Rule Filing Tips

April 9, 2008

To avoid a potential delay in the publication of your rule filings, please remember the following:

  • Please check your comment date and first possible effective date for when you are filing against the Filing Time Frame list.
  • In Box 9 on the Proposed Rule, Emergency Rule, and Change in Proposed Rule forms, please add the department head’s name and title after their comments.
  • Make sure the authorization date at the very bottom of the form is not after the day you filed it (should be authorized before you file it).
  • For Box 11 on the form (Incorporation Box), if you do not have an incorporation, please leave it blank. If you put “None” or “N/A”, you may corrupt the rule filing and be required to refile.
  • If you are filing a rule in response to legislation, please include the House or Senate Bill number and the year it passed in your explanation of the Purpose for the rule.
  • Please check the size of your text file *before* you attempt to attach it. If the rule text is over 60 kb, the current version of eRules will return an error and not let you file your rule. For filings with larger rule text, make a placeholder document (in RTF) and upload that then send the text file to Administrative Rules (e-mail) as an attachment. As always, the text must be in RTF format. Do not submit “text” files.
  • Do not use styles in formatting rule text. Do not use track changes. Styles and track changes are stripped prior to publication. If styles or track changes is used to mark the changes in rule text, they will not be reflected in the published copy. Subsections within rule text must be tabbed, not indented. Text to be removed must be struck-through with brackets surrounding it and new text must be underlined. Do not include headers, footers, or page numbers in rule text.
  • All communications that deal with filing rules and any problems should be sent by e-mail to “Administrative Rules” not to individual staff members. This is the official address for all communication pertaining to rules.

Many of these issues will be addressed in the new version of eRules. We appreciate your patience, and your attention to these details.

Please address questions about filing and formatting issues to Nancy Lancaster at nllancaster “at” or 801-538-3218, or Mike Broschinsky at mbroschi “at”, or 801-538-3003.