training program accredited by the director to offer lead-based paint courses in the specific disciplines listed in paragraph (4) must ensure that its courses of study include, at a minimum, the following course topics.

(a) Inspector. Instruction in the topics described in paragraphs (4)(a)(iv), (v), (vi), and (vii) of this section must be included in the hands-on portion of the course.

(i) Role and responsibilities of an inspector[.];

(ii) Background information on lead and its adverse health effects[.];

(iii) Background information on federal, state, and local regulations and guidance that pertains to lead-based paint and lead-based paint activities[.];

(iv) Lead-based paint inspection methods, including selection of rooms and components for sampling or testing[.];

(v) Paint, dust, and soil sampling methodologies[.];

(vi) Clearance standards and testing, including random sampling[.];

(vii) Preparation of the final inspection report[.]; and

(viii) Recordkeeping.

(b) Risk assessor. Instruction in the topics described in paragraphs (4)(b)(iv), (vi), and (vii) of this section must be included in the hands-on portion of the course.

(i) Role and responsibilities of a risk assessor[.];

(ii) Collection of background information to perform a risk assessment[.];

(iii) Sources of environmental lead contamination such as paint, surface dust and soil, water, air, packaging, and food[.];

(iv) Visual inspection for the purposes of identifying potential sources of lead-based paint hazards[.];

(v) Lead hazard screen protocol[.];

(vi) Sampling for other sources of lead exposure[.];

(vii) Interpretation of lead-based paint and other lead sampling results, including all applicable federal or state guidance or regulations pertaining to lead-based paint hazards[.];

(viii) Development of hazard control options, the role of interim controls, and operations and maintenance activities to reduce lead-based paint hazards[.]; and

(ix) Preparation of a final risk assessment report.

(c) Supervisor. Instruction in the topics described in paragraphs (4)(c)(v), (vii), (viii), (ix), and (x) of this section must be included in the hands-on portion of the course.

(i) Role and responsibilities of a supervisor[.];

(ii) Background information on lead and its adverse health effects[.];

(iii) Background information on federal, state, and local regulations and guidance that pertain to lead-based paint abatement[.];

(iv) Liability and insurance issues relating to lead-based paint abatement[.];

(v) Risk assessment and inspection report interpretation[.];

(vi) Development and implementation of an occupant protection plan and abatement report[.];

(vii) Lead-based paint hazard recognition and control[.];

(viii) Lead-based paint abatement and lead-based paint hazard reduction methods, including restricted practices[.];

(ix) Interior dust abatement/cleanup or lead-based paint hazard control and reduction methods[.];

(x) Soil and exterior dust abatement or lead-based paint hazard control and reduction methods[.];

(xi) Clearance standards and testing[.];

(xii) Cleanup and waste disposal[.]; and

(xiii) Recordkeeping.

(d) Project designer.

(i) Role and responsibilities of a project designer[.];

(ii) Development and implementation of an occupant protection plan for large-scale abatement projects[.];

(iii) Lead-based paint abatement and lead-based paint hazard reduction methods, including restricted practices for large-scale abatement projects[.];

(iv) Interior dust abatement/cleanup or lead hazard control and reduction methods for large-scale abatement projects[.];

(v) Clearance standards and testing for large scale abatement projects[.]; and

(vi) Integration of lead-based paint abatement methods with modernization and rehabilitation projects for large scale abatement projects.

(e) Abatement worker. Instruction in the topics described in paragraphs (4)(e)(iv), (v), (vi), and (vii) of this section must be included in the hands-on portion of the course.

(i) Role and responsibilities of an abatement worker[.];

(ii) Background information on lead and its adverse health effects[.];

(iii) Background information on federal, state, and local regulations and guidance that pertain to lead-based paint abatement[.];

(iv) Lead-based paint hazard recognition and control[.];

(v) Lead-based paint abatement and lead-based paint hazard reduction methods, including restricted practices[.];

(vi) Interior dust abatement methods/cleanup or lead-based paint hazard reduction[.]; and

(vii) Soil and exterior dust abatement methods or lead-based paint hazard reduction.

(f) Renovator. Instruction in the topics described in paragraphs (4)(f)(iv), (vi), (vii), and (viii) of this section must be included in the hands-on portion of the course.

(i) Role and responsibility of a renovator[.];

(ii) Background information on lead and its adverse health effects[.];

(iii) Background information on EPA, HUD, OSHA, and other federal, state, and local regulations and guidance that pertains to lead-based paint and renovation activities[.];

(iv) Procedures for using acceptable test kits to determine whether paint is lead-based paint[.];

(v) Procedures for collecting a paint chip sample and sending it to a laboratory recognized by EPA under section 405(b) of TSCA[.];

(vi) Renovation methods to minimize the creation of dust and lead-based paint hazards[.];

(vii) Interior and exterior containment and cleanup methods[.];

(viii) Methods to ensure that the renovation has been properly completed, including cleaning verification, and clearance testing[.];

(ix) Waste handling and disposal[.];

(x) Providing on-the-job training to other workers[.]; and

(xi) Record preparation.

(g) Dust sampling technician. Instruction in the topics described in paragraphs (4)(g)(iv) and (vi) of this section must be included in the hands-on portion of the course.

(i) Role and responsibility of a dust sampling technician[.];

(ii) Background information on lead and its adverse health effects[.];

(iii) Background information on federal, state, and local regulations and guidance that pertains to lead-based paint and renovation activities[.];

(iv) Dust sampling methodologies[.];

(v) Clearance standards and testing[.]; and

(vi) Report preparation.

(5) Requirements for the accreditation of refresher training programs. A training program may seek accreditation to offer refresher training courses in any of the following disciplines: Inspector, risk assessor, supervisor, project designer, abatement worker, renovator, and dust sampling technician. [To obtain director accreditation]A training program accredited by the director to offer refresher training[, a training program] must meet the following minimum requirements:

(a) Each refresher course shall review the curriculum topics of the full-length courses listed under paragraph (4) of this section, as appropriate. In addition, to become accredited to offer refresher training courses, training programs shall ensure that their courses of study include, at a minimum, the following:

(i) An overview of current safety practices relating to lead-based paint in general, as well as specific information pertaining to the appropriate discipline;

(ii) Current laws and regulations relating to lead-based paint in general, as well as specific information pertaining to the appropriate discipline; and

(iii) Current technologies relating to lead-based paint in general, as well as specific information pertaining to the appropriate discipline;

(b) Refresher courses for inspector, risk assessor, supervisor, and abatement worker must last a minimum of 8 training hours. Refresher courses for project designer, renovator, and dust sampling technician must last a minimum of 4 training hours. Refresher courses for all disciplines except renovator and project designer must include a hands-on component . Renovators must take a refresher course that includes hands-on training at least every other re-certification;

(c) Except for e-learning renovator refresher courses and project designer courses, for all other courses offered, the training program shall conduct a hands-on assessment[, and at the completion of the course, a course test]. With the exception of project designer courses, the training program shall conduct a course test at the completion of the course. Renovators must take a refresher course that includes hands-on training at least every other re-certification;

(d) A training program may apply for accreditation of a refresher course concurrently with its application for accreditation of the corresponding initial training course as described in paragraph (2) of this section. If so, the director shall use the approval procedure described in paragraph (2) of this section. In addition, the minimum requirements contained in paragraphs (3)(a) through (3)(e) , (3)(f)(viii), and (3)(g) through (3)(n), and (5)(a) through (5)(c) of this section shall also apply; and

(e) A training program seeking accreditation to offer refresher training courses only shall submit a written application to the director containing the following information:

(i) The refresher training program's name, address, and telephone number;

(ii) A list of courses for which it is applying for accreditation;

(iii) The name and documentation of the qualifications of the training program manager;

(iv) The name(s) and documentation of the qualifications of the principal instructor(s);

(v) A statement signed by the training program manager certifying that the refresher training program meets the minimum requirements established in paragraph (3) of this section, except for the requirements in paragraph (3)(f) of this section. If a training program uses EPA-developed model training materials, the training manager shall include a statement certifying that, as well;

(vi) If the refresher training course materials are not based on EPA-developed model training materials, the training program's application for accreditation shall include:

(A) A copy of the student and instructor manuals to be used for each course; and

(B) A copy of the course agenda for each course;

(vii) All refresher training programs shall include in their application for accreditation the following:

(A) A description of the facilities and equipment to be used for lecture and hands-on training;

(B) A copy of the course test blueprint for each course;

(C) A description of the activities and procedures that will be used for conducting the assessment of hands-on skills for each course (if applicable); and

(D) A copy of the quality control plan as described in paragraph (3)(i) of this section;

(viii) The requirements in paragraphs (3)(a) through (3)(e), (3)(f)(viii) and (3)(g) through (3)(n) of this section apply to refresher training providers; and

(ix) If a refresher training program meets the requirements listed in this paragraph, then the director shall approve the application for accreditation no more than 180 days after receiving a complete application from the refresher training program. In the case of approval, a certificate of accreditation shall be sent to the applicant. In the case of disapproval, a letter describing the reasons for disapproval shall be sent to the applicant. Prior to disapproval, the director may, at the director's discretion, work with the applicant to address inadequacies in the application for accreditation. The director may also request additional materials retained by the refresher training program under paragraph (8) of this section. If a refresher training program's application is disapproved, the program may reapply for accreditation at any time.

(6) Re-accreditation of training programs.

(a) Unless re-accredited, a training program's accreditation, including refresher training accreditation, shall expire 4 years after the date of issuance. If a training program meets the requirements of this section, the training program shall be re-accredited.

(b) A training program seeking re-accreditation shall submit an application to the director no later than 180 days before its accreditation expires. If a training program does not submit its application for re-accreditation by that date, the director cannot guarantee that the program will be re-accredited before the end of the accreditation period.

(c) The training program's application for re-accreditation shall contain:

(i) The training program's name, address, and telephone number;

(ii) A list of courses for which it is applying for re-accreditation;

(iii) The name and qualifications of the training program manager;

(iv) The name(s) and qualifications of the principal instructor(s);

(v) A description of any changes to the training facility, equipment or course materials since its last application was approved that adversely affects the students' ability to learn;

(vi) A statement signed by the program manager stating:

(A) That the training program complies at all times with all requirements in paragraphs (3) and (5) of this section, as applicable; and

(B) The recordkeeping and reporting requirements of paragraph (8) of this section shall be followed; and

(vii) A payment of appropriate fees in accordance with the current Department of Environmental Quality Fee Schedule.

(d) Upon request, the training program shall allow the director or the director's authorized representative to audit the training program to verify the contents of the application for re-accreditation as described in paragraph (6)(c) of this section.

(7) Suspension, revocation, and modification of accredited training programs.

(a) The director may, after notice and an opportunity, for hearing, suspend, revoke, or modify training program accreditation, including refresher training accreditation, if a training program, training manager, or other person with supervisory authority over the training program has:

(i) Misrepresented the contents of a training course to the director and/or the student population;

(ii) Failed to submit required information or notifications in a timely manner;

(iii) Failed to maintain required records;

(iv) Falsified accreditation records, instructor qualifications, or other accreditation-related information or documentation;

(v) Failed to comply with the training standards and requirements in this section;

(vi) Failed to comply with federal, state, or local lead-based paint statutes or regulations; or

(vii) Made false or misleading statements to the director in its application for accreditation or re-accreditation which the director relied upon in approving the application.

(b) In addition to an administrative or judicial finding of violation, execution of a consent agreement in settlement of an enforcement action constitutes, for purposes of this section, evidence of a failure to comply with relevant statutes or regulations.

(8) Training program recordkeeping requirements.

(a) Accredited training programs shall maintain, and make available to the director or the director's authorized representative, upon request, the following records:

(i) All documents specified in paragraph (3)(d) of this section that demonstrate the qualifications listed in paragraphs (3)(a) and (3)(b) of this section of the training manager and principal instructors;

(ii) Current curriculum/course materials and documents reflecting any changes made to these materials;

(iii) The course test blueprint;

(iv) Information regarding how the hands-on assessment is conducted including, but not limited to:

(A) Who conducts the assessment;

(B) How the skills are graded;

(C) What facilities are used; and

(D) The pass/fail rate;

(v) The quality control plan as described in paragraph (3)(i) of this section;

(vi) Results of the students' hands-on skills assessments and course tests, and a record of each student's course completion certificate;

(vii) Any other material not listed in paragraphs (8)(a)(i) through (8)(a)(vi) of this section that was submitted to the director as part of the program's application for accreditation.

(viii) For renovator refresher and dust sampling technician refresher courses, a copy of each trainee's prior course completion certificate showing that each trainee was eligible to take the refresher course; and

(ix) For course modules delivered in an electronic format, a record of each student's log-ins, launches, progress, and completion, and a copy of the electronic learning completion certificate for each student.

(b) The training program must retain records pertaining to renovator, dust sampling technician and lead-based paint activities courses at the address specified on the training program accreditation application (or as modified in accordance with paragraph (8)(c) of this section) for the following minimum periods:

(i) Records pertaining to lead-based paint activities courses must be retained for a minimum of 3 years and 6 months;

(ii) Records pertaining to renovator or dust sampling technician courses offered must be retained for a minimum of 5 years and 6 months.

(c) The training program shall notify the director in writing within 30 days of changing the address specified on its training program accreditation application or transferring the records from that address.

(9) Amendment of accreditation.

(a) A training program must amend its accreditation within 90 days of the date a change occurs to information included in the program's most recent application. If the training program fails to amend its accreditation within 90 days of the date the change occurs, the program may not provide renovator, dust sampling technician, or lead-based paint activities training until its accreditation is amended.

(b) To amend an accreditation, a training program must submit a completed Division of Air Quality Lead-Based Paint Application for Course Accreditation, signed by an authorized agent of the training provider, noting on the form that it is submitted as an amendment and indicating the information that has changed.

(c) Training managers, principal instructors, permanent training locations. If the amendment includes a new training program manager, any new or additional principal instructor(s), or any new permanent training location(s), the training provider is not permitted to provide training under the new training manager or offer courses taught by any new principal instructor(s) or at the new training location(s) until the director either approves the amendment or 30 days have elapsed, whichever occurs earlier. Except:

(i) If the amendment includes a new training program manager or new or additional principal instructor that was identified in a training provider accreditation application that the director has already approved under this section, the training provider may begin to provide training under the new training manager or offer courses taught by the new principal instructor on an interim basis as soon as the provider submits the amendment to the director. The training provider may continue to provide training under the new training manager or offer courses taught by the new principal instructor if the director approves the amendment or if the director does not disapprove the amendment within 30 days.

(ii) If the amendment includes a new permanent training location, the training provider may begin to provide training at the new permanent training location on an interim basis as soon as the provider submits the amendment to the director. The training provider may continue to provide training at the new permanent training location if the director approves the amendment or if the director does not disapprove the amendment within 30 days.


R307-842-2. Certification of Individuals and Firms Engaged in Lead-Based Paint Activities: Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities.

(1) Certification of individuals.

(a) Individuals seeking certification by the director to engage in lead-based paint activities must either:

(i) Submit to the director an application demonstrating that they meet the requirements established in paragraphs (2) or (3) of this section for the particular discipline for which certification is sought; or

(ii) Submit to the director an application with a copy of a valid lead-based paint activities certification (or equivalent) from the EPA or a state or tribal program that has been authorized by EPA pursuant to subpart Q of 40 CFR 745; or

(iii) For supervisor, inspector, and/or risk assessor certification, submit to the director an application with a copy of a valid lead-based paint training certificate from an EPA-accredited, or EPA-authorized state or tribal-accredited lead-specific training in the appropriate discipline and pass the certification exam in the appropriate discipline offered by the director.

(b) Following the submission of an application demonstrating that all the requirements of this section have been met, the director shall certify an applicant as an inspector, risk assessor, supervisor, project designer, or abatement worker, as appropriate.

(c) Upon receiving director certification, individuals conducting lead-based paint activities shall comply with the work practice standards for performing the appropriate lead-based paint activities as established in R307-842-3.

(d) It shall be a violation of state administrative rules for an individual to conduct any of the lead-based paint activities described in R307-842-3 if that individual has not been certified by the director pursuant to this section to do so.

(e) Individuals applying for certification must submit the appropriate fees in accordance with the current Department of Environmental Quality Fee Schedule.

(2) Inspector, risk assessor or supervisor.

(a) To become certified by the director as an inspector, risk assessor, or supervisor, pursuant to paragraph (1)(a)(i) of this section, an individual must:

(i) Successfully complete an accredited initial training course in the appropriate discipline and receive a course completion certificate from an accredited training program;

(ii) Pass the certification exam in the appropriate discipline offered by the director; and

(iii) Meet or exceed the following experience and/or education requirements:

(A) Inspectors. No additional experience and/or education requirements;

(B) Risk assessors.

(I) Successful completion of an accredited initial training course for inspectors; and

(II) Bachelor's degree and 1 year of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction), or an Associates degree and 2 years experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction); or

(III) Certification as an industrial hygienist, professional engineer, registered architect and/or certification in a related engineering/health/environmental field (e.g., safety professional, environmental scientist); or

(IV) A high school diploma (or equivalent), and at least 3 years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work or construction);

(C) Supervisor.

(I) One year of experience as a certified lead-based paint abatement worker; or

(II) At least 2 years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, or environmental remediation work) or in the building trades.

(b) The following documents shall be recognized by the director as evidence of meeting the requirements listed in (2)(b)(iii) of this paragraph:

(i) Official academic transcripts or diploma, as evidence of meeting the education requirements;

(ii) Resumes, letters of reference, or documentation of work experience, as evidence of meeting the work experience requirements; and

(iii) Course completion certificates from lead-specific or other related training courses, issued by accredited training programs, as evidence of meeting the training requirements.

(c) In order to take the certification examination for a particular discipline an individual must:

(i) Successfully complete an accredited initial training course in the appropriate discipline and receive a course completion certificate from an accredited training program; and

(ii) Meet or exceed the education and/or experience requirements in paragraph (2)(a)(iii) of this section.

(d) The initial training course completion certificate shall serve as interim certification for an individual until the next available opportunity to take the certification exam. Such interim certification shall expire 6 months after issuance.

(e) After passing the appropriate certification exam and submitting an application demonstrating that he/she meets the appropriate training, education, and/or experience prerequisites described in paragraph (2)(a) of this section, an individual shall be issued a certificate by the director. To maintain certification, an individual must be re-certified as described in paragraph (4) of this section.

(f) An individual may take the certification exam no more than three times within 6 months of receiving a n initial training course completion certificate.

(g) If an individual does not pass the certification exam and receive a certificate within 6 months of receiving his/her initial training course completion certificate, the individual must retake the appropriate initial training course from an accredited training program before reapplying for certification from the director.

(3) Abatement worker and project designer.

(a) To become certified by the director as an abatement worker or project designer, pursuant to paragraph (1)(a)(i) of this section, an individual must:

(i) Successfully complete an accredited initial training course in the appropriate discipline and receive a course completion certificate from an accredited training program; and

(ii) Meet or exceed the following additional experience and/or education requirements:

(A) Abatement workers. No additional experience and/or education requirements; and

(B) Project designers.

(I) Successful completion of an accredited initial training course for supervisors;

(II) Bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture, or a related profession, and 1 year of experience in building construction and design or a related field; or

(III) Four years of experience in building construction and design or a related field.

(b) The following documents shall be recognized by the director as evidence of meeting the requirements listed in this paragraph:

(i) Official academic transcripts or diploma, as evidence of meeting the education requirements;

(ii) Resumes, letters of reference, or documentation of work experience, as evidence of meeting the work experience requirements; and

(iii) Course completion certificates from lead-specific or other related training courses, issued by accredited training programs, as evidence of meeting the training requirements.

(c) The initial training course completion certificate shall serve as an interim certification until certification from the director is received, but shall be valid for no more than 6 months from the date of completion.

(d) After successfully completing the appropriate initial training courses and meeting any other qualifications described in paragraph (3)(a) of this section, an individual shall be issued a certificate from the director. To maintain certification, an individual must be re-certified as described in paragraph (4) of this section.

(4) Re-certification.

(a) To maintain certification in a particular discipline, a certified individual shall apply to and be re-certified by the director in that discipline by the director either:

(i) Every 3 years if the individual completed a training course with a course test and hands-on assessment; or

(ii) Every 5 years if the individual completed a training course with a proficiency test.

(b) An individual shall be re-certified if the individual successfully completes the appropriate accredited refresher training course and submits a valid copy of the appropriate refresher training course completion certificate. If more than 3 years but less than 4 years have passed since certification or re-certification for an individual that completed an initial or a refresher training course with a course test and hands-on assessment, or if more than 5 years but less than 6 years have passed since certification or re-certification for an individual that completed an initial or a refresher training course with a proficiency test for the supervisor, inspector, and/or risk assessor disciplines, then the individual must also pass the certification exam in the appropriate discipline offered by the director. Lead-based paint workers and project designers are not required to take a director exam to become re-certified. During the time period when the individual is not certified by the director, that individual cannot perform any regulated work activities that requires individual certification.

(c) Individuals applying for re-certification must submit the appropriate fees in accordance with the current Department of Environmental Quality Fee Schedule.

(5) Certification of firms.

(a) All firms which perform or offer to perform any of the lead-based paint activities or renovations described in R307-842-3 shall be certified by the director.

(b) A firm seeking certification shall submit to the director a letter attesting that the firm shall only employ appropriately certified employees to conduct lead-based paint activities, and that the firm and its employees shall follow the work practice standards in R307-842-3 for conducting lead-based paint activities.

(c) From the date of receiving the firm's letter requesting certification, the director shall have 90 days to approve or disapprove the firm's request for certification. Within that time, the director shall respond with either a certificate of approval or a letter describing the reasons for disapproval.

(d) The firm shall maintain all records pursuant to the requirements in R307-842-3.

(e) Firms may apply to the director for certification to engage in lead-based paint activities pursuant to this section.

(f) Firms applying for certification or re-certification must submit the appropriate fees in accordance with the current Department of Environmental Quality Fee Schedule.

[(g) To maintain certification a firm shall submit appropriate fees in accordance with the current Department of Environmental Quality Fee Schedule.]

(6) Suspension, revocation, and modification of certifications of individuals engaged in lead-based paint activities.

(a) The director may, after notice and opportunity for hearing, suspend, revoke, or modify an individual's certification if an individual has:

(i) Obtained training documentation through fraudulent means;

(ii) Gained admission to and completed an accredited training program through misrepresentation of admission requirements;

(iii) Obtained certification through misrepresentation of certification requirements or related documents dealing with education, training, professional registration, or experience;

(iv) Performed work requiring certification at a job site without having proof of certification;

(v) Permitted the duplication or use of the individual's own certificate by another;

(vi) Performed work for which certification is required, but for which appropriate certification has not been received;

(vii) Failed to comply with the appropriate work practice standards for lead-based paint activities at R307-842-3; or

(viii) Failed to comply with federal, state, or local lead-based paint statutes or regulations.

(b) In addition to an administrative or judicial finding of violation, for purposes of this section only, execution of a consent agreement in settlement of an enforcement action constitutes evidence of a failure to comply with relevant statutes or regulations.

(7) Suspension, revocation, and modification of certifications of firms engaged in lead-based paint activities.

(a) The director may, after notice and opportunity for hearing, suspend, revoke, or modify a firm's certification if a firm has:

(i) Performed work requiring certification at a job site with individuals who are not certified;

(ii) Failed to comply with the work practice standards established in R307-842-3;

(iii) Misrepresented facts in its letter of application for certification to the director;

(iv) Failed to maintain required records; or

(v) Failed to comply with federal, state, or local lead-based paint statutes or regulations.

(b) In addition to an administrative or judicial finding of violation, for purposes of this section only, execution of a consent agreement in settlement of an enforcement action constitutes evidence of a failure to comply with relevant statutes or regulations.


R307-842-3. Work Practice Standards for Conducting Lead-Based Paint Activities: Target Housing and Child-Occupied Facilities.

(1) Effective date, applicability, and terms.

(a) All lead-based paint activities shall be performed pursuant to the work practice standards contained in this section.

(b) When performing any lead-based paint activity described by the certified individual as an inspection, lead-hazard screen, risk assessment, or abatement, a certified individual must perform that activity in compliance with the appropriate requirements below.

(c) Documented methodologies that are appropriate for this section are found in the following: the HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, the EPA Guidance on Residential Lead-Based Paint, Lead-Contaminated Dust, and Lead-Contaminated Soil, the EPA Residential Sampling for Lead: Protocols for Dust and Soil Sampling (EPA report number 7474-R-95-001), and other equivalent methods and guidelines.

(d) Clearance levels are appropriate for the purposes of this section may be found in the EPA Guidance on Residential Lead-Based Paint, Lead-Contaminated Dust, and Lead Contaminated Soil or other equivalent guidelines.

(2) Inspection.

(a) An inspection shall be conducted only by a person certified by the director as an inspector or risk assessor and, if conducted, must be conducted according to the procedures in this paragraph.

(b) When conducting an inspection, the following locations shall be selected according to documented methodologies and tested for the presence of lead-based paint:

(i) In a residential dwelling and child-occupied facility, each component with a distinct painting history and each exterior component with a distinct painting history shall be tested for lead-based paint, except those components that the inspector or risk assessor determines to have been replaced after 1978, or to not contain lead-based paint; and

(ii) In a multi-family dwelling or child-occupied facility, each component with a distinct painting history in every common area, except those components that the inspector or risk assessor determines to have been replaced after 1978, or to not contain lead-based paint.

(c) Paint shall be sampled in the following manner:

(i) The analysis of paint to determine the presence of lead shall be conducted using documented methodologies which incorporate adequate quality control procedures; and/or

(ii) All collected paint chip samples shall be analyzed according to paragraph (6) of this section to determine if they contain detectable levels of lead that can be quantified numerically.

(d) The certified inspector or risk assessor shall prepare an inspection report which shall include the following information:

(i) Date of each inspection;

(ii) Address of building;

(iii) Date of construction;

(iv) Apartment numbers (if applicable);

(v) Name, address, and telephone number of the owner or owners of each residential dwelling or child-occupied facility;

(vi) Name, signature, and certification number of each certified inspector and/or risk assessor conducting testing;

(vii) Name, address, and telephone number of the certified firm employing each inspector and/or risk assessor, if applicable;

(viii) Each testing method and device and/or sampling procedure employed for paint analysis, including quality control data and, if used, the serial number of any x-ray fluorescence (XRF) device;

(ix) Specific locations of each painted component tested for the presence of lead-based paint; and

(x) The results of the inspection expressed in terms appropriate to the sampling method used.

(3) Lead hazard screen.

(a) A lead hazard screen shall be conducted only by a person certified by the director as a risk assessor.

(b) If conducted, a lead hazard screen shall be conducted as follows:

(i) Background information regarding the physical characteristics of the residential dwelling or child-occupied facility and occupant use patterns that may cause lead-based paint exposure to one or more children age 6 years and under shall be collected;

(ii) A visual inspection of the residential dwelling or child-occupied facility shall be conducted to:

(A) Determine if any deteriorated paint is present; and

(B) Locate at least two dust sampling locations;

(iii) If deteriorated paint is present, each surface with deteriorated paint, which is determined, using documented methodologies, to be in poor condition and to have a distinct painting history, shall be tested for the presence of lead;

(iv) In residential dwellings, two composite dust samples shall be collected, one from the floors and the other from the windows, in rooms, hallways, or stairwells where one or more children, age 6 and under, are most likely to come in contact with dust; and

(v) In multi-family dwellings and child-occupied facilities, in addition to the floor and window samples required in paragraph (3)(b)(iv) of this section, the risk assessor shall also collect composite dust samples from common areas where one or more children, age 6 and under, are most likely to come into contact with dust.

(c) Dust samples shall be collected and analyzed in the following manner:

(i) All dust samples shall be taken using documented methodologies that incorporate adequate quality control procedures; and

(ii) All collected dust samples shall be analyzed according to paragraph (6) of this section to determine if they contain detectable levels of lead that can be quantified numerically.

(d) Paint shall be sampled in the following manner:

(i) The analysis of paint to determine the presence of lead shall be conducted using documented methodologies which incorporate adequate quality control procedures; and/or

(ii) All collected paint chip samples shall be analyzed according to paragraph (6) of this section to determine if they contain detectable levels of lead that can be quantified numerically.

(e) The risk assessor shall prepare a lead hazard screen report, which shall include the following information:

(i) The information required in a risk assessment report as specified in paragraph (4) of this section, including paragraphs (4)(k)(i) through (4)(k)(xiv), and excluding paragraphs (4)(k)(xv) through (4)(k)(xviii) of this section. Additionally, any background information collected pursuant to paragraph (3)(b)(i) of this section shall be included in the lead hazard screen report; and

(ii) Recommendations, if warranted, for a follow-up risk assessment, and as appropriate, any further actions.

(4) Risk assessment.

(a) A risk assessment shall be conducted only by a person certified by the director as a risk assessor and, if conducted, must be conducted according to the procedures in this paragraph.

(b) A visual inspection for risk assessment of the residential dwelling or child-occupied facility shall be undertaken to locate the existence of deteriorated paint, assess the extent and causes of the deterioration, and other potential lead-based paint hazards.

(c) Background information regarding the physical characteristics of the residential dwelling or child-occupied facility and occupant use patterns that may cause lead-based paint exposure to one or more children age 6 years and under shall be collected.

(d) The following surfaces which are determined, using documented methodologies, to have a distinct painting history, shall be tested for the presence of lead:

(i) Each friction surface or impact surface with visibly deteriorated paint; and

(ii) All other surfaces with visibly deteriorated paint.

(e) In residential dwellings, dust samples (either composite or single-surface samples) from the interior window sill(s) and floor shall be collected and analyzed for lead concentration in all living areas where one or more children, age 6 and under, are most likely to come into contact with dust.

(f) For multi-family dwellings and child-occupied facilities, the samples required in paragraph (4)(d) of this section shall be taken. In addition, interior window sill and floor dust samples (either composite or single-surface samples) shall be collected and analyzed for lead concentration in the following locations:

(i) Common areas adjacent to the sampled residential dwelling or child-occupied facility; and

(ii) Other common areas in the building where the risk assessor determines that one or more children, age 6 and under, are likely to come into contact with dust.

(g) For child-occupied facilities, interior window sill and floor dust samples (either composite or single-surface samples) shall be collected and analyzed for lead concentration in each room, hallway, or stairwell utilized by one or more children, age 6 and under, and in other common areas in the child-occupied facility where one or more children, age 6 and under, are likely to come into contact with dust.

(h) Soil samples shall be collected and analyzed for lead concentrations in the following locations:

(i) Exterior play areas where bare soil is present;

(ii) The rest of the yard (i.e., non-play areas) where bare soil is present; and

(iii) Dripline/foundation areas where bare soil is present.

(i) Any paint, dust, or soil sampling or testing shall be conducted using documented methodologies that incorporate adequate quality control procedures.

(j) Any collected paint chip, dust, or soil samples shall be analyzed according to paragraph (6) of this section to determine if they contain detectable levels of lead that can be quantified numerically.

(k) The certified risk assessor shall prepare a risk assessment report which shall include the following information:

(i) Date of assessment;

(ii) Address of each building;

(iii) Date of construction of buildings;

(iv) Apartment number (if applicable);

(v) Name, address, and telephone number of each owner of each building;

(vi) Name, signature, and certification number of the certified risk assessor conducting the assessment;

(vii) Name, address, and telephone number of the certified firm employing each certified risk assessor if applicable;

(viii) Name, address, and telephone number of each recognized laboratory conducting analysis of collected samples;

(ix) Results of the visual inspection;

(x) Testing method and sampling procedure for paint analysis employed;

(xi) Specific locations of each painted component tested for the presence of lead;

(xii) All data collected from on-site testing, including quality control data and, if used, the serial number of any XRF device.

(xiii) All results of laboratory analysis on collected paint, soil, and dust samples;

(xiv) Any other sampling results;

(xv) Any background information collected pursuant to paragraph (4)(c) of this section;

(xvi) To the extent that they are used as part of the lead-based paint hazard determination, the results of any previous inspections or analyses for the presence of lead-based paint, or other assessments of lead-based paint-related hazards;

(xvii) A description of the location, type, and severity of identified lead-based paint hazards and any other potential lead hazards; and

(xviii) A description of interim controls and/or abatement options for each identified lead-based paint hazard and a suggested prioritization for addressing each hazard. If the use of an encapsulant or enclosure is recommended, the report shall recommend a maintenance and monitoring schedule for the encapsulant or enclosure.

(5) Abatement.

(a) An abatement shall be conducted only by an individual certified by the director, and if conducted, shall be conducted according to the procedures in this paragraph.

(b) A certified supervisor is required for each abatement project and shall be onsite during all work site preparation and during the post-abatement cleanup of work areas. At all other times when abatement activities are being conducted, the certified supervisor shall be onsite or available by telephone, pager or answering service, and able to be present at the work site in no more than 2 hours.

(c) The certified supervisor and the certified firm employing that supervisor shall ensure that all abatement activities are conducted according to the requirements of this section and all other federal, state, and local requirements.

(d) A certified firm must notify the director of lead-based paint abatement activities as follows:

(i) Except as provided in paragraph (5)(d)(ii) of this section, the director must be notified prior to conducting lead-based paint abatement activities. The original notification must be received by the director at least 5 business days before the start date of any lead-based paint abatement activities;

(ii) Notification for lead-based paint abatement activities required in response to an elevated blood lead level (EBL) determination, or federal, state, tribal, or local emergency abatement order should be received by the director as early as possible before, but must be received no later than the start date of the lead-based paint abatement activities. Should the start date and/or location provided to the director change, an updated notification must be received by the director on or before the start date provided to the director. Documentation showing evidence of an EBL determination or a copy of the federal/state/tribal/local emergency abatement order must be included in the written notification to take advantage of this abbreviated notification period;

(iii) Except as provided in paragraph (5)(d)(ii) of this section, updated notification must be provided to the director for lead-based paint abatement activities that will begin on a date other than the start date specified in the original notification, as follows:

(A) For lead-based paint abatement activities beginning prior to the start date provided to the director an updated notification must be received by the director at least 5 business days before the new start date included in the notification; and

(B) For lead-based paint abatement activities beginning after the start date provided to the director an updated notification must be received by the director on or before the start date provided to the director;

(iv) Except as provided in paragraph (5)(d)(ii) of this section, updated notification must be provided to the director for any change in location of lead-based paint abatement activities at least 5 business days prior to the start date provided to the director;

(v) Updated notification must be provided to the director when lead-based paint abatement activities are canceled, or when there are other significant changes including, but not limited to, when the square footage or acreage to be abated changes by more than 20%. This updated notification must be received by the director on or before the start date provided to the director, or if work has already begun, within 24 hours of the change;

(vi) The following must be included in each notification:

(A) Notification type (original, updated, or cancellation);

(B) Date when lead-based paint abatement activities will start;

(C) Date when lead-based paint abatement activities will end (approximation using best professional judgment);

(D) Firm's name, Utah lead-based paint firm certification number, address, and telephone number;

(E) Type of building (e.g., single family dwelling, multi-family dwelling, and/or child-occupied facilities) on/in which abatement work will be performed;

(F) Property name (if applicable);

(G) Property address including apartment or unit number(s) (if applicable) for abatement work;

(H) Documentation showing evidence of an EBL determination or a copy of the federal/state/tribal/local emergency abatement order, if using the abbreviated time period as described in paragraph (5)(d)(ii) of this section;

(I) Name and Utah lead-based paint individual certification number of the project supervisor;

(J) Approximate square footage/acreage to be abated;

(K) Brief description of abatement activities to be performed; and

(L) Name, title, and signature of the representative of the certified firm who prepared the notification;

(vii) Notification must be accomplished using any of the following methods: Written notification, or electronically using the Utah Division of Air Quality electronic notification system. Written notification can be accomplished using either the sample form titled "Lead-Based Paint Abatement Project Notification" or similar form containing the information required in paragraph (5)(d)(vi) of this section. All written notifications must be delivered by United States Postal Service, fax, commercial delivery service, [or ]hand delivery, or by email on or before the applicable date. Instructions and sample forms can be obtained from the Utah Division of Air Quality Lead-Based Paint Program web site;

(viii) Lead-based paint abatement activities shall not begin on a date, or at a location other than that specified in either an original or updated notification, in the event of changes to the original notification; and

(ix) No firm or individual shall engage in lead-based paint abatement activities, as defined in R307-840-2, prior to notifying the director of such activities according to the requirements of this paragraph.

(e) A written occupant protection plan shall be developed for all abatement projects and shall be prepared according to the following procedures:

(i) The occupant protection plan shall be unique to each residential dwelling or child-occupied facility and be developed prior to the abatement. The occupant protection plan shall describe the measures and management procedures that will be taken during the abatement to protect the building occupants from exposure to any lead-based paint hazards; and

(ii) A certified supervisor or project designer shall prepare the occupant protection plan.

(f) The work practices listed below shall be restricted during an abatement as follows:

(i) Open-flame burning or torching of lead-based paint is prohibited;

(ii) Machine sanding or grinding or abrasive blasting or sandblasting of lead-based paint is prohibited unless used with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) exhaust control which removes particles of 0.3 microns or larger from the air at 99.97% or greater efficiency;

(iii) Dry scraping of lead-based paint is permitted only in conjunction with heat guns or around electrical outlets or when treating defective paint spots totaling no more than 2 square feet in any one room, hallway, or stairwell or totaling no more than 20 square feet on exterior surfaces; and

(iv) Operating a heat gun on lead-based paint is permitted only at temperatures below 1100 degrees Fahrenheit.

(g) If conducted, soil abatement shall be conducted in one of the following ways:

(i) If the soil is removed:

(A) The soil shall be replaced by soil with a lead concentration as close to local background as practicable, but no greater than 400 ppm; and

(B) The soil that is removed shall not be used as top soil at another residential property or child-occupied facility; or

(ii) If soil is not removed, the soil shall be permanently covered, as defined in R307-840-2.

(h) The following post-abatement clearance procedures shall be performed only by a certified inspector or risk assessor:

(i) Following an abatement, a visual inspection shall be performed to determine if deteriorated painted surfaces and/or visible amounts of dust, debris, or residue are still present. If deteriorated painted surfaces or visible amounts of dust, debris, or residue are present, these conditions must be eliminated prior to the continuation of the clearance procedures;

(ii) Following the visual inspection and any post-abatement cleanup required by paragraph (5)(h)(i) of this section, clearance sampling for lead in dust shall be conducted. Clearance sampling may be conducted by employing single-surface sampling or composite sampling techniques;

(iii) Dust samples for clearance purposes shall be taken using documented methodologies that incorporate adequate quality control procedures;

(iv) Dust samples for clearance purposes shall be taken a minimum of 1 hour after completion of final post-abatement cleanup activities;

(v) The following post-abatement clearance activities shall be conducted as appropriate based upon the extent or manner of abatement activities conducted in or to the residential dwelling or child-occupied facility:

(A) After conducting an abatement with containment between abated and unabated areas, one dust sample shall be taken from one interior window sill and from one window trough (if present) and one dust sample shall be taken from the floors of each of no less than four rooms, hallways, or stairwells within the containment area. In addition, one dust sample shall be taken from the floor outside the containment area. If there are less than four rooms, hallways, or stairwells within the containment area, then all rooms, hallways, or stairwells shall be sampled;

(B) After conducting an abatement with no containment, two dust samples shall be taken from each of no less than four rooms, hallways, or stairwells in the residential dwelling or child-occupied facility. One dust sample shall be taken from one interior window sill and window trough (if present) and one dust sample shall be taken from the floor of each room, hallway, or stairwell selected. If there are less than four rooms, hallways, or stairwells within the residential dwelling or child-occupied facility, then all rooms, hallways, or stairwells shall be sampled; and

(C) Following an exterior paint abatement, a visible inspection shall be conducted. All horizontal surfaces in the outdoor living area closest to the abated surface shall be found to be cleaned of visible dust and debris. In addition, a visual inspection shall be conducted to determine the presence of paint chips on the dripline or next to the foundation below any exterior surface abated. If paint chips are present, they must be removed from the site and properly disposed of, according to all applicable federal, state, and local requirements;

(vi) The rooms, hallways, or stairwells selected for sampling shall be selected according to documented methodologies;

(vii) The certified inspector or risk assessor shall compare the residual lead level (as determined by the laboratory analysis) from each single surface dust sample with clearance levels in paragraph (5)(h)(viii) of this section for lead in dust on floors, interior window sills, and window troughs or from each composite dust sample with the applicable clearance levels for lead in dust on floors, interior window sills, and window troughs divided by half the number of subsamples in the composite sample. If the residual lead level in a single surface dust sample equals or exceeds the applicable clearance level or if the residual lead level in a composite dust sample equals or exceeds the applicable clearance level divided by half the number of subsamples in the composite sample, the components represented by the failed sample shall be recleaned and retested; and

(viii) The clearance levels for lead in dust are 40 ug/ft 2 for floors, 250 ug/ft 2 for interior window sills, and 400 ug/ft 2 for window troughs.

(i) In a multi-family dwelling with similarly constructed and maintained residential dwellings, random sampling for the purposes of clearance may be conducted provided:

(i) The certified individuals who abate or clean the residential dwellings do not know which residential dwelling will be selected for the random sample;

(ii) A sufficient number of residential dwellings are selected for dust sampling to provide a 95% level of confidence that no more than 5% or 50 of the residential dwellings (whichever is smaller) in the randomly sampled population exceed the appropriate clearance levels; and

(iii) The randomly selected residential dwellings shall be sampled and evaluated for clearance according to the procedures found in paragraph (5)(h) of this section.

(j) An abatement report shall be prepared by a certified supervisor or project designer no later than 30 business days after receiving the results of final clearance testing and all soil analyses (if applicable). The abatement report shall include the following information:

(i) Start and completion dates of abatement;

(ii) The name and address of each certified firm conducting the abatement and the name of each supervisor assigned to the abatement project;

(iii) The occupant protection plan prepared pursuant to paragraph (5)(e) of this section;

(iv) The name, address, and signature of each certified risk assessor or inspector conducting clearance sampling and the date of clearance testing;

(v) The results of clearance testing and all soil analyses (if applicable) and the name of each recognized laboratory that conducted the analyses; and

(vi) A detailed written description of the abatement, including abatement methods used, locations of rooms and/or components where abatement occurred, reason for selecting particular abatement methods for each component, and any suggested monitoring of encapsulants or enclosures.

(6) Collection and laboratory analysis of samples. Any paint chip, dust, or soil samples collected pursuant to the work practice standards contained in this section shall be:

(a) Collected by persons certified by the director as an inspector or risk assessor; and

(b) Analyzed by a laboratory recognized by EPA pursuant to Section 405(b) of TSCA as being capable of performing analyses for lead compounds in paint chip, dust, and soil samples.

(7) Composite dust sampling. Composite dust sampling may only be conducted in the situations specified in paragraphs (3) through (5) of this section. If such sampling is conducted, the following conditions shall apply:

(a) Composite dust samples shall consist of at least two subsamples;

(b) Every component that is being tested shall be included in the sampling; and

(c) Composite dust samples shall not consist of subsamples from more than one type of component.

(8) Determinations.

(a) Lead-based paint is present:

(i) On any surface that is tested and found to contain lead equal to or in excess of 1.0 milligrams per square centimeter or equal to or in excess of 0.5% by weight; and

(ii) On any surface like a surface tested in the same room equivalent that has a similar painting history and that is found to be lead-based paint.

(b) A paint-lead hazard is present:

(i) On any friction surface that is subject to abrasion and where the lead dust levels on the nearest horizontal surface underneath the friction surface (e.g., the window sill or floor) are equal to or greater than the dust hazard levels identified in the definition of "Dust-lead hazard" in R307-840-2;

(ii) On any chewable lead-based paint surface on which there is evidence of teeth marks;

(iii) Where there is any damaged or otherwise deteriorated lead-based paint on an impact surface that is caused by impact from a related building component (such as a door knob that knocks into a wall or a door that knocks against its door frame); and

(iv) If there is any other deteriorated lead-based paint in any residential building or child-occupied facility or on the exterior of any residential building or child-occupied facility.

(c) A dust-lead hazard is present in a residential dwelling or child-occupied facility:

(i) In a residential dwelling on floors and interior window sills when the weighted arithmetic mean lead loading for all single surface or composite samples of floors and interior window sills are equal to or greater than 40 ug/ft 2 for floors and 250 ug/ft 2 for interior window sills, respectively;

(ii) On floors or interior window sills in an unsampled residential dwelling in a multi-family dwelling, if a dust-lead hazard is present on floors or interior window sills, respectively, in at least one sampled residential unit on the property; and

(iii) On floors or interior window sills in an unsampled common area in a multi-family dwelling, if a dust-lead hazard is present on floors or interior window sills, respectively, in at least one sampled common area in the same common area group on the property.

(d) A soil-lead hazard is present:

(i) In a play area when the soil-lead concentration from a composite play area sample of bare soil is equal to or greater than 400 parts per million; or

(ii) In the rest of the yard when the arithmetic mean lead concentration from a composite sample (or arithmetic mean of composite samples) of bare soil from the rest of the yard (i.e., non-play areas) for each residential building on a property is equal to or greater than 1,200 parts per million.

(9) Recordkeeping. All reports or plans required in this section shall be maintained by the certified firm or individual who prepared the report for no fewer than 3 years. The certified firm or individual also shall provide copies of these reports to the building owner who contracted for its services.


R307-842-4. Lead-Based Paint Activities Requirements.

Lead-based paint activities, as defined in R307-840-2, shall only be conducted according to the procedures and work practice standards contained in R307-842-3 of this rule. No individual or firm may offer to perform or perform any lead-based paint activity as defined in R307-840-2, unless certified to perform that activity according to the procedures in R307-842-2.


R307-842-5. Work Practice Requirements for Lead-Based Paint Hazards.

Applicable certification, occupant protection, and clearance requirements and work practice standards are found in R307-842 and in regulations issued by HUD at 24 CFR Part 35, Subpart R. The work practice standards in those regulations do not apply when treating paint-lead hazards of less than:

(a) Two square feet of deteriorated lead-based paint per room or equivalent,

(b) Twenty square feet of deteriorated paint on the exterior building, or

(c) Ten percent of the total surface area of deteriorated paint on an interior or exterior type of component with a small surface area.


KEY: paint, lead-based paint, lead-based paint abatement

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [May 3, 2012]2017

Notice of Continuation: February 5, 2015

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 19-2-104(1)(i)

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Ryan Stephens at the above address, by phone at 801-536-4419, by FAX at 801-536-0085, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.