Federal Register Celebrates 70 Years

April 3, 2006

March 14, 2006, marked the 70th anniversary of the Federal Register. In 1935, Congress passed the Federal Register Act (44 USC Chapter 15; July 26, 1935, ch. 417, 49 Stat. 500). This act creates the opportunity for citizens to be well informed about the actions and decisions of government.

In a resolution recognizing the anniversary, Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR), a section of the National Association of Secretaries of State, noted:

The scope and complexity of governmental activity has grown enormously since the Federal Register began publishing in 1936. Now more than ever, we rely on the Federal Register for the accuracy and integrity of official information, for ensuring transparency and accountability of government, and for maintaining our system of checks and balances in administrative rulemaking and constitutional democracy.

For seventy years the Federal Register has been published every business day, without fail, providing indispensable information about the actions of the President, the full and exact text of the proposed and final regulations of Federal agencies, and many other documents that enable the American people to participate in the making of law and policy.

The Division of Administrative Rules congratulates the Office of the Federal Register for 70 years of dedicated service informing the citizens about our government’s actions.