DAR File No. 41102

This rule was published in the January 1, 2017, issue (Vol. 2017, No. 1) of the Utah State Bulletin.

Agriculture and Food, Horse Racing Commission (Utah)

Rule R52-7

Horse Racing

Notice of Proposed Rule


DAR File No.: 41102
Filed: 12/15/2016 02:32:46 PM


Purpose of the rule or reason for the change:

This rule establishes the rules and guidelines for horse racing in the state of Utah. The changes to the rule remove the 30-minute waiting period for testing of horses, clarify licensing requirements, and address issues dealing with conflicts of interest by racing officials.

Summary of the rule or change:

The rule changes allow tests on horse to be conducted at the discretion of the veterinarian. It creates a separate definition of owners to clarify licensing issues. Further, it details how Lasix is to be administered and by whom.

Statutory or constitutional authorization for this rule:

  • Section 4-38-4

Anticipated cost or savings to:

the state budget:

The change does not have an impact on how the state manages horse racing. There will be no cost to the state budget. However, the changes clarify how owners are to be licensed. This change could increase the funds to the Horse Racing Commission. The owner's licensing fee is $50.

local governments:

Local governments have no role in the enforcement of this rule. As such, there will be no costs or savings to their budgets.

small businesses:

This rule change does not change the registration fee required for an owner's license; it only requires that all the people listed as an owner on the horses papers be licensed as an owner. Thus, small business should not be affected by the rule, unless they have a horse registered under multiple individuals at which point each individual would have to pay the $50 registration fee.

persons other than small businesses, businesses, or local governmental entities:

The rule again will have a limited impact on the individuals. If the horse is registered under more than one individual, then each of the individuals will have to pay a $50 licensing fee to participate.

Compliance costs for affected persons:

The only compliance cost will be if the horse is registered under more than one individual. Then each person listed on the registration will have to pay $50 for the license.

Comments by the department head on the fiscal impact the rule may have on businesses:

The proposed rule changes are a result of a request from those involved in the horse racing industry. The only additional cost will be if the horse is registered under more than one person.

LuAnn Adams, Commissioner

The full text of this rule may be inspected, during regular business hours, at the Office of Administrative Rules, or at:

Agriculture and Food
Horse Racing Commission (Utah)

Direct questions regarding this rule to:

  • Kathleen Mathews at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7103, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]
  • Scott Ericson at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7102, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]

Interested persons may present their views on this rule by submitting written comments to the address above no later than 5:00 p.m. on:


This rule may become effective on:


Authorized by:

LuAnn Adams, Commissioner


R52. Agriculture and Food, Horse Racing Commission (Utah).

R52-7. Horse Racing.

R52-7-1. Authority.

Promulgated under authority of Section 4-38-4.


R52-7-2. Definitions.

The following definitions shall apply in these rules unless otherwise indicated.

1. "Act" means the Utah Horse Regulation Act.

2. "Added money" means all monies added to the fees paid by the horsemen into the purse for a race.

3. "Age" of a horse is reckoned as beginning on the first day of January in the year in which the horse is foaled.

4. "Also Eligible" pertains to (a) a number of eligible horses, properly entered, which were not drawn for inclusion in a race, but which become eligible according to preference or lot if an entry is scratched prior to scratch time deadline; (b) the next preferred nonqualifier for the finals or consolation from a set of elimination trials which will become eligible in the event a finalist is scratched by the stewards for a rule violation or is otherwise eligible if written race conditions permit.

5. "Arrears" means money past due for entrance fees, jockey fees, or nomination or supplemental fees in nomination races, and therefore in default incidental to these Rules or the conditions of a race.

6. "Authorized Agent" means a person appointed by a written instrument, signed and acknowledged before a notary public by the owner in whose behalf the Agent will act. Said instrument must be on file with the Commission and its authorized representatives.

7. "Bleeder" means a horse which during or following exercise or the race is observed to be shedding blood from one or both nostrils, or the mouth, or hemorrhaging in the lumen of the respiratory tract.

8. "Breeder" of a horse is the owner or lessee of its dam at the time of breeding.

9. "Closing" means the time published by the organization after which nominations or entries will not be accepted for a race.

10. "Commission" means the Utah Horse Racing Commission.

11. "Commissioner" means a member of the Commission.

12. "Conditions of a race" are the qualifications which determine a horse's eligibility to enter.

13. "Day" is a period of 24 hours beginning at midnight.

14. "Race day" is a day during which horse races are conducted.

15. "Declaration" means the act of withdrawing an entered horse from a race before the closing of overnight entries.

16. "Drug (Medication)" means a substance foreign to the normal physiology of the horse.

17. "Enclosure" means all areas of the property of an organization licensee to which admission can be obtained only by payment of an admission fee or upon presentation of proper credentials and all parking areas designed to serve the facility which are owned or leased by the organization licensee.

18. "Entry" means a horse made eligible to run in a race.

19. "Family" means a husband, wife and any dependent children.

20. "Field" means all horses competing in a race.

21. "Financial Interest" means an interest that could result in directly or indirectly receiving a pecuniary gain or sustaining a pecuniary loss as a result of ownership or interest in a business entity, or as a result of salary, gratuity, or other compensation or remuneration from any person.

22. "Foreign Substances" are all substances, except those which exist naturally in the untreated horse at normal physiological concentration, and shall include but not be limited to all narcotics, stimulants, or depressants.

23. "Foul" means an action by any horse or jockey that hinders or interferes with another horse or jockey during the running of a race.

24. "Horse" means an equine of any breed and includes a stallion, gelding, mare, colt, filly, spayed mare or ridgeling.

25. "Horse Racing" means any type of horse racing, including Arabian, Appaloosa, Paint, Pinto, Quarter Horse, and Thoroughbred horse racing.

26. Horse Racing Types:

A. "Appaloosa Horse Racing" means the form of horse racing in which each participating horse is an Appaloosa horse registered with the Appaloosa Horse Club or any successor organization and mounted by a jockey.

B. "Arabian Horse Racing" means the form of horse racing in which each participating horse is an Arabian horse registered with the Arabian Horse Club Registry of America and approved by the Arabian Horse Racing Association of America or any successor organization, mounted by a jockey, and engaged in races on the flat over a distance of not less than one-quarter mile or more than four miles.

C. "Paint Horse Racing" means the form of horse racing in which each participating horse is a Paint horse registered with the American Paint Horse Association or any successor organization and mounted by a jockey.

D. "Pinto Horse Racing" means the form of horse racing in which each participating horse is a Pinto horse registered with the Pinto Horse Association of America, Inc., or any successor organization and mounted by a jockey.

E. "Quarter Horse Racing" means the form of horse racing where each participating horse is a Quarter Horse registered with the American Quarter Horse Association or any successor organization, mounted by a jockey, and engaged in a race over a distance of less than one-half mile.

F. "Thoroughbred Horse Racing" means the form of horse racing in which each participating horse is a Thoroughbred horse registered with the Jockey Club or any successor organization, mounted by a Jockey, and engaged in races on the flat.

27. "Inquiry" means the stewards immediate investigation into the running of a race which may result in the disqualification of one or more horses.

28. "Jockey" means the rider licensed to race.

29. "Jockey Agent" means a licensed authorized representative of a jockey.

30. "Lessee" means a licensed owner whose interest in a horse is by virtue of a completed Commission-approved lease form attached to the registration certificate and on file with the Commission.

31. "Lessor" means the owner of the horse that is leased.

32. "Maiden" means a horse that has never won a race recognized by the official race records of the particular horse's breed registry. A maiden which has been disqualified after finishing first is still a maiden.

33. "Minor" means any individual under 18 years of age.

34. "Nominator" means the person who nominated the horse as a possible contender in a race.

35. "Objection" means:

A. A written complaint made to the Stewards concerning a horse entered in a race and filed not later than two hours prior to the scheduled post time for the first race on the day which the questioned horse is entered;

B. A verbal claim of foul in a race lodged by the horse's jockey, trainer, owner, or the owners licensed Authorized Agent before the race is declared official.

36. "Occupation License" means a requirement for any person acting in any capacity within the enclosure during the race meeting.

37. "Occupation Licensee" means a person who has obtained an occupation license.

38. "Utah Bred Horse" means a horse that is sired by a stallion standing in Utah.

39. "Organization License" means a requirement of any person desiring to conduct a race meeting within the state of Utah.

40. "Organization Licensee" means any person receiving an organization license.

41. "Owner " means [is] any person who holds, in whole or in part, any rights, title, or interest in a horse, or any lessee of a horse who has been duly issued a currently valid owner's license as a person responsible for such horse.

[41]42. "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, syndicate, another association or entity.

[42]43. "Post Position" means the position in the starting gate assigned to the horse for the race.

[43]44. "Post Time" means the advertised time for the arrival of the horses at the start of the race.

[44]45. "Protest" means a written complaint, signed by the protester, against any horse which has started in a race and shall be made to the Stewards within 48 hours after the running of the race, except as noted in Subsection R52-7-10(8).

[45]46. "Race Meeting" means the entire period of time not to exceed 20 calendar days separating any race days for which an organization license has been granted to a person by the Commission to hold horse racing.

[46]47. "Allowance" means a race in which eligibility and/or the weight to be carried are based upon the horse's past performance over a specified time.

[47]48. "Handicap" means a race in which the weights to be carried by the entered horses are assigned according to the Racing Secretary's evaluation of each horse's potential for the purpose of equalizing their respective chances of winning.

[48]49. "Invitational" means a race in which the competing horses are selected by inviting their owners to enter specific horses.

[49]50. "Match" means a race contest between two horses with prior consent by the Commission under conditions agreed to by the owners.

[50]51. "Nomination" means a race in which the subscription to a payment schedule nominates and sustains the eligibility of a particular horse. Nominations must close at least 72 hours before the first post time of the day the race is originally scheduled to be run.

[51]52. "Progeny" means a race restricted to the offspring of a specific stallion or stallions.

[52]53. "Purse Race (Overnight)" means any race in which entries close less than 72 hours prior to its running.

[53]54. "Schooling Race" means a preparatory race for entry qualification in official races which conform to requirements adopted by the Commission.

[54]55. "Stakes" means a race which is eligible for stakes or "black-type" recognition by the particular breed registry.

[55]56. "Trials" means a set of races in which eligible horses compete to determine the finalists for a purse in a nominated race.

[56]57. "Restricted Area" means any area within the enclosure where access is limited to licensees whose occupation requires access. Those areas which are restricted shall include but not be limited to, the barn area, paddock, test barn, Stewards Tower, race course, or any other area designated restricted by the organization licensee and/or the Commission. Signs giving notice of restricted access shall be prominently displayed at all entry points.

[57]58. "Rules" means the rules herein prescribed and any amendments or additions.

[58]59. "Scratch" means the act of withdrawing an entered horse from a race after the closing of overnight entries.

[59]60. "Scratch Time" means the deadline set by the organization licensee for the withdrawing of entered horses.

[60]61. "Starter" means the horse whose stall door of the starting gate opens in front of such horse at the time the starter (the Official) dispatches the horses.

[61]62. "Subscription" means the act of nominating a horse to a nomination race.

[62]63. "Week" means a period of seven days beginning at 12:01 a.m., Monday during which races are conducted.


R52-7-6. Racing Officials and Commission Racing Personnel.

1. Racing Officials. The racing officials of a race meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, are as follows: the stewards, the associate judges, [the placing judges, ]the paddock judge, [the patrol judges, ]the starter, the identifier/tattooer, and the racing secretary. No racing official may serve in that capacity during [any]a race [meeting at]in which is entered a horse owned by them or by a member of their family or in which they have any financial interest except for the identifier/tattooer, and the racing secretary. Being the lessee or lessor of a horse shall be construed as having a financial interest.

2. Responsibility To The Commission. The racing officials shall be strictly responsible to the Commission for the performance of their respective duties, and they shall promptly report to the Commission or its stewards any violation of the rules of the Commission coming to their attention or of which they have knowledge. Any racing official who fails to exercise due diligence in the performance of his duties shall be relieved of his duties by the stewards and the matter referred to the Commission.

3. Racing Officials Subject To Approval. Every racing official is subject to prior approval by the Commission before being eligible to act as a racing official at the meeting. At the time of making application for an organization license, the organization shall nominate the racing officials other than the racing officials appointed by the Commission; and after issuance of license to the organization, there shall be no substitution of any racing official except with approval of the stewards or the Commission.

4. Racing Officials Appointed By The Commission. The Commission shall appoint the following racing officials for a race meeting: The board of three stewards and the identifier/tattooer. The Commission may appoint from the approved stewards list one steward to serve as state steward.

5. Racing Personnel Employed By The Commission. The Commission shall employ the services of the licensing person for a race meeting.

6. General Authority Of Stewards. The stewards have general authority and supervision over all licensees and other persons attendant on horses, and also over the enclosures of any recognized meeting. Stewards have the power to interpret the Rules and to decide all questions not specifically covered by them. The stewards shall have the power to determine all questions arising with reference to entries, eligibility and racing; and all entries, declarations and scratches shall be under the supervision of the stewards. The stewards shall be strictly responsible to the Commission for the conduct of the race meeting in every particular.

7. Vacancy Among Racing Officials. Where a vacancy occurs among the racing officials, the stewards shall fill the vacancy immediately. Such appointment is effective until the vacancy is filled in accordance with the rules.

8. Jurisdiction Of Stewards To Suspend Or Fine. The stewards' jurisdiction in any matter commences 72 hours before entries are taken for the first day of racing at the meeting and extends until 30 days after the close of such meeting. In the event a dispute or controversy arises during a race meeting which is not settled within the stewards' thirty-day jurisdiction, then the authority of the stewards may be extended by authority of the Commission for the period necessary to resolve the matter, or until the matter is referred or appealed to the Commission. The stewards may suspend for not more than one year per violation the license of anyone whom they have the authority to supervise; or they may impose a fine not to exceed $2,500 per violation; or they may exclude from all enclosures in this state; or they may suspend and fine and/or exclude. All such suspensions, fines, or exclusions shall be reported immediately to the Commission. The Stewards may suspend a horse from participating in races if the horse has been involved in violation(s) of the rules promulgated by the Commission or the provisions of the Utah Horse Act under the following circumstances:

A. A horse is a confirmed bleeder as determined by the official veterinarian, and the official veterinarian recommends to the stewards that the horse be suspended from participation.

B. A horse is involved with:

i. Any violation of medication laws and rules;

ii. Any suspension or revocation of an occupation license by the stewards or the Commission or any racing jurisdiction recognized by the Commission; or

iii. Any violation of prohibited devices, laws, and rules.

9. Referral To The Commission. The stewards may refer with or without recommendation any matter within their jurisdiction to the Commission.

10. Payment Of Fines. All fines imposed by the stewards or Commission shall be due and payable to the Commission within 72 hours after imposition, except when the imposition of such fine is ordered stayed by the stewards, the Commission, or a court having jurisdiction. However, when a fine and suspension is imposed by the stewards or Commission, the fine shall be due and payable at the time the suspension expires. Nonpayment of the fine when due and payable may result in immediate suspension pending payment of the fine.

11. Stewards' Reports And Records. The stewards shall maintain a record which shall contain a detailed, written account of all questions, disputes, protests, complaints, and objections brought to the attention of the stewards. The stewards shall prepare a daily report concerning their race day activities which shall include fouls and disqualifications, disciplinary hearings, fines and suspensions, conduct of races, interruptions and delays, and condition of racing facility. The stewards shall submit the signed original of their report and record to the Executive Director of the Commission within 72 hours of the race day.

12. Power To Order Examination Of Horse. The stewards shall have the power to have tested, or cause to be examined by a qualified person, any horse entered in a race, which has run in a race, or which is stabled within the enclosure; and may order the examination of any ownership papers, certificates, documents of eligibility, contracts or leases pertaining to any horse.

13. Calling Off Race. When, in the opinion of the stewards, a race(s) cannot be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Commission, they shall cancel and call off such race(s). In the event of mechanical failure or interference during the running of a race which affects the horses in such race, the Stewards may declare the race a "no contest." A race shall be declared "no contest" if no horse covers the course.

14. Substitution Of Jockey Or Trainer.

A. In the event a jockey who is named to ride a mount in a race is unable to fulfill his engagement and is excused by the stewards, the trainer of the horse may select a substitute jockey; or, if no substitute jockey is available, the stewards may scratch the horse from the race. However, the responsibility to provide a jockey for an entered horse remains with the trainer; and the scratching of said horse by the stewards shall not be grounds for the refund of any nomination, sustaining, penalty payments, or entry fees.

B. In the absence of the trainer of the horse, the stewards may place the horse in the temporary care of another trainer of their selection; however, such horse may not be entered or compete in a race without the approval of the owner and the substitute trainer. The substitute trainer must sign the entry card.

15. Stewards' List. The stewards may maintain a stewards' list of those horses which, in their opinion, are ineligible to be entered in any race because of poor or inconsistent performance due to the inability to maintain a straight course, or any other reason considered a hazard to the safety of the participants. Such horse shall be refused entry until it has demonstrated to the stewards or their representatives that it can race safely and can be removed from the stewards' list.

16. Duties Of The Starter. The starter shall have complete jurisdiction over the starting gate, the starting of horses, and the authority to give orders not in conflict with the rules as may be required to ensure all participants an equal opportunity to a fair start. The starter shall appoint his assistants; however, he shall not permit his assistants to handle or take charge of any horse in the starting gate without his expressed permission. In the event that organization starter assistants are unavailable to head a horse, the responsibility to provide qualified individuals to head and/or tail a horse in the starting gate shall rest with the trainer. The starter may establish qualification for and maintain a list of such qualified individuals approved by the stewards. No assistant starter or any individual handling a horse at the starting gate shall in any way impede, whether intentionally or otherwise, the start of the race; nor may an assistant starter or other individual, except the jockey handling the horse at the starting gate, apply a whip or other device in an attempt to load any horse in the starting gate. No one other than the jockey shall slap, boot, or otherwise attempt to dispatch a horse from the starting gate.

17. Starter's List. The starter may maintain a starter's list of all horses which, in his opinion, are ineligible to be entered in any race because of poor or inconsistent performance in the starting gate. Such horse shall be refused entry until it has demonstrated to the starter or his representatives that it has been satisfactorily schooled in the gates and can be removed from the starter's list. Such schooling shall be under the direct supervision of the starter or his representatives.

18. Duties Of The Paddock Judge. The paddock judge shall supervise the assembling of the horses scheduled to race, the saddling of horses in the paddock, the saddling equipment and changes thereof, the mounting of the jockeys, and their departure for the post. The paddock judge shall provide a report on saddling equipment to the Stewards at their request.

19. Duties Of Patrol Judges. The patrol judges, when utilized, shall be subject to the orders of the stewards and shall report to the stewards all facts occurring under their observation during the running of a race.

20. Duties Of Placing Judges And Timers. The placing judges, timers, and/or stewards shall occupy the judges' stand at the time the horses pass the finish line; and their duties shall be to hand time, place the horses in the correct order of finish, and report the results. In case of a dead heat or a disagreement as to the correct order of finish, the decision of the stewards shall be final. In placing the horses at the finish, the position of the horses' noses only shall be considered the most forward point of progress.

21. Duties Of The Clerk Of Scales. The clerk of scales is responsible for the presence of all jockeys in the jockey's room at the appointed time and to verify that all jockeys have a current Utah jockey's license. The clerk of scales shall verify the correct weight of each jockey at the time of weighing out and when weighing in, and shall report any discrepancies to the stewards immediately. In addition, he or she shall be responsible for the security of the jockey's room and the conduct of the jockeys and their attendants. He or she shall promptly report to the stewards any infraction of the Rules with respect to weight, weighing, riding equipment, or conduct. He or she shall be responsible for accounting of all data required on the scale sheet and submit that data to the horsemen's bookkeeper at the end of each race day.

22. Duties Of The Racing Secretary. The racing secretary shall write and publish conditions of all races and distribute them to horsemen as far in advance of the closing of entries as possible. He or she shall be responsible for the safekeeping of registration certificates and the return of same to the trainers on request or at the conclusion of the race meeting. He or she shall record winning races on the form supplied by the breed registry, which shall remain attached to or part of the registration certificate. The racing secretary shall be responsible for the taking of entries, checking eligibility, closing of entries, selecting the races to be drawn, conducting the draw, posting the overnight sheet, compiling the official program, and discharging such other duties of their office as required by the rules or as directed by the Stewards.

23. Duties Of Associate Judge. An associate judge may perform any of the duties which are performed by any racing official at a meeting, provided such duties are assigned or delegated to them by the Commission or by the stewards presiding at that meeting.

24. Duties Of The Official Veterinarian. The official veterinarian must be a graduate veterinarian and licensed to practice in the State of Utah. He or she shall recommend to the stewards any horse that is deemed unsafe to be raced, or a horse that it would be inhumane to allow to race. He or she shall supervise the taking of all specimens for testing according to procedures approved by the Commission. He or she shall provide proper safeguards in the handling of all laboratory specimens to prevent tampering, confusion, or contamination. All specimens collected shall be sent in locked and sealed cases to the laboratory. He or she shall have the authority and jurisdiction to supervise the practicing licensed veterinarians within the enclosure. The official veterinarian shall report to the Commission the names of all horses humanely destroyed or which otherwise expire at the meeting, and the reasons therefore. The official veterinarian may place horses on a veterinarian's list, and may remove from the list those horses which, in their opinion, can satisfactorily compete in a race.

25. Veterinarian's List. The official veterinarian may maintain a list of all horses who, in their opinion, are incapable of safely performing in a race and are, therefore, ineligible to be entered or started in a race. Such horse may be removed from the Veterinarian's List when, in the opinion of the official veterinarian, the horse has satisfactorily recovered the capability of performing in a race. The reasons for placing a horse on the veterinarian's list shall include the shedding of blood from one or both nostrils following exercise or the performance in a race and the running of a temperature unnatural to the horse.

26. Duties Of The Identifier. The identifier shall identify all horses starting in a race. The identifier shall inspect documents of ownership, eligibility, registration, or breeding as may be necessary to ensure proper identification of each horse eligible to compete at a race meeting provide assistance to the stewards in that regard. The identifier shall immediately report to the paddock judge and the stewards any horse which is not properly identified or any irregularities reflected in the official identification records. The identifier shall report to the stewards and to the Commission on general racing practices observed, and perform such other duties as the Commission may require. The identifier shall report to the racing secretary before the close of the race day business.


R52-7-8. Veterinarian Practices, Medication and Testing Procedures.

1. Veterinary Practices - Treatment Restricted. Within the time period of 24 hours prior to the post time for the first race of the week until four hours after the last race of the week, no person other than Utah licensed veterinarians or animal technicians under direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian who have obtained a license from the Commission shall administer to any horse within the enclosure any veterinary treatment or any medicine, medication, or other substance recognized as a medication, except for recognized feed supplements or oral tonics or substances approved by the Official Veterinarian.

2. Veterinarians Under Supervision Of Official Veterinarian. Veterinarians licensed by the Commission and practicing at an authorized meeting are under the supervision of the Official Veterinarian and the Stewards. The Official Veterinarian shall recommend to the Stewards or the Commission the discipline to be imposed upon a veterinarian who violates the Rules, and he or she may sit with the Stewards in any hearing before the Stewards concerning such discipline or violation.

3. Veterinarian Report. Every veterinarian who treats any horse within the enclosure for any contagious or communicable disease shall immediately report to the official veterinarian in writing on a form approved by the Commission. The form shall include the name and location of the horse treated, the name of the trainer, the time of treatment, the probable diagnosis, and the medication administered. Each practicing veterinarian shall be responsible for maintaining treatment records on all horses to which they administer treatment during a given race meeting. These records shall be available to the Commission upon subpoena when required. Any such record and any report of treatment as described above is confidential; and its content shall not be disclosed except in a proceeding before the stewards or the Commission, or in the exercise of the Commission's jurisdiction.

4. Drugs Or Medication. Except as authorized by the provisions of this Article, no drug or medication shall be administered to any horse prior to or during any race. Presence of any drug or its metabolites or analogs, or any substance foreign to the natural horse found in the testing sample of a horse participating in a Commission-sanctioned race which are outside of the approved drug threshold levels set forth by California Horse Racing Board (CHRB) Rule No. 1844 (Effective 02/14/12), Authorized Medication, with sections (h)(2),(e)(9) and (f) exempted, hereby incorporated by reference. shall result in disqualification by the Stewards. Accordingly clenbuterol will be treated the same as all other drugs that are not specifically authorized. If the testing laboratory detects clenbuterol or its metabolites or analogs under the laboratory's standard operating procedures, the finding will be reported as a violation. When a horse is disqualified because of an infraction of this Rule, the owner or owners of such horse shall not participate in any portion of the purse or stakes; and any trophy or other award shall be returned. (See Drugs and Medications Exceptions, Section R67-7-13.)

5. Racing Soundness Examination. Each horse entered to race may be subject to a veterinary examination by the official veterinarian or his authorized representative for racing soundness and health on race day.

6. Positive Lab Reports. A finding by a licensed laboratory that a test sample taken from a horse contains a drug or its metabolites or analog, or any substance foreign to the natural horse shall be prima facie evidence that such has been administered to the horse either internally or externally in violation of these rules. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood or other acceptable specimen tested by the approved laboratory to which it is sent is taken from the horse in question; its integrity is preserved; that all procedures of same collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory, and analyses of the sample are correct and accurate; and that the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the horse in question and correctly reflects the condition of the horse during the race in which he was entered, with the burden on the trainer, assistant trainer or other responsible party to prove otherwise at any hearing in regard to the matter conducted by the stewards or the Commission.

7. Intent Of Medication Rules. It shall be the intent of these rules to protect the integrity of horse racing, to guard the health of the horse, and to safeguard the interests of the public and the racing participants through the prohibition or control of all drugs, medication, and substances foreign to the natural horse.

8. Power To Have Tested. As a safeguard against the use of drugs, medication, and substances foreign to the natural horse, a urine or other acceptable sample shall be taken under the direction of the official veterinarian from the winner of every race and from such other horses as the stewards or the Commission may designate.

9. Pre-Race Testing. The stewards may require any horse entered to race to submit to a blood or other pre-race test, and no horse is eligible to start in a race until the owner or trainer complies with the required testing procedure.

10. Equipment For Official Testing. Organizations shall provide the equipment, necessary supplies and services prescribed by the Commission and the official veterinarian for the taking of or administration of blood, urine, saliva or other tests.

11. Taking Of Samples. Blood, urine, saliva or other samples shall be taken under the direction of the official veterinarian or persons appointed or assigned by the official veterinarian for taking samples. All samples shall be taken in a detention area approved by the Commission, unless the Official Veterinarian approves otherwise. [Each horse shall be cooled out for a minimum of 30 minutes after entry into the test barn before a sample is to be taken. ]The taking of any test samples shall be witnessed, confirmed or acknowledged by the trainer of the horse being tested or his authorized representative or employee, and may be witnessed by the owner, trainer, or other licensed person designated by them. Samples shall be sent to racing laboratories approved and designated by the Commission, in such manner as the Commission or its designee may direct. All required samples shall be in the custody of the official veterinarian, his/her assistants or other persons approved by the official veterinarian from the time they are taken until they are delivered for shipment to the testing laboratory. No person shall tamper with, adulterate, add to, break the seal of, remove or otherwise attempt to so alter or violate any sample required to be taken by this Article, except for the addition of preservatives or substances necessarily added by the Commission-approved laboratory for preservation of the sample or in the process of analysis.

The Commission has the authority to direct the approved laboratory to retain and preserve samples for future analysis.

The fact that purse money has been distributed prior to the issuance of a laboratory report shall not be deemed a finding that no chemical substance has been administered in violation of these Rules to the horse earning such purse money.

12. Laboratories Approved By The Commission. Only laboratories approved by the Commission may be used in obtaining analysis reports on urine, or other specimens, taken from the winners or other designated horses of each race meeting. The Commission and the Board of Stewards shall receive reports directly from the laboratory.

13. Split Samples. As determined by the official veterinarian, when sample quantity permits, each test sample shall be divided into two portions so that one portion shall be used for the initial testing for unknown substances. If the Trainer or owner so requests in writing to the stewards within 48 hours of notice of positive lab report on the test sample of his horse, the second sample shall be sent for further testing to a drug testing laboratory designated and approved by the commission. Nothing in this rule shall prevent the commission or executive director from ordering first use of both sample portions for testing purposes. The results of said split sampling may not prevent the disqualification of the horse as per R52-7-8-4 and R52-7-8-6. All costs for transportation and testing of the second sample portion shall be the responsibility of the requesting person. The official veterinarian shall have overall supervision and responsibility for the freezing, storage and safeguarding of the second sample portion.

14. Facilitating The Taking Of Urine Samples. When a horse has been in the test barn more than 1-1/2 hours, a diuretic may be administered by the Official Veterinarian for the purpose of facilitating the collection of a urine sample with permission of the stewards and the trainer or the trainer's authorized test barn representative. The cost of administration of the diuretic is the responsibility of the trainer. Prior to the administration of a diuretic, a blood sample may be taken from the horse.

15. Postmortem Examination. Every horse which dies or suffers a breakdown on the racetrack in training or in competition within any enclosure licensed by the Commission and is destroyed, may undergo, at a time and place acceptable to the official veterinarian, a postmortem examination to the extent reasonably necessary to determine the injury or sickness which resulted in euthanasia or natural death. Any other horse which expires within any enclosure may be required by the official veterinarian to undergo a postmortem examination.

A. The postmortem examination required under this rule will be conducted by a licensed veterinarian employed by the owner or his trainer in consultation with the official veterinarian, who may be present at such postmortem examination.

B. Test samples may be obtained from the carcass upon which the postmortem examination is conducted and shall be sent to a laboratory approved by the Commission for testing for foreign substances or their metabolites and natural substances at abnormal levels. When practical, samples shall be procured prior to euthanasia.

C. The owner of the deceased horse shall make payment of any charges due the veterinarian employed by him to conduct the postmortem examination.

D. A record of such postmortem shall be filed with the official veterinarian by the owner's veterinarian within 72 hours of the death and shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Commission.

E. Each owner and trainer accepts the responsibility for the postmortem examination provided herein as a requisite for maintaining the occupation license issued by the Commission.


R52-7-13. Drugs and Medication Exceptions and Illegal Practices.

1. Horses Tested. The winner of every race and such other horses as the stewards or commission veterinarian may designate shall be escorted by the veterinarian assistant after the race to the testing enclosure for examination by the authorized representative of the Commission and the taking of specimens shall be by the commission veterinarian or his assistant.

2. Trainer Present at Testing. The trainer, or his authorized representative, must be present in the testing enclosure when a urine or other specimen is taken from a horse, the sample tag attached to the specimen shall be signed by the trainer or his representative, as witness of taking of the specimen. Willful failure to be present at or a refusal to allow the taking of the specimen, or any act or threat to impede or prevent or otherwise interfere therewith, shall subject the person or persons doing so to immediate suspension and fine by the stewards and the matter shall be referred to the Commission for such further penalty as may be determined.

3. Specimens Delivered to Laboratory. All specimens taken by or under the direction of the commission veterinarian, or other authorized representative of the Commission, shall be delivered to the laboratory approved by the Commission for official analysis. Each specimen shall be marked by number and date and may also bear such information as may be essential to its proper analysis; but the identity of the horse from the specimen was taken or the identity of its owner, trainer, jockey or stable shall not be revealed to the laboratory. The container of specimen shall be sealed as soon as the specimen is placed therein and shall bear the name of the Commission.

4. Medication. The commission veterinarian, the Commission or any member of the Board of Stewards may take samples of any medicines or other materials suspected of containing improper medication, drugs or chemicals which would affect the racing conditions of a horse in a race and which may be found in stables or elsewhere on race track grounds or in the possession of such tracks or any person connected with racing and the same shall be delivered to the laboratory designated by the Commission.

5. The Only Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Permitted. Phenylbutazone shall be administered to the horse no later than 24 hours prior to the time the horse is scheduled to race.

6. Phenylbutazone Levels Permitted and Penalty. No urine sample taken from a horse shall exceed 165 micrograms of phenylbutazone or its metabolites per milliliter of urine or shall not exceed 5 micrograms per milliliter of blood plasma. On a first violation period at phenylbutazone concentrations above 5 ug/ml but below 10 ug/ml plasma or serum: a minimum fine of $250.00; at concentrations above 10 ug/ml plasma: a fine of up to $500.00.

On a second violation within a 12 month period at phenylbutazone concentrations above 5 ug/ml but below 10 ug/ml plasma or serum: a minimum fine of $500.00; at concentrations above 10 ug/ml plasma: a fine of up to $1,000.00.

On a third or subsequent violation within a 12-month period: a fine of $1,000.00, a suspension of 30 days, and loss of purse.

7. Administered under Direction of Commission Licensed Veterinarian. Phenylbutazone must be administered under the direction of a commission licensed veterinarian.

8. List Provided. Horses which are on phenylbutazone shall not be indicated on the daily racing programs or any other publications except that a list of horses on phenylbutazone will be kept by the stewards.

9. Lasix Treatment. Any horse which exhibits symptoms of Epistaxis and/or respiratory tract hemorrhage is eligible for placement on the bleeder list and for treatment on race days with the approved medication to prevent or limit bleeding during racing.

10. Bleeders Listing. To be placed on the bleeders list, a horse must be found to have, during or immediately following a race or workout, shed free blood from one or both nostrils or bled internally in the respiratory tract. A Commission licensed veterinarian, following his or her personal examination of a horse, or after consulting with the horses' private veterinarian, shall be allowed to certify a horse as a bleeder. A universal bleeders certificate is required.

11. License Required. In any and all cases, private veterinarians must be licensed with the Utah Horse Racing Commission as a veterinarian in order to administer Lasix.

12. Horse Removed From Bleeders List. A Commission licensed veterinarian may remove a horse from the bleeders list, provided a request is made in writing and it is the recommendation of the veterinarian of the horse, or after an examination by the veterinarian, it is determined that the horse is not a bleeder or is no longer eligible for the bleeders list.

13. Treatment Procedure. Horses on the bleeders list must be treated at least four hours prior to post time with the bleeder medication furosemide, (i.e. Lasix). No other treatment is permitted for bleeder treatment. Bleeder medication must be administered [by a Commission licensed veterinarian]by a licensed veterinarian or trainer in the manner approved by the official veterinarian, using dosages pursuant to CHRB Rule No. 1845, section (e), (Effective 5/27/05), Authorized Bleeder Medication, which is hereby incorporated by reference. [The bleeder medication is administered by the trainers veterinarian, and must be witnessed by the trainer or his designee upon their request. Administration of the bleeder medication must be reported in writing on a form designated by the Commission, to the track management no later than two hours prior to the scheduled post time of the last live race of the program]Trainers are required to have Lasix forms completed by the veterinarian, the Lasix form must be returned to the test barn personnel within ten minutes of the time of administration of Lasix. The form shall include the date, time and amount of Lasix administered and the signature of the veterinarian. Upon receipt of the Lasix form, the test barn personnel shall log in the date and time of receipt. If the time of receipt exceeds the ten minute grace period, the test barn personnel shall notify the stewards, and the horse shall be scratched by the stewards for the day's racing.

14. Lasix Levels Permitted and Penalty. Any horse whose post race blood tests contains a level in excess of the levels set forth in CHRB Rule No. 1845, sections (b)-(c), (Effective 5/27/05), Authorized Bleeder Medication, hereby incorporated by reference, will be said to be positive for Lasix overage and in violation of Utah Horse Racing Rules and Regulations.

A. A finding of a chemist of furosemide (Lasix) exceeding the allowable test levels given above shall be considered prima facia evidence that the medication was administered to the horse and carried in the body of the horse while participating in the race.

B. In these cases, a fine and/or suspension will be levied to such horse trainer under the trainer responsibility rule and the horse will be disqualified from the race.

15. Horses Designated. The horses' trainer or designated agent is responsible to enter horses correctly indicating the prescribed medication for the horse. Horses approved for Lasix medication will be designated on the overnight and the daily program with a Lasix or "L". A list of horses approved for and using Lasix medication will be maintained by the stewards.

16. Bleeder Disqualification. Any horse that bleeds a second time in Utah shall not be able to race for a period of 30 days from the date of the second bleeding offense. Any horse that bleeds for a third time shall be suspended from racing for a period of one year from the date of the third offense. Any horse bleeding for the fourth time will be given a lifetime suspension from racing.

17. Disqualification of Owner or Trainer. A horse owner or trainer found to have committed illegal practices under this chapter or found to have administered any non-approved medication substances in violation of the rules in this chapter, shall be deemed disqualified and denied, or shall promptly return, any portion of the purse or sweepstakes or trophy awarded in the affected race, and shall be distributed as in the case of a disqualification. If the affected race is a qualifying race for a subsequent race and if a horse shall be so disqualified, the eligibility of the other horses which ran in the affected race, and which have started in the subsequent race before announcement of such disqualification shall not in any way be affected.

18. Hypodermic Instruments Prohibited. Except by specific written permission of the presiding steward, no person within the grounds of the racing association where the horses are lodged or kept shall have possession of, upon the premises which he occupies or has the right to occupy or in any of his personal property or effects, any hypodermic instrument, hypodermic syringes or hypodermic needle which may be used for injection into any horse of any medication prohibited by this rule. Every racing association is required to use all reasonable efforts to prevent the violation of this rule.

19. Search Provisions. Every racing association, the Commission or the stewards shall have the right to enter, search and inspect the buildings, stables, rooms and other places where horses which are eligible to race are kept, or where property and effects of the licensee are kept within the grounds of the association. Any licensee accepting a license shall be deemed to have consented to such search and to the seizure of any non-approved or prohibited materials, chemicals, drugs or devices and anything apparently intended to be used in connection therewith.

20. Daily Medication Reports. All practicing veterinarians must submit daily to the commission veterinarian a medication report form furnished by the Commission containing the following:

A. Name, age, sex and breed of the horse.

B. The permitted drug used (Bute or Lasix).

C. The time administered.

D. The route of the administration.

E. The report must be dated and signed by the veterinarian so administering the medication. Any such report is confidential and its contents shall not be disclosed except in a proceeding before the stewards or the Commission or in the exercise of the Commission's jurisdiction.

21. Prima Facia Evidence. If the stewards find that any non-approved medication, for which the purpose of definition shall include any drug, chemical, narcotic, anesthetic, or analgesic has been administered to a horse in such a manner that it is present in a pre-race or post-race test sample, such presence shall constitute prima facia evidence that the horse has been illegally medicated.

22. Trainer Responsibility. Under all circumstances, the horse of record trainer shall be responsible for the horse he trains.


KEY: horses, horse racing

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment: [June 23, 2016]2017

Notice of Continuation: August 25, 2016

Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law: 4-38-4

Additional Information

More information about a Notice of Proposed Rule is available online.

The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2017/b20170101.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.

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For questions regarding the content or application of this rule, please contact Kathleen Mathews at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7103, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected]; Scott Ericson at the above address, by phone at 801-538-7102, by FAX at 801-538-7126, or by Internet E-mail at [email protected].  For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Office of Administrative Rules.