Spelling and eRules

August 18, 2009

When we began reprogramming eRules, lots of people suggested the same new feature: a spell checker. I agree that this would have been a great addition. However, it wasn’t practical for two reasons:

  1. Programming the spell checker would have added enormous cost to the project; and
  2. Implementing a spell checker for eRules would have required a server-side solution (the spell checking would have occurred on the web server where eRules resides) which would have slowed down the application

Fortunately, there are alternatives that don’t cost much (or don’t cost at all) that provide spell checking within your browser.

Spell checking in Internet Explorer

Many of you use Internet Explorer. There are at least three possibilities for you; two don’t cost anything while one has a very modest price tag.

A product called IE7Pro (http://ie7pro.com) is available as an add-on for Internet Explorer version 6 and above. IE7Pro is available at no charge.

Another product, this time from Google, called the Google Toolbar (http://toolbar.google.com/) provides spell checking as well as a host of other browser enhancements.

The last product, ieSpell (http://www.iespell.com/) is available for modest licensing fee (see http://www.iespell.com/pricing.html for details)

Spell checking using Firefox

If you have some flexibility in the browser that you use, you may want to try Mozilla Firefox (http://www.mozilla.com/). Firefox has integrated spell-checking.

Remember, though, always check with your IT staff before downloading and installing any software.
