These Notices of Rule Effective Dates were published in the November 15, 2012, issue (Vol. 2012, No. 22) of the Utah State Bulletin.
State law provides for agencies to make their rules effective and enforceable after publication in the Utah State Bulletin. In the case of Proposed Rules or Changes in Proposed Rules with a designated comment period, the law permits an agency to file a notice of effective date any time after the close of comment plus seven days. In the case of Changes in Proposed Rules with no designated comment period, the law permits an agency to file a notice of effective date on any date including or after the thirtieth day after the rule's publication date. If an agency fails to file a Notice of Effective Date within 120 days from the publication of a Proposed Rule or a related Change in Proposed Rule the rule lapses and the agency must start the rulemaking process over.
Notices of Effective Date are governed by Subsection 63G-3-301(12), 63G-3-303, and Sections R15-4-5a and 5b.
- Agriculture and Food
- Animal Industry
- No. 36683 (New Rule): Rule R58-3. Brucellosis Vaccination Requirements
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/29/2012
- No. 36683 (New Rule): Rule R58-3. Brucellosis Vaccination Requirements
- Animal Industry
- Health
- Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
- No. 36379 (Amendment): Rule R414-510. Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Mental Retardation Transition Program
Published: 07/01/2012
Effective: 11/01/2012 - No. 36379 (Change in Proposed Rule): Rule R414-510. Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Mental Retardation Transition Program
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 11/01/2012
- No. 36379 (Amendment): Rule R414-510. Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Mental Retardation Transition Program
- Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy
- Human Services
- Recovery Services
- No. 36678 (Amendment): Rule R527-37. Closure Criteria for Support Cases
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012 - No. 36679 (Amendment): Rule R527-253. Collection of Child Support Judgments
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012 - No. 36680 (Amendment): Rule R527-255. Substantial Change in Circumstances
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012 - No. 36681 (Amendment): Rule R527-330. Posting Priority of Payments Received
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012
- No. 36678 (Amendment): Rule R527-37. Closure Criteria for Support Cases
- Recovery Services
- Insurance
- Administration
- No. 36711 (Amendment): Rule R590-142. Continuing Education Rule
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/22/2012 - No. 36635 (Amendment): Rule R590-167. Individual, Small Employer, and Group Health Benefit Plan Rule
Published: 09/01/2012
Effective: 10/16/2012 - No. 36656 (Amendment): Rule R590-220. Submission of Accident and Health Insurance Filings
Published: 09/01/2012
Effective: 10/16/2012 - No. 36708 (New Rule): Rule R590-266. Utah Essential Health Benefits Package
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/25/2012
- No. 36711 (Amendment): Rule R590-142. Continuing Education Rule
- Administration
- Labor Commission
- Antidiscrimination and Labor, Antidiscrimination
- No. 36690 (Repeal): Rule R606-3. Nondiscrimination Clause to be used in Contracts Entered into by the State of Utah and its Agencies
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/22/2012 - No. 36691 (Repeal): Rule R606-4. Advertising
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/22/2012 - No. 36692 (Repeal): Rule R606-5. Employment Agencies
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/22/2012
- No. 36690 (Repeal): Rule R606-3. Nondiscrimination Clause to be used in Contracts Entered into by the State of Utah and its Agencies
- Industrial Accidents
- Antidiscrimination and Labor, Antidiscrimination
- Natural Resources
- Oil, Gas and Mining; Oil and Gas
- No. 36700 (Amendment): Section R649-3-39. Hydraulic Fracturing
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 11/01/2012
- No. 36700 (Amendment): Section R649-3-39. Hydraulic Fracturing
- Water Rights
- No. 36455 (Amendment): Section R655-5-4. Mapping Standards
Published: 08/01/2012
Effective: 10/24/2012 - No. 36505 (Amendment): Section R655-10-7A. Review of Design
Published: 08/15/2012
Effective: 10/24/2012 - No. 36507 (Amendment): Section R655-11-5A. Geological and Seismic Study
Published: 08/15/2012
Effective: 10/24/2012 - No. 36508 (Amendment): Section R655-11-5C. Method of Analysis
Published: 08/15/2012
Effective: 10/24/2012
- No. 36455 (Amendment): Section R655-5-4. Mapping Standards
- Oil, Gas and Mining; Oil and Gas
- Public Safety
- Driver License
- No. 36693 (Amendment): Rule R708-41. Requirements for Acceptable Documentation, Storage and Maintenance
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/24/2012
- No. 36693 (Amendment): Rule R708-41. Requirements for Acceptable Documentation, Storage and Maintenance
- Driver License
- Tax Commission
- Administration
- No. 36694 (Amendment): Section R861-1A-20. Time of Appeal Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-301, 59-1-501, 59- 2-1007, 59-7-517, 59-10-532, 59-10-533, 59-10-535, 59-12-114, 59-13-210, 63G-4-201, 63G-4- 401, 68-3-7, and 68-3-8.5
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/25/2012
- No. 36694 (Amendment): Section R861-1A-20. Time of Appeal Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Sections 59-1-301, 59-1-501, 59- 2-1007, 59-7-517, 59-10-532, 59-10-533, 59-10-535, 59-12-114, 59-13-210, 63G-4-201, 63G-4- 401, 68-3-7, and 68-3-8.5
- Property Tax
- No. 36696 (Amendment): Section R884-24P-33. 2012 Personal Property Valuation Guides and Schedules Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-2-301
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/25/2012
- No. 36696 (Amendment): Section R884-24P-33. 2012 Personal Property Valuation Guides and Schedules Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-2-301
- Administration
- Technology Services
- Administration
- No. 36699 (Amendment): Rule R895-3. Computer Software Licensing, Copyright, Control, Retention, and Transfer
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/22/2012
- No. 36699 (Amendment): Rule R895-3. Computer Software Licensing, Copyright, Control, Retention, and Transfer
- Administration
- Transportation
- Operations, Traffic and Safety
- No. 36704 (Amendment): Rule R920-1. Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012 - No. 36705 (Repeal): Rule R920-2. Traffic Control Systems for Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012 - No. 36706 (Repeal): Rule R920-3. Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part VI
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012 - No. 36707 (Repeal): Rule R920-5. Manual and Specifications on School Crossing Zones. Supplemental to Part VII of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Published: 09/15/2012
Effective: 10/23/2012
- No. 36704 (Amendment): Rule R920-1. Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Operations, Traffic and Safety
Additional Information
The Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the Bulletin is the official version. The PDF version of this issue is available at https://rules.utah.gov/publicat/bull-pdf/2012/b20121115.pdf. The HTML edition of the Bulletin is a convenience copy. Any discrepancy between the PDF version and HTML version is resolved in favor of the PDF version.
For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative Rules.